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American National Standard

for Financial Services

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Retail Financial Services

Symmetric Key Management
Part 1: Using Symmetric Techniques


Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc.

Approved: October 13, 2009

American National Standards Institute

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process,
consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer.

Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement
has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a
simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered,
and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution.

The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude
anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using
products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.

The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an
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interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.
Requests for interpretation should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title
page of this standard.

CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures
of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this
standard no later than five years from the date of approval.

Published by

Accredited Standards Committee X9, Incorporated

Financial Industry Standards
1212 West Street, Suite 200
Annapolis, MD 21401 USA
X9 Online

Copyright  2009 Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc.

All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without
prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.

© 2009 – All rights reserved i

ANS X9.24-1:2009


Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................... i
Figures........................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Tables .......................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
2.1 Application ................................................................................................................................................... 17
3 References ................................................................................................................................................... 18
4 Terms and Definitions................................................................................................................................. 18
5 Standard Organization ................................................................................................................................ 24
6 Environment................................................................................................................................................. 24
6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Cardholder and Card Issuer ....................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Card Acceptor .............................................................................................................................................. 24
6.4 Acquirer ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
7 Key Management Requirements ................................................................................................................ 25
7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.2 Tamper-Resistant Security Modules (TRSM) used for Key Management.............................................. 26
7.3 A Secure Environment ................................................................................................................................ 28
7.4 Key Generation ............................................................................................................................................ 28
7.5 Symmetric Key Distribution........................................................................................................................ 28
7.5.1 Manual Distribution ..................................................................................................................................... 28
7.5.2 Key Initialization Facility ............................................................................................................................. 29
7.5.3 Key Loading Device..................................................................................................................................... 29
7.6 Key Utilization .............................................................................................................................................. 29
7.7 Key Replacement......................................................................................................................................... 30
7.8 Key Destruction and Archival..................................................................................................................... 30
7.9 Key Encryption/Decryption......................................................................................................................... 30
8 Key Management Specifications................................................................................................................ 30
8.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
8.2 Methods of Key Management..................................................................................................................... 31
8.2.1 Key Management Methods Requiring Compromise Prevention Controls............................................. 31
8.2.2 Key Management Method Requiring Compromise Detection Controls................................................. 32
8.3 Key Identification Techniques.................................................................................................................... 32
8.3.1 Implicit Key Identification ........................................................................................................................... 32
8.3.2 Key Identification by Name......................................................................................................................... 32
8.4 Security Management Information Data (SMID) Element ........................................................................ 32
8.4.1 Notations, Abbreviations and Conventions.............................................................................................. 34
8.4.2 Representation............................................................................................................................................. 35
8.4.3 Key Naming .................................................................................................................................................. 37
8.5 Method: Fixed Transaction Keys ............................................................................................................... 38
8.5.1 SMID.............................................................................................................................................................. 38

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8.5.2 Additional Key Management Requirements.............................................................................................. 39

8.5.3 Additional Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 39
8.6 Method: Master Keys / Transaction Keys ................................................................................................. 39
8.6.1 SMID .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
8.6.2 Additional Key Management Requirements.............................................................................................. 40
8.6.3 Additional Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 40
8.7 Method: DUKPT (Derived Unique Key Per Transaction).......................................................................... 41
8.7.1 SMID .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
8.7.2 Additional Key Management Requirements.............................................................................................. 43
8.7.3 Additional Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Annex A (Informative) Derived Unique Key Per Transaction ............................................................................... 45
A.1 Storage Areas............................................................................................................................................... 45
A.1.1 PIN Processing............................................................................................................................................. 45
A.1.2 Key Management ......................................................................................................................................... 45
A.2 Processing Algorithms................................................................................................................................ 46
A.3 Key Management Technique ...................................................................................................................... 50
A.4 DUKPT Test Data Examples ....................................................................................................................... 54
A.4.1 Variants of the Current Key ........................................................................................................................55
A.4.2 Initial Sequence............................................................................................................................................ 58
A.4.3 MSB Rollover Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 62
A.4.4 Calculation and Storage of DUKPT Transaction Keys at the Terminal .................................................. 65
A.5 "Security Module" Algorithm For Automatic PIN Entry Device Checking ............................................. 68
A.6 Derivation Of The Initial Key....................................................................................................................... 69
Annex B (Informative) SMID Examples................................................................................................................... 70
Annex C (Informative) Initial Key Distribution ....................................................................................................... 75
C.1 Overview of Key Management.................................................................................................................... 75
C.2 Objectives of initial key distribution .......................................................................................................... 77
C.3 Requirements for initial key distribution................................................................................................... 77
C.3.1 Key generation ............................................................................................................................................. 77
C.3.2 Key transport................................................................................................................................................ 78
C.3.3 Key insertion ................................................................................................................................................ 79
C.4 Implementation considerations.................................................................................................................. 80
C.4.1 Key generation ............................................................................................................................................. 81
C.4.2 Key transport................................................................................................................................................ 81
C.4.3 Key loading................................................................................................................................................... 81
C.4.4 Protection of cryptographic devices ......................................................................................................... 82
C.4.5 Reloading of cryptographic devices.......................................................................................................... 84
C.5 Example of manual key distribution .......................................................................................................... 84
C.6 Example of key loading controls at a manufacturer’s facility ................................................................. 87
Annex D (Informative) Key Set Identifiers .............................................................................................................. 88
D.1 An Example Key Serial Number Format .................................................................................................... 88
D.1.1 IIN - 3 Bytes - Issuer Identification Number .............................................................................................. 89
D.1.2 CID - 1 Byte - Customer ID .......................................................................................................................... 89
D.1.3 GID - 1 Byte - Group ID................................................................................................................................ 89
D.1.4 DID - 19 Bit Device ID .................................................................................................................................. 89
D.1.5 TCTR - 21 Bit Transaction Counter............................................................................................................ 90

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ANS X9.24-1:2009

Figure 1 – DUKPT at Receiving TRSM ....................................................................................................................42

Figure 2 – DUKPT at Originating TRSM...................................................................................................................43

Figure A-1 – Key calculation for PIN-encrypting key and MAC keys ........................................................................56

Figure A-2 – Key calculation for Data Encryption keys.............................................................................................56

Figure C-1 - Example transaction flow .....................................................................................................................75

Figure C-2 - Characteristics of initial key distribution................................................................................................76

Figure C-3 – Generating Key Check Value ..............................................................................................................86

Figure D-1 – Key Serial Number Format Example ...................................................................................................89

iv © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Table A-1 - Variant constants for transaction keys .................................................................................................. 56

Table A-2 Chronological Accesses to Future Key Registers ................................................................................... 66

Table C-1 – Example of Pair-wise XOR Combination of Key components for DEA................................................ 85

© 2009 – All rights reserved v

ANS X9.24-1:2009


Today, billions of dollars in funds are transferred electronically by various communication methods. Transactions
are often entered remotely, off-premise from financial institutions, by retailers or by customers directly. Such
transactions are transmitted over potentially non-secure media. The vast range in value, size, and the volume of
such transactions expose institutions to severe risks, which may be uninsurable.

To protect these financial messages and other sensitive information, many institutions are making increased use
of the American National Standards Institute Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA). Specific examples of its
use include standards for message authentication, personal identification number encryption, other data
encryption, and key encryption.

The TDEA is in the public domain. The security and reliability of any process based on the TDEA is directly
dependent on the protection afforded to secret numbers called cryptographic keys. This part of this standard deals
exclusively with management of symmetric keys using symmetric techniques. ANS X9.24-2 addresses
management of symmetric keys using asymmetric techniques.

A familiar analogy may be found in the combination lock of a vault. The lock design is public knowledge. Security
is provided by keeping a number, the combination, a secret. Secure operation also depends on protective
procedures and features which prevent surreptitious viewing or determination of the combination by listening to its
operation. Procedures are also required to ensure that the combination is random and cannot be modified by an
unauthorized individual without detection.

Suggestions for the improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the ASC X9 Secretariat,
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc., 1212 West Street, Suite 200, Annapolis, MD 21401.

The standard was processed and approved for submittal to the American National Standards Institute by the
Accredited Standards Committee X9 - Financial Services. Committee approval of the standard does not
necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the X9
Committee had the following members:

Roy DeCicco, X9 Chairman

Vincent DeSantis, X9 Vice-Chairman
Cynthia Fuller, Executive Director
Janet Busch, Program Manager

Organization Represented Representative

ACI Worldwide Doug Grote
ACI Worldwide Cindy Rink
American Bankers Association Tom Judd
American Bankers Association C. Diane Poole
American Express Company Ted Peirce
Apriva Len Sutton
Bank of America Andi Coleman
Bank of America Daniel Welch
Certicom Corporation Daniel Brown
Citigroup, Inc. Mark Clancy
Citigroup, Inc. Michael Knorr

vi © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Citigroup, Inc. Karla McKenna

Citigroup, Inc. Chii-Ren Tsai
CUSIP Service Bureau Gerard Faulkner
CUSIP Service Bureau James Taylor
Deluxe Corporation John FitzPatrick
Deluxe Corporation Ralph Stolp
Diebold, Inc. Bruce Chapa
Diebold, Inc. Anne Konecny
Discover Financial Services Dave Irwin
Discover Financial Services Deana Morrow
Federal Reserve Bank Deb Hjortland
Federal Reserve Bank Claudia Swendseid
First Data Corporation Todd Nuzum
First Data Corporation Rick Van Luvender
Fiserv Bud Beattie
Fiserv Kevin Finn
Fiserv Lori Hood
Fiserv Dan Otten
Fiserv Skip Smith
FIX Protocol Ltd Jim Northey
Harland Clarke John McCleary
Hewlett Packard Larry Hines
Hewlett Packard Gary Lefkowitz
IBM Corporation Todd Arnold
IFSA Dexter Holt
IFSA Dan Taylor
Ingenico Steve McKibben
Ingenico John Spence
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Robert Blair
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Roy DeCicco
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Edward Koslow
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Jackie Pagan
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Charita Wamack
Key Innovations Scott Spiker
Key Innovations Paul Walters
KPMG LLP Mark Lundin
MagTek, Inc. Terry Benson
MagTek, Inc. Jeff Duncan
MagTek, Inc. Mimi Hart
MasterCard International Mark Kamers
Merchant Advisory Group Dodd Roberts
Metavante Image Solutions Stephen Gibson-Saxty
NACHA The Electronic Payments
Association Nancy Grant
National Association of Convenience Stores Michael Davis
National Association of Convenience Stores Alan Thiemann
National Security Agency Paul Timmel
NCR Corporation David Norris
NCR Corporation Steve Stevens
RouteOne Mark Leonard
SWIFT/Pan Americas Jean- Eloy

© 2009 – All rights reserved vii

ANS X9.24-1:2009

SWIFT/Pan Americas James Wills
SWIFT/Pan Americas Jamie Shay
TECSEC Incorporated Ed Scheidt
The Clearing House Vincent DeSantis
U.S. Bank Brian Fickling
U.S. Bank Gregg Walker
University Bank Stephen Ranzini
University Bank Michael Talley
VeriFone, Inc. David Ezell
VeriFone, Inc. Dave Faoro
VeriFone, Inc. Allison Holland
VeriFone, Inc. Doug Manchester
VeriFone, Inc. Brad McGuinness
VeriFone, Inc. Brenda Watlington
VISA Brian Hamilton
VISA John Sheets
VISA Richard Sweeney
Wells Fargo Bank Andrew Garner
Wells Fargo Bank Mike McCormick
Wells Fargo Bank Mike Rudolph
Wells Fargo Bank Mark Tiggas
Wincor Nixdorf Inc Ramesh Arunashalam
XBRL US, Inc. Mark Bolgiano

At the time it approved this standard, the X9F Subcommittee on Data and Information Security had the following

Dick Sweeney, Chairperson

Organization Represented Representative

Company First Name Last Name

ACI Worldwide Doug Grote

ACI Worldwide Julie Samson

ACI Worldwide Sid Sidner

American Bankers Association Tom Judd

American Express Company William J. Gray

American Express Company Vicky Sammons

Bank of America Dion Bellamy

Bank of America Terrelle Carswell

Bank of America Andi Coleman

viii © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Bank of America Todd Inskeep

Bank of America John McGraw

Bank of America Chris Schrick

Bank of America Daniel Welch

Certicom Corporation Daniel Brown

Certicom Corporation John O. Goyo

Certicom Corporation Sandra Lambert

Certicom Corporation Scott Vanstone

Citigroup, Inc. Mark Clancy

Citigroup, Inc. Susan Rhodes

Citigroup, Inc. Gary Word

Communications Security Establishment Alan Poplove

Communications Security Establishment Bridget Walshe

Cryptographic Assurance Services Ralph Poore

Cryptographic Assurance Services Jeff Stapleton

CUSIP Service Bureau Scott Preiss

CUSIP Service Bureau James Taylor

DeLap LLP Steve Case

DeLap LLP Darlene Kargel

Deluxe Corporation John FitzPatrick

Deluxe Corporation Ralph Stolp

Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation Robert Palatnick

Diebold, Inc. Bruce Chapa

Diebold, Inc. Laura Drozda

Diebold, Inc. Scott Harroff

Diebold, Inc. Anne Konecny

Diebold, Inc. Jessica Wapole

© 2009 – All rights reserved ix

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Discover Financial Services Julie Shaw

Entrust, Inc. Sharon Boeyen

Entrust, Inc. Miles Smid

Federal Reserve Bank Darin Contini

Federal Reserve Bank Pieralberto Deganello

Federal Reserve Bank Deb Hjortland

Federal Reserve Bank Mike Ram

Ferris and Associates, Inc. J. Martin Ferris

First Data Corporation Lisa Curry

First Data Corporation Lilik Kazaryan

First Data Corporation Todd Nuzum

First Data Corporation Scott Quinn

First Data Corporation Andrea Stallings

First Data Corporation Rick Van Luvender

Fiserv Bud Beattie

Fiserv Mary Bland

Fiserv Kevin Finn

Fiserv Dennis Freiburg

Fiserv Dan Otten

Futurex Greg Schmid

GEOBRIDGE Corporation Jason Way

Harland Clarke Joseph Filer

Harland Clarke John McCleary

Harland Clarke John Petrie

Heartland Payment Systems Roger Cody

Heartland Payment Systems Glenda Preen

Hewlett Packard Larry Hines

x © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Hewlett Packard Susan Langford

Hewlett Packard Gary Lefkowitz

Hypercom Mohammad Arif

Hypercom Gary Zempich

IBM Corporation Todd Arnold

IBM Corporation Michael Kelly

IFSA Dexter Holt

Independent Community Bankers of America Cary Whaley

InfoGard Laboratories Doug Biggs

InfoGard Laboratories Ken Kolstad

Ingenico John Spence

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Robert Blair

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Edward Koslow

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Kathleen Krupa

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Donna Meagher

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co Jackie Pagan

K3DES LLC Azie Amini

Key Innovations Scott Spiker

KPMG LLP Mark Lundin

MagTek, Inc. Terry Benson

MagTek, Inc. Jeff Duncan

MagTek, Inc. Mimi Hart

MasterCard International Jeanne Moore

MasterCard International Michael Ward

Merchant Advisory Group Brad Andrews

Merchant Advisory Group Dodd Roberts

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Elaine Barker

© 2009 – All rights reserved xi

ANS X9.24-1:2009

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Lawrence Bassham III

National Institute of Standards and

Technology William Burr

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Lily Chen

National Institute of Standards and

Technology David Cooper

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Morris Dworkin

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Randall Easter

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Sharon Keller

National Institute of Standards and

Technology John Kelsey

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Annabelle Lee

National Institute of Standards and

Technology Fernando Podio

National Security Agency Mike Boyle

National Security Agency Greg Gilbert

National Security Agency Tim Havighurst

National Security Agency Paul Timmel

National Security Agency Debby Wallner

NCR Corporation Charlie Harrow

NCR Corporation Ali Lowden

NCR Corporation David Norris

NCR Corporation Ron Rogers

NCR Corporation Steve Stevens

NCR Corporation Ally Whytock

NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc. Nick Graham

xii © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc. Ari Singer

NTRU Cryptosystems, Inc. William Whyte

Pitney Bowes, Inc. Andrei Obrea

Pitney Bowes, Inc. Leon Pintsov

Pitney Bowes, Inc. Rick Ryan

RBS Group Dan Collins

Rosetta Technologies Jim Maher

Rosetta Technologies Paul Malinowski

RSA, The Security Division of EMC Steve Schmalz

Surety, Inc. Dimitrios Andivahis

Surety, Inc. Tom Klaff

TECSEC Incorporated Ed Scheidt

TECSEC Incorporated Dr. Wai Tsang

TECSEC Incorporated Jay Wack

Thales e-Security, Inc. Colette Broadway

Thales e-Security, Inc. Jose Diaz

Thales e-Security, Inc. Tim Fox

Thales e-Security, Inc. James Torjussen

The Clearing House Vincent DeSantis

The Clearing House Henry Farrar

The Clearing House Susan Long

U.S. Bank Glenn Marshall

U.S. Bank Peter Skirvin

U.S. Bank Robert Thomas

Unisys Corporation David J. Concannon

Unisys Corporation Navnit Shah

University Bank Stephen Ranzini

© 2009 – All rights reserved xiii

ANS X9.24-1:2009

University Bank Michael Talley

VeriFone, Inc. John Barrowman

VeriFone, Inc. David Ezell

VeriFone, Inc. Dave Faoro

VeriFone, Inc. Doug Manchester

VeriFone, Inc. Brad McGuinness

VeriFone, Inc. Brenda Watlington

VISA Leon Fell

VISA Tara Kissoon

VISA Chackan Lai

VISA Stoddard Lambertson

VISA Chris McDaniel

VISA John Sheets

VISA Richard Sweeney

VISA (Hans) Van Tilburg

Voltage Security, Inc. Luther Martin

Voltage Security, Inc. Terence Spies

Wells Fargo Bank Mick Bauer

Wells Fargo Bank Jason Buck

Wells Fargo Bank Andrew Garner

Wells Fargo Bank Jeff Jacoby

Wells Fargo Bank Brian Keltner

Wells Fargo Bank Israel Laracuente

Wells Fargo Bank Eric Lengvenis

Wells Fargo Bank Mike McCormick

Wells Fargo Bank David Naelon

Wells Fargo Bank Doug Pelton

xiv © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Wells Fargo Bank Chuck Perry

Wells Fargo Bank Keith Ross

Wells Fargo Bank Mike Rudolph

Wells Fargo Bank Ruven Schwartz

Wells Fargo Bank Craig Shorter

Wells Fargo Bank Tony Stieber

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Ramesh Arunashalam

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Saul Caprio

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Joerg-Peter Dohrs

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Matthias Runowski

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Adam Sandoval

Wincor Nixdorf Inc Michael Waechter

The X9F6 working group that revised this standard consisted of the following members:

John Sheets, Chairperson

Organization Represented Representative

ACI Worldwide Doug Grote
ACI Worldwide Jim Jeter
ACI Worldwide Sid Sidner
Bank of America Andi Coleman
DeLap LLP Steve Case
DeLap LLP Darlene Kargel
Diebold, Inc. Bruce Chapa
Dresser Wayne Tim Weston
Fagan and Associates, LLC Jeanne Fagan
First Data Corporation Lisa Curry
First Data Corporation Lilik Kazaryan
First Data Corporation Scott Quinn
First Data Corporation Andrea Stallings
Fiserv Dan Otten
Futurex Chris Hamlett
GEOBRIDGE Corporation Jason Way
Gilbarco Bruce Welch
Heartland Payment Systems Roger Cody
Heartland Payment Systems Glenda Preen
Hewlett Packard Larry Hines
Hypercom Gary Zempich
IBM Corporation Todd Arnold
Ingenico John Spence

© 2009 – All rights reserved xv

ANS X9.24-1:2009

K3DES LLC James Richardson

K3DES LLC Azie Amini
Key Innovations Scott Spiker
Mustang Microsystems, Inc. Tom Galloway
NCR Corporation Charlie Harrow
Rick (Richard
RP Kastner Consulting, Inc. Kastner
SafeNet, Inc. Brett Thompson
Thales e-Security, Inc. Jose Diaz
Thales e-Security, Inc. James Torjussen
VeriFone, Inc. Doug Manchester
VISA John Sheets
Wells Fargo Bank Craig Shorter

xvi © 2009 – All rights reserved

ANS X9.24-1:2009

Retail Financial Services

Symmetric Key Management
Part 1: Using Symmetric Techniques

1 Purpose
This key management standard, utilized in conjunction with the American National Standard Triple
Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) (see Reference 2), is used to manage symmetric keys that can
be used to protect messages and other sensitive information in a financial services environment.
The security and reliability of any process based on the TDEA is directly dependent on the
protection afforded to secret parameters called cryptographic keys.

This standard establishes requirements and guidelines for the secure management and
application-level interoperability of keying operations. Such keys could be used for authenticating
messages (see Reference 5), for encrypting Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) (see
Reference 4), for encrypting other data, and for encrypting other keys.

2 Scope
This part of this standard covers both the manual and automated management of keying material
used for financial services such as point-of-sale (POS) transactions (debit and credit), automated
teller machine (ATM) transactions, messages among terminals and financial institutions, and
interchange messages among acquirers, switches and card issuers. This part of this standard
deals exclusively with management of symmetric keys using symmetric techniques. This part of
this standard specifies the minimum requirements for the management of keying material.
Addressed are all components of the key management life cycle including generation, distribution,
utilization, storage, archiving, replacement and destruction of the keying material. An institution's
key management process, whether implemented in a computer or a terminal, is not to be
implemented or controlled in a manner that has less security, protection, or control than described
herein. It is intended that two nodes, if they implement compatible versions of:

 the same secure key management method,

 the same secure key identification technique approved for a particular method, and

 the same key separation methodologies

in accordance with this part of this standard will be interoperable at the application level. Other
characteristics may be necessary for node interoperability; however, this part of this standard does
not cover such characteristics as message format, communications protocol, transmission speed,
or device interface.

2.1 Application

This part of this standard is applicable for institutions implementing techniques to safeguard
cryptographic keys used for authentication and encryption of messages and other sensitive data.
Specifically, this applies to institutions in the financial services industry implementing References 4
and/or 5.

© 2009 – All rights reserved 17

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