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PHILO 4:30-5:30

JANUARY 17, 2020


Leo Echegaray committed a crime rape on his 10 year old stepdaughter in April 1994. During

which time RA No. 7659 or commonly known as the Death Penalty Law and it was already in

effect. Echegaray filed a motion for reconsideration. But the motion was dismissed as the

Supreme Court found no substantial argument on the said motion. On 1996, Echegaray

discharged the defense counsel, Atty. Julian R. Vitug.

The mode of execution was change from electrocution to lethal injection. On February 5, 1999,

Leo Echegaray was executed via lethal injection. Witness reported his last words was

“Sambayanang Pilipino, patawarin ako sa kasalanang ipinaratangninyo saakin. Pilipino, pinatay

kapwa Pilipino”.


The stakeholders of this case are Leo Echegaray, Atty. Julian Vitug, The Judge, the grandmother

of the victim and the 10 year old victim. There are the ones who are related to the case.
Connection Theories

In connection to the ethical theories, this case is a good example Teleological Ethics.

Teleological ethics comes from the Greek word “telos” means end. Morality is based on end or

consequences. As Unitarianism defines the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Although sexual assault is one of the most common forms of violence used against women. Rape

is immoral, it affects the life of the victim, it makes her life miserable and it cause traumatic

experience. The R.A 7659 or commonly known as the death penalty law is the consequence of

the said crime. The punishment is immoral, but it threatens those who’s planning to commit the

crime. As said in the article, anything is cruel which is calculated to give pain or distress, and

since punishment imports pain or suffering to the convict, but lethal injection, not cruel,

degrading or inhuman punishment under section 19, article III of the 1987 constitution. To be

imprison is not enough punishment of the crime. The people are not comfortable walking around

thinking that the criminal is still alive. The punishment is immoral but it’s for the benefit of


Analysis and Evaluation

Rape cases is one of the common crime that is still rising today. The victims are children,

teenagers and sometimes adult. The victims are not in fault why they are rape though many

people said that it’s because of how you dress yourself. The victim of Leo Echegaray was 10

years old only when she was harassed by his stepfather. It only proves that it’s not the victims

fault, how we dress is not the reason why there’s this kind of crime. And as we notice, after the

crime was committed, the rapist usually kill the victim. And as the law says, the victim serves as

the witness of the crime.

Base on the case, the grandmother of the victim files the case against Echegaray but the accused
denied the accusation. Until such time of the execution, he’s still denies it and said he is not

responsible of the crime.

Action Plans

Knowing the justice system we have here in our country, death penalty law is scary, because as

we notice there are innocence who are falsely accused to the crime they did not commit. There

are lots of misleading information with the use of the money. So for me death penalty law is not

really applicable punishment today and besides many religious groups will surely against the

implementation of the law because it’s immoral. First things first, the justice system must be

improve, the judge must be independent in mind and justice must be serve equally.

And to avoid such crime like rape, the government must look on the drug syndicates and the

users. Because most of the criminals are users of this, they are not in their normal thinking. So

for me, life imprisonment would be the best punishment of crimes to give justice to the victims.

The rape case of Echegaray, and the execution of the law gave justice to the 10 year old victim.

Even if he still denies the accusation up to his death.

Limos, M. A. (2019, August 23). The Most Notorious Rape and Slay Cases that Shocked the Philippines.
Retrieved from esquiremag:

Simone, D. (2017, April 23). Retrieved from news activist:

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