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University of the Philippines College of Law

Block F2021

Topic Right of Accession with respect to Movable Property – Rules in Mixture (Art. 472-
Case No. G.R. No. L-7046 / Aug. 31, 1955
Case Name Siari Valley v. Lucasan
Ponente J. Bengzon
Case assigned to Cole and Juno


Judgment granting ALL the cattle to Siari Valley in virtue of bad faith of defendant Lucasan by
deliberately and willfully “driving and rounding up the cattles from Siari Valley ranch to his adjacent
ranch” making Art. 473 of NCC on comingling rules applicable.


 This is an appeal from the decision of CFI of Zamboanga on an action to recover about 700 (upon
computation) heads of cattle that were driven, or wandered, from the pasture lands of petitioner Siari
Valley into the adjoining ranch of defendant Filemon Lucasan, Sindangan, Zamboanga;

 Plaintiff Siari Valley asked for the return of its animals with their offspring, or for payment of those
disposed of by defendant, plus damages. On the other hand, the defendant Lucasan alleged that thru
force and intimidation, Siary Valley took 105 heads of cattle from him, of which he also demand

 It was established that initially, some of the cattle simply strayed to the ranch of Lucasan, and Lucasan
duly informed Siari Valley of this. But on the succeeding instances, there was willful and deliberate
intent on the side of Lucasan (with his own sons, and men involved) to round up and drove the cattle
from Siari Valley to the Lucasan’s ranch;

 The cattle in Lucasan’s ranch reproduced “mestizos” or “hybrid” cattle, upon inspection. It was
established that defendant Lucasan’s herd were purely native at the onset;

 Lower court ruled for Siari Valley, and ordered that ALL the cattle found in the ranch of Lucasan be
delivered to Siari Valley


 W/N Siari Valley has the right recover ALL the cattle, including their offspring, driven to the ranch of
University of the Philippines College of Law
Block F2021


Issue Ratio
W/N Siari Valley has the Yes.
right recover ALL the
cattle, including their Although there was no sufficient evidence that all the missing animals were
offspring, driven to the taken by Lucasan or his men, it is not impossible that he have taken the
ranch of Lucasan others as well on virtue of those instance that he deliberately did drive the
cattles to his ranch. The Court applied by analogy, the principle that one who
stole a part of the stolen money must have taken also the larger sum lost by
the offended party.

And although generally, offspring or the increase of domestic animals belongs

to the owner of the dam (mother) by accretion, the bad faith on side of
Lucasan makes the Art. 473 of NCC applicable on this case: "if the
commingling of two things is made in bad faith, the one responsible for it
will lose his share x x x"


Therefore it is hereby affirmed, with costs against appellant. So ordered.


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