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The yogic lifestyle

“Yoga is a discipline to improve the quality of life; a philosophy to attain peace. If you
want to experience health, if you want to experience peace, and to evolve, make yoga a
part of your lifestyle.”
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Yoga is a science of transformation and spiritual evolution perfected and handed down
by the ancient sages and seers of humanity over the ages. This is our real spiritual
heritage. To honour and benefit from this heritage, we need to connect with the
teachings and the wisdom of yoga as a lifestyle. Only when yoga becomes a lifestyle is
there enhancement of physical health and stamina, development of mental clarity and
inner creativity, and an experience of peace and fulfilment from life.

The yogic lifestyle is based upon the precepts of practice, awareness, attitude, action,
detachment and discrimination. Awareness is the ability to observe and understand the
environment, conditions, situations and events that influence us. Attitude involves
developing a positive and creative outlook on life, and the ability to convert negative
influences into an inspiration to improve and encourage others to improve also. Action
involves an understanding of how we act, think and interact in the world, which should
be assisted by viveka or discrimination, knowing just from unjust, right from wrong,
appropriate from inappropriate and universal from limited.

Yoga Lifestyle Capsule trainings include daily classes with asana, pranayama, yoga
nidra and simple meditation practices, as well as instruction on lifestyle. The trainings
also give an opportunity to become familiar with ashram life, with its holistic approach to
yoga. The daily schedule includes karma yoga and evening sadhana focusing on bhakti
and jnana yoga. Yoga Lifestyle Capsules are suitable for beginners and those with no
previous ashram experience.

Yogic dimensions of the human personality

The koshas, body, mind, energy, consciousness and spirit are the five aspects that
make one whole personality. The approach of yoga is to access all these dimensions of
the personality. The chosen yoga practices for deepening experience in sadhana must
also be able to activate the experiences underlying all these five different levels and

Developing the human nature and total personality involves moving from annamaya, the
body, to manomaya, the mind, to pranamaya, energy, to vijnanamaya,consciousness, to
anandamaya, the experience of spirit. All aspects of the human nature and personality
must rise together. Any kind of yoga practice must cater to all these five different
components of life.

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