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We have handpicked a few interview questions which you might

be asked during the interviews. The questions have been compiled
by the ISB students CO2018 so you have the assurance of
understand the latest line of questioning.

Good Luck!


Top B-School Candidates Across the Globe!

We at The Bootcamp know exactly what it takes to make it to the IVY league and top MBA
programs. We have been through the grind, we have seen it all. Your dreams and
aspirations, your woes and apprehensions, we have felt it before. We can help you cross
the threshold that's MBA Admissions.

With people from the best B-Schools all across the globe, and comprising of a diverse set
of people starting from admits to alums, we are there to provide the helping hand to make
your professional journey a fairytale.

Tell me something about yourself
Ideally, you should talk start with your college life and then move on to your
discussion on projects. This question sets the path of your interview. Mention
only the points which you are confident of because the follow up question will
be in lines with what you have answered over here. Be jovial about your
answers. Show the interviewers that you’re not tensed at all. Maybe crack a
joke while answering, but make sure it is a good one.

Why MBA?
Be as personalized as possible. It can be vertical growth, it can be horizontal
shift. Be clear and succinct about your career objectives. Show that there’s a
gap in what your need to achieve and that gap can only be filled by an MBA. A
sample response “I think in today’s world – to excel, a specialization in a
particular field is of utmost importance. And I want to specialize in the IT
domain. Starting from the client interaction to formation of blueprints for
future enhancements and optimize our testing process, everything has
intrigued me to such an extent that I want to be on the other side of table,
standing beside the board giving out my viewpoints. For me, development is a
habit but management is a passion. If I analyze, what not if I don’t get an MBA, I
will be stuck in the technical job going through the normal approach of
climbing the corporate ladder but what will be disturbing is the monotonous
job role. The jump from the Software Engineer to a Managerial position will not
be a hole that can’t be filled up because the roles and responsibilities, which are
involved in the positions such as Senior Software Engineer, Technical Lead or
Lead Engineer, are already handled by me during my tenure in the last 19
months. I believe the challenging and diverse tasks that I have been allocated
and the proliferation of business exposure during my professional tenure has
diluted the impact of large quantity of work experience before an MBA.”

1) Faculty
2) Diversity
3) Preference towards industry if you want to go for Consulting or Product
4) Reputation
5) Experiential Learning
6) Planning an Entrepreneurial Venture
7) Leadership Development Program
8) Coursework
9) Exchange Programs
10) Centre of Excellence.

Choose any 4 and speak at length.

Why ISB over IIMs?

1) Diversity
2) 1-year Program
3) Faculty from international schools
4) Entrepreneurship-friendly

What value will you add to your classroom?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

How would you handle a difficult team member

Career goals
Draw your short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Each of them should
be connected to what you have done in the past and/or should have a logical
flow. While you answer for the three stages, make sure you answer - What,
Why, and How? Again, don’t go out of your comfort zone. Don’t tell about
industry which you have no knowledge of. You’ll be grilled if you do that. And
hence, whatever industry you plan to mention, do a research about that
domain and also your target companies.

What is success for you?

Situational question. No right answer. But there are always impressive answers.
A sample answer: “Success to me means completing a task and when looking
back, thinking I couldn't have done it better. To succeed is to complete a task
or assignment on time in an excellent manner. But that's only half of it. The
results should be good and the people involved should gain a valuable lesson or
experience. For example, if it was a group project, and only two people out of
four really did the work, I wouldn't call that success. If everyone participated
and worked together providing a valuable deliverable then it's a success. So I
think both the result and the process should be great to call something a
success. A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and
pursuing one’s own path, not chasing after the dreams of others. Success is not
determined by what a man accomplishes but by the challenges he has
overcome. And, that’s why I always believe to constantly raise your threshold to
handling pressure/responsibility to a point where you can handle anything.
That is success for me.”

Traits of a good consultant/product manager/operations manager (whatever role

you want to get into post-MBA)

Difference between a leader and a manager

Why MBA and not MS/MTech? (For YLP and EEO)

Learnings from a failure

Industry Knowledge
Research as much as you can about the industry you want to get into.
1) Target Companies
2) Revenues
3) Competitors
4) Industry Products/Services
5) Current Projects
6) Trends in the market
7) Market Size

Resume-related Questions
Most important section
1) Projects
a) Scale, Revenue generation, team size, Market size
b) Valuation (for finance background)
c) What could you have done different?
2) Work Experience
3) Promotion
4) Industry knowledge

Interview Tips:
1) Dress like a manager
2) Be succinct and clear with your answers
3) Do not get into topics which you have no clue about
4) Rehearse all your answers for the questions mentioned above
5) Be extremely humble. Be polite.
6) Prepare hard. This is your time for glory!


Our Comprehensive suite of Interview Preparation services includes three

plans which have been customized to help people with varying levels of
Interview Preparedness. The interviews will be taken by ISB Co2018/Co2019
people who are well-aware about the latest admission developments, and
from your background as well.

Find the details at:

Email: [email protected]

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