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 Academia  Class notes  Dictiona

ry & other

Nature of science

The word Science is derived from Latin word ‘scientia’ meaning knowing. In Western context ‘science’
comes into general use after 1300 A.D. and was primarily understood as knowledge acquired by ‘study’ 1.
Science (natural science) is a collection of knowledge (facts, concepts, laws, theories) about natural
phenomena. Basically, science has two dimensions, namely "dynamic dimensions" and "static
dimensions" (Mannoia, 1980:5). The dynamic dimension of the science describes science as a research
(investigation) activities or scientific inquiry using scientific methods, which relies on scientific process
skills, such as observation, data- gust, classification, experimentation, etc.). Meanwhile, the static
dimension of science describes science as a product of ideas system (scientific knowledge), which is
basically a product of scientific investigation. Therefore, it can be said that the science is processes
(scientific investigation) and products (science knowledge).

Definition of science: The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the system study of the
structure and behavior of physical and natural world through observation and experience. 2

It is an orderly knowledge of natural phenomenon, the laws governing it and the concept behind these.
Science is an attempt to make chaotic diversity of sense experience correspond to logically uniform
system of thought.

Nature of technology

According to Cambridge English dictionary technology is the study and knowledge of)

the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries

Three definitions or characterizations of technology are:

(a) Technology as hardware: technology is as tools and machines.

(b) Technology as rules: patterns of means–end relationships.

(c) Technology as system: includes hardware as well as the human skills and organization that
are needed to operate and maintain it.

Sarukkai, Sundar. What is Science. Delhi: National Book Trust, 2011.
Oxford dictionary
Technology as Applied Science Much of contemporary technology is applied science.
Technology involves knowledge, particularly technical know-how; many of the specific
inventions are products of chance or of trial and error, not a direct application of scientific theory
to achieve a pre-assumed goal.3

Three definition of technology: 1) It is a means to fulfill a human purpose.

2) Technology as assemblage of practice and components.

3) Technology as the entire collection of devices and engineering practices available to a culture.

Nature of Religion

Religion is a way of life for its members. Every religious community has its distinctive forms of individual
experience, communal ritual, and ethical concerns. Above all, religion aims at the transformation of
personal life, particularly by liberation from self-centeredness through commitment to a more inclusive
center of devotion.

Definition: Dennett define religion as ‘social systems whose participants avow belief in a supernatural
agent or agents whose approval is to be sought’. 4

E.B. Tylor- Belief in spiritual being.

Emile Durkheim: Unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.

Dusek, Val. Philosophy of Technology: An introduction. Oxford: Wiley, 2006.
Dennett, Daniel C. Breaking the Spells: Religion as a Natural phenomenon. New York: Penguin Books. 2006.

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