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Regulation of Water in Plant Cells

Richard V. Kowles
Saint Mary‟s University of Minnesota, Biology Department
700 Terrace heights, Winona, MN 55987

Abstract: Cell water relationships are important topics to be included in cell biology courses. Differences exist in
the control of water relationships in plant cells relative to control in animal cells. One important reason for these
differences is that turgor pressure is a consideration in plant cells. Diffusion and osmosis are the underlying factors
involved in the control of water in plant cells; however, additional attention must be given to osmotic pressure,
osmotic potential, and water potential. This discussion shows how these parameters relate to each other, and how
they are explained by thermodynamics and the universal gas laws. Detailed laboratory exercises are described that
demonstrate these principles. The laboratory exercises include data collection, graphing of data, statistical analysis
of data, and calculations of osmotic potential and diffusion pressure deficit from the data.

Keywords: Turgor, osmotic pressure, osmotic potential, water potential, diffusion pressure deficit

Introduction outdated textbook editions that are probably out of

print (Wolfe, 1993; Tobin and Morel, 1997).
Cell water relationships are deemed by most
cell biologists to be an important topic for inclusion Background Information
in cell biology courses. Still, some cell biology
textbooks do not thoroughly cover the topic. In most Osmosis, in a very technical sense, is the
textbooks, the topic is at least discussed with an movement of water across a membrane whereby the
explanation of osmosis; however, some of these net movement occurs from a lesser negative water
discussions are without any reference to the potential to a more negative water potential. The
thermodynamics involved. In other cases, there is a following discussion explains the basis of that
complete omission of the concept of turgidity. The definition. Osmosis is an event of diffusion, and it
control of water in plant cells is considerably occurs because of the random movement of
different from the control in animal cells because of molecules due to kinetic energy. Diffusion is the
cell walls and turgor, a topic not always covered in tendency of molecules to undergo a net movement in
detail in some cases. the direction of lesser concentration. The rate of
diffusion is proportional to one over the square root
Almost all of the textbooks reviewed have of the molecular weight of the molecule involved.
general explanations of osmosis. Pollard and Temperature, the distance to travel, and the area of
Earnshaw (2002), however, did not include any diffusion are other factors involved in the rate of
discussion on the subject. In addition to osmosis, a diffusion. A diffusion gradient, therefore, will result
number of textbooks also included some discussion in a substance undergoing a net movement from a
on water relationships in plants by providing region of greater concentration (C1) towards a region
descriptions of plant cell walls, vacuoles, turgor, and of lesser concentration (C2). The diffusion of solute
plasmolysis. The concept of thermodynamics, particles is similar to the diffusion of gases, except
however, was not related to water movement in these that the particles are in a solvent. Hence, gas laws
textbooks (Bolsover et al., 2004; Lewin et al., 2007; can be applied in order to analyze the movement of
Karp, 2008; Alberts et al., 2010). Cooper and solutes.
Hausman (2007) included an excellent discussion of
the contrast of water relationships between plant and Osmosis generally refers to the net
animal cells. Becker et al. (2009) additionally movement of water across a membrane. Osmosis
discusses the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, free occurs, for example, when an aqueous solution is
energy, and entropy. The most quantitative separated from pure water by a semi-permeable
descriptions of water movement were found in membrane. One way to demonstrate osmosis is a
simple set-up using a thistle tube. For example,

34 Volume 36 (1) May 2010 Kowles

consider the thistle tube containing a concentration. The colligative property is determined
sucrose solution, covered with a semi-permeable solely by the number of solute molecules per unit of
membrane, and placed into a beaker of pure water the solvent volume and not by the size of the
(Figure 1). Such a device, called an osmometer, is a molecules. For example, no difference in the
simple way to measure osmotic pressure in addition colligative property exists between soluble large
to demonstrating osmosis. The aqueous solution in protein molecules and an equal number of soluble
the thistle tube will rise because of the entrance of miniscule ions. Osmotic potential is referred to as s
water from the beaker due to osmosis. The amount (psi solutes).
of rise of water in the tube, designated h for height, is
a crude but valid way to measure osmotic pressure. Additional terms and their acronyms are
A more sophisticated osmometer is a device equipped often applied to water relationships in both animal
with a moveable piston in the tube connected to a and plant cells. The concept of thermodynamics
pressure gauge. Such a system would provide a more (second law) and free energy can be incorporated into
quantitative measure of the amount of pressure the understanding of these relationships. Water
necessary to prevent water from rising in the potential given as w (psi water) is a good starting
system‟s tube due to osmosis. point. Water potential is an expression of the free
energy of water, and it is equal to the difference
between the free energy of water in an aqueous
solution at any point in a biological system and that
of the free energy of pure water under standard
conditions. Water potential reflects the ability of
water to diffuse. Pure water has the highest w, and
it is given the arbitrary value of 0. Therefore, all
water potentials of solutions are less than 0 meaning
they have a negative value. Water potential is
actually equal to osmotic potential when turgor is not

The departure of water potential of a

solution from the water potential of pure water (0
value) can be expressed using a thermodynamic

w = R T ln (e/eo)

where R = ideal gas constant (1.987), T = absolute

temperature (degrees K), ln = the natural log with
base 2.718, e0 = vapor pressure of pure water, and e =
vapor pressure of water in the system. Calculations
are usually made in bars or atmospheres. When e/e o
is less than 1, w will be calculated as a negative
Figure 1. A typical demonstration of osmosis. The number, the usual situation for an aqueous solution.
rise of water (h) represents osmotic pressure. The more negative the water potential of a system,
the greater the tendency for water to diffuse into it.
Unconfined aqueous solutions not in an In other words, the more solute particles, the more
osmometer also have an osmotic pressure. However, negative the value assigned to the water potential.
such solutions are described as having an osmotic
potential (OP) rather than an osmotic pressure. All In animal cells, water potential ( w) is
aqueous solutions have an osmotic potential. A equal to osmotic potential ( s). Animal cells
beaker of tap water, a cup of coffee, a mud puddle, regulate the movement of water by controlling the
etc. all have an osmotic potential if solute particles movement of ions; that is, they cope with osmotic
are dissolved in the water forming the solvent of the pressure by balancing ionic concentrations on the two
solution. The magnitude of the osmotic potential is sides of the cell membrane. Also, animal cells have
based on the colligative property of the solution; that membranes containing aquaporins or water channels.
is, OP is directly proportional to the solute In this way, animal cells can, to some extent, prevent

Regulation of Water Bioscene 35

severe swelling or shriveling. In this way animal Maintenance of the physiologically active
cells have selective water transport mechanisms. state in cells and whole organisms depends upon the
relative constancy of a number of conditions, one of
With plant cells, turgor ( tp) must be which is a favorable water balance. Plant cells are
considered. Plant cells are highly vacuolated and ideal for demonstrating this concept. The purpose of
thus they act like an osmometer. Vacuoles are this exercise is to learn about the physical principles
selectively permeable and can make up 75% of the governing net water fluxes in osmotic systems and to
volume of a plant cell, accumulating high become familiar with simple methods for measuring
concentrations of soluble molecules. Turgor pressure water parameters in plant cells. These exercises,
occurs due to osmotic pressure that causes the cell to however, require meticulous attention to
take in water and, in turn, causes the cell contents to measurement techniques. The data collected are
push against the cell wall. An equal and opposite conducive to statistical analyses.
pressure to turgor pressure is wall pressure ( wp).
The cell walls of plants are relatively inelastic, and PART 1. Determination of the osmotic potential
this rigidity is sufficient to prevent plant cells from (OP) of plant cells
bursting under osmotic pressure. In plant cells,
therefore, overall water potential is equal to osmotic Use clean watch glasses (or comparably
potential plus turgor pressure, small glass vessels) to set up the following series of
sucrose solutions made with distilled water.
w= s+ tp Volumes of 10 mL can be made for each vessel by
mixing 1.0 M sucrose with distilled water in
Matrix ( m) forces, which are water-binding forces, appropriate proportions. For example, combining 5.5
can also be involved in water uptake by plant cells, mL of 1.0 M sucrose solution with 4.5 mL of distilled
but these forces are generally small and therefore water makes the 0.55 M sucrose solution.
ignored. As previously mentioned, s is negative Concentrations other than those listed sometimes
but tp is a positive pressure, and the two pressures have to be used, depending on the osmotic potential
of the tissue.
work in opposition to each other. w is made less
negative by turgor. When a cell is fully turgid, water
0.55 M 0.35 M 0.15M
flows equally in both directions across the
0.50 M 0.30 M 0.10 M
membrane, and no net water flow occurs.
0.45 M 0.25 M 0.05 M
It is evident then, that water relationships of 0.40 M 0.20 M 0.00 M
plant cells can extend beyond the usual definition of
A red onion is one type of tissue that can be
“water movement occurs from greater concentration
used in this exercise. Carefully obtain thin layers of
to lesser concentration.” Nonetheless, solutions in
the membrane-like layer of tissue from the outer
the external environments of plant cells that have
purplish-red side of concave pieces of the bulb. This
greater solute concentrations than the cellular
layer is partly made up of pigmented cells, making
contents will draw water out of plant cells, causing
microscopic examination of the protoplasm (cellular
wilting. Plants residing along the edges of sidewalks
contents) relatively easy. Use small strips of the
are often killed because of salt application to the
tissue (3 to 10 mm long) to avoid folding of the tissue
walkways. This same situation can become
in the sucrose solutions. Tissue samples are obtained
problematic for farmers who apply too much
by bending a layered piece of the onion bulb towards
fertilizer on their crops (called burning). On the
the purple side until it breaks and then gently pulling
other hand, these water relationships also explain
it apart. Use a forceps to obtain small sections of the
why vegetable sections of grocery stores are
thin tissue, carefully choosing tissue that shows
periodically sprayed with tap water. The maneuver
considerable color. This tissue is usually only one
keeps the plant tissues turgid and more appealing to
cell layer thick. Students who react to onion odor
consumers. Turgor pressure also contributes to the
movement of water into roots, and to some extent to may want to wear goggles and gloves. Place a strip
of tissue into each of the sucrose preparations at
the movement of water through the cellular tissue in
approximately 2-minute time intervals. Make sure
stems. Root cells contain protein molecules in
that the tissue stays submerged. A small paper clip
solution to cause water to flow into the plant.
can be placed on the tissue to prevent it from floating.
At about 45 minutes after submergence, mount the
Laboratory Exercises
tissue on a blank slide with a small drop of the same
solution in which it was submerged and apply a cover

36 Volume 36 (1) May 2010 Kowles

glass. Examine the dark red cells for plasmolysis
using the 10X objective lens of the microscope.
Ignore those cells devoid of color, which in some
cases could be a considerable number. Plasmolysis is
the shrinkage of the protoplasm and thus its
separation from the cell wall due to loss of water.
Score 40 to 60 cells from each solution as
plasmolyzed or not plasmolyzed. Any amount of
protoplasm shrinkage should be scored as a
plasmolyzed cell (Figures 2 and 3).

Figure 3. Red onion cells in a sucrose solution. Note

cells undergoing plasmolysis among other cells
without plasmolysis activity. Again, several cells are
void of any color and are not scored.

Other tissues such as certain plant leaves can

be used to determine OP, especially if they contain
anthocyanin. The lower epidermis of leaves from
Rhoeo discolor is a good source. However, an
occasional student may be allergic to handling these

Record the number of cells plasmolyzed and

Figure 2. Red onion cells in distilled water showing not plasmolyzed from the series of solutions (See
all cells fully filled with protoplasm. Cells Table 1 for sample data). Then plot the percentage of
completely without color (upper left) are not scored. cells plasmolyzed against the molarities using
regression analysis (Figure 4). Vernier Graphical
Analysis was used in this case. More reliable results
are obtained if class data are combined. The
concentration in which 50% of the cells are
plasmolyzed is arbitrarily defined as incipient
plasmolysis. Incipient plasmolysis is considered to
be the same molarity as the osmotic potential of the
cells. Always use the point of 50% plasmolysis
obtained by the regression equation since that
calculation is based on 10 to 12 different data points.

Table 1. Sample data plotting percent plasmolyzed cells of onion tissue over a range of different sucrose

Regulation of Water Bioscene 37

Sucrose (M) Plasmolyzed Total cells Percent
cells Plasmolyzed

0.55 50 50 100

0.50 46 50 92.0

0.45 50 64 78.1

0.40 44 64 68.8

0.35 25 50 50.0

0.30 12 62 19.4

0.25 5 48 10.4

0.20 3 55 5.5

0.15 2 57 3.5

0.10 1 41 2.4

0.05 0 40 0.0

Figure 4. Regression analysis and linear fit of sample data generated by plotting percent cells undergoing
plasmolysis on the Y-axis versus sucrose molarities on the X-axis. Incipient plasmolysis is arbitrarily assigned as
50% plasmolysis and used to determine OP.

38 Volume 36 (1) May 2010 Kowles

The osmotic potential of the cells can be solutions. Repeat this procedure for each of the
calculated with the following equation. The units are sucrose solutions. Use a separate weigh paper each
atmospheres, a familiar unit of measurement for time.
OP = (22.4) x (M) x (T)/273 After about 75 minutes, remove the tissue by
Where: OP is osmotic potential pouring the solution with the tissue into an ordinary
M is the molarity of the strainer. When dripping has stopped, very briefly
external solution at incipient plasmolysis blot the tissue in paper toweling to remove excess
T is the absolute wetting due to the solution and weigh. Repeat this
temperature calculated as room temperature in procedure for all samples, again using separate weigh
degrees Celcius plus 273 papers each time. Keep the technique as uniform as
possible from one sample to another. Using the
PART 2. Determination of the diffusion pressure equation below, calculate the percent change in
deficit (DPD) of cells weight in each case. These solutions can result in
either positive or negative percent weight changes
Diffusion pressure deficit is older (Table 2).
terminology, but still useful for analysis purposes.
DPD is the difference in diffusion pressures between Percent change in weight = final weight –
an aqueous solution and pure water. In the case of original weight/ original weight X 100
plant cells, DPD = OP + TP where OP is negative Plot the percent changes in weight against the
and TP is positive. DPD is an actual deficit and molarities using regression analysis (Figure 5).
therefore it too is regarded as an absolute quantity Again, results are more reliable when class data are
(positive). combined. Use the equation below to calculate the
diffusion pressure deficit (DPD) of the tissue. In this
Prepare the sucrose solutions of the case, M is the sucrose concentration in which no
following molarities by appropriately diluting a 1.0 change in weight occurred. The units are in
M sucrose solution. Make volumes of 100 mL in atmospheres.
clean beakers for this series. For example, the 0.55
M solution would be made by combining 55 mL of DPD = (22.4) x (M) x (T)/273
1.0 M sucrose solution with 45 mL of distilled water.
Again, other concentrations can be used depending Analyses
on the DPD of the tissue.
Sample osmotic potential (OP) data are
0.55 M 0.35 M 0.15 M shown in Table 1, and these data when graphed are
0.50 M 0.30 M 0.10 M illustrated in Figure 4. The osmotic potential
0.45 M 0.25 M 0.05 M calculated from these sample data by regression
0.40 M 0.20 M 0.00 M analysis is shown below in which Y is set at 50
because osmotic potential is assumed to occur at the
The following steps should be carried out as concentration in which 50% of the cells underwent
quickly as possible. Use a standard cork borer with plasmolysis:
about an 8 mm diameter to push out a cylinder of
tissue from a potato, beet, or similar plant tissue (beet y = (m) (x) + b
is used for demonstration in this exercise). Discard m (slope) = 227.0 and b (intercept) = -28.99
the hard outer covering at the ends of the cylinder 50 = (227.0) (x) + (-28.99)
and cut about 5 cm of the cylinder into disks, each Solving for x at y = 50 is .348
disk approximately 3 mm in thickness. If the tissue is The correlation of these data is 0.96
hard and rigid, it may be necessary to remove the
cork borer with the help of pliers. Also a metal rod This molarity (.348) in which 50% of the
may be necessary to force the cylinder of tissue out cells were plasmolyzed at 23 degrees C (room
of the borer. If using beets, wear gloves. Weigh the temperature) is placed into the following equation:
complete group of tissue disks from one cylinder and
immediately place the group of disks into one of the OP = (22.4) (.348) (296/273) = 8.45 atmospheres

Table 2. Sample data plotting percent change in weight of beet tissue over a range of different sucrose

Regulation of Water Bioscene 39

Sucrose (M) Original Final weight Change in
weight in g in g weight in

0.55 2.865 2.460 - 14.14

0.50 2.732 2.407 - 11.90

0.45 2.807 2.666 -5.02

0.40 2.474 2.422 -2.10

0.35 3.101 3.152 +1.64

0.30 3.060 3.118 +1.90

0.25 2.549 2.642 +3.65

0.20 2.801 2.899 +3.50

0.15 2.357 2.428 +3.01

0.10 2.675 2.754 +2.95

0.05 2.413 2.528 +4.77

0.00 2.880 3.060 +6.25

Sample diffusion pressure deficit (DPD)

data are shown in Table 2, and these data when y = (m) (x) + b
graphed are illustrated in Figure 5. The diffusion m (slope) = -0.024 and b (intercept) = 0.264
pressure deficit calculated by regression analysis is y = (-0.024) (0) + 0.264
shown below in which (x) is set at 0 because this is Solving for y at x = 0 is 0.264
the point in which no loss or gain in weight occurred The correlation of these data is - 0.88
in the tissue:

40 Volume 36 (1) May 2010 Kowles

Figure 5. Regression analysis and linear fit of sample data generated by plotting percent change in weight on the
X-axis versus sucrose molarities on the Y-axis. The percent change of weight equal to 0 is used to determine DPD.

This molarity (0.264) in which 0% change in weight Mathematically, this is the same as n/V R T
occurred at 23 degrees C (room temperature) is And n/V is equal to M
placed into the following equation: Hence, P = M R T
DPD = (22.4) (.264) (296/273) = 6.41 atmospheres
One mole of gas occupies a volume of 22.4 liters at
Additional Explanations 273 degrees K.
Thus, pressure = (22.4) (M) (Temperature K/273),
Turgor pressure (TP) is equal to –OP + and the units of measurements are in atmospheres.
DPD, and this parameter could be calculated if the
OP and DPD determinations were made from the Osmotic potential is determined at the point
same type of tissue. However, TP is always a of incipient plasmolysis. All turgor pressure has been
positive quantity. removed at this point. Therefore, the osmotic
Osmotic relationships can be likened to the potential in the cell is equal to the osmotic potential
gas laws. The ideal gas law equation is given as of the particular sucrose solution causing incipient
follows: plasmolysis without turgor pressure interfering with
PV = nRT the measurement. Diffusion pressure deficit, on the
Where: P = pressure other hand, is determined as the point in which no
V = volume loss or gain in weight occurs in the tissue.
n = number of molecules Consequently, the measurement at this point takes
R = universal gas constant into account both the osmotic potential and the turgor
T = temperature Kelvin pressure of the cell, resulting in the diffusion pressure
Therefore, P = nRT/V deficit.

Regulation of Water Bioscene 41

KARP, G. 2008. Cell and Molecular Biology. John
ALBERTS, B., BRAY, D., HOPKINS, K., JOHNSON, A., Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. 776p.
2010. Essential Cell Biology. Garland Science, New LEWIN, B., CASSIMERIS, L., LINGAPPA, V.R., AND G.
York, NY. 731p. POPPER. 2007. Cells. Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
Boston, MA. 863p.
G.P. BERTONI. 2009. The World of the Cell. Pearson POLLARD, T.D. AND W.C. EARNSHAW. 2002. Cell
Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, CA. 789p. Biology. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 805p.

BOLSOVER, S.R., HYAMS, J.S., SHEPARD, E.A., TOBIN, A.J. AND P.E. MOREL. 1997. Asking About
WHITE, H.A., AND C.G. WIEDEMANN. 2004. Cell Cells. Brooks/Cole, U.S.A. 698p.
Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
531p. WOLFE, S.L. 1993. Molecular and Cellular Biology.
Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA. 1145p.
COOPER, G.M. AND R.E. HAUSMAN. 2007. The Cell.
A Molecular Approach. The American Society for
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42 Volume 36 (1) May 2010 Kowles

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