AWinning Resume

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A Winning Resume

October 24, 2017

Funcilitated by:
Zeeshan Khan
Pakistan, UAE & Sri Lanka

1. Cover Letter

2. Resume & CV Difference

3. Types of Resume

4. Mistakes to Avoid
Cover Letter
• Introduction – the basics
• Identify the position for which you are applying
• State how you learned of the position

• The Body
• Your skills & experience
• Bring your resume to life
• What makes you interested in the opportunity

• Closing Paragraph
• Wrap up and logical approach
• Thank the person for considering your resume
• Include your contact details
What is the purpose of
The Difference (Résumé v/s CV)
Curriculum Vitae Résumé

Length Two pages or more One page, sometimes two


Contents Name, contact information, Name, contact information,

education, work experience and education, work experience
relevant work-related skills. Includes a and relevant work-related
summary of academic background as skills. Focus is on work
well as teaching and research experience, listed in reverse
experience, publications, chronological order
presentations, awards, honors,
affiliations and other details
Commonly written as CV Resume
Purpose In Europe, the Middle East, Africa and
Asia, employers expect a CV. In the
U.S., a CV is used primarily when
applying for academic, education,
scientific or research positions.

Sections of Resume

• Contact Information
• Resume/Career Objective
• Professional Experience
• Accomplishments
• Academic Background
• Personal Information
• Special Training & Specialized Skills
• Volunteer Work
Types of Resume

1. Reverse Chronological Resume

Types of Resume

2. Functional Resume
Types of Resume

3. Combined Resume
Types of Resume

4. Targeted Resume
Types of Resume

5. Infographic Resume
Types of Resume

6. Video Resume
Video Resume

• Dress for your job interview

• Short confident introduction about yourself
• Describe your major achievement
• Closing with a statement to why you should
be hired?
• Finally request an opportunity for an
Identify Mistakes
Resume Objective
To work for a challenging position in
competitive and dynamic environment to
build personal credibility through efficient
performance, knowledge and skills for long
term career development and growth
Common Mistakes in
Resume Objective

1. Using the Same Objective For Every Job


2. Making It All About You

3. Being Too Vague

4. Going On… and On… and On…

5. Adding Absolutely No Value

Resume Objective Statement

Dedicated and motivated engineering

graduate seeking entry level assistant quality
control manager position with Dyna Tech.
Action Verbs
Marketed Demonstrated Gained Revised Chaired
Organized Earned Generated Summarized Coordinated
Participated Edited Governed Supervised Created
Raised Enhanced Grouped Trained Decided
Recommended Established Implemented Utilized Defined
Accommodated Handled Improved Volunteered Delegated
Accomplished Hired Led Won Exceeded
Assigned Honored Learned Worked Facilitated
Assisted Identified Maintained Budgeted Formulated
Broadened Illustrated Managed Cataloged Founded
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Clichés and overused words
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Typographical errors
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Made up information
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Responsibilities VS Accomplishments
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Not specific to the company

Amanda Augustine, career

expert: ”Identify the common keywords,
terminology, and key phrases that routinely
pop up in the job descriptions of your target
Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Irrelevant experience

Your resume should be up to date with

relevant information at all times.
Resume Mistakes To Avoid

• Inconsistency in the format

Resume Mistakes To Avoid
• Paid VS Unpaid work experience
Resume Mistakes To Avoid

• Crafting only one resume

Forget this, the mindset of having a

“one fits all” resume.
Thank You!
[email protected]

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