The R & D System

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The R & D system

5.1 The knowledge machine

For the politician or industrial manager, it is all too easy to think of
science as a more or less self-contained machine for producing knowl-
edge. The scientists are big wheels or small cogs, driven by competitive
or bureaucratic interaction. The whole thing is rather like a gold dredge,
digging away at the primary ore of natural phenomena, passing it
through the grinding and separating plant, and extracting fully refined
knowledge. The main question seems to be how to take control of the
machine, and direct it towards the richest lodes, to get the most
profitable output. This instrumental attitude (§6.2) is implicit, for
example, in the title of J. D. Bernal's famous book - The Social
Function of Science'. We may even discuss the social role of science, as
if it were an actor in a human drama, a self-conscious being with an
autonomous personality.
But the image of science as a machine or an organism is fundamen-
tally misleading. The metaphor implies a much higher degree of
structural coherence and integration than is ever to be found in reality.
It encourages big, bold, silly questions like 'How can science get us out
of this mess?' or Ts science a good thing?', for which there are only vain
silly answers. If STS education is to make any progress, it must probe
deeper than this into the complex web of social relations in which
science is entangled.
One of the pioneering organizations in the STS movement calls itself
SISCON - Science In a Social CONtext. This context, however, is
multi-dimensional. As we saw in the previous chapter, even basic
'academic' science has psychological, sociological and philosophical
attributes which must all be taken into account. The elementary social
model of Fig. 4 is not just a collection of individual research workers, or
a community bound together by social norms, or a body of organized
knowledge: it has all these characteristics simultaneously. It relates to
society in all these dimensions - through the scientist as a professional

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5.2 Apparatus 69

expert and as a citizen, through the formal institutions that shape the
scientific community and sustain it within the body politic, and through
the influence of scientific knowledge on human affairs and culture.
These relationships are not, of course, independent of one another.
As in the elementary model of academic science, it is the interaction
between the various components, across the dimensions in which they
are defined, that drives the system along. But if we are to make any
sense of such complex phenomena as technological innovation, or offer
any opinion on such subtle issues as the social responsibility of the
scientist, we must first disentangle these various threads of influence.
STS teachers have widely different views on the exact interpretation of
such phenomena and the proper response to such issues, but they are all
in tacit agreement that 'Science', Technology', and 'Society' are related
in many different ways, all of which may turn out to be significant.
In this chapter, therefore, the elementary model of basic science is
enlarged and extended by linking its various elements to the society in
which it is embedded. This reconstruction is still very schematic, and not
to be taken literally. A number of highly controversial questions within
the field of STS studies must be disregarded in the effort to arrive at a
coherent description. Some of these questions will be discussed in
chapter 6, but they will not be answered: it is not the purpose of this
book to lay down a curriculum, complete with model answers, for STS
education. But working our way round the extended model, drawing
attention to the major connections and interactions, referring to the
issues over which there is wide concern, we shall see that there is a
framework within which almost all such issues find a place. This
framework is no more than a very rough scheme. Different teachers and
scholars would put very different weights of emphasis upon its various
elements. But it is a representation of the place of science in society that
should be acceptable in outline both to conventional science teachers
and to the STS education movement.

5.2 Apparatus
The model of academic science outlined in chapter 4 obviously lacks one
very important element: it entirely ignores the immense amount of
apparatus that is needed to do research. In the past, the material
facilities for experimental work were usually within the means of the
individual scientist, or of the academic institution where he or she held a
post. It was reasonable to regard them merely as personal instruments

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70 The R & D system

for the practice of this vocation. Nowadays, these facilities are always
so expensive, and often so vast in scale that they constitute a separate
factor in the research system. In addition to the psychological, socio-
logical and philosophical dimensions of our model, we must appreciate
that it has a significant magnitude in a purely material dimension.
This is as true of fundamental, academic research as of its techno-
logical applications. Particle accelerators, research reactors, space
probes, radio telescopes, oceanographic research vessels, and such like
instruments of Big Science cost millions of pounds at a time. They
must be served by large numbers of technical staff, and are often used
by many scientists simultaneously Expensive instrumentation is not
confined to particular fields of research: for example, in almost all
branches of modern biology, equipment costing tens of thousands of
pounds is in routine use. The contemporary image of the scientist is
projected against the background of a large laboratory building,
crowded with apparatus and well supplied with computers, workshops,
libraries and secretarial services.
The simple and obvious fact that modern science is no longer
entirely labour intensive, but requires a substantial technical infra-
structure and heavy capital investment, is of the highest significance for
our theme. On the one hand, it has a profound effect on the internal
functioning of the science system. Thus, for example, the research
programme of the individual scientist (§4.6) may be determined less by
the urgency of a problem requiring solution than by existence of a
piece of apparatus to which he or she has access. The competition for
recognition within a particular field of research may be significantly
perturbed by the availability of the necessary facilities. Because of the
size and complexity of these facilities a number of independent
research workers may be forced to co-operate in a research team,
which thus, so to speak, takes the place of the individual scientist' of
the schematic model (§4.3). In such a case, however, it is difficult to
ensure that the recognition and other rewards for successful research
are not unfairly allotted to the leader of the team, thus further
enhancing the stratification of status and authority within the scientific
community (§4.4). These are all quite real consequences of the in-
creasing importance of the apparatus and other material factors in
scientific research.
On the other hand, academic scientists can no longer find the means
of financing the apparatus they need from their ordinary personal and
institutional budgets. Support for research facilities must come on a

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5.3 Technology 71

large scale from outside the basic science system. Here is one of the
major links between 'science' and 'society'.
As we have seen, academic science has the capability of being
intellectually, socially, and psychologically self-sustaining. It can pro-
vide the members of the scientific community with programmes for
research, and incentives to carry them out, without apparent reference
to external demands or needs. But it cannot simply wind itself along in
this way unless it is well provided with material resources. This is the
logic of the situation.
In principle, therefore, research can no longer be an autonomous
social activity, carried out by a community of scientists of their own free
will. It must always be heavily subsidized by the major organs of society
at large, to the extent that it could scarcely exist without such subsidy.
This support is usually justified by reference to the benefits that may be
expected as an outcome of the research, whether of practical or abstract
knowledge (§6.2). In the long run, the apparatus and other facilities for
research are supplied, not to gratify the intellectual aspirations of the
professional scientists, but to further the ends of the state, or of
industry, or (ideally) of the whole community. This again is a point on
which STS education must necessarily insist, against what is implied in
conventional science teaching, where valid science is often regarded as
an end in itself, worthy of support in its own right.

5.3 Technology
The distinction between 'Science' and 'Technology' is very vague. There
are no sharp discontinuities as we go from the most academic pure
research, through applied science, to industrial development and tech-
nical innovation. Knowledge is drawn from the same archives, exper-
iments are done with the same sort of apparatus, by people with the
same education (§5.8) and the same expert skills (§6.3). Since our whole
civilization is permeated with advanced technology, this is the great
open frontier between science and society. Science connects with
society, and flows into ordinary life, through technology.
But technology is not merely the material product of science.
Whether we regard it narrowly as knowledge about practical techni-
ques, or more broadly as all that is actually created by such techniques,
technology is as old as human culture, and has both roots and branches
right outside the realms of experimental and theoretical research.
Indeed, because of the immensity of technology in the economic,

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72 The R & D system

political and cultural dimensions of society, it is easy to regard science

itself as a mere appendage or instrument of this dynamic force - like the
research laboratory of an industrial corporation, dwarfed by the factory
buildings and offices where the real work of making and selling is done.
Impressed by the power of technology in peace and in war, we readily
fall into the instrumental attitude that regards science simply as a
machine for the solution of technological problems or for the automatic
generation of new technological devices.
This attitude is dangerously simplistic. Carried to its logical conclu-
sion, it suggests that the whole question of the social context of science
can be displaced towards a discussion of the impact of technological
innovation on the quality of life. By this line of reasoning, STS
education has come to be associated with a series of issues, such as
environmental pollution and energy conservation, which are really
much broader and more contentious than can be fairly dealt with in an
educational curriculum (§6.5).
The importance of these issues is not to be disputed. There is much
that needs to be said about the social dynamics of technology, its
incentives and imperatives, its capabilities and limitations. The exclu-
sion of all such questions from conventional science education carries
implications in favour of uncontrolled technological growth and change
that deserve serious criticism. But it is equally uncritical to conflate
'science' with 'technology' and 'technology' with 'industrial civilization',
and then to attribute to 'science' a catalogue of ills and vices that is no
more real than the conventional list of benefits and virtues (§7.8). A
serious attack on these questions leads inevitably to a study of the
political and economic foundations of modern society, and hence to the
great and abiding themes of public affairs - capital and labour, social-
ism and free enterprise, private affluence and public squalor, charity
and self-reliance, corporations, nations and people, government and
anarchy, class, power, freedom, violence, legality, and the rest. Not
only are these themes so controversial that they lie outside the permit-
ted boundaries of deliberate instruction in a pluralistic society: they are
just too big and important to be dealt with under the heading of STS
education. There is no justification for turning this subject into a
vest-pocket course on political and economic theory - a course that is
liable to be as naively antiscientistic as the scientism it is intended to
Nevertheless, STS education must concern itself in some depth with
the social relations of technology. As we saw in chapter 1, the great

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5.4 Technology as knowledge 73

majority of students of academic science eventually find employment in

various technological professions, as technicians, engineers, physicians,
industrial managers, etc. It is essential that they acquire some general
grasp of the social implications of any such career, and the political and
economic conditions within which it is to be followed. In detail this
preparation must be part of the technical training for each particular
profession - for example, as part of the engineering or medical curricu-
lum (§7.3). But it is the responsibility of STS education to build up a
general understanding of 'the place of science and technology in
society', as a foundation for the more specialized and diverse conditions
to be encountered in different technological careers.
In the end, the treatment of those aspects of the uses of technology
that touch directly upon controversial political or ethical values must be
entrusted to the wisdom and professional integrity of the STS teacher.
Some of the ways in which these topics can be dealt with in practice will
be discussed in chapter 7. The formal STS curriculum must concentrate
on a core of facts and opinions on which STS teachers largely agree.
This area of consensus is by no means trivial, or immediately obvious to
the average science student. At this point, therefore, we return to our
simplified model of academic science, and show how it is connected
with, and modified by, science-based technology.

5.4 Technology as knowledge

The word 'technology' is now used rather loosely for the whole of the
technical activity of a human culture - the industrial products, the
machines, the vehicles, the factories, and all. Strictly speaking, how-
ever, it means the body of organized knowledge about such techniques.
That is to say, it defines itself alongside science, in the knowledge
dimension. Superficially, scientific and technological knowledge appear
so very similar that it seems pedantic to differentiate them. But despite
a great deal of overlap, and a continuous gradation of characteristics
from one to another, not all technological information is based on
science, and not all science is derived from technology. This is obvious if
we think of extreme types - high energy physics and molecular biology
at one end, for example, and mechanical engineering and agriculture at
the other. There are significant differences of ends and means which are
important factors in the STS relationship.
Science differs profoundly from technology in the purposes for which
knowledge is accumulated, and hence in the criteria by which particular

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74 The R & D system

items are chosen for inclusion. The objective of academic science is to

create the widest, most complete body of consensual knowledge,
without particular regard for its use. Problems are chosen, research is
undertaken and the results appraised according to a variety of princi-
ples, such as 'explanatory power', 'intellectual consistency', 'descriptive
accuracy', and so on, which make no reference to the practical benefits
which might arise from them. Even if such benefits can be perceived in
principle, the knowledge is made available as a public resource, in an
organized form.
Technology, on the other hand, is essentially instrumental in its
valuation of knowledge. Information is accumulated and treasured for
the sake of what can be done with it. The goal of technology is to
preserve and improve the techniques to which it relates - the produc-
tion of food and material goods, the use of weapons and tools, the
preservation of health, the establishment of communications, etc. To
put it crudely - technology is just 'know-how', writ large.
This distinction is obviously very schematic. But it explains why
technology is much more loosely organized than science in this dimen-
sion. Technological knowledge is often generated simply as an inter-
mediate step in the creation of a new technical process, within a
particular industrial corporation. It is not regarded as having value just
for itself, and there is no imperative to make it public at all. Thus, even
if it is not actually kept secret, it is seldom made fully explicit in
publishable form, ready for inclusion in a catalogued archive. In any
case, technology is not validated by discussion and criticism: it proves
itself by its success in practice, and has no particular occasion to attain
the standards of inherent plausibility, observational reproducibility and
logical consistency which are demanded of scientific communications.
However effective it may turn out to be in the real business of making
and doing, technology appears much less coherent and accessible than
science as a body of knowledge.
Nevertheless, scientific and technological knowledge turn out to have
a lot in common. Much knowledge that was originally acquired 'scien-
tifically', out of sheer curiosity, without any practical use in mind, has
proved later to be extraordinarily useful. We have only to think of the
discoveries of Faraday, Maxwell, and Hertz, concerning electromagnet-
ism, which found quite unforeseen application as the new technique of
radio communication. When this happens, the original basic science is
automatically incorporated in the knowledge system of the new
science-based technology. This historical phenomenon is now so fa-

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5.4 Technology as knowledge 75

miliar that we tend to regard all scientific knowledge as of potential

technological value. Who would now discount the future applications of
molecular biology in agriculture, or can confidently assert that mechani-
cal engineering will never benefit from what is learnt in high energy
Looking at the relationship from the other side, we note a tendency to
turn every useful craft into a scientific technology. As technical experi-
ence is recorded and codified, it becomes suitable material for academ-
ic study. In due course, this generates further research, to extend and
organize the subject theoretically. Eventually, the original technological
goals are given second place to the accumulation of knowledge,
apparently for its own sake. Clinical medicine, for example, was a
practical craft in which a great deal was learnt about health and disease;
from this learning developed the basic sciences of anatomy, physiology
and pathology, whose primary objective is a thorough understanding of
human biology, regardless of clinical application. But this proliferation
of academic effort in the direction of fundamental knowledge does not
leave the original technology unchanged. A theoretical framework is
now available, within which therapeutic techniques or design principles
can be rationally interpreted and justified to practitioners. This histori-
cal process, also, is so familiar that every technology now seeks to
advance itself into a new branch of science.
By one means or another, the scientific and technological knowledge
systems tend more and more to overlap. It matters little whether an
advanced technology grew originally out of a novel scientific discovery,
or whether it became more scientific in the course of its natural
development from craft beginnings: in either case, its whole profes-
sional practice is permeated with concepts, theories, data and techniq-
ues that are also widespread in the public archives of academic science.
A great deal of 'valid science' is an indispensable component of the
knowledge required in engineering, medicine and similar technological
professions; conversely, the technical literature of these professions is
intelligible to, and significant for, the academic research worker in basic
In our contemporary civilization, the interface between science and
technology has been almost obliterated. But even where they overlap
and interpenetrate, the two systems of knowledge are seldom identical
in form and content. On the scientific side, delicate webs of theory are
spun to trap vast stores of information, out of sheer curiosity, without
any plausible practical motive. On the technological side, empirical data,

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76 The R & D system

designs, and techniques, are accumulated in great quantities, with little

reference to their underlying significance. Much of what the technolog-
ists know seems inexplicable by scientific theory; much of what concerns
the scientists is quite incapable of application. What seems important in
constructing an ordered pattern of theory may be quite subsidiary to
what is needed to build a bridge or transplant a kidney. And there still
remain very distinct and 'pure' sciences, such as astrophysics, which are
pursued with little thought of practical gain, just as there are still crafts,
such as pottery, which have not moved far into the scientific era, and
which owe much more to trial-and-error experimentation than to deep
conceptual analysis of characteristic problems.

5.5 ' R & D '

Technology never stands still. In itself, and in its interactions with
society at large, it is a dynamic force. Of all topics in STS education,
there is none more challenging than the question of the sources of
technological innovation. It is the continual change in the techniques,
the products, the processes, the capabilities, the costs, the benefits, of
advanced industrial civilization that puts so much strain on our political
and economic judgements.
One such source has already been noted - the exploitation of the
possibilities of a new scientific discovery. Another source of technologi-
cal innovation is equally unpredictable but more traditional - the
invention of novel processes, machines or products within the frame-
work of techniques and principles of an existing technology. It is often
impossible to distinguish sharply between these two sources: there may
be a scientific novelty at the heart of a successful invention, and an act
of high imagination is often required to envisage the practical possibili-
ties of a new scientific idea. Technological innovations arise from a wide
variety of sources, ranging from deep scientific theory (for example, the
laser) to hard practical experience (for example, most components of an
As a technology becomes more sophisticated, however, it is forced to
adopt a more deliberate and rational procedure for change. It is
characteristic of an advanced technology, such as telecommunication
engineering, that it can no longer maintain a satisfactory rate of
innovation by relying on a random supply of independent inventions.
Even without excess pressure of commercial or military competition,
numerous practical problems arise in exploiting a novel invention, or

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5.5 'R & D' 77

taking advantage of a novel idea to improve an existing product. These

problems are often so interlinked that they cannot be solved on an ad
hoc basis as they arise, but must be foreseen and solved in advance.
Every major industrial corporation involved in scientific technology is
thus forced to support technological research and development. Its
future survival and prosperity cannot be assured without an adequate
supply of new design concepts, new manufacturing methods, or other
novel procedures. In the same spirit, government agencies responsible
for health, agriculture, environmental protection, defence, transport,
etc., undertake 'R & D' on a large scale to solve their multifarious
In many respects, 'R & D' is not so very different from research in
academic science. It uses the same types of apparatus, the same
paradigmatic frameworks of fundamental concepts, the same intellec-
tual techniques of experiment and theory, speculation and observation,
data collection and hypothesis testing. To the extent that all research
calls for the solution of a series of relatively novel technical problems,
academic research in a basic science is practically identical with strategic
research - very long term investigations whose ultimate applicability is
only vaguely conceived. As the problems to be solved approach the
realities of production or use - that is, at the final stage of development
of a novel device or process - there is a shift in emphasis towards
short-term, imperfect, expedient solutions to meet a very specialized
range of technical criteria. But there is still the spirit of experimentation
in the work: a pilot plant or prototype aircraft under test is rather like a
piece of apparatus whose satisfactory performance confirms the theoret-
ical principles on which it was designed.
Nevertheless, there is a fundamental distinction in principle between
'R & D' and our academic model of scientific research. In this model,
each scientist is personally responsible for a programme of research
(§4.6) which is not laid down by an external authority. Since this
programme is designed to achieve recognition for its contribution to
knowledge, it is not entirely arbitrary, and is strongly influenced by
various forces within the scientific community. But there is no overall
goal for the evolution of scientific knowledge, and no collective plan to
follow particular lines of research to reach particular objectives.
The essence of 'R & D', on the other hand, is that it is mission-
oriented. It is programmed to support the policies of a specific organiza-
tion - the investment and production plans of a commercial corpora-
tion, the battlefield scenarios of the military, the health or welfare

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78 The R & D system

benefits desired of a government department. The ultimate objectives

of such a programme are not within the control of the scientists who
carry out the research, but are laid down by powers outside the
science/technology system. In the shorter or longer term, in a narrower
or broader sense, the criterion by which 'R & D' must be judged worthy
of support, and 'R & D' workers deserving of reward, is the contribu-
tion that has been made to the success of the mission towards which it is
Here again, the boundary between 'science' and 'technology' is not
nearly so sharp in practice as it seems in principle. By definition the
outcome of all research is unpredictable. A programme for research or
technical development is not like an engineering blueprint. Methods
and objectives must be continually revised as new results come in. This
revision can only be undertaken by those who understand what is going
on - that is, mainly by the 'R & D' workers involved in the project. In
principle, a scientist engaged in 'R & D' is no more than a professional
expert serving the interests of the corporation by whom he is employed;
in practice, he may have as much discretion in the choice of research
methods and the evaluation of the results as if he were a 'self-winding'
academic scientist.
In any case the personal freedom and autonomy of the 'pure' scientist
is exaggerated in the academic model. A great deal of basic science is
already concentrated into research teams (§5.2), whose members are
strongly constrained to align themselves with the programmes, policies
and objectives of the group. The options open to the individual research
scientist are severely limited by his personal experience, the 'state of the
art', the availability of resources, and the range of potentially soluble
problems suggested by the current paradigms (§4.6) of his subject.
These options are not necessarily made much narrower by an instruc-
tion to follow some very general research policy, such as seeking an
understanding of metal fatigue or of schizophrenia.
Taking a broader view, the academic scientists involved in basic
research can be regarded as participants in the overall 'R & D' effort of
society. They are given the research facilities and the freedom to choose
their own research programme, within limits decided by the community
of their scientific peers (§4.4), because society needs the discoveries
they will then probably make. Experience has shown that this is a very
effective means of meeting the very long-term goals of society, in the
form of a public archive of reliable knowledge (§4.5) to be drawn upon
for all manner of future benefits.

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5.6 Research management 79

5.6 Research management

The elementary model of academic science says nothing about how a

scientist should earn his daily bread. There is almost a taboo against any
suggestion that research is a way of making a living. It is just taken for
granted that any scientist worthy of recognition has some means of
This convention is maintained in academia by the polite fiction that
research workers are officially employed as teachers (§5.8). In fact, the
whole career structure of higher education is adapted to providing a
suitably graded range of temporary and permanent posts for scientists
and other scholars of the appropriate degrees of distinction. The most
tangible reward for an original contribution to science is an appointment
as a lecturer or professor in an academic institution.
Since the curricula of higher education are supposed to mirror the
paradigms of contemporary knowledge, this arrangement works quite
well, especially in the basic scientific disciplines. It allows the academic
scientist to go about research without strong pressures from society at
large. The delicate web of norms and sanctions within the scientific
community (§4.4) is also protected from the stresses that could arise if
research performance could be demanded specifically under a contract
of employment, or could be directly traded for cash. Indeed, academic
scientists whose apparatus is paid for by a research grant from an
external agency such as a government research council are also shielded
from pressures arising inside the institution by which they are em-
An established academic scientist may thus enjoy a remarkable
degree of independence in his or her investigations. Although the
research may call for quite considerable resources of equipment and
technical assistance, it is managed only very indirectly by committees of
peers in a grant-awarding agency. As academic science becomes more
closely incorporated in the general R & D effort of society, there is a
tendency to make research a full-time occupation, dissociated from
higher education. Even in such fundamental disciplines as molecular
biology, the demand for knowledge is felt to be so urgent that only
completely dedicated research scientists, working together in large
institutes, could satisfy the need. But every effort is made, in the
organization of such institutes, to leave established scientists as free as
possible to 'do their own work'.
Nevertheless, this personal independence is not given nowadays to

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80 The R & D system

most scientists and R & D technologists, who are mainly employed as

full-time professional workers, in large organizations, served by sophis-
ticated and expensive apparatus (§5.2). Economic logic speaks for the
efficient utilization of research facilities by hiring research workers with
particular skills to perform particular functions in research teams
devoted to specific projects. In Big Science, it is difficult to oppose the
rationality of a stratified administrative structure, in which individual
scientists are made subordinate to the higher echelons. Despite the
desire to preserve the academic style of research, the management of a
large laboratory cannot be so egalitarian or participatory as the confer-
ence of a scientific invisible college (§4.4).
This tendency becomes much more pronounced as one moves into
more technological fields. The development of a new industrial product
or a new weapon is no game for the enthusiastic amateur. It involves
closely co-ordinated action by large teams of skilled personnel, working
against the clock under firm direction. A great deal of R & D is
motivated by patriotic or commercial rivalry. It is driven by conflict
between national government or industrial corporations, not by compe-
tition for recognition between individual scientists. By the logic of the
situation, this sort of work can only be done by full-time employees,
giving their services and obeying orders in return for payment.
Organized R & D thus induces a radical transformation of the social
relations between scientists. The personal commitment of the individual
scientist to the advancement of knowledge gives way to loyalty to the
project, or laboratory, or company, or country for which he or she
works. The norms and sanctions of the scientific community yield place
to managerial responsibilities and directives. The traditional incentive
of recognition for published research is replaced by the more tangible
reward of a pay rise, or promotion, for service beneficial to one's
employers. The social role of the scientist as an employee of a
bureaucratic mission-oriented corporation is not really consistent with
the traditional career of an independent member of a loosely structured,
universal, scientific community.
In the more academic, more public activities of science, this contra-
diction is not felt so sharply as in industrial and military R & D. But it is
inherent in the whole concept of the management of research, which
follows naturally on the incorporation of science into the technological,
industrial, and governmental organs of modern society. In a general
way, we may talk of all science having been industrialized, even in its
most basic and academic branches.

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5.7 Science policy 81

5.7 Science policy

A significant proportion of the material resources of a modern industrial

nation now goes to scientific and technological R & D. The allocation of
one or two per cent of the national income to this intangible purpose
calls for administrative procedures by which science is related to larger
political and social goals.
The calculation of total R & D expenditures is not very meaningful,
except as a general indicator of the scientific 'strength' of a nation. It
would include, for example, the very large sums that must be spent on
the development of new industrial products, according to budgets that
have already been decided from other considerations such as the
expectation of profit. Thus, for example, a project for a new design of
nuclear-powered submarine, at an overall cost of X billion dollars,
would include provision for sums of the order of XI n billion dollars
(where n is a number of the order of 5) to flow over a period of many
years into scientific laboratories and engineering test facilities. The R &
D must be 'bought' as part of the project, along with the steel and the
shipyards, and 'managed' wisely to obtain an optimum return. The same
would apply on a more modest scale to the introduction of a new drug or
a new type of ball-point pen.
Investigations and experiments of a scientific type are thus under-
taken by a whole range of independent organizations, in industry and
government, to support their normal ongoing activities. Since these
activities satisfy diverse social and economic interests - commercial
profit, health, environmental protection, defence, etc. - they bring
scientific and technological factors into all the political issues of the day.
But this involvement is usually indirect: the management of the relevant
R & D does not take precedence over the economic, health, environ-
mental or defence policies of which it is part.
But for more strategic research, whose prospective benefits are less
certain and more distant, administrative dependency on the normal
activities of industrial corporations and government agencies is often
unsatisfactory: long-term potentialities are easily sacrificed to short term
needs. For the furtherance of fundamental disciplines whose applica-
tions cannot be envisaged, there is practically no substitute for govern-
ment patronage. 'Academic' science may be no more than 10-20 per
cent of all R & D, but it still amounts to a large sum that can easily be
discerned in the accounts of the nation. By this cash nexus, science is
linked directly with society at the governmental level.

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82 The R & D system

The primary function of science policy is to make a rational allocation

of central government funds to various fields of research. Since basic
science is almost totally dependent on government funding, through one
channel or another, this is not just marginal support by an occasional
judicious subsidy. The government is buying basic science, as a long-
term resource, for the good of the nation.
This is an activity that cannot be governed by precise calculations of
costs and benefits. The economics of R & D may say something about
general criteria for successful investment in research, but gives very
little guidance as to the proper sum to be spent on a particular type of
research, at a particular stage of maturity of knowledge, possibly
relevant to particular social goals. The rational assessment of ends and
means is as much an art in this branch of public administration as in
other fields of politics.
In making such decisions, the opinions of lay persons, such as
politicians, administrators and accountants must be given adequate
weight. This is not always easy, since the judgement of experts on the
technical possibilities of a programme of research cannot be disputed.
That is to say, any plan for research in a basic science must be consistent
with the current paradigms in that science (§4.6), as they might be
expressed, for example, by the leading authorities in relevant fields of
For this reason, the policy-making process must not be ill-matched to
the social structure of the corresponding scientific community (§4.4). At
the microsocial level, this is achieved by a peer review procedure in
which grants are made to individual academic scientists for particular
research proposals of 'timeliness and promise'. Since the members of
review panels are chosen from the corresponding invisible colleges of
scientific colleagues, this puts each individual scientist a little more
under the thumb of communal opinion than he would prefer, but leaves
the social relations of the simple model of academic science in good
working order.
But this procedure, in which the academic scientific community is left
to share out the money according to its own internal criteria, is
unsatisfactory at higher levels. The traditional scientific community has
no institutional structures for deciding, say, the relative allocation of
funds between major scientific disciplines, or the scientific value to be
attached to a large single project such as a particle accelerator. Its
traditional leaders are authorities in their own fields of scholarship, but
no wiser than many laymen over wider ranges of subjects and issues.

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5.8 The educational interface 83

Through a variety of administrative devices, such as advisory posts and

research councils, they play an essential role as intermediaries between
scientific and governmental circles; but science policy in general is now
too important to be decided entirely by the scientists. Basic science has
moved from the periphery towards* the centre of society, and is thus
brought under the control of the state. The scientific community
described in the simple academic model of chapter 4 continues to enjoy
considerable internal autonomy as a distinct 'estate' of society, but only
within the context of government decisions on quite specific issues such
as the initiation of large research projects or support for socially
relevant scientific themes.

5.8 The educational interface

Academic science is obviously an essential part of the educational
system. Many research scientists are employed as teachers in higher
education (§5.6), where they are brought into contact with a much
wider range of students than those destined for scientific careers. As we
saw in chapter 2, the science curriculum at all levels must satisfy
standards of validity spreading downward and outward from the high
science of the research frontier. As this book seeks to demonstrate,
science education itself is a major interface between science and society,
through which flows a powerful current of imagery and ideology.
The R & D system has a fundamental stake in education, simply to
supply itself with well-qualified scientific and technical workers. For its
purpose it is not sufficient to rely on the individual initiatives of young
people fascinated by the romance of science as a career. Mental ability
and emotional commitment must be moulded by formal instruction in
valid science, from the middle school onwards. As science moves closer
to the political and economic hub of society, it acquires more and more
leverage and more and more responsibility in the educational sphere.
High scientific talent is rare; it must be identified at the earliest possible
moment, and trained efficiently to fill its important social role. Sophis-
ticated research apparatus (§5.2) must be tended by correspondingly
sophisticated technical staff. The long-term supply of skilled personnel
has thus become as significant a factor in science policy as the provision
of financial resources for research.
Nevertheless, the connections between research and education are
not very direct. The simple model of academic science does not have
science education as a primary factor. It takes for granted a ready

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84 The R & D system

supply of would-be scientists (§4.3) seeking recognition, but says

nothing about how the new cohorts should be recruited and trained.
The norms of the scientific community (§4.4) do not rule over the
transmission of knowledge from generation to generation, nor do they
deal with the delicate social relationship between teacher and pupil. The
philosophy of science (§4.5) almost completely ignores the central
paradox of science teaching - the fundamental contradiction between
sceptical and dogmatic attitudes towards 'established' knowledge.
At a certain moment, of course - typically, entry to a graduate school
as a research student - those who are sufficiently talented are admitted
as apprentices into the scientific community. Henceforth, they are,
regarded as junior members of that system, seeking recognition by
original yet valid contributions to knowledge, bound by the norms of
communality, etc., and required to become thoroughly acquainted with
the knowledge relevant to their specialty. Graduate courses, for exam-
ple, are mainly directed towards the diffusion of new concepts within
the scientific community itself, and have little significance outside the
world of advanced research.
Technological research and development, by its very nature, is
separated organizationally from higher education. The necessities of
formal certification for the practising doctor or engineer impose curricu-
lar constraints and standards on technological education (§1.3) which
are partially transmitted further down the system to school science. But
university medical and engineering faculties are just as remote and
'academic' in their attitude to science education as their scientific
The concern of academic science for the contents, methods and
objectives of science education is thus much more limited than its
obvious influence would suggest. The forces that might be expected to
flow, from society at large, inwards through the system of secondary
and tertiary education, are impeded by institutional stratification and
the sharp demarcation of the professional roles of the school teacher
and research scientist. Despite its immense importance in an advanced
technological civilization, science education is not closely integrated
within the R & D complex, and is only loosely bound to science itself.

5.9 Common knowledge of science

Above all, science is a body of knowledge. It encompasses vast amounts
of information, organized around a variety of theories, conceptual

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5.9 Common knowledge of science 85

schemes, categorial frameworks and other interpretative principles.

This knowledge is a major component of the culture of modern society,
for whose benefit it has been accumulated, and to whom, in the last
analysis, it belongs.
Much of this knowledge is eventually used by society indirectly
through its technological applications. But there is also a very important
interface between science and society in the cognitive dimension. That
is to say, there is a direct connection between what is 'known to
science', and what is 'common knowledge' in society at large.
Of course, there is an immense range and diversity in what people
know or believe on scientific matters (§1.5). In a very broad sense,
however, we can talk of 'scientific world pictures' in which might be
found the major theoretical schemes of the basic scientific disciplines
(§3.2), very crudely summarized and roughly fitted together into a
makeshift representation of macroscopic and microscopic nature, the
earth and the heavens, molecules and materials, cells and organisms,
forces and fields. From such representations we each of us make various
metaphysical and practical deductions that help us along the way
through life. In other words, science both contributes to, and is a part
of, the ideology of contemporary society (§6.5).
Modern civilization is also 'scientific' in a narrower sense. Everybody
becomes acquainted with a great many specific items of information
derived from science - what foods are health-giving, how minor ail-
ments should be treated, what happens when a fuse blows, how to make
a garden grow, and so on. This information is usually fragmentary and
untheoretical, since it is related to the immediate circumstances of
everyday life, in work and in play. By the standards of valid science it is
often very incomplete and inaccurate. Nevertheless, it is upon such
general and specific conceptions or misconceptions of scientific reality
that a great deal of social action is ultimately based.
The discrepancy between scientific knowledge and folk knowledge is
notorious. Yet science, by definition, is public and open (§3.4).
Although the scientific archives are not usually housed in municipal
libraries, they are open for study in universities and reference libraries
for almost any earnest enquirer. How is it that science is, in fact, a
closed book to most people?
Scientific knowledge is not secret, but it is decidedly esoteric (§3.4).
In primary form, it is spread through hundreds of thousands of separate
communications, each addressed to the research workers in a very
specialized field. By reason of their complex nomenclature and techni-

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86 The R & D system

cal phraseology, the vast foundations of previous knowledge they take

for granted, and their profusion of observational and theoretical detail,
such communications are almost impenetrably obscure to the layman.
This applies as much to the scientist in another field - for example, the
physiologist seeking knowledge about quantum chemistry - as to any
member of the general public.
In this respect, basic academic science is no worse than the rest of the
R & D system. Indeed the technological information that might be
gleaned from blueprints, test data, instruction manuals, or direct
observation of industrial practice, is often deliberately concealed, in the
name of proprietary or military security. But even when it is not secret,
scientific and technological information does not communicate itself
freely except to those who are already knowledgeable on the subject.
The purely mechanical problem of discovering what is actually known
about some particular scientific or technological question often calls for
an elaborate computer program to 'search the literature' of the subject.
Academic science requires for its own purposes a system of secondary
services and publications in which the primary literature is periodically
reviewed and consolidated, mainly for the benefit of the relevant
invisible colleges. Through review articles, conference talks, symposium
volumes and monographic treatises, the results of research are catalo-
gued, criticized, and refined into established scientific knowledge. This
paradigmatic material is incorporated, in simplified versions, into
textbooks and thus transferred, through the educational system, to a
wider public. The academic community regards itself as responsible for
the validity of the knowledge that flows out thus into the common
knowledge of society.
This pedagogic channel, although wide and deep, runs very slowly. It
may take twenty or thirty years for an important scientific development
to find a secure place in the school curriculum. The knowledge of
science that most people have got from their schooling is usually at least
a generation out of date. Recent science is picked up much more
haphazardly through the mass media or by private reading.
The scientific community does not take any initiatives, or responsi-
bilities, for the popularization of science. It is left to scientists to
respond individually to the demands and temptations of the media,
where there is always a market for interesting, well-expressed informa-
tion on contemporary scientific developments. That is to say, scientific
knowledge is 'pulled' into the public eye by popular curiosity and
concern rather than being 'pushed' out into the world by the R & D

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5.9 Common knowledge of science 87

system. In any case, there is seldom direct and spontaneous communica-

tion from the pen or voice of the research scientist to the eye or ear of
the citizen. The content and quality of what is transferred across this
interface depends crucially on the ability of professional science writers,
who select, combine and transform valid scientific knowledge into
books, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts and TV programmes for the
general public.
Common knowledge of science is not under the control of the
scientific community, with all its norms of universality and disinterest-
edness, originality and scepticism (§4.4). The extent to which it is
coherent and reliable is not subject to strict logical criteria, but depends
largely upon the standards of intellectual integrity in the organs of mass
communication through which this knowledge flows. It also depends
upon the social role of science and of the R & D system of which it is
part. It seems that science does not fit as smoothly and neatly into its
cultural context as most scientists and their fellow citizens would like to
be the case. Nor, as Fig. 5 illustrates (p. 88), is research and develop-
ment quite such a simple and direct social activity as people are often
led to believe.

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88 The R & D system


A . . Big Science
Apparatus Management


Fig. 5. The R & D system

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