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Recount Text Ticket Bioskop

Last week I went to the theatre. it was the only theatre at my town.
I had 1 free ticket to watch a movie. I had no idea about movie I would like to watch and I did
not know the schedule of that theatre. So that, I just wanted to come and see if there was any
good movie.
I parked my motorcycle at the parking area and I walked slowly at the hall of the theatre.
I took my ticket on my wallet and go to the information section to as about how to use the ticket
that day.
Unfortunately, I missed it. The ticket was already expired 2 days before.
I went home and I was very disappointed about that.
Recount Text Thief

Three days ago, I went to the traditional market to buy some fruits and vegetables.
In that market, I saw and accident, there was so terrible. I didn’t want to take closer and see.
A few minutes later, police came and took him.
I asked to the fruit seller what had happened actually and she said that the thief tried to steal
someone’s wallet but he was unlucky.
Someone saw him and shouted loudly and suddenly some people roughed him up hardly.
It was a pity event and I hoped it would never happen again.
Biography of Mario Teguh

 Full Name : Maryono Teguh

 Date of Birth : March 5, 1956
 Nationality : Indonesia
 Job : Consultant, Entrepreneur, Psychologist, Author and Philosopher
 Religion : Islam

Mario Teguh was born in makasar. March 05, 1956.the full name of Mario taguh sis maryono
teguh. But hi is more familiar and known by the people of Indonesia with the name is Mario
He earned a bachelor of education from IKIP Malang. On January 28, 1993 Mario Teguh
married linna teguh and was blessed with two children namely Audrey teguh and marco teguh.
Basides earning a bachelor’s degree in education from IKIP Malang, he noted that he had studied
at home and abroad.
 Architecture Department of New Trier West High (High school level) in Chicago,
 Department of Linguistics and English Education, Institute Of Teacher Training and
Education Malang (S-1)
 International Business, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
 Department Of Operation Systems, Indiana University, USA, 1983 (MB)
After finishing his education, he once entered several banking companies. The first time he
worked at the BIMC company as Head of Manager. Then in 1983 – 1986 he served as head of
sales at Citibank, then ad BSB Bank ( State Branch Bank ) in 1986 – 1989 as Bussiness
Development Manager, Aspac Bank in 1990 – 1994 with position as Vice President Marketing
and Organization Development and then as Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) and Senior
Consultant at Exnal Corp From 1994 to present.
Mario Teguh has earned several awards. In 2010, he was chosen as one of the 8 figures of the
2009 version of Republica. Indonesian Record Museum, MURI, as the organizer of the first car
prize seminar in Indonesia in 2003. Awarded from Indonesian Record Museum, MURI, as the
Motivator with the biggest Facebook Fans In Indonesia in 2010.
Biography Muhammad Hatta

Muhammad Hatta or often called Bung Hatta was the first Vice President of Indonesia.
Muhammad Hatta was born in Bukit tinggi, West Sumatera on August 12 th, 1902. His father is
Haji Muhammad Djamil and his mother is Siti Saleha. His father died when he was eight month
old. Hatta married to Rahmi Hatta on November 18 th 1945. The couple had three children
named Meutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.
Hatta started his education at a private school named Sekolah Melayu. Then he went to ELS
( European Language School ). He continued his school to MULO ( Meer Uitgebreid Lager
Onderwijs). Hatta began to show his interested in politics and national movement sine he was
sixteen years old. He joined Jong Sumatranen Bond and he was chosenas the treasurer. In 1919,
Hatta went to Hogere Burger School (HBS) in Batavia (Jakarta). He finished his study with
distinction in 1921 and he was allowed to continue his study to Rotterdam School of Commerce
in Netherlands. He took economic as his major and got a doctorandus degree. He then continued
to pursue his doctorate degree, but didn’t finish his thesis because politics had taken over his life.
Hatta attended congresess all over Europe to again more support from other national, he always
as the chairman of Indonesia delegation. By the middle of 1972, Perhimpoenan Indonesia’s
activites had alarmed the Dutch authorities. On June 1927, Dutch authorities put Hatta and four
other Indonesia activists in jail. In 1929, Hatta and other Perhimpoenan Indonesia activists were

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