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Clasa a IX-a – SECȚIUNEA A

22 februarie 2020 Varianta 1


I. Read the following text and put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. (10x1p= 10p)

Police inspectors 1)……………….(still, look) for the jewellery thief. He 2)

.………………….(disappear) at Victoria Station yesterday morning while the policemen 3)
………………….(follow) him. He 4) ……………………(wear) a grey suit and sunglasses at the
time. Afterwards, at lunch time, a policeman 5) ………………(see) him near St. James’ Palace.
He 6) ………………….(take off) his sunglasses and 7) …………………..(carry) a small bag.
The policemen 8) ……………………..(run) after the thief but he 9) ………………..(jump) into
a taxi and 10)……………………(escape) again.

II. Read the following text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits in each gap.(10x1p=10p)

Many people have tried (1) ……………smoking at some point in their lives, and these days
many of us (2)………………… to stop taking (3) …………substance which is not cigarettes,
but which (4)…………………be killing the same number of people (5)……………………
tobacco, or even more. I am talking about sugar.

When I went to the doctor five years ago, he told me that sugar (6) …………………….kill me
one day if I didn’t avoid (7)………………… it. My only chance of long-term survival, said the
doctor, was (8)…………………….all sugar from my diet. Before that day, I
(9)…………………to quit anything; (10)……………………, I didn’t think it would be too
difficult. “I have achieved difficult things in my life, much more difficult than that,” I thought. It
wasn't true.

1. A. giving up B. to give up C. putting down D. to put down

2. A. had attempted B. attempted C. are attempting D. attempt
3. A. another B. other C. others D. the other
4. A. can B. should C. be able to D. might
5. A. that B. so C. as D. than
6. A. will B. shall C. would D. was
7. A. to eating B. eating C. to eat D. eat
8. A. seeing down B. putting out C. cutting out D. cutting down
9. A. had never tried B. was never trying C don’t tried D. have never tried
10. A. so B. even though C. although D. however

III.Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)
Mongkut (0) did not become King of Thailand (1) ............. he was 46 years old. Before that he
(2)................. spent 25 years as a Buddhist monk, and this experience was a very important
influence when he later became king. (3)................... Thailand, most men spend some time
during (4) ................... lives in the monkhood. Usually they go to live for a (5) ............. months
in a monastery with other monks. There they live very simply, and study the Buddhist religion.
In the Buddhist monkhood, men come (6) ................... all levels of Thai society, rich and
poor, farmers and merchants, and they all live together as equals. So when the young Prince
Mongkut joined a monastery, he (7) ...................... not called "Prince", but simply became known
(8) .............. "Mongkut the Beggar". It is a rule that all monks (9) ............ leave the monastery
every day to walk in the streets and to beg for food from the people, so in (10) ........... way
Mongkut came to meet and know ordinary people.

IV. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the context. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. Buying and selling antiques can be a very ……………… (PROFIT) hobby if you know how
to find a good bargain.
2. We were left without any money for the last part of our holiday because we had ………….
(ESTIMATE) the cost of the train ticket to Norway.
3. Mr. Transom stared ……………….. (CROSS) at the group of students talking in the corner
and they shut up immediately.
4. Jennings is so ………………… (WONDER) enthusiastic about the game that his enthusiasm
spreads to his team-mates and the result is usually a strong performance.
5. I think I was ………….. (FAIR) sacked and have decided to bring the company to court.
6. Have you seen my handbag John? It seems to have totally …………….. (APPEAR)!
7. You know your father is the most ……………….. (FASHION) person in the world. He is sure
to be wearing one of his old sweaters to the party.
8. People will need to see ……………….. (SCIENCE) provable information before they can
believe in something like life on other planets.
9. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the
most …………….. (LUXURY) in the country.
10. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance ……………….. (COVER) a
plan to murder a leading politician.


I. Read the text below and for questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which you think
fits best according to the text. ( 5 x 2p = 10 points)

Summer Treats
Jessica and Ellen were having fun on the swings at the park on a hot summer day. They
both loved the feeling of the air on their faces when they would swing high up over the ground.
After a little while they dragged their sneakers in the dirt to stop swinging.
Mom had given the twins money to get a summer treat at the park’s snack shop.
“What are you getting?” asked Jessica.
“I want an orange popsicle. That’s my favorite kind,” replied Ellen. “Let’s split one so it won’t
all melt.”
The two girls bought the popsicle and then started on home. They wondered where the
frozen treat on a stick came from so they asked their Mom.
“Oh, popsicles were invented by a boy just about your age. He was eleven. He mixed something
like Kool-Aid and water together and brought it on the porch. He forgot to bring his drink inside
and it froze overnight with the stirring stick still in it. That’s how the first popsicle was made.
Later he sold his treats to the neighbors and then when he grew up he started a popsicle factory.”
The twins had only heard about the famous adult inventors and wondered if someday
they could make some kind of new invention.

1. The twins were swinging

A. at home
B. at school
C. at the park
D. at the popsicle factory

2. What treat did they buy?

A. popsicle
B. popcorn
C. candy bar
D. an orange

3. After playing on the swings where did the twins go?

A. home
B. school
C. grandmother’s house
D. to the snack shop

4. Popsicles were invented by

A. a ten year-old boy
B. an eleven year-old boy
C. a fifteen year-old boy
D. a teenager
5. Where did the boy invent popsicles?
A. at his home
B. at a snack shop
C. at a factory
D. at school

II. Read the text again and write a narrative essay about the encounter of the two girls with
the inventor of popsicle. (160-180 words) (50 points)

Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 3 ore. Nu se acordă puncte din
Clasa a IX-a – SECȚIUNEA A

I. 1px10=10 points
1.= are still looking 9. must
2.= disappeared 10. that
3.= were following
4.= was wearing
5.= saw
IV. 1px10=10 points
6.= had taken off
1. profitable
7.= was carrying
2. underestimated
8.= ran
3. crossly
9.= jumped
4. wonderfully
10.= escaped
5. unfairly
6. disappeared
II. 1px10=10 points
7. unfashionable
1. B
8. scientifically
2. C
9. luxurious
3. A
10. uncovered
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. D

III. 1x10=10 points

1. until
2. had
3. In
4. their
5. few
6. from
7. was
8. as
I. Read the text below and for questions
1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C, D)
which you think fits best according to
the text. ( 5x 2p = 10 points)
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. A
Nota: Orice variantă neprecizată în barem și
considerată corectă de comisia de evaluare
va fi acceptată.
SCHEME (160-180 words) 50 points
See the marking scheme


Analytical Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Weak Incomplete Points
criteria 10p
8p 6p 4p 2p
CONTENT The essay is The essay is fairly The essay is partially The essay is The essay is
completely relevant completed with the completed with slight faulty, including wholly
to topic, describing description of logical impediments in serious logical inadequate the
people/places/even people/places/eve the logical impediments in quality of the
ts/atmosphere, nts/atmosphere, development of the the sequencing description
having a clear having a clear description. of events. failing the
development and development requirements of
including the final the task.
reactions of the
ORGANIZATION There is complete There is a fairly There is partial There is serious Paragraphs are
AND COHESION logical connection completion of completion of the task. inconsistency in incomplete, both
of paragraphs due paragraph Paragraphs are the organization linking devices,
to a judicious use of organization due to partially complete due of the mechanics, and
linking devices, scarce misuse of to unfinished ideas and paragraphs due length
mechanics, and linking devices, scarce use of linking to the misuse of requirements
length mechanics, and devices, mechanics, the linking having been
requirements. length and length devices, disrespected.
requirements. requirements. mechanics, and
VOCABULARY A wide range of A range of The range of A limited range A very narrow
vocabulary is used vocabulary is used vocabulary is of vocabulary is range of
appropriately and appropriately and adequately used in the present within vocabulary is
accurately accurately in the essay; errors in word the essay; less present; errors in
throughout the essay; occasional choice /formation are common items word
essay; precise errors in word present when more of vocabulary choice/formatio
meaning is choice/formation sophisticated items of are rare and may n predominate;
conveyed; minor are possible; vocabulary are be often faulty; spelling errors
errors are rare; spelling is well attempted; spelling spelling errors can make the
spelling is very well controlled with can be faulty at times. can make text essay obscure at
controlled. The occasional slips. The register of the understanding times. The
register of the The register of the narrative-descriptive difficult. The register used in
narrative- narrative- essay is partially register of the the narrative-
descriptive essay is descriptive essay is relevant to the task narrative- descriptive essay
totally relevant to relevant to the task with a narrow descriptive essay is inappropriate
the task, being with slightly inconsistency of style, is inconsistent for this type of
organically incongruent lapses leading to halts in the due to the writing.
integrated all along within the logical development of mixture of
the discourse. discourse. ideas styles.

STRUCTURES A wide range of A range of A mix of complex and A limited range A very narrow
grammatical grammatical simple grammatical of grammatical range of
structures is used structures is used structures is present structures is grammatical
accurately and accurately and with throughout the essay; present along structures is
flexibly throughout some flexibility errors are present the essay; present within
the essay; minor along the essay; when complex complex the essay; errors
errors are rare; occasional errors language is attempted; language is rare predominate;
punctuation is very are possible; punctuation can be and may be punctuation
well controlled. punctuation is well faulty at times. often faulty; errors make the
controlled with punctuation text obscure at
occasional slips. errors can make times.
EFFECT ON The interest of the The text has a good The effect on the The effect on The text has a
TARGET reader is aroused effect on the reader is satisfactory. the reader non- negative effect
READER and sustained reader. relevant. on the reader.

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