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Penguin Readers Answer Key level

Audrey Hepburn ELEMENTARY 2

Chapters 5 and 6
Answers to Book activities Answers to Factsheet activities

■ Communicative activities
1953 ➣ Audrey won an Oscar and a Tony.
1 a people: baroness, nun, princess,
➣ Audrey went to Switzerland for a
movies: act, direct, musical, part, Open answers holiday.
theater: act, ballet, direct, musical, ■ Students Activities 1954 ➣ Audrey married Mel Ferrer.
part, play, produce Activities before reading the book.
➣ Audrey became pregnant but lost
b become ... ballet; dig; war ... safe; the baby.
1 Open answer.
pregnant; travel ... nervous
2 (a) Right
1955 ➣ Audrey was in ‘War and Peace’.
2 Open answers
(b) Right
➣ Audrey acted with her husband.
3 a It was before the war. Holland was
(c) Wrong. She never learned to be an 1956 ➣ Audrey made a film with Fred
safer than England, her mother
actor. Astaire.
(d) Wrong. She made 30 films. ➣ Mel sent Audrey a dog.
b She had a small part in; Monte Carlo
(e) Right. 1957 ➣ Audrey helped Mel with his work
(f) Right in Spain.
c She was in the Broadway musical,
‘Gigi’. Later, she was in the play,
(g) Wrong. She really was a warm ➣ It was a very happy time in her
person. married life.
(h) Perhaps. But people loved her
d She was in the movie, ‘Roman
because she was a warm person. Chapter 7 and 8
3 Open answers
e She went there for a vacation. It (a) ‘The Nun’s Story’was a different kind of
became her home. film but (iv) Audrey acted very well in it.
Activities while reading the book.
f She made three movies there: (b) Mel directed ‘Green Mansions’but (iii) it
‘Sabrina’, ‘Funny Face’and ‘Love in Chapter 1
was Audrey’s worst film.
the Afternoon’. 1 (a) 7. (b) 3, (c) 1, (d) 5, (e) 6, (f) 2, (c) Audrey lost her second baby when (vi) she
g She wanted to be with Mel. (g) 4 fell from a horse in the middle of ‘The
h She was in the movie, ‘The Nun’s 2 (a) Audrey’s mother was Dutch. Audrey’s Unforgiven’.
Story’. father was half English and half Irish. (d) Alfred Hitchcock was angry with Audrey
4 a He didn’t like her because William (b) Audrey liked the colour white because because (i) she didn’t want to be in his film
Holden did. she remembered her father. ‘Psycho’.
b He fell in love with her and wanted to (c) Audrey’s father had a lot of money. (e) Audrey didn’t act in ‘West Side Story’
marry her. (d) Audrey was a quiet girl. because (v) she was pregnant for the third
c He fell in love with her and wanted to (e) Audrey did not speak English well. time.
marry her. (f) Audrey was unhappy when she was a (f) Audrey was nervous about the part of Holly
d He liked her. He became her friend for child. in ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’because (ii) she
life. (g) Audrey loved ballet dancing. did not usually play bad girls.
e He didn’t like her because she didn’t (h) In the war, the family had little food. Chapters 9 and 10
want to be in one of his movies.
Chapter 2 1 Open answers.
f She liked Audrey very much. She
1 (a) She was a cook and she worked in a 2 From 1961 to 1965 was a bad time for
wanted her to act in a Broadway
flower shop. Audrey. She made some boring films and
(b) She was seventeen. her dog died. But the worst problem was
5–6 Open answers
(c) She was nineteen. Mel. He was not happy because his first
7 a He/She is a good person.
(d) She was too tall. movie ‘Green Mansions’was not
b Rich
(e) Somebody gave her a part in a successful. Also Audrey was now more
c Yes, it is.
London musical. famous than him. Then Audrey started to
8 a He was the director of ‘Breakfast at
(f) ‘The Lavender Hill Mob’ make ‘My Fair Lady’. This was a difficult
Tiffany’s’. The part was right for her, he
(g) She wanted to act. movie for her because everybody wanted to
(h) She went to play the part of ‘Gigi’in see Julie Andrews in it. Also she could not
b He was an important Hollywood
the Broadway musical. sing as well as Julie Andrews. When Mel
producer. Other people wanted Julie
2 Words from the chapter are: a happy visited Audrey they had fights, and she
Andrews in ‘My Fair Lady’, but he
face, ‘Alittle sun is shining in her eyes’; cried in front of the cameras. But Audrey
wanted Audrey.
tall; pretty face; wide smile; thin arms and was beautiful in ‘My Fair Lady’and she
c He was Audrey’s second husband.
legs; long dark hair; big pretty eyes. acted well.
9 a ‘The Loudest Whisper’. It was boring,
they thought. Chapters 11 and 12
Suggested answer:
b ‘Paris When It Sizzles’. People didn’t 1 (a) eight, (b) six, (c) 1967, (d) two,
Audrey was tall and thin. She had thin
like it. (e) ten, (f) one, (g) ten, (h) one
arms and legs. She had a pretty face with
c ‘Charade’. People liked it. It was funny 2 Open answer
long dark hair and big pretty eyes. She
and exciting. had a happy face with a wide smile. A Chapter 13
d ‘Two for the Road’. It was more director said about her: ‘Alittle sun is (a) She made the movies only for money. She
successful in Europe than in the shining in her eyes.’ was no longer interested in making movies.
United States. She wanted to do something more
e ‘How to Steal a Million’. People liked it. Chapters 3 & 4 important.
f ‘Robin and Marian’. Younger people (a) v, (b) ii, (c) vi, (d) I, (e) iii, (f) iv (b) She wanted to help children in poor
didn’t like it, so it wasn’t very countries.
successful. (c) She was very ill and the doctors could not
10–14 Open answers help her. She wanted to see snow and
mountains again one last time.
(d) Audrey liked the colour white very much.
Givenchy sent the flowers to her.
(e) Elizabeth Taylor said this after Audrey died.
Audrey was an angel in her last film. Also,
she helped poor people so she was a good
person. She was very beautiful, too.
Activities after reading the book
Open answers

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