Murphy V Onon. County DA Fitzpatrick, Sheriff Eugene Conway Et Al. Case No. 518-CV-1218 (Doc 58) Filed July 2, 2019 (81 PP)

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Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 1 of 81






Civil Case No.: 18-cv-01218


Individually and in his capacity as Sheriff of Onondaga County,
JOSEPH CICIARELLI both individually and in his capacity as
individually and in their capacities as employees of Onondaga
County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department;
WILLIAM FITZPATRICK both Individually and in his
capacity as District Attorney of Onondaga County; STEFANO
CAMBARERI, both individually and in his capacity as an employee
and agent of both Onondaga County and William Fitzpatrick;
MELANIE S. CARDEN, both individually and in her capacity
as an employee of Onondaga County and LINDSEY M. LUCZKA,
both individually and in her capacity as an employee of Onondaga
County; BRYAN K. EDWARDS, both individually and in his capacity
as an agent of Onondaga County; WESTCOTT EVENTS, LLC both
individually and as an agent of Onondaga County,


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Plaintiff, Kevin Murphy, by and through his attorney, Jeffrey R. Parry, Esq.,

as and for his complaint, alleges as follows:


Plaintiff Kevin Murphy is, and was, an employee of the Defendant,

Onondaga County in the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department located in

Syracuse, County of Onondaga, State of New York. He currently holds the rank of

Police Sergeant and was, until the defendants wrongly intervened, the supervisor of

Onondaga County Sheriff’s Deputies in the regular course of their business as

police officers. His work for the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department and the

community has, at all times, been exemplary.

This case concerns Defendants’ Onondaga County, the Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Department, Eugene Conway, Joseph Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson,

Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso, Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia,

Carl Hummel, William Fitzpatrick, Stefano Cambareri, Melanie S. Carden and

Lindsey M. Luczka (hereinafter referred collectively as “Defendants”) retaliation

against Sgt. Murphy for his personal efforts in opposition to the insufficient and

illegal policies, customs, practices and the deliberate indifference of the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Department and Onondaga County, including efforts to disclose

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inadequate and illegal police performance, supervision, training, procedures,

negligence and gross negligence in the performance of police investigatory duties,

improper and unconstitutional arrests, illegal seizures performed without a warrant,

investigations, false record keeping, racially inappropriate behavior and personal

and professional misconduct.

All of these acts rise from, and result in, conditions and policies which are

damaging to the public safety as well as the safety of Sgt. Murphy. All of the acts

and deprivations were known or should have been known to the defendant

government entities, Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s

Department, and the other defendants as well. The inadequacies of current

practices were obvious as was the likelihood that the federal rights of citizens

would be sacrificed. Defendants, therefore, needed to act but did not thus, giving

rise to liability for their deliberate indifference.

As a result of, and in retaliation for, Sgt. Murphy’s personal efforts to call

attention to the many shortcomings of Onondaga County and the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Department, to protect the public safety, to advocate for change in

improper and illegal policies, customs and deliberate indifference, to disclose these

issues to supervisors, to elevate training to an acceptable level, to ensure that only

lawful and appropriate arrests are made, to appropriately supervise and direct the
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officers under his command, to enforce necessary record keeping and supervise his

deputies such as to ensure the lawful conduct of their duties, to ensure the legal

treatment of citizens and the observation of due process, Sgt. Murphy was relieved

of his command, directed not to do police work of any kind, directed not to

supervise subordinate deputies, was required to sit idly at a desk in public view

without work, was forbidden to give orders or supervise subordinate officers unless

other junior Police Sergeants took leave and officers were unavailable, was

forbidden to make arrests, conduct investigations and do any of the duties that he

was trained to do and which comprise his job as a Police Sergeant, was not allowed

to utilize a patrol car and was embarrassed and humiliated in an effort to cause him

to retire. Sergeant Murphy was given “road therapy” by being transferred to

another station at an inconvenient location a long distance from his home so as to

increase his commuting time every day. Further, he was made the subject of

improper Hostile Work Environment investigations and disciplinary actions in an

effort to cause him to be passed over after scoring highly on the lieutenants’ exam

in favor of Sergeants with less qualifications.

Finally, and most egregiously, he was, on two occasions, wrongly made the

subject of a criminal investigation in order to punish him for raising issues of grave

public and professional concern thus, giving rise to causes of action under the First
Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 5 of 81

Amendment of the United States Constitution, 18 U.S.C. §§1961, et seq.

(colloquially known as Civil RICO) and for further actions in fraud, slander and

libel. 42 U.S.C. §1983; Labor Law §740; 18 U.S.C. §1964(c).

Particularly egregious are the actions of the defendant individuals, acting in

concert, to retaliate against Sgt. Murphy by extortion via threat of criminal

prosecution, to threaten his wife and otherwise place him in fear of incarceration,

loss of employment, loss of his civil liberties, actual loss of income and

professional opportunities and humiliation.

Additionally, and in addition to the numerous retaliatory actions enumerated

above, Sgt. Murphy was passed over repeatedly for promotion to Lieutenant when

he was the most qualified individual available. In each instance the promotion was

given to individuals of demonstrably lesser ability and experience.

This is a civil action seeking damages arising out of Defendants’ violation of

the rights secured by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, 42

USC §1983; 42 USC §1985 and 18 USC §§1961 et seq., by Section 740 of the

New York State Labor Law otherwise known as the Whistleblower Act, by

Defendants’ defamatory statements, by Fraud and by the negligent and intentional

infliction of emotional distress.

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1. Plaintiff Kevin Murphy (hereinafter “Sgt. Murphy” or “Murphy”) is

an adult male who currently resides in the Northern District of New York.

2. At all times relevant to this action, Plaintiff Murphy was, and is, an

employee of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department

serving as a Deputy with the rank of Sergeant.

3. At all times relevant to this action, Plaintiff Murphy was, and is, an

instructor at the Police Academy, an instructional facility owned and operated by

defendants Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.


4. Defendant the County of Onondaga is a municipal corporation formed

pursuant to the laws of the State of New York with offices located at 421

Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13202.

5. Defendant Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department is a police agency

formed pursuant to Article 17 of the County Law with its principle place of

business at 407 S State St, Syracuse, NY 13202. It is a subsidiary organization

within the County of Onondaga.

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6. Eugene Conway an adult male who resides in the Northern District of

New York. He is the Sheriff of Onondaga County.

7. Joseph Ciciarelli is an adult male who resides in the Northern District of

New York. He is Chief Deputy (Police Division) of the Onondaga County Sheriff’s


8. Michael Dickinson is an adult male who resides in the Northern District

of New York. He is a captain in the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department and

Patrol Commander.

9. Jammie Blumer is an adult female who resides in the Northern District of

New York. At times relevant to this action, she was in a supervisory capacity over

Sgt. Peluso.

10. Jonathan Anderson is an adult male that resides in the Northern District

of New York. He is an employee of Onondaga County, a Lieutenant in the

Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department and a supervisor of police Sergeants.

11. Joseph Peluso is an adult male that resides in the Northern District of

New York. At times relevant to this action, he was an employee of Onondaga

County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department as a police sergeant. He

has since retired as a police sergeant but is working as a Special Patrol Officer for

the Sheriff’s Office at the Onondaga County Civic Center.

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12. Roy Gratien is an adult male that resides in the Northern District of New

York. He is a retired employee of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Department. He was formerly the Assistant Police Chief.

13. Jason Cassalia is an adult male that resides in the Northern District of

New York. He is an employee of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Department holding the position of Undersheriff.

14. Carl Hummel is an adult male that resides in the Northern District of

New York. He is an employee of Onondaga County. At all times relevant to this

action, he was the Acting Personnel Commissioner of the Onondaga County

Department of Personal.

15. William Fitzpatrick is an adult male that resides in the Northern District

of New York. He is an employee of Onondaga County. At all times relevant to this

action, he was District Attorney of Onondaga County. Relevant is the fact that he

often refers to himself as the senior law enforcement officer in Onondaga County.

16. Stefano Cambareri is an adult male that resides in the Northern District

of New York. He is an employee of Onondaga County serving as administrator to

the County operation and management contract with SMG in the operation of the

Amphitheater, an attorney in private practice, a member of the Board of Directors

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of the Syracuse OnCenter and, upon information and belief, a campaign manager

for William Fitzpatrick.

17. Melanie S. Carden is an adult female residing in the Northern District of

New York. She is an employee of Onondaga County. At all times relevant to this

action, she was an Assistant District Attorney working at the Onondaga County

District Attorney’s Office.

18. Lindsey M. Luczka is an adult female residing in the Northern District of

New York. She is an employee of Onondaga County. At all times relevant to this

action, she was an Assistant District Attorney working at the Onondaga County

District Attorney’s Office.

19. Bryan Edwards is an adult male residing in the Northern District of New

York. He is the manager and principal owner of Westcott Events, LLC. and, upon

information and belief, the sole proprietorship of the same name.

20. Westcott Events, LLC is a limited liability company formed under the

New York State Limited Liability Company law. Upon information and belief, it is

presently suspended and/or operating as a sole proprietorship.

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21. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant

to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s New

York State law claims under 28 U.S.C. § 1367.


22. Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because a

substantial part of the events or omission giving rise to Plaintiffs’ claims occurred

in this district and the Plaintiffs and Defendants reside in the Northern District of

New York.


23. Plaintiff respectfully demands a trial by jury of all issues in this matter,

including but not limited to damages.


24. A Notice of Claim was duly served upon the government entities

Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department within the

appropriate time period and in accordance with General Municipal Law §50-e and


25. Over 30 days have elapsed since the service of this document and

defendants have made no effort to settle the claim.

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26. At all times relevant to this action, plaintiff, Sgt. Kevin Murphy, was

working as a police officer for the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department and

Onondaga County.

27. As a supervisor, Sgt. Murphy was responsible for, inter alia, enforcing

the law, responding to complaints by the public of criminal activity; training his

subordinates as to how to perform their duties as police officers and ensuring

compliance by his subordinates with the laws, rules, regulations, practices,

policies, record keeping and other protocols required of a police officer and

Sheriff’s Deputy.

28. As an instructor at the Police Academy operated by the defendants

Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department, Sgt. Murphy

was responsible for the instruction and education of aspiring deputies and police

officers from numerous jurisdictions and locations in the subjects of law;

appropriate, lawful and professional police work and other duties and

responsibilities required of a professional police officer. Sgt. Murphy has been

identified as a subject matter expert as a gang investigator, has been granted

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security clearances via extensive background investigations by the federal

government and has taught at the local, state, national and international levels.

29. Sgt. Murphy has, and continues, to warn his superior officers in the

Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office of illegal arrests, inadequate police work,

improper training, poor supervision, racially motivated behavior and improper,

unprofessional and illegal conduct on the part of Sheriff’s deputies.

30. At all times relevant to this action, Sgt. Murphy was qualified for his job

as an Onondaga County Sherriff’s Deputy.

31. At all times relevant to this action, Sgt. Murphy was qualified for a

promotion to the rank of Lieutenant and to perform in that capacity as an

Onondaga County Sheriff’s Deputy.

32. At all times relevant to this action, Sgt. Murphy performed his job in a

satisfactory manner.

33. Sgt. Murphy has been the subject of retaliation designed to quiet him,

encourage him to leave the Police Department and otherwise punish him for the

appropriate exercise of his constitutional rights, the policies of the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Department, the law of the United States and the State of New


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34. Exemplars of improper behavior on the part of Sheriff’s Deputies and

Retaliatory Behavior on the part of the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department are

enumerated below. They display a distinct pattern of behavior and retaliation.

35. Each and every depiction is a proximate cause of the constitutional and

civil deprivations, loss of income, hostile work environment, deliberate failure to

promote and other retaliatory actions claimed herein.

36. On or about November 2, 2008, inmate Michael Tew committed suicide

in the Onondaga County Justice Center.

37. Sgt. Murphy was assigned to investigate the cause of death and related

involvement by Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s


38. Sgt. Murphy discovered, and reported, improprieties in the care and

supervision of Michael Tew.

39. Sgt. Murphy reported these improprieties to supervising officers,

including the Sheriff.

40. Thereafter, Sgt. Murphy discovered improprieties in the medical records

of Michael Tew.

41. Specifically, the medical records had been altered.

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42. Sgt. Murphy reported this to supervising officers as well as to the

Onondaga County District Attorney. His report included the name of the

perpetrator and a complete depiction of the criminal act of altering the records.

43. The District Attorney never brought criminal charges and, upon

information and belief, the crime was never made public.

44. The perpetrator was allowed to quietly retire a few months later.

45. Thereafter, Murphy was himself charged with “losing” part of the

criminal investigation records in this matter.

46. He was extensively investigated and the matter was brought before a

union arbitrator.

47. The evidence relied upon by the County of Onondaga and the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Department was deemed woefully inadequate and, after two years

of litigation, the matter was dismissed.

48. This incident was the starting point for a decade of threats, constitutional

deprivations, harassment and retaliation upon Sgt. Murphy.

49. On or about May 30th, 2015, Sgt. Murphy was the Day Sergeant (B


50. Murphy was dispatched to an Assault investigation that occurred during

overnight hours.
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52. No other deputies were available to respond.

53. The investigation involved the Timber Tavern bar where Murphy met

the victim and her mother.

54. The victim informed Murphy that Sheriff’s deputies had responded

during the evening hours but had refused to take her statement and refused to

investigate her complaint of physical assault and being chased by an individual

armed with a Taser.

55. The victim believed that the lack of attention by police officers was due

to her ethnic background and her sex. She is an African-American female.

56. Murphy immediately took the victim’s statement, obtained surveillance

evidence from within the bar, established probable cause against known suspects

and submitted an arrest warrant application to the Court.

57. As the Court believed that probable cause existed, warrants for arrest

were issued.

58. “Midnight” deputies improperly refusing to investigate for improper

reasons and/or referring victims to daytime deputies is very common.

59. Murphy notified his supervisor, Lt. Caruso, of the investigation.

60. Murphy advised midnight Sergeant Peluso of the incident and the day

shift investigation via email.

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61. Murphy was asked by Peluso to hold the warrant application until the

original investigating deputy could complete the application.

62. Peluso was informed that the investigation had been completed and the

arrest warrant application had already been submitted and approved by the court.

63. A few days later, Peluso physically confronted Murphy and stated in a

angry tone that when he “sixes” a complaint, it stays “sixed”. (“sixed” refers in

Police Clearing code radio parlance to “no report taken/matter settled on arrival”

indicating, contrary to the evidence presented, that no investigation was necessary

and none was conducted.)

64. Peluso, in his confrontation of Murphy, was loud, screaming and

belligerent. Murphy’s demeanor was appropriate, calm and professional.

65. Peluso told Murphy that he doesn’t know how to handle “hip-hop”

parties. This statement was intended to convey that he, Murphy, doesn’t know how

or wasn’t tough enough to handle young African-Americans.

66. The statement was calculated to be insulting and racially motivated as

he, Murphy, had previously spent 12 years investigating criminal street gangs and

organized crime and has been recognized as a gang expert by the US District Court

in the North District of New York. He is well known and well liked amongst

various minority groups in the Syracuse area.

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67. After this inappropriate and loud confrontation initiated by Peluso,

Murphy, with Caruso’s consent, referred all future problems involving midnight

shift matters to Lt. Blumer, Peluso’s supervisor.

68. To avoid confrontation, and with Caruso’s knowledge, Murphy avoided

any contact with Peluso when at all possible.

69. On or about March 9, 2016, Sgt. Murphy informed Sheriff Eugene

Conway of the improper use of a temporary holding cell to hold prisoners, the legal

ramifications of holding a suspect in a temporary holding cell for an inordinate

amount of time and possible legal exposure to the Onondaga County Sheriff’s


70. An inspection by the New York State Minimum Standards for

Corrections made clear that the holding of prisoners for a lengthy period of time in

the temporary holding cells at the Sheriff Substations, the Criminal Investigations

Division and inside patrol cars was potentially violative of constitutionally

protected rights of the accused.

71. The above inspection resulted in a Sheriff’s Office written directive to

avoid such constitutional issues. See WD G-D-1006-97 (hereinafter “the


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72. Sgt Murphy had documented a violation of the directive which occurred

in September of 2015 and notified his chain of command as follows:

1) circumstances arose which caused a prisoner to be detained prior to

arraignment for over four hours,

2) Sgt. Murphy directed that the prisoner be transferred to the Justice

Center Jail, a constitutionally appropriate confinement facility, until

arraignment could occur,

3) Custody Lieutenant Leland Guillaume refused to accept the

prisoner although he was made aware of the directive and the prospect

of civil liability by Sgt. Murphy.

4) Upon receipt of Murphy’s memorandum, Assistant Police Chief

Gratien made a determination that there was no violation of the

directive, despite the clear conflict between the facts as presented and

the directive.

73. In a meeting had on March 9, 2016, Sheriff Conway acknowledged the

written directive and opined that Sgt. Murphy should have notified the Watch

Commanders in both the Police and Custody Departments to ensure that it was


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74. Sgt. Murphy informed Sheriff Conway that he had informed the

respective commanders.

75. Upon information and belief, Lt. Guillaume was never disciplined nor,

was he notified that a prisoner’s rights were likely violated or that the directive was


76. Lt. Guillaume was promoted to captain by Sheriff Conway on November

27, 2017.

77. Upon information and belief, Assistant Police Chief Gratien was never

reprimanded or otherwise counseled for his failure to follow the directive or

prematurely rejecting the allegation that a violation had occurred as acknowledged

by Sheriff Conway.

78. On or about April 23, 2016, Murphy responded to an auto accident.

79. Importantly, Murphy was the first supervisor on the scene.

80. Sgt. Fredericka Mendolia also responded.

81. The facts of the investigation did not permit an “implied consent” search

of the suspect’s blood to determine intoxication as the injuries to the other driver

were insufficient.

82. The suspect was injured and could not be interviewed.

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83. By mutual agreement of Watch Commander Lt. Nerber, Sgt. Mendolia

and Sgt. Murphy, a search warrant to procure blood from the suspect was to be

applied for by Sgt. Murphy. The issuing Court authorized the search and seizure of

the suspect’s blood which had been taken routinely upon the suspect’s admission

to the hospital and was presently within the hospital’s possession.

84. Sgt. Mendolia contacted a midnight deputy who was assigned to Sgt

Peluso and requested that he execute the search warrant at the hospital and

properly secure the suspect’s blood which had been taken upon the suspect’s

admission to the hospital and was presently within the hospital’s possession.

85. The midnight deputy was briefed on his duties by Sgt Mendolia twice.

86. Sgt. Murphy briefed the midnight deputy as to his duties once.

87. Nevertheless, the midnight deputy did not follow orders and, instead,

caused blood to be illegally and unconstitutionally drawn without the suspect’s

consent in violation of the suspect’s Constitutional rights and several State and

Federal laws.

88. Sgt. Murphy advised the midnight deputy of his error, that blood was

drawn without court order and in violation of the law, that the blood sample was

useless to their investigation and inadmissible in court.

89. Murphy then dispatched another deputy to properly execute the warrant.
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90. Murphy sought out the midnight deputy to identify the cause of the

misunderstanding of Sgt. Mendolia’s orders however, Lt. Blumer indicated that she

would address the matter with the deputy.

91. Murphy was no longer involved in the investigation of the matter.

92. However, Murphy learned that the deputy and Sgt. Peluso falsified the

police report to cover up the illegal search and seizure of the suspect’s blood.

93. Murphy learned that, during the next midnight shift, Lt. Blumer

and Sgt. Peluso contacted Sgt. Mendolia at home in a speakerphone telephone


94. Present for this telephone conference was Assistant Chief Roy Gratien

who was at the South Station for his Duty Commander shift.

95. Peluso and Blumer incorrectly and improperly intimated that Murphy’s

search warrant was improper, that his direction to the midnight deputy was

insufficient, and Murphy was to blame for the illegal search committed by the

midnight deputy.

96. Sgt. Mendolia rebuffed the assertion, stating she had requested Murphy’s

assistance, that Murphy’s search warrant application was ‘brilliant’, and that she

had contacted the midnight deputy and given him instructions for the execution of

the search warrant.

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97. On or about June 3, 2016, Captain Paula Pellizzari informed Murphy

that, according to Assistant Police Chief Gratien, Murphy was not promoted to

Lieutenant because he interferes with investigations of others.

98. Murphy requested that Captain P. Pellizzari investigate the allegations

and specifically mentioned the Timber Tavern incident.

99. No investigation was ever completed.

100. Captain Pellizzari never replied to Murphy.

101. On or about August 10, 2016, Murphy is made aware of a hostile work

environment complaint filed by Sgt. Peluso against him. The complaint, though

vacuous, was specifically intended to prevent Sgt. Murphy from being promoted.

102. Murphy complains to Police Chief Joe Ciciarelli and Assistant Chief

Gratien voicing that the complaint was done purely to initiate an Internal Affairs

Investigation and thus, deny Murphy the opportunity for promotion. Both Ciciarelli

and Gratien were made aware that the allegations were retaliatory and likely in

violation of New York State Civil Service Law.

103. Prior to the complaint, Murphy was number one on the Lieutenant’s list

and a promotion to lieutenant was imminent.

104. Murphy explicitly requested a detailed investigation into the matter but,

no investigation was initiated and he never even received a response to his request.
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105. On or about August 17, 2016 Murphy had a lengthy meeting with Chief

Joseph Ciciarelli.

106. Murphy informed Ciciarelli of the Timber Tavern incident and the

racial and sexual discrimination involved.

107. Murphy informed Ciciarelli of the illegal blood seizure and that the

illegal blood remained, improperly and illegally, in possession of the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Office.

108. Murphy informed Ciciarelli of illegal and falsified reports filed by

Peluso and the midnight deputy.

109. In discussing the seizure of the illegal blood, Murphy told Ciciarelli of

Assistant Chief Gratien’s personal knowledge of the illegal search and seizure due

to his involvement as the Duty Commander and his presence at the South Station

during the aforementioned telephone call to Sgt. Mendolia.

110. Ciciarelli informed Murphy that Gratien had not recorded the fact of the

illegal search and seizure in his Duty Commander log for that night.

111. Murphy advised Ciciarelli of the conversation had with Captain P.

Pellizzari wherein Gratien had expressed his opinion that Murphy should not be

promoted due to his interference with other investigations even though the

allegations were not investigated and were entirely unsubstantiated.

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112. Importantly, Murphy discussed his very great concern over the

inordinate number of arrests made by the midnight deputies that were illegal for

lack of probable cause.

113. Murphy had knowledge of the improper arrests as deputies assigned to

Murphy were routinely used to conduct the morning arraignments of those

arrested by the midnight deputies.

114. Murphy specifically informed Ciciarelli that these repeated illegal

arrests caused innocent people to be harassed, arrested and incarcerated.

115. Murphy specifically mentioned an illegal arrest made by another

midnight deputy, a subordinate of Peluso, who improperly arrested an African

American female for a felony wherein probable cause was lacking, and he

repeatedly refused to file any amended reports with the court.

116. Upon information and belief, Ciciarelli informed a fellow office that he

had investigated the situation and discovered that some of Sgt. Murphy’s

allegations were true.

117. Murphy requested of Internal Affairs Commander Lt. Flanagan, a copy

of the Hostile Work Environment memo. It was not provided.

118. On or about August 29, 2016, Murphy was ordered to meet with

Captain Dickenson and Lt. Caruso.

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119. Murphy informed Captain Dickenson of the poor and illegal

performance of “A” watch deputies, of their illegal arrests and improper or lacking


120. He specifically mentioned that he had avoided contact with Peluso.

121. Captain Dickenson then specifically ordered Murphy to no longer do

police work while under his command and specifically:

1) to refrain from initiating investigations including vehicle and traffic


2) to no longer apply for search warrants and

3) to no longer prepare year-end statistics of Patrol Deputies work.

122. Murphy voiced his opinion that he was being disciplined without

justification and that the restrictions would affect officer safety and public safety in


123. Caruso voiced his opinion that Murphy’s supervision of his

subordinates has consistently been excellent and that Murphy’s personal

involvement in police investigations never interfered with his ability to supervise

his deputies.

124. Dickinson stated that Murphy improperly took the investigative lead

into the unsolved assault of disabled, retired police sergeant Dan Budlong, though
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he had done so at the request of the primary deputy, and while so encumbered with

establishing probable cause and making an arrest, Dickenson alleged that Murphy

failed to prevent a subordinate from putting gas in his patrol vehicle; even though

the county gas pumps were in the deputies’ patrol zone. As a result, Dickinson

improperly asserted, the Sheriff’s Department had lost out on a burglary

investigation as the New York State Police arrived first and thus became the

primary agency.

125. This fact was infuriating to Captain Dickinson who has repeatedly and

publicly voiced that he has a personal issue against the New York State Police

taking calls within Onondaga County.

126. In August and September 2016, Sgt. Murphy contacts Carl Hummel,

the Acting Commissioner of Personnel for Onondaga County.

127. Murphy notifies Hummel of the illegal conduct Murphy reported to his

superiors, the retaliatory and baseless Hostile Work Environment claim filed

against Murphy by Peluso, and the orders to abstain from police work issued by

Captain Dickinson.

128. Murphy requests an investigation by the Personnel Department as to the

intentional interference with Murphy’s Civil Service promotion status, and the

intentional harassment by Peluso and Dickinson.

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129. No investigation by Hummel or the Personnel Department ever ensues.

130. On or about September 1, 2016, Murphy was ordered to remove his

personal file cabinet which deprives him of storage for subordinate files (required

per department policy) as there were no other file cabinets available in the

sergeant’s office.

131. Chief Ciciarelli is specifically informed.

132. Chief Ciciarelli is specifically informed of Murphy’s situation and that

Murphy was ordered not to do police work, by Lieutenant Caruso.

133. In September 2016, Chief Ciciarelli initiates a conversation with Lt

Caruso, inquiring into Murphy’s situation. Caruso replied to the effect, [h]ow do

you think he’s doing; you took the one thing that he enjoyed doing here, police

work, away from him.

134. On or about September 29, 2016 Murphy is again violently confronted

by Peluso who yells at Murphy, bullying Murphy into a hostile interaction and

belligerently demanding that Murphy speak to him.

135. Murphy leaves the building to avoid a confrontation without verbally

responding to Peluso.

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136. After Murphy leaves the building, Peluso becomes loud and belligerent

with other deputies that work for Murphy on B Watch, entering a roll call room

and sarcastically declaring that “they must be the only real cops”.

137. Peluso then files a complaint against Murphy for ignoring him when, in

fact, Murphy was trying to avoid a verbal and physical confrontation.

138. Murphy was told by Hummel to avoid Peluso and avoid the appearance

of retaliation against Peluso for filing the Hostile Work Environment complaint.

139. Murphy is ordered to file a memo in which he informs his supervisor

that Peluso was instigating a fight.

140. In the aftermath of the confrontation and related discussions, Murphy

becomes sick and is admitted to a hospital with chest pains and high blood


141. On or about October 5, 2016, Dickinson writes a memo indicating that

Murphy’s assessment that Peluso complained of him to deny him a promotion are


142. Dickinson indicated that it was a personality conflict and never

mentioned the illegal activities pertaining to false arrests, incomplete

investigations, illegal search and seizure, falsified police reports and Peluso’s

blatant belligerence.
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143. After several weeks of illness due to chest pain, Murphy returns to


144. On October 6, 2016, Caruso is ordered to present Murphy with a memo

accusing Murphy of “silent insolence” for simply avoiding a conflict with Peluso.

145. Caruso is ordered to provide this memo although he has informed

Dickinson, Gratien, and Ciciarelli that Peluso was the instigator and aggressor.

146. Peluso also received a written reprimand and transfer for his conduct by

Lt. Caruso, however, it is immediately countermanded by Captain Dickinson.

147. On October 7, 2016, Murphy is transferred such that he will be required

to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

148. On or about October 14, 2016, Murphy files a complaint with the NYS

Division of Human Rights indicating that he is the victim of retaliation because of

his efforts to provide proper police service to an African-American woman,

Jacinda Jones, the victim of the Timber Tavern assault.

149. In November of 2016, Murphy is assigned to Lt. Nerber.

150. There are already two sergeants in Lt. Nerber’s command and Murphy

has no one to supervise.

151. Murphy informs Nerber that Caruso has confirmed that the order for

“no police work” stands and that he can be disciplined for not following it.
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152. Unless one of the other two junior sergeants are off on leave,

Murphy has no duties and no responsibilities and cannot independently perform

any police related duties during his 10-hour shift.

153. Murphy has been an instructor at the Police Academy for over 20 years.

154. During the November, 2016 time period, Dickinson complained

repeatedly that Murphy was instructing at the Police Academy.

155. As a direct result, Murphy’s class schedule was reduced to just one

class, Organized Crime Investigations, as Murphy is one of the few local

instructors who are recognized in federal court as gang experts or have related

subject matter expertise.

156. Peluso retires in January 2017 and Caruso requests that Murphy be

allowed to return to his prior command. The request is refused by Dickenson.

157. Dickinson did not return or approve Murphy’s 2016 performance

evaluation, submitted by Caruso, although it was expected to be excellent.

158. On or about January of 2017, Murphy was requested by the Sheriff’s

Office Training Division to give a lecture during In-Service Instruction on Search

Warrant basics to the entire OCSO police department. The lecture was met with

high praise.

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159. However, that Murphy is not personally allowed to be involved in the

procurement of search warrants, even after being identified as a subject matter

expert by the Training Division, becomes the subject of repeated sarcastic humor

throughout the Police Department.

158. On or about June 24, 2017, Deputy Amy Murphy, an Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Police Deputy and wife of Kevin Murphy, while off duty, was struck by

an unruly security guard and subjected to other untoward conduct while she was

attending a concert with family at the Amphitheater located at Onondaga Lake.

159. The security company working the Amphitheater event was Westcott

Events, LLC D/B/A Westcott Event Security Company. It is owned, operated and

otherwise managed by Bryan Edwards.

160. Deputy Amy Murphy offered a solicited opinion to a security guard that

he could not arrest someone for trespass for standing in mulch, nor arrest some of

the men present at the concert for public indecency for being shirtless.

161. The security guard then pushed Deputy Amy Murphy.

162. Thereafter, the security guard pushed Amy Murphy a second time and

asked if she was a cop. Deputy Amy Murphy identified herself as a police officer.

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163. With children present, and in an effort to handle the situation prudently,

Deputy Amy Murphy contacted the uniformed Police Supervisor at the venue to

notify him of the incident instead of initiating an arrest on her own behalf.

164. Kevin Murphy was working at the venue in the capacity of Venue


165. Sgt. Murphy initiated an investigation of the incident by questioning

those present including several other security guards. They admitted that there was

physical contact initiated by the offending security guard towards off-duty Deputy

Amy Murphy.

166. Sgt. Murphy’s investigation was obstructed by the owner of the

security company, Bryan Edwards, who physically pulled the offending security

guard away from Sgt. Murphy’s during the course of his investigation.

167. Sgt. Murphy terminated his investigation and discussion as he was

called to a “rape in progress’, deciding it more prudent to address the security

guard issue with Captain Michael Pellizzari at a later time.

168. Sgt. Murphy reports the incident to Captain M. Pellizzari and is

subsequently relieved of his duties at the Amphitheater based upon complaints

made by the security company owner, Bryan K. Edwards, who stated that if Sgt.

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Murphy works the venue in the future, the security company will walk off the job

in violation of their contract.

169. Aside from Sgt. Murphy’s initial inquiry, no investigation is ever

undertaken by Captain M. Pellizzari or his amphitheater police staff. No report or

arrest is ever made.

170. Upon information and belief, no effort is ever made by the Onondaga

County Sheriff’s Department to memorialize the incident and possible charges

surrounding the use of physical force upon Deputy Amy Murphy, or the

subsequent coercive and unlawful actions taken to deter and intimidate Sgt.

Murphy by Onondaga County at the behest of Bryan Edwards.

171. Subsequently, Murphy is informed by a confidential informant and

witness that the offending security guard is unlicensed.

172. Murphy confirms that the security guard, Anthony Colenzo, was an

unregistered security guard with a serious and troubling criminal background, and

that both Colenzo and Edwards are in violation of New York State General

Business Law, both committing a misdemeanor; Colenzo for being employed as a

Security Guard without being properly registered and Edwards for employing

Colenzo when Colenzo was not properly registered.

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173. Upon information and belief, the security guards involved in the above

incident were employed by Westcott Events, LLC D/B/A Westcott Event Security


174. Westcott Events, LLC is owned and operated by Bryan K. Edwards.

175. The individual appointed to supervise matters at the Amphitheater is

Steve Cambareri, Esq., (hereinafter “Cambareri”), an attorney and part-time

employee of Onondaga County.

176. Cambareri was, or is, a member of the Board of Directors of the

Oncenter, the parent entity of the Amphitheater.

177. As well, upon information and belief, Cambareri is the campaign

manager for Onondaga District Attorney William Fitzpatrick.

178. Mr. Cambareri, as a member of the Board of Directors and is in a

position to influence the business practices of the On Center and the Amphitheater

including the hiring of firms for security services.

179. Upon information and belief, Mr. Cambareri has a business relationship

with Westcott Events.

180. Mr. Edwards’ wife is known to work at Mr. Cambareri’s private law


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181. Mr. Cambareri caused, was complicit in or, otherwise wrongly

acquiesced in actions causing Sgt. Murphy to be relieved, upon threat of a walkout,

at the request of Bryan Edwards and Westcott Events.

182. With several sources of employment associated with the Amphitheater,

the OnCenter, Onondaga County and others associated with these facilities, Mr.

Canbareri profits from these associations greatly.

183. In August of 2017, Sgt. Murphy receives an unsolicited contact from

another Confidential Informant (hereinafter “CI1”), a woman, informing him that

she had sexual relations with Captain Dickinson while she was underage.

184. Murphy knows this confidential informant as Murphy gave guidance to

her for over a decade on leaving her former gang lifestyle and how to pursue a

normal, productive life.

185. CI1 has previously been utilized by Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations

Division detectives, and, upon information and belief, has been identified and

documented in Sheriff detective’s court filings as a previously reliable confidential


186. Murphy is further informed that the sexual relationship lasted for

several years.

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187. Murphy was further informed that CI1 resided with Captain Dickinson

for a period of time, had met his son and that their relationship was conducted

openly and in public.

188. Murphy was further informed that the CI1 no longer desired a

relationship with Captain Dickinson.

189. Murphy was further informed that Captain Dickinson was stalking CI1,

showing up at her various residences when she moved from time to time requesting

to re-establish their sexual relationship.

190. Upon information and belief, Captain Dickinson utilized police assets

on police time to locate and stalk CI1.

191. The CI1 informed Murphy that Dickinson was angry with Murphy

because Murphy had positively influenced CI1 and caused her to assume a

respectable lifestyle as a wife (in common-law fashion), mother and responsible

member of the community.

192. CI1 informed Murphy that Dickinson blames Murphy for CI1 refusing

to have further sex with him.

193. In spite of the rebuffs of the CI1, Dickinson continued to show-up at

her home even after Dickinson arrested her significant other for DWI.

194. Murphy contacts an Inspector with the New York State Police Internal
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Affairs Bureau, who informs Murphy that in order for the New York State Police

to investigate a police officer from another agency they have to first get approval

from the local District Attorney and the police agency head.

195. CI1 refuses to cooperate in bringing criminal charges due to family

considerations and her now respectable lifestyle.

196. In September 2017, Murphy is later informed by Lieutenant Nerber that

Lt. Anderson wanted to file a second ‘silent insolence’ charge against Sgt. Murphy

for failing to acknowledge his salutation earlier that morning.

197. Sgt. Murphy advised Nerber that he never heard Anderson speaking to


198. Sgt. Murphy further advised Nerber that Pelsuo now works for

Anderson as a Special Patrol Deputy at the Civic Center, that he considers this

continued harassment by Peluso via Anderson, that Anderson has previously filed

unsubstantiated internal affairs charges against Murphy, and that Anderson had

received a public censure and rebuke from the police union (Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Police Association) for his unethical and improper investigations in

violation of the collective bargaining agreement when he commanded the

Professional Standards Unit (otherwise known as “Internal Affairs”).

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199. In November of 2017 Caruso requests Murphy’s transfer to his former

unit under Lt. Caruso to fill a sergeant’s vacancy.

200. Captain Dickinson refused the transfer and tells Caruso that it is

because Caruso had failed on previous occasions to properly supervise Murphy.

201. In November of 2016 and 2017, Murphy formally requests the transfer

to his former watch per the Collective Bargaining Agreement and is formally

denied for the second consecutive year.

202. On or about January 12, 2018, Murphy is told by Lt. Nerber that he was

placed under surveillance by Captain Dickinson.

203. Murphy is informed that the investigation was initiated because

Murphy allegedly didn’t sign in to his assigned vehicle and left the station in his

personal car.

204. Murphy is not informed who made the initial complaint and it is

attributed to an unnamed co-worker.

205. In fact, Murphy did sign in to his assigned vehicle, he just didn’t use

the marked patrol car unless directed to act as a police supervisor.

206. Murphy offers a written explanation to Lt. Nerber.

207. Murphy verbally informs Lt. Nerber of his rationale for using his

personal vehicle and leaving the station including, but not limited to, the fact that
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he is, by order, forbidden to do police work and therefore the police vehicle as a

tool is of no practical use, it only serves to misinform the public of a police

presence and potentially places Murphy in danger as it draws public attention

although Murphy is not allowed to act in the capacity of a police officer.

208. Murphy is then transferred to the North Station thus, adding thirty miles

to his daily commute with Murphy having to drive past the South Station. In the

parlance of local police officials, this is referred to as “road therapy”.

209. Murphy is subsequently informed by his union representative that he is

under criminal investigation and that the matter of the non-use of the marked

vehicle may be referred to the District Attorney for prosecution.

210. Paradoxically, from January 2018 through June 2018, Dickinson directs

that Murphy is not allowed to use a department vehicle and must use his own

vehicle, with his uniform covered when out of the station for meal breaks, unless

otherwise directed.

211. Formal charges related to this incident have not been forthcoming

212. On or about February 2, 2018, while working as a police supervisor,

Murphy gave a formal order to two patrol deputies as to their conduct in an

investigation. The orders from Sgt. Murphy were flagrantly disobeyed.

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213. Lt. Nerber is informed of the insubordinate conduct and does not bring

departmental disciplinary charges against the deputies.

214. Murphy is out sick from February 28, 2018 until March 18, 2018 for

conditions related to stress caused by the above described workplace issues.

215. On March 18, 2018, upon returning to work, Murphy is ordered to

inspect all thirty of the North Station patrol cars in contradiction to established


216. The temperature on that day is 13 degrees and Murphy is dressed in a

manner appropriate to the desk job previously ordered by Dickinson. Nevertheless,

Murphy accomplishes the ordered task.

217. On or about June 11, 2018, Murphy is transferred back to Lt. Caruso’s


218. Murphy requests that Lt. Caruso inquire of Capt. Dickinson if he is still

ordered not to do police work.

219. On June 13th, 2018, Sgt. Murphy reports for duty and is given two

counseling memos by Lt. Caruso at the direction of Captain Dickinson; the first

counseling memo accused Murphy of intentionally misrepresenting Dickinson’s

orders from August 29th, 2016 as to Murphy not being allowed to do police work,

and the second counseling memo detailing alleged violations of the duty manual
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for not using a patrol car during work hours in January 2018.

220. In June of 2018, Murphy receives an exemplary employee review from

Lt. Nerber.

221. Sgt. Murphy lodged a complaint with Carl Hummel, requesting an

investigation and relief as to the hostile work environment issues and the

discriminatory failure to reward him with a promotion.

222. In spite of a duty to do so, Hummel made no effort to investigate or

ameliorate Sgt. Murphy’s circumstances.

223. Peluso, Blumer, Anderson, Gratien, Ciciarelli, Cassalia, Dickenson and

Conway, as members, employees, supervisors and agents of the Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Department and Onondaga County, and in their capacity as police

officers, were operating under color a State law.

224. Hummel, as a member of the Onondaga County personnel department,

was operating under color of State law.

225. In the aftermath of the filing of this lawsuit on October 11, 2018,

Defendant Michael Dickinson contacted the confidential informant known as CI1

and threatened her with legal action.

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226. In the aftermath of the filing of this lawsuit on October 11, 2018,

Defendant Steve Cambareri was in contact with the confidential informant known

as CI1 and directed her not to cooperate with this legal proceeding.

227. Upon information and belief, Defendant John Stephens contacted CI1

to continue to the communication on Dickinson’s behalf.

228. Upon information and belief, both Stephens and Dickenson continue to

contact friends of CI1 to influence her in not cooperating with this lawsuit.

229. After the filing of this lawsuit on October 11, 2018, plaintiff Murphy

had several improper, unsupported and baseless referrals to the Onondaga County

Sheriff’s Office Internal Affairs Office which were ordered by Defendant

Dickenson in his command capacity and received by Defendant Blumer as Internal

Affairs Commander.

230. On November 9, 2018, Lt. Angelo Caruso was ordered by Dickenson to

report on the criminal charges brought by Murphy against unlicensed security

guards employed by Westcott Events. This action was to intimidate, embarrass and

harass Murphy.

231. On November 10, 2018, Lt. Angelo Caruso was ordered by Dickenson

to inquire if Murphy was conducting other investigations contrary to Dickenson’s

Order not to do police work.

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232. On November 27, 2018, Lt. Angelo Caruso was ordered to complete a

Member Misconduct Investigation on Murphy’s filing against Westcott Event

employees. Murphy was never served with the completed investigation.

233. On November 27, 2018, Lt. Angelo Caruso was ordered to complete a

second Member Misconduct Investigation on Murphy’s filing. In similar fashion,

Murphy was never served with the completed investigation.

234. Upon information and belief, Defendant Conway requests District

Attorney Fitzpatrick to institute an unwarranted criminal action against Murphy

because it is impossible to silence him using “in-house” means.

235. On February 6, 2019, Plaintiff Murphy was sent a “Grand Jury Target”

letter by defendant Lindsey M. Luczka. Upon information and belief, this action is

at the direction of defendant William J. Fitzpatrick.

236. Defendants Luczka and Fitzpatrick knew, or should have known, that

no probable cause existed to charge Murphy with any crime. In fact, he was being

investigated for filing the criminal complaints that lead to the arrest of those

unlicensed security guards that assaulted Mrs. Murphy.

237. Upon information and belief, the investigation and subsequent letter

were wrongly instigated by William Fitzpatrick.

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238. William Fitzpatrick was informed and knew that the investigation

lacked probable cause or legitimate purpose.

239. Murphy’s union representative informed Murphy that it was their

intention not to represent him in defending against these criminal charges,

frivolous or not.

240. Upon information and belief, this was one of the intentions of the

defendants in resorting to false criminal proceedings.

241. On April 19, 2019, plaintiff Murphy filed a new Notice of Claim

informing the defendants of additional causes of action.

242. On April 24, 2019, plaintiff Murphy was transferred without legitimate

reason to such a position that would cause him to lose secondary employment

opportunities and an immediate loss of income.

243. On April 29, 2019, Defendant Melanie Carden made a telephone call to

Murphy’s wife, Deputy Amy J. Murphy, to discuss the investigation of Sgt.

Murphy, Murphy’s possible arrest and to request her presence in the District

Attorney’s Office for an interview.

244. Deputy Amy J. Murphy was threatened by this conversation and

recognized it as an attempt to intimidate her. As such, she did not comply with the

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245. In the aftermath of the above mentioned incidents, and in spite of his

exemplary career, for bringing illegal and improper acts on the part of the

defendants to light Murphy has been forbidden to do police work, relieved of his

command and duties, forbidden to give orders, required to sit at a desk during his

entire shift doing nothing whatsoever, forbidden to use a patrol car, been required

to hide his uniform while in public, been subject to threatening and abusive

behavior by other police officers, been deprived of police assistance and actually

castigated for his efforts when his fellow police officer and wife was menaced and

assaulted in a public place, has had his opportunities for overtime pay drastically

reduced, has been ordered to undertake menial tasks under circumstances that were

deliberately chosen to cause him physical discomfort and agitation, has been

deliberately and repeatedly passed over for promotion to lieutenant in favor of

individuals with lesser qualifications, has been threatened by repeated unwarranted

police and grand jury investigations, has been arbitrarily transferred and otherwise

moved about in his job assignments such as to intimidate him and deprive him of

income, has been subjected to public ridicule and embarrassment and the

intentional infliction of emotional stress such as to cause him mental and physical


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246. In contrast, unabated and continuing, those individual deputies,

supervisors and civilians who have engaged in improper and illegal conduct have

neither been disciplined, retrained or properly supervised such as to avoid a

reoccurrence of improper police work, resulting in numerous other arrests of local

citizens lacking in probable cause, inappropriate application of the law and the loss

of citizens rights and property and, most importantly, jeopardizing the public

safety. Incredibly, rather than remedy the improper police work and shoddy

supervision identified by Sgt. Murphy, defendant’s have resorted to a form which,

once signed by the unknowing civilian under arrest, is intended to absolve them of

liability for their improper and illegal conduct.

247. Moreover, William Fitzpatrick, Melanie S. Carden, Lindsey M. Luczka

and others yet to be named in the Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office

have improperly and illegally sought to intimidate Sgt Murphy through the abuse

of the Grand Jury process, their position as public servants and attorneys at law,

the sworn duties of their office, the laws of the United Stated of America, the

United States Constitution and the State of New York.

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18 U.S.C. §1964
individually as well as in their capacities as employees of Onondaga County
and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department; BRYAN K. EDWARDS,
both individually and in his capacity as an agent of Onondaga County.

249. Plaintiff realleges and restates paragraphs 1 through 248 as if more

fully set forth herein.

250. At all relevant times, defendants Eugene Conway, Joseph Ciciarelli,

Michael Dickinson, Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso, Roy

Gratien, Jason Cassalia, Carl Hummel, Stefano Cambareri, William Fitzpatrick,

Melanie S. Carden, Lindsey M. Luczka and Bryan K. Edwards constituted an

“enterprise” within the of 18 U.S.C. §§1961(4) and 1962(c) in that they are “an

association” and/or a “group of individuals associated in fact”.

251. Defendants Eugene Conway, Joseph Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson,

Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso, Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia,

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 48 of 81

Carl Hummel, Stefano Cambareri, William Fitzpatrick, Melanie S. Carden,

Lindsey M. Luczka and Bryan K. Edwards are “persons” within the meaning of 18

U.S.C. §§1961(4) and 1962(c) in that they are individuals or entities capable of

holding a legal or beneficial interest in property.

252. Defendants Eugene Conway, Joseph Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson,

Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso, Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia,

Carl Hummel, Stefano Cambareri, William Fitzpatrick, Melanie S. Carden,

Lindsey M. Luczka and Bryan K. Edwards have acquired and maintain interest and

control of the enterprise via racketeering activity. That is, they have maintained

their control through illegal threats, frivolous investigations, arrests and

intimidation of the citizens of Onondaga County, Sgt. Murphy and his family

included, so as to protect their positions and accrue income. To accomplish this,

they have harmed numerous citizens by violating their civil rights and injured Sgt.

Murphy by loss of income, loss of additional employment (moonlighting), loss of

overtime pay, loss of a promotion, onerous legal expenses, infringement upon his

constitutional rights, professional embarrassment and harassment. Defendant’s

actions are the direct and proximate cause of Sgt. Murphy’s business and property


Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 49 of 81

253. Between 2011 and the present day, Defendants Eugene Conway,

Joseph Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson, Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph

Peluso, Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia, Carl Hummel, Stefano Cambareri, William

Fitzpatrick, Melanie S. Carden, Lindsey M. Luczka and Bryan K. Edwards

(hereinafter “the enterprise”) sought to extort Sgt. Murphy via conduct involving

intimidation, threats, fraud, wrongful and illegal acts, illegal use of the position of

District Attorney and illegal use of the grand jury process for his actions in

reporting the wrongdoings of the enterprise and the illegal activities born by the

many citizens abused by illegal law enforcement methods as enumerated above

and, in doing so, jeopardizing their political positions, jobs, election prospects,

promotion prospects and income.

254. Defendant’s acts demonstrate a pattern of racketeering activity almost

to the point of being redundant. Their repeated actions have the same or similar

purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are

interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events. In fact,

they are the standard way in which the defendant’s do business.

255. Specifically, their repeated acts occur whenever Sgt. Murphy uncovers

or exposes an illegal act, one of political embarrassment or an act of professional

wrongdoing. Immediately thereafter, Sgt. Murphy will either have the exposed
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wrongdoing attributed to him or he will be frivolously accused of some other

perfectly benign act in an effort to silence him. As Sgt. Murphy is sworn to uphold

State and Federal law, he is put in the impossible position of either reporting the

act as duty requires or ignoring it to avoid the intimidating efforts of the enterprise.

256. The pattern of racketeering activity includes actions for obstruction of

justice, 18 U.S.C. §1503; Mail Fraud, 18 U.S.C. §1341; Wire Fraud, 18 U.S.C.

§1343; Tampering with a Witness, 18 U.S.C. §1512; Interference with Commerce

by Threats or Violence, 18 U.S.C. §1951 otherwise known as the Hobbs Act.

257. Said pattern of racketeering activity poses an “open ended” threat to a

large number of individuals as said actions, attempts to cover-up corruption, illegal

arrests and misconduct pose a threat to the entire community, have been occurring

for many years and show no signs of abating. In his capacity as a B watch

supervisor, Sgt. Murphy witnessed arrests without probable cause of innocent

central New York citizens for years.

258. The conduct was directed and controlled by each of the defendants

named, each voluntarily and willing participating and each having managerial

control over the enterprise.

259. The pattern of activity has existed for several decades however, the

pattern of activity experienced by Sgt Murphy extends for a ten-year period.

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260. Overt acts attributed to the enterprise include all of those acts

enumerated in paragraphs 26 to 247 above.


individually as well as in their capacities as employees of Onondaga County
and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department; BRYAN K. EDWARDS,
both individually and in his capacity as an agent of Onondaga County.

261. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

262. The defendants herein willingly joined the conspiracy.

263. Each defendant enumerated agreed to participate in the predicate acts.

264. Each defendant enumerated knew or should have know that their

actions in participating in the predicate acts was illegal and done with the purpose

of forwarding the interests of the enterprise.

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265. Defendant’s acts continue to this day and in spite of the fact that Sgt.

Murphy initiated a suit.

266. The conspiracy to commit the pattern of racketeering activity includes

actions for obstruction of justice, 18 U.S.C. §1503; Mail Fraud, 18 U.S.C. §1341;

Wire Fraud, 18 U.S.C. §1343; Tampering with a Witness, 18 U.S.C. §1512;

Interference with Commerce by Threats or Violence, 18 U.S.C. §1951 otherwise

known as the Hobbs Act.


LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as employees of
Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.
(42 U.S.C. §1983)

195. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

267. To protect the safety of our citizenry and to instill confidence in the

police and the judicial system, police officers must be required to know and obey

the law.

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268. Poorly trained police officers, inevitably and repeatedly break laws in

attempting to do their jobs.

269. Moreover, the constitutional rights and the safety of citizens are

endangered by police officers that are poorly supervised and poorly trained.

270. Concerned about inadequate training, inadequate supervision and

compromised leadership, Sgt. Murphy complained about improper arrests and

wrongful police conduct that came to his attention.

271. Sgt. Murphy’s complaints were, and are, an exercise of his First

Amendment right to free speech on a matter of grave public concern.

272. Sgt. Murphy’s complaints as to inadequate training, supervision and

discipline of police officers is a matter of grave public concern.

273. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the failure of Sheriff’s Deputies to investigate

and to make necessary reports is an exercise of his right to free speech in a matter

of grave public concern.

274. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the engagement of police officers in racially

motivated conduct is an exercise of his right to free speech in a matter of grave

public concern.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 54 of 81

275. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the improper conduct of police officers

engaging in sexual acts with minors and/or confidential informants is an exercise

of free speech on a matter of grave public concern.

276. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on improper police conduct in the improper

search and seizure of blood without a judicial warrant is an exercise of free speech

on a matter of grave public concern.

277. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the illegal and unconstitutional use of an

inadequate holding cell is a matter of grave public concern.

278. In retaliation, defendants isolated, shunned, defamed, and retaliated

against the Plaintiff because he exercised his First Amendment Right to Freedom

of Speech on matters of grave public concern.

279. In retaliation, defendants further punished Sgt. Murphy in an attempt to

cause him to resign by transferring him to a duty station that was at an extended

distance from his home, ordered him not to engage in police work and professional

activity and deprived him of any supervisory duties.

280. In retaliation, defendants further ignored the above described criminal

assault involving Sgt. Murphy’s wife, refused to investigate the incident involving

her and removed him from his duties for his attempts to make a report.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 55 of 81

281. In retaliation, defendants, on several occasions, caused Sgt. Murphy to

be deprived of a promotion in favor of lesser qualified individuals.

282. In retaliation, defendants caused Sgt. Murphy’s time as an instructor at

the Police Academy to be drastically reduced.

283. In retaliation, defendant’s caused Sgt. Murphy’s overtime hours to be

reduced such as to grossly limit his income.

284. In retaliation, defendants caused Sgt. Murphy to hide his uniform from

public view while traveling to and from work and during the workday while in


285. In retaliation, Defendants ordered Sgt. Murphy to not do police work

and to sit idly at a desk, in plain sight, with nothing to do.

286. All of the actions taken by the Defendants referred to herein were

taken while acting under the color of law and had the effect of depriving Plaintiffs

of rights secured by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

287. Defendants’ adverse actions were motivated in response to the exercise

of Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.

288. Defendants’ adverse actions caused the Plaintiff to suffer damages and

injuries, including but not limited to lost opportunities, pain and suffering,

emotional distress, anxiety and loss of pay and benefits.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 56 of 81

289. The acts of Defendants have permanently harmed the professional and

personal reputation of the Plaintiff.

290. The acts of Defendants were done especially maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling Plaintiffs to recover punitive and compensatory damages.


LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as employees of
Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.
(42 U.S.C. §1983)

291. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 57 of 81

292. Defendants instituted a criminal investigation against the Plaintiff

because he exercised his First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech on matters

of grave public concern.

293. Defendants isolated, shunned, defamed, and retaliated against the

Plaintiff because he exercised his First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech on

matters of grave public concern.

294. Defendants caused the Plaintiff to lose a promotion because he

exercised his First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech on matters of grave

public concern.

295. Thereafter, defendant’s threatened the Plaintiff with Grand Jury Action

in a subsequent investigation.

296. Defendant sought to justify this investigation and threat to indict the

Plaintiff by his wholly legitimate actions in filing a complaint and conducting an

investigation against defendants Bryan Edwards, Westcott Events and their

employees who had struck his wife.

297. All of the actions taken by the Defendants referred to herein while

acting under the color of law and had the effect of depriving Plaintiffs of rights

secured by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 58 of 81

298. Defendants Eugene Conway, Joseph Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson,

Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso, Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia

and Carl Hummel knew or should have known of the illegal and improper

treatment of the Plaintiff.

299. Defendants William Fitzpatrick, Mellanie S. Carden and Lindsey M.

Luczka knew or should have known of the illegal and improper treatment of the


300. In his position as Sheriff, Defendant Conway was obligated to address,

stop, and prevent the illegal treatment of the Plaintiff and was deliberately

indifferent to the illegal acts presented to him.

301. Defendant Conway failed and/or deliberately refused to address, stop,

and prevent the illegal treatment of the plaintiff and the illegal acts of his


302. Defendant Joseph Ciciarelli knew or should have known of the illegal

and improper treatment of the plaintiff.

303. Defendant Ciciarelli knew or should have known that the

aforementioned investigation and actions were pursued with illegal and retaliatory


Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 59 of 81

304. Defendant Ciciarelli in overseeing the investigation was obligated to

address, stop, and prevent the illegal and retaliatory actions taken against the

Plaintiff and he was deliberately indifferent to the illegal acts presented to him.

305. Defendant Ciciarelli failed and/or deliberately refused to address, stop,

and prevent the illegal and retaliatory actions taken against the Plaintiff.

306. Defendant Michael Dickinson knew or should have known of the

illegal and improper treatment of the plaintiff and he was deliberately indifferent to

the illegal acts presented to him.

307. Defendant Dickinson knew or should have known that the

aforementioned Investigations and actions were pursued with illegal and retaliatory


308. Defendant Dickinson in overseeing the investigation was obligated to

address, stop, and prevent the illegal and retaliatory actions taken against the


309. Defendant Dickinson failed and/or deliberately refused to address, stop,

and prevent the illegal and retaliatory actions taken against the Plaintiff.

310. All of the actions taken by the Defendants referred to herein while

acting under the color of state law and had the effect of depriving the Plaintiff of

rights secured by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 60 of 81

311. Defendants’ adverse actions were motivated in response to the exercise

of Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.

312. Defendants’ adverse actions caused the Plaintiff to suffer damages and

injuries, including but not limited to lost opportunities, pain and suffering,

emotional distress, anxiety and loss of pay and benefits.

313. The foregoing damages and injuries were calculated to chill a person of

ordinary firmness from continuing to exercise his/her right to free speech.

314. The acts of Defendants have permanently harmed the professional

reputation of the Plaintiff.

315. The acts of Defendants were done especially maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling the Plaintiff to recover punitive and compensatory damages.


LINDSEY M. LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as
employees of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s
Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 61 of 81

(42 U.S.C. §1985)

316. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

317. Defendants wrongly and incorrectly defamed, slandered and libeled

Sgt. Murphy in an effort to silence him by stating, amongst other things, that he

interfered with the investigations of others, that he did not know how to conduct

investigations; that he did not know how to procure, and had improperly procured,

a judicial warrant; that he was “silently insolent”, that he had created a hostile

work environment, that he took the investigative lead in the Budlong investigation;

that he didn’t sign in to his personal patrol vehicle and that he misrepresented

Dickenson’s orders not to do police work.

318. Thereafter, and based upon this tortious conduct, defendants further

retaliated and attempted to silence Sgt. Murphy by causing him to be passed over

for promotion, causing him to be transferred, causing him to be isolated, shunned,

embarrassed, defamed and caused damage to his personal and professional

reputation all because he exercised his First Amendment Right to Freedom of

Speech on matters of grave public concern.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 62 of 81

319. All of defendant’s acts of defamation, slander and libel were based

upon statements that were untrue and known to be untrue.

320. All of the actions taken by the Defendants referred to herein while

acting under the color of law as police officers and public officials and were

published with the purpose of depriving the Plaintiff of rights secured by the First

Amendment to the United States Constitution.

321. To accomplish these ends, Defendants Eugene Conway, Joseph

Ciciarelli, Michael Dickinson, Jammie Blumer, Jonathan Anderson, Joseph Peluso,

Roy Gratien, Jason Cassalia, Carl Hummel, William Fitzpatrick, Mellanie Carden

and Lindsey Luczka entered into a corrupt agreement to injure Sgt. Murphy,

deprive him of his Constitutional rights, his promotion, his status in the

professional community and his good name.

322. The preceding paragraphs contain numerous exemplars of overt acts

done in furtherance of the corrupt agreement. As well, however, attention is

specifically drawn to the following overt acts:

1) Gratien, Bloomer and Peluso engaged in an afterhours discussion

pertaining to the illegal seizure of blood in the aforementioned accident

investigation. See paragraphs 71 -75. This collusion resulted in the falsified police

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 63 of 81

report and an attempt to place the blame on Murphy as depicted in more detail


2) Anderson, following Peluso’s lead, initiated a similar, if not identical,

hostile work environment complaint for “silent insolence”.

3) Dickenson’s Order that Murphy not do police work was followed by

every defendant without question or appropriate investigation. Hummel did

not investigate as well even though he is outside the Sheriff’s chain of

command and tasked with addressing human resource issues.

4) Fitzpatrick, Carden and Luczka wrote Sgt. Murphy and, in a separate

effort, called his wife to threaten him with arrest and indictment.

323. Defendants’ adverse and wrongful actions and their corrupt agreement

were motivated in response to Murphy’s exercise of his constitutional rights.

324. Defendants’ adverse actions caused the Plaintiff to suffer damages and

injuries, including but not limited to lost employment and professional

opportunities, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, anxiety and

loss of pay and benefits.

325. The acts of Defendants have permanently harmed the professional

reputation of the Plaintiff as well as his personal reputation in the community.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 64 of 81

326. The acts of Defendants were done especially maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling the Plaintiff to recover punitive and compensatory damages.


LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as employees of
Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.

327. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

328. Article 1, Section 8 of the New York State Constitution declares

unequivocally that “[e]very citizen may freely speak, write and publish his or her

sentiments on all subjects”.

329. Sgt. Murphy spoke to his supervisors repeatedly of the shortcomings in

training, supervision, policy and conduct of patrol units operating throughout the

Onondaga County area.

330. Sgt. Murphy unequivocally made it known that defendants Onondaga

County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department had instituted training
Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 65 of 81

programs and methods of supervision that were inadequate and led to numerous

false arrests of citizens during A watch.

331. Sgt. Murphy told his supervisors of arrests made without probable

cause, illegal search and seizure, falsified and improper record keeping, racially

motivated conduct, lack of training, lack of supervision and lack of required

counseling/ re-training to cure the many shortcomings.

332. Concerned about inadequate training, inadequate supervision and

compromised leadership, Sgt. Murphy complained about improper arrests and

wrongful police conduct that came to his attention.

333. Sgt. Murphy’s complaints were, and are, an exercise of his Article One,

Section 8 right to free speech on a matter of grave public concern.

334. Sgt. Murphy’s complaints as to inadequate training, supervision and

discipline of police officers is a matter of grave public concern.

335. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the failure of Sheriff’s Deputies to investigate

and to make necessary reports is an exercise of his right to free speech in a matter

of grave public concern.

336. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the engagement of police officers in racially

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 66 of 81

motivated conduct is an exercise of his right to free speech in a matter of grave

public concern.

337. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the improper conduct of police officers

engaging in sexual acts with minors and/or confidential informants is an exercise

of free speech on a matter of grave public concern.

338. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on improper police conduct in the improper

search and seizure of blood without a judicial warrant is an exercise of free speech

on a matter of grave public concern.

339. Sgt. Murphy’s reports on the illegal and unconstitutional use of an

inadequate holding cell is a matter of grave public concern.

340. All of the unprofessional behavior identified by Sgt. Murphy

constituted matters of grave public concerned as innocent people were arrested and

detained, illegal and wrongful conduct was uninvestigated and ignored and the

level of training and supervision continued to deteriorate.

341. In retaliation, Sgt. Murphy was ordered not to do police work, was

relieved of his command, was not permitted to utilize a patrol car or appear in

public while in uniform, was deprived of a well-earned promotion, was transferred

to inconvenient locations, was not permitted to supervise patrol officers, was

forced to sit idly at a desk with no work and in plain sight of his fellow officers,
Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 67 of 81

was deprived of opportunities to earn overtime compensation, his wife was

deprived a adequate and appropriate police protection, he was relieved of almost

all of his teaching and instructional responsibilities, he was humiliated, insulted

and threatened.

342. In further retaliation, Sgt. Murphy’s requests for an investigation into

the retaliation he was experiencing, the hostile work environment he was forced to

endure, his loss of overtime, transfers to inconvenient locations, the failure to

investigate the circumstances surrounding the assault upon his wife and the other

circumstances delineated above were refused or ignored.

343. Defendants’ adverse and wrongful actions were motivated in response

to Murphy’s exercise of his rights under Article One, Section 8 of the Constitution

of the State of New York.

344. Defendants’ adverse actions caused the Plaintiff to suffer damages and

injuries, including but not limited to lost employment and professional

opportunities, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, anxiety and

loss of pay and benefits.

345. The acts of Defendants have permanently harmed the professional

reputation of the Plaintiff as well as his personal reputation in the community.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 68 of 81

346. The acts of Defendants were done especially maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling the Plaintiff to recover punitive and compensatory damages.


LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as employees of
Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.
(42 U.S.C. §1983)

347. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

348. Plaintiff is entitled to the equal protection of the laws pursuant to the

Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

349. By engaging in the foregoing conduct, Defendant have violated rights

guaranteed to the Plaintiffs under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth

Amendment to the United States Constitution in that the Plaintiff was deprived of

police protection because of the malicious, self-serving, defamatory acts, omissions

and statements of the defendants.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 69 of 81

350. Sgt Murphy was deprived of the internal affairs investigation, personnel

investigations and competent criminal investigation necessary to bring forth factual

determinations, appropriate charges and allegations in criminal court as well as to

guarantee his personal safety and the safety of his family.

351. All of the actions taken by Defendants were done while acting under

color of state law and had the effect of depriving Sgt. Murphy of his rights to equal

protection under the laws as secured by the Constitution and the laws of the United

States and specifically the Fourteenth Amendment.

352. The actions of the Defendants have resulted in emotional injury to the

Plaintiffs and constitute malicious and/or reckless behavior, entitling Plaintiff to

recover punitive and compensatory damages.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 70 of 81


and BRYAN EDWARDS all individually as well as in their capacities as
employees of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s

353. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

354. On several occasions after the issue arose of possible illegal acts and

violations related to various Sheriff’s Deputies under their command, defendants

maliciously and willfully defamed the Plaintiffs by making statements which they

knew to be false and fraudulent.

355. Said statements were published to third parties both verbally and in


356. Said statements were made without the knowledge or consent of Sgt.


357. Said statements were made both intentionally, with the specific intent to

injure Sgt. Murphy, and negligently.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 71 of 81

358. Said statements were meant to maliciously degrade, humiliate and harm

Sgt. Murphy, to cause him to retire prematurely and to hurt his reputation in the

law enforcement community.

359. Said statements were made with malicious disregard for the truth.

360. Exemplars of Defendant’s false statements include, but are not limited

to, the following:

1) That Sgt. Murphy interferes in the investigations of others;

2) That Sgt. Murphy was to blame for the illegal seizure of the blood sample

from a local area hospital;

3) That Sgt. Murphy worked poorly with his subordinates and was a poor


4) That Sgt. Murphy had engaged in “silent insolence” in the context of a

hostile work environment complaint when Sgt. Murphy was merely trying to

avoid a confrontation with aggressive and belligerent officers;

5) That defendants reported and caused an unwarranted criminal

investigation of Sgt. Murphy.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 72 of 81

361. As a direct and proximate result of defendant’s false statements and/or

defendant’s reckless disregard for the truth, plaintiff has suffered personal

humiliation, mental anguish and damage to his reputation and standing in the


362. As a result of Defendant’s knowingly false statements, plaintiff’s

professional career, and thus his livelihood, has been irreparably damaged.

363. Sgt. Murphy’s reputation was permanently harmed both in the law

enforcement community and elsewhere, he has been deprived of promotions,

overtime and other monetary benefits and his future prospects for employment

have been severely harmed.

364. Defendant’s false statements herein were made maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling Plaintiffs to recover compensatory and punitive damages from

the Defendants.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 73 of 81


WESTCOTT EVENTS all individually as well as in their capacities as
employees of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s

365. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

366. Defendants agreed between themselves that, in order to retaliate against

Sgt. Murphy, they would propagate various falsehoods as to his incompetence and

unprofessional conduct.

367. On several occasions after the issue arose of possible illegal acts and

violations related to various Sheriff’s Deputies under their command, defendants

maliciously and willfully defamed the Plaintiffs by making statements which they

knew to be false.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 74 of 81

368. Said statements were, by agreement, published to third parties both

verbally and in writing.

369. Said statements were made both intentionally, with the specific intent to

injure Sgt. Murphy, and negligently.

370. Said statements were meant to maliciously degrade, humiliate and harm

Sgt. Murphy, to cause him to retire prematurely, to hurt his reputation in the law

enforcement community and to cover-up the illegal and improper activities that

Sgt. Murphy had brought to light.

371. Said statements were made with malicious disregard for the truth.

372. Said statements were made without Sgt. Murphy’s knowledge or


373. As a direct and proximate result of defendant’s false statements and/or

defendant’s reckless disregard for the truth, plaintiffs has suffered personal

humiliation, mental anguish and damage to his reputation and standing in the


374. As a result of Defendant’s knowingly false statements, plaintiff’s

professional career, and thus his livelihood, has been irreparably damaged.

375. Sgt. Murphy’s reputation was permanently harmed both in the law

enforcement community and elsewhere, he has been deprived of promotions,

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 75 of 81

overtime and other monetary benefits and his future prospects for employment

have been severely harmed.

376. Defendant’s false statements herein were made maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling Plaintiffs to recover compensatory and punitive damages from

Defendants Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.

377. In particular, and as an example of an overt act, defendants spread

rumors indicating that Sgt. Murphy routinely interfered with the investigations of

other officers.

378. As a further example of an overt act, defendants spread rumors

indicating that Sgt. Murphy did not supervise his subordinate officers well.

379. As a further example of an overt act, defendants spread rumors

indicating that Sgt. Murphy himself caused the illegal seizure of a defendant’s

blood as more specifically depicted above.

380. As a further example of an overt act, defendants officially complained

of “silent insolence” in the context of a hostile work environment complaint when

Sgt. Murphy was merely trying to avoid a confrontation with aggressive and

belligerent officers.

381. As a further example of an overt act, defendants caused a criminal

investigation of Sgt. Murphy.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 76 of 81

382. As a direct and proximate result of defendant’s agreement to make false

statements and/or defendant’s agreement to recklessly disregard the truth, plaintiff

has suffered personal humiliation, mental anguish and damage to his reputation

and standing in the community.

383. As a result of Defendant’s agreement to knowingly make false

statements, plaintiff’s professional career, and thus his livelihood, has been

irreparably damaged.

384. Sgt. Murphy’s reputation was permanently harmed both in the law

enforcement community and elsewhere, he has been deprived of promotions,

overtime and other monetary benefits and his future prospects for employment

have been severely harmed.

385. Defendant’s false statements herein were made maliciously and/or

recklessly, entitling Plaintiffs to recover compensatory and punitive damages from

the Defendants.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 77 of 81


CARL HUMMEL, all individually as well as in their capacities as employees
of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department.

386. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

387. By the actions described above, the Defendants engaged in extreme and

outrageous conduct, which intentionally caused severe emotional distress to


388. Defendants intended to cause, or disregarded the substantial probability

of causing, severe emotional distress upon the plaintiff, Sgt. Murphy.

389. The acts and conduct of the defendants were the direct proximate cause

of injury and damage to the Plaintiff and violated his statutory and common law

rights as guaranteed by the laws and Constitution of the United States and the

State of New York.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 78 of 81

390. Sgt. Murphy has suffered severe emotional distress as illustrated by his

medical care as noted above and his ongoing treatment.

391. Overt acts which comprise examples of the efforts of the defendants are as


1) Sgt. Murphy was not allowed to appear in public in uniform.

2) Sgt. Murphy was not allowed to supervise patrol officers.

3) Sgt. Murphy was not allowed to do police work.

4) Sgt. Murphy was required to sit at a desk all day, with no work, while

others looked on.

5) Sgt. Murphy was wrongly passed over for promotion in favor of an

officer with less experience.

6) Sgt. Murphy’s wife was assaulted without the Department so much as

instituting an investigation.

392. Sgt. Murphy’s suffering due to severe emotional distress continues to

this day and is expected to continue into the future.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 79 of 81


AND LINDSEY LUCZKA all individually as well as in their capacities as
employees of Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s

393. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each of the allegations set

forth in the preceding paragraphs as if re-alleged fully herein.

394. The conduct of the Defendants as described above is, and was,

outrageous and far beyond the norms of civilized and professional conduct.

395. Defendants had a duty not only to avoid such conduct but, to conduct

themselves in a civilized and professional manner.

396. Defendants negligence was the direct and proximate cause of Sgt.

Murphy’s emotional distress and evidenced by his need for medical care as noted

above and his continuing treatment.

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 80 of 81

397. Sgt. Murphy has been the recipient of severe emotional distress as

illustrated by his medical care as noted above and his ongoing treatment.

398. Sgt. Murphy’s suffering due to severe emotional distress continues to

this day and is expected to continue into the future.

399. As a result of the foregoing, Plaintiff endured, and continues to endure,

serious and prolonged pain, suffering, trauma, psychological and emotional injury.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment in an amount which will fairly

and adequately compensate him for his injuries, damages, suffering and losses, in

an amount that exceeds the jurisdictional limits of all lower Courts, together with

the costs and disbursements of this action, including attorneys’ fees and costs,

punitive damages and such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and


Dated: June 7, 2019

S/ Jeffrey Parry
Jeffrey R. Parry
Bar Roll No.: 508023
Attorney for the Plaintiff
7030 East Genesee Street
Fayetteville, New York 13066
Tel. No.: (315) 424-6115
[email protected]

Case 5:18-cv-01218-GLS-CFH Document 58 Filed 07/02/19 Page 81 of 81


JW Smith
Jarrod W. Smith, Esq.
Bar Roll No.: 512289
Co-Counsel for Plaintiff
11 South Main Street
P.O. Box 173
Jordan, New York 13080
Tel. No.: (315) 277-5370
[email protected]


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