Employment Agreement For Regularization - I-Ads Corp.1

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Employment Agreement for Regularization

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the ______day of__________________, 20__ , between I-

Ads Corporation a corporation incorporated under the laws of the City of the
Philippines, and having its principal place of business at 19th Flr One Park Drive
By Avida Bonificio Global City Taguig City,(the "Employer"); and
[_________________________], of the City of ____________________(Address of the
Employee) (the "Employee").

WHEREAS the Employer desires to obtain the benefit of the services of the
Employee, and the Employee desires to render such services on the terms and
conditions set forth.

IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and other good and valuable consideration

(the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged) the parties agree
as follows:

1. Employment

The Employee agrees that he will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the
best of his skill, ability, experience and talents, perform all of the duties required
of his position. In carrying out these duties and responsibilities, the Employee
shall comply with all Employer policies, procedures, rules and regulations, both
written and oral, as are announced by the Employer from time to time. It is also
understood and agreed to by the Employee that his assignment, duties and
responsibilities and reporting arrangements may be changed by the Employer in
its sole discretion without causing termination of this agreement.

2. Position Title

As a _____________, the Employee is required to perform the following duties and

undertake the following responsibilities in a professional manner.

 Reporting Schedule is for 6 days in a Week: (Mon to Saturday) 10am to 7pm hours may
change depending on the operations schedule

 Performing on the said responsibility that the management give to the employee (this
includes the KPI and Monthly evaluation as a Review on the Performance and
productivity of the said employee

 Adhering on the said Company Rules That Would be seen on the No. 3 Bullet. (Under
Rules and Regulation

3. Company Rules and Regulation

Absence - failure to notify employer of being unable to report for work at the
earliest possible opportunity. Failure to indicate a reason for the absence and
probable duration of absence.
 Absence - in the case of sickness of 7 days or less, failure to provide self-
 immediately upon return to work. In the case of sickness absence in excess
of 7 days, failure to supply a medical certificate.

 Absence - in the case of foreseeable reasons, failure to obtain prior

authorization from supervisor
 Absence - leaving employer's premises during working hours
 Timekeeping - lateness and leaving work early
 Company property - failure to treat company property with due care.
Removal of company property from premises without prior authorization.
Using company property, time, materials and equipment for unauthorized
 Making and receiving private telephone calls
 Bringing visitors on to company premises without prior authorization
 Smoking in areas where it is not permitted
 Drinking - bringing or consuming alcoholic beverages on company premises
 Gambling or making collections on company premises
 Meetings - arranging or holding private meetings during working hours or
on the company's premises without prior authorization
 Sole employment - engaging in other employment or business activities
where there is a potential or actual conflict between the interests of the
company and those of the other business
 Breach of email/internet policy

Category two rules

These are more serious offence constituting gross misconduct and rendering an
employee liable to summary dismissal:

 Fighting and physical assault

 Theft - of company and private property
 Gross immorality
 Refusal or failure to carry out a reasonable instruction
 Wilful damage to company property
 Abuse of arrangements for clocking in and out
 Falsification of timesheets or Medical Certificate Due to Absences
 Disclosure of confidential company information
 Seriously endangering the health and safety of himself/herself or others
 Any other reason giving rise to a right of summary dismissal, whether at
common law or by statute

Attendance and timekeeping

 All employees are expected to report for work punctually and to observe the
normal hours of work laid down in their Statement of Terms and
Conditions.b) If late for work, you are to report to your supervisor and
explain the reason for lateness before starting work.

 If it is necessary to take time off during working hours, you are to report to
your supervisor both before leaving and restarting work.

 If it is necessary to leave work before the normal finishing time, prior

authorization must be obtained from your supervisor.

 The company reserves the right to make deductions from wages or salaries
in respect of lateness or absence [note: the employee should agree this
expressly in writing, e.g. in the employment contract].

 Except in the normal course of their duties, employees are not to leave their
place of work or to visit other departments without prior authorization from
their supervisor and the supervisors of any departments visited.

Absence and time off

 If for any reason you are unable to report for work, you should telephone or
send a message to your supervisor - if possible before 10 a.m. on the first day
of absence. You should indicate the reason for, and probable duration of,
your absence.

 In cases of sickness absence lasting 7 days or less, you should obtain and
complete a company self-certification form immediately upon your return to
work. All periods of sickness absence in excess of 7 days must be covered by
medical Statements (certificates). Statements must be sent to the company
without delay.

 If time off work is required for domestic or other reasons, prior

authorization is to be obtained from your supervisor.

Health and safety

 Employees have a particular duty to safeguard the health and safety of

themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
Attention is drawn to the company's health and safety policy and employees
are required to co-operate in its implementation.

 All safety notices and instructions are to be strictly observed.

 Safety guards are not to be adjusted or removed from machinery except by

authorized persons.

 No machinery is to be cleaned or adjusted whilst in motion.

 All injuries sustained at work must be reported to your supervisor

immediately and entered in the Accident Book.
Company property

 All company property shall be treated with due care.

 No company property shall be removed from the company's premises

without prior authorization from a member of management.

 The company's time, materials and equipment shall not be used for
unauthorized work.

 On termination of employment, all company property, including tools,

documents and protective clothing, is to be returned immediately to the

Company business

All information about the company's business acquired in the course of

employment is to be regarded as strictly confidential and must not be disclosed
to another party except as required in the normal course of your work.


Visitors are only to be brought onto company premises with the prior consent of

Gross misconduct

 Refusal or failure to carry out a reasonable instruction.

 b) A serious breach of the company's safety rules.

 Any act at work which seriously endangers the health or safety of any other
person, including interference with any equipment provided for the health
and safety of employees.

 Violence, assault or dangerous horseplay.

 Theft or fraud, including 'clocking' for another employee.

 Wilful damage to the property of the company or a fellow employee.

 Gross immorality within the workplace.

 Sleeping during working hours.

 Gross insubordination or objectionable and insulting behaviour.

 Being under the influence of drink or non-prescribed drugs during working

 Conduct which is inconsistent with the continuance of the relationship of
fidelity between the company and an employee.

3. Compensation

 As full compensation for all services provided the employee shall be paid at
the rate of PHP___________. Such payments shall be subject to such
normal statutory deductions by the Employer.
 May wish to include bonus calculations or omit in order to exercise
 The salary mentioned in paragraph (l)(a) shall be review on an annual basis.
 All reasonable expenses arising out of employment shall be reimbursed
assuming same have been authorized prior to being incurred and with the
provision of appropriate receipts.

5. Benefits

The Employer shall at its expense provide all the Employee with the government
Mandated Benefits indicated as ff:

 Holiday wage and overtime pay for work during holidays or rest days
 Overtime pay when working in excess of 8 hours
 Service Incentive Leave: 5 days of vacation per year of service
 Parental leaves (Maternity, Paternity and Solo parent leaves
 Other Leaves (bereavement)
 13th month
 Separation pay

6. Probation Period

It is understood and agreed that the first ninety days of employment shall
constitute a probationary period during which period the Employer may, in its
absolute discretion, terminate the Employee's employment, for any reason
without notice or cause.

7. Performance Reviews

The Employee will be provided with a written performance appraisal at least

once per year and said appraisal will be reviewed at which time all aspects of the
assessment can be fully discussed.

8. Termination

 The Employee may at any time terminate this agreement and his
employment by giving not less than two weeks written notice to the
 The Employer may terminate this Agreement and the Employee’s
employment at any time, without notice or payment in lieu of notice, for
sufficient cause.
 The Employer may terminate the employment of the Employee at any time
without the requirement to show sufficient cause pursuant to (b) above,
provided the Employer pays to the Employee an amount as required by the
Employment Standards Act 2000 or other such legislation as may be in effect
at the time of termination. This payment shall constitute the employees
entire entitlement arising from said termination.
 The employee agrees to return any property of ___________________________ at the
time of termination.

9. Non- Competition

 It is further acknowledged and agreed that following termination of the

employee’s employment with ________________ for any reason the employee
shall not hire or attempt to hire any current employees of _________________. It
is further
 acknowledged and agreed that following termination of the employee’s
employment with ________________ for any reason the employee shall not solicit
business from current clients or clients who have retained ________________ in
the 6 month period immediately preceding the employee’s termination.

10. Laws

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

11. Independent Legal Advice

The Employee acknowledges that the Employer has provided the Employee with
a reasonable opportunity to obtain independent legal advice with respect to this
agreement, and that either:

(a) The Employee has had such independent legal advice prior to executing this
agreement, or; (b) The Employee has willingly chosen not to obtain such advice
and to execute this agreement without having obtained such advice.

12. Entire Agreement

This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, superseding
in all respects any and all prior oral or written agreements or understandings
pertaining to the employment of the Employee by the Employer and shall be
amended or modified only by written instrument signed by both of the parties

13. Severability
The parties hereto agree that in the event any article or part thereof of this
agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid then said article or part shall be
struck and all remaining provision shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer has caused this agreement to be executed

by its duly authorized officers and the Employee has set his hand as of the date
first above written.

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of:

________________________________________________ [Name of employee]

________________________________________________ [Signature of Employee]

( Date and Time)



Human Resources Department

i-Ads Corporation

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