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B.A.LL.B X Sem. A (Project List)


Public Interest Litigation: its origins and

1 Aamir Hussain Mesne Profit The courts and their jurisdiction Historical Background of Competition Law A discussion on the basic concept of Computers

2 Abhimanyu Singh order and decree Framming of suit and it's essential Need for Competition Law Scope and Nature Public Interest Litigation A Detailed study on Object And Scope of IT Act

Drafting and compalint before the districts forum Differences between MRTP Act and Competition Difference between public interet litigation
3 Abhishek Solanki appeals by indigent person Study of Cyber Crimes in India
consumer protection, Jaipur Act 2002 and private interest litigation

Comparative Study on Competition Law of US and

4 Aditya Kalla Caveat The formal parts and contents of a plaint Judicial Activism E-commerce and Cyber Crimes

temporary injuctions and interloculory

5 Aditya Vardhan Pancholi Draft an indemnity bond Anti-Competitive Agreements Judicial Review Cyber Terrorism

Offences under IT Act, 2000 with reference to Avinash

6 Akanksha Gupta inherent powers of court Draft a hire-purchase agreement Important Provisions of Competition Act, 2002 Legal Aid
Bajaj v. state of (NCT) OF Delhi 2005

7 Akash Saxena institution of suit Draft an interlocutory application Abuse of Dominance Locus Standi Jurisdiction issues in cyber Space with case laws

8 Anishka Vasisth inherent powers of court Provisions of amendement of pleading in CPC Powers and Functions of CCI Lok Adalats Internet Surveillance and Right to Privacy

Case Study of Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2015)

9 Ankit Sharma institution of suit pleading in a suit for malicious prosecution Amendments in Competition Act 2002 The Legal Services Authorities Act
with reference to Section 66A of IT Act, 2000

Judicial process and procedure under writ

10 Apurva Chaturvedi appeals from orders Pleading for the dissolution of partnership firm Competition Advocacy Intellectual property rights and Cyber space
jurisdiction and PIL

11 Arif Khan jurisdiction of the court Pleading for money suit Competition Appellate Tribunal Judicial activism and its relation to PIL E-Contracts and Cyber law

pleading to claim against a police officer for false Amendments introduced to Criminal laws in India by IT
12 Ayush Sharma resjudicata Role of CCI in promoting Competition Law Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts
imprisonment Act 2000
Pleadings to claim against a husband for necessaries
13 Ayushi Agarwal res subjudice Need for Competition Policy Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court Liability of Intermediaries under IT Act, 2000
supplied to his wife.

Study on digital signatures and digital signature

14 Babu Lal constructive res sjudicata Contents of Affidavites Duties of Director General Dynamics of PIL: Right to Life

Draft a Maintenance Petition under section 125 of Evolution of Internet and its advantages and
15 Bhawani Singh Hada plaint Procedure for Investigation of Combinations Dynamics of PIL: Bonded Labour
criminal procedure code, 1973 disadvantages: An Analysis

16 Bushra Bano written statement Draft a mortgage deed Mergers and Acquisitions under Competition Act Prison reforms through PIL Identifying reasons for Trademark Infringment.

Procedure for Inquiry into Anti Competitive

17 Chitesh Kumar Sharma appeals by indigent person Draft a legal notice for Dishonor of Cheque PIL and Environmenatl Protection An Overview of Information Technology Act.
Agreements and Abuse of Dominance

Affidavit in support of the stay application under Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction under Competition
18 Deepshikha Butola ADR Dynamics of PIL: Guidelines Intellectual Property Rights in Cyber Space
order XLI, Rule 5 CPC Act

19 Dhananjay Singh Rathore attachment Memorendum of an appeal- A Study Procedure of Inquiry into Combinations against Sexual Harrasment at Workplace Cyber Offences

Compensatory Jurisprudence under the

20 Dipanshu Mishra abatement of suit First appeal before district judge Penalties under Competiton Act, 2002 Need for regulation in Cyberspace.
Constitution of India and PIL

21 Diwakar Rajawat appointment of receiver First appeal to high court Cartels Misuse of PIL Detailed study of cyber Crimes

22 Esha withdrawal and compormise of suit Second appeal in high court Goals of Competition Law in India Guideliens for PIL Challenges involved in cyberspace regulation.

23 Garvita Bhardwaj appeals by indigent person Draft a memorandum of appeal in the high court Sectoral Regulators and CCI : Jurisdiction Dynamics of PIL: Women and Child Rights Classification of cyber crime: Detailed study

24 Gaurav subject matter jurisdiction Anticipatory bail application under section 438 CrPC Predatory Pricing Dynamics of PIL: Right to Education Cyber Investigation: An overview.

wirtten statement, setoff and counter Bail application before high court under section 439
25 Govind Sharma Regulations on Cartels Evolution of fundamental rights through PIL E Governance In India
claim CrPC

Bail application in a bailable offence case under

26 Harsh Choudhary Registration of plaint Horizontal Agreements Regulation of PIL Cyber Stalking: Position In india.
section 436,1, CrPC

27 Hemant Sant arrest and detention Basic fundamental of Conveyancing Vertical Agreements Legal Services under the Constitution Cybersquatting : A critical Analysis
28 Jitin Pareek Mesne Profit Draft a Memo of Revision (Criminal) Types of Bids Dynamics of PIL:custodial torture and death E Commerce and Digital signature: Scope in India

Regulations of Combinations: Ex Ante and Post

29 Jyoti order and decree Principles of Drafting – A detailed overview Legal Services under Code of Civil Procedure Benefits of E governance

Legal Services under the Code of Criminal

30 Katyayni Shekhawat appeals by indigent person Draft a petition for winding of a company Conglomerate Mergers Taxation Difficulties in E Commerce

31 Kirti Joshi Caveat Draft a sale deed Relevant Market Para legal Services in India Hacking: Position In India

temporary injuctions and interloculory

32 Kirti Sharma Draft a sample usufructuary mortgage deed Important Provisions of Foreign Trade Act, 1992 PIL and Basic Structure E-governance : An analysis

Procedure of Investigation into Anti Competitive

33 Kirti Vardhan Sharma inherent powers of court Draft a deed of lease of dwelling house Political use of PIL An Analysis of Shreya Singhal Verdict
Agreements and Abuse of Dominance.

Case analysis: Bnadhua Mukti Morcha v. Various Amendments in Differents Statutes and their
34 Krishan Saini institution of suit draft a lease deed of agriculture land A case study on ANSAC Case
Union of India 1984 importance

Draft a gift deed of immovable property in Case Analysis: Olga Tellis v. Bombay
35 Kriti Sanadhya inherent powers of court Important Provisions of Depository Act Trademark Issues in Cyber Space
consideration of natural love Municipal Corporation 1985

Belaire Owner's Association v. DLF Ltd.,Huda and Case Analysis: Sheela Barse v. State of
36 Kritika Rathore institution of suit Drat a complaint under section 138 -NI Act. Reasons for growing number of cybercrimes in India
Ors. Maharashtra 1988

Case Analysis: Nilabati Bahera v. State of

37 Lalit Mohan Vyas appeals from orders Requisities of a valid will Corporate Linency Program in India Online Defamation.
Orissa 1960

38 Manish Kumar Bairwa jurisdiction of the court Draft a will in favour of a minor son Sanctions against Cartels PUCL v. Union of India 1997 Identifying reasons for Trademark Infringment.

Relevant Geographical Market: Meaning and its Protection of Intellectual property rights in the digital
39 Manisha Singh resjudicata Draft an adoption deed of a son by a widow Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan 1997
scope worlds.

40 Mayank Goyal res subjudice Doctrine of Laches Relaevant Product Market : Meaning and its scope M.C. Mehta v. Union of India 1997 Tampering with Computer Sources : Position in India

Procedural study of enquiry into anti-competitive Indian Young Lawyers Association v. State of
41 Meenal Agarwal constructive res sjudicata Draft a petition for eviction of a tenant International Law relating to E commerce.
agreements Kerala and others, 2018

Procedural study of enquiry into abuse of dominant

42 Mohd. Ammar Zaidi plaint Draft a special leave petition K.S. Puttuswamy v. Union of India, 2018 Implementation of UNCITRAL Model Laws in India.
Draft a petition of the husband for maintanance
43 Prashant written statement pendentelite from his wife under Hindu marriage act Procedural study for investigation of combinations Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar,1979 E-Governance Projects in India
and reply of the wife for this petetion

Draft a petetionb under section 9, Hindu marriage act Indian Law related to Information Technology
44 Priyambh Gaur transfer of suit A study on Origin of Anti-trust laws M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu, 1991
1955 for restitution of conjugal rights Regulatory Authority

Corporate Governance and Competition law: A Detailed study of electronics signatures and digital
45 Rahul Choudhary execution procdure Draft a joint petetion for divorce by mutual consent M.C. Mehta V Union of India, 1987
study certificates

Draft an application under section 12 of the proection Compare the cyber offences of different countries with
46 Sidharth Shekhar abatement of suit A brief study on Depository Act M.C. Mehta v. Union of India 2000
of women from domestic violence Act, 2005 India

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