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School Matalatala Integrated Grade Level 9

National High School

Teacher Rachelle Q. Tronco Learning Area English
Teaching Week 6-8 1st
Teaching No. of Days 12

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a. Provide words or expressions appropriate to a given situation;
b. Determine the vocabulary or jargons expected of a
communicative style and;
c. Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various
situations (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative, frozen)

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American

literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the
self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing
information, word derivation and formation strategies,
appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to
enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
B. Performance Standards The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body
Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
C. Most Essential Learning Determine the vocabulary or jargons expected of a
Competencies (MELC) communicative style
D. Enabling Competencies
Employing Appropriate Communicative Styles


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material English 9 pp. 22-29
c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities

A. Introduction (2 days)

Learning Task 1: Read and analyze the following

statements carefully. Observe the language used in
each item. Copy and answer the table below in your
1. “What’s up, dude?”
2. “Jose, do you accept Maria as your lawful wife?”
“Yes, father, I do.”
3. “Sweety, how’s your work? Have you taken your
lunch? What time will you reach home?
4. “Doctor Ong, what vitamin can my child take if
she often has colds?” “Try to give her vitamin C,
plenty of water, and lots of fruits.”
5. “Good morning Ms. Rivera. I am Ms. Santos. I
am applying as a secondary teacher…”

A. Who do B. What do C. What can you

you think you think is say about the
are the the situation language used in
people each item?
involved in
talking in
the each
statement statement?
s above?





Learning Task 2: Choose the letter of the correct

answer. Write the letters of your answers in your
● Please proceed on page 23 on your SLMs
Learning Task 3: Answer the questions below. Write your
answers in your notebook.

1. What are the different types of Communicative Style?

2. What vocabulary or language is employed in each type of
communicative or speech style?
3. How important is knowing what speech style is used in any
situation, place, or person?

B. Development (3 days)
Learning Task 2: Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letters of your answers in your

● The student will answer the activity on page

Learning Task 3: Answer the questions below.
Write your answers in your notebook.

1. What are the different types of Communicative Style?

2. What vocabulary or language is employed in
each type of communicative or speech style?
3. How important is knowing what speech style is
used in any situation, place, or person?

Types of Communicative Style

● Please read and analyze page 24-25 about the different

Types of Communicative Style.
● The student differentiate and be able to analyze the
different Types of Communicative Style

C. Engagement Learning Task 4. Identify which style is referred to by each

picture on your SLMs.
● Identify the picture whether a. casual b. consultative c.
formal d. frozen e. intimate





Learning Task 5: Identify the type of speech style

appropriate for the following situations by
choosing from the pool of words below. Write your
answer before the number.

intimate casual consultative formal frozen

______________ 1. talking to your friend via messenger

_______________2. listening to
the “State of the Nation Address”
_______________3. talking to a
_______________4. reciting the “Panatang Makabayan”
_______________5. asking yourself what went wrong
_______________6. talking to a guidance counselor
_______________7. reading contracts
_______________8. writing a research paper
_______________9. browsing tweets
_______________10. talking to your very close friend

Learning Task 6: Choose the best

speech/message that matches the situation. Write
your answers in your notebook.

______1. an interviewer talks to Danica over the phone

a. Hello, is this Ms. Danica Reyes, can you
possibly come to our office for an interview
tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning?
b. Hey Danica, are you available tomorrow?
c. Miss Danica Reyes, do you want to be
interviewed tomorrow?
______2. best friends on keeping secrets
a. They aren’t secret anymore.
b. Your secrets are safe with me, Besty.
c. I don’t know if I can keep it for so long.
______3. you want to ask a
question during classroom
discussion a. Ma’am, is it correct?
b. Ma’am, can I clarify something?
c. Dude, I think there’s something wrong.
______4. the corporate meeting is on-going
a. So, does anyone agree with the
presentation made by Mr. Luna?
b. Hey, that’s enough.
c. Does it make sense?
______5. a woman asks the cashier for a receipt
a. Hey, where’s my receipt!
b. I think you forgot something.
c. Miss, can I have my receipt?

Learning Task 7: Copy the table below in your

notebook. Think of a scenario or situation for
each speech style.

Speech Style Situation\Scenario

1. Intimate

2. Consultative
3. Forma

4. Frozen

5. Casual
D. Assimilation
Speech style is a communicative style which
portrays how a language is characterized in terms
of degree of formality. These styles include casual,
for mal, consultative, frozen and intimate.

Learning Task 8: Choose the letter of the correct

answer. Write only the letter of your choice.

1. It is the communicative style that is used in

private conversation and is applied by the persons
with very close relationship.
a. frozen b. intimate c. casual d. formal

2. This communicative style is used in corporate meetings.

a. consultative b. casual c. frozen d. formal

3. This type of communicative style rarely changes.

a. frozen b. formal c. intimate d. casual

4. This communicative style can be applied when

writing a letter with friends.
a. intimate b. frozen c. casual d. formal

5. This communicative style does not use unplanned speech.

a. frozen b. consultative c. intimate d. casual

6. Lawyer-client relationship uses this type

of communicative style. a. intimate b. formal
c. consultative d. frozen

7. When you sent a private message to your friend

using your social media account, you use this type
of communicative style.
a. formal b. casual c. intimate d. frozen

8. When your mother talks to your father about their

future plans for the family, this type of
communicative style is applied.
a. consultative b. formal c. intimate d. casual
9. “Lupang Hinirang” uses this type of
communicative style.
a. frozen b. intimate c. consultative d. casual
10. This type of speech style uses slang and
a. frozen b. formal c. intimate d. casual

11. Marriage ceremonies use this communicative style.

a. consultative b. formal c. casual d. frozen

12. You are watching a TV reporter who delivers

news about the pandemic. This type of
communicative style in a news report.
a. intimate b. formal c. frozen d. casual

13. When a mother consults a doctor about her

child’s health, this type of communicative style is
a. consultative b. casual c. frozen d. formal

14. When your teacher asks you about your

experience during the enhanced community
quarantine during, this type of speech style is used.
a. frozen b. consultative c. casual d. intimate

15. When talking to a high school classmate you

saw after ten years, you use this communicative
a. intimate b. casual c. frozen d. formal

Learning Task 9: Read the texts below. Identify

and explain the communicative style used in each
text. Your answers in your notebook.
● The student will read the text on page 28-
29 and explain the communicative style
used in each text.

Learning Task 10: Write a

speech/essay/dialogue/story using the appropriate
communicative style for the given situations below.
Choose only one. Write it in your notebook.

∙ OFW Discrimination
∙ COVID-19 response mechanism of the Philippines
∙ Planning a picnic
∙ Meeting in promoting new company products
∙ Parents asked by the guidance
counselor to report to school ∙
Community Quarantine
∙ Distribution of government subsidies and relief operations


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