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46. Miguel Serrano and the Black Sun (1978 - 2005)

O Sun of Gold that reflects the Black Sun!

O Black Sun that hides the Ray of Green Light!
Withdraw your luminous shadow,
Rend your veils, so that
I may see the hidden face,
Veiled by your disc,
By the revolving of your swastika,
Because the one who is hidden there
Is I myself.

(Serrano, 1984b, p. 11)

Miguel Joaquin Diego del Carmen Serrano FernSndez, better known by his pen-
name of "Miguel Serrano," was born on Septeraber l0,l9l7 to a distinguished family in
Santiago, Chile. Although he embraced Marxism as a youth, Serrano quickly became
disillusioned with the Left and in 1938 found himself drawn to the Movimiento Nacional
Socialista de Chile lNational Socialist Movement of Chilel following a large-scale
massacre of many of its members during a failed coup. In July 1939 he began writing for
its joumal Trabajo lWorkl. From July 1941 - January 1943, Serrano published his own
biweekly political and literary review called La Nueva Edad lThe New Agel. Although

initially indifferent to anti-Semitism, he soon began reprinting excerpts fuom The

Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Serrano later transmuted the Jewish world conspiracy
into a much more dire metaphysicaltttreat, following in the tradition of the Gnostic
Cathars by identifying Jehovah with the principle of evil: the Demiurge, lord of darkness
and shadows as well as ruler over our fallen planet.

In February 1942, Serrano was initiated into a Chilean esoteric order which gave
allegiance to a mysterious and far-flung Brahmin elite centered in the Himalayas. The
order practiced ritual magic, tantric and kundalini yoga linked to Nietzschean concepts
of the will to power, and fascist activism. Members regarded Adolf Hitler as a savior of
the Indo-European or Aryan race. The order considered astral travel and higher states of
awareness as the natural ancestral heritage of all Aryans. The order's master described
Hitler as a boddhisatva wha had voluntarily incarnated on Earth in order to overcome
the Kali Yuga. He also claimed to have been in astral contact with Hitler and to have
received "sure evidence that he was alive and had survived the Berlin bunker."

These revelations cornbined with rampant post-war speculation in the South

American rnedia that Hitler had escaped to uncharted regions prompted Serano, in his
role as a journalist, to accompany a Chilean military expedition to Antarctica in 1947-48
on the frigate Covadonga. One of the massifs which he explored there bears his name to
this day. During this trip, Serrano was engrossed in reading psychoanalyst Carl Gustav
Jung's essay "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious" (1928), concluding
that it outlined a path of initiation similar to that of Kundalini yoga. The stark, lonely
polar wastes made a permanent impression on Serrano's mind and he came to view
Antarctica as a realm of archetypes. Serrano would also later claim that the doctrine of
Esoteric Hitlerism was revealed to him during an Antarctic encounter with a "Disk of
Uncreated Light."

Serrano's first trip to Europe came in 1951 as part of a delegation of Chilean

journalists to a World Press Conference in Evian, France. Obsessed by the enigmatic
figure of Hitler, Serrano visited and brooded over several sites venerated by post-war
National Socialists (the ruins of the Berlin bunker, Spandau Prison, and the ruins of
Hitler's Berghof at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria). While staying in Switzerland, he
befriended both Herman Hesse, the Nobel Prize-winning writer, and Carl Gustav Jung.
Jung's pre-war psychoanalytiial appraisal of Hitler as a o'spiritual vessel, a demi-divinity,
a mlth" and the embodiment of the "collective unconscious of his race" greatly
influenced Serrano's worldview. He and Jung passionately debated the meaning and
importance of mythology and archetlpes in the modern age of dehumanizing mass
technocracy. Serrano chronicled these encounters with Hesse and Jung in his most
famous boolg C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships (1968).

In 1953, following a well-established family tradition, Sertano entered the

Chilean diplomatic corps and held various ambassadorial posts over the course of
several different administrations (India,1953-62; Yugoslavia, 1962-64; Romania,
Bulgaria, and Austria,1964-70). While in India, Serrano immersed himself in its
spiritual heritage and sought out the secret order of his Chilean master at Mount Kailas
in the Himalayas. Unable to travel there since it was in Chinese-occupied Tibet, Serrano
claimed that he had nevertheless discovered the "inner aspect" of Mount Kailas. He also
met many leading Indian personalities through his diplomatic position, becoming a
personal friend of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, V.K. Ikishna Menon and the Dalai
Lama.In fact, Serrano was the only Westerner to welcome the Dalai Lama in the
Himalayas following his escape from Chinese-occupied Tibet in 1959. Serrano was
eventually dismissed from the Chilean diplomatic service in late l970by President
Salvador Allende. He chose to remain in exile and rented an apartment, previously
inhabited by Hermann Hesse, at Montagnola, Switzerland. During his finat
ambassadorial postings in Vienna and subsequent exile in Switzerland, Serrano
be&iended a number of famous National Socialists and their supporters including L6on
Degrelle, Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Marc Augier (French author who wrote
under the pen-name "Saint-Loup"), Ernst Zr:rlrdel, Hanna Reitsch, Julius Evola, Hermann
Wirth, Wilhelm Landig and,Ezra Pound.

Serrano returned to Chile weeks after the September 1973 coup led by Augusto
Pinochet and other generals that removed President Allende from power. He remained
shut out of the Chilean public service, however, due to his adherence to ffi extremist
ideology. Over the remaining years of his life, Serrano wrote his most influential works
on Esoteric Hitlerism, augmenting his role as a philosopher with public demonstrations
of his continued commitment to National Socialism. In May 1984, Serrano gave the
Hitler salute at the funeral in Santiago of SS-Standartenflihrer Walter Rauff. He
convened a rally in Santiago on September 5, 1993 in honor of Rudolf Hess and in
memory of the 62 young Chilean National Socialists who were killed during the abortive
1938 coup. Up until the time of his death on February 28,2009, Serrano maintained
correspondence with a number of esoterically-oriented National Socialist organizations
throughout the world. Serrano's burial ceremony on March 2,2009 at the General
Cemetery in Santiago, Chile was attended by alarge group of his followers and drew
worldwide press attention.

Serrano was a prolific writer throughout his adult years and published some 40
books of esoteric and political theory, as well as a four-volume autobiography Memorias
de El y Yo fMemorieiof He and I,l'996-1999l. The most important prUti.utilrs for our
purposes are the following:

1969 La Flor lnexistente

lThe Ultimate Floruerl

1972 El/Etla: Book of Magic Love

1918 El Cordon Dorado: Hitlerismo Esoterico

lThe Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism; Esoteric Hitlerism trilogy part 1 ]

1980 I{OS, libro de la Resurecci1n

[,VOS: Book of the Reswrrection)

1984 Adotf Hitler, el Ultimo Avatdra

lAdolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar; Esoteric Hitlerism trilogy part2)

1986 La Resurrecci1n del Hdroe

lThe Resurrection o/'the Hero)

1991 Manil: "Por el hombre qtte vendra"

lMarut: For the Man that Comes; Esoteric Hitlerism trilogy part 3]

1993 Los Ovnis de Hitler contra el Nuevo Orden Mtrndial

lThe LIFOs of Hitler against the New World Order)

2003 El Hijo del Yiudo

lThe Son oJ'the Widowerl

2005 Maya - La Recrlidad es nna llusion

lMaya * Reality is an lllusionf

Serano's Esoteric Hitlerism is a singularly dense, arcane, anti-modernist, neo-

Gnostic poetic philosophy derived from a complex fusion of Hindu-Vedic traditions
(especially Yoga, Tantra and the importance of the Chakras), a dizzying aray of
elements fi'om Northern and Western European traditions, elaborate esoteric and
mythological symbolism, Ariosophy, the .Tungian theory of collective racial archetypes,
and National Socialist symbolism. It is a nearly phantasmagorical worldview that defies
easy summary. Serrano claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the
Hyperborean-descended Aryans, image-bearers of the godhead, and postulates a global
conspiracy against them by an evil inferior demi-god: the Demiurge (Jehovah - an
extratemestrial feeding on human flesh and blood), worshipped by the Jews, lord of

planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks (non-whites), and author of all
base materiality. The world as we know it is a combat zone between the dwindling
Hl,perboreans and the Demiurge and his forces of entropy. But Serrano claims that the
Golden Age can be restored if the Hyperboreans'descendants, the Aryans, consciously
re-purify their blood to restore the divine blood-memory. Heinrich Himmler's exoteric
(outer) SS may have lost World War Two, but the esoteric (inner) SS was still fighting
the metaphysical war against the Jews. Adolf Hitler is an avatar (a divine incarnation)
who will reappear as the "End Times" ruler atthe head of his Last Battalion in a final
apocalyptic battle to destroy the Demiurge and his minions. Adolf Hitler comes to win,
rule and judge. Author Alex Kurtagic has noted that he "can well imagine this, u:rder the
right circumstances, becoming a religious text in a distant, post-apocalyptic future; read,
interpreted, and re-interpreted by mystics and monastic scholars." Esoteric National
Socialists have been journeying down thatpath already for several decades.

Serrano has been widely respected among worldwide National socialist

communities since the first appearance of The Golden Thread. His Esoteric Hitlerism
trilogy was quickly translated and published in German; it has exerted a considerable
influence on German National Socialists ever since. Although Serrano's trilogy has yet
to be translated and published in English, the core ideas of these works are nevertheless
readily available to the English-only reader. What has been largely unrecognized by
many is the fact that Serrano's earlier works available in English (The (Ittimate Flower,
and El/Ella: Book of Magic Love,,A/O^Sj Book of the Resuruectioz) provide a complete
exposilion of his philosophical and esoteric views stripped of anyNational socialist
trappings. In many instances, these works (especially lro^9) offer a more lucid
explanation of some of the more difficult concepts explored at length in the trilogy.
Serrano's last two books (booklets really) provide a coda to his life's work. The Son of
the Widower is a syrthesis exploring esoteric Christianity, esoteric Islam, and
esotericism in the German SS. Maya - Reality is an Illusiorz is little more than an
addendum, providing further information on topics of importance to Esoteric Hitlerism.

Questions have arisen concerning the possible influence of other authors on

Serrano's formulation of Esoteric Hitlerism. The first person usually mentioned in this
regard is fellow esoteric National Socialist and author, Savitri Devi (see Chapter 37).
Serrano and Devi engaged in a limited correspondence beginning in 1980 which is
useful in clari$ring the question concerning any possible cross-pollination of their
philosophies (consisting of tkee letters only; archived at www.savitridevi.org). It is
clear that prior to 1980 Devi had not read any of Serrano's writings and thus he could
not have had any influence on the development of her version of Esoteric Hitlerism.
Serano, on the other hand, did acknowledge Devi's The Lightning and the Sun tnthe
bibliography to the first volume of his trilogy. The remaining two volumes of the trilogy

do not possess bibliographies. Nevertheless, there appears to be little evidence of any

significant influence by Devi on Serrano's work beyond confirming ideas that he had
already held true for a number of years (e.g., recognizing Adolf Hitler as an avatar who
battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga). The Lightning and the
Sun was first published in 1958 some sixteen years after Serrano began his involvement
with a Chilean esoteric group that espoused many of the concepts to be found in Devi's
work. Nonetheless, Serrano has praised Devi in print for being the first to openly
promulgate Adolf Hitler's status as anavatar.

In stark contrast, Serrano's account of visitations by our semi-divine

extraterrestrial ancestors and his history of the Hlperboreanrace and its settlement of
the polar region and subsequent migrations owe a large debt to Robert Charroux's
writings (see Chapter 40). Throughout bothLegacy of the Gods (1965) and Masters of
the World (1967) Charroux explores the extraterrestrial origin of the ancient
Hyperboreans, their eternal emnity with the Jews, and the importance of Venus and the
Black Sun. Charroux also speculates on the nature of the Thule Society and the presence
within it ofNational Socialists prior to the Second World War. Serrano appears to have
first encountered Charroux's books while exiled to Switzerland in the 1970s and he
specifically credits them in the bibliography of The Galden Thread.It was also around
this time according to Serrano that he was introduced to Louis Pauwels and Jacques
Bergier's seminal workLe Matin des magiciens lThe Morning of the Magicians,1960].
This led him to explore the writings of Otto Rahn and "Saint-Loup" on the Grail,
Montsegur and the Cathars and exerted a profound influence on his eventual formulation
of Esoteric Hitlerism. Where the symbolism of the swastika itself is concerned, Serrano
clearly owes a debt to French historian Andre Brissaud (see Chapter 4I).

Finally, although he is not directly acknowledged in any of Serrano's writings, it

is safe to assume that the Austrian SS veteran and esotericist Wilhelm Landig (and by
extension Rudolf Mund; see Chapters 44 and 34 respectively) played a key role in
introducing Semano to the syrnbolism of the Golden Sun - Black Sun during his Swiss
exile in the early 1970s. There is no mention of the Black Sun in any of Serrano's
writings prior to the 1978 publication of The Golden Thread. Ultimately, Serrano would
take the Black Sun to metaphorical places that Landig, et al. could not have imagined
through his inclusion of it in his well-nigh labyrinthine philosophy of Esoteric Hitlerism.
The popularity of his trilogy among postwar German National Socialists has
undoubtedly played a vital role in the promotion and circulation of the Black Sun
concept in that comrnunity since the late 1970s. As will be demonstrated in the review of
his texts that follow, Serrano was also the first writer to imply that the sunwheel inlay on
the floor of the Obergruppenflihrersaal [Upper Group Leader's Hall] in the North Tower
of Wewelsburg Castle symbolized the Black Sun.

It{ote: The.follottting texts are onlv a representative portion of Serrano's w"itings on the
Black Sun. His works tend to be repetitiou,c and man-t, of'the Black Sun references are
merely incantatory in nature containing little i.nfbrmation about the origin and/or nature
of the symbol. 7'o have presented all of Serrano's references to the Black Sun **ould
have been a disservice to readers trying to mentall.v navigate this difficult terrain. A
.iudiciotts seleclion bv the editor qf the ke.v texls for inclusion in the cltrrent volume yvas
an tmavoidable practical necessity. [Jltimatellt, a tnte appreciation o.l'the daunting
complexity of Serrano's vv-orks can onll; be gained bv reading them in their entirety.

Excerpts from El Cordon Dorado - Hitlerismo Esoterico (1978)

"Time passed; from the sky poured a somber enveloping rain. The tentacles of the victor
moved out to blanket the seas, cities and continents. By hate and revenge, a carefully
prepared plan of insidious lies, concentrated on the education of the youth, including
even the soul of children and adults, as well as the teror of hunger, persecution, tolture,
material and moral emergencies, prevented the Heroic climate, the solar grandeur. the
value of tlie transparent light, the Lucif-eric beauty It], the Grail [2]. tht'Emerald of
Hermes [3], the Morning Star [4], the Blacl< Sun l5l frorn behind the Golden Sun, the
Green Ray [6] from behind the Black Sun. All is dead no\,v on the surface of the Earth.
The blood and valor have died. [7]" (p.27)

f 1l Lucifer's name signifies "rnost beautiful light." (Serrano, 199i, p. 253)

[2] "The Grail was really a piece of Lucifer's stone crov,,n that fell onto our planet. At his defeat, his
cro\\n was broken into a thousand liagments and spread throughout the firmament. Only when they',vere
all gathered together would Lucifer be vindicated and rehrn to the throne... fthe fragment] shone brighter
than the sun and was like frozen fire with its green and white light." (Serrano, 1972" pp. 44-45) "It is said
that possibly He hirnself lluciferl carried it to the North Pole... There he founded Ultima Thule. the
capital of l{lperborea. Becar:se of this, the Crail has been called the Stone of Erile llapsit exillisl... lon it]
is... the Law... the Great Secret. It is also an Emerald Chalice..." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 17) Guenon (1983)
states that the stone came from Lucifer's forehead fi.e., it is his "third eye" - inner eye or alna chakra].

l3l The Emerttld Tablet is a text purportedly by f{ermes Trismegistus which claims to reveal rhe secret of
the primordial substance and its transmutations. "The colour green, stressed by Khunrath, is
associated with Venus... fthis is] confirned in Penotus's Tqble o/'S1.,rnbols', where the peacock is
correlated with the 'mysterium coniugii' and with Venus, as is also the green lizard,. Creen is the
colour of the Holy Chost, of life, procreation and resurrection." (Jung. i970, pp. 288-289).

[a] The name given to the planet venus when it appears in the east before sunrise.

"John Dee [8]... affirmed that the Earth is not round, but flattened at the poles, that there
exists a non-Euclidean mathematics [9], and that the earth is not solid, but consists of
super-imposed spheres which have the ability to associate with one another. In an
audience before Queen Elizabeth of England, he insisted that Greenland should be
seized, because it would grant access to a parallel universe, as we would say today. John
Dee also knew that in America existed the Secret West l10l - that it was the Continent
of the Other Light - aliglx which is born from the death of the physical and visible sun's
light, perhaps the light of the Black Sun, or perhaps the Green Ray, the herald of the
Morning Star." (p.a0)

"Few living have penetrated fthe legendary archetypes] to the ultimate fire, even to the
ultimate existential consequences, by re-experiencing the drama in the flesh (undergoing
the ordeal by flre in their own flesh), except for a few exceptions. To this group
probably belongs Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa Ii 1] and perhaps some other Spanish
alchemists that have come here fthe Americas] looking for the drinkable gold (Aurum
potabile) [12]; which if drunk grants immortality, in the Secret West, where the
perceptible, physical light of the Golden Sun wanes and the spiritual light of the Black
Sun and the Green Ray is born." (pp. a5-a6)

[5] "Because the Black Sun... doesn't shed its light outside the earth but inside it... The green light that
streams out from both poles is the dream of the Black Sun as it longs for... that indescribable state, that
non-existence of the Ray of Green Light, where our exalted guides dwell." (Serrano, 1984b, pp.27 & 158)

[6] The Green Ray in *re occult philosophy of the 19ft and2}h centuries is the fourth of The Seven Rays
(the primary creative energies of the universe) corresponding to the seven colors of the visible spectrum. It
is the ray of beauty and the arts and is linked to nature mysticism as well as physical and etheric exercises.

[7] This paragraph conveys Serrano's sense of the moral and spiritual decline that overtook the West
following the Allied victory in the Second World War and the resultant lack of racial "blood memory''
among modern Aryans. "Your sword is double-edged. Its scabbardis called Minne,Blood Memory. The
memory of the love lost at the beginning of time flows through the blood. Seek me in your blood, keep it
pure." (Serrano, 1984b, p.43)

[8] John Dee {1527 1609) was a noted English mathematician, astrologer, occultist and royal consultant.
He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.

[9] Non-Euclidean geometry modifies Euclid's parallel postulate (allowing for rmexpected physical
relationships in elliptically-curved space) and is often invoked in fictional works to allow alien beings
their own unique laws of geometry (e.g., author H.P. Lovecraft's sunken city of R'lyeh).

[10] Inmosthumancultures,theundyinglandstraditionallylaybeyondthewesternhorizon(i.e.,beyond
the setting sun).
-497 -

"In the Church of Santo Milagro, in Piedra Fita del Ceibrero [13], one can view a Grail
which it is said was formerly in San Juan de le Pena [14] - and next to which may be
seen a recently attached inscription mentioning Parzival and Wagner. There the blood of
the blue beings of Hyperborea l15l is symbolically drunk. The Grail is green with the
color of the ray behind the Black Sun. If one chooses to tarry at the Benedictine
monastery of Samos [16], it is discoveredthat this name is Germanic, Visigothic and
derived from Samanos, which itself originates from Sanskrit as does the word Samadhi
ll7l,that it means with the Primordial Being, with the Great Hyperborean Ancestor in
this case. And thus everything goes, because Beogran [1S] is also Wotan. And the Pico
Sacro [19] is the Elbrus of the West [20]." (p. 93)

[11] Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa was a 16th Century explorer "... fascinated by magic and alchemy, [he]
was pursued by bad luck and driven by strong southeasterly winds into the Strait where he founded the
Ciudad del Rey Felipe (which was really the City of Hunger and Thirst, The City of Great Longing).
There he left a handful of men while he continued his explorations... he was assailed by doubts, and his
ship was battered by a huge wave which forced him to turn back. He was rmable to discover the narrow
passage that leads to the oasis of the ices, because his heart was torn between opposing memories and
conceptions of the world; he was incapable of surrendering himself completely to a Hyperborean dream. . .
he was never able to return to [his men] or bring them help because of the violent tempests which battered
the area. To the end of his life he was bothered by dreams of these men, even though they had entered the
City of the Caesars and gained immortality there... He was swallowed up by the sea without leaving a
single trace." (Serrano, 19 69, pp. 20-21 ; Serrano, 1 984b, pp. 86-37)

ll2l Aurum potabile (drinkable gold; alchemical gold) - ooHomer also relates that the Garden of the
Hesperides, with its apples of alchemical gold, of aurum potabile, which can be eaten and drunk, was
guarded by three sisters; one white, one black and one red; Albedo, Nigredo and Rubedo were said to be
their names." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 85)

l13l The focal point of the Spanish town of Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Lugo Province, Galicia) is the Iglesia
de Santa Maria, rebuilt in the 1960s on the ruins of a Romanesque church (the Iglesia de Santo Milagro).
Legend has it that in the Middle Ages the Holy Grait was hidden here for safe-keeping.

[14] The monastery of San Juan de la Pefla is a religious complex in the town of Santa Cnz de la Ser6s,
at the south-west of Jaca, in the province of Huesca, Spain. It was one of the most important monasteries
in Aragon in the Middle Ages. Legends state that the Holy Grail was sent to the monastery for protection
and prevention from being captured by the Muslim invaders of the Iberian Peninsula.

[15] Hl,perborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where it was reported
that people enjoyed lengthy lives ofcomplete happiness. The sun was supposed to rise and set only once a
year in Hyperborea; which would place it in the polar regions. Some legends speak of Hyperboreans as
blonde-haired, blue-eyed giants whose skin was so white as to be almost blue in color. Thiir women were
indescribably beautiful and possessed magical powers which permitted them to communicate with other
worlds. They lived in cities consfiucted of materials clear as glass (which recalls the sunken glass
paradise/otherworld so often encountered in Celtic legends [e.g., Ys, Glastonbury, Ynis Wydr]).

Excerpts from Adolf Hrtler - El Ultimo Avatara (198aa)

"In any case, the "Secret operation of the discovery of the Americas" signified a real
crusade against the White Gods [21]. A true "Crusade against the Grail," to use the title
of the book written by Otto Rahn concerning the tragedy of the Cathars 1221. Alltraces
and all knowledge of the ruins, the secrets, and the wise sayings of the White Gods were
destroyed by Catholic monks directed from the center of World Judaism: the Vatican in
Rome... Every trace of the divine, Venusian origin of our ancient planetary history was
systematically made to disappear. Some Spanish conquerors, however, acted of their
own accord, obedient to the 'Memory of their Visigoth blood." Men such as Pedro
Sarmiento de Garnboa (who was interested in magic and alchemy), the captain C6sar
(from whom the "City" takes its name) and others who lost their lives in the search for
the Enchanted Cities, Ele[in, Trapalnanda,Paititi, El Dorado [23]. For therq the
conquest of America was an operation of Secret Alchemy, afi opus alchimicum 1241, and
they were not here looking for physical gold, but for the aurum potabile, which when
drunk grants Eternal Life, the Black Sun at Polar Midnight. That light which appears
when the light of the physical sun expires, the Golden Sun, which illuminates this
Second Earth of the Kali-Yuga 1257." (p.52)

[15] OneofthemostsigniflcantreligioushousesinSpanishhistory,theBenedictineMonasteryofSan
Xulirin de Samos was founded in the 6e century under the monastic rules of Saints Fruhroso and Isidora.
The Benedictine rule was later infoduced by monks from San Juan de la Pefia in fuagon. By the Middle
Ages, the order was one of the wealthiest and most powerful of all the monasteries on the peninsula.

[17] Sam-adhi - "...fusion wfihAdhi, the Primordial Being" (Serano, 1984b, p. 70)

[1 8] Beogran or Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. The Slavic name Beligrad is a form of
Beograd, meaning "White City."

[19] This pointed mountain near Boqueixon in Galicia (Spain) is the subject of many cwious legends.

[20] Mount Elbrus, an inactive volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range of Russia (near
its border with Georgia), is the highest mountain in Europe.

[21] "h American legend, they are said to be the Hyperboreans who came to America in times long past,
before the Hlperborean continent was submerged..." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 189)

l22l Otto Wilhelm Rahn (1904 - 1939) was a German medievalist and offlcer in Himmler's elite SS. He
believed there was a link between Wolfram Von Eschenbach's Parzival and the Cathar Grail mystery, the
key to which lay beneath the ruins of the Cathar fortress of Monts6gur in France. See Rahn (193312006).

"There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus [26] considered it to be a

condensation of light. I believe that Aryan, Hyperborean blood does not arise from the
light of the Golden Sun (a galactic sun), but from the light of the Black Sun, &om the
Green Ray. It is not an archive of the Akashic light, but of another universe. The
Akashic Records belong to the enemy [27]. If memory of this Hyperborean blood is
obtained, the Voice is awoken and the magic power Vril [28] recovered, thus destroying
the cycle of the eternal retum [29]. Thus, the Aryans of the Indian Shastriya [30], the
Brahmins 131], and the Esoteric Hitlerists strive to retain the purity of their blood, in
order to "remember" better and triumph in the Great Battle. The same principle makes
the Jews... oppose the Aryans with their anti-blood." (pp. 95-96)

"The hyperborean race descended or fell down from outer space through a star. But the
ancient traditions, legends and my,ths refer to a battle that was realized outside of this
world (Nicholas Berdiaief 132] speaks of a "Prologue to Earth History") and even a
legend of the Grail tells of a Stone that fbll from Lucifer's Crown and shattered during

[23] "The Master also told us of another race of beings fwho lived]... in a city hidden in the mountains...
called Creat Payiti... located somewhere near the border of Peru and Brazil. Oth:rs have identified it as
the Gran Quivira in Mexico; yet others have called it Elelin and Trapalanda. It has also been called the
City of the Caesars... simply because the Spanish conquistador Francisco Cdsar claimed in 1528 to have
discovered an enchanted cityfitting its description... The exact location of this city... is generallythought
to be in Patagonia, perhaps near Lake Nahuel-Huapi, or the Payehue lagoon near the Llanqueco swampl or
in the Sarmiento mountains. lts importance rests in its having successfully preserved the secrets of etemal
Iife." (Serrano, I 969, pp. I 6-I 7)

l24l optts alchimicum - an alchemical working or experiurent

l25l The second part of the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) during which men forget the gods and abandon their
worship. According to Indian scriptures, the Kali Yuga is the last of four cyclical rvorid Ages.

[26] Paracelsus (1493 - 1541) was a Swiss Renaissance physician. alchemist. and astrologer. He
pioneered the medical use of chemicals and minerals and is also regarcled as the first systematic botanist.

[27] The akashic records (Sanskrit "akasha" meaning sky, space or aether) is a term used to describe a
compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of eristence. It purportedly contains
all knowledge of human experience, as well as the history of the cosmos. The akashic records can be
accessed through astral projection or deep hypnosis. In Serrano's vielr,', since the visible universe of the
Golden Sun uas ruled by an evil Demi-Urge, its records would also "belong to the enerny."

[28] Vril is a life-energy first described in Edrvard Buhver-Lyton's popular 1871 science fiction novel
The Coming Race. H.P. Rlavatsky (see Chapter 14) thought that Vril was controlied by an Aryan master
race. Serrano felt that Hlperborean female magicians wielded it.

this stellar combat (Otto Rahn). Lucifer is thus one of the Gods of the Light of the Black
Sun, his name signifying the Most Beautiful Light, or more precisely, Luci-Bel [33], as
he was called by the Cathars l3a]. He entered via the Morning Star, Venus, or Oiyehue
as this star is called by the Araucanos [35]. The falsifications which have found their
way into the Book of Genesis and Christianity in general present a completely distorled
view of Lucifer. Also, I cannot accept in this context the Evolean [36] view of the titans.
which makes Prometheus and Lucifer, like the giants of ancient times. appear to be the
protagonists of a malevolent rebellion.

in addition, there is a Hlperborean Archetype, a God of the Black Sun, who is also
Chaos. A Lord of the galactic Darkness who tears everything into nothingness and who,
in the parallel worlds, wages his Great War against the Children of the Hyperborean
Light. On the Earth he has accomplished his goals through his followers, primarily
making use of the so-called defeat and fall. The defeat of the "angels that fell in love
with the daughters of man [37]," the animal-man, the exclusively terrestrial being. It is
the "original sin." A Racial Sin." (pp. 97-98)

[29] Etemal return (or "eternal recurrence") is a concept which holds that the universe has been recurring.
and will continue to recur, in a self-similar thshion an inllnite number of times across intinite time and/or
inflnite space. The concept was derived liom Indian philosophy was adopted by the Pl,thagoreans. The
concept fell into disfavor in the u,estern world following the aclvent of Christianity. in the 19'1' century it
was resu:rected in thought experiments by the philosophers Arthur Schopenlauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.

130] Learned masters w'ho have composed scriptures or cornmentaries on ancient religious texts.

[31] Mernbers of the highest Hindu caste (the priesthood).

[32] Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaer, (1874 - 1948) was a Russian Christian existentialist political
philosopher who wrote more than 400 books and articles following exile from the Soviet Union in 1922.

[33] "flucifer] came down frorr the Morning Star, Venus... he wiil always be the loser on the involuted
Second Earth of the Kaliyuga. but he will be the victor on the Other Earth. rvhen the Golden Age returns.
He must iose here in order to carry the earth back to its origins. . . until he reaches the void of th e Black
Sun behrnd the Sur of Gold and the Ray of Green Light behind the Black Sun. . . [{is emblem is the Left-
handed Swastika, that of the Return. . . The Cathars ca1led him Luci-Bel." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 1 82)

[34] Catharism was a dualistic and gnostic Christian religious sect that appeared in the Languedoc region
of France ancl other parts of Europe in the 1 1th century and flourished through the l3'1' century. Using the
weapons of a crr-rsade and the Inquisition, the Catholic Church waged war against the Cathar "heretics" lbr
nearly 200 years and finally succeeded in extirpating the movement in the l4tl' century.

[35] The Mapuche are the mixed-ethnicity indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern
Argentina. They were knorm as Araucanians (araucanos) to the Spanish colonizers of South Anerica.

"If you let yourself go, if you don't rebel at the threshold of that death, you are
revived... But first you must die, you must descend into death, into the loss of physical
consciousness in order to wake up with another consciousness in your astral body. It is
like the transition from the Gold Sun to the Black Sun * to traverse a black hole in order
to exist again, after that mystical death, in another light, perhaps of a green color, in the
Green Ray. This is the mystical death of the ancient Mysteries and of the Initiations [38].
In this way Aryans are the twice born. That is to say, the Initiates, those who have died
here voluntarily and no longer die a natural physical death because then they live in their
astral body [39]..." (p. 115)

"Oases of warm water in the ice, a white fre, a frozen fire, a cold and secret place in the
center of the heart! To manage to stay implacable, cakn, imperturbable in the midst of
combat, without hatreds, resentments, judgments, prejudices (according to the Master),
beyond passion, in the center of passion, distant and close, inside and outside, beyond
the God of the Cold and the Storm. This is what it means to be qflyperborean, to travel
towards Hyperborea, to have found that unconquerable region, the terrestrial Paradise,
Paradesha [40], the Black Sun of Midnight, the highest summit of the Mountain of
Revelation: the Melimoyu 1411, the Kailas l42l.The center point of the person, the
Oneself. This is the resurrection of the Frihrer, of Wotan, of a God within us, in the
Antarctic ice, in the Mystic Homeland of the South Pole." (p. 151)

[36] Baron Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola (1898 1974) was an Italian philosopher who believed that we
are in the end times of the Kali Yuga. Most of his writings centered on the interior iife of spiritualism and
mysticism. In his core philosophical trilogy (Revolt Against the Modern Vttorld 11934), Men Among the
Ruins {19531and Ride the Tiger [1961]), Evola called for a haditionalist esoteric rebirth of the West.

l37l Genesis 6:1-4.

[38] In the ancient world a number of great Mystery Schools taught the control of consciousness to a
degree u.{rich allowed their student initiates to experience death and rebirth.

[39] The astral body is a subtle energy posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent
soul and the physical body. It derives from the philosophy ofPlato and was adopted by l9'h century
Theosophists and neo-Rosicrucians. The astral body was widely linked to out-of-body experiences, as well
as the experience of dream-syrnbols, archetypes, memories, spiritual beings and visionary landscapes.

[40] The Vedic texts say the countrf is known as Paradesha" also called the "Heart of the
World." It is the word from uihich the Chaldeans formed Pardes, and Westemers Paradise.

[41] Melimoyu (Meli = four, Moyu :

breast; fserrano, 1984b, pp.24,37]) is a holy mountain with a
distinct horned profile located 40 km NW of the town of Puerto Puyuhuapi, in the Aisdn Region of Chile.

"In pre-antiquity, the longing for nature was expressed in the cult of the Light of the
Year and the Sun, like the symbol of that Nostalgia for a different Sun, of that which is
beyond the Sun, the spiritual seed and Light of another Earth. Among those ofNordic-
Atlantean stock, this Nostalgia was represented by means of schematic and magical
signs, the Runes. Nostalgia for the Ancient Sun, the Black Sun beyond the visible Sun,
allows one to sense the return ofthe Man Who Is To Come [43]. The vtral44) extends
his arms toward all sunsets, towards that Sun beyond this sun. He is the man with arms
upraised and extended outwards [45]. The Hyperborean is that man who has lost the
Other Sun and is hurling himself into the night abyss of this earth with his arms open
and extended downwards [46]. My giants within the Mountanl4Tl. The Man Rune
Yand the Death Rune I. When the Light of the Black Sun is extinguished, the vira takes
refuge in the Cavern Mother to wait for the return, the renaissance, the resurrection of
the Ancient Sun. Friedrich Barbarossa went to the Cavern of Kyffhauserberg [48] and
Hitler to a cavern in Tibet, or the Andes Mountains, or in the Antarctic ice. They fal1
asleep, into a dream, into hibernation, guarded by the Crows of Wotan [49], hoping that

[42] Mount Kailash is a peak lying near Lake Manasarowar in the Himalayan Cangdise Mountains in
Tibet. It is considered a sacred place in four religions: Bdn, Buddhism, Hinduisrn, and Jainism. In
llinduisrn. it is considered to tre Lord Shiva's abode and a place ofeternal bliss. Serrano believed that the
main house of his rnystical order eristed deep within the rnountain (Serrano, 1984b, pp. 6a & 103).

[43] A ref-erence to Kalki, the tenth and final Maha Avatar (great incarnation) of Vishnu who rvi11 come to
end the present age of darkness and <lestruction knor.vn as the Kali Yuga. He will appear as a tnan seated
on a white horse bearing a sword blazing like a comet.

iaa] The tantric hero, the semi-divine man-hero. (Serrano, 1984b, p. 189)

la5l Algiz, the Lite R n. - Y [46] Yr, the Death Rune t

[47] "One morning at dawn, I opened my window and looked out at the snow-covered Andes... It was as
though 1xy eyes were operating on a ne\\, level of consciousness. for in the great bulk of the mountains, I
could see the outlines of two giants irnprisoned in the rocks".. One seemed to be stretching his arms
upi.vards in an in,ploring fashion. while the other bowed his head towards the earth... I became convinced
that all the mountains were but petrified bodies of giants, waiting for liberation. . . (Serrano, I 969, pp. 14-
I 6) "I again stared at the firnprisoned] giants. . . tortured by trvo contrary forces, dragged upwards and
downwards in a titanic struggle which will only cease when these veins of mineral gold manage to colne
together, tuming into a liquid gold u.hich can be drunk and give us eternal life." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 88)

f48] Friedrich Barbarossa {1122 - I 190) rvas a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to unite a patchwork ol
rnore than 1600 individual states into one German state. He is the subject of many legends, rncluding that
of the sieeping hero, like the much older British Celtic legend olArthur. Legend says Friedrich is not
dead, but asleep with his knights in a cave in the Kyffhiiuser mountain in Thuringia (Germany) and that
rvhen ravens cease to lly around the mourtain he rvill awake and restore Germany to its ancient greatness.

the Light of the Black Sun will return, that the "window" of the Cavern will open
permitting them to pronounce the New magical Word [50], the New Rune, that shatters
the cycles of Eternal Return of the Brahmanic Calendar [51].

And the Word becomes the Hagal Rune [52] fbrmed by the combination of the Man
Rune of Life, and the Yr Rune of Death. Total-Man, the Reborn one, the Twice-bom,
the Aryan. This Rune already possessed the form of a hexagonal (six-pointed) Star
which was stolen by the Jews. In reality it is the Morning Star which is also the Evening
Star, Yepun [53] and Oiyehue, the Double Star of Lucifer, Irmin 154], Wotan,
Quetzalcoatl [55]. The Initiation Star of the Waruiors, the Aurora Watchers [56], the
Dawn Treaders [57], those who travel in the direction of Hyperborea, returning to
encounter the Black Sun, like a continent subrnerged in the waters of their own soul.
And when this happens, when the man is reborn, takes the Hagal Rune and rotates it in
reverse, in the direction of Hyperborea, of the North Pole (that is the South Pole) it
transforms into the Swastika of Esoteric Hitlerism. The Black Sun moving back towards
the origin, the Green Ray. The Black Sun of the polar midnight." (pp. 15a-155)

119] h Nordic mflh, Odin (the father of the gods) sits in Asgard, home of the warior gods. Two crows
perch on his shoulders: Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Mernory). Odin sends them down to earth to
gather inlormation about the world. They come back and rvhisper in his ears.

[50] This is rerniniscent of English occultist Aleister Crorvley's "word of the new aeon" which initiates
the beginning of a new age.

[5 I ] In Serrano's terms, it is irnperative to escape the C.vcle olEternal Retr"rn since the physical world of
the Goiden Sun is the domain of the evil Derni-Urge and his minions (the extraterestrial being Jehovah
and the Jews). The Demi-Urge is a concept from the Platonic schoot of'phiiosophy for an artisan-like
figure responsible for the tbshioning and maintenance of the physical universe. The term rvas subsequently
adopted by the Gnostics who presented the Derni-Urge as antagonistic to the will of the Supreme Being.
His act of creation occurs in unconscious semblance of the divine rnodel, and thus is fundamentally
flawed, or else is folned with the rlalevolent intention of entrapping aspects of the divine lr materiality.

i52] X 1fn. Central World Axis that lies within each of us and, sirnuitaneousty, within the Master of
the Universe. The ancient principle of "As above, so below" the connection between our spinal axis with
its chakras fmicrocosm] and the galactic axis fmacrocosm] as exemplified by the synbol of the caduceus).

[53] The MapucheiAraucanian word for the Evening Star (Venus).

[54] A hlpothetical Germanic deity. The Old Saxon adjective irmin meanitg "great, strong" may also
have been an epithet of Odin.

[55] Quetzalcoatl is a lV{esoamerican deity whose name means "feathered-serpent." Among the Aztecs,
Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of venus, of the dawn, and others.

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Miguel Serrano's Total Man diagram illustrating the relationships among the traditional
Chakras, the Golden Sun [So/ de Oro), the Black Sun lSo/ Negro], the Black Hole lHoyo
Negrof, the Green Ray lRayo Yerdef and the Elella-Venus-Ellael complex.
(Reproduced from Semano, 1 9 84a ( 2004), p. 230; courtesy o f Editorial Solar)

"ltwas in Hitler's Thrd Reich, where the Sonnenmenschen, the men of the Black Sun,
could recover the lost body, the Vril, the direct knowledge in the memory of the blood.
The Viros, tumed again into dilyas [58], constructed their astral body, their Sahu [59],
their own Vimana [60] and with it started off for the recovered and unconquerable
paradise of Asgard [61]." (p.239)

"After awakening the heart center (the Anahatha chakra t62l) by piercing it with a
Lance, the hero is given to die, risking its "I," when crossing by a black hole, by the
Black Sun, the Abyss 1631. In the Sahasrara chakra [64], the Crown of the Hyperborean
King, of Lucifer, which in esoteric Christianity becomes the Crown of Thorns, El and
Ella were one: SA-HAM (l am you). There they were netdy wed, onthe summit of
Monte Meru [65], in the heights of Paradesha, in the palace of Midgard [66], in the

t56] [n many areas of the nofihern iatitudes, the aurora borealis was seen as a sy.n, boi of approaching
doon,, and the phenomenon was regarded rvith fear and superstition.

l57l ". .the Eternal Pilgrims, the Walkers of the Dawn who have three eyes." (Serrano, 1969, p. 68)
"Their sign is ared spot/left-handed s'ul,astika over the left breast." (Serrano, 1984b, p,45)

[58] Divine-Men, Man-Gods

[59] The immortal double, the incorruptible soul, of the ancient Egyptians.

[60] Mysterious disc-like flyng objects mentioned in the Sanskrit epics (.Ratna);ana and Mahabharata).

[61] In Norse religion, Asgard is one of the Nine Worlds and is the central abode of the Norse Cods.

[62] The fourth primary Chakra (according to Hindu tradition) synbolizing the consciousness of iove,
erripathy, selflessness and devotion.

163] "Only love can make you cross the deep chasm, the drarvbridge that separates yoLrr 'ego' from the
castle in which your beloved lies asleep. jumping into the abyss. It is in effect a change, a miracle. It is a
Non-Existent Flower, the self. Fall rnto this flower and you will flnd the face of your Beloved there. . . This
love makes you irnmortai." (Serano, 1984b , p. 69)

164] In Hindu tradition, this is the seventh primary Chaka syrboiizing detachment liorl illusion; an
essential eiement in obtaining suprarnental higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one.

[65] Mount Meru is a sacred mountain in Jain, Hindu and Buddhist cosmology where all of the physical,
metaphysical and spiritual universes meet. It was the wedding place of Shiva and Parvati. The Way of A-
Mor requires "going beyond the Androgyrous of the beginnings, in search of an absolute clifferentiation,
the Absoiute Personality. I imagine that the ultimate solution is a leap into the Void, over the Sahasrara
chakra, from the peak of Mount Meru..." (Serrano, 1984b, p. l)

Weapon Hall of the Heroes and Valkyries, in Valhalla [67]. With their leap into the
Sunya [68], into the Abyss, into the Black Sun, they have become separated in order to
be able to regain, as the Absolute Man and the Absolute Woman, the nonexistence of the
Green Ray (my Nonexistant Flower [69]), which always separates and unites. United in
their separation. The mantra is HAM-SA (You are I), the inverse of SA-HAM. The other
side of the mirror... Beyond the Spirit. In that which does not exist, in the Green Ray.
NOS [70], the Revived One with the square pupils 1711. The Resurrection of Baldur
172);' (pp.2sa-259)

"Because there once existed another Light, an unchanging Light, that of the ancient,
polar Black Sun, through which it is possibl e to leave, to jump toward the Nonexistent

[66] Midgard is one of the Nine Worlds and is our world (i.e., the home of Humans).

[67] In Norse m1'thology, a vaikyrie (from Oid Norse lalforrla "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of
female figures that decide who will die in battle. Selecting among hallof those who die in battle (the other
half go to the goddess Freyja's afterlife field F6lkvangr), the valkpies bring their chosen to the afterlife
hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin.

t68] " .. the seeming Void, the Non-existent Flower, the definitive separation of tantric ecstasy: Kaivalya,
as opposed to Vedantic Samadhi. That is to say, the magician as opposed to the saint and the mystic. The
ultimate aim of the Hyperborean Initiation of A-Mor." (Serrano, l98ab, p. 2)

|.69] "I am knou,t and yet do not exist at a11." This paradox recalls the Indian 'asat' (non-existing). Cf,
Chhandogya Upanishad, VI, ii, 1 fSacred Books of the East,II, p. 93] (C.G. Jung, 1967, p. 218).

"This non-existent flower is what Jung himself called the Seli that circie whose circumference has no
bounds and whose center is to be found in no parlicular place. That center in the person must be invented
because although it is there, it has never been realized; it erists oniy in potential... Thus we have to
believe that the centre and flower exist, even though they may not, and even though they tray never have."
(Serrano, 1968, p. 11 1)

Senano states that the Nonexistent Flower has l2 petals and that its mantra is "Yam" u,hich is the same as
that for the Anahata Chakra. (Serrano, 1984b, p. 137)

[70] "Joumey ever onward until one day you and your 'ego' enter the city where I arvait you. And
lve will put on the mantle of Absolute Personaliry because we will have escaped from the fatal
circle of retums. We will be NOS." fwe: nosotros] (Serrano. 1984b, p. 37)

[7 1] hnmortal beings are sometinres said to possess square pupils.

[72] Baldur is a Norse god whose death is seen as the first in a chain of events that will lead to the
destruction clf the gods at Ragnardk, the great battle to renew the world.
- 50'7 -

Flower ofthe Green Ray. And this Black Sun is nothing but the Door of Venus. It is
Lucifer, the true Guide of the Retwn to Hyperborea, at the other end, opposed to the
Christ of the variable Light of the New Srur, of death and of dissolution. This is the
conviction of the Aryan Hyperboreans, the faith of Esoteric Hitlerisrn, the Way of the
Soldiers of Wotan and the Fiihrer, a retrograde pathway of transmutation of the vira into
divya and of the simultaneous transformation of the Earth." (p. 270)

"The eagle which illustrates the title page of this book is of Aztec origin. It is a symbol
of the polar Black Sun and could also be found on a piece of furniture in the Reich
Chancellery [73]. Hitler had it placed there, knowing that it would become the syrnbol of
the Fourth Reich which will come about on an Alternate Earth regenerated by Wakan-
Tanka, the Thunderbkd l7 4), after its victory against the powers of evil and darkness,
when the Wakan-Wotan powor has imposed order and justice in an extra-cosmic,
spiritual sense. And the Final Avatar of the Ftihrer will return mounted on the Eagle of
Another Light, which is the Thunderbird." (p.299)

says that the Morning Star is Lucifer and that it also is Quetzalc6atl, the Most
Beautiful Light, the Crown of the Grail. Its day is Friday. Its number is 13; because it is
an artificial sun; in truth, it is a doorway to the Black Sun. From this pathway the
messages of the Green Ray, as well as beings from other universes (the Divyas, the
Siddhas [75], and the Vimanas) arrive into our plane of manifestation. From this

[73] Senano is referring to an eagle inlay on the front face of a wooden credenza that sat along the wall
behind and to the 1eft of Hitler's desk in his office at the Reich Chancellery (see the photographs in
Serrano, 1984a, pp.297-298). These photographs were taken by Albert Speer in 1939 although the
creder:za is usually cropped out (e.g., Le Tissier, 1992,p. 105). Life Magazine published a series of 14
color photographs online enlitledAdolf Hitler's Private World (http:llwww.life.comiimagel88l56369lin-
galleryl270l2#indexlO; accessed 1127l20ll). They were taken by Hugo Jaeger, one of Hitler's personal
photographers from 1936-1945. Jaeger' s photograph of Hitler's desk (#3 in the series and also taken in
1939) shows a different credenza in the backgrormd that lacks the eagle inlay noted by Serrano. Ir-fuct,
available photos from 1939 ard 1940 seem to indicate that the two credenzas were rotated in and out of
this locale at an uncertain interval.

[74] Among the Lakota Indians, Wakan Tanka is the term for the "sacred" or 'odivine.'o While it is often
translated as o'The Great Spirit," its meaning is much closer to "The Great Mptery'' as Lakota spirituality
is not monotheistic. It is typically understood as the power or the sacredness that resides within every
creature and object.

[75] "...I leamed about some extraordinary beings called Siddhas who had lived in the distant past. These
people were alchemists and magicians and exereised enormous influence over India prior to the Aryan

pathway the Ftihrer came, embodied for a short time, and through which he will return.
It is also through that door that my Master has departed and through which he still
communicates with me. It is the Middle Window of the Incas [76], the Huirakochal7T)
and Mama Occllo [78] and also the world of A-Mor 1791, where my eternal A-Mada
[80] waits for me.o' (pp. a00-a01)

In this account, Serrano describes a post-war visit (date unknown) that he made with
several companions to the Wewelsburg, a Renaissance castle located in the Paderborn
district of the Alme Valley (North Rhine-Westphalia) in Germany.In 1934 it was
purchased by Reichsfiihrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and renovated with plans to expand it
into the main SS headquarters. For a description of the castle's architectural details
relevant to Serrano's account, see chapter 1.

"With my German and Swiss comrades, we entered the North Tower of Initiation. We
first descended into the underground cqrpt lEd. - the Gruft, also referred to as the
"va.ult" or "Valhalla"], where we waited for another comrade &om Hamburg. They were

invasion. They had tried to maintain a dialogue between the Ego and the Self, but in place of the concept
of Samadhi, propounded by the Vedantists, they attempted an even deeper state of trance, called kaivalya.
This word means 'isolated' or oseparated,' and implies independence from the Universe, and even from
God. The Siddhas tried to gain immortality within their ovm bodies, and used the alchemical cornbination
of metals to do so." (Serrano, 1968,p.47)

[76] According to Incan creation my,ths, high in the mountains there are ruins of a stone formation, called
Las tres ventancts, or The Three Windows. In ancient times, humans Lived like animals without goal or
spirituatity. One day, from the window in the center, came the precursors to the Incas - four brothers and
four sisters. One of the four sisters was named Mama Oqllo.

[77] The eighth King of the lncas who ruled from -1400 - 1438 CE.

[78] "Papanwas called... MammaOccl... She was the Queen of the South... the Queen of Sheba;
because Sheba means South.,. [she lived in Chile, the spinal column of the planet]... Thus Papan
lay, awaiting the return of Qeutzalcoatl. She appeared to be dead; but really she was only asleep.
She was the Sleeping Beauty. The one who is still asleep." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 86)

[79] "Whenwetalkaboutthereligionoflove...oftheinitiatedknightsoftheGrail...wemusttryto
discover what lies behind their language... The word Amor (Love) was a cipher. .. Amor spelt backwards is
Roma. That is, the word indicated... [opposition] to all that Rome represented. Also, Amor broke down
into 'a' and'mor,' meaning Without-Death.That is, to become immortal or eternal thanks to the way of
initiation of A-Mor. A way of initiation totally opposed to the way of Rome." (Serano, 1984b, p. 73)

[80] beloved

accompanied by their wives. It is this circular, vaulted enclosure, with its nearly perfect
acoustics, which transforms any sound arriving from the outside into music. Twelve
smal1 stone pillars, shaped like rhombi, follow the curve of the wall. Behind them
unknown emblems and symbols must have existed. There the [remains of] twelve SS
initiates would repose. In the ceiling of the vault appears the left-handed Swastika,
carved into the stone, composed of the Sieg rune, the emblem of the SS [81]. In the
center of the floor of that underground vault there is another circle, a hollowed out space
where something must have existed or, where the Fire burned. Or perhaps the Supreme
Warrior-Priest of the Black Order would halt there in order to recite the Runic Mantras
which, in that enclosure of magical resonances, were transformed into the rnusic of the
Purified Runes that was transmitted to the Black Sun and, through it, to the Green Ray
1821, the final residence of the most exalted Guides of Esoteric Hitlerism.

It is that center (Huilka [83]) which we entered in turn. The first to go was a German
comrade and his wife. They both stood motionless, face to face, with their bodies almost
touching. They raised their arms overhead and began to emit a flowing sound which
became higher-pitched and deeper as it filled the enclosure, ascending toward the left-
handed Sign of the Swastika, where it rotated in such a manner as to enable them to
disintegrate this plane of existence, to perhaps reach Another Universe, leaving by
means of the mysterious vortex, by the maelstrom of the Swastika of the Return [84], of
that Black Sun, which reintegrates us into the nonexistence of the Green Ray. There is
here the other anti-gravitational Science, that of the Hnanyagarbha-Cabda [85], the
Orphean Kabala of Runic mantras [86]. In this enclosure, magically constructed
according to numerological science and Hyperborean, Aryan mathematics, those few
among the SS possessing a deep knowledge of hermeticism disintegrated their physical
bodies and materialized their Astral Body, the Eidelon [87], the Lingasarira [88].
I enter into that central space along with a Swiss comrade descended from a family of

t81l 5 5i* is the name given by Austrian vdlkischoccultist Guido von List for the Sigel or s rune of the
Armanen Futharkh, thus changing the concept associated with it from o'Sun" to "victory'' (German Sleg).
A swastika can be formed by overlaying two Sig-runes rotated 90 degrees with respect to each other.

[82] Throughout this work (Adolf Hitler, el Ultimo Avatara), Serrano virtually never mentions the Black
Sun except as pafi of the triune manifestation: Golden Sun - Black Sun Green Ray. In his imagined
scenario of a warrior-priest reiiting runes in the crypt, the swastika in the crypt's ceiling is the Golden
Sun. The logical inference from this would be that the sunwheel on the floor immediately above must be
the Black Sun The dark green color ofthis sunwheel could obviously be interpreted as the Black Sun
emitting the Green Ray. It is curious that in this instance Serrano veils his meaning, yet later in the same
book (see pp. 604-605 below) is quite explicit about these connections.

[83] 'Fortress" in the Quichua language

- 510 -

ancient Germanic origin possessing a heritage of initiation. A former soldier, he stood

alongside the Germans and fought against the Bolsheviks on the Eastern Front as a
member of the Cossack divisions under German General von Pannwitz [89]. I also raise
my arms in the Aryan gesture of invocation and recite a melopea [90] that projects fiom
the depths of the Chakra Manipura, from the Solar Plexus [91]. Something moves in the
air, like a dull tolerant spirit revived from an induced slumber. It provides me with a sign
ofhope and joy.

I enter the without company and also raise my arms in the sign of the MAN Rune,
though extending only four of my fingers. Two fingers of each hand, in the Salute of the
Order, invoking my Masters, to the Brahrnans, reciting mantras of greeting, so that they
also came to meet here, as in the time of the Great War, with the most exalted Guides of
Esoteric Hitlerism, to continue supporling our Fiihrer. Adolf Hitler, in his open combat
against the F-orces of the Dark, the Lord of the Shadows and his acolytes on the planet.
And they came, and thus we could recreate a vortex of forces that will make possible the
retum of the Arrcient Glory and the triumph of the Last Battalion 1921, with Wotan-Kalki
and his Wild Hunt [93].

[84] According to Serrano, the Swastika of Return is a Left-handed Swastika. "The Swastika which
begins the journey back to Hyperborea, the polar homeland and the Morning Star, Venus, the celestial
point of origin of the semi-divine beings. The movement of return. tou'ards the Golden Age, ivhen the axis
of the earth was fixed on the Pole Star. Towards the First Earth, towards the Other Earth. The astral,
parailel earth." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 187)

[85] Hiranyagarbha (literally the golden womb, poelically rendered as tmiversal germ.) is the source of the
creation of the Universe in Indian philosophy. Serrano viewed it as an Aryan Cabala (1984b, p. 180).

186] Orphic/Orphean A reference to Orpheus, the legendary Thracian poet and musician.

[87] phantom, apparition

[88] In l{induism, the Linga Sariru is the vehicle of consciousness and is propelled by past-life

[89] Helmuth von Pannwitz (1898 1947) was a Cerman cavalry officer. During the Second World War.
he commandecl the l5'h SS-Cossack-Cavalry-Corps. He r.vas executed, aiong with his men, by the Soviets.

[90] A formalized style of chant in Ancient Greece reserved for tragedies.

[9 1] According to Hindu tradition, Manipura is the third primary chakra located at the spine directly
behind the solar plexus. It is considered the centre of dynamism, wiilporver and achievement, ll&ich
radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is also the center of etheric-psychic intuition. Through
meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the siddhi, or occult power, to create and destroy the rvorld.
- s11-

Having completed this rite, we ascended to the first level of the tower, to find ourselves
in another circular hall fthe Obergruppenflihrersaal (Upper Group Leader's Hall)]. with
twelve columns united by arches and twelve windows, one behind each column lEd. -
actually between each column]. The lloor was marble with the pattern of a Left-handed
Swastika composed of the Sieg Rune in the center 194).It is possible that a round stone
or marble table was located here in order to host twelve SS knights. At one end, as paft
of a door lintel supporled by strong pillars, hung an enormous rectangular stone. Nothing
has been lecorded about it, up until today. What did it signify'i Was it perhaps a replica
of the Stone of the Glail? Or was it a worn block of the Externsteine [95]? I can also
imagine that the walls of this circular hall were hung with emblems, mandalas, runes,
and magical paintings, signs fulI of fesoteric] meaning." (pp. 499-501)

"The SS Initiation was a mysterious, hyperborean, Nordic-occidental yoga. It was

directed to wake up the Minne, the nostalgia for Hyperborea in the blood of the Vira,
r.vho is transmuted into the Divya, into the Sonnenmensch 196], into the Total-Man,
beyond allprejudice and moral limitations, surpassing the pairs of opposites and gnostic
dualism. The formulas for arousing the Memory, the Nostalgia and the Voice, to recover
ER f97], the Yril-L'raia, meet in the Runic Kabala and the Orphean mantras and sounds,

[92] Einherier lfallen Norse warriors rvho will retum for the Ragnardk] -- "...the Last Battalion of Hitler
(the Kalki Avatar) is an Astral Battalion. Absolutely invincible." (Serrano, 1997, p.206)

[93] The Wild Hunt is an ancient folk myth prevalent across most of Europe. lts lundamental prernise in
all instances is the same: a phantasmal Eoup of huntsmen in mad pursuit across the skies or along the
ground. In Cermany, w'here it r,vas also known as the "Wild Army," its leader u,as given various identities,
including that of Wodan (Odin). Serrano is combining this rnyth alon-e with rhat of the Kalki Avatar.

[94] Serrano's description of the sunu,fieel inlay that has come to be known as the Black Sun is, odi1ly
enough, incorrect on all counts. It does not exhibit "the pattem of a Left-handed Swastika combined with
the Sieg Rune." It is composed of twelve reversed Sieg runes which form three Right-handed Swastikas
(or rrore correctly Sauvastikas). Brissaud ( 1969, pp. 23-24 and see Chapter 4l ) was the first author to
explicitly define the Golden Sun (1eft-handed/swastika) - Black Sun (right-handed/sauvastika)
relationship. By 1991, Serrano had accepted this interpretation (see Serrano, 1991, p. 301 ).

[95] The Extemsteine are a distinctive natural rock forrnation located in Ostu,estfalen-Lippe of
northwestern Gerntany. not far frorn the city of Detmold. [t was a center of religious activity for the
Teutonic peoples and their predecessors prior to the advent of Christianity in nofthem Europe. During the
National Socialist period in Cerman,v, the SS-Ahnenerbe studied the stones lbr their value to Gennanic
folklore and history.

[96] Solar-Man l97l Er, Yr, Heros, Cheru - the crucified God-man.

in the Hiranyagarbha-Cabda, in the Letters, the German Book of the Three Mothers, or
Three Norns 198]. In that underground "musical" vault in the North Tower of
Wewelsburg, where with my comrades we pronormce evocative mantras and
consecrated sentences, the subtle acoustic resonance, introduced through the skin,
reaches the blood and its sharp vibration, their music of beyond the spheres, woke up the
Canto called Minnesang. In the center of the vault, old Nordic mantras in Wotan's runic
language were pronounced by the SS soldiers, causing the Swastika there to turn with
such speed that a space opened through which descended a ray of the Morning Star (like
the falling Autumn petals of the Golden Sun) intersecting with the newly resurrected
Black Sun of the Swastika. The Motherland born in a faraway place with its memory of
the Green Ray. This accomplishment opens the Third Eye [99], transforming it into a
very distant Voice, in the beginning almost lost in the Universe without being glimpsed
or dreamt of, then erupting like an order with the snap of very short sentences. It was the
Voice that the Ftihrer had listened to since childhood and that Rudolf Hess had awoken
in the Thulegesellschaft [100]. The Language of the Tree 11011 - of the wind in the
canopy of the trees - that Hitler listened to in the forests of Linz and Berchtesgaden.

Then, in the floor immediately above, in the great circular hall of twelve marble columns
[Ed. - the Obergruppenfiihrersaal (Upper Group Leader's Ha11)], of twelve windows,
where an enormous stone hung above the lintel of a door, like a piece of the Column
from the Schastel Marveile [102], taken either from the sacred mountain of

[98] In Norse mythology, the three Norns are female beings that decide the fates of people: the past
(Ur6r), the present (Verdandi), and the future (Skuld). The Norns reside at the well Urdarbr-unn beneath
the world ash tree Yggdrasil of Asgard. They spin tlreads of life, cut marks in the pole figures and
measure people's destinies. See Bratuscheck, 1869, pp.2l-22.

[99] The third eye is a Hindu esoteric concept referring to the Ajna Chakra, the sixth primary chakra
positioned behind the eyebrow center. It is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands, as well as a gate
leading to inner realms of higher consciousness (1.e., visions, clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences).

[100] The Thule Society was a German vdlkisch group named after a mythical northern counffy from
Greek legend. The Society sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later hansformed by
Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

[01] The Tree of Life "sl,rnbolizes the pillar which supports the sky... In Nordic Legend, it was an ash
tree called lrminsul. The Edda cal1ed it Mjotvidr and state that it will be felled during the Ragnarok, or
Twilight of the Gods, when the Gods die. That is to say, during Kaliyuga." (Serrano, 1984b, p, 188)

[102] The "Castle of Marvels" first appearing in Chretien's Arthurian romance Perceval. This fortress
was inhabited by several ladies related to Arthur and Gawain. The castle was built by Klingsor the
sorcerer and contained several perilous adventures.
- s13 -

Berchtesgaden [103] or from a block of the Externsteine, the twelve SS soldiers, the
Einherier, sat at a Round Table dressed in the tunics of ancient Nordic heroes and, just
like the initiated soldiers of Friedrich II of Hohenstaufbn at Castel del Monte [104], they
drank from crystal glasses bearing the double Sieg Rune (SS) of Victory, of the Twice-
born Ones, of the Horsemen of the Two Swords, of the Combatants of the Two Worlds,
of the Liquor of Etemal Life, of the Blue Blood of Hyperborea: Soma, mead, ambrosia,
ahoma. amrita, Karanavari - CausalWater, Jnanamrita, the Water of Wisdom [i05]. It
was the ceremony of the Minnetrinken [106], with the Liquor of Immortality filling to
the brim the Green Crystal Glasses of the Grail. The True Blood, the Sangreal.

[103] For National Socialists, Berchtesgaden has alu,ays been sacred since it was the location of Hitier's
scenic tnountain vi11a. This villa was destroyed by the Allies and the property is now a hotel.

[104] See Chapter 40 for an extended treatment of Friedrich II Hohenstaufen and his Castel del Monte.

1105) Sorna rvas a ritual drink of importance among the early Indo-Iranians, and the subsequent Vedic and
greater Persian cultures. The RigVeda calls the plant the "God of Gods" seemingly giving it precedence
above Indra trnd the other Gods (RV 9.42). It is described as prepared by extracting juice from the stalks
of a certain plant. There has been much speculation concerning what is most likely to have been the
identity of the original plant. There is no consensus, although most Western experts outside the Vedic and
Avestan religious traditions now seem to favor a species ofEphedra.

ivlead is an alcoholic beverage producecl by fermenting a solution of honey and rvater. It is known f}om
many ancient sources throughclut Europe, Africa" and Asia, although its origins are lost in prehistory.

Ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the Greek gods. It conferred ageless immortality
upon whoever consumed it. lt was brought to the gods in Olympus by dot,es" so it may have been thought
of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth.

Ahoma rvas a sacred ntagical drink among the Aryans of ancient Persia (Serrano, 1984b, p. 171).

Amrita [Sanskit, "immortality''] is often reterred to in ancient texts as a nectar. The rvord's earliest
occurrence is in the RigVeda where it is one of several syronlnls of soma.lt is related etymologically to
the Greek amltrosia, and it carries the same meaning.

Karana,'ari - Cau.sal Water, in Hindu tradition, rvas the primeval water from which all waters originated.

Jnanamritcr * literally, the drink of liberation

Water oJ'Wisdoru - Among Eastern religions, a metaphor for the power of wisdom to wash away earthly
desires and deh"rsions. In the Christian tradition, rt is the water that Jesus promised to the Samaritan
woman on the Third Surday of Lent. (John 4:13-14).

11061 Minnetrinken - to drink in memory of a person; derived liom an older custom of pouring out a
libation to the gods.
- 514 -

The day will come when, in the unfinished highest level of the North Tower at
Wewelsburg, there must preside a King of the Grail, a Monarch-Warrior-Priest, in the
Dangerous Seat [107], the nurnber 13, from where wll be issued the order to commence
the definitive offensive against the extraterrestrial, Lord of the Darkness, Jehovah and
his galactic and planetary legions. In order to make this possible, from up above, from
Seat number 13, there must descend on the soldiers of the Round Table the Sieg and
Hagal runes, as well as the Eight-Pointed Star [108]. Because only the Total-Man, the
Solar-Man, possesses the strength to fight the definitive battle." (pp. 60a-605)

Excerpt from Serrano's La Resurreccion del Heroe (1986)

In this context, it may be instructive to recall that the word "hero" comes from the
Ancient Greek r1pac,(hErds) meaning a demi-god, watcher and protector.

"The ultimate goal of the war undertaken here, with the entrance of the God-Soldiers,
the Divyas and the Viras, in the Universe of the Demiurge, is symbolized by the star
Venus, that of the Asen [109j, the Frisians [1 10] and the Araucanos. The Absolute-Man,
as an individual, united w'ith his E,lla, united in the separation, ELELLA and ELLAEL,
in my own terminology I l1]. This is because both entrance into and emergence out of
this universe is accomplished through Venus. The Star of the morning and of the
aftemoon, which is already a double Hagal Rune, a Double Star, an Absolute Man and
Woman, two stars in one, the double star of A-Mor: Baphomet [112], Quetzalcoatl ,
Abraxas [113]. In that manner one goes toward the Black Sun, which transports us,
sucks us, to the nonexistence of the Green Ray; the Universe of the Absolute Man and
Woman. That Nonexistent Flower [114]." (p. 32)

[107] Dangerous Seat - In the Graii Mysteries, the thirteenth seat (or "Siege Perilous") was occupied by
the initiate charged with inducting the twelve neophl'tes. At the Round Table, this seat was ah.r,ays left
vacant to remind the knights that a betrayer could reveal the identity and location of the Grail custodians.

1108] There are olany versions of the S-pointed star. The Star of Lakshmi figures in Hinduism, l,',here it
represents Ashtaiakshrni. the eight lbrms, or "kinds of wealth," of the goddess Lakshmi. "Wealth" iti the
context of Ashta-Lakshrni means prospcrity, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, aud power. ln
Masonic lore, the eight-pointed star synbol represents order/disorder and other dualistic concepts.

I I 09] "aso" (literally, "pillars of the World") - the Asen or Gods, primal forces that appear in human
form (see List, 1908i200,5, p. 5)

1110] The Frisians are a predominantly blonde-haired Germanic ethnic group native to the coastal
portions of The Netherlands. Denmark and Germany.
- 515 -

Excerpts from Manu - Por el Hombre que Vendra (1991)

"But the Total-Man, the Superman, the Sun-Man, the Man-Sun of Hitlerism, is a Hero
who, thanks to initiatory mnic practices and to Signs even more ancient than the Runes,
rediscovered by Wotan in the Yggdrasil tree [115], and thanks to the Implosive Science
of A-Mor, to the Minnesingers [ 16], to the Armanen [117], he has been able to recover
his " ella" , to reintegrate it into his being, at the same time he has encountered the
ELLA of ELLAEL, in the form of the Absolute-Woman, the Valkyie, and the A-Mado
[1 18]. It is thus possible for him to resurrect the body, immorlalizing it in the red matter
of Vajra [119]. To personalize himself inthis way, he has given a Face to its soul, the
Face of Loved. It has stopped being " yo" small and limited. vacillating, it ceases its
transmutation in NOS [120]. Also by a magical process inexplicable to reason, he u,ill
have donated personality to the Person, hoping that it remained with him as the edge of a
Source. And without Ella being fused within him, he rvill have reclaimed it outside and
within itself, united and separated fbr ever. Thus it will be the Total-Man, Absolute, in
front of that God.

[1 1 1] Tantric Yoga is an integral element of Serrano's metaphysical thought. Men and wonren are more
than just the instrumental means for each others enlightenment and pleasure. Serrano states that when
lovers begin to clream the satre dream then they can create a new star ivithin each other: the star ofthe
androglmous beings Elella [Him-Her] and Ellael [Her-Him]. (Serlano, I969, p. 69)

I I 12] Baphomet is an imagined pagan deity revived in the I 9th century as a figure of occultism and
Satanism. lt first appeared in 1 lth century Latin as a corruption of "Mahomet" (Muhammad), but it
reappeared in 14th century Knights Templar trial transcripts as a term lor a pagan idol.

[113] Abraxas was a mystic tertn in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, refering to the "Creat Archon,"
theprinceps of the 365 spheres. In recent years, some have claimed Abraxas to be both an Eglptian god
and a demon. The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jurg felt that Abraxas combined ali opposites into one Being.

[ 14] "This is the flower u&ich Jung placed in the magic tradition that has passed dou,n through the ages.
This non-existent flor.l,er is what Jung hir,rseif called the Self, that circle whose circurlference has no
bounds and whose center is to be found in no particular place." (Serrano, 1968, p. 1 1 1)

ll15] In Norse myhology, Yggdrasii is an immense tree that is central in Norse cosmology. It was said to
be the world tree around r,vhich the nine w'orlds existed. It will be destroyed during the Ragnarok.

[116] Minnesingers - Cerman troubadours rvho sang the minne, in rnemory ola love lost at the beginning
ofthe ages, perhaps the Hlperborean rvedding ofPoseidon and Cleito.

! 17] Devotees of Guido von List's racialist pagan Annanist religion.


The ecstasy that accompanies this Magic is not the Samadhi!2ll (that fuses and loses),
but the tantric Kaivalia ll22l (that separates). He is not a saint, but rather a magician.
Kaivalia comes from Kundalinill23l, the Tantric Kaula, its name in Sanskrit, of the
hlperborean language, and is the igneous Serpent, is the fiery blood of the Asen and the
Vanen U24), recovered by the Vira, revived by the Hero, for the Aryan, the one who has
been bom twice. They have recovered the Power of Odfn (the Odal Rune [125]) in the
Memory of that Blood, so that Doubt and the hesitation between the opposed sides has
expired, reaching artificiaL security through, if it can be said, an indestructible Absolute
Will (Shudibudishvabhava) and the possession of the Archetype (not possession by an
Archetype). He that has made it possible for the Hero to reopen that Window in the top
of his skull, beyond the shakra Sahasrara; Sunya, the Emptiness, the Black Sun, the
Black Hole. And to redeem the Aeon of Saturn lL26), to release Prometheus by means of
a work of Hercules with the mantra Saharrq which means: 'I am Tu.' And to depart
toward ElNOS, with the mantra Hamsa: 'You are Yo.'

[1 18] The perfect love dictated by fate.

ll 19] "To take physical possession of the beloved is to lose one's soul... With the memory of your
beloved in your heart, you will achieve the Grail... We must discover this iove together, lr4ren we are no
longer made of mortal flesh but of red, imperishable matter." [immaterial body clothed in the irnmortal
energy of Vajral (Serano, 1984b,p.42)

1120] "yo" : I; "NoS": we; "Journey ever onward until one day you and your 'ego' enter trre city
where I await you. And we will put on the mantle of Absolute Personality because we will have
escaped from the fatal circle of returns. We will be Nos." (Serrano. 19Sab, p. 37)

[121] "Supreme Vedic ecstasy, fitsion with the One [Primordial Being]" (Serrano. 1984b, p. 186)

ll 22] "Deep trance fthat] keeps one in a state of eternal separation and individualization . . . b,v mean s of
which the Absoh:te Personality is achieved. It is the road of the magician." (Serrano. 1984b^ pp. 181-182)

[123] "Serpentine energy, rvhich sleeps at the base of the psychic. astral spinal colurnn. By au'akening it.
thepotentialityofthechakrasisactivated,theTotal-Man...isachieved..." (Serrano. 1984b,p. 182)

[124] Vanen - The name of the divine Hyperborean ancestors in the Edda. They eventually intermarry
with their relatives, the Asen. giving rise to the Teutonic peoples.

[1]5] /( The Odal rune is often associated with property and inheritance, r,,,ealth an<l prosperity.

[ ]
26 There has been some speculation that the current Aquarian Age contains a dark side (or even a
separate aeon) ruled over by the Demiurge Satumus.

The "biological robot," the demiurge, has been defeated from within by the Hero, by the
Vira, by the Hitler Initiate, whose Nature has been transformed by a Magical Idealism in
which they believed in Novalis 11271 and the old Gerraanic Minnesingers. The S.S.
Magician has transformed himself (without serious harm) by allowing a ray to explode
fortli from his head. The Hero that has reopened the spiritual "gland," that Enabler, that
Third Eye of the giant Polifemo [128], that allows him to leave and to enter, to
disintegrate and to reintegrate, to live simultaneously in several worlds, to be a Tulku
ll29), a Jivanmukti [130], a Boddhisattva !311, and if one wishes, an Avatar [132]. As
Rudolf Hess was both with the Filhrer and against the Ftihrer [133]. Because he has
fulfilled the Mission that El entrusted to him. The True Mission. the True Combat... The
abyss is crossed on a thread that he himself held. This is the War of Esoteric Hitlerism."
(pp. 88-89)

"In the low sky, in the demiurgic Zodiac [134], the Drama of the Ancestral Light occLtrs,
largely of the Black Sun, the Sandur ! 351. Ard the Swastil<a begins to rotate in a
clockwise direction [136], as has been stated, directing the Exodus of Asen and the
Vanen from the Paradise of Asgard, from that Paradesha 1137]. The terestrial Midgard
is surrounded by the ice of death. The crucifixion of Baldur on the Tree of the Zodiac
the Ty'kreis ll 3 8l - turns eight or ten thousand years A.C. in the Constellation of Aries,

[127] Novalis r,vas the pseudonyn of Georg Philipp Friednch Freiherr von Hardenberg (1772 - i801), an
early Gertnan Romantic author and creator of a transcendental philosophy knorvn as "Magical Iclealism."

1128] PollphemLrs was a man-eating Cyclops giant lr,ith a single orb-shaped eye set in the middle of his

[129] "'A liberated being fubiquitously] reincamated as an avatar, a kincl of Race Spirit." (Serrano, 1984b,
p. I 88)

[130] A Jivanmukta in Advaita Hinduism is someone rvho has atained the realization of the Self and is
liberated from the cycle of rebirth while living in a human body.

I I 3 I ] "A liberated being, according to Buddhisrl, who chooses not to enter Nirvana but to remain in
human form in order to help others liberate themselves." (Serrano, 1984b, p. 174)

[132] tn Hinduism, an avatar is the deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth and is usually
translated into English as "incarnation," but rnore accurately as "manifestation." The term is most often
associated with Vishnu.

[133] A reference to lless' 1941 peace mission to the British wherein he carried out Hitler's wishes while
simultaneously providing hirn with plausible deniability should the mission fail (as it ultimately clid).
- 518 *

being crossed by the dart of the Centaur in Sagittarius. Two thieves, Mars and Saturn, in
Pisces, con-uptions of Ty-Tiuz 1139] and Surtur [140], are seen next to the Zodiacal
Tree of the Crucifixion." (p. 90)

"The awakening of the Inner Woman (Kundalini) occurs in the middle of a storm that
submerges the, until then, visible and active continents with a momentary annihilation of
the rational and conscious 'I.' This event is represented in Alchemy by the Nigredo
[141], the dark operation, where the root of visible light disappears in the same manner
that the Black Holes of galaxies swallow the 'Drops of Milk' of Hera, the Milky Way. It
is the Blach Sun, through which the Hero-Initiate will have to pass. In the Nordic
Christianity of Wotan, it corresponds to the crucifixion of Baldur on the Hagal Rune and
to his Resurrection on the Ninth Day. It is the figure that illustrates the cover of this
book. In Esoteric Hitlerism it is symbolized by the Fiihrer's disappearance in the flames
of the Bunker and his reappearance in the Antarctic Oasis." (p. 150)

[134] The zodiac system was developed in Babylonia, some 2,500 years ago, during the "Age of Aries."
At the time, the precession of the equinoxes was unknown, and the system made no allowance for it. For
the tropical zodiac used in Western astronomy and astrology, this means that the tropical slgr of Aries
currently lies someu,here within the constellctllon Pisces ("Age of Pisces").

[135] For a detailed examination of the cyclic battles for supremacy betrveen the Golden Sun and the
Black Sun (Sandur), see chapters 21 and 28.

[136] The clockwise rotation implies the presence of'a sauvastika, not a srvastika. It is also worth noting
that the National Socialist swastika flag embodies the prime colors of the Great Alchemical Work nrbedo
(red), albedo (white) and nigredo (black). (Serrano. 1997 , p. 27 5)

[137] These divine progenitors of the Teutonic race were forced liom their home by the ascendancy.
albeit temporary. of the Demi-Urge and his rninions.

Ii38] Baldur is a god in Norse mythology. The Poetic Edda andthe Prose Eclda contain numerous
references to the death o1'Baldur as both a great tragedy to the Aesir and a harbinger of Ragnarok.
Tradition has Baldur accidentally siarn by a mistletoe arrow playfuliy huried at hirn by the blind god
Hodur. In some cases, Baldur is equated with Odin crucified for nine days on the World Tree Yggdrasil.

[139] In Norse mJthology, Ty' is the god of single corlbat, victory and heroic glory. He is portrayed as a
one-handed man and has historically been equated with Mars.

[140] This Ariosophist term fbr the "unrevealed" or "hidden" God traditionally refers to those aspects of
the divine which are concealed from us due to our innate lin-ritations as finite beings. Divinity implies the
rnfinite about u.hich we can have, at best, only a very imperfect understanding. ln some occult traditions,
however, the term "Hidden God" has entirely different implications (see Chapter 43).

"But Destiny advances, the Archetype is incarnated, and nothing can move against El.
The Cathar Wheel, of Grotti U43), grinds slowly but surely. The Head of Baldur-Hitler,
had already entered into Aquarius in 1933. And n 1945 he fulfilled the grand sacrifice
of the Bunker and the Triumph of the Avatar. Then Baldur descended to Muspelheim,
Hel [144], the Hollow Earth (soon transformed into the Hell of the Christians) travelling
to its deepest roots, in order to begin to promote the New Light and the New Earth.
Because 'for a Tree to reach the apex of the sky it must first delve to the most profound
depths with its roots.'

The Mystery of the Light of the Black Sun wants that the Divine Hero, hanging on the
Cosmic Tree of the Crucifixion, dies and is resurrected. Only as the Earth lay dying and
all men, animals, plants and rocks have cried their last tears and asked in their voices for
the return, willwe witness the return of the Divine Luminous Face of the Man-God.
Only then will our Fiihrer, Adolf Hitler, along with the resurrected Asen, agatn
immortaf enter into the Final battle, with their Wild Hunt, in the Age of lron, in the Kali
Yuga, in the Ragnarok, or Twilight of the Gods [145], that will annihilate the Golem
[146] and will save the Heroes, the Viras. Asgard and Midgard willbe restored; the dark
and satanic Age of Pisces will have come to its end. And in that 'bolson,' that is the
Yuga of the Hero, some Viras will have been immortalized.with the Gibur Rune [147]
and the Sieg Rune, and by the means of Magical Love will leave the Wheel of Eternal
Return. For they (both male and female), will find the Man-God, Adolf Hitler, 'beyond
the stars.' All others will have to return to the Terrestrial Hyperborea, the Golden Age,
and the Man that Comes..." (pp.2l0-2ll)

f 1a1] (ln an alchemical working) "The nigredo or blackness is the initial state, either present from the
beginning as a quality of the prima ntaterie, the chaos or massct ccnfilsa, or else produced by the
separation (solutio, .separatio, divi.sio, putre/bctio) of the elements. If the separated condition is assurned at
the start, as sometitnes happens, then a union of opposites is performed r"urder the likeness of a union of
nrale and femaie (called lhe coniugium, matrintonitun, coniuttclio, coitus), follorved by the death of the
product of the union Qncsrtifhclio, calcinatio, pulreJaclio) and a corresponding nigredo. From this the
washing Qtblutio, baptisrna) either leads direct to the lvhitening (albedo). or else the soul (anima) released
at the 'death' is reunited with the dead body and brings about its resurrection, or again the 'rnany coiours'
(omnes colores), or 'peacock's ta1|' (catula pavoni,s),lead to the one rvhite colour that contains all colours.
At this point the flrst main goal of the process is reached, narnely the albedo, tinctura alha, terra allta
.foliala. lctpis albi.s, etc., highlyprized by many alchemists as if it were the ultirlate goal. It is the silver or
moon condition, which still has to be raised to the sun condition. The albedo is, so to speak. the daybreak,
but not till the rubedct is it sunrise. The transition to rhe ruhedo is formed b.v the c'itrinitar, though this. as
we have said, was ontitted later. The ruhedo then foilows direct from the albedo as the result of raising the
heat of the fire to its highest intensity. The red and the white are King and Queen, who mav also celebrate
their 'chi..rr-rical i,vedding' at this stage. (Jung, 1968, pp. 230-232)

"GREEN RAY: Beyond the Black Sun (of the black holes) appears the Green Ray, a
situation impossible to explain, nonexistent to our world, but more real than all reality
[148]. In 'that world' reside the highest Guides, inspiring and sustaining Esoteric
Hitlerism. There also, sometimes, Adolf Hitler is able to return, though we see it not and
know it not. Nevertheless, from there will come the Final Avatar with his Last Battalion
to fight the last battle and destroy his enemies. The Green Ray is beyond everything. It is
there for those who are able to cross through the Implosion of the Black Sun, with its
refrograde Swastika that appears as a Green Ray." (p. 298)

"BLACK SIIN; Encountered behind the Golden Sun that visibly illuminates us, is the
Sun of Hitlerism, which also represents both the retrograde and clockwise forms of the
Swastika, since that is the pathway to enter and leave a non-Demiurgic world. They
would penetrate this gate via UFOs and also the famous "astral tube" of initiation 1149].
The retrograde and clockwise swastikas conform to the Cathar Wheel, or the Mill of
Wotan, that is rotated by the three Norns. That Wheel activates the transcendent life of
the Aryans, which does not end here." (p. 301)

[143] Wotan's Wind-Mill. also called the Grotti, begins its work first in the tinnament, lvhere its grains
are the Cod's stars. This magic millstone is too large for anyhuman to \\,ork. It grinds out things such as
treasure, peace and harmony.

[14a] In Norse mythology, Muspelheim is one of the Nine Worlds It is a realm of fire ruled by Surtr. The
Old Norse word Hel derives from Proto-Germanic *khctlijct, which n.reans "one r.vho covers up or hides

!45] Our current dark age ofdestruction.

[146] In Jewish folklore. a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being, created entirely from inanimate

tl47] X The Gibor is one of the Armanen runes devised by Guido von List. Its shape is similar to that

oflheWolJsargelsyrnbolthl l.Uhasbeensaidtorepresentthecross,thesu.astikaancltheuniverse.

[148] "I am known and yet clo not exist at all." This paradox recalls the lndian 'asat' (non-existing). Cf.
Chh6ndogya Upanishad, VI, ii, 1 (Sacred Books of the East, II, p. 93) fJturg, 1967, p. 218]

l1 a9] An astral tube or astral vortex is formed by visualizing (on the astral plane) a tube, whirling vortex,
or srnali tunnel betr'r,een yourself and tlre target 1'ou wish to influence.

Excerpt from Los Ovnis de Hitler contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial (1993)

"The Black Sun is, for its believers, an inexhaustible source. That light has shone, now
shines, and will shine for all Eternity; but to the human eye it is imperceptible. Even so:
it exists! Just as the Visible Sun shines and illuminates externally, the Black Sun shines
and illuminates the interior of some men. The arrival of this Divine Light to us
accordingly indoctrinates the esoteric aspect of the National socialist Cosmovision."
(p. 40)

Excerpt from Memorias de El y Yo, vol. 2 (1997)

"The legend tells us that when the Old Sun disappeared and the New Sun illuminated the
world, the giants inhabiting the Eafth sank within the mountains, taking refuge there,
hoping for the disappearance of this New Sun and the appearance of another one,
perhaps the resuruected Old Sun. The spiritual Black Sun. And with this change the
Man-God recovers the lost Power. And the Kingdom of the Giants returns." (p. 203)

Excerpt from Memorias de El y Yo, vol. 4 (1999)

Oh, Black Sun,

Absorb me into your beguiling whirlwind,
Transport me in your Left-handed Light,
Faster than the light of the Golden Sun,
Toward the Nonexistence of the Green Ray
Wherein dwell the Teachers of my Teacher
And the highest Guides of Esoteric Hitlerism!

Excerpt from Foreword to

McVan's Temple of Wotan: Holy Boak of the Aryan Tribes (2000)

"It was the German Schutzstaffel who.. . without the need to declare it, caused the
resurgsnce of the path of the Extemsteine; the great Spear extended from Wewelsburg to
the sacred stones of Westfalia, symbolizing the route of retum. In the great gathering
hall of this castle of Armanenschaft Initiation, where the syrnbol ofthe Black Sun was
inlaid in the floor [150], there hung from the ceiling, in suspended animation over one of
the portals, a great stone from the legendary Temple of the Externsteine."

Excerpts from The Son of the Widower (2003)

"Neveftheless, the Islamic Arabs... are prepared to overcome the great crisis since they
have maintained a secret initiatory sect to keep the Mystery of the Kaaba [151] and the
Initiation of the BLACK SUN, of the BLACK STONE, that completes the occult nexus
with Esoteric Hitlerism, before, during, and after the final Great'War." (p. al)

"The Left-handed Swastika... that turns in an opposite direction to the rotation of the
Eafth and indicates a return to the Polar Hyperborea, reveals that it is to overcome the
involution of the man, to tbcilitate 'the recovery of the Superman,' the Total-Man, the
Man-God, the Divya of our origins. It is also the swastika of the Bon of pre-Buddhist
Tibet [52], SS means Schwarze Sonnen [53], Schrvarze Steine [54], the
Black Sun of the Tibetans and the Hyperboreans, of the Ainos [155] and the Black Stone
of'the Kaaba." (p. 55)

[150] To the best of my knowledge, this is the only instance where Serrano explicitly identifies the
sunwheel inlaid in the floor of the Obergruppenfiihrersaal at Wewelsburg as the Black Sun.

[151] The Kaaba is a cube-shaped building in Mecca. Saudi Arabia, and is the rnost sacred site in islarn.
All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers. no rnatter where they are. Inside of the
Kaaba is the Black Stone supposedly sent fl'om paradise sent by the angels to Abraham. Some historians
believe that the Black Stone is related to the pre-Islamic pagan culture of Arabia.

[1 52] Bdn is a branch of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism with pagan origins. Its history is unclear since the
earliest refbrences to it date from after Buddhists began the suppressing indigenous beliefs and practices.

"In the Temple-castle of Wewelsburg, there existed a select group of initiates who
practiced a secret western yoga and who were destined to reclaim the Superman, the
Total Man, with his two active cerebral hemispheres. I was in the underground enclosure
of Wewelsburg, with twelve columnar stone seats, around a circular space destined for
the Fire, that ascends overhead and culminates in a Left-handed Swastika;the Black
Sun, the Astral Tube, through which must exit the Astral one, the Son of the Man, the
one who is able to solemnly resuscitate the physical body in the soldier's grave (the SS
graves, with the Man rune, the Rune of Life) and to populate the Polar Hl,perborea
again, in Neu Schwabenland (the Hitlerite base in Queen Maud Land along the Weddell
Sea, Antarctica [156]). The Supermen depart therefrom and travel to Venus and
Aldabaran U571, in their UFOs, or Vimanas, that is to say, in their perfect and
materialized Astral Bodies, molding and unmolding themselves at will with
indestructible, immortal Vraja.

And the underground Temple-enclosure of Wewelsburg was a reproduction of the Solar

Temple (of the Black Sun) of the first Kaaba, the pre-Islamic and pre-Vedic one, the
extraterrestrial one." (pp. 56-57)

Excerpt from Maya - Reality is an lllu,cion (2005)

"For the truth is that Hitler did not die and, if he does die, he rvillalso revive on the third
or the ninth day [158] and go away to Antarctica, to Neuschwabenland, and fiom there
then to the Moon, Mars and Venus, where he now is and alr,vays has been, awaiting the
exact time of his next return, in the Ragnarok, 'The Twilight of the Gods,' u,hen the
Gods finally die. He will retuni u,ith Wotan-Kalki, on a White Horse [159], to judge."

11531 Black Suns [154] Black Stones

! 55] The Ainu are indigenous people in Japan and Russia. Historically they spoke the Ainu language and
related varieties and lived in Hoktrraid6. the Kuril Islands, and much of Sakhalin. Full-blooded Ainu are
lighter skinned than their Japanese neighbors and have more body hair. Earlv investigators proposed a
Caucasian ancestry, although recent DNA tests have not shown any genetic sirnilarity with modern
caucasian Europeans.

[156] Neuschwabenland (Nei.l, Swabia) is a cartographic name given to an area of Antarctica between
20oE and l0'W in Queen Maud Land (Dronning Maud Land). which is administered as a Norwegian
dependent territory. Neuschwabenland was first extensively explored by the third German Antarctic

Expedition (1938 1939). There have been numerous post-war rumors concerning secret high-tech
National Socialist bases in Neuschwabenland.

[157] Aidebaran (o Tauri; from Arabic "the follower") is an orange giant star located about 65 light years
alvay in the constellation of Taurus. It is one of the brightest stars in the nighttime skry.

[158] Jesus exited his tomb on the third day; Odin/Balder dismounted the Tree of Life on the ninth day.

[59] At another point, Serrano claims that Hitier will lead his amy on a white horse, like the Rudra
Chttkrin, the uryathful wheel-turner from Shambhala.


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Serrano,Miguel, 1986, La Resurreccion del Heroe, Bogota, Colombra: Editorial Solar, 145pp.
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Serrano, Miguel, 1993, Los Ovnis de Hitler contra el lVuevo Orden Mundial, Bogota, Colombia:
Editorial Solar, 103 pp. lThe L/FOs of Hitler against the New World Order)

Scrrano. Migucl, 1996, Mentoria,s de El y Yo. Volumen I, Aparicion del "Yct" - Alejamientct de
'?/", Chile: Ediciones La Nueva Edad, 213 pp. lMernoirs of He and I, Volttme l, Apparition of
the "1" und Estrangement o/'the "He")

Serrano, Miguel, 1997, Memorias de Ellt Yo: Volumen II, AdolJ'Hitler y la Gran Guerra, Chile:
Ediciones La Nueva Edad, 310 pp. lMemoirs o/'He ctnd I, Vohtme 2, Adolf Hitler and the Great

Serrano. Miguei, 1998, Memorias de El ,v Yo: Volumen I[1, Misictn en los Transhimalaya, Chiie:
Ediciones La Nueva Edad, 310 pp. lMemoirs oJ'He ctnd I, Volunte 3, My Mission in the

Serrano, Miguel, 1999, Mem.orias de El y Yo: Volumen IV, El Regreso, Chile: Ediciones La
Nuer,'a Edad, 308pp. lMemoirs of He and I, Volume 4, The Retttrn)
Serrano, Miguel, 2003, El Hijo del Viudo, Chile: Ediciones La Nueva Edad,72 pp. fpublished
in English as The Son o/the Wido**er)

Serano, Miguel, 2A05, Maya - La Realidad es una llu,sion, Chile: Ediciones La Nueva Edad. 63
pp. fpublished in English as Maya - Reality is an lllusion)

Trimondi, Victor and Trimondi, Victoria, 2003, The Shadow oJ'the Dalai Lama - Sexuality,
Magic and Politics in Tibetcut Butldhi,gm, see Part lI, Chapter 12: Fascist Occultism and its close
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