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Eleven h
REPOR l" i-O
JUNE30. 1964

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JANUARY 1 - JUNE 30, 1964


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $1.00

To the Congress of the United States:

Pursuant to the provisions of the National Aeronautics and Space
Act of 1958, as amended, I transmit herewith a report of the projects
and progress of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
for the period of January 1, 1964, through June 30_ 1964.
This report covers in enlightening detail 6 months of accomplish-
ment. Problems of technological complexity as well as those of
managerial difficulty have been met with a sense of awareness of the
contributions the national space program is making toward human
welfare and world peace.


NOV_MB_ 13, 1964.

The White House.

DEAR MR. PRESIDENT" This 11th Semiannual Report of the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration covering the period January 1 through June
30, 1964, is submitted for transmittal to Congress in accordance with Section
206(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958.
We have prepared the report in two parts. The first section is a concise
summary of NASA programs and progress, and the second is a detailed discussion
of the Agency's activities.
Among the highlights of the period were these accomplishments :
Echo II launched January _5.--This passive communications satellite sup-
ported the first cooperative communications experiments with the U.S.S.R.
Fifth successful Saturn I test flight January _9.--First flight using live second
(S-IV) stage; first Saturn I orbital mission; orbit of largest object by United
States to that time (37,700 pounds) ; major step forward in the Saturn program.
First unmanned Gemini flight April &--First flight of Gemini spacecraft; a
significant achievement of the manned space flight project that follows Project
Mercury; second largest object launched into earth orbit by the United States
at that time ; verified effectiveness of the Titan II launch vehicle.
Sixth successful Saturn I test flight May _8.--First test to use'an unmanned
.kpollo (boilerplate) spacecraft; test underscored soundness of the Saturn design.
In addition, NASA launched an improved Relay II satellite on January 21,
Ariel II, a United States-United Kingdom geophysical satellite on March 27, and
shortly after the end of the period (July 28), the highly successful Ranger VII,
which, for the first time, relayed thousands of pictures of the visible face of the
These achievements, together with a vast number of other scientific and tech-
nological advances, signify continued progress in our space program, provide a
firm basis for the future, and point up the fact we are moving with deliberate
speed toward the Nation's goals in space.
Respectfully yours,
JAMES lq]. WEBB, Administrator.



THE PERIOD IN REVIEW (Summary)...................... 3


CHAPTER 1._MANNED SPACE FLIGHT ............... 19
The Gemini Program ....................... 20
NASA-Industry Gemini Executives Group_ 20
Gemini Objectives ...................... 20
Development and Testing ............... 21
Spacecraft ......................... 23
Launch Vehicles .................... 24
Atlas/Agena Target System .......... 25
Atlas ............................. 25
Agena ............................ 25
Mission Planning ....................... 27
Astronaut Training ..................... 29
Space Medicine ........................ 30
Scientific Experiments .................. 31
The Apollo Program ........................ 32
Apollo Objectives ...................... 32
Mission Planning ....................... 32
Systems Engineering .................... 33
Development and Testing ............... 33
Spacecraft ......................... 37
Launch Vehicles ........................ 42
Automatic Checkout .................... 46
Space Medicine ........................ 48
Astronaut Training ..................... 48
Scientist-Astronaut Program Planned ...... 49
Scientific Experiments .................. 49
Supporting Resources ....................... 50
Construction of Facilities ................ 50
Institutional ....................... 50
Design and Manufacturing .......... 51
Development and Acceptance Testing_ 54
Operational ........................ 56
Propellant Support ..................... 59
Advanced Manned Missions Programs ........ 59
Geophysics and Astronomy .................. 63
Geophysical Satellites ................... 63
Sounding Rockets and Balloons .......... 64
Lunar and Planetary Programs .............. 65
Ranger ................................ 65
Mariner and Pioneer .................... 66
Surveyor .............................. 66
Lunar Orbiter .......................... 67
Bioscience Programs ........................ 68
Biosatellites ........................... 68
Environmental Biology ................. 70
Behavioral Biology ..................... 70
Vestibular Response During Weight-
lessness .......................... 70
Processing Pictures by Computers ..... 71
Instruments Measure Biological
Rhythms ......................... 71
Cardiovascular System Study ......... 71
Exobiology ............................. 72
Planetary Quarantine .................... 73
Physical Biology ........................ 73
Manned Space Science ................... 73
Medium Launch Vehicles .................... 74
Scout .................................. 74
Delta .................................. 74
................................. 75
Improvement Program .............. 75
Standard Atlas Development ......... 75
Launch Vehicle Status ............... 75
Atlas-Centaur ........................... 75
Meteorological Programs .................... 77
TIROS ................................ 78
Nimbus ................................ 80
Meteorological Sounding Rockets ......... 80
Supporting Research and Technology ...... 82
Communications and Navigation Programs___ 83
Communications Satellite Corporation ..... 83
Time Delay and Echo Tests .............. 84


Communications and Navigation Programs--
Continued Page
Active Communications Satellites ......... 85
Telstar ............................. 85
Relay .............................. 85
Syncom ............................ 86
Passive Communications Satellites ........ 87
Navigation Satellites .................... 88
Advanced Technological Satellites ......... 89
OGY .................................... 91
Space Power Technology .................... 91
Solar Cells .............................. 92
Thermionics ............................ 92
Solar Collectors ......................... 92
Solar Dynamic Systems .................. 92
Chemical Dynamic Systems .............. 93
Power Distribution and Control ........... 93
Space Vehicle Systems ...................... 93
Advanced Concepts ...................... 93
Lifting Body Spacecraft Program ...... 93
Spacecraft Landing and Recovery ..... 96
Environmental Effects ................... 96
High Energy Radiation Effects and
Shielding ......................... 96
Meteoroid Environment and Impact
Hazard .......................... 96
High-Vacuum Technology ............ 96
Thermal Radiation and Temperature
Control .......................... 97
Spacecraft Electronics and Control ........... 97
Communications and Tracking ............ 97
Spacecraft Attitude Control .............. 98
Cryogenic Gyro ......................... 98
Instrumentation ......................... 99
Data Processing ......................... 100
Office of Emergency Planning Liaison ...... 101
Aeronautics Research ....................... 101
Aircraft Operating Problems .............. 101
Aerodynamics ........................... 101


Aeronautics Research--Continued Page
Aircraft Structures ...................... 102
Air-Breathing Propulsion ................. 103
Supersonic Transport .................... 103
Hypersonic Aircraft ..................... 105
X-15 Research Airplane Program ......... 106
Vertical and Short Takeoff and Landing
(V/STOL) Aircraft .................... 107
Biotechnology and Human Research .......... 111
Life Support and Protective Systems ...... 112
Life Support Systems ................ 112
Bioinstrumentation .................. 112
Displays and Controls ............... 113
Locomotion and Protective Systems___ 113
Human Research ........................ 115
Man-System Integration ................. 116
Chemical Propulsion Systems ................ 117
Solid Propulsion Technology .............. 117
Large Solid Propellant Motor Program ..... 118
Liquid Propulsion Experimental Program__ 119
Liquid Propulsion Systems ............... 120
Basic Research ............................ 121
Fluid Physics ........................... 121
Entry Heat Transfer Research ........ 121
Magnetohydrodynamic Reentry Simu-
lator ............................. 122
Applied Mathematics .................... 122
Materials Research ...................... 123
Electrophysics .......................... 123
GENERATION .......................... 125
The Snap-8 Development Project ............. 125
The Nuclear Electric Power Research and
Technology Program ...................... 126
The Electric Propulsion (Electric) Rocket
Engine) Program ......................... 127
Electrostatic Engine Research and Tech-
nology .............................. 128


The Electric Propulsion (Electric Rocket En-
gine) Program--Continued Page
Electrothermal Engine Research and Tech-
nology .............................. 128
Resistojet.......................... 129
Arc Jet............................ 129
High SpecificImpulse "Arc" ........ 129
Electromagnetic Engine Research and Tech-
nology .............................. 129
The Nuclear Rocket Program ................ 130
The KIWI Project...................... 131
The NERVA Project................... 132
Supporting Research and Technology ..... 132
Reactor Research and Nonreactor
Component Development .......... 132
Vehicle Technology Development ..... 133
Flight Safety ....................... 133
.............................. 133
SatelliteNetwork .......................... 135
Deep Space Network ....................... 137
Manned Space Flight Network ............... 1.38
Cooperative Projects....................... 141
France_ _ .............................. 142
India .................................. 142
Italy .................................. 142
Norway-Denmark ...................... 142
Pakistan ............................... 143
Sweden ................................ 143
United Kingdom ....................... 143
U.S.S.R ............................... 145
Operations Support ......................... 145
Australia .............................. 145
Canada ................................ 145
Nigeria ................................ 145
Philippines ............................. 146
Spain ................................. 146
Zanzibar ................................ 146
Cooperation Through International Organiza-
tions .................................... 146
Personnel Exchanges, Education,/and Training_ 147



ACTIVITIES ........................... 149
The Sustaining University Program ........... 149
Training .............................. 149
Research Facilities ..................... 151
Research .............................. 154
Resident Research Associate Program ..... 157
Management of Grants and Research Con-
tracts ................................... 157
Liaison With the Scientific Community ....... 158
PROGRAMS ............................ 159
Educational Programs and Services ........... 159
Educational Conferences ................ 160
Materials of Instruction ................. 160
Summer Workshops and Courses ......... 161
Adult Education ....................... 161
Youth Programs ....................... 161
Spacemobiles .......................... 162
Educational Publications and Films ...... 162
Film Depository Services ............ 163
Educational TV and Radio .............. 163
Exhibits ................................... 163
Conferences and Speakers Services ........ 166
Scientific and Technical Information .......... 166
Computer Storage-Retrieval System Im-
proved .............................. 167
Selective Dissemination of Information
Tested .............................. 167
Interagency Agreement on Microfiche
Standards ........................... 168
Continuing Bibliographies ............... 168
Technical Publications .................. 169
Historical Program ......................... 169
TIONS ................................. 171
Personnel ................................. 171
Employee-Management Cooperation ...... 171


Personnel--Continued Page
Seminars and Training Programs ......... 172
Procurement Management Seminar___ 172
Incentive Contracting Seminar ....... 172
NASA-PERT and Companion Cost
System Workshop ................ 173
NASA-PERT for Facilities Manage-
ment Workshop .................. 173
Supervisory Training Courses ........ 173
Management Development Courses___ 173
Management Intern Training ........ 173
Graduate Study Programs ........... 173
Cooperative Education Program ..... 173
Apprenticeship Training Program .... 174
Equal Employment Opportunity ......... 174
Status of Personnel Force ............... 174
Key Executive Personnel Changes ........ 175
Key Appointments .................. 175
Reassignments ..................... 176
Terminations ...................... 176
NASA Awards and Honors .............. 177
NASA Medal for Outstanding Leader-
ship ............................ 177
NASA Certificate of Appreciation .... 177
NASA Group Achievement Award .... 177
Inventions and Contributions Board Actions___ 178
Patent Waivers Granted and Denied ...... 178
Contributions Awards ................... 178
Invention Awards ...................... 178
Organizational Improvements ................ 179
Executive Secretary Appointed ........... 179
Basic Administrative Processes Docu-
mented ............................. 179
Kennedy Space Center Functions Re-
aligned .............................. 179
Financial Management ...................... 180
Fiscal Year 1965 Program ............... 181
Financial Report, June 30, 1964 .......... 182


TIONS-Continued p_g_
Cost Reduction ............................ 183
Procurement and Supply Management ........ 183
Incentive Contracting ................... 183
Negotiated Overhead Rates .............. 184
NASA Procurement Regulations ......... 185
Colocation of Procurement Personnel in
Program Offices ....................... 185
Requirement for Headquarters Approval of
All Letter Contract Issuances .......... 185
Dollar Level of Individual Contracts Re-
quiring Headquarters Approval Raised__ 186
NASA Policy and Procedures for Use of
Contracts for Nonpersonal Services ..... 186
Two-Step Formal Advertising ............ 186
Labor Regulations ...................... 186
Safety and Health ...................... 186
Summary of Contract Awards ........... 187
Contracts Awarded to Private In-
dustry .......................... 187
Small Business Participation ......... 187
Geographical Distribution of Prime
Contracts ....................... 188
Subcontracting ..................... 188
Major Contract Awards ............. 188
Major Contractors ................. 190
Technology Utilization ...................... 190


A--Memberships of Congressional Committees on Aeronautics

and Space (January 1-June 30, 1964) ................ 192
B--Membership of the National Aeronautics and Space Coun-
cil (January 1-June 30, 1964) ....................... 193
C--Current Official Mailing Addresses for Field Installations
(June 30, 1964) ................................... 194
D--Principal Officials of NASA at Washington Headquarters
(June 30, 1964) .................................... 195
E---Membership of Inventions and Contributions Board,
NASA (June 30, 1964) ............................. 196


F--Patent Waivers Granted and Denied by NASA Upon

Recommendation of the Agency's Inventions and Con-
tributions Board (January 1-June 30, 1964) .......... 197
G--Scientific and Technical Contributions Recognized by the
Agency's Inventions and Contributions Board (Janu-
ary 1-June 30, 1964) .............................. 199
H--Educational Publications and Motion Pictures (January 1-
June 30, 1964) .................................... 202
I--Technical Publications ............................... 204
J--Major NASA Launches (January 1-June 30, 1964) ...... 207
K--NASA Launch Vehicles (June 30, 1964) ................ 209
L--NASA International Activities Summary (Cumulative to
June 30, 1964) .................................... 210
M--Grants and Research Contracts Obligated (January 1-
June 30, 1964) .................................... 212
N--Institutions Currently Participating in the NASA Pre-
doctoral Training Program (June 30, 1964) ........... 248


Gemini-Titan II ]iftoff for first flight test ................... 22

Front view of Gemini spacecraft No. 3 ..................... 23
Second stage of GLV No. 3 in vertical test facility ........... 26
Agena Propulsion Test Vehicle Assembly ready for test ...... 27
Operations Control Room, Cape Kennedy Mission Control
Center ............................................... 28
Fifth Saturn I Launch ................................... 35
Sixth Saturn I Launch ................................... 36
S-I stage being erected at Cape Kennedy .................. 38
Prototype Apollo fuel cell mounted in vacuum chamber bell__ 39
Mockup of Lunar Excursion Module ....................... 41
Mockup of LEM controllable thrust engine for lunar landing__ 43
Mockup of the S-IC (Saturn V first stage) at Michoud Plant__ 44
The J-2 engine, to be used in S-II and S-IVB stages ........ 47
Aerial view Site 1, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex__ 52
S-II bulkhead and skirt assembly, Seal Beach, Cn]if ......... 53
MSFC Saturn I and V Dynamic Test Stands ............... 55
The S-II Test Stand-A-2, Mississippi Test Facility ......... 57
Launch Umbilical Tower 1, Merritt Island Launch Area ..... 58
Launch Pad 39A, MILA ................................. 58
Typical Mariner Mars trajectory .......................... 66
Mars encounter of Mariner spacecraft ....................... 67
Roving vehicle extends Surveyor's lunar explorations ........ 68
Full-scale mockup of Lunar Orbiter ........................ 68


Cardiovascular system studied during weightlessness ......... 71

Wolf Trap for life detection ............................... 72
TIROS VIII with APT subsystem ......................... 78
First flight demonstration of APT subsystem ............... 79
The cartwheel TIROS I (Eye) ............................ 81
Research and technology support meteorological systems ..... 83
Endless loop tape recorder ................................ 84
Syncom II mated to Delta third stage ..................... 86
Echo II controlled inflation system ........................ 88
M-2 research vehicle landing at Edwards Air Force Base ..... 94
Models of the heavier M-2 and HL-10 (left to right) ........ 95
Large HL-10 model in Langley wind tunnel ................ 95
Promising SST design concepts ............................ 104
SCAT 16 model, wing fully extended, in wind tunnel ........ 104
SCAT 17 model being prepared for wind tunnel tests ........ 105
Two views of SCAT 15F model ........................... 106
Possible hypersonic aircraft configurations .................. 107
Modified X-15-2 showing fuel tanks and new windshield ..... 108
Fan-in-wing model based on the XV-SA design ............. 109
COIN model in Langley 17-foot test section ................ 110
XC-142A model in free-flight wind tunnel test .............. 111
(L. to R.) Automatic perfusion pressure regulator, implantable
oximeter, and interarterial manometer ................... 113
The hard suit ........................................... 114
Elements of the passive Imobile restraint) suit .............. 115
Lunar gravity simulation ................................. 117
Nuclear-electric primary propulsion system (ion engine) ...... 128
Nuclear rocket propulsion for manned mission .............. 130
Engine Test Stand No. 1, NRDS .......................... 134
Launch of Ariel II ....................................... 144
U.S. Space Park, New York World's Fair .................. 164
NASA exhibits at 4th Annual Conference on Peaceful Uses of
Space, Boston, Mass ................................... 165


Distribution of personnel by geographical location ........... 175

NASA budget estimates fiscal year 1965 (in thousands) ...... 181
Status of appropriations as of June 30, 1964 ................ 182

During this reporting period, the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration made advances in the design, development, and pro-
duction of the equipment, in the acquisition of the scientific data, and
in the development of the technology needed to achieve the national
goal of preeminence in space. These achievements are summamzed in
the pages of this section which follow.

Manned Space Flight Network

Four successful major launches were conducted by the manned space

flight program during the period; these brought the total of successful
major manned and unmanned launches in this program to 16.
The Gemini program moved into the flight phase when, on April 8,
the Gemini Spacecraft/Titan II Gemini launch vehicle (Mission
GT-1) successfully passed the first flight test. Gemini spacecraft
No. 2, meanwhile was being system tested and readied for delivery to
the John F. Kennedy Space Center. Spacecraft No. 3, to be used for
the first manned Gemini mission, was essentially completed. Space-
craft Nos. 4 through 9 were being fabricated, and components for
subsequent ones were being made. Completed spacecraft and spe-
cific subsystems and components were being tested.
Development and manufacture of the Gemini launch vehicle con-
tinued, with special procedures being instituted to carry out the "man-
rating" program. Of the 15 launch vehicles being procured through
the Air Force for NASA, one was used in the April 8 flight, the
second was erected at Launch Complex 19 (John F. Kennedy Space
Center), the third was erected at the contractor's plant for systems
testing, the fourth was being assembled, tanks for number five were
delivered to the prime contractor, and components for the remaining
10 were in various stages of manufacture.
On the main engine of the Agena target vehicle Preliminary Flight
Rating Tests were nearly completed and well along on the secondary
propulsion. Also, modification of the system checkout equipment
was nearing completion.
The Gemini missions were being planned in detail and documen-
tation for the second mission was completed. The Mission Control
Center and the Tracking Network were being readied to support
GT-2; and the Manned Space Flight Control Center was planned
for acceptance early in 1965.
755-266 0 - 64 - 2

For the first manned Gemini flight, Maj. Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom
was chosen as the command pilot and Lt. Comdr. Jolm W. Young,
the copilot. The backup crew is Lt. Comdr. Walter M. Schirra, Jr.,
command pilot, and Maj. Thomas P. Stafford, copilot.
Gemini space medicine efforts included work on crew equipment,
pressure suits and life support systems, biomedical experimental
studies, and medical flight operations. The training _uit of the type
to be used aboard the spacecraft was delivered to the Manned Space-
craft Center for evaluation and flight qualification; and a contract
was awarded for life support systems of the type to be used by astro-
nauts who will leave the spacecraft while it is in orbit.
Forty-one experiments were approved for Gemini--17 are to be tech-
nological; 12, scientific ; 9, medical ; and 3, special engineering experi-
ments by the Manned Spacecraft Center.
In the Apollo program, plans were made to recruit scientist-
astronauts, certain astronaut training was intensified, and scien-
tific experiments were being planned. Of major importance were the
fifth and sixth successful flights of the two-stage Saturn I.
The successful Saturn I (SA-5) flight of January 29 was the first,
to use both live stages (S-I and S-IV), first fligh_ in the Saturn I
program using liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen as a propellant, first
use of the uprated H-1 engines (from 165,000 to 188,000 pounds),
first flight test of the instrument unit, and the first Saturn I orbital
mission. The successful sixth flight of Saturn I (SA-6, May 28)
was a more sophisticated version and the first test to use an unmanned
boilerplate Apollo spacecraft (command and service modules). By
the end of June, plans were well along for the seventh flight (SA-7).
Seven boilerplate test models and seven airframe vehicles of the
spacecraft (command and service modules) were being fabricated and
assembled. The test models for the Saturn I (SA-7) flight and the
second Little Joe II abort test were undergoing development engineer-
ing inspections. Also, an Apollo boilerplate spacecraft was being
prepared for integrated systems test ing.
A first test model of the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) vehicle
was completed. (This is a full-scale replica made of wood and plas-
tic.) The metal mockup was approximately 40 percent fabricated.
In addition, fabrication of two of the nine ground test vehicles was
Four guidance and navigation systems for the command module
and the LEM had been fabricated by the end of the period; the first
three were tested at the subsystem level. The fourth, following other
tests, was delivered to the spacecraft contractor for use in spacecraft/
ground support equipment integration.

With the Apollo spacecraft engines_ phase I development of the

service module engine was completed; two contractors were engaged
in parallel effort to develop the engine for lunar landing of the LEM
descent stage; the engine for LEM ascent was being d_veloped; and
subsystems were being designed for the reaction control systems of
both the service and the command modules.
For the launch vehicle itself_ the remaining H-1 engines for Saturn
I first stages were completed and delivered_ and the last two S-I
stages were being manufactured. Also, the last three S-IV (second)
stages were being fabricated.
Delivery of the Saturn IB H-1 engines (uprated from 188,000 to
200,000 pounds of thrust) began_ and qualification testing at the
higher thrust level was about 80 percent completed. The S-IVB
(second) structural test stage was completed, the battleship test stage
was undergoing cold flow tests_ and fabrication of the first four flight
stages was underway. Also_ the instrument units were being fabri-
cated and assembled for various tests.
Saturn V design and development was on schedule. Two S-IC
(first) stages_ the all-systems and structural test stagey and the first
two flight stages were being assembled. A full scale S-IC mockup
was assembled to establish wiring runs and tubing layouts_ and to
check out interface points. The S-II (second) stage battleship test
structure was completed; and the structural_ all-systems_ dynamic_ and
facility checkout test stages were being fabricated and checked. The
S-IVB (third) stage--similar to the second stage of the Saturn IB--
was being designed and developed. Also_ progress was made on both
the F-1 and the J-2 engines.
Apollo general mission planning was well along and specific mis-
sions were beginning to be formulated. The Saturn I phase should
give the Nation a firm technical base upon which to develop the more
powerful vehicles. The Saturn IB program would go from launch
vehicle and spacecraft heat shield development to long-duration earth
orbital missions_ including certain missions to develop lunar flight
rendezvous and docking techniques. The Saturn V program extends
from launch vehicle and spacecraft qualification flights to the lunar
To provide manned space flight support_ new facilities were being
constructed: engineering and administration buildings, design and
manufacturing complexes_ development and acecptance testing struc-
tures_ launch complexes, and vertical assembly buildings. Also_ steps
were taken to provide or otherwise assure adequate propellant support.
Looking beyond Gemini and Apollo, NASA expanded the scope
of studies for advanced manned missions in three basic areas--earth

orbital_ lunar, and planetary. Coupled with these three areas is a

fourth one--launch vehicle systems (improvement of those now being
developed and development of more powerful ones).

Scientific Investigations in Space

Craft orbited during this period and others launched earlier helped
investigators obtain a clearer understanding of the space about the
earth. Echo II, the passive communications satellite launched in
January, provided geophysicists with air density data, and Ariel II,
the second United States-United Kingdom geophysical satellite,
launched in March, collected and transmitted data on radio frequency
radiation, ozone in the atmosphere, and micrometeoroids.
Explorer XVII, launched April 1963, and still transmitting data,
revealed daily variations in atmospheric density and information on
physical and chemical processes in the upper atmosphere. Explorer
XVIII (orbited November 26, 1963) supplied the most accurate meas-
urements yet available of the strength and direction of the inter-
planetary magnetic field. And the Canadian geophysical satellite
Alouette (launched by NASA September 28, 1962), returned data on
the upper atmosphere and its dependence on solar radiation.
In the Ranger program, Ranger VI was launched on January 30
and landed on the moon on February 2, in the target area. However_
its TV cameras failed to transmit during the 17 minutes before im-
pact, presumably because of a premature turn-on during launch, and
no pictures of the moon's surface were obtained. Ranger VII was
modified to minimize the likelihood of such failure and underwent
extensive testing during this period. After the close of the period
(July 31), Ranger VII was launched and successfully accomplished
its mission, transmitting thousands of excellent pictures of the lunar
In other developments in NASA's lunar and planetary programs,
two Mariner spacecraft were being readied to fly by Mars, and a con-
tract was signed for the design of this country's first satellite of the
moon. Surveyor (a far more sophisticated spacecraft than Mariner
or Ranger) was being developed to make soft lunar landings, conduct
experiments on the moon, and provide engineering and mapping data
in support of future manned landings.
Bioscientists, acting on the recommendations of the Agency's Space
Science Steering Committee, selected experiments for the first three
payloads to be carried aboard recoverable biosatellites planned for
initial flights in about 2 years. Experiments for these orbiting bio-
logical laboratories were chosen from 175 proposed by scientists

throughout the United States. They will include general biology and
radiation experiments, plant experiments, tissue cultures_ small mam-
mals, and a pigtailed monkey. There will be six flights in this series.
Further, significant advar_ces were made in understanding the bio-
logical effects of weightlessness, cosmic radiation, gravitational forces_
and other outer space stresses on various life forms---knowledge vital
to man's exploration of the planets and interplanetary space.
In manned space science, NASA planned investigations designed
to make maximum use of an astronaut's ability to perform efficiently
in space. Inflight scientific experiments for the two-man Gemini mis-
sions were under preparation_ and flight qualification testing of equip-
ment for these experiments began in June. Detailed planning of
investigations to be carried on by explorers of the moon also was

Medium Launch Vehicles

NASA used Scout_ Delta, Agena_ and Atlas-Centaur medium launch

vehicles to orbit spacecraft in its space science and applications pro-
grams during this period. A Scout successfully launched the second
Ariel United States-United Kingdom geophysical satellite on March
27; a Delta boosted the Relay II communications satellite into orbit
on January 21. The Echo II passive communications satellite was
orbited in January by a Thor-Agena, and an Atlas-Agena launch
vehicle launched Ranger VI on its journey to the moon in January.
Atlas-Agena and Thor-Agena were being prepared to launch a lunar
photographic mission, an Orbiting Geophysical Observatory, a weather
satellite, and two Martian fly-by missions in the latter part of 1964.
The third development flight of Atlas-Centaur took place on June
30. The first U.S. launch vehicle to use liquid hydrogen as a fuel,
Atlas-Centaur will launch Surveyor spacecraft towards the moon,
advanced spacecraft to Mars, and other satellites and space missions.

Satellite Applications

Relay II and the second Echo joined Telstar II, Syncom II, Relay
I, and Echo I in space in January of this year to supply more data for
scientists and engineers experimenting with communications satellites.
U.S. TV viewers saw the winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria,
via communications satellites, and an estimated 165 million Europeans
watched the world's heavyweight boxing match telecast from this
country in the spring. In April, Telstar II linked Japan and Europe
via communications satellite for the first time, and supplied radiation

data which gave scientists a more accurate picture of the Van Allen
Relay I became the first communications satellite to exceed its
designed lifetime of one year, and Syncom II supplied thousands of
hours of data. At the request of the Department of Defense, Syncom
II was commanded to drift westward where it will be in a supporting
location for Syncom III, which will be, on station near the Interna-
tional Date Line in its planned orbit. (Syncom III spacecraft was
]aunched from Cape Kennedy on August 19.)
In its navigation satellites program, NASA joined the Departments
of Defense, Interior, Commerce, Treasury, and the Federal Aviation
Agency in setting up an ad hoc committee to consider a system of
spacecraft able to meet future air-se_ navigation and traffic control
Satellites and sounding rockets continued to offer unique advantages
for research and operational meteorologists all over the world. And
during this period, the first experimental Automatic Picture Trans-
mission (APT) subsystem aboard TIROS VIII (launched Dec. 1963)
supplied U.S. weather forecasters in remote areas with photographs
of local cloud cover a few minutes after the photographs were taken.
The report period also saw plans completed for the Agency's Ad-
vanced Technological Satellites Pro_oTam and an Advanced Techno-
logical Satellite Flight Project established under the management of
Goddard Space Flight Center. Each Advanced Technological Satel-
lite, using technology developed under Advanced Syncom, will be
adaptable to various types of payloads and be designed for a 3-year
lifetime. Experiments to be orbited on the spacecraft will include
ones in communications, meteorology, and orbital environment. The
first flight is planned for 1966.
In May, TIROS VII (orbited June 1963) established a new record
of performance in this highly successful satellite series when it ex-
ceeded the 66,674 pictures--59,830 of them meteorologically useful--
taken by the sixth TIROS. The next in the series, TIROS I (Eye),
was being prepared for launch. Built like a cartwheel, the spacecraft
will have cameras looking out through its sides and will be able to take
earth-oriented pictures throughout the sunlit portion of each orbit.
During the first 6 months of 1964, the prototype Nimbus spacecraft,
an advanced meteorological observatory in space, passed its qualifying
tests. The first flight spacecraft--Nimbus A--was being prepared for
its scheduled launching during the third quarter of 1964. (Nimbus A
was successfully orbited as Nimbus I on August. 28.)

Advanced Research and Technology

Efforts in this area covered the broad fields of space-power technol-

ogy_ space vehicles, spacecraft electronics and control_ aeronautics_
biotechnology and human research, advanced chemical propulsion
systems_ and basic research.
In space power technology_ experimental radiation-resistant solar
cells were evaluated and a highly efficient thermionic generator was
demonstrated. Research continued on lightweight_ high-precision
mirrors for focusing solar energy, the laboratory experimentation
phase of the Sunflower research and development effort was completed,
and work continued on identifying and resolving major technological
problems associated with a closed cycle argon-Brayton power genera-
tion system. Work progressed on an internal combustion engine gen-
erator set capable of operating on hydrogen and oxygen, on experi-
mental d.c.-to-d.c, converters, and on solid state current limiters. Also
during the period, NASA cooperated with the Department of Defense
and the Atomic Energy Commission in a review of the entire national
space power systems research and development program to determine
its adequacy_ timeliness_ and balance in relation to future needs.
This study was initiated under the auspices of the Aeronautics and
Astronautics Coordination Board.
Space vehicle systems research was extended with additional manned
flight tests of the advanced lifting body, successful testing of a balloon
for spacecraft or booster recovery, and continued work on high energy
radiation and shielding. Construction of the Langley Space Radia-
tion Effects Laboratory was on schedule_ additional data were collected
for use in attempts to measure the mass of meteoroids entering the
atmosphere_ and three larger Saturn-launched satellites and another
Explorer XVI type spacecraft for meteoroid penetration research were
under development. High-vacuum technology investigations involved
experiments with cesium metal to treat a glass vacuum system, studies
of cold welding of structural metals, and research on cryopanels.
Research on passive temperature control systems for spacecraft indi-
cated that a zinc oxide pigment paint in a silicone resin medium may
be useful.
Spacecraft electronics and control research included a flight test to
make measurements relating to the spacecraft reentry communications
blackout, studies of the data acquisition capability o_ ground antennas
and of an array of deep-space receiving antennas_ and investigations
of ways of improving microelectronic devices. Significant progress
was made in developing attitude control components to provide long
periods of reliable operation in space; in advancing the cryogenic
gyroscope research project; and in the development of a field calibra-

tion standard, force measuring instruments, a working module of an

image converter, and a vacuum gage which can respond to pressure
changes over a wide range in-less than 200 microseconds.
Data processing research sought to increase reliability, efficiency,
utility, and flexibility of the computer system. New test techniques
were studied, a new type of computer memory was under investigation,
and work progressed on systems using a liquid or gas as the working
substance. Operating speeds of computers which use both digital and
analog circuits were increased and their power to solve problems was
In aeronautics research, flight tests were initiated in a general
aviation aircraft handling quality program. Aerodynamic research
included studies on boundary layer control, heating at supersonic
speeds, and on fuselage shapes for hypersonic cruise aircraft. The
aircraft structural research program continued investigations of the
heating of stainless steel and titanium alloys, of the effect of thermal
stresses and buckling on tho flutter of skin panels in a supersonic
airstream, and of refractory materials such as columbium and molyb-
denum for use in hypersonic aircraft. As part of a long-range pro-
pulsion research program, a project was initiated to design, develop,
and build an experimental hypersonic, hydrogen-fueled ramjet engine.
In supersonic transport studies, aerodynamic refinements developed
were applied to the wing design of the SCAT-15 (Supersonic Com-
mercial Air Transport) concept to produce an improved configuration
(SCAT-15F) with better flight characteristics and a 15-percent in-
crease in range. Studies of large volume hydrogen-fueled hypersonic
transports in the Mach 4 to 8 range indicated the likelihood of excellent
performance and range.
Two of the X-15 research craft continued flight tests during the
greater part of the period to collect data on optical degradation, heat
transfer, boundary layer noise, and skin friction. The third craft,
the X-15 No. 2, was returned to NASA following rebuilding, changes
in the propellant tanks and windshield configuration, and improve-
ments in the landing gear, research instruments, and speed capability.
Vertical and Short Takeoff and Landing (V/STOL) aircraft
studies'indicated the feasibility of using a fan-in-wing concept. Tests
were completed on the tilt wing flying "test bed" and data will be used
in the development of more advanced tilt wing V/STOL aircraft.
This craft also served as a V/STOL flight training aid.
In NASA's diversified biotechnology and human research program,
life support systems, bioinstrumentation, displays and controls, and
protective techniques and devices were investigated. Studies of the
vestibular system, of the biological effects of magnetic fields and radia-
tion in space, and of man-system integration also continued.

A 30-day test of an integrated 5-man life support system was com-

pleted and regenerative systems were under development. Bioinstru-
mentation efforts were concentrated on the development of a dosed
loop man-machine control system and the associated sensor subsystem.
Surgically implantable bioinstruments---an automatic perfusion pres-
sure regulator, an implantable oximeter, and an interarterial manom-
eter-were also developed. To simplify man's task in controlling
spacecraft equipment, a contact analog display device was being fabri-
cated and a voice input control system being developed. Protective
techniques and devices being investigated included a hard suit, a pas-
sive suit, and an airbag restraint system.
Human research projects studied the vestibular system, the biologi-
cal effects of magnetic fields, and the effects of the types of radiation
encountered in space. Research on the relative biological effects on
bacteria of protons in the 22-730 Mev range was completed. ]Y[an-
system integration studies of crew confinement showed no apparent
stress or dropoff in performance, but irritability_ hostility, a drop in
positive moody and visual changes did occur. And vibration was
found to affect the ability of a pilot to control a high-thrust booster
In chemical propulsion systems research, a program was established
to manufacture and test 260-inch diameter solid fuel motors. Liquid
propulsion research ranged from work on systecns developing only a
few pounds thrust to efforts on the M-1 liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen
engine of the 1.5-million-pound-thrust class. Investigations of liquid
fluorine-liquid hydrogen as a propellent combination advanced, and
efforts were initiated to design a universal 100-pound-thrust auxiliary
engine for attitude control and maneuvering in space. Studies were
made of increased chamber pressure and associated problems of stress
levels, materials, fluid flow rates, bearings, seals, and pumps. Re-
search showed the feasibility of augmenting the thrust of rocket en-
gines by deriving air from the atmosphere. Further work on space
storage of high energy liquid hydrogen indicated that gelling could
reduce evaporation_ sloshing, and zero gravity problems. Related
research on oxygen difiuoride/diborane, an inherently space storable
propellent combination, progressed significantly_ and several studies
were begun to acquire better information about the ablation process
in thrust chambers and nozzles.
Basic research included work on heat transfer conditions likely to
be encountered on entry into the Martian and Venusian atmospheres.
A prototype hypervelocity wind tunnel was developed for reentry
research. In applied mathematics_ an improved procedure for numeri-
cal integration of differential equations by power series expansion

was developed. Materials research on stainless steel and titanium

alloys indicated that the problem of fatigue will be no greater in the
supersonic transport than it has been in the subsonic transport. And
in electrophysics, a significant advance was achieved in the use of
X-ray spectroscopy for investigating the atomic structure of matter
in the 15-40 angstrom wavelength region.

Nuclear Propulsion and Power Generation

In the joint NASA-AEC SNAP-8 project, experimental liquid

metal test loops were being constructed and experimental test hard-
ware items fabricated. Testing was started or underway on the alter-
nator, the turbine-alternator assembly, the experimental reactor, and
a number of corrosion loops for testing the reactor piping system.
With nuclear electric power research, testing of a multitube con-
denser was completed, a centrifugal pump was run for 350 hours, the
stability of water-lubricated journal bearings was investigated, and
out-of-pile life tests of thermionic converters were underway.
In the electric propulsion program--involving electrostatic, elec-
trothermal, and electromagnetic engines---a small electrostatic (cesium
contact ion) engine was completed and was being evaluated in the
laboratory. Work on larger engines (3 kw to 30 kw range) for prime
propulsion was being directed toward determining performance capa-
bility, durability, and scaling effects. A 3-kw cesium electron bom-
bardment engine was fabricated and tested; and a 3-kw linear-strip
cesium contact ion engine was being fabricated.
A resistojet (electrothermal) 3-kw thrustor design was run at a
specific impulse of 800 seconds for 50 hours with no measurable deter-
ioration. A concentric tube heat exchanger was being investigated;
and plans were made to complete a simulator evaluation of the resisto-
jet for stationkeeping and attitude control. In addition, radiation-
cooled arc jets were subjected to runs of better than 30 days, showing
that electrode erosion was not severe and no longer a limiting factor.
With electromagnetic engine research, the performance of pulsed
plasma accelerators was substantially improved. Also, energy storing
techniques were improved by replacing capacitors with distributed
parameter pulse lines.
The KIWI project was marked by two major reactor experiments.
In February, features redesigned to eliminate the core vibration prob-
lem were checked through KIWI-B4D cold flow reactor tests with
satisfactory results. In April-May, practically all objectives were
met or exceeded in a second experiment.
After a NERVA reactor configuration was subjected to cold flow
tests, preliminary analyses of the test data indicated that the cryogenic

runs produced no abnormal pressures, pressure drops, or vibrations.

Major emphasis was also placed on such NERVA non-nuclear com-
ponents as the turbopump, the liquid-hydrogen jet-cooled engine
nozzle, and certain essential controls and valves.
NASA also continued the essential research and technology efforts
supporting KIWI and NERVA: reactor research, nonreactor com-
ponent development, vehicle technology development, and flight safety.

Tracking and Data Acquisition

NASA tracking networks provided support for the first Gemini

unmanned launch, the Saturn SA-5 launch, the Saturn SA-6 launch,
and the Ranger VI launch. Additionally, the Satellite Network pro-
vided support for seventeen NASA and six DOD satellites.
The operational capability of the Satellite Network was improved
by the installation and checkout of medium-gain antenna installations
(40-foot parabolic dishes) at Quite, Ecuador, and Johannesburg,
South Africa. Also, a Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction
System (STARS) was installed to perform a number of data process-
ing functions, thus expanding the capability to handle increasing
amounts of data.
For the Deep Space Network, construction of the S-band 85-foot
antenna station near Madrid, Spain, was started and was on schedule
for one at Canberra, Australia. Work went forward on the S-band
prototype 210-foot parabolic antenna station at Goldstone, Calif.
The control room at Woomera, Australia, was altered to add space
for supporting equipment for Mariner. The Pioneer station at
Goldstone was modified to accept S-band equipment. And a backup
circuit was established (South Africa to Australia, to Hawaii, to the
United States).
For greater safety and more reliable acquisition of Gemini flight
data, the Manned Space Flight Network was improved in the following
ways: Radar tracking systems were installed at some stations;
telemetry systems were installed and combined with the command
systems to provide dual capabilities; and both I-IF and UHF voice
communications were installed. This network is to be further aug-
mented with antennas and with command, telemetry, and communica-
tion systems being planned during the period.

International Programs

NASA's international programs achievements included the success-

ful launching of Ariel II (a cooperative United States/United King-
dom scientific satellite) ; the decision to launch a French satellite on a

NASA vehicle; and successful sounding rocket launchings from the

Thumba range in South Indi% the Norwegian range at Andoya_ and
the Sonmiana Beach range in Pakistan.
A Nike-Cajun rockeh fired on March 25_ was a United Stat_s-Italian
effort ; the launch was made from the San Marco platform off the East
Coast of Africa. Through the joint United States-Norwegian-Danish
program_ ionospheric payloads were launched from the Norwegian
range north of the Arctic Circle. Two Judi-Dart sounding rockets
and a Nike-Apache/sodium vapor payload were launched from the
Paskistan range. Under the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Space Agreement
of 1962_ the first specific performance occurred in the form of a series
of joint long-distance telecommunications tests_ using Echo II. The
Soviet Academy of Sciences participated with NASA in these tests.
Cooperative projects also continued with Sweden and with the United
Through various international agreements_ NASA received opera-
tions support from Spain (tracking and data acquisition station being
constructed near Madrid); Australia (location and operation of
Syncom III telemetry and command equipment near Adelaide);
Canada (agreement for a command and data acquisition station);
Nigeria (continued operation of the communications and data acquisi-
tion station) _the Philippines_ and Zanzibar.
NASA also received cooperation through international organiza-
tions_ including the United Nations_ the International Committee on
Space Research (COSPAR), and the European Space Research
Organization (ESRO).
Through personnel exchanges, education_ and training efforts_ over
] _900 foreign nationals from 60 countries visited NASA facilities for
discussions or general orientation. Thirty-three graduate students
from 11 countries studied space sciences at 16 American universities.
Forty-nine postdoctoral and senior postdoctoral associates from 19
countries performed research at NASA centers. And 48 technicians
from 3 countries and ESRO_ here at their own expense_ received
space technology training at three NASA installations.

Grants and Research Contracts Activities

Under NASA_s Sustaining University Program_ 886 predoctoral

graduate students continued space-related training. Supplemental
gTants were made to 88 institutions and new grants to an additional
43. Under all t'hese_ 1_071 new graduate students were to begin train-
ing in the fall of 1964.
New research facilities grants went to 5 institutions, making a total
of '20 to date. The five new facilities are to be an Activation Analysis

Center at Texas A. & M. University, a Space Sciences Center at the

University of Maryland, a Space Science and Technology Building at
Rice University, the Arthur Holly Compton Research Laboratory of
Physics at Washington University (St. Louis), and a Space Sciences
and Technology Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
As part of the research aspect of the Sustaining University Pro-
gram, work began at five universities under previous grants. Ex-
tensions to grants were given to 15 institutions_ and new grants to
7 others.
Through the Resident Research Associate Program, about 60 sci-
entists held appointments at Goddard Space Flight Center, Ames
Research Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center. The Lewis
Research Center and the Manned Spacecraft Center are expected to
participate during the coming year.

Informational and Educational Programs

Scientific and technical information activities and services were ex-

panded to match a rising flow of research results and immediate pro-
gram needs without proportional cost increases by increasing inhouse
productivity and adapting new and improved methods and techniques.
The Agency helped more than 200 colleges and universities plan
space science courses, provided summer workshop services for about
10,000 teachers, and engaged in adult education projects to increase
public understanding of the Nation's space effort. NASA's space-
mobile lecture-demonstration teams provided information on space
sciences and exploration to more than 1.5 million school children,
teacher training programs, and civic groups; spacemobile lecturers
made television appearances for over 6 million viewers.
Other programs provided nontechnical publications, films, radio and
TV presentations, and exhibits for professional, scientific, and tech-
nical audiences and the general public; speakers at meetings of pro-
fessional, civic, and other groups; and advisory services and program
assistance on space science and technology for educational organiza-
tions at all levels in nearly every State. NASA also participated in,
sponsored, and cosponsored aerospace conferences for professional,
scientific, and technical groups.

Personnel, hdanagement, Procurement, and Support Functions

In the personnel field, NASA acted to implement the Government-

wide Employee-Management-Cooperation-in-the Federal-Service pro-
gram. The Agency also continued to conduct numerous seminars and
training programs for its employees (including seminars on procure-

ment management and on incentive contracting_ courses on supervisory

training and on management development, and training programs on
cooperative education and on apprenticeship).
During the period_ the personnel force rose from 30_069 to 32_499
with almost 900 of the increase going to the Manned Spacecraft Center
as its facilities became available for occupancy. Six new key executive
appointments and five reassignments strengthened t_he Agency's ad-
ministrative/management structure. In addition, during the first half
of 1964, the Agency presented a number of awards and honors in rec-
ognition of special accomplishments and contributions of both individ-
uals and groups.
Following recommendations of the Inventions and Contributions
Board, the Agency granted petitions for 37 patent waivers, and made
3 awards for scientific and technical contributions and 53 awards for
patentable inventions by NASA employees.
Further supplementing the agency-wide reorganization of Novem-
ber 1, 1963, NASA appointed an executive secretary to maintain proper
flow of information between general management and other elements
of NASA headquarters; documented and defined its basic adminis-
trative policies; and improved the alinement of the John F. Kennedy
Space Center organizational structure.
Procurement and supply management functions continued to be
improved. Increased emphasis on incentive contracting produced
results to the point that by May of this year_ there were 38 incentive
contracts with a total target value of $353_567,781. Other actions
were being negotiated. Also, steps were taken to improve the methods
of obtaining negotiated overhead rates.
NASA_s procurements for the period totalled $2,643 million. About
78 percent of the net dollar value was placed directly with business
firms and 3 percent with educational and other nonprofit institutions.
Overall, about 94 percent of NASA_s procurement dollar was con-
tracted to private industry. Small business firms received 7 percent of
NASA_s direct awards to business, and a.bout 17 percent of the awards
to large business were being subcontracted directly to small business.
The Agency continued to place great emphasis on the technology
utilization program. Steps were taken to improve the flow of techni-
cal information to potential users. Also, in this area_ cooperation with
other Federal agencies was expanded.



Manned space flight activities increased in intensity during this

period. Four successful major launches brought to 16 the total of
consecutive major launch successes over a period of 3 years and 2
months. These flights included six in the Mercury program_ one in
the Gemini program_ six in the Apollo-Saturn I program_ two Ap-
pollo spacecraft tests_ and a development flight of the Apollo-assoc-
iated Little Joe II booster.
These launches demonstrated the broad basic operational capability
being developed in the manned space flight effort_ one that would be
available to th_ Nation for many years to come. Elements of this
capability include scientific_ engineering, technical_ and other person-
nel; industrial capacity; manufacturing_ tesh and launch facilities;
launch vehicles and spacecraft; operational know-how; and the abil-
ity to manage a large research and development program.
In constructing the broad base of facilities required for the manned
space flight effort_ the peak had already been passed_ and many major
test_ launch_ and other installations were already in use. Others were
nearing completion.
Of major significance during the reporting period wer_ the first
two meetings of the Science and Technology Advisory. Committee for
Manned Space Flight (STAC)_ which was organized in December
"/55-266 0 - 64 - 3

1963. The committee met in March and June to provide from an

independent source advice to the Associate Administrator for Manned
Space Flight on the scient ific and technological content of the program
and on methods of obtaining maximum use of scientific and engineer-
ing talent and knowledge.


A major milestone in the Gemini program was passed on April 8,

1964, when the program entered the flight phase with the first flight
test of the Gemini Spacecraft/Titan II Gemini launch vehicle.
A new management capability was provided by the establishment
of the NASA/Industry Gemini Executives Group. Substantial prog-
ress was made by contractors in the manufacture of spacecraft, launch
vehicles, and the Agena target vehicle. The comprehensive testing
program neared its final phases.
Mission planning moved forward rapidly. Astronaut training in-
tensified, with the selection of the primary and backup crews for the
first manned flight. Special emphasis was placed on the develop-
ment of scientific experiments, while substantial advances were made
in the space medicine program.

NASA-Industry Gemini Executives Group

To further strengthen the Gemini management structure, a NASA-

Industry Gemini Executives Group was organized. Members of this
group, totaling eight, consist of the Associate Administrator for
Manned Space Flight, key NASA officials, chief executives of the four
major contractors involved in the Gemini program, and an Air Force
The function of the group is to improve comnmnications and rap-
port between top management of NASA and major contractors by
providing company executives tile program perspective they I_xluire
and obtaining from them knowledge about their frontline problems.
The group met in March, May, and again in June.

Gemini Objectives

The Gemini program is the second major step by the United States
in manned space systems development and space exploration. It fol-
lows the pioneer efforts in Mercury and prepares the way for Apollo.
Two-man earth orbital flights early in the program will lead to long-
duration flights and rendezvous-docking flights in later phases.

The basic objectives of Gemini are to increase the operational profi-

ciency and knowledge of the technology of manned space flight. Two
major mission objectives have been established. One is long-duration
flight, up to 2 weeks--longer than required for an Apollo lunar mis-
sion. The second is to achieve and become proficient in rendezvous
and docking operations--during which the spacecraft and a target
vehicle will be joined while in orbit.
Associated operational objectives include: Maneuvering in space
after docking; performing controlled reentry; conducting extravehicu-
lar activities; landing at a preselected site; and accomplishing a num-
ber of scientific and technological experiments. Knowledge gained
during the Gemini program will contribute substantially to the Apollo
program and to the manned space flight program of the Department
of Defense.

Development and Testing

Gemini flight systems consist of the Gemini spacecraft_ the Gemini

launch vehicle (an Air Force Titan II ICBM specially modified and
'_man-rated" for greater reliability and astronaut safety), an Agena
target vehicl% and an Atlas booster for the Agena.
One of the highlights of the reporting period was the beginning of
flight tests to develop the capability for long-duration and rendezvous
missions. In the meantime, the extensive ground testing of the two-
stage Gemini launch vehicle and the spacecraft continued. The first
flight test (GT-1) revealed the effectiveness of the "man-rating" of
the Titan II and the earlier testing of the launch vehicle. It was an
unmanned orbital flight without planned recovery. The primary
objective was to demonstrate the structural integrity of the Gemini
spacecraft and its compatibility with the Gemini launch vehicle.
After an uninterrupted countdown at the John F. Kennedy Space
Center's Launch Complex 19, the 65-orbit flight began.
The spacecraft was a partially equipped configuration of the reentry
module and the adapter section_ the latter consisting of equipment and
retrograde rocket sections. It carried a telemetry system_ sensors, and
ballast plates. The object was the second heaviest launched into earth
orbit by the United States at the time, exceeded only by the Saturn I
shot on January 29.
The radio guidance system of the second stage, one of the major
modifications to the Titan II launch vehicle, performed as planned.
Telemetry data was complete and of excellent quality. In all respects,
the test was highly successful.

Figure 1-1. Gemini-Titan It liftoff for first Right test.

Spacecraft.--In June spacecraft No. 2, for mission GT-2, was in
. the systems test phase a t the contractor's plant, being prepared for
delivery in the next quarter to the John F. Kennedy Space Center.
By the end of June, construction of spacecraft No. 3, for the first
manned Gemini. mission, was essentially completed and some overall
systems checks had been made. The front view of this spacecraft is
shown in figure 1-2.
After the design and development engineering inspection, only 17
changes were ordered, most of them relatively minor.
Spacecraft Nos. 4 through 9 were well along in fabrication with
spacecraft Nos. 4 and 5 entering the test phase later this year. Com-
ponents of subsequent spacecraft were also being fabricated.


Figure 1-2. Front view of Gemini Spacecmft No. 3.


The structural and recovery systems tests to qualify the spacecraft

for manned space flight continued throughout the period. Rigorous
qualification tests were performed on both the adapter and the reentry
module to simulate different launch and reentry conditions. Water
landing impact tests were conducted to qualify the structure for all
conditions that the spacecraft might encounter during landing.
Recovery systems tests were also conducted. Several drops were
made with the 18-foot pilot and 8-foot drogue parachutes, using the
planned test sequence with two of the nonflying test spacecraft. Flo-
tation and egress tests were conducted in Galveston Bay with a test
spacecraft, and astronaut. Sled tests for the development and quali-
fication of ejection seats also continued. The first qualification run
on the seats was conducted in June and the remaining tests were to
be performed during the remainder of the year.
Test articles of the various subsystems were subjected to intensive
development, qualification, reliability, and systems testing to qualify
them for the first manned mission.
Launch Vehicles.--Development and manufacture of the Gemini
launch vehicles progressed smoothly. Continuing research and de-
velopment flight tests of the Titan II, conducted by the Air Force,
were regularly monitored by NASA for applicability to the Gemini
launch vehicle.
In carrying out the "man-rating" program, the contractor had in-
stituted special procedures as well as design changes. Stringent
controls were exercised throughout the design_, development, manu-
facture, and test of critical components to insure reliability. Prime
spare parts were also specially selected, "man-rated," and procedures
set in motion to make certain that they were available in adequate
The launch vehicle component, subsystem, and combined systems
testing programs were also stringent. In addition to the ground
testing, such Gemini components as the malfunction detection system
were tested on Titan II ICBM research and development flights.
Manufacturing methods were continually monitored to assure com-
pliance with standards and to prevent component damage. (In ad-
dition, each vehicle undergoes a "rollout" inspection.)
The most important element in establishing and maintaining "nmn-
rating" standards is human performance. To assure high perform-
ance, the contractor carried out a special program to certify that all
individuals involved with testing the launch vehicle were technically
fully competent in the system on which they were working. To
qualify, a worker had to complete successfully a Gemini training
course or courses pertaining to the system on which he was working
and an individual or crew job performance evaluation.

For the Gemini program, 15 launch vehicles were being procured

for NASA by the Air Force Space Systems Division (AFSSD).
One was used for the GT-1 mission. Of the remaining 14, 2 had
already been produced by the end of June and manufacture of the
others was progressing well.
Gemini launch vehicle (GLV) No. 2 (Mission GT-2) had been
erected at Launch Complex 19, John F. Kennedy Space Center, and
final checks were being made. Launch vehicle No. 3 (Mission GT-3,
first manned mission) had been erected at the contractor's plant for
systems testing prior to shipment to the Center. (See fig. 1-3.)
The fourth launch vehicle was in assembly and horizontal test
which precedes checkout in the vertical test facility. The tanks for
No. 5 were delivered to Baltimore from Denver, Colo., and were being
cleaned prior to splicing. Components for additional vehicles were
in various stages of manufacture.
Atlas/Agena Target System.--The complete Gemini target system,
to be used in rendezvous and docking missions, consists of a modified
Agena D and an Atlas standard launch vehicle. As stated in the
lOth Semiannual Report, the Atlas/Agena target vehicle systems are
being procured through the Air Force Space Systems Division.
At/as.--The Atlas standard launch vehicle was being further im-
proved by the Air Force to increase reliability and flexibility during
countdown and launch. NASA is contributing development funds
to the improvement program.
Agena.---The modifications to the basic Agena D, described in the
lOth Semiannual Report, will provide for additional maneuverability
in orbit; for command and communications compatible with the
Gemini spacecraft and the ground station network; and for docking
with the spacecraft.
The Agena development started later than the Gemini spacecraft
and launch vehicle because the Agena is not required until the first
rendezvous flight in late 1965. Agena modification design was
finished in 1963, and development and qualification testing are planned
for completion in early 1965.
During this reporting period, Agena passed several major mile-
_ones, including acceptance and delivery of the first for modification
to the Gemini configuration. The preliminary flight rating t_ts for
the Agena main engine were essentially completed and well along on
the secondary propulsion system. Both engine systems were installed
in a boilerplate type of vehicle (Propulsion Test Vehicle Assembly)
for mission simulation tests. (See fig. 1-4). The first of these tests
were conducted successfully. Development work continued in some
electronic areas, particularly on the Command Programer. Modifica-
tion of system checkout equipment neared completion. All elements

Figure 1-3. Second stage of GLV No. 3 in vertical test facility.

of the Gemini target vehicle program thus moved in good order toward
, the planned launch dates.

Mission Planning

During the first half of calendar year 1964, along with the first
Gemini mission ( GT-1) , flight operations effort included detailed
planning for the remaining eleven Gemini flight missions and the

Figure 1-4. Agena Propulsion Test Vehicle Assembly ready for test.

completed documentation of this planning for GT-2. Monthly panel

meetings at the Manned Spacecraft Center coordinated among the
flight operations, flight crew operations, medical organization, and the
Gemini Program Office. (These meetings are necessary to pool the
efforts of all the diverse organizations which form the operations o r g a
nizations during a mission period.)
Tha completed documentation for GT-2 includes formal data acqui-
sition plans, missile rules, the flight plan, launch area recovery plan,
and operational support requirements. Details for coordinated count-
down and launching of the Gemini and Atlas/Agena within the time
limits of the launch window for a rendevous mission were approach-
ing completion.
The Mission Control Center and the Tracking Network successfully
supported the first Gemini Mission. (See fig. 1-5.) The specifica-
tions for the control center and network requirements for GT-2 were .
completed, and these systems are to be exercised prior to the mission.
NASA will accept the Manned Space Flight Control Center (previ-
ously designated IMCC) ,from the contractor early in 1965, insuring
its readiness to support the first rendezvous mission later in the year.
Tho first Gemini Mission (GT-1) was considered successful in all
respects. The spacecraft was launched within one second of sohed-
ule and tracked throughout the life of its active beacons by the Manned
Space Flight Network. The computer center at Goddard Space

Figure 1-5. Operations control room, Cape Kennedy Mission Control Center.

Flight Center tracked the spacecraft after loss of power in the space-
craft and accurately predicted its reentry into the South Atlantic.
The second Gemini mission (GT-2), scheduled late in 1964, will be
a suborbital flight to validate the spacecraft systems from launch
through reentry.

Astronaut Trainin9

As the time neared for the first manned flight in the Gemini pro-
gram, the primary and backup crews for the flight were named, and
advanced specialized training was intensified. In the meantime, the
]4 new astronauts who reported in February completed their academic
training in science and technology and started specialized training for
both Gemini and Apollo flights.
Named on April 13 as the primary crew for the first manned flight
(GT-3) were Maj. Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, command pilot, and Lt.
Comdr. John W. Young, copilot. Grissom had been responsible for
coordinating all Gemini developments with the other astronauts. The
backup crew consisted of Lt. Comdr. Walter M. Shirra, Jr., command
pilot, and Maj. Thomas P. Stafford, copilot. As tentatively planned,
the backup crew would be substituted as a team in the event that either
of the primary pilots is grounded.
During the reporting period, these four astronauts frequently
visited the contractor's plant in St. Louis, where Gemini spacecraft
were being manufactured. They received training in the spacecraft
and participated in other exercises, including preliminary use of a
Gemini spacecraft docking sinmlator (Translation and Docking
Trainer) which was being readied for shipment to the Manned Space-
craft Center.
Three astronauts--Neil A. Armstrong, Lt. Comdr. James A. Lovell,
Jr., and Maj. Thomas P. Stafford--took part in water egress and
other tests. These were the first conducted under actual sea conditions
(in Galveston Bay). Using a model of the Gemini spacecraft, they
developed techniques that would later be taught to the other astro-
nauts. Tests were made with and without a flotation collar (a rubber
raft inflated around the spacecraft by pararescue teams at the end of
a mission). Earlier, the astronauts had practiced egress from the
capsule in a huge tank at Ellington Air Force Base and in the training
tank at the Manned Spacecraft Center.
In May the Manned Spacecraft Center conducted _ 10-day series
of weightlessness tests, using a Gemini spacecraft installed inside a
KC-135 jet aircraft. Astronaut John W. Young took part in the
tests along with Air Force and contractor test pilots.

The 14 new astronauts, selected in October 1963, were Edwin E. A1-

drin, Jr., major, USAF; William A. Anders, captain, USAF ; Charles
A. Bassett II, captain, USAF ; Alan L. Bean, lieutenant, USN; Roger
B. Chaffee, lieutenant, USN; Eugene A. Cernan, lieutenant, USN;
Michael Collins, captain, USAF; R. Walter Cunningham, civilian;
Donn F. Eisele, captain, USAF; Theodore C. Freeman, captain,
USAF; Richard F. Gordon, lieutenant commander, USN; Russell L.
Schweickart, civilian; David R. Scott, captain, USAF; and Clifton
C. Williams, captain, USMC.
In June, after formal classroom academic training, they began ad-
vanced training. This training includes rides on the centrifuge at
Johnstown, Pa., weightlessness flights in a KC-135 aircraft, desert
and tropical survival training, ejection seat rides, helicopter training,
parachute jumping, and hours of studying the Gemini and Apollo
spacecraft. In the first phase, they participated in a training exer-
cise at the Air Force's tropical survival school in Panama. They
were accompanied by fellow astronaut Charles "Pete" Conrad, who
had completed this course in 1963.

Space Medicine

Principal space medicine activities in the Gemini program during

the reporting period centered on crew equipment, pressure suits and
life support systems, biomedical experimental studies, and medical
flight operations.
Fabrication of the urine transport system was completed and flight
qualification tests were begun. The design of a first-day urine collec-
tion device was established and a prototype developed. Food and
packaging design was nearing completion. Food, water, and waste
systems Nos. 3, 4, and 5 were delivered by the subcontractor to the
prime contractor for the spacecraft.
The contractor delivered the intravehicular (inside the spacecraft)
training suit to the Manned Spacecraft Center and evaluation and
flight qualification began. A contract was'awarded for the GT-3
flight suit and fabrication was initiated. It was also decided to pro-
ceed with-a contract for the extravehicular suit, which will be worn
outside the spacecraft on later missions. A contract was also awarded
for extravehicular life support systems, and preliminary analysis and
design were initiated.
Bioinstrumentation development (including body temperature in-
strumentation, impedance pneumograph, heart action, blood pressure
instrumentation, and biomedical research instruments) was nearing
completion. Prototype survival equipment was evaluated by the

Manned Spacecraft Center, contracts awarded, and equipment fab-

ricated and delivered for flight qualification.
Other space medicine activities, for missions GT-3 through GT-7,
included the completion of selected contract and in-house studies of
stress during long-duration flight; initiation of hardware development
for medical inflight experiments; establishment of medical data plan
requirements; initiation of medical data evaluation from mission sim-
ulations; development of preliminary medical mission rules; determi-
nation of flight medical objectives; development of preliminary flight
medical plan; operational evaluation of medical flight experiments;
definition of components of flight data analysis plans; submission of
medical recovery requirements to the Department of Defense; and
preparation of the medical monitoring plan.

Scientific Experiments

Vitally important aspects of the Gemini and Apollo projects are the
scientific experiment programs. To facilitate planning for these pro-
grams, a Manned Space Flight Experiments Board, established late
in 1963, was formally organized on February 10, 1964. Consisting of
nine key NASA and associated personnel, it considers scientific, medi-
cal, technological, and engineering experiments submitted by the sci-
entific community, other agencies of the Government and NASA
offices; it then makes recommendations to the Associate Administra-
tor for Manned Space Flight.
During the reporting period, these efforts were intensified for
Gemini, and by the end of June, the Experiments Board had approved
41 experiments for missions GT-3 through GT-12. Seventeen of
which were technological, 12 were scientific, 9 were medical, and 3
were Manned Spacecraft Center special engineering experiments.
Some would be repeated during the Gemini missions.
Also by the end of June 1964, the principal investigators for these
experiments--scientists from universities and various laboratories--
had begun making the necessary preparations for testing. Appro-
priate modifications to the various spacecraft were being planned and,
in some cases, had already been accomplished. Flight qualification
testing of the experimental equipment slated to be used on the first
manned Gemini mission (GT-3) was begun in June.
Though experiments for the early Gemini program were quite firm,
some opportunities existed for research experiments and studies be-
ginning in 1966. For this reason, and to insure the broadest and best
possible selection, NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications
requested domestic and foreign scientists to submit proposals for ex-
periments for Gemini flights GTA-10, GTA-11, and GTA-12. Pri-

ority was to be given to experiments particularly important to the

follow-on Apollo program.

The Apollo Program

In the Apollo program, major strides were made in hardware

manufacture and testing, construction of facilities, mission planning,
space medicine, and planning and preparing for the conduct of scien-
tific experiments. Overall program management was solidified. To
maximize scientific returns from the program, plans were made to
recruit scientist-astronauts, and the scientific training of astronauts
was intensified.

,Apollo Objectives

The major objective of the Apollo program is to achieve U.S. pre-

eminence in space during this decade through the creation of the
broad range of capabilities required to accomplish manned lunar
exploration. The returns from the investment in Apollo will include
the flight hardware required for a broad foundation of operational
capability in space and the associated technology; a valuable complex
of developmental, test, and operational facilities; a trained Govern-
ment and industrial team; operational skills; and the ability to man-
age large-scale research and development. All will open the door to
the further exploration and exploitation of space as required by the
national interest.
Specific Apollo flight program objectives include unmanned earth
orbital qualification flights; manned earth orbital flights, including
long-duration and rendezvous-docking missions; unmanned orbital
qualification flights; orbital lunar mission simulation; and lunar land-
ing and exploration.

Mission Planning

By June of 1964, general mission planning was well along and

specific missions were beginning to be formulated.
The Saturn I phase of the program involved mainly earth orbital
testing of boilerplate command and service modules, micrometeoroid
experiments, development of the first stage of Saturn IB, and de-
velopment of liquid-oxygen/liquid-hydrogen technology for use in the
Saturn IB and Saturn V phases. This phase would give the Nation
the firm technical base upon which to develop the more powerful
vehicles essential to manned exploration.

The initial flights on the 12-flight Saturn IB program were planned

for launch vehicle and spacecraft heat shield development. These
space vehicle qualifying flights are to be followed by manned earth
orbital missions, during which rendezvous and docking techniques
necessary for the lunar mission would be developed. Manned long-
duration earth orbital missions would also be conducted to test astro-
nauts and systems under extended periods of weightlessness. In addi-
tion, the liquid-hydrogen fueled J-2 engine, used in the upper two
stages of the Saturn V, would acquire much flight test time.
The 15-mission Saturn V program would include early unmanned
flights for launch vehicle development and spacecraft heat shield
verification at the expected lunar return reentry speed. Manned lunar
missions would follow the space vehicle qualification flights. The
objectives of the lunar flights would be to land men on the lunar
surface, have them make scientific investigations, and return them
safely to earth.


Systems engineering emphasis in Apollo shifted somewhat from

broad specifications and plans to studies of particular problem areas
where there were systems interactions. These studies included com-
puter simulation studies and model drop tests. This shift occurred
because of the general transition of the Apollo program to a system
development phase.
Detailed studies were completed on meteoroids, solar radiation, and
lunar soil mechanics. A preliminary study on lunar landing con-
straints was completed and further studies of systems required for
landing site certification were underway.

Development and Testing

To accomplish the objectives of the Apollo program, launch vehicles

must be developed and qualified for manned flight.. A highly reliable
spacecraft must be developed that is capable of supporting man in
space for periods of 2 weeks, docking (coupling) in space, landing on
the lunar surface, and safely reentering the earth's atmosphere at
36,000 feet per second within a precise reentry corridor.
The equipment reliability, thermal protection, and guidance accuracy
requirements exceed those of the Gemini program and are many orders
of magnitude beyond those of the successful Mercury program.
Extensive development and testing are necessary.

In the reporting period, two highly successful flight tests of the

Saturn I (fig. 1-6) occurred during the reporting period. The first
of these, on January 29, 1964, took place 6 years (less 2 days) after
the launching of the first U.S. satellite, Explorer I, which weighed
only 31 pounds. In this fifth in a series of 10 planned flights_ the
Saturn I hurled 37,700 pounds (including the second stage) into orbit,
or a thousand times more than Explorer I, for an expected lifetime of
more than 500 days. The payload capability of the Saturn I vehicle
is over 10 tons--considerably greater than ever claimed to have been
orbited by the Soviet Union.
SA-5 also scored an impressive number of "firsts": The first flight
from Launch Complex 37 at the John F. Kennedy Space Center; the
first Saturn I flight in which both the first (S-I) and second (S-IV)
stages were live; the first Saturn I flight using liquid-oxygen/liquid-
hydrogen (second stage) as a propellant and only the second NASA
flight test of this propellant (the first test was with the Centaur,
November 77, 1963) ; the first launch with the S-I stage H-1 engines
uprated from 165,000 to 188,000 pounds; the first flight test of the
instrument unit; and the first Saturn I orbital mission.
During the flight, eight onboard motion picture cameras photo-
graphed various operations of the rocket and a television camera
provided realtime photographs of separation and ignition of the S-IV
stage. Motion picture cameras were mounted at the forward end of
the S-I stage in eight separate pods, which were ejected by high-
pressure nitrogen 25 seconds after first-stage separation. Parachuted
t_ the surface, they floated until recovered.
The timing of all significant actions in the launch sequence varied
no more than half a second from prediction. The test further proved
the capability of the first stage, checked the separation of the first
and second stages, and tested the function of the S-IV stage liquid-
oxygen/liquid-hydrogen system.
In addition, SA-5 gave all the major ground tracking networks of
the United States--NASA, the Department of Defense, and the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory--a chance to participate in a
global tracking exercise, one of the most extensive conducted to the
On May 28, 1964--about 4 months after the SA-5 launch--an even
more sophisticated version of the Saturn I_ the SA-6, was flown from
Launch Complex 37. (See fig. 1-7.) It was the first to employ an
unmanned boilerplate Apollo spacecraft (command and service mod-
ules) and the first to use the path adaptive active closed loop guidance
system (ST-124). The total weight orbited (37,300 pounds) was the
second heaviest to the time, exceeded only by SA-5. Telemetry results
were excellent.

Figure 1-6. Fifth Saturn I launch.

755-266 0 - 64 - 4

Figure 1-7. Sixth Saturn I launch.


An "engine-out" capability, which had been demonstrated during

the SA--4 flight, made SA-6 a success despite early cutoff of one of the
eight H-1 engines. Longer burning of the remaining engines and
course corrections by the guidance system compensated for the loss and
resulted in a near-perfect orbit.
All spacecraft operations occurred as expected. The launch escape
tower was jettisoned shortly after first stage separation. All eight
motion picture cameras were ejected and recovered.
The ST-124 stabilized platform was used actively for the first time
for vehicle guidance during the second stage burning, thus qualifying
it for full operational usage on SA-7 and subsequent flights.
At the end of June, preparations were well along for SA-7. The
two stages and the instrument unit had been delivered to the John F.
Kennedy Space Center, and the vehicle was being assembled and
checked out. (See fig. 1-8.)
Spacecraft.--The Apollo spacecraft consists of three sections, or
modules: The command module, service module, and the lunar excur-
sion module.
The configuration of the command and service modules, well defined
since mid-1963, underwent final review in the second quarter of 1964,
during a mockup inspection. It included a review by astronauts, who
performed task analyses under vented suit conditions for prelaunch
and reentry phases.
Seven boilerplate test models and seven airframe vehicles were being
manufactured during the period. (Airframes carry all systems in
the final flight configuration, but boilerplates are built with a simpli-
fied, heavy structure and carry only those systems required for a
specific test.) Development engineering inspections were conducted
at the contractor's plant on boilerplate command and service modules
which would be flown on the SA-7 Saturn I flight from Cape Kennedy,
and on the second Little Joe II abort test at White Sands Missile
The prototype fuel cell powerplant was successfully operated at
required power output for the first time at the spacecraft contractor's
facility. In the development test program, an Apollo fuel cell assem-
bly passed 470 hours at required power output in a vacuum chamber.
(See fig. 1-9.)
An Apollo boilerplate spacecraft was being prepared for integrated
systems testing at the contractor's plant. Delivery and installation of
the systems were well underway.
Suborbital flight testing of boilerplate spacecraft began May i8,
1964, with a successful transonic abort test at White Sands Missile
Range, N. Mex. An unmanned command module was separated from

the service module and booster by the launch escape system a t an

altitude at which aerodynamic stresses were great and lowered safely .
to the ground by the parachute system. The booster was the solid
propellant Little Joe 11. This was the second test in the series. The
first, in the fall of 1963, trjggered the escape systcm from a standing
start on the launch pad.

. A. . . -- I .---. .
Figure 1-8. S-l stage being erected a t Cape Kennedy.
~ ~~~~~


Figure 1-9. Prototype Apollo fuel cell mounted in vacuum chamber bell.

Besides the boilerplate command and service modules for the tran-
sonic abort test and for the SA-6 and SA-7 Saturn I flights, the
contractor delivered boilerplate service modules to Marshall Space
Fight Center during the period for use in the micrometeoroid experi-
ments on the SA-8 and SA-9 flights. Command modules for these
flights were nearing readiness for delivery.
Vehicle and subsystem development of the lunar excursion module
(LEM) progressed satisfactorily during this period. Designs and
configurations were essentially frozen and undergoing detail refine-
ments. Major subcontractors were selected to develop the abort
guidance section, ascent stage tanks, reaction control system tanks, rate
gyros, attitude indicator, propellant gauging, cryogenic gas storage,
and the LEM mission simulator.
Fabrication and assembly of the first LEM test model were com-
pleted, and a formal NASA review was held in March. (See fig.
1-10.) This test model was a full-scale replica in wood and plastic for
use in evaluating crew visibility, crew mobility, and cockpit and equip-
ment arrangement.
A LEM metal mockup was approximately 40 percent fabricated at
the end of June. It will be used primarily in engineering design for
locating equipment and line runs.
Two of the nine ground test vehicles were being fabricated.
Marshall Space Flight Center will use one to obtain data on the
dynamic effect of a LEM on the Saturn launch vehicle. The _om-
mand and service module contractor will use the other to obtain
data on the compatibility of the LEM and the adapter. The con-
tractor would later begin fabricating 11 flight models.
Vehicle test effort started during this period included thermal
tests on a descent stage structure and antenna tests on a full-scale
model. Development tests were in progress on subsystems, including
landing gear, propulsion systems, fuel cell assembly, and communi-
cations equipment.
Hardware items delivered during the period included a 1/6 scale
landing stability test model to the Manned Spacecraft Center and a
wooden mockup of the LEM to the command and service module
contractor for adapter compatibility tests.
The guidance and navigation systems for the command module
and the lunar excursion module were in an advanced state of de-
velopment. Four systems had been fabricated and the first three
were tested at the subsystem level in support of the design process.
Tests included mechanical, electrical, and environmental evaluations.
The fourth system, the first to be integrated into a complete system,
was used to evaluate functional operation, to study ground support
equipment, and to develop and prove system test and operations
procederes. It was then delivered to the spacecraft contractor for
use in spacecraft/ground support equipment integration. An initial
production run was started, the first systems being in the final ac-
ceptance phase a t the end of the period.
A second block of improved guidance and navigation systems was
being designed to include the unique requirements of the lunar ex-
cursion module. The systems for both modules will be functionally
identical, differing only in packaging to fit the different spacecraft.
Among the major subsystems of the Apollo spacecraft are the
three main propulsion systems, used in the service module, the LEM

Figure 1-10. Mockup of Lunar Excursion Module.


descent stage, and the LEM ascent stage. In this development, the
emphasis was on maximum reliability.
During this period, Phase I development of the service module
engine was completed, including a program of altitude firings. Dur-
ing Phase II at the Arnold Engineering Development Center in the
latter half of 1964, an injector designed to increase engine perform-
ance will be tested. The first ground test engine was delivered to
the service module contractor, and preparations were being made_
for the initial firings at the Propulsion System Development Facility
at the White Sands Missile Range.
Because of the advanced technology required to develop a reliable,
controllable-thrust engine for lunar landing of the LEM descent
stage, two contractors were engaged in a parallel development effort.
(See fig. 1-11.) This engine will provide thrust which can be
throttled from 10,500 down to 1,050 pounds. Components were de-
veloped through sea level testing and and were ready for altitude
Considerable progress was made in developing the engine for LEM
ascent. Two major components, the injector and the thrust chamber,
began undergoing performance testing at altitude at the Arnold En-
gineering Development Center, Tullahoma, Tenn.
Sixteen 100-pouad-thrust, radiation-cooled engines make up the
service module reaction control system. They will be used for attitude
control, propellant settling, and small velocity increments. Sixteen
of those same engines are also used on the LEM. In fiscal year 1964,
an improved injector configuration was designed to solve a persistent
ignition pressure problem and provide a basis for completing the
engine development.
Twelve 91-pound-thrust ablative engines in the command module
reaction control system will be used during atmospheric reentry. An
engine configuration was developed to meet performance and life re-
quirements, and would soon start qualification tests.

Launch Vechicles

The Saturn I launch vehicle will be used to flight test Apollo boiler-
plate command and service modules. The Saturn IB will be used
for Apollo unmanned earth orbital qualification and manned earth
orbital flights. Saturn V is to be used for unmanned lunar orbital
qualification flights, orbital lunar mission simulation, and, eventually,
hmar exploration. The Little Joe II launch vehicle is being used
for short-duration tests of the launch escape system and the earth
landing system to simulate crew rescue from an abort situation early
in the boost phase.

Figure 1-11. Mockup of LEM controllable thrust engine for lunar landing.


The Saturn I consists of an S-I first stage, powered by eight 188,000-

pound-thrust H-1 engines; an S-IV second stage, powered by six ,
15,000-pound-thrust R G l O A 3 engines ; and an instrument unit.
Manufacture and testing of Saturn I engines and stages were nearing
completion at the end of the reporting period, 6 of the 10 scheduled
Saturn I missions had been flown, and the seventh vehicle was being
assembled and checked out.
All H-1 engines for the first stages had been delivered by the
end of June; final deliveries of R L l 0 A-3 engines had already been
completed before the reporting period began, in December of 1963.
The last two S-I first stages, being manufactured by a contractor at
the Michoud Plant, were to be shipped by barge to the Marshall Space
Flight Center for static testing prior to delivery to the John F. Ken-
nedy Space Center.
The six S-IV stages were being produced by another Contractor at
Santa Monica, Calif., tested at the Sacramento Test Facility, and then
transported to the John F. Kennedy Spacecraft Center. The last
three stages were well along in fabrication.
The Saturn I B is a two-stage vehicle and is equipped with an instru-
ment unit. The first stage, S-IB, is powered by eight H-1 engines,
each uprated from 188,000 to 200,000 pounds of thrust. This provides
a total thrust of 1.6 million pounds, compared with 1.5 million for

Figure 1-12. Mockup of the S-IC (Saturn V first stage) a t Michoud Plant.

the S-I stage of the Saturn I. The second stage, S-IVB, consists
of a single 200,000-pound-thrust liquid-oxygen/liquid-hydrogen J-2
engine in place of the six RL-10 A-3 engines used in the S-IV stage
of the Saturn I.
During the first half of 1964, design and development of the Saturn
IB vehicle continued on schedule. Fabrication and assembly of com-
ponents for the first 2 of 12 booster flight stages were started by the
contractor at the Michoud Plant.
In March, the contractor began delivering the Saturn IB H-1
engines to the Michoud Plant. Testing of hardware continued, com-
ponent qualification testing at the 200,000-pound-thrust level being
approximately 80 percent completed.
The S-IVB structural test stage was completed, and structural tests
were initiated. The S-IVB battleship test stage was installed on the
test stand and cold flow tests commenced. Fabrication of the first
four S-IVB flight stages, manufacture of the facility checkout stage,
and manufacture of the dynamic test stage were all underway. The
same ground test stages will be used for both the Saturn IB and V
test and development programs because the second stage of the Saturn
IB also serves as the third stage for Saturn V.
In May 1964, the design for the instrument units was released. The
units were being fabricated and assembled for the structural, vibration,
and dynamic test programs, and for the first two flight units.
The three-stage Saturn V consists of the first stage, S-IC; the second
stage, S-II ; an upper stage, S-IVB ; and an instrument unit. Initial
designs of the stages were completed in May of 1964, and the design
and development of the vehicles continued on schedule for the re-
mainder of the reporting period.
At the Marshall Space Flight Center, the first two SIC ground
stages, the all-systems and structural test stage, and the first two flight
stages were being assembled. The contractor was furnishing parts
and components. The contractor will build the dynamic test stage,
the facility checkout stage, and all subsequent flight stages at the
Michoud Plant.
Assembly of a full scale S-IC mockup was completed in June at
the Michoud Plant. This mockup will be used to establish wiring
runs and tubing layouts, and to check out interface points. (Fig.
The S-II stages were under design and development. Fabrication
of the battleship test structure was completed and tanking tests were
scheduled to begin soon. The S-II structural, all-systems, dynamic
and facility checkout test stages were all in various stages of fabrica-
tion and checkout.
The S-IVB stage of Saturn V, substantially similar to the S-IVB
stage of the Saturn IB, was being designed and developed. Late in

May NASA announced that it would negotiate with a private con-

tractor for a $5 million S-IVB stage electro-mechanical mockup to
be used with a Saturn V launch vehicle simulator at the Marshall
Space Flight Center. The mockup would be used in the study of
prelaunch, launch, and orbital checkout of the third stage.
The 1.5-million-pound-thrust F-1 engine, in a cluster of five, will
power the first stage (S-IC) of the Saturn V vehicle. During this
reporting period, the Flight Rating Test (FRT) engine configuration
was released. Preliminary flight rating test demonstrations had been
successfully completed on six of the nine components requiring them.
Effort continued to obtain an injector which would provide maximum
stability with increased performance. Tests indicated that the two
injectors being considered for the FRT engine were meeting the
minimum specific impulse requirements, while exhibiting excellent
stability characteristics.
The second and third production engines were acceptance tested and
shipped to Marshall Space Flight Center for static tests. The first
two of three F-1 production acceptance test stands were completed at
Edwards Air Force Base and turned over to the engine contractor.
The 200,000-pound-thrust J-2 engine--used in the S-IVB stage in
Saturn IB and Saturn V and in the S-II stage of the Saturn V--
progressed in development to the point, that it was ready for its
Preliminary Flight Rating Test (PFRT) ; several 500-second full-
duration tests had been completed. (See fig. 1-13.) Major sub-
systems h._d demonstrated the performance required for these tests,
and the PFRT will assure that the engine system is suitable for ground
tests and unmanned flight. The contractor delivered the first produc-
tion engines to the S-IVB stage contractors for use in ground tests
of the battleship stages. A number of other J-2 engines were either
in final assembly or ready for shipment.
By a major program decision made during the reporting period, the
Saturn V will be uprated to increase its payload capability from 90,000
to 95,000 pounds. The uprating will be accomplished by increasing
engine thrust, propellant capacity, and by making other improvements.

Automatic Chechout

In the Apollo program, computer-controlled Automatic Checkout

Equipment (ACE) is used to check out spacecraft modules, launch
vehicle stages, and integrated space vehicles. The ACE stations use
general purpose digital computers as central processors and present
the data on display devices for review and action by technical person-
nel. The ACE program is planned as an orderly, step-by-step pro-
cess consistent with the extremely high reliability goals of the Apollo
. program.
Approximately 50 Apollo ACE stations in '7 States will be located
at factories, test sites, and the launch site to test the spacecraft modules
and launch vehicle stages as they flow to Cape Kennedy for integra-
tion and launch. As of January l, 1964, the following six stations
had been installed :
Location Intendeduse
Huntsville, Ala _________ __________ Check out S-I Stage (Saturn I)
Michoud Plant, La ________--_______ Check out S-I Stage (Saturn I)
Huntsville, Ala ____________________ Check out Instrument Unit (Saturn I )
Huntsville, Ala ____________________ Development Facility f o r Saturn I Launch
Vehicle Check out Equipment
Cape Kennedy, Fla ________________ Check out and Launch of Saturn I Vehicles
Cape Kennedy, Fla ________________ Development Facility for Apollo Spacecraft
Check out
During this reporting period, two more were installed :
Location Intended use
Huntington Beach, Calif----------- Development Facility for S-IVB Check out.
Downey, Calif _--_---_____-------__Command and Service Module Check out
of Apollo Spacecraft.

Figure 1-1 3. The J-2 engine, to be used in the S-ll and SIV6 stages.

Space Medicine

The Apollo space medicine program activities were concentrated on

space suits and the portable life support system, bioinstrumentation,
testing of environmental control system and atmospheric instrumenta-
tion, experimental studies, and related areas.
The space suit for Saturn IB earth-orbital missions was delivered
to the Manned Spacecraft Center for evaluation. The Gemini space
suit was evaluated and found satisfactory for Apollo earth orbital
flights. Development continued also on a space suit adequate for
Apollo crew tasks during the lunar missions. As a potential alternate,
an aluminum pressure suit was being evaluated at the Manned Space-
craft Center; it was called a "constant volume, rigid articulated,
anthropomorphic protective suit." The center also evaluated a proto-
type gas-operated portable life support system and began develop-
ment of a liquid portable life support system.
Work was also begun on the operational support test for environ-
mental control systems. In atmospheric instrumentation, a carbon di-
oxide detector and a gas chromatograph was developed. A contract
was awarded for development of a flight gas chromatograph.
Control baseline medical studies for Apollo were selected. Water
balance tests were nearing completion and metabolic studies were init-
iated. Experimental studies to determine random and angular vibra-
tion tolerances were progressing.

Astronaut Trainin9

Major emphasis was being placed on the scientific training as the

astronauts continued their general and Gemini training and as they
intensified their Apollo training. To enable the astronauts to choose
lunar landing sites, make necessary observations, and map the moon,
they were actively studying geology and other sciences--both in the
classroom and on field trips.
The geological training was conducted by three geologists assigned
to the Manned Spacecraft Center and four geologists loaned by the
U.S. Geological Survey. The first of four 48-hour courses began in
February; it was comparable to a college introductory course, differing
only in its heavy stress on lunar geology. The first part emphasized
mineralogy and petrology, and the second will deal with basic prin-
ciples, including the stratification of rocks.
During the reporting period, the ,'Lstronauts studied geological phe-
nomena in the Grand Canyon, at Marathon Basin an(] Big Bend
National Park in west Texas, and at Meteor Crater and Sunset Crater
near Flagstaff, Ariz. They made telescopic observations of geological
M_'rmD SPACE _mHT 49

aspects of the moon from the Kitts Peak National Observatory near
Tucson, Ariz.
In other training for Apollo, the astronauts participated in design
of the Apollo Systems Trainers. One week of briefing on the Apollo
systems was conducted for the fourteen new astronauts. Five astro-
nauts participated in evaluating the command module, displays, con-
trols, and pressure suits in a mockup installed on the centrifuge at the
Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. They began an en-
gineering evaluation on the X-14 vertical takeoff and landing aircraft
for potential use in engineering and training activities.
They also continued monitoring design of the free flight lunar land-
ing research vehicle, which was essentially completed and nearing
readiness for flight tests. Astronauts participated in several engi-
neering simulations at the Manned Spacecraft Center and various
contractor plants.
Fifteen astronauts completed helicopter checkout, receiving an in-
troduction to vertical and hover flight such as will be required in the
lunar excursion module.

Scientist-Astronaut Program Planned

NASA established, in May 1964, a plan to recruit scientist-astronauts

in an effort to obtain maximum scientific return from lunar explora-
tion. The National Academy of Sciences working with NASA's Office
of Space Science and Applications was to define scientific qualifications
and the Manned Spacecraft Center, other qualifications. NASA
planned to announce selection criteria and solicit applications from
qualified persons in the fall of 1964.
At the outset, Apollo crews will be selected from the present 29 as-
tronauts, all of whom have experience as test pilots in high-perform-
ance jet aircraft and some of whom will have developed proficiency in
the earlier Gemini flights. The scientist-astronauts are to be included
in the flight crews on the later lunar flights. Since the spacecraft
crew will be called on to perform rather difficult flying tasks, it will be
necessary to give the scientist-astronauts special flight training.

Scientific Experiments

As the Gemini scientific effort moved closer to implementation, in-

creased attention was given to planning for Apollo scientific experi-
ments. Micrometeoroid detection satellites, developed by NASA's
Office of Advanced Research and Technology, were scheduled for the
last three Saturn flights (SA-8, SA-9, and SA-10). These satellites
would record the frequency of meteoroid strikes.

Experiments for Apollo earth-orbital and lunar missions were in

the planning stages. A major symposium for scientists concerned with
Apollo experiments was held in June at the Manned Spacecraft Center.
The major purpose was to acquaint the scientists with current Apollo
planning and the constraints which would apply to the execution of
experiments on the various launches.
Ten committees of leading scientists were formed and began con-
sidering experiments in field geology, geochemistry, magnetic measure-
ments, bioscience, active seismology, passive seismology, mineralogy
and petrology, heat measurements, gravity measurements, and atmos-
pheric measurement. Ideas for experiments in these fields were to
1)e solicited from scientists throughout the Nation.
As in the Gemini experiment program, NASA's Office of Space
Science and Applications requested that domestic and foreign scien-
tists submit, proposals for scientific experiments for Apollo flights.
For the Apollo program, the earliest flights which could accommodate
such experiments would be the fourth and fifth earth-orbital missions
employing the Saturn IB launch vehicle and the first lunar mission
employing the Saturn V launch vehicle.

_upporting _esources

To provide for the Gemini and Apollo projects and further augment
the Government-industry base for future space activities, the Agency
continued its planned buildup of facilities and supporting resources.
Construction of new facilities went forward, and progress was made
in providing additional propellant supply sources for both east and
west coast requirements.

Construction of Facilities

Facilities resources are grouped into four principal categories: In-

stitutional, design and manufacturing, development and acceptance
testing, and operations.
Inst;tutional.---Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Ala., is
the largest of the Manned Space Flight institutional facilities. Mar-
shall, long known for development, manufacture, and testing of
launch vehicles, is now concentrating on management of industrial
firms producing and testing large boosters, engines, and components.
During the January-June 1964 period, construction of Marshall's
new Engineering and Administration Building and the Engineering
Buih|ing in the test laboratory area was completed. In addition, the
road to the Saturn V loading dock and the Subassembly Acceptance
Building were nearing completion.

At the Manned Spacecraft Center in Clear Lake, Tex., southeast of

downtown Houston, the institutional resources were close to comple-
tion by early 1964. (See fig. 1-14.) In 2 brief years, the Manned
Spacecraft Center has become a functional, well-equipped site for
NASA's management of manned spacecraft projects and for actual
development and ground-testing of spacecraft systems, both at the
Center and at White Sands Missile Range. The facilities resources at
the Manned Spacecraft Center directly support the Gemini and Apollo
Programs and represent a long-term investment for future NASA
During the spring of 1964 NASA occupied twelve facilities, includ-
ing the Proiect Management Building, Flight Crew Operations Fa-
cility, Spacecraft Research Building, and Technical Services Shops.
The major moves from Ellington Air Force Base and leased facilities
were accomplished from November 1963 through March 1964. At the
end of the period, twenty facilities were occupied at the Clear Lake
site and construction of several others was progressing on schedule.
The remaining leases for administrative space in Houston were termi-
nated in June.
Construction contracts awarded during the first half of 1964 in-
cluded those for the Vibration Test Laboratory, to be used to test the
complete Apollo spacecraft under conditions that simulate vibrations
encountered during launch and in flight; the Mission Simulator Fa-
cility, to house simulators for astronaut training; and the Spacecraft
Central Technolog T Facility, to be used to test spacecraft navigation
and guidance systems.
The John F. Kennedy Space Center, Cocoa Beach, Fla., is the site
of all NASA's manned launches. Acquisition of the 87,400-acre Mer-
ritt Island Launch Area (part of the Center) was essentially com-
pleted by June 30. The major institutional facilities completed during
the first half of 1964 included: The Orsino-Banana River Road and
Causeway, the Merritt Island Industrial Area utility and road sys-
tems, the Central Supply Building, the Cable Storage Facility, the
Central Telemetry Facility, the Dispensary, the Plant Maintenance
Facility, and the Merritt Island Railroad. In addition, construction
was started on the following projects: The John F. Kennedy Space
Center Headquarters, the Central Instrumentation Facility, the Base
Operations Building, the Security Facilities, conversion of Merritt
Island Road to a dual-lane highway, the barge lock and channel at
Canaveral Harbor, and expanding the road and utility networks.
Design and Manufactur_:ng.--The Michoud Plant near New Orleans,
La., is a Government-owned, contractor-operated facility under the
management of the Marshall Space Flight Center. Booster stages for
the three Saturn-class launch vehicles are manufactured at Michoud.

755-266 0 - 64 - 5
All major facility modifications required to manufacture the S-IB
- stage, the 'booster stage for the Saturn IB, have been completed and
production of flight stages was started.
Construction of the High-bay Vertical Assembly and Hydrostatic
Test Buildings and the High-pressure Test Facility for the booster
stage of the Saturn I was completed. All remaining support facili-
ties, including the final S-IC checkout building, were progressing on
schedule, and the new Engineering Building to house Michoud's tech-
nical and administrative personnel was nearing completion.
A t Seal Beach, Calif., another Government-owned, contractor-
operated facility under construction since late 1962 is to produce the
S-11, the second stage of the Saturn V. Facilities completed during
the first half of calendar year 1964 include the Verical Assembly and
Hydrostatic Test Facility, the Structural Static Test Facility, the
Pneumatic and Packaging Plant, and the Loading Dock. Figure 1-15
shows the S-I1 bulkhead and skirt assembly.
A t the contractor-owned facility a t Huntington Beach, Calif ., in-
stallation of the returnable, special Government test equipment was
completed and S-IVB stages were being manufactured. At Air
Force Plant 16, a Government-owned contractor-operated facility a t
Domney, Calif., design of a third LEM Test Position began during

Figure 1-1 5. S
I1 bulkhead and skirt assembly, Seal Beach, Calif.

t'his period and production of Apollo spacecraft and S-II stage com-
ponents continued.
Development and Acceptance Testing.--These facility resources
provide for testing of hardware during the developmental phases of the
program and for acceptance testing of production equipment. Much
developmental testing of launch vehicle stages, engines, and compo-
nents in support of the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V projects
is done at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Facilities for static,
dynamic, cold flow, and components testing of Saturn I and IB stages
and the H-1 engine already exist at the Center.
Marshall's Saturn V test facilities (S-IC Stage and F-1 Engine
Static Test Stands and F-1 Turbopump Components Test Facility)
were close to completion. During this reporting period the S-IC
static test stand, including deflector, high-pressure water system, and
adaption hardware, was completed. Also finished were the observa-
tion bunker, the preparation building and high-pressure water system
for the F-1 Engine Static Test Stand, the F-1 turbopump test stand
for the Component Test Facility, and the Hydraulic Test Facility.
Construction of the extension to the test opel_ttions support facilities
for the Saturn V continued as planned. Figure 1-16 shows the Saturn
I and Saturn V Dynamic Test Stands.
Construction of the Saturn V Ground Support Equipment Test
Facility, initiated in 1963, was also on schedule. Construction began
on the Barge Dock and Loading Facility, to be used for loading launch
vehicle stages on barges en route to John F. Kennedy Space Center and
Mississippi Test Facility.
The Environmental Test Laboratory, under construction at the
Manned Spacecraft Center, will contain two of the world's largest
man-rated environmental chambers. It is to be used to test assembled
spacecraft modules and systems, and to train astronauts in simulated
space and lunar operations.
Construction of a new static test stand complex at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif., was started in March 1962. During the first half
of 1964, construction of the three F-1 engine test stands (l-C, l-D,
and l-E) was completed, and acceptance testing of F-1 engines began
on Test Stand 1-D. Also, installation of an environmental capability
on Stand 1-E was started, and facility checkout of the Control Center
was completed.
At the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, construction of
the Apollo Spacecraft Propulsion Systems Development Facility for
the command and service modules was completed. Construction began
on facilities in support of developmental testing of the LEM propul-
sion systems. These facilities will include three test stands with alti-
tude simulation capability.
A t the Sacmmento Test Site, facility checkout of Test Stand Beta
1 was completed. Construction of Test Stand Beta 3, initiated in
April 1963, and the Propellant Gas Storage and Transfer System,
started in March 1963, was completed.
Construction of the S-I1 Test Stands (Coca I and Coca IV) at,
Santa Susana, Calif., was completed and facility checkout was started.
When completed, the Saturn V Test Complex at the Mississippi Test
Facility (MTF) will include a dual-position S-IC test stand, two
single-position S-I1 stands, and a data acquisition facility. The in-

Figure 1-16. MSFC Saturn I and V Dynamic Test Stands.


dustrial and engineering complexes, located in the 18,500-acre main

test area, will include an office and engineering building, a data-
handling facility, a component service facility, an electronics and
materials laboratory, warehousing, and supporting facilities.
•At MTF, ten construction and procurement contracts were com-
pleted. Forty major construction, procurement, and technical system
contracts were underway. The major construction areas included the
first S-IC test position, the first S-II test stand and the foundation
for the second, roads and railroads, a navigation lock, and major sup-
port facilities. (See fig. 1-17.) Construction also began on the canal
system, the lock, the Laboratory and Engineering Building, the ware-
house, the Site Maintenance Building, the Emergency Services Build-
ing, electrical distribution systems, and other supporting facilities.
The manned spacecraft facilities, where manned spacecraft undergo
final testing prior to assembly and launch, are located in the Merritt
Island Launch Area (MILA) at the John F. Kennedy Space Center.
Facilities completed at MILA during this reporting period included
a Parachute and Paraglider Building, a Weight and Balance Build-
ing, a Fluid Test Complex, and a Static Test Fcility. Construction
of the first phase of the Operations and Checkout Building, initiated in
February 1963, was about 95 percent complete by the end of June 1964.
OperationaL--At the John F. Kennedy Space Center, additional
modifications to Launch Complex 19 for the Gemini Launch Vehicle
were accomplished. Modifications to the former Mercury pad (No. 14)
continued to meet the launch schedule for the Atlas-Agena Gemini
Target Vehicle.
Redesign of Launch Complex 34 was started. Complex 34, which
has been used for Saturn I shots, is to be modified to launch Saturn IB ;
actual work is to begin after the eighth Saturn I launch.
All Saturn V launches are to be from Complex 39. The steel frame
for the low-bay area of the Vertical Assembly Building was erected
and the steel frame for the high-bay area, which will be about 525 feet
high, was approximately 50 percent complete. Related support build-
ings were well underway and 340 feet of steel superstructure for the
first Launch Umbilical Tower (LUT) were erected during the first
half of 1964. (See fig. 1-18.) In addition, construction contracts
were let for the first launch pad, its propellant systems, and the road
(crawlerway) connecting the Vertical Assembly Building with the
pad. Also placed under contract were dredging operations for the
second launch pad and crawlerway and utility systems for Complex 39.
(See fig. 1-19.)
~ ~~



Figure 1-1 8. Launch Umbilical Tower 1, Menitt Island Launch Area

Figure 1-19. Launch Pad 3 9 A , MILA.


ProPellant Support

Liquid hydrogen support capability was increased significantly

during the first half of 1964, when a 60-ton-per-day, commercially
owned facility, the largest increment yet, became operational in the
Sacramento, Calif., area. This plant, erected primarily to support
NASA west coast programs, will produce the cheapest hydrogen yet
on the west coast when operated at maximum load.
Under a contract award made during the period, the contractor will
provide from his own'plant near New Orleans a 30-ton-per-day liquid
hydrogen supply to support test activities on the east coast, particularly
the Mississippi Test Facility and the Marshall Space Flight Center.
The plant, to become operational in July 1965, will also have large
liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen storage facilities.
Action was initiated to provide an additional 2,500-ton liquid oxygen
storage facility at Edwards Air Force Base to support the F-1 engine
test activities. This additional inventory will significantly assist in
keeping pace with increasing requirements, will support peak require-
ments arising at irregular intervals, and will permit uninterrupted
test activity.
Significant increases in liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen capacity
were being plannexl for the east coast. Two firms announced plans
for 1,000-ton-per-day air separation plants in the New Orleans area,
and two others planned to construct 1,000- and 400-ton-per-day plants
in the Cape Kennedy, Fla., area.
An award was made for a new monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
supply source to support the Gemini, Apollo, and Surveyor programs.
This award resulted in an industry-owned plant at Lake Charles, La.,
which went into operation in April 1964.

Advanced Manned Missions Program

The Gemini and Apollo projects presently require by far the major
part of the national resofirces allocated for manned space flight.
Beyond these projects, it is the function of the Advanced Manned
Missions Program to investigate and define the more promising
alternatives which are available for further progress. In this endeavor,
the technological, industrial and operational bases of the Gemini,
Apollo, and Saturn programs represent essential building blocks.
At any given time the systems under the cognizance of Manned
Space_Flight can be divided into four groups: Approved projects,
alternative and growth concepts which might be conducted within the
scope of approved projects, concepts for the extension of approved
projects, and future concepts requiring major new development effort.

The last three groups are under the cognizance of the Advan_d
Manned Missions Program office.
The potential missions and systems for future manned space flight
lie in three basic mission al_'ts : Earth orbital, lunar, and planetary.
A fourth area, launch vehicle systems, constitutes an underlying base
for all missions. These four areas comprise the major divisions of
advanced study effort within the Advanced Manned Missions Program

The earth orbital programs of the United States have been and will
continue to be the foundation for exploring space. The specific goal
of the NASA study effort in manned earth orbital missions is to deter-
mine tlle best methods for advancing space exploration and exploita-
tion through basic and applied research in the space sciences and
engineering experimentation in earth orbit and for providing a
national capability for manned flight in earth orbit. In this connec-
tion, the three basic groups of experimental programs that were under
study during this period are biomedical research, space science
research, and engineering research and development. (See chap. 2
for further discussion of this subject.)
In the biomedical area, the focal points of study are weightlessness,
long confinement, potential environmental hazards, and the effects of
these factors on man's performance and physiological capability.
Typical areas in scientific research include astronomy, biology, geo-
physics, meteorology, and radiation phenomena. Engineering re-
search and development activities include studies of orbital launch
facilities, crew systems, extravehicular operations, propulsion, com-
munication systems, and structures and materials research.
All three areas will depend on the development of an operational,
multi-man Orbital Research Laboratory with a flight duration of as
long as several years. NASA was studying three promising ap-
proaches to this Orbital Research Laboratory : A system based on the
Apollo spacecraft; an Orbital Research Laboratory capable of sup-
porting four to eight men; a large laboratory with up to 24 men
(possibly made up of modules from the smaller laboratory). Logistics
problems and the employment of ferry vehicles based on Gemini and
Apollo were also being studied.
Adwlnced studies in the lunar area were concentrating on missions
and systems which could be used to conduct a significant scientific
exploration program on the lunar surface and prepare the way for
whatever level of lunar flight activity may prove desirable as a result
of the early Apollo landings. It is anticipated that early exploratory
activities will lead to extensive exploration followed by an exploitation
phase. Early extensions of Apollo capability may be obtained by
attaching "saddlebags" to the existing spacecraft (Lunar Excursion

Module--LEM) in the event payload margins can be made available.

Other methods of providing longer lunar exploration periods and a
roving capability depend on the development of a logistics carrier,
such as an unmanned LEM-descent stage or by means of cryogenic
landing stages. Manned lunar orbital survey flights with high resolu-
tion photomapping and other remote sensors are expected to prove
valuable in the exploration phase. All of these possibilities were being
studied and systematically analyzed during the period.
The prime task of the lunar study program in the immediate future
is to define the alternative approaches to lunar exploration in sufficient
detail to permit a sound choice among them. A second task is to
develop a base of knowledge which will ensure efficient and expeditious
development of the selected exploration system. To accomplish these
tasks, the following possibilities were being studied :
(a) Apollo staytime (period astronauts can remain on lunar sur-
face) extension in which additional payload capacity would be devel-
oped in the Apol}o system; this payload would be used to transport
packages of surface exploration equipment attached to the outside of
the LEM.
(b) Longer staytime missions in which two Apollo shots am
required for each mission. One of these would transport two astro-
nauts via a 14-day lifetime LEM; the other would deliver surface
exploration equipment and supplies to the lunar surface via an un-
manned LEM-descent stage.
(c) Missions in which two or three direct-flight Saturn V shots are
required for each mission---one to deliver material to the lunar surface,
one to transport three astronauts to the moon, and possibly a third to
pick up the astronauts 90 days (or more) later and return them to
Expeditions to the planets of our solar system are the ultimate goal
of manned space flight in this century. Study efforts in manned
planetary exploration were concentrating on defining the objectives of
planetary exploration as well as the means, methods, and resources
required to accomplish such exploration. Both detailed and broad
conceptual studies were being performed.
The broad conceptual studies will aid in defining an overall pro-
gram, provide direction to advanced technology programs, and deline-
ate information required from the unmanned interplanetary programs
(e.g., Mariner flyby and Voyager lander). The more detailed studies
are to assure mission feasibility; determine the utility of existing or
planned hardware; and define the technological, economic, and sched-
ule aspects of manned planetary exploration.
The study effort that was underway consists of an evaluation of sev-
eral alternate mission profiles and methods of mission accomplishment.

Also, studies were being conducted to determine whether hardware

currently being developed for other NASA space flight programs could
be used for these missions.
Future manned missions depend, of course, on launch vehicle systems
for a successful earth launch phase. The presently approved launch
vehicle program provides an increasing payload capability over the
next 5-year period, culminating in the Saturn V. Further improve-
ments in payload capability may be obtained by uprating these launch
vehicles or by developing new and larger vehicles. Another promising
possibility for providing more efficient transfer of men and materials
to earth orbit is a reusable launch vehicle system.
Studies were being made of the potential increases in capabilities of
the launch vehicles already under development. Since many of the
possible future missions could be accomplished by improved or uprated
Saturns, these studies were concentrating on the growth potential of
these vehicles.
In another study area the efforts were being aimed at defining the
next large launch vehicle after Saturn V. This one should be devel-
oped to provide the very large weight-lifting capability required for
such missions as large space stations, large lunar base operations,
and manned planetary exploration. This effort is desi_o-nated "Post
A third and very promising area that was being studied is that of
reusable orbital transport vehicles. The cost effectiveness advantages
at the anticipated levels of manned activities in earth orbit from the
middle 1970's and into the 1980's as well as the need to provide for
the earth-to-orbit travel of nonastronaut passengers places a premium
on this approach.




The report period witnessed a very important development in space

science as scientific investigators broadened their interest from a con-
centration on the results of a single satellite to studies of data supplied
by all spacecraft. Pieced together this information began to provide
them with a clearer picture of the space about the earth as a whole.
Scientists tackled such problems as the nature, behavior, and irregu-
larities of the upper atmosphere, including the ionosphere_ and its de-
pendence on solar radiation. They also sought to find the sources of
energy (such as electrons) _ which cause the mysterious atmospheric air-
glow and determine the chemical compounds which emit the light in
the aurorae. Others investigated the radiation in the Van Allen region
and measured the earth's m_gnetic field. In addition, life scientists
selected experiments to be carried aboard the first biosatellites planned
to be orbited in about 2 years.

Geophysics and Astronomy

Geophysical Satellites

On March "27, the second Ariel international geophysical satellite was

launched. Ariel II, like the first Ariel launched by NASA for the
British from Cape Kennedy on April 26, 1962, carries experiments

prepared by scientists from the United Kingdom. The satellite col-

lects and transmits data on radio frequency radiation from space, on
the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere, and on microme-
teoroids found in the spacecraft's path in regions near the earth. It
achieved a perigee of 180 miles, an apogee of 843 miles, and is inclined
52 ° with the equator.
The report period saw an increasing interest in stellar bodies emit-
ting these radio frequency radiations obseI_ed by Ariel II which led
to initial plans for a radio astronomy satellite to study this type of
radiation. Also during this time, Alouette_ the Canadian topside
sounder satellite orbited by NASA in September 1962, supplied data
on the nature, behavior, and irregularities of the upper ionosphere,
and its dependence on solar radiation.
On April 14, 1964, at Cape Kennedy, as the Orbiting Solar Observa-
tory B spacecraft was being mated to the upper stage of its Delta
launch vehicle, the rocket motor ignited, injuring 11 men--3 fatally.
The accident also damaged the facility and wrecked the spacecraft.
A thorough investigation was underway to determine the cause of
the accident and to prevent similar ones.
First results reported by the orbiting Explorer XVIII (launched
on November 26, 1963) have provided the most accurate measurements
of the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field
yet available to investigating scientists. In addition, this geophysical
satellite revealed the existence of a shock front on the sunlit side of
the earth produced by the supersonic flow of the solar wind past the
earth's magnetosphere. (The magnetosphere is a region of space ex-
tending from the surface of the earth to the outer edge of its magnetic
field.) Explorer XVIII is in a highly eccentric orbit ranging from
119 miles to a height of 122,800 miles.
Also in this period, the 17th Explorer supplied further information
on the physical and chemical processes taking place in the upper
atmosphere. The spacecraft--launched in April 1963--revealed that
atmospheric density varied markedly, from day to day, at a given
latitude for the same time of night or day. Such variations occurred
even when the sun appeared to be quiet and no magnetic disturbances
were evident by scientific observers. Explorer XVII also indicated
the presence of a source of heating in the nocturnal ionosphere.

Sounding Rockets and Balloons

During the first 6 months of 1964, 47 sounding rockets were success-

fully launched over a wide al_a of the earth to study the density and
temperature of the atmosphere at altitudes ranging from 60 through
100 miles. Six of these carried instruments designed to measure

atmospheric temperature, pressure, and composition. Four others,

launched in India near the equator, searched for the electrical current
(electrojet) which appears to circulate around the globe producing
some of the fluctuations observed in earth's magnetic field. Still other
rockets helped scientists understand the cause of the whitish-green
night airglow in the atmosphere described by Astronauts Glenn, Car-
penter, and Cooper (lOth Semiannual Report) and the more spectacu-
lar glow of the northern lights.
The use of instrumented balloons in astronomy and in studies of
cosmic rays continued to increase substantially. For example, on
March 5, a balloon in a flight over Texas carried a coronograph to a
height of 90,000 feet to observe the corona surrounding the sun. An
instrument of this type will be flown on the Advanced Orbiting Solar
Observatory planned for launching near the end of the decade.

lunar and Planetary Programs

During the period, another in the Ranger series was launched; two
_ariner spacecraft were being readied for fly-bys of Mars; and a
contract was signed for the design of a lunar orbiter satellite.


Ranger VI was successfully launched from the Atlantic Missile

Range on January 30, and landed on the moon on February 2, only
20 miles from its aiming point. Although the flight appeared to be
normal, a failure of undetermined cause prevented the spacecraft's six
TV cameras from transmitting any pictures of the lunar surface
during the last 17 minutes of flight before impact (lOth Semiannual
Report, ch. '2). Investigators are reasonably certain that a premature
turn-on of the television subsystem during the launch phase of the
mission caused this failure.
1V[odifications incorporated into the television subsystem of Ranger
B (Ranger VII ) --scheduled for launching during the third quarter
of 1964--are to minimize the possibility of future premature TV turn-
on. During this report period, Ranger B underwent extensive testing
to determine the effectiveness of these changes. Like Ranger VI, this
spacecraft was planned to take TV pictures of the moon's surface vital
to the Nation's scientific and manned lunar programs. Its 6 high-
quality cameras should take over 4,000 pictures during the final 17
minutes of flight--the last of these at least 10 times better than any
available from earth-based photography and possibly good enough
to identify objects as small as a compact automobile. (After the close
of this report period, on July 31, this seventh Ranger furnished
thousands of lunar photographs. Details will be published in the
19th Semhrund Report.)

Mariner and Pioneer

During the first 6 months of 1964, most of the key tests of Mariner
were completed and a proof test model was built. Two flight space-
craft were assembled and systems testing began. Two Mariners are
to be launched by Atlas-Agena boosters during the last quarter of
1964 for fly-bys of Mars in mid-1965. (Figs.2-1 and 2-2.)
Design review of the Pioneer spacecraft and experiments for its
first two flights were completed and fabrication of the prototype was
underway. I n addition, proposals for experiments for flights three
and four were received and were beingevaluated.

The Surveyor program is developing more highly sophisticated
spacecraft than Mariner or Ranger which can make soft landings on
the moon, advance scientific knowledge by conducting experiments
there, and provide engineering and mapping data in support of future
manned lunar landings.
During the report period Surveyor’s subsystems underwent rigorous
testing to reveal weaknesses in the spacecraft’s design and make it
possible t o correct them before flight testing. Early recognition and
solution of technical problems before assembly and flight tests of the
spacecraft resulted in significant Rrogress.

I Figure 2-1. Typical Mariner-Mars trajectory.


Figure 2-2. Man encounter of Mariner spacecraft.

Surveyor also passed a number of major milestones. Among these

were nine consecutive successful tests of the main retrorocket which
confirmed its suitability; drop tests which determined that the landing
gear shock absorbers were completed satisfactory ; and the fabrication,
testing, and delivery of dynamic models of the spacecraft to be used
in Centaur development flight tests. I n addition, substantial progress
was made in developing instruments for operational Surveyor
Following extensive ground testing, four engineering test flights
will be conducted to evaluate the performance of the spacecraft and
its systems during launch, transit, and landing phases. Next will come
scientific studies of the moon through instrumented landings and the
determination of suitable landing sites for astronauts.
Studies continued on the feasibility of small lunar-surface roving
vehicles to be carried aboard more advanced Surveyors for conducting
area surveys and exploring features of special interest. (Fig. 2-3, p.

Lunar Orbiter

I n May, NASA signed a contract for the development of Lunar

Orbiter, which will be this country’s first satellite of the moon. The
design mas scheduled for completion before the end of 1964. The
satellite’s cameras will take high-resolution photographs of consider-
able areas of lunar surface and help select landing sites for unmanned
and manned spacecraft. As a secondary objective Lunar Orbiter will
155-266 0 - 64 - 6

examine the moon's gravity field and space environment over an ex-
tended period of time. Five missions were authorized for the satel-
l i b t h e first scheduled for mid-1966.

Figure 2-3. Roving vehicle extends Surveyor's lunar explorations.


Figure 2-4. Full-scale rnockup of Lunar Orbiter.


Bioscience Programs

To help keep pace with technological advances in the Nation's space

program, bioscientists planned the first flight of their orbiting biologi-
cal laboratories (biosatellites) in about 2 years. They also made
significant progress in understanding the biological effects of weight-
lessness, cosmic radiation, gravitational forces, and other outer space
stresses on various life forms. Such knowledge is vital to man's
exploration of the planets and interplanetary space.


Acting on the recommendations of its Space Science Steering Com-

mittee, NASA selected experiments for the first three payloads to be
carried aboard its biosatellites. Chosen from 175 experiments pro-
posed by scientists throughout the United States, the first payload will
contain general biology and radiation experiments; the second plant
experiments, tissue cultures, and small mammals; and the third, a pig-
tailed monkey as the principal experimental specimen. (Each of the
three missions will have a backup spacecraft for a total of six flights
in the biosatellite series.)
The first series of experiments will be orbited for 3 days to measure
any interactions between weightlessness and the effects of radiation
from the source inside the biosatellite. Other general biological
experiments of this first payload will be shielded from the radiation
source to determine short-term biological effects of weightlessness on
plants and simpler life forms.
Another biosatellite will be in orbit for 21 days to test the effects of
weightlessness on plant growth, on the structure and division of human
cells in a tissue culture, on bone and muscular structure, and on or-
ganisms removed from earth's influence. The mission with the primate
will investigate the effects of weightlessness on the circulatory and
nervous systems and on behavior during the 80-day orbit. The pri-
mate will be studied before and after the flight for loss of calcium in
the skeleton and various metabolic changes.
In March, a contract was signed for the design and fabrication of
the six biosatellites, and negotiations were completed between the
Ames Research Center and the Air Force for aerial recovery of the

Environmental Biology

Preparing for the flight of the first biosatellite, environmental biol-

ogists were investigating the effects of weightlessness_ radiation,

gravity, magnetism, and other space environmental factors on various

life forms by simulating as many as possible of these conditions in
ground-based laboratories.
During the first 6 months of 1964, significant progress was made in
these investigations. For example, instruments were developed for
automatic measurements of the circulatory system and metabolism of
primates which will orbit the earth for 30-day periods. Thorough
laboratory studies of the effects of the space environment on a variety
of plants and animals were undertaken by NASA contractors and
grantees. At the E. O. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (University
of California, Berkeley) fruitflies exposed to radiation partially re-
covered when brought into contact with a constant magnetic field up
to 9,000 gauss. Experimenters at Ohio State University found that
mice better survived exposure to one atmosphere of 100-percent oxygen
when they were exposed daily to normal air, even for a period of only
2 hours. An 8-hour daily exposure to 100-percent oxygen resulted in
greater changes in the bodies of the test animals which were counter-
acted rapidly by their exposure to air. Results of the experiments
supplied a key to an astronaut's chances of surviving in a space capsule
which is limited to a closed environment of this enriched oxygen.
In tests in a simulated Martian environment to find out if earth's
life forms could live to contaminate that planet, more than two dozen
species of bacteria survived for as long as 10 months. Their survival
varied greatly according to the rate of freezing and thawing of the
water in which they were growing and reproducing.

Behavioral Biology

Because spacecraft carrying biological specimens are subjected to

high rates of spinning before they are injected into orbit and on re-
entry into the earth's atmosphere, University of Kentucky biologists
completed studies to find out how much of this "spin-up" test animals,
such as mice, can tolerate. Results of other investigations, using a
special centrifuge designed by university experimenters (described in
the lOth Semiannual Report), were being analyzed. Information sup-
plied by experiments of this type should help builders of spacecraft
determine how space capsules need to be designed if orbiting astro-
nauts or other life forms are to function efficiently in space.
Ve,_tibular Re_ponse During We_ghtlessness.--A biological model
was designed to allow bioscientists to investigate space sickness_ loss of
equilibrium, or any other "vestibular" disorder experienced by test
animals due to weightlessness in flight.
Processing Pictures by Computers.-NASA joined the National
Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the D e p r t -
ment of Defense in developing computers able to perform certain
“human” operations such as image detection and noise reduction.
Progress was made toward improving the quality of images and build-
ing motion picture sequences from a small portion of information from
each frame.
Instmrnents Measure BwlogicaZ Rhythms.-Biologists at Princeton
University and electronic engineers a t Franklin Institute ( Philadel-
phia) cooperated in designing and building two instruments which
can record the effects of the earth’s rotation on the biological rhythms
of various life forms while they are orbiting in outer space. One is a
highly sensitive electronic device called an “actograph” to measure the
activity of small organisms ; the other a miniaturized implantable in-
strument to record the temperatures of animals.
(7airdiovamdar Systern Stdy.-The chimpanzee Enos was orbited
on November 29, 1961, in a Project Mercury capsule to simulate as
nearly as possible conditions expected for the Nation’s first mnnned
space flight (Astronaut John Glenn, February 1962). In attempting
to explain the high blood pressure detected in En-, cardiovascular
experts at the University of Southern California produced persistent
hypertension in laboratory chimpanzees restrained and required to



Figure 2-5. Cardiovascular system studied during weightlessness.


perform the same demanding tasks as was Enos. These findings show
promise of an increased understanding of the cardiovascular system. .


Success marked all tests to date of the radioisotope biochemical probe

Gulliver (described in NASA’s 10th Semiunnwl Report, ch. 2 ) bemg
developed by exobiologists to study extraterrestrial life forms. An
experimental model of the Wolf T r a p a n o t h e r life detection device
under development-will be field tested before a flight prototype is
built. (See fig. 2-6.) This instrument, devised by Dr. Wolf Vishniac
of the University of Rochester (New York), uses a vacuum t o draw
soil samples into bacteriological ciilture media, such as beef broth or
nutrient broth. When living organisms are trapped, the culture broth
becomes cloudy or undergoes acidity changes.
Other devices under development to search for living organisms on
other planets or in interplanetary space include a miniature laboratory
(Multivator) to conduct several biochemical or biological experiments
on Mars, a high-resolution vidicon (TV) microscope, a spectrophotom-
eter that uses ultraviolet radiation to detect Martian life, and a gas
chromatograph to identify biologically significant molecules. The
gas chromatograph is not a real “life detection” device but rather an

Figure 2-6. Wolf Trap for life detection.


instrument able to establish the presence of organic molecules in outer

space that are also found in life on earth.

Planetary Quarantine

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory was designing a spacecraft sterili-

zation facility to help keep earth's micro-organisms from being car-
ried aboard spacecraft to contaminate other planets. These microbes
must be removed or killed during spacecraft manufacture. During
the report period, JPL scientists set up facility requirements to assure
biocleanliness during manufacture by analyzing the source and pat-
tern of biological contamination on parts_ tools_ clothing, air, and on
human skin, and then developed methods to check or remove such
contamination. In addition_ the U.S. Public Health Service--through
its Communicable Disease Center Laboratory at Atlanta_ Ga.--agreed
to conduct research on sterilization problems for NASA. The Cen-
ter will also produce training materials and provide a staff to operate
a microbiological laboratory for sterility testing of space hardware.

Physical Biology

NASA_s lOth Semiannual Report to Congress described a 120-day

study in nutrition for manned space missions and animal experiments
in space. In this experiment 15 volunteer prisoners were fed a chem-
ically defined liquid diet of pure amino acids_ vitamins_ carbohydrates_
and necessary minerals. They experienced neither appreciable weight
loss nor major medical difficulties during the test period. The testing
period, when extended to 6 months, resulted in generally improved
health for the men and no injurious side effects. Experimenters found
ways of storing these diets so that they are not damaged by radiation,
humidity, or temperature. The diets are very compact--a cubic foot,
including 50 percent water, can supply 2_500 calories a day for about
a month.
In another development an automatic electronic scanner and com-
puter_ which may be adaptable for use with life detection systems,
was being designed to monitor blood cells and chromosomes.

Manned Space Science

Since the fullest possible scientific exploration of space depends

on including recognized scientists as astronauts, NASA, in coopera-
tion with the National Academy of Sciences, set about determining
standards for their selection. (See also ch. 1.) In addition the
Agency, cooperating with the Nation's scientists_ continued to
strengthen its science programs by providing for the planning and

development of space science investigations which will make maxi-

mum use of the astronauts' ability to perform efficiently in space.
Early in 1964, the preparation of inflight scientific experiments for
Gemini missions began under NASA's manned space science pro-
gram. Flight qualification testing of equipment for these experi-
ments-slated to fly on the first two-man Gemini spacecraft--began
in June (ch. 1). Scientific experiments were approved for seven
later manned Gemini flights, and scientists from university and other
laboratories who will develop these experiments and analyze their
results began preparing the required equipment.
As the first manned flight of Project Gemini drew near, space scien-
tists increasingly turned their attention to the planning of more so-
phisticated scientific experiments to be performed on the Apollo pro-
gram's manned earth-orbiting flights preceding the manned lunar
mission. In June, scientists gathered at the Manned Spacecraft Cen-
ter to review the Apollo hmar mission flight plan and to begin detailed
planning of investigations to be carried out by astronauts in early
manned lunar exploration.
NASA, through a grant to the U.S. Geological Survey, continued
to support the most comprehensive topographic analysis of large areas
of the moon's surface yet undertaken. The data will serve to guide
Lunar Orbiter spacecraft in photographing the terrain to pinpoint
likely landing sites for Surveyor spacecraft and Apollo astronauts.

Medium launch Vehicles

During the first 6 months of 1964, NASA used the Scout, Delta,
Agena, and Atlas-Centaur medium launch vehicles to orbit space-
craft in its space science and applications programs.


A Scout successfully launched the second Ariel United States-

United Kingdom international satellite on Mar(,h `27 (p. 63) from
the Agency's Wallops Island, Va., facility.


On January '21, a Delta launch vehicle orbited the Relay II com-

munications s'ttellite. Another Delta, on March 19, failed to orbit
the Polar Ionosphere Beacon due to a malfunction during the third
stage powered flight. This was the first failure after 22 consecutive
successes with this launch vehicle. (Another Ionosphere Beacon was
being prepared for launching later in 1964.)


A Thor-Agena placed the Echo II passive communications satellite

into orbit in January (p. 87), and the Atlas-Agena launched Ranger
VI on its trip to the Moon on February 2 as planned (p. 65). In
addition, an Atlas-Agena launched Fire I to investigate high reentD"
velocity into the earth's atmosphere (37,000 feet a second) in a test
from the Atlantic Missile Range in April. Data from the flight were
being analyzed.
Improvement Program.--The first improved Agena D vehicles, de-
veloped in a joint NASA-Air Force program, were being readied
for flight. The first Air Force launch of the vehicle was successfully
completed late in the second quarter of 1964, and the first NASA
flight was scheduled for the third quarter of the year.
Standard Atlas Development.--A NASA-Air Force standard Atlas
improvement progwam neared completion. The first standardized
Atlas vehicle_-eventually to be used for all Air Force and NASA
space programs in the Atlas-Agena payload class--was completed in
June and will be flight tested during 1964.
Launch Vehicle Status.--Atlas-Agena and Thor-Agena were being
prepared to launch a lunar photographic mission, an Orbiting Geo-
physical Observatory, a weather satellite, and two Martian fly-by mis-
sions. Launchings were scheduled for the third and final quarters
of 1964.


Atlas-Centaur, the first U.S. launch vehicl_ to use liquid hydrogen

as a fuel, will carry Sum_eyor spacecraft to the Moon, advanced space:
craft to Mars, and launch other satellites and space missions. Second
and third development flights occurred in November 1963 and June
1964, respectively. Extensive ground testing concentrated on the in-
sulation panels and nose fairing which were jettisoned in space for
the first time on the June development flight. The fourth Atlas-
Centaur was completed and shipped to the launch site at Cape
Kennedy. The development program for Atlas-Centaur will be com-
pleted in 1965, and the vehicle will be ready to carry Surveyor early
in that year.


During the first 6 months of 1964, Relay II and Echo II became the
latest additions to NASA's communications satellite family joining
Telstar II, Syncom II, Relay I, and Echo I in providing data for
scientists, engineers, and others experimenting with these spacecraft.
In addition, substantial advances were made toward a worldwide com-
munications satellite network when the Communications Satellite
Corporation announced that it would soon proceed with an experi-
mental-operational system at synchronous altitude and offered its first
stock for sale.
Satellites and sounding rockets in NASA_s meteorological programs
provided meteorologists all over the globe with invaluable data for
research and for weather analysis and forecasting. The first experi-
mental Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) subsystem aboard
TIROS VIII supplied forecasters with photographs of local cloud
cover and the conventional TV camera carried by this latest in the
meteorological satellite series continued to transmit pictures of good
quality after over 6 months of operation.

Meteorological Programs

Progress in space technology during the report period continued to

offer unique advantages for research and operational meteorologists.

The APT subsystem, for example, supplied forecasters in remote areas

with data on local cloud cover a few minutes after photographs were
taken, whereas under present data relay systems forecasters must wait
3 to 6 hours for this information.


During the first week of May 1964, TIROS VII (launched June 19,
1963) established a new record of performance in this highly success-
ful satellite series when it exceeded the 66,674 pictures (59,830 of them
meteorologically useful) taken by TIROS VI. The seventh TIROS
also continued to supply infrared radiation data of good quality. Its
instruments had already provided information on this type of radia-
tion for more than twice as long as that furnished by similar instru-
mentation aboard TIROS II, III, and IV.
On December 21, 1963, the eighth TIROS, carrying the first experi-
mental Automatic Picture Tr_msmission (APT) subsystem, was
orbited and began transmitting. This subsystem--described in detail
in the lOth Semiannual Report--was undergoing extensive qualifica-
tion tests aboard TIROS VIII prior to use aboard the polar-orbiting
Nimbus for which it was designed. APT will enable meteorologists
to use relatively simple and inexpensive ground equipment to receive
local cloud cover pictures as the satellite passes overhead instead of


::ii SOLAR


440 MI.


Figure 3-1. TIROS VIII with APT subsystem.

depending on data relay from a large command and data acquisition
Over 40 ground stations of the Departments of Commerce and
Defense and of several foreign countries were receiving and using
data from this A P T subsystem experiment. (Some nations have built
their own ground stations for this purpose.) Reception, as with many
experimental systems, depends on the skill of the ground station oper-
ator to a considerable extent.
The irregular lines (scalloping and banding) of the illustration
(fig. 3-2) resulted from the interaction of the earth’s magnetic field
on the electron beam of the A P T T V camera aboard the spacecraft
as the satellite spun. This would not occur when the APT subsystem
is aboard the ewth-oriented Nimbus, since Nimbus will not spin.
The next in the TIROS series, being prepared for launch as TIROS
I (Eye), will be built like a cartwheel with the cameras looking out
through the sides instead of through the base. This satellite, shown
in fig. 3-3, p. 81, will be initially orbited as were the other TIROS satel-
lites. However, after about the fourth orbit, it will be rotated in
space so that it will roll along like a wheel. Since the spacecraft’s spin
axis will be perpendicular to its orbital plane, each camera can look
straight down at the earth once during each revolution of the satellite.
This will permit earth-oriented pictures throughout the sunlit portion
of each orbit. TIROS I is planned for a near-polar, sun-synchronous
orbit to acquire data from the polar regions. I n this orbit it should

i I


Figure 3-2. First flight demonstration of APT subsysfem.


provide almost complete coverage of the sunlit portion of the globe

daily and serve as the basis for the TIROS Operational Satellites
A Weather Bureau-funded operational meteorological satellite
system_ based on the highly successful TIROS technology_ will be set
up to provide data for weather analyses and forecasts. This TIROS
Operational Satellite (TOS) system_ a cooperative NASA-Weather
Bureau program_ has as its primary objective obtaining cloud picture
coverage of the entire sunlit portion of the earth at least once a day
on a regular and continuing basis. The system_ to assure maximum
success at minimmn cost, would use proven meteorological satellite
technology. Under this program NASA will desigu_ develop_ and
procure the spacecraft_ launch them into orbit_ design and construct
the ground receiving stations_ and provide tracking data. The
_Veather Bureau will set up the meteorological requirements_ operate
the ground stations_ and process and disseminate data.


The Nimbus project would further advance the science of meteor-

elegy by developing_ launching_ and operating a series of advanced
meteorological observatories in space. During the report period_ the
prototype Nimbus spacecraft passed its qualifying tests and was
shipped to the Westel_l Test Range (Point Arguello_ Calif.) to be
tested with the launch vehicle before the flight spacecraft is mated
to the vehicle. Nimbus A--the first flight spacecraft--was being pre-
pared for shipment to the range for a scheduled launch during the
third quarter of 1964. A backup spacecraft was being prepared for
launch_ if needed.
These spacecraft incorporate two basic improvements over TIROS--
they are stable platforms in space pointing earthward at all times_
and their desig_l incorporates functional flexibility. (See also the
9th and lOth Semiannual Reports.) Nimbus A will carry sensors of
three types: An advanced three-camera TV system to provide cloud
cover pictures; special high resolution infrared radiometers to supply
nighttime cloud cover data; and an Automatic Picture Transmission
subsystem which was flight tested on TIROS VIII. (Nimbus A was
successfully orbited as Nimbus I on August 28.)

Meteorological Sounding Rockets

NASA's Ninth _S'em/annual Report (ch. 3) outlined the uses of large

and small meteorological sounding rockets to measure and study the
structure and dynamics of the afmosphere between 20 and 70 miles

above the earth. During the first, 6 months of 1964, the Agency r_-
quested industry to submit proposals for a study of a second generation
of these small sounding rockets which would eventually comprise an
inexpensive, self-sufficient rocket system suitable for routine use in
an operational network. The study, designed to define the general
characteristics of rockets of this type, would be based on flight tests
of the Arcas and Loki class rockets now in use.
The period also witnessed the flight of experiments aboard three
large meteorological (Nike-Cajun type) rockets--one carrying
acoustic grenades, another using a sodium-vapor trail, and a third
carrying a pitot-static tube. Twenty-one of these rockets were
launched to study such factors as geographical and seasonal variations
in the atmosphere and the cause of unusual temperatures and tempera-
ture variations in winter at about 40 miles above the globe. Launches
were made from Wallops Island, Va., Fort Churchill, Canada, and
Ascension Island in the South Atlantic.

Supporting Research and Technology

The following are some of the objectives of supporting research and

technology for NASA's meteorological programs : To develop sensors,
controls, and data acquisition systems; improve future systems by
studying data provided by past and present satellites and sounding
rockets; evaluate further experiments and uses for a given system;
and investigate new concepts or applications of potential value for
future systems. Two examples of this research and technologsr are
further improvement of TV cameras which have performed so well
aboard TIROS and the development of improved high resolution in-
frared radiometers to supply better nighttime cloud cover data.
Long-range engineering plans for better camera systems include
such refinements as direct data-storing systems, continuous day and
night cloud coverage, continuous automatic direct readout with
simplified ground systems, single-line scanning photographic tech-
niques, lightweight designs, lower power drain, and rugged, miniature
picture tubes. In addition, a camera was being developed which is
highly sensitive to very little light. A more revolutionary type--the
dielectric tape camera i)lanned to be ready in 2 years--will use a mov-
ing electrostatically charge tape to record inside the vacuum camera
enclosure the substantial data provided by an external scanning
optical system (fig. 34).
A recorder using a quarter-inch, 1,'200-foot endless loop tape was
developed for the high resolution infrared radiometer. It will store
up to lO8 minutes of infrared "tnd timing data on night ('loud coverage
and offer fast start-stop capability, better performance, and longer
life over equipment now in use. Also, the University of Chicago, under
a NASA contract, determined a method of combining information
from several channels of the infrared radiometer with cloud photo-
graphs to supply more data on the amount of cloud cover and cloud
height than a separate analysis of either of these data sources could






Figure 3-4. Research and technology support meteorological systems.

Communications and Navigation Programs

Communications satellites provided U.S. TV viewers with coverage

of the winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria, and an estimated 165
million Europeans watched the world’s heavyweight boxing match
telecast from this country in the spring.
I n its navigation satellites program NASA joined with the Depart-
ments of Defense, Interior, Commerce, Treasury, and the Federal
Aviation Agency in setting up an ad hoc Joint Navigation Satellite
Committee to consider a system of spacecraft able to meet future
air-sea naviption and traffic control needs.

Communications Satellite Corporation

In January NASA agreed to requests of the Communications Satel-

lite Corporation for reimbursable launchings and related support serv-
ices for the Corporation’s early experimental-operational global com-
munications system. Under the terms of this agreement the Agency
\vi 11-
Provide improved Delta launch vehicles to launch the communi-
cations satellites into transfer orbits with very low inclination ;
755-266 0 - 64 -7

Provide facilities and support for prelaunch integration and

checkout of payloads for the Corporation’s satellites a t the
Atlantic Missile Range; and
Track the satellites during their initial transfer orbits.
NASA, in addition to consulting frequently with the Communica-
tions Satellite Corporation, served as a technical adviser to the Federal
Communications Commission on this experimental-operational sys-
tem. Furthermore, to respond better to FCC requests for this technical
advice, the Agency redirected some of its study contracts.

Time Delay and Echo Tests

The problem of suppressing delayed echoes experienced in telephone

calls via long underseas cables and high satellites mas detailed in the
10th Semiannual Report (ch. 3 ) . Results of an FCC-NASA “real
user test program” to test subscriber reaction to time delay and echo

Figure 3-5. Endless loop tape recorder.


became available during this report period. Although not yet com-
pletely evaluated, these test results have led the United States to
take the position that the 300-millisecond normal maximum round-trip
delay recommended by the Consultative Committee for Telephone and
Telegraph, International Telecommunications Union, is premature,
and that further understanding of the problem would result from
experience gained after the early operational system is established.

Active Communications Satellites

In January, Relay II, a wide-band active communications satellite

was orbited. The spacecraft performed as planned during this report
period. In addition, Telstar II continued to operate successfully as
it completed its first year in space in May, and Relay I continued to
exceed its designed lifetime of a year. Further, Syncom II supplied
thousands of hours of experiments, and, at the request of the Defense
Department, was moved toward and beyond the international date line.
Telstar.--On April 16, Telstar II for the first time linked Japan
and Europe via communications satellite and provided 60 public dem-
onstrations dramatizing the possibilities of this type of spacecraft.
This second Telstar--launched May 7, 1963--also supplied radiation
data which gave observing scientists a more accurate understanding of
the Van Allen radiation belt.
Relay.--Scheduled to be turned off by an onboard timer in December
1963, Relay I became the first communications satellite to exceed its
designed lifetime in orbit when the onboard timer failed to stop the
spacecraft from transmitting.
Relay II was orbited from Cape Kennedy on January 21, 1964. A
Delta launch vehicle boosted the spacecraft into an orbit with a higher
perigee than the first Relay (1,298 rather than 822 miles). However,
the two satellites have the same apogee--4,600 miles--providing longer
periods for both of them to be visible between ground stations.
Numerous changes and improvements were incorporated in the second
Relay based on operating experience with the first. Among these
were improved solar cells more resistant to radiation damage ; changes
in power circuitry to prevent the runaway leakage of Relay I; reduced
command circuitry sensitivity minimizing the possibility of spurious
commands from radio frequency interference; and improved radiation
Two new Relay ground tracking stations began operating during
April--a narrowband station south of Madrid, Spain, operated by
Compafila TelefSnica Nacional and a second wideband station near
Tokyo operated by the Japanese Government's Radio Research

Syncom-The launching of Syncom 111, scheduled for May, was

delayed pending the investigation of an accident on April 14,at Cape
Kennedy, which occurred during the mating of an Orbiting Solar
Observatory spacecraft to a Delta launch vehicle (ch. 2). Syncom C
(Syncom I11 after launching) was to be placed into a synchronous
orbit of near zero inclination by a11 improved Delta vehicle, resulting
in its “hovering” over a point on the equator rather than describing a
figure 8 as Syncom I1 does. (The spacecraft was launched into its
planned synchronous stationary orbit from Cape Kennedy on
August 19.)

Figure 3 6 . Syncom II mated to Delta third stage.


To meet the needs of the Defense Department for satellite experi-

ments, Syncom III was to be placed on station near the international
date line_ while Syncom II was to be allowed to continue its drifting
to a position over the Indian Ocean. Accordingly_ Syncom II was
commanded on March 17 to drift westward at a rate of 1.3 ° a day.
The delay in the launch of Syncom C_ however_ made it necessary to
slow this drift rate to be certain that Syncom II would be at a support-
ing location near 165 ° east longitude when Syncom C was launched.
Tests with Syncom II continued during the report period_ as the space-
craft logged over 2_000 hours of communicating time.

Passive CommunicationsSatellites

NASA_ through its Project Echo_ has established the feasibility of

erecting large reflecting spheres in space to be used as passive com-
munications satellites. Echo I, launched August 12_ 1960, was still
orbiting although its usefulness as a communications link was limited
since it was wrinkled and partially collapsed.
On January 25_ Echo II, a larger rigidized sphere_ was launched
into polar orbit by a Thor-Agena rocket. (The satellite was described
in detail in Sen_ia_nual Reports 5 through 10.) A TV camera in the
Agena second stage showed the inflation of the sphere as it passed the
east coast of Africa. The new controlled inflation system functioned
properly. The reflection characteristics of the 135-foot sphere indi-
cate that it began to spin at about 0.6 of a revolution a minute shortly
after inflation. Studies to determine the cause of this spin were
In addition to communications experiments in this country_ arrange-
ments were made for Echo II cooperative experiments with the
U.S.S.R. under the terms of the bilateral agreement of June 1962.
Accordingiy_ nine Soviet stations reported optical observations during
the satellite's early orbits and sent several original film negatives to
NASA for analysis. Further communications tests were conducted
via the second Echo from February 21 through March 8, 1964. The
British Jodrell Bank radio telescope--operating on behalf of NASA
for these tests--transmitted signals at 162 megacycles to be received
by the Zimenki Observatory. of Gorki State University east of Moscow.
Thirty-three tests took place in this series including 400-cycle tones
teletype_ slowed down voice_ and facsimile. Incomplete evaluation of
the results reported on the experiments indicates performance below
that expected. Discussions were held with the Soviet Union concern-
ing the possibility of a second set of experiments.

Figure 3-7. Echo ll controlled inflation system.

Navigation Satellites

After extensive studies completed during the first 6 months of 1964,

NASA concluded that it was feasible to use communications satellites
to serve as nonmilitary sir-sea navigation, rescue, and traffic control
aids. It was further concluded that.'this system could function on a
worldwide basis during all kinds of weather for craft ranging from
supersonic transports to small oceangoing vessels. Results of the stud-
ies were distributed to other Government agencies and to aerospace
companies for review and comment.
Based on results of the same studies the Departments of Defense,
Interior, Commerce, and the Treasury, along with the Federal Avi-
ation Agency, were invited by NASA to form a Joint Navigation
Satellite Committee to evaluate requirements for a satellite system to
meet future air-sea navigation and traffic control needs; determine if
this system would be in the national interest ; and recommend research
and development programs for each participating agency. Planning
was underway to incorporate into one of NASA's Advanced Techno-
logical Satellites (described in the following paragraphs) equipment
and instrumentation which could conceivably be used in certain navi-
gation spacecraft.

Advanced Technological Satellites

The report period saw plans completed for the Agency's Advanced
Technological Satellites (ATS) Program and an Advanced Techno-
logical Satellite Flight Project established under the management of
Goddard Space Flight Center. (See also the lOth Sequianwual Re-
port_ ch. 3.) Using technology developed under Advanced Syncom_
the ATS Project would conduct research and development, and flight
test promising technology for numerous applications, particularly for
stationary orbit; investigate passive gravity-gradient stabilization
methods; and conduct flight experiments in several types of satellite
applications on each spacecraft.
Each Advanced Technological Satellite will be able to adapt itself
to various types of payloads and is being designed for a 3-year life-
time. Among experiments to be orbited on the spacecraft are ones in
communications_ meteorology_ and orbital environment. The first
flight of the ATS series is planned for 1966. It will be a carefully
instrumented experiment in gravity-gradient stabilization at an alti-
tude of 6_500 miles. Four flights are planned at synchronous altitudes_
two spin-stabilized in 1967 and two earth-oriented in 1968.




In carrying out its responsibilities in basic research, engineering

research, and experimental subsystem development, NASA's Office of
Advanced Research and Technology strives to enlarge scientific knowl-
edge, create engineering design principles, and pave the way for
the orderly development of aeronautical and space systems.
The Agency's advanced research and technology efforts embrace
the broad fields of space power technology, space vehicles, spacecraft
electronics and control, aeronautics, biotechnology and human re-
search, advanced propulsion systems (nonnucle_r), and basic research.
Each of these includes specific areas where continuing investigation
is fundamental to the success of future missions.

Space Power Technology

During this period, a study of the entire national space power sys-
tems research and development program was initiated under the aus-
pices of the Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordination Board.
NASA and the DOD, in cooperation with the AEC, reviewed all solar,
chemical, and nuclear research and technology efforts related to space
power systems to determine their adequacy, timeliness, and balance in
relation to anticipated needs. Industry and universities prepared
and reviewed a number of basic technical papers for the four panels
which analyzed the activities.

Solar Cells

Solar cells continue to be the most common source of power in space.

During this period, work continued on the evaluation of experimental
radiation-resistant solar ceils and development of the reverse structure
phosphorus diffused solar cell described in the last report. Over
10,000 such cells will be flown on the Nimbus A scheduled for launch
in 1964.
A series of balloon flights was completed to provide solar intensity
standards which will be used in solar simulator and terrestrial sun-
light measurements of solar cell and solar array power producing
Inhouse efforts at the Goddard Space Flight Center and at JPL
encouraged solar cell manufacturers to reduce the weight of the cell by
50 percent and to eliminate one process. Steps were also taken to
initiate a program on improved fabrication techniques for solar ar-
rays with special emphasis on improved packaging during launch.


In this field, the most significant advance was the demonstration

in laboratory tests at JPL of a thermionic generator with conversion
efficiency exceeding that of present solar cells. In addition, experi-
ments on a new thermionic diode, the basic unit from which the gem
erator is fabricated, indicated the possibility of achieving even greater
efficiency. And research studies of a more basic nature suggested
that further improvements could result from the use of additives in
the diodes.

Solar Collectors

In conjunction with the solar thermionic work, experiments were

continued on methods of fabricating light-weight, high-precision mir-
rors for focusing solar energy. Spin casting of mirror masters, a rela-
tively inexpensive process, was found to have possibilities for both
thermionic and solar dynamic systems. A 9.5 foot diameter mirror
fabricated by this process was tested in sunlight.

Solar Dynamic Systems

The laboratory experimentation phase of the Sunflower research

and development effort was completed and topical reports were being
prepared. The test results identified the major problems which would
require resolution should a complete Mercury-Rankine power genera-

tion system be specified for space missions. No further work is

planned at this time. •
Work continued on identifying and resolving the major technologi-
cal problems associated with a closed-cycle argon-Brayton power gen-
eration system. Test loops were being erected at the Lewis Research
Center to test the system's principal components which were being
designed and fabricated by industry. The basic power conversion
equipment for the Brayton cycle may be adaptable at several power
levels using solar, chemical, or nuclear energy sources.

Chemical Dynamic Systems

Work was in progress on an internal combustion engine-generator

set capable of operating on hydrogen and oxygen. It may be used
as an emergency power unit for manned space vehicles which will use
hydrogen and oxygen in conjunction with a fuel cell.

Power Distribution and Control

Progress was made in developing experimental d.c. to d.c. converters

suitable for converting to useful voltage levels the low level d.c. vol-
tages associated with direct energy conversion devices such as solar
cells, thermionic diodes, thermoelectric couples, batteries, and fuel cells.
Parallel operation of these devices offers the advantages of greater
reliability and improved performance, but until recently it appeared
impractical because of the inefficiency in converting low level d.c. volt-
age to a useful level. An experimental converter was operated at 86
percent efficiency with an input of 0.7 volts and an output of 30 watts
at 51 volts.
A series of solid-stage current limiters was developed. They cover
the range from 1/16 amp to 5 amps and will be useful for protection of
spacecraft electrical circuits.

Space Vehicle Systems

Advanced Concepts

Lifting Body Spacecraft Prog_an_.--NASA's research program on

advanced lifting body spacecraft (capable of appreciable maneuver-
ability during atmospheric reentry flight as well as conventional run-
way landing) has four basic objectives : To investigate approach and
landing characteristics, emphasizing realistic minimum landing lift-
to-drag ratio requirements, rocket augmentation while landing, pilot-
ing procedures, and visibility constraints; to evaluate general handling

qualities of bhe lifting y y class of vehicles over a wide range of

angles of attack; to determine flight control system requirements; and .
to correlate wind tunnel and flight characteristics.
During the period, the program, extended with additional manned
flight tests, reached a total of over 100 low-speed manned flights. All
flights were completed at the Flight Research Center with a light
weight vehicle of the Ames M-2 configuration. (Fig. 4-1).
For the added manned flight tests, two heavier weight vehicles of
the Ames M-2 and Langley -10 configurations were being pro-
cured. (Fig. 4-2.) The M-2 configuration is basically half of a 13-
degree cone which has been sliced along the longitudinal axis with a
canopy added for pilot visibility and twin tails for stability and
control. The -10 (fig. 6 3 ) is essentially a highly swept, very
thick, inverted delta wing with a large center fin and two smaller out-
board tails for stability and control. Each vehicle is to be approxi-
mately 20 feet long, weigh about 4,400 pounds, and capable of accept-
ing up to 4,000 pounds of ballast to vary wing loading and center of
gravity location during the test program.

Figure 4-1. M-!? research vehicle landing a t Edwards A i r Force Base.


Figure 4-2. Models ofthe heavier M-2 a n d HL-10 (left to right).

Figure 4-3. Large HL-10 model in Langley wind tunnel.

The Ames, Langley, and Flight Research Centers cooperated in

supplying the design data for the spacecraft. The flight vehicles will
be thoroughly tested in the Ames 40 x 80-foot wind tunnel before tests
a t the Flight Research Center. I n flight testing, the craft will be
carried aloft by a B-52 carrier, released :it n Mach number of about
0.8, and then, under pilot control, glide to a. landing a t Edwards;
research information will be gathered during :dl phases of the return

Spacecraft Lazeding and Reeovery.--As part of this continuing pro-

gram, Langley Research Center completed a series of successful flight
tests of a balloon which achieves its buoyancy from hot air. For space-
craft or booster recovery, the balloon can be stowed in a container and
deployed at the appropriate altitude much like a parachute. By
means of a propane (or other suitable fuel) burner located beneath
the open balloon mouth, an astronaut (or automatic programer for
unmanned versions) can control the rate of descent or even hover for a
period. This type of system would allow the pilot of a spacecraft to
select a more advantageous landing site; it would also permit a soft
landing without impact attenuation devices.

Environmental Effects

High Energy Radiation E/feots and Sh/e/d_ng.--One of the main

objectives of the shielding research program is to determine the
amount of secondary radiation produced by high energy protons pene-
trating space vehicle materials. Theoretical calculations indicated
that for present thin wall space vehicles the effect of the secondary
radiation dose from Van Allen or solar flare protons will be less sig-
nificant than the effect of the penetrating protons. These calculations
were experimentally verified with proton energies of 160 million elec-
tron volts (Mev.) by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory under
NASA contract. Experiments at lower proton energies of 15, 30, and
60 Mev. were being conducted at Oak Ridge and at energies of 350
Mev. at the University of Chicago.
Construction of the Space Radiation Effects Laboratory (SREL)
near the NASA Langley Research Center progressed on schedule.
Meteoroid Environment a/nd Invpact Hazard.--An artificial meteor
flight experiment was conducted to provide controlled data on the
luminous efficiency of simulated meteors of known mass, composition,
material, size, and shape at meteoroid velocities. Two meteors, one of
nickel, the other of steel, were simulated. From visual observations, the
steel meteor indicated a brighter trace than the nickel. Data from this
research will be used with data from the Harvard radio meteor project
(discussed in NASA's lOth Semiannual Report, p. 109) in efforts to
measure the mass of meteoroids seen entering the earth's atmosphere.
Three larger Saturn-launched satellites, which will have a meteor-
oid penetration sensing area approximately 100 times that on Explorer
XVI, were being developed, as was another Explorer XVI type space-
craft which should provide additional penetration rates in thin
metallic surfaces of another material.
High-Va_tv/rr_ Technology.--In this continuing program to provide
improved laboratory techniques for accurately duplicating and meas-

uring space vacuum conditions and effects, several phases of vacuum

technology were studied under contract. Experiments using cesium
metal to treat a glass vacuum system showed a marked reduction
of pressure due to the lower permeation of helium gas; in addi-
tion, cesium treatment of an ion gage heightened its sensitivity
and thus increased its ability to indicate lower pressures. The ad-
hesion or cold welding tendency of structural metals in a high vacuum
was also investigated; results showed no cold welding for the test
samples. Another important study concerned the development of a
theoretical model describing the process by which a cold wall (cryo-
panel) adsorbs and thus pumps gases in a vacuum chamber; results
of computer runs demonstrated that the theory can be used to design
economical cryopanels for specific applications.
Thermal Radiation and Temperature ControL--In research on pas-
sive temperature control systems for spacecraft, a white paint consist-
ing of zinc oxide pigment in a silicone resin vehicle was developed. Al-
though most surfaces alter their characteristics after exposure to the
space environment, tlle white paint proved to be more stable, when
exposed to long-term simulated solar ultraviolet radiation, than similar
coatings. Consequently, this paint may be used as an external surface
for passive control of orbital spacecraft temperatures.
In other studies, it was found that bombardment of spacecraft
surfaces by simulated meteroids can alter the surface radiative char-
acteristics but that stainless steel does not alter its ratio of absorbtivity
to emissivity under such bombardment.
In research on thermal control surfaces, including metals, these
materials were found to degrade when exposed to moderate doses of
simulated high energy particle radiation. Further research was
planned on this subject.
Efforts to improve simulation techniques and knowledge of deg-
radation focused on two satellites which, when tested under solar
simulation before launch were cooler than expected, but were warmer
than expected in orbit. This behavior, which could result from in-
adequate simulation or unexpected degradation of the surfaces in
orbit, was being further investigated.

Spacecraft Electronics and Control

Communications and Tracking

A flight test to make measurements relating to the spacecraft reentry

communications blackout was completed. The test verified theoretical
studies and laboratory investigations for the particular spacecraft
configuration and environmental conditions involved.

Studies of the data acquisition capability of ground antennas in-

dicated that it may be impractical to build a single antenna large
enough for realtime TV transmission at planetary distances. A study
was completed of the feasibility and preliminary design of an array
of deep space receiving antennas having an aperture equivalent to that
of a single antenna of much larger size.
Microelectronics research moved forward with investigations in a
number of fields. Efforts were continued to develop active devices
relatively immune to space radiation. At Langley Research Center,
the feasibility of obtaining micropower devices in microelectronic
form was proved. A study of interconnections included investigations
of the state-of-the-art, problem areas, and areas offering the possibility
of minimizing interconnections and crossovers and thereby increasing
reliability. Research on new packaging concepts continued at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center conducted a
program to determine the sensitivity of available microelectronic de-
vices to the space radiation environment, and a physics of failure
program investigated the primary failure modes or mechanisms of
microelectronic devices with the objective of improving reliability.

Spacecraft Attitude Control

Significant progress was made in developing attitude control com-

ponents designed to provide long periods of reliable operation in the
space environment. For example, a no-moving-part valve was de-
veloped for controlling the flow of hydrogen to low thrust attitude
control jets. This valve utilizes the controlled diffusion of hydrogen
through a palladium alloy membrane as the control mechanism. Also
a brushless d.c. motor was developed for orienting solar cell arrays
and other payload items aboard spacecraft. This motor, operating
without commutators or slipping assemblies, significantly increases
power conversion efficiency. And electrical sliprings'employing roll-
ing contact elements were tested in a hard vacuum environment. Low
noise operation was achieved at speeds up to 5,000 r.p.m., and a tech-
nique for replenishing lubrication on the sliprings was devised.

Cryogenic Gyro

Promising results were obtained in the cryogenic gyroscope research

project which is jointly sponsored by NASA and the Air Force. Its
purpose: To investigate a gyroscope utilizing a superconducting mag-
netic field to suspend a rotating sphere of niobium in a frictionless
bearing. Such a gyroscope offers several advantages: It may simplify
guidance equipment, increase its reliability, reduce power required

for guidance system operation, and may eventually use readily avail-
able cryogenic fuel for cooling.
During this period, laboratory research models were tested, and a
_oTro drift rate of about 5 ° per hour was achieved. Although this
performance was not competitive with other gyroscopes, the consist-
ency of the drift rate within 0.005 ° per hou.r of the 5 ° rate was out-
standing. Subsequent laboratory tests on u crygenically suspended
sphere (not a complete gyro instrument) resulted in a total drift of
4 ° after 3 days or a drift rate of 0.054 ° per hour. The program was
continuing with further research on materials and additional efforts
to eliminate development deficiencies.


NASA centers made significant progress in the development of a

number of instruments. One developed by the Marshall Space Flight
Center will make it possible to decrease the time lag between static
tests of large rocket engines and laboratory calibration of the field
instruments used on the test stands. This device is a field calibration
standard which optically measures, by interferometer principles, the
deflection of a "proving ring" which is deformed by the load. The
deflection is directly related to the weight or force sustained by the
ring, and the method has demonstrated an accuracy of calibration
comparable to that obtained with laboratory devices.
Another instrument was developed by the I_ngley Research Center
in response to a need for rapidly responding force measuring instru-
ments to obtain accurate aerodynamic data in hypersonic wind tun-
nels where the time span of test runs is on the order of 1/10 of a
second. Highly sensitive semiconductor gages were applied to de-
velop a force measuring instrument with response characteristics
greatly improved over previous designs using conventional gages.
Although semiconductors usually have undesirable temperature char-
acteristics, the temperature changes during the short run time were
small, and it was possible to compensate for the temperature influence
by properly selected circuit components.
The Marshall Space Flight Center also made progress in the de-
velopment of an image converter in which a matrix of 25 miniatt_re
light-sensitive diodes in a 1/_-inch square converts visible radiation
to electrical energy. An improved conversion gain was obtained by
replacing the diodes with transistor triodes. A 50 x 50 array of tri-
odes was being studied and environmental circuitry designed as the
next step towards a working module.
In other work at the Langley Research Center a special vacuum
gage was developed with a working range of 1/ to ¼,ooo,ooo of one
755-266 0 - 64 - 8

millimeter of mercury; the device can respond to pressure changes

over this total range in less than 200 microseconds--a tenfold improve-
ment over previously available gages. It was developed for large
test chambers which simulate environmental conditions in near earth
orbit and in which rapid changes of pressure must be followed.
Techniques for the fabrication of thermocouples to measure ultra-
high rocket flame temperatures in the 2,500-3,000 ° C. range were in-
vestigated by Marshall Space Flight Center. Tungsten and rhenium
used in these specially coated thermocouples were successfully tested
in an oxyacetylene flame; they are intended to withstand the oxidizing
exhaust of a Saturn vehicle for 5 minutes. Response time of less
than 1 second was obtained by a special mechanical configuration.
An improved "leak rate" micrometeoroid sensor was developed by
Langley Research Center. An advance on the micrometeoroid pres-
surized cell detectors used on Explorer XVI, this sensor will be able
to measure both frequency and size of meteoroid punctures.

Data Processing

In this area, research was directed toward increasing reliability,

efficiency, utility, and flexibility of the computer system. The Jet
Propulsion Laboratory initiated a study to devise and apply "margin"
test techniques for ground support equipment and spacecraft. Tech-
niques of detecting the infrared emission from circuitry and the radio
noise level will be utilized to obtain a new measure of reliability.
Consequently, it will be possible to predict life and performance more
NASA Headquarters sponsored a study of a new type of computer
memory using materials in which mechanical stresses and magnetic
behavior are interdependent. An experimental device employing a
combination of sound waves and electrical pulses moving along a
small nickel-iron tube was successfully tested. The pulses created
rings of magnetization spaced along the tube, and these magnetic
areas constituted the stored information. The device offers the po-
tential of economical high-speed random access without the mechan-
ical problems of conventional disc and drum systems.
Work on logical or amplifying systems employing a liquid or a gas
as the working substance (fluid systems) continued at Marshall Space
Flight Center, and possible applications were being investigated.
One---the "space lifeboat," a small emergency glide reentry vehicle--
would be guided solely by a simple apparatus incorporating a "fluid"
computer and other fluid components. The entire vehicle would be
rugged, reliable, capable of rapid activation, and easy to use.

Progress was made in improving "hybrid" computers which use both

digital and analog circuits. As a result of NASA sponsored university
studies, operating speeds for these systems were increased and their
power to solve complex engineering problems significantly enhanced.
In research on digital computer systems which use redundancy of
parts to insure reliability, advances were made in methods of determin-
ing that all individual parts are functioning just before a launch.
Overall testing of such redundant systems merely revealed that the
system as a whole is functioning properly. Current progress in devel-
oping logical techniques will make it possible to check all parts with-
out adding substantial numbers of extra wires or test terminals to the
electronic apparatus under test.

Office oF Emergency Planning Liaison

NASA also supported the National Resources and Evaluation Center

of the Office of Emergency Planning with technical consultation and
liaison on data processing for resources management and national
emergency plans.

Aeronautics Research

Aircraft Operating Problems

The first flight tests in a ganeral aviation aircraft handling qualities

program were underway at the Flight Research Center. A Jet Star
and an Aero Commander were tested; other late model aircraft, both
single and twin-engine, representative of current production by dif-
ferent manufacturers, will be studied.
The primary objective of this research program is to formulate up-
dated handling qualities criteria, emphasizing particularly rough air
instrument flight operations with general aviation aircraft. The pro-
gram calls for evaluation of all handling qualities; special attention
will be given to those found to be problems.


In this field, research was conducted on boundary layer control,

heating at supersonic speeds, and on fuselage shapes for hypersonic
cruise aircraft. Wind tunnel tests were made to determine whether
drag could be reduced and, hence, aerodynamic efficiency improved by
blowing air for boundary layer control on thick wings. The tests
were performed in NASA's 300 m.p.h, wind tunnel on a two dimen-
sional wing; the air was blown from a single slot at 65 percent of the

chord. Initial results were favorable and indicate that improvements

of about 20 percent in section lift-to-drag ratio can be achieved on an
airplane with boundary layer control. Further tests were planned on
a wing of finite span.
The heat generated by an aircraft traveling through the atmosphere
at high speeds for long periods may exceed the thermal limita-
tions of components of the aircraft. Aerodynamic heating in the vicin-
ity of surface junctures is one practical problem of this tyl_, and no
suitable theory for predicting heating rates in such regions was avail-
able. To obtain data on this problem for design purposes, systematic
wind tunnel experiments were conducted. One such experiment_ car-
ried out at high supersonic speed.u, investigated the effect of sweep on
the heating rate. A rectangular fin, mounted on a fiat plate was swept
back in increments. Upstream of the fin, the heating rate decreased
with increasing sweep angle.
Other research on externally contoured bodies of high fineness ratio
may have application in large volume fuselages for hypersonic cruise
aircraft capable of horizontal takeoff and landing. Low subsonic
speed tests were initiated to determine how aerodynamic characteris-
tics were affected by changing the body cross section from circular to
elliptic. It was found that the oval body of increasing flatness is pro-
gressively more efficient in producing lift than the circular body.
Minimum drag coefficients remained essentially constant over the entire
horizontal-axis vertical-axis range tested, and the maximum lift-to-
drag ratio increased continuously for increasing horizontal-axis verti-
cal-axis ratio.

Aircraft Structures

The structural program continued research on problems associated

with heating of the stainless steel or titanium alloys which may be used
in the supersonic transport. Data was sought on the fatigue and other
properties of these materials, and a particular effort was made to estab-
lish any degradation in these properties from long exposure to heating.
The effect of thermal str_ and buckling on the flutter of skin panels
in a supersonic airstream was studied. The purpose of this research
was to better define, by means of more precise experimental measure-
ments and improved theoretical approaches, the effects of the many
aerodynamic and structural parameters related to the panel-flutter
Investigations of refractory materials such as columbium and
molybdenum for structural use in hypersonic aircraft moved forward

with the initiation of a program which will use heat-resistant mate-

rials for the construction of sizeable structural test specimens embody-
ing new concepts.

Air-Breathing Propulsion

A long-range comprehensive program of propulsion research for

supersonio transport applications was initiated to improve inlet and
exhaust nozzle performance, specific fuel consumption, engine compo-
nent efficiency, engine weights, durability, and safety. Initially,
a large part of the work will be contracted out to industry, but
a substantial inhouse effort will be undertaken by the Lewis Research
Center in order to utilize the experience of its staff and to increase its
competence to direct and monitor the contracted programs.
A program was initiated to design, develop, and build an experi-
mental hypersonic hydrogen-fueled ramjet engine that will operate
with supersonic combustion. The engine will be investigated initially
in ground test facilities and ultimately will be flown on the X-15 air-
plane at speeds from Mach 3 to 8. The program is divided into three
distinct phases: Preliminary design, development, and flight testing.
Preliminary design and development will be contracted out to indus-
try; the flight testing will be conducted by the NASA Flight Research

Supersonic Transport

NASA continued its research on methods of uprating the capabilities

of the various design concepts for the Supersonic Commercial Air
Transport (SCAT--the name given to a number of NASA developed
shapes or design proposals). This research led to aerodynamic refine-
ments and consequent major improvements in the performance of the
basic supersonic transport configurations. (Fig. 4-4.) These refine-
ments, applied to the wing design of the SCAT 15 concept, indicated
much better flight characteristics at supersonic speeds and more than
15 percent increase in range; the potential gains were verified by wind
tunnel tests.
SCAT 15 was one of four designs originally considered for possible
development but laid aside about mid-1963 in favor of the SCAT 16
(fig. 4-5) variable-sweep and the SCAT 17 (fig. 4-6) delta-wing
design concepts. However, research completed during this period
indicated that the SCAT 15F, as the new version is known, is superior
to the SCAT 16 and 17. Further research on the latter versions is
expected to improve their capabilities also.

Figure 4-4. Promising SST design concepts.

Figure 4-5. SCAT 16 model, wing fully extended, in wind tunnel.


Figure 4-6. SCAT 17 model being prepared for wind tunnel tests.

SCAT 15F (fig. 4-7) has a larger wing area than the original SCAT
15 design, fixed sweep, and improvements in camber and twist. The
fuselage is long and slender, and engine nacelles are positioned 90 as
to give the most favorable interference effects. An SST design based
on this new concept should meet the minimum performance require-
ments s& forth in the Federal Aviation Agency’s August 1963 R F P
for bids on the design and development of a commercial supersonic
transport aircraft.
The research information embodied in the SCAT series was made
available to industry, military, and other Government agencies and
studied intensively as a part of the national supersonic transport pro-
totype development program managed by the Federal Aviation

Hypersonic Aircraft

A performance and weight trade off study was made to define the
mission capability of large volume hypersonic transports (fig. 4-8)
propelled by hydrogen-fueled turboramjets in the Mach 4 to 8 range.
The results showed that this type of aircraft will be capable of sus-
tained flight to ranges approaching one-half the earth’s circumference.
At ranges in the neighborhood of 5,700 to 6,800 miles, 20 to 25 percent
of the gross takeoff weight will be available for payload and fuel re-

serves. This excellent performance was based on the us8 of hydrogen

fuel. However, the studies also indicated that the maximum desirable

cruise speed may be dictated by m l i n g requirements of the inlet and
Several specific areas for additional reseamh and study were indi-
cated: Inlet and engine cooling, landing problems for aircraft with
very long fuselages, and high-speed stability &aracbristics for air-
craft with large fuselages. Further work on configurational studies,
engine and exhaust nozzle development, and structural tankage prob-
lems will also be required before the indicated payload levels and
trends can be confirmed.

X-15 Research Airplane Program

Two of the three X-15 research airplanes continued flight tests
during the greater part of this period, providing additional informa-
tion for the optical degradation, heat transfer, boundary-layer noise,
and skin-friction experiments. The third airplane was being modi-
fied during most of the period to increase its capability to Mach 8,
from the present maximum of Mach 6.06.

Figure 4-7. Two views of SCAT 1 SF model.


Figure 4-8. Possible hypersonic aircraft configurations.

I n the first 6 months of 1964, the 3 airplanes made a total of 13

flights, two more than during the corresponding period last year. As
of the end of June 1964, the three X-15 airplanes had made a total
of 110 flights; the 100th flight was made on January 28.
Tho X-15-2, (fig. 4-9) modified for Mach 8 flight, was rolled out
of the contractor’s plant on February 14, 1964, following a 9-month
rebuilding and modification program. Modifi&tions included two
external propellant tanks, improved windshield configuration, landing
gear, and research instrumentation. The first flight took place on
June 25.
Vertical and Short Takeoff and Landing (V/STOL) Aircraft
Previous theoretical and wind tunnel investigations indicated the
feasibility of using the lifting fan concept for a functional V/STOL
aircraft. To obtain additional research information on the concept,
a full scale f an-in-wing model having geometric characteristics closely
approximating those of the Army’s developmental XV-5A aircraft
(fig. 6 1 0 ) was tested in the 40- by 80-foot tunnel of the Ames Re-
search Center. Fan performance, general low-speed aerodynamic,
stability, and control characteristics were obtained in and out of ground
effect. The results indicated that an airplane of this design should
have static stability and be controllable throughout the transition
speed range. I n some landing conditions, the proximity of the ground
caused an adverse effect on fan lift due to ingestion of exhaust gases
into the inlets; it was found possible to eliminate this effect by chang-
ing the setting of the tip-turbine exhaust gas louvers, thus vectoring
the gases away from the inlets.

Figure 4-9. Modified X-15-2 showing fuel tanks and new windshield.

Figure 4-10. Fan-in-wing model based on the XV-5A design.

The static lateral and directional control characteristics of a one-

fifth scale, two-propeller deflected-slipstream STOL airplane, typical
of the COIN (counter-insurgency) airplane, were investigated in the
17-foot tunnel test section of the Langley 300-m.p.h. tunnel a t very low
speeds (fig. 4-11). The aircraft was a general research model with
three different tail arrangements: An H-tail and a T-tail on a center
fuselage extension, and an inverted V-tail on twin booms. The wing
was equipped with double slotted flaps and utilized a slot lip aileron
(spoiler), differential deflection of the rear flap element as a lateral
control, or differential propeller thrust (differential propeller pitch)
for lateral and directional control. The wing was unswept and was
tested with spans of 5 and 7 feet.
The results indicated that with proper tail size the airplane would
have adequate longitudinal trim and control power down to very low
speeds. The lateral control effectiveness of the spoiler for the two
wing spans with different flap settings was found to be adequate, even
for the engine out case, with very little yaw due to spoiler projection.
The lateral-directional-control characteristics of the flap were found
to be adequate when it mas used in conjunction with differential
propeller thrust. The large yaw due to roll and the relative low-roll
effectiveness of the differentially deflected flap made it necessary to
couple this control with the propeller pitch control to provide a good
lateral-directional-control system.



Figure 4-1 1 . COIN model in Langley 17-foot test section.

I n May, flight tests were completed on the VZ-2 tilt-wing flying

“test-bed” a t the Langley Research Center. Since 1860, when work
began on this project, extensive information has been obtained on
performance and handling qualities in hover, transition, forward
flight, steep climbs, and descents. The results, especially recent data
on the effects of full-span flaps and wing leading-edge droop in
retarding wing stall during transition, should aid in the development
of more advanced tilt-wing V/STOL aircraft. The VZ-2 also served
as a V/STOL flight-training aid : Pilots of the two current tilt-wing
developmental aircraft-the XC-142A (fig. 4-12), on which extensive
wind tunnel tests have been made, and the CL-%requested and made
indoctrination flights on the aircraft.
Ground-based simulator studies were previously undertaken a t
Ames to aid in defining low-speed handling qualities criteria for STOL
transport aircraft. These simulator studies were validated with the
C-13OB boundary layer control STOL aircraft, equipped with variable
stability and control equipment. Initial flight tests with this air-
craft in the landing approach confirmed the simulator prediction
that the inclusion of appropriate damping would greatly reduce side-
slip excursions of the aircraft and thereby improve pilot opinion of the
low-speed maneuvering characteristics. Simulat,ion studies of the
Breguet 941 STOL aircraft indicated that similar augmentation of its
, basic stability characteristics would result in satisfactory lateral-dim- .
tional handling qualities a t landing-approach speeds down to 45 knots.

Figure 4-1 2. XC-142A model in free-Flight wind tunnel test.

Biotechnology and Human Research

The Interagency Life Sciences Supporting S p m Research and

Technology Exchange (ILSE) (discussed in NASA’s 10th Semiannu472
Report, p. 125) was extended to include proposed NASA and Depart-
ment of Defense (Don) fiscal year 1965 life sciences research tasks.
Under ILSE, over 200 subgroup of research abstracts reporting indi-
vidual research were tabulated, and 7 program review groups composed
of Air Force, Army, Navy, and NASA technical personnel were
formed. The program review groups mere reviewing each package
of abstracts for accuracy, for agency interest, and for duplication of
effort. Printed material relating to each of the 200 subgroups was
being prepared for submission to the individual laboratory researcher.
Effort during this period was directed to developing the ILSE
system with the objective of putting it into operation early in the

1965 fiscal year. It could then be used to balance and coordinate NASA
and DOD research programs for that year.

Life Support and Protective Systems

Life Support and Protective Systems Research has two major

To accumulate and validate biotechnology data which can be used
in the design of manned spacecraft and manned extravehicular
To develop life support equipment which can satisfy human require-
ments during space flights lasting from I hour to 3 years.
Life Support Sy_tem_s.--The fe_ibility of developing complete life
support systems with specific weights of less than 10 pounds per man
per day for missions exceeding I year was demonstrated in April when
a 30-day test of an integrated five-man life support system was com-
pleted. The work was done under contract.
Another partially regenerative system suitable for multiman oper-
ations for up to 1 year and capable of recovering both oxygen and
water but not food was being developed for NASA. The contract,
monitored by the Langley Research Center, calls for delivery of a
prototype four-man system in February 1965.
Work was well underway on advanced multimanned systems ap-
plicable to missions lasting up to 3 years. The objective of this research
is to completely close off all subsystems and reclaim all metabolic
wastes. Project RAW (Recovery of Air and Water) at the Manned
Spacecraft Center was developing techniques for processing all meta-
bolic wastes to recover oxygen and water; food regeneration studies
were planned.
Bioinstrumentation.--The major effort in bioinstrumentation was
the development of PIAPACS, Psychophysiological Information
Acquisition Processing and Control System--a closed loop man-
machine control system. It will be able to predict the psycho-
physiological state of the subjects, establish and provide required con-
trol signals for performing adjustments in environmental control and
flight control systems, and provide outputs to derive the display sub-
systems. Major subsystems will include the sensor subsystem, the
undergarment subsystem, the signal transfer subsystem, the computer
subsystem, and a display and control subsystem.
For the sensor subsystem, a flight type mass spectrometer weighing
less tb'tn 35 pounds was developed. It can make a breath-by-breath
analysis of inhaled and exhaled respiratory gases, at the same time
sense the composition of gases in the compartment and astronaut pilot
suit, and monitor continuously ifi flight the presence of gases with
ni& numbers through 50. Flight testing was scheduled for the latter
part of 1964.
Surgically implantable bioinstrumentation to obtain critical physio-
logical information from experimental animals was developed. Sev-
eral of the instruments have already demonstrated their value in
human surgery. For example, the automatic perfusion pressure
regulator-a hydraulic servosystem-nourishes the coronary arteries
with blood and enhances safety during open-heart surgery. The
prototype implantable oximeter will also be valuable in open-heart
surgery. It measures oxygen carried by the blood to the principal
arteries and veins under stress and can monitor the performance of
artificial lungs of heart-lung machines. And the interarterial manom-
eter-a device to measure blood pressure continuously-is being
widely used during major surgical operations of all kinds. (Fig.
DispZays and Controls.-Among instruments to simplify man's task
in controlling spacecraft equipment and in conducting extraterrestrial
exploration and operations was a contact analog display device now
being fabricated for use in a manned aerospace flight simulator. It
produces a visual display and unambiguous visual cues for the pilot.
A voice input control system to accept commands during manned
operations outside the spacecraft was being developed under contract.
Locomotion and Protective System.-Work in this task area in-
cluded a number of projects investigating techniques and devices to
protect man in both the restrained and locomoted modes. One study
of the requirements for manned locomotion and protection during
extravehicular operations on the lunar and Martian surfaces was com-
pleted ; another project investigated the possibilities of adapting exist-
ing suits to the demands of extravehicular use and of developing new
concepts; in another effort, a nonanthropometric hard suit was being
developed (fig. 4-14); and the design of a passive suit for lunar
exploration was being studied (fig. 4-15).

Figure 4-1 3. (L t o R) Automatic perfusion pressure regulator, implantable oximeter,

and interarterial manometer.

Figure 4-14. The hard suit.







Figure 4-15. Elements of the passive (mobile restraint) suit.

In other related work, an airbag restraint system was studied. In

April, the prototype system was tested with an articulated dummy in
conjunction with the FAA air crash test program.

Human Research

Recent studies of the vestibular system reliably linked certain psy-

chophysiological measurements with susceptibility to motion sickness.
This information makes it possible, for the first time, to preselect
personnel likely to become sick or incapacitated from exposure to
unusual or moderately excessive vestibular stimulation.
Additional research on the biological effects of magnetic fields recon-
firmed earlier conclusions that man is apparently not dependent on the
presence of the normal magnetic field forces of the earth. However,
analysis of the most recent data also indicated that the visual responses
of an individual were adversely affected in one respect. In the flicker-
fusion rate test, test subiects saw the flickering light as a single light
when it flickered at a rate of 10 flashes per second; a normal subject
sees the flickering light as a single light at a rate of 16-20 flashes per
Studies of the effects of oxygen concentrations on vision at various
atmospheric pressures caused a tentative reevaluation of standard rules
755-266 0 - 64 _ 9

for oxygen usage by pilots. As a result, the practice of using pure

oxygen at night from the time of takeoff will probably be stopped, and
the rule requiring oxygen masks at 10,000 feet may be changed to
13,000 feet.
Radiobiology programs to determine the biological effects of radia-
tion particles of the types encountered in space, particularly protons,
were underway in a number of laboratories. At the University of
California, Berkeley, modifications to the experimental radiation fa-
cilities were completed. Research continued on whole-body radiation
of primates in order to study the relative sensitivity of different organ
systems, such as bone marrow, intestinal epithelium, and skin. By
establishing responses with monoenergetic beams, investigators can
then study the response of primates to mixed energies simulating solar
flare spectra. Other research was being conducted on radiation effects
on mammalian cells in vitro, on the effects of heavy ions on unicellular
organisms, and on the protective effects of magnetic fields. At the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, theoretical studies were completed
on the penetration of protons in tissue slabs for energies between 50
and 400 million electron volts (Mev.).
Research was completed on establishing the relative biological effects
(RBE) of protons in the energy range from 22 to 730 Mev. on bacteria.
In this work the biological end points used to determine the RBE of
protons were cell inactivation and mutation. The RBE for proton
effects in this experiment was equivalent to that produced by X- or
gamma rays; therefore, the RBE is unity or one. A study was initiated
at Harvard University on the effect of low dosage, long-term proton
radiation on the bodily defense against bacterial invasion. Prelimi-
nary results seemed to indicate that a specific dose of radiation given
over a long period at a low-dose rate was more damaging than a simi-
lar total dose given acutely.

Man-System Integration

A study was completed on the performance of a group of five persons

during a 30-day period of confinement ; this work was part of a larger
study on the development and test of a 150 man-day life support sys-
tem. In general, it was found that confinement itself did not appear
to be particularly stressful for the crew, that there was no dropoff
in performance, and that the crewmembers demonstrated no unusual
or abnormal reactions, such as hallucinations. However_ there was
evidence of considerable irritability and hostility with a parallel
drop in positive mood. Some visual changes did occur, with an in-
creasing exophoria (outward deviation of the eyes from the visual

axis) during the test. This effect disappeared shortly after the in-
dividual left the chamber.
The effect of vibration on the ability of pilots to control a high-
thrust booster vehicle was studied. It was found that the pilot's
ability to control the vehicle deteriorated rapidly at the higher levels
of vibration, but that acceleration was not a critical factor in the range
tested. The most important factor was the loss of visual perception
of the instrument displays.
In a study to determine the effects of one-sixth earth gravity on the
ability of astronauts to walk, jump, and climb, lunar gravity was
simulated by means of a canted walkway inclined 9.5 degrees from the
vertical, with the subject appropriately supported by cables at various
parts of the body (fig. 4-16). These locomotion activities were com-
pared for earth and lunar environments by using a split-screen

1--x z PLANE






Figure 4-16. Lunar 9ravity simulation.

Chemical Propulsion Systems

Solid Propulsion Technology

The solid propulsion research and technology program seeks to
develop flexible, reliable propulsion systems with the capability for
maximum performance. During this period, research continued on
the expandable space nozzle (successfully tested for 60 seconds), the

cap pistol system, and the subliming solid control rocket. In addition,
nozzle materials were evaluated for ability to withstand the effects
of combustion, combustion oscillations and instability were investi-
gated, stop-restart capabilities for solid systems were studied, and
work progressed on detecting propellant voids and determining critical
void size.

Large Solid Propellant Motor Program

After a 3-year detailed study of the possible use of solid propellant

motors in the space program, it was concluded that the potential
advantages of solid propulsion were sufficient to justify a major
investigation. Accordingly, NASA and the Department of Defense
concluded an agreement under which the Air Force funded and pro-
vided for technical direction of technology programs on large solid
motors starting in fiscal year 1962 and extending through fiscal year
1964. Starting in fiscal year 1965, NASA agreed to provide support
for the work on the high-thrust, 260-inch diameter class of motors.
The current program involves the manufacture and static test firing
of four 260-inch diameter solid fuel motors delivering over 3 million
pounds of thrust for 2 minutes. These motors will be 70 feet long and
weigh almost 2 million pounds. The planned follow-on program calls
for building and testing two motors of the same diameter, but twice
as long, with thrust levels of over 6 million pounds. They represent
more than a fourfold increase in thrust level over the F-1 engine, and
are designed with generous reserve capacity so that they may be
lengthened by about 25 percent to give a thrust level as great as 10
million pounds per motor.
During the period of this report, each of the two contractors re-
sponsible for this part of the program completed new waterside large
motor manufacturing facilities built expressly for processing 260-inch
diameter motors at an estimated cost of over $10 million. Subcontracts
were let for chamber fabrication, nozzles, insulation, and other com-
ponents, smaller subscale motors were fired for component evaluation,
and each contractor scheduled two static tests to be conducted by
Silo-type pits about 50 feet in diameter and over 120 feet deep will
be used to load and fire the motors; their size will enable them to
accommodate the larger motors contemplated later. The motor cases,
made of a recently developed nickel-steel alloy, will be transported by
barge from the shipyards where they are made, installed vertically
in the pits, nozzle end up, and prepared for the casting of propellant.
The propellant, similar to one used in the Minutemen program, will

then be mixed, transported to the case, and poured into place. Over
13/2 million pounds of fuel will be used in each motor, requiring several
weeks of continuous pouring. When the propellant has cured and
hardened, the motor will be prepared for firing, the nozzle attached,
and the test performed.
To determine the best potential applications for these motors in
Large space boosters, one of several projects investigated the combina-
tion of a single 260-inch diameter motor with the S-IV B hydrogen-
oxygen fuel stage now planned for Saturn vehicles. This combination,
which could place more than 50,000 pounds of payload in orbit, offers
the simplicity of a two-motor vehicle and the possibility of remarkable
reliability with little testing.
Supporting research and development, contracts were made with
industry and other Government agencies to investigate stage and
motor subsystems, components, and materials. Examples: develop-
ment of motor failure warning systems to give the astronauts time to
escape safely; studies of fabrication and inspection methods for the
unusual nickel alloy steel used in large motor cases; analyses of the
stresses in huge propellant charges during production and use of the
motors; and reliability analyses of motors, their components, and
clustered stages.

Liquid Propulsion Experimental Program

The objective of this program is to continue th_ advancement of

promising propulsion system concepts until the feasibility of experi-
mental systems can be demonstrated on as near an operational basis as
is practical. The experimental program encompasses propulsion
systems ranging from engines developing only a few pounds thrust
to the M-1 liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen en_ne of the 1.5-million
pound thrust class. It also includes significant effort in the fluorinated
oxid_er high energy propellant area to demonstrate the increased
performance promised by these advanced systems as well as the storage
and handling of high energy propellants under near operational
In January, the M-1 engine program was officially transferred from
the Office of Manned Space Flight to the Office of Advanced Research
and Technology as part of the liquid propulsion experimental pro-
gram. The program progressed through constructicn of facilities and
engine hardware fabrication and began initial testing of engine
components. Facilities for component testing neared completion and
emphasis was placed on completing engine test stands that will permit
full duration firing of the complete engine system. In component
testing, the gas generator which provides power to the turbine for
pumping the liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen propellants was tested,

seal model tests of fuel pump hardware were initiated, and tube
bundles for two of the tube wall chambers were fabricated.
The fluorinated oxidizer program advanced in two areas of research.
Preparations were made to demonstrate that the Pratt and Whitney
15,000-pound-thrust RL-10 liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen engine can
operate satisfactorily on the liquid fluorine-liquid hydrogen propellant
combination with only minimum changes to ensure compatibility with
the highly reactive fluorine. The other research effort was initiated to
investigate the feasibility of employing mixtures of liquid oxygen and
liquid fluorine as the oxidizer with fuels of the light petroleum gas
family, which can be liquified at temperatures approaching that of the
cryogenic oxidizer mixture. Such an arrangement would minimize
propellant storability problems during the long periods of exposure
to the space environment which will occur on future missions currently
under study.
To avoid development problems in auxiliary propulsion systems for
attitude control and maneuvering in space, efforts were initiated to
design a universal 100-pound-thrnst auxiliary engine which would not
be affected by the operational duty cycle or by installation (whether
mounted inside or outside the vehicle). Knowledge gained from the
Gemini and Apollo development program on the effects of the duty
cycle and installation parameters on the auxiliary engine design was
applied to this research.

Liquid Propulsion Systems

One of the problems associated with launch vehicle propulsion

research is the increase of chamber pressure to approximately 2,000-
2,500 p.s.i, or 2-4 times present operating levels. During this period,
steps were taken to prepare the technology for these new operating
conditions, with particular emphasis on developing the ability to pump
propellants to pressures as high as 5,000 p.s.i, to compensate for pres-
sure losses in the engine cooling system and injectors. Work was also
done on stress levels, materials, fluid flow rates, bearings, and seals as
well as on determining the proper size and number of pumps to be
used. In the latter effort, system variables such as pump acceleration,
lag or overspeed of one or more pumps_ the effect of mismatched
pumps, and valve sequencing effects on the pump and gas generator
were investigated. In addition, as a means of producing better pumps,
work progressed on the impulse pump stage_ hydrostatic bearings and
seals_ flowin pump passages at high flow inlet angles_ and cavitation
phenomena in the candidate cryogenic propellants.
Thrust augmentation, a method of improving the operation of rocket
engines by deriving air from the atmosphere during the atmospheric

portion of flight, was investigated. It could increase efficiency and

also reduce the quantity of propellant that must be carried. Studies
showed that this type of thrust augmentation will work in a limited
portion of a typical booster trajectory but that more than a simple
addition to the vehicle will be required. The equipment must have a
high degree of geometric variation in both inlet and exhaust sections
in order to match variations in speed and air density as the vehicle
moves along. Also, any augmentation that can be achieved will be
small. These studies eliminated the simple augmentation system from
consideration but tended to confirm the value of continued effort on
composite cycle engines.
Research efforts on high energy liquid hydrogen for spacecraft
applications were directed _ward solving the problems associated
with space storage of this fuel. One method of mitigating this prob-
lem-gelling the hydrogen--was reported in NASA's lOth Se_niannual
Report. Although studies in this period did not fully establish the
characteristics of this gell, they did show that the evaporation rate
was reduced about 1/_ to l& that of liquid hydrogen, that the sloshing
and zero gravity problems were likely to be alleviated--all at a small
performance penalty.
Another method of solving the problem is to evolve propellant com-
binations that are inherently space storable. Research on oxygen
difluoride/diborane, which is in this category, progressed significantly,
and simulated altitude tests were planned to determine the high ex-
pansion ratio performance characteristics.
A sophisticated analysis of the real flow in nozzles, including chem-
ical kinetic and nonequilibrium thermodynamic effects, was made and
a computer program prepared and delivered to the Lewis Research
Center. It can be used to predict the performance of any propellant.
Several research projects on ablative thrust chambers were initiated
to obtain a fuller understanding of the ablation process as a basis for
building thrust chambers and nozzles better able to withstand the
high combustion temperatures of space storable propellants. The
projects include an analysis of the mechanism of ablation covering such
factors as heat loads, gas composition, velocity effects, and ablator
composition. Improved resins and fiber materials were being sought
for use in ablative engines.

Basic Research
Fluid Physics

Entry Heat Transfer Researeh.--Studies were undertaken to deter-

mine the heat transfer conditions in carbon dioxide-nitrogen (C02-N2)
mixtures in connection with research on hypersonic entry into Martian

and Venusian atmospheres. Total radiation measurements were made

in shock tubes and ballistic ranges as a function of velocity for mix-
tures of 9 percent CO2 in N2. At speeds below 31,000 feet per second
(f.p.s.) the total radiation was found to exceed the radiation from
air by factors of 10 to 100 because of the strong contribution of cyano-
gen. Above 31,000 f.p.s., however, it was found that the molecular
components of the gas are dissociated and the radiation is mainly
from ion-electron reactions which produce very nearly the same radi-
ation as air does at comparable speeds. Shock tube tests also showed
convective heat transfer to be about the same in a CO2-N2 mixture as
it is in air for speeds up to 45,000 f.p.s.
Magnetohydrodynamic Reentry Siraulator.--A prototype hyper-
velocity wind tunnel for reentry simulation achieved velocities and
densities characteristic of orbital atmospheric reentry for the first
time. The 1 x 1 inch cross section electromagnetic plasma accelerator
at the Langley Research Center was operated for several seconds at an
exit velocity of 20000 f.p.s, and at a density equivalent to 150,000 feet
altitude. The test gas was nitrogen, the main constituent of the earth's
atmosphere. A followup accelerator model was planned; it will be
2 x 2 inches in cross section, expanding to a 5 x 5-inch test area.
An exit velocity of 40,000 feet per second is anticipated at a density
equivalent to 200,000 feet altitude. This range covers Vhe velocities
and densities for lunar or planetary reentry. Although the main
characteristics of the reentry situation now appear to be reproducible,
realistic t_sts cannot yet be conducted because the accelerator test gas
is too hot. Developing ways of minimizing this heat will be a primary
objective of planned research.

Applied Mathematics

The Marshall Space Flight Center developed an improved pro-

cedure for numerical integration of differential equations by power
series expansions. Mathematical and physical examples demonstrated
that for some problems this procedure is superior to even the best
interpolation methods, such as the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method,
which has been accepted by mathematicians. The improved procedure
was used to trace several paths of moon probes around the earth and
moon and to compute the motion of an electron in the field of a mag-
netic dipole, such as the path of a charged particle from the sun
entering the earth's polar atmosphere to cause an aurora borealis. In
both cases, the differential equations of motion were solved numerically
more quickly, more accurately, and more economically than by older

Materials Research

Research in this area was focused on determining the fatigue prop-

erties of stainless steel and titanium alloys--the most promising ma-
terials for the commercial supersonic transport. In a series of investi-
gations of these alloys, their fatigue strengths were not significantly
affected by temperatures as high as 800 ° F., which is about 300 ° F.
higher than a Mach 3 transport will experience. Equally important
from a safety point of view, the rate of fatigue crack growth was
lower and Vhe remaining static strength after formation of a fatigue
crack was higher in these alloys than in the aluminum alloys now used
in commercial transports. Consequently, it appeared that fatigue will
be no more troublesome in the supersonic transport than it has been
in subsonic transports, and it may be significantly less. However,
additional fatigue tests of the alloys were planned.


A significant advance was achieved in the use of X-ray spectroscopy

for investigating the atomic structure of matter in the 15-40 angstrom
(A) wavelength region. Under a NASA grant, an investigator at
New Mexico State University succeeded in growing some p<)tassium
acid phthalate (KAP) single crystals having the required spectro-
metric properties in the 15-25 A range. This research extends the use
of X-ray spectrometry into a previously difficult region which now
may be investigated for new information on the atomic structure of
materials. Results of this research may also be extended to industry
by using the successfully grown crystals as "seeds" to produce large
KAP crystals for industrial research laboratories.





During the period, NASA continued with the established programs

and projects that are expected to lead to development of the SNAP-8
system and establish the necessary technology for advanced systems.
Also, the Agency continued its work in the nuclear electric power
research and technology program, in the electric propulsion program,
and in the nuclear rocket program.

The SNAP-8 Development Project

As indicated in the previous report (lOth Semiannual Reptrrt), the

joint NASA-AEC SNAP-8 project is expected to develop a 35 kw.
nuclear electrical generating system capable of startup and continuous,
unattended operation in space for 10,000 hours. (This is the largest
electrical power system being developed by NASA.) Potential appli-
cations include power for a manned orbital space station, a lunar
station, manned or unmanned space probes, communication satellites,
and other future advanced programs.
Construction of a large number of experimental liquid metal test
loops was continued and some were completed. Also, most of the
experimental test hardware (turbines, alternator, seals, boiler, etc.)
were fabricated.
Other accomplishments in the first half of 1964 included the fol-
lowing: In the seal-to-space development, low leakage of SNAP-8

fluids to a vacuum environment was demonstrated. The alternator

passed the acceptance test. Testing was started on the integrated
turbine-alternator assembly. The experimental reactor completed Vhe
60-day power test at rated temperature (on April 28). Prepaxations
for testing mercury power conversion loop components at rated con-
ditions were nearing completion. And a number of corrosion loops for
testing the reactor piping system were completed and put to test.

The Nucleor Electric Power Research and Technology Program

As pointed out in earlier semiannual reports (9th and lOth), the

nuclear electric power subprogram is expected to develop systems for
propulsive and nonpropulsive auxiliary power for spacecraft. Multi-
kilowatts of electrical power will be required for auxiliary or non-
propulsive power applications; multimegawatts of electrical power
will be required for propulsion. The principal concepts being investi-
gated for converting nuclear thermal energy to electrical energy are
the Rankine cycle turbomachinery systems and thermionic direct con-
version systems.
During the period, testing of a multitube condenser was completed
in the Lewis radiator conden_r facility. The tests confirmed earlier
theories that the condensing heat transfer coefficients were about equal
to those in the condenser tube walls and the liquid film on the all
liquid side of a typical condenser. In another area of investigation,
a centrifugal pump was run for 350 hours_ pumping liquid potassium
at 1,400 ° F. to study cavitation effects in a mixed flow impeller.
A Brayton cycle radial turbine was tested on cold air and demon-
strated a total to static pressure efficiency of 84 percent (predicted
efficiency was 82 percent).
During this period, investigation of journal bearing stability using
water as a lubricant demonstrated that three bearing types are resistant
to destructive half-frequency whirl. These three bearings are a tilt-
ing pad-type bearing_ a three-lobe bearing, and a double axial groove
Out-of-pile life tests of thermionic converters were underway at
two contractor facilities. One contractor's tungsten converter employ-
ing a molybdenum collector with an emitter temperature of 1_830 ° C.
operated for 1,600 hours at a power output of 7.5 watts per square
centimeter. The other contractor's UC-ZrC fueled tungsten emitter
molybdenum collector converter_ operating at 1_800 ° C._ ran for 1_850
hours at 7.5 watts per square centimeter. Both tests were continuing.
The second contractor worked out improve_i processes for fabricating
relatively ductile tungsten emitters_ and achieved the experimental

verification of a number of thermionic fuel parameters (burnup, swell-

ing, fission gas release, fuel vaporization, etc.).

The Electric Propulsion (Electric Rocket Engine) Program

As mentioned previously (NASA lOth Semiannual Report), the elec-

tric propulsion program is expected to provide the research data and
technology for the development of both low- and high-power engines;
develop, test, and evaluate laboratory engine models; and investigate
advanced concepts of electric propulsion. The program involves re-
search in three basic types of engine systems---electrostatic, electro-
thermal, and electromagnetic. The work ranges from basic studies
to the demonstration of engine systems in laboratory facilities and,
as necessary, in the actual space environment.

Electromagnetic Engine Researchand Technology

In the electrostatic engine field, two systems were receiving major

attention during the period: The surface contact ion engine and the
electron bombardment ion engine. A contractor completed a small
(less than 0.5 kw.) cesium contact ion engine system for station-
keeping and attitude control application. Laboratory evaluation of
this system was underway to ascertain its performance and the areas
requiring further research.
With the large engine systems for prime propulsion, research was
proceeding on complete engines and their associated problem areas
in the 3 kw. to 30 kw. range. This research continued to be directed
toward determining performance capability, durability, and scaling
effects prior to proceeding to the megawatt range.
In another effort, a contractor was to fabricate a 3 kw. linear-strip
cesium contact ion engine that could be clustered into larger sizes.
Under still another contract, a 3 kw. cesium electron bombardment
engine was fabricated and tested. This engine was undergoing fur-
ther tests at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Also at Lewis, other
tests were proceeding on a 30 kw. single module mercury electron-
bombardment engine to determine the effects of scaling from the 3
kw. size (fig. 5-1).
A supporting research program on the problem areas associated
with all of these engines was continued. This research is expected to
provide additional data on means of generating ions (ionization),
means of accelerating ions, the electrical theory relating to the effects
of building up a space charge, and the composition and behavior of
ion beams. The applied technology areas associated with this re-
search include the factors influencing fabrication of porous metal ion

emitters, design considerations of electrical circuitry and components,

design of propellant feed and storage components, and selection of
various materials.
As an illustration of the kind of problems being investigated, one
of the limiting factors in the life of the contact ion engine is the ion
emitter. I f all the cesium propellant is not ionized, the neutral
particles remaining can cause erosion of the electrodes. Studies dur-
ing the period showed that ionizers made of spherical tungsten par-
ticles and doped with 10 percent tantalum may provide an excellent
ionizer with a 10,000-hourlife.
Another problem being investigated is that of ion beam neutraliza-
tion. Because this problem cannot be studied in ground facilities with
confidence, NASA scheduled Space Electric Rocket Tests ( S E R T I ) ,
ballistic tests using electric rockets. The prototype spacecraft for the
study successfully completed preflight tests, including flight simula-
tion tests in a vacuum tank. The flight spacecraft was assembled and
was undergoing flight qualification tests. The first flight was sched-
uled for the 3d quarter of calendar year 1964.

Electrothermal Engine Research and Technology

Electrothermal engines (resistojet, arc jet) develop thrust by ex-

panding and exhausting an electridly heated gaseous propellant
such as hydrogen or ammonia. In the resistojet engine, various types


Figure 5-1. Nuclear-electric primary propulsion system (ion engine).


of resistance-heated heat exchangers are used to raise propellant

temperature prior to ejection through the nozzle. In the arc jet
engine, the working fluid is heated as it passes in and around the
thermal arc discharge.
Resistojet._The resistojet, simplest of all electric thrusters, is capa-
ble of extremely high efficiency. However, because of material limi-
tations, the performance of this type of engine is restricted to sp_ific
impulse values somewhat less than 1,000 seconds with-hydrogen and
lower with heavier propellants. The central problem has been design-
ing and developing an efficient, reliable heat exchanger capable of very
long life. One design for a 3 kw. thrustor was recently run at a specific
impulse of 800 seconds for 50 hours with no measurable deteriora-
tion. Also, investigation of a concentric tube heat exchanger was
started and pulsed operation of 100 watts to a few kilowatts was going
forward. Plans were made for NASA to complete a simulator eval-
uation of the resistojet for stationkeeping and attitude control appli-
cation during fiscal year 1965.
Arc Jet.--Radiation-cooled arc jets were operated in several in-
dustrial laboratories with sufficient results to determine their perform-
ance parameters. Runs exceeded 30 days, with hydrogen as the pro-
pellant in most cases, and were voluntarily terminated. They showed
that electrode erosion was not severe and is no longer considered a
limiting factor. Plans were made for an extended life test at the 30
kw. level during fiscal year 1965.
In general, NASA has concluded that these engines are capable of
performance at somewhat better than 1_000 seconds with efficiencies
of 40-50 percent. Research into methods of improving both efficiency
and specific impulse was continuing.
High Specific Impulse "Arc".--A most significant achievement in
electric propulsion technology was attained by A. Ducati, a contractor-
employed scientist. His experiments indicated that specific impulses
in the range from 3,000 to 15,000 seconds were possible with arc jet-
like configurations. NASA put "Ducati effect" accelerators under
active investigation at several locations and expected that their ap-
plicability to electric thrustor design would be more fully developed.

Electromagnetic Engine Research and Technology

Through the efforts of three major contractors, NASA made sub-

stantial improvements in the performance of pulsed plasma accelera-
tors. Over 90 percent of the energy stored in the capacitor bank was
delivered to the plasma in the first half cycle of the coaxial gun opera-
tion; approximately 55 percent was measured in the exhaust calorim-
eter. Further improvements appear to be at hand.

Also, energy storage techniques were improved recently by replacing

capacitors with distributed parameter pulse lines. These elements
not only are lighter but also offer the possibility of improved energy
transfer to the plasma.
The Hall current steady flow accelerator (which uses a “Ducati ef-
fect” preionizer) operated over the specific impulse range from 1,000
to 8,000 seconds at efficiencies ranging from 20 to 50 percent. Plans
were made to investigate lithium seeding as a technique to further
increase performance.

The Nuclear Rocket Program

The nuclear rocket program is a joint NASA-AEC endeavor con-

cerned with developing the technology for using nuclear propulsion
for space missions. The program includes the KIWI and NERVA
projects and supporting research and technology. KIWI and
NERVA are expected to develop components and subsystsms leading
to an experimental, ground-,basednuclear-rocket engine. The research
and technology effort is concerned with advanced reactor research, the
evaluation of alternate concepts, mission applications and require-
ments, vehicle technology development, and flight safety. Figure 5-2
illustrates a typical manned spacecraft concept using nuclear rocket

Figure 5-9. Nuclear rocket propulsion for manned mission.


The KIWI Project

The KIWI project_ under the direction of the Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory (LASL), was marked by two major reactor experiments
during this report period. Both were tests of the LASL KIWI-B4D
reactor design which was engineered to overcome the damaging vibra-
tion problems experienced in the KIWI-B4A power tests in Novem-
ber of 1962. These problems were analyzed and verified through a
series of KIWI-B4A cold flow tests run in May of 1963.
Following the B4A tests_ a B4B cold flow reactor was tested (Au-
gust 1963) which included simple fixes simulating the redesigned fea-
tures that were to be incorporated in later KIWI and NERVA reac-
tors (including the KIWI-B4D) to prevent vibration. The cold
flow tests of the B4B design showed that these redesigned features
would eliminate the core vibration problem, at least under cold flow
conditions. The exact redesign was then checked through KIWI-
B4D cold flow reactor tests on February 13_ 1964. Analyses of the
data stemming from these tests and the subsequent examinations in-
dicated that the core support structure performed as predicted and
that no vibration occurred.
The second experiment was performed on a KIWI-B4D power
reactor (April-May 1964). The primary objectives of this test series
were to investigate the structural integrity and dynamic stability of
the B4D design under design flow rate; and to measure by means of
t_t instrumentation and post mortem examination the thermal_ flow_
and neutronic performance for comparison with design predictions.
A secondary objective was to obtain information on the effects of
operating time with the environmental conditions on the overall test
system, including reactor, nozzle feed system_ and plumbing. In
addition_ the tests were designed to provide information on reactor
cooldown, using liquid hydrogen, and automatic reactor startup from
source power; and to give critical pressure measurements throughout
the system.
It had been intended during the KIWI-B4D test to start the reactor
automatically, program the power to approximately one-third of the
planned power plateau, hold at those conditions to check and calibrate
instrumentation, program the power to the planned power plateau and
hold for the planned test duration, and program a reduction in power.
The planned operating conditions of the run were established consider-
ing much previously available data.
All planned conditions were met or exceeded with one exception:
the operating time at the power plateau was slightly more than 1
minute rather than the duration planned. This reduction in oper-
755-266 O - 64 - 10

ating time was made necessary by a hydrogen leak external to the

reactor which resulted in a fire. Shutdown was accomplished through
the normal, preplanned shutdown procedure.
It appears that the power plateau was a little higher than expected.
With the power achieved, the test was even more rigorous than had
been planned.

The NERVA Project

During the current reporting period, contractors working under the

SNPO conducted the first series of cold flow tests on a NERVA
reactor configuration (March 1964). These tests, run on a cold flow
reactor designated the NRX-A1, were designed to determine the
dynamic stability and the structural integrity of the assembly and its
components under cold flow conditions and to demonstrate the ability
of the various components and subassemblies to perform their func-
tions adequately under cold flow conditions. Preliminary analyses
of the test data indicate that the cryogenic runs produced no abnormal
pressures, pressure drops, or vibrations. The detailed analyses and
post mortem examination of the reactor components were in process.
In the NERVA nonnuclear components area, substantial effort was
devoted to developing the major engine components, evaluating their
performance in the heat and radiation environment of the reactor,
developing a detailed NERVA engine concept, and obtaining an
understanding of full system operation. Components receiving major
emphasis included the turbopump (used to pump hydrogen from the
propellant tank to the engine), the liquid-hydrogen, jet-cooled e_gine
nozzle, and certain essential controls and valves (for example, the tur-
bine power control valve that determines the amount of hydrogen to be
bled off from the jet nozzle to power the turbine). In addition, work
was underway to develop the nozzle bleed port through which hot
hydrogen will be drawn to provide the power to drive the turbine of
the turbopump.

Supporting Research and Technology

Besides moving forward with the KIWI and NERVA projects,

NASA supporting research and technology efforts include reactor
research and nonreactor component development, vehicle technology
development, and flight safety.
Reactor Research and Nonreactor Component Development.--The
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory began initial critical experiments on
large diameter cores for high-power graphite reactors. These experi-
ments provide the initial nuclear parameter data needed for prelim-

inary design work. The general range of the required fuel loadings
was determined, and the effect of substituting various materials in key
components was established. Experiments to determine necessary
reflector control span were underway.
In addition to the grapMte work, Lewis Research Center conducted
exploratory investigations on a water-moderated tungsten reactor and
the Argonne National Laboratory, on a fast (unmoderated) reactor.
The major emphasis was on determining the capabilities of tungsten
uranium-dioxide (U02) fuel. A number of interesting fine structure
fuel shapes were fabricated for evaluation.
In the nonreactor component development area, a cold flow engine
simulation test stand (the B-1 stand) went into operation in March.
Transient startup tests were run, using gaseous and liquid hydrogen
to give data on the behavior of fluids and on engine components during
the critical start period. This stand also simulates vacuum start for
the nuclear rocket, a capability that will not be available anywhere
else for several years.
Vehicle Technology Development.--In anticipation of the ultimate
use of nuclear rocket propulsion, NASA had already studied many of
the practical problems of nuclear space vehicles (size_ trajectories,
engine-vehicle integration, launch operations, flight safety, tank pres-
surization, attitude control, and facility requirements). Further
studies were currently underway in the areas of cryogenic flow and
handling problems, propellant heating from nuclear radiation, light-
weight space vehicle structures, internal insulation, and radiation
effects on critical vehicle materials and stage subsystem components.
Flight Safety.--Studies to date indicate that nuclear rockets can be
used safely under normal operating conditions or under nonnormal
conditions when protected by the use of appropriate countermeasures.
Detailed work was continuing to make certain that these counter-
measures would be reliable and would not detrimentally affect the
reliability or basic operation of the nuclear rocket system.


At the Nuclear Rocket Development Station (NRDS), substantial

progress was made in providing the necessary facilities for ground
testing nuclear rocket engines. The major items now under construc-
tion are the Engine Test Stand No. 1 (ETS-1), shown in figure 5-3,
which will be used to test the NERVA class of propulsion systems; the
Engine Maintenance, Assembly and Disassembly Building (E-
MAD); and an Administration and Engineering Building. Work
was also continuing on power facilities and on certain access roads.

The brick and mortar work and process piping for Engine Test Stand
No. 1 were completed. The design of the instrumentation and con-
trol system also was essentially completed and in the procurement
stage. The design concept for the exhaust duct was established and
the detailed design work was in progress.
The Phase I construction of the E-MAD facility, including the
assembly and the shielded disassembly bays, was expected to be com-
pleted by September 1964. The construction of the E-MAD hot cells,
Phase 11, was expected to be completed by December 1964.
Construction of the Administration and Engineering Building was
to be completed by July 1964.

Figure 5-3. Engine Test Stand No. 1, NRDS.





During the first half of 1964, the NASA tracking networks con-
tinued to provide excellent support in tracking_ telemetry_ command
and data processing for the NASA and DOD programs_ including
such key missions as the first Gemini unmanned launch, Saturns SA-5
and SA-6, and the Ranger VI. In addition, the Satellite Network
supported 17 NASA and 6 DOD satellites.
The program of updating the capability of the networks progressed
as scheduled with the installation and checkout of new facilities and
equipment. Of major significance was the addition of two 40-foot
antennas to the Satellite Network, thereby increasing markedly the
data coverage and handling capability in support of the future satel-
lite missions.
The Manned Space Flight Network and the Deep Space Network
continued to expand facilities to meet requirements for the manned
Gemini missions and for the Mariner and Surveyor missions.

Satellite Network

The Satellite Network consists of 13 electronic tracking stations

operated by the Goddard Space Flight Center_ and 12 optical stations
operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

The electronic ground stations track, determine the status of, acquire
data from, and command the various data functions of satellites.
Each is equipped with a communication system for transmitting in-
formation to the network operations facilities at the Goddard Space
Flight Center. Stations in this network are at Blossom Point, Md. ;
Fort Myers, Fla. ; Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile;
Woomera, Australia ; Johannesburg, South Africa ; Goldstone, Calif. ;
St. Johns, Newfoundland; East Grand Forks, Minn.; Winkfield,
England ; Rosman, N.C. ; and Fairbanks, Alaska.
During the period covered by this report, increased data acquisition
and handling capabilities were added by the completion of medium-
gain antenna installations (40-foot parabolic dishes) at Quito, Ecuador
and Johannesburg, South Africa. The Quito and Johannesburg in-
stallations were completed in May 1964.
These 40-foot antennas, in conjunction with the 85-foot antennas at
Fairbanks, Alaska, and Rosman, 1_.C., now provide the Satellite Net-
work with the necessary increased capability to handle the first launch-
ings of the Observatory class satellites---the Eccentric Geophysical Ob-
servatory (EGO) and the complex weather satellite Nimbus. These
satellites and other large and complex spacecraft, such as the Orbiting
Astronomical Observatory (OAO) and the Polar Orbiting Geo-
physical Observatory (POGO), will carry more experiments to greater
distances. They are expected to provide a vast increase in the amount
of data gathered, compared with satellites launched to date.
All of these stations will be used for acquiring data from the EGO.
Since the EGO will have a highly eccentric orbit, with apogee in the
northern hemisphere, the Fairbanks and Rosman 85-foot antenna
stations should provide nearly perfect data recovery when the satellite
is at apogee. The 40-foot antenna station at Johannesburg is expected
to assure realtime data recovery at perigee.
The Fairbanks station, equipped for full data recovery of the Nimbus
satellite, should obtain data for approximately 70 percent of the total
orbits per day. Additional orbits will be covered by the Rosman, N.C.,
Directly associated with the Satellite Network is the data-processing
function that converts the transmitted telemetry output from the
satellite to data in a form usable by the scientific experimenters. This
function involves a number of operations, starting at the time the
satellite system detects a bit of scientific information and ending when
the information is in the hands of the user. The data-processing
operation is designed to share available data handling equipment
among the maximum number of satellites and the largest possible
number of experiments.

The capability to process increasing amounts of data must be con-

tinually expanded by the addition of new equipment. Thus, a system
was installed to perform a number of data-processing functions, in-
cluding tape evaluation, signal processing, quality control, and separa-
tion of data. This system, called Satellite Telemetry Automatic Re-
duction System (STARS), has made data available to experimenters
at an earlier date and at lower cost than previously possible.
During this period, the electronic Satellite Network supported a
total of 23 satellite programs. This total includes 10 satellites launched
after January 1, 1964. The new satellites are:
Name Date launched
1964 1B (GGSE) ...................................... January ll
1964 1C (EGRS) ...................................... Januaryll
1964 ID (Solar Radiation) ............................ January ll
1964 3A (Relay 2) .................................... January21
1964 4A (Echo 2) ..................................... January25
1964 5A (Saturn 5) .................................. January 29
1964 15A (Ariel II) ................................... March27
1964 18A (Gemini/Titan 1) ........................... Aprll8
1964 25A (Saturn 6) .................................. May28
1964 30A (Starflash) .................................. June13

The first3 satellites

and the lastone listedabove,althoughunder
the cognizanceof the Department of Defense,were supportedby the
NASA Satellite Network.
The 12 opticaltrackingstations operatedby theSmithsonianAstro-
physicalObservatory providedbackup support. These stationsare
in San Fernando, Spain ; Mitaka (Tokyo), Japan ; Naini Tal, India;
Arequipa, Peru; Shiraz, Iran; Curacao, Netherland West Indies;
Villa Dolores, Argentina; Mount Haleakala, Hawaii; 01ifantsfontein,
South Africa; Woomera, Australia; Jupiter, Fla.; and Organ Pass,
N. Mex.
These optical stations also provide precision orbital tracking for
scientific study purposes. During this report period, they provided
orbital data for 11 satellites. Also, they tracked 14 other satellites to
obtain data for the precise measurement of atmospheric and magnetic
properties affecting satellite orbits.

Deep Space Network

The Deep Space Network is comprised of stations that are used

primarily to acquire, track, obtain telemetry data from, and send
commands to spacecraft and probes in support of NASA lunar and
planetary programs. These stations were further improved and modi-
fications started to meet the Mariner C and Surveyor series spacecraft
mission requirements.

The construction of the S-band 85-foot antenna station at Canberra,

Australia, progressed according to schedule, with operation estimated
for the latter part of this calendar year. Also during this period,
construction continued on schedule for the S-band prototype 210-foot
parabolic antenna station at Goldstone, Calif. An intergovernmental
agreement for tracking operations was signed between the United
States and Spain ; and construction was started on the S-band 85-foot
antenna station near Madrid, Spain.
The control room at Woomera, Australia, was altered to provide
additional space for the special supporting equipment of Mariner
spacecraft. The Pioneer station at Goldstone, Calif., was modified
to accept the S-band equipment for both the Deep Space Network
and the Manned Space Flight Network. The evaluation and accept-
ance of the S-band prototype equipment was accomplished during this
After the Ranger VI spacecraft was launched from Cape Kennedy
Fla., on January 30, 1964, the Network tracked it from shortly after
injection into the lunar transfer orbit on January 30, 1964, until lunar
impact on February 2, 1964. The quality of the tracking data was
The reliability of the communications to Johannesburg, South
Africa, was improved by a backup circuit from South Africa to Aus-
tralia, to Hawaii, to the United States. A microwave circuit was also
established between Goldstone, Calif., and the Space Flight Operations
Facility at JPL, Pasadena, Calif., for rapid, realtime, wide band data
handling. Since the spacecraft's beacons operate in two separate fre-
quency spectrums for the Ranger series, the future Mariner, and the
Surveyor space missions, parallel work continued on expanding the
network to support these requirements.
The training of key personnel from all stations continued at the
Goldstone complex. These people in turn train others at their home
stations to maintain optimum performance and efficiency.
At the end of the Ranger Block III series of flights, all stations are
scheduled to be modified for S-band operation. The Network was
being scheduled to support three space flights simultaneously during
certain periods in the next fiscal year.

Manned Space Flight Network

The Manned Space Flight Network, the first realtime worldwide

tracking and data acquisition network, was originally established in
1959. Its 16 land-based stations, 2 specially instrumented ships, and
a data processing and computing center at Greenbelt, Md.,were being
modified to support the Gemini program.

Primary stations are at Bermuda, Cape Kennedy, Canary Island,

Carnarvon, Guaymas, Hawaii, Texas, and the Rose Knot Victory and
Coastal Sentry Quebec ships. The secondary stations are at Kano,
Canton Island, Point Arguello, White Sands, and Eglin. The Gemini
launch phase will be supported by the following down range stations
of the Eastern Test Range, formerly known as the Atlantic Missile
Test Range: Grand Turk, Grand Bahamas, San Salvador, and
To provide the required safety and reliable acquisition of Gemini
flight data, radar tracking systems were installed at some stations,
telemetry systems were installed and combined with the command
systems to provide dual capability, and both HF and UHF voice com-
munications were installed. Each of the primary stations is to be
augmented with the necessary additional equipment to provide the
capability to track, receive telemetered information, command the
spacecraft, and communicate with the astronauts either individually
or simultaneously. Each secondary station is to have telemetry rec-
ord and communications capability. A few secondary stations will
have tracking capabilities.
A near realtime data processing system was installed at each primary
site to select format, convert to teletype, and transmit data back to
the control center. Some data is to be displayed at the ground station
to provide quick-look information.
During the period under review, three major events were supported
by the Manned Space Flight Network: SA-5, launched on January 29;
SA-6, launched on May 28; and the Gemini Titan I (GT-1), launched
on April 8.
The main purpose of the SA-5 flight (discussed in ch. 1) was to
further test the first stage (S-I), to demonstrate separation of the
S-I stage and the second stage (S-IV), to test the function of the
S-IV propulsion system which uses liquid hydrogen, establish the
feasibility of radar skin-tracking the tumbling S-IV stage in orbit,
and evaluate the ground stations. This was the fifth in a series of 10
Saturn rockets, and the first to have a powered second stage. The
SA-6 flight (ch. 1) was primarily for checkout of an Apollo boiler-
plate spacecraft.
The Gemini Titan I (GT-1) (also discussed in ch. 1) was an un-
manned orbital flight to demonstrate the Gemini Launch Vehicle
(GLV) performance, to flight-qualify the vehicle subsystems for
future Gemini missions, and to demonstrate the ability of the GLV
and ground guidance systems to accurately achieve the required orbital
insertion conditions. No separation was planned and the spacecraft,
adapter, and booster stage orbited for several days. The network

provided excellent support for this mission and was being readied for
the second Gemini flight.
The Centaur AC-3 flight and Fire I were also supported during
this period. Centaur AC-3 was launched to demonstrate the struc-
tural integrity of the vehicle, evaluate the second stage propulsion
system, evaluate the vehicle design, and evaluate the guidance system's
inertial measuring unit. Fire I was launched to investigate the heat-
ing environment encountered by a body reentering the earth's at-
mosphere at 25,000 miles per hour.
Planning and development of the tracking and data acquisition
requirements for the Apollo program continued throughout this
period. New and advanced electronic systems were being procured.
The Manned Space Flight Network is to be augmented with an-
tennas, command, telemetry, and communication systems which were
in the scheduling stage. (This plan also includes instrumented ships
to provide coverage not attainable from land stations.)


Major strides in NASA's international programs were accomplished

during the first half of 1964.
Advancing the peaceful uses of outer space in the field of cooperative
satellites were the successful launching of Ariel II_ a cooperative
NASA-United Kingdom scientific satellite, and the decision to launch
a French VLF (Very Low Frequency) satellite on a NASA vehicle.
Nike-Apache sounding rockets were launched from the Thumba range
in South India, from the Norwegian range at Andoya, and from the
Sonmiani Beach range in Pakistan (Judi-Dart sounding rockets
were also launched from this range).
The first coordinated space research effort between NASA and the
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. was accomplished with the com-
pletion of long distance telecommunications via Echo II. Agreements
on tracking and data acquisition stations in Australia, Nigeria, and
Spain and the testing of experimental communications satellites were
concluded. A summary of NASA's international activities is tabu-
lated in appendix L.
Cooperative Projects

During the first half of 1964, NASA passed significant milestones

in cooperative projects with France, India, Italy, Norway and Den-
mark, Pakistan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R.


NASA and the French National Center for Space Studies (CNES)
agreed in March that sounding rocket experiments at Wallops Island
in October 1963 had demonstrated the feasibility of the French pro-
posal to conduct satellite investigations of VLF characteristics above
100 kilometers. This confirmed the preliminary NASA-CNES agree-
ment (of February 1963) to launch a French VLF satellite on a NASA
Scout vehicle by early 1966. CNES assumed responsibility for design,
instrumentation, fabrication, and testing of the spacecraft and for
data reduction. NASA assumed responsibility for launching the
spacecraft and for satellite tracking and data acquisition.
On April 11 and 13, at the invitation of CNES, instrumentation
prepared by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center was launched in
conjunction with CNES sodium release canisters from the French
launching site in Hammaguir, Algeria, on French "Dragon" sounding
rockets. This marked the first launching of NASA instrumentation
on a foreign vehicle in a cooperative experiment.


During January, six scientific experiments were launched success-

fully on Nike-Apache sounding rockets from the Thumba range in
southern India in U.S.-Indian cooperative projects. The first two
rockets contained sodium vapor payloads designed to measure winds
in the upper atmosphere. The remaining four contained magnetometer
payloads designed by the University of New Hampshire to investigate
the equatorial electrojet.


The Italians successfully launched a sodium vapor payload with a

Nike-Cajun rocket on March 25 in the first operational test of the San
Marco platform, a U.S.-Italian cooperative project. For this launch
the platform was located in equatorial waters off the East Coast of
Africa. In subsequent launchings on March 30 and April 2, the
vehicles performed well, although both sodium vapor payloads failed
to function. Since the launchings were primarily to validate the plat-
form, the Italians consider the major aim fulfilled.


On March 12, 15, and 19, as part of a joint U.S.-Norwegian-Danish

cooperative program, ionospheric payloads were launched successfully

on Nike-Apache sounding rockets from the Norwegian range at

Andoya, north of the Arctic Circle. The first two payloads were
launched into disturbed auroral conditions; the third was launched
into a quiet daytime ionosphere.


On March 18 and April 15, Pakistan successfully launched Judi-

Dart sounding rockets from the range at Sonmiani Beach, Pakistan,
in a cooperative program with NASA. The program was designed
to supplement the meteorological work of the International Indian
Ocean Expedition. These launchings will contribute to the compre-
hensive study of Indian Ocean weather patterns.
On April 9, as part of another cooperative project with NASA,
Pakistan launched from Sonmiani Beach a Nike-Apache vehicle
carlTing a sodium vapor payload.


On March 6, as a part of a continuing cooperative effort between

NASA and the Swedish Space Committee, a sodium-lithium chemical
release payload designed in Sweden for upper atmospheric investiga-
tions was successfully launched from Wallops Island, Va., by a boosted
Arcas rocket.

United Kingdom

On January 10, NASA and the British National Committee on Space

Research (BNCSR) agreed to include two British experiments--a
spherical ion mass spectrometer and a planar electron temperature
probe--on the Direct Measurement Explorer satellite (DME-A).
This particular satellite is expected to be launched in conjunction with
Alouette II in 1965 as part of the contiiming NASA-Canadian Defense
Research Board topside sounder program. BNCSR is to have re-
sponsibility for building, testing, and delivering the experiments, and
monitoring their performance to countdown.
On March 27, NASA launched Ariel II, the second in a series of
three cooperative U.S.-United Kingdom scientific satellites. (See
fig. 7-1.) The launch was made from Wallops Island by means of a
Scout vehicle. The United Kingdom provided the satellite's three
experiments, which have successfully measured galactic radio noise,
vertical distribution of ozone, and micrometeoroid flux. NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center was responsible for the design, manu-
facture, and testing of the spacecraft. It was also responsible for
tracking and data acquisition.

Figure 7-1. Launch of Ariel II.

I n April, NASA and the R.,adio Research Station (RRS) of the

United Kingdom Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
agreed on arrangements for continued RRS participation in NASA-
Canadian ionospheric satellite studies. NASA is to extend the loan
of telemetry equipment, at the South Atlantic station. RRS will staff
and operate telemetry stations at Winkfield (England), Singapore,
and the South Atlantic station; make the nguired data available to
the joint NASA-Canadiaii-l:nited Kingdom working group ; and share
in the work of data analysis.


The first series of joint tests with the Soviet Academy of Sciences of
long-distance telecommunications via NASA's passive communication
satellite Echo II took place between February 21 and March 9. These
transmissions from the Jodrell Bank Observatory in England to the
Zimenki Observatory in the U.S.S.R. represented the first specific
performance under the terms of the Bilateral Space Agreement of 1962.

Operations Support

During this period, an intergoverumental agreement was concluded

with Spain for a tracking and data acquisition station to be constructed
near Madrid. The intergoverl_nental agreement with Nigeria for the
manned space flight communications and data acquisition station was
renewed. An interagency agreement with the Spanish National Tele-
phone Company was completed, providing for cooperation in testing
experimental communications satellites. And arrungements were made
for Syncom III ground telemetry and command equipment to be in-
stalled in Australia. In this period, also, the new multipurpose track-
ing station at Carnarvon, Australia, was dedicated and the manned
space flight station on Zanzibar was closed.


An amendment to the Minitrack agency agreement was submitted to

the Australian Department of Supply (DOS) in this period. This
agreement provided for the location and operation of Syncom III
telemetry and command equipment near Adelaide, Australia. Syncom
III is scheduled to be launched later in 1964.
NASA_s new tracking and data-acquisition station at Carnarvon,
Australia, was dedicated on June 25. The station will play a primary
role in the manned space flight program; it will also support the
unmanned orbiting observatory series of scientific satellites.


Following the withdrawal of the U.S. Weather Bureau, the inter-

national agreement for a command and data-acquisition station in
Canada to support an operational meteorological satellite system was
formally terminated by an exchange of notes on February 4.


On May 21, the agreement for a NASA communications and data-

acquisition station in Nigeria was amended to provide for continued

operation of the station until June 30_ 1966. It also makes the station
available for support of unmanned as well as manned satellite pro-


In support of NASA experiments with Syncom III, a ground com-

munications station was established by the Department of Defense at
Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.


An agreement for a NASA tracking and data-acquisition station

to be located 30 miles west of Madrid was signed on January 29. This
station is to be used primarily to support the lunar and planetary
program. It will also be able to supplement the Manned Space Flight
Network as needed.
NASA and the Spanish National Telephone Company signed an
interagency agreement on March 24 providing for Spanish participa-
tion in the international program for testing of experimental com-
munications satellites launched by NASA. The first demonstration
between the United States and Spain took place on May 27.


Tlle NASA manned flight station in Zanzibar, which has been in a

standby status since the last flight in the Mercury project, was removed
from Zanzibar in April at the request of the revolutionary Government
of Zanzibar.

Cooperation Through International Organizations

In May and June_ the Deputy Administrator of NASA served as

the United States representative to the meetings of the Scientific and
Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Also on the U.S. delegation were the
Assistant Administrator for International Programs and the Assistant
Director of the Goddard Space Flight Center. The Deputy General
Counsel was a member of the U.S. delegation to the legal subcommittee
meetings in March. During May_ NASA officers also supported the
delegation of the National Academy of Sciences at the Seventh Plenary
Meeting and the Space Sciences Symposium of the International Com-
mittee on Space Research (COSPAR).

The European Space Research Organization (ESRO) expressed a

desire to locate a Minitrack-type tracking facility in Alaska as part
of the overall ESRO tracking network. Following discussions among
NASA, the FCC, and the Department of State, an ESRO site survey
team explored possible locations in Alaska in June. An agreement
between ESRO and the U.S. Government for establishment of the
facility, which will be operated by a U.S. contractor, was under nego-
tiations at the end of the period.

Personnel Exchanges, Education, and Training

During the first half of 1964, over 1,900 foreign nationals from 60
countries visited NASA facilities for scientific and technical discus-
sions or general orientation. Visitors included representatives of space
programs in Brazil, France, Italy, Pakistan, and United Kingdom, as
well as representatives of the European Space Research Organization
(ESRO) and the European Launcher Development Organization
In this report period, 33 graduate students from 11 countries studied
space sciences at 16 American universities under the NASA Interna-
tional University Fellowship Program. This program is administered
by the National Academy of Sciences. Also in this period, 49 post-
doctoral and senior postdoctoral associates from 19 countries per-
formed research at NASA centers, including Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory. This program also is administered by the National Academy
of Sciences (with JPL administering its own program) and is open
to United States nationals also.
During this period, 48 technicians from 3 countries and ESRO, here
at their own expense, received training in space technology at God-
dard Space Flight Center, Langley Research Center,. and Wallops
Station in connection with agreed cooperative projects.

755-266 0 - 64 - ii




NASA sponsors a wide variety of research in space-related science
an dtechnology by universities and nonprofit organizations. This
research, including both specific projects and broad multidisciplinary
programs, ranges from basic investigations to technological applica-
tions. The Agency relies heavily on the university community for
fundamental research in support of space flight endeavors, and many
of the scientific and technological advances recorded in this report were
made possible through NASA-sponsored university research.
Research in space science and technology is sponsored selectively by
the Agency in response to unsolicited proposals. Although these pro-
posals may receive support from any NASA program office having"
a scientific interest and available funds, NASA's Office of Grants and
Research Contracts is the focal point for receiving, handling, and dis-
tributing them, and for issuing the resultant grants and research con-
tracts. (Summary of these may be found in appendix M.) In addi-
tion, this office has programing responsibility for the Sustaining Uni-
versity Program.

The Sustaining University Program

NASA's Sustaining University Program was inaugurated in 1962

to increase university participation in aeronautical and space sciences
and engineering, thereby strengthening the Nation's rapidly expand-
ing space program. The Progrum is designed to increase the future
supply of engineers and scientists trained in space-related fields; assist
universities to provide additional research facilities for conducting
space research; and encourage new, creative approaches to research
problems and develop new research capabilities. During this report
period, there were a number of significant accomplishments in these
three areas.


Under grants to 88 universities, 886 predoctoral graduate students

continued their training in space-relatecl fields. One hundred students
completed their second year of training, and 786 others completed
their first year. These 886 trainees are distributed as follows among
the various academic disciplines:

Entry year Entry year

Physical sciences Engineering

1962 1963 1962 1963

Mathematics ..................... 6 58 Mechanical ....................... 9 6O

Chemistry ..................... 14 95 Electrical ......................... 5 93
Physics ..................... 31 173 Chemical ......................... 5 49
Astronomy ....................... 4 18 Aeronautical ...................... 6 43
Geology .......................... 2 21 Nuclear ........................... 3 8
Geophysics ....................... 0 7 Civil .............................. 0 15
Meteorology ..................... 1 2 Industrial ......................... 0 4
Atmospheric science.............. 0 2 Metallurgical ..................... 2 18
Computer science............... 1 0 Instruments ....................... 1 2
Engineering mechanics ............ 1 25
Engineering and applied science___ 0 9

59 376 32 326

Entry year Entry year

Biological science Other

1962 1963 1962 1963

Biochemistry ..................... 3 6 Space law ......................... 1

Biology ........................... 0 15 Economics ........................ 0
Botany ........................... 0 8 Politicalscience................... 0
Zoology ........................... 0 12
Microbiology ..................... 0 3 1
Physlology ....................... 2 8
Pharmacology .................... 0 1
Bacteriology ..................... 0 2
Genetics .......................... 0 4
Food science...................... 0 2
Psychology ....................... 3 16

8 77

During the period of this report, supplemental grants were made

to 88 institutions and new grants were made to an additional 43 col-
leges and universities. Under these agreements, 1,071 new graduate
students will commence their training with the beginning of the fall
semester, 1964. The training element of the Program thus encom-
passes a total of 131 institutions and 1,957 predoctoral students. A
listing of the 131 participating universities is included as Appendix N.

Research Facilities

A second part of the Sustaining University Program is concerned

with research facilities to provide reasonably adequate laboratory
space at universities heavily engaged in scientific and technical activi-
ties for the space program. The need for more research laboratory
space in the universities is evident; it obviously will not be possible for
the universities to undertake the work which is required, if the national
goals in space are to be realized, unless that need can be satisfied.
NASA has made a total of 20 research facilities grants to universi-
ties to date. Of this total, six were made from fiscal year 1962 funds;
nine from fiscal year 1963 funds; and five, during the period of this
report, from fiscal year 1964 funds.
These latter five grants total $5,700,000 and were as follows :
Texas A. & M. University .................................... $1,000, 000
University of Maryland ...................................... 1, 500, 000
Rice University ............................................. 1, 600, 000
Washington University ( St. Louis) ........................... 600, 000
Georgia Institute of Technology .............................. 1,000, 000

These five new facilities relate to an extremely broad and important

complex of research capabilities :
The Texas A. & M. Activation Analysis Center will allow expansion
of the university's vigorous program of research in activation analy-
sis--part of the NASA-sponsored interdisciplinary space-oriented re-
search in the physical, life, and engineering sciences.
The University of Maryland Space Sciences Center, by virtue of its
location and use, will promote a maximum cross fertilization of re-
search activities being supported by NASA. These include inves-
tigation of the forces between atoms, molecules, and ions at small
distances; theoretical studies of interplanetary gas and dust; inves-
tigation of psychophysiology in controlled environments; theoretical
research on the dynamics of astrophysical plasmas; investigation of
techniques for extraterrestrial measurement of low-energy charged
particle fluxes in the interplanetary plasma; measurement of atomic
transition probabilities of high temperature gases; multidisciplinary

research on the application of high-speed computers to space research

problems; theoretical and experimental research on gravitational
radiation; and experimental studies of perceptual processes.
The Rice University Space Science arrd Technology Building will
facilitate the continuation and growth of its excellent program in
the space sciences. Under NASA auspices, Rice was continuing its
investigations of performance and flow conditions in very high-speed
wind tunnels and conducting extensive research on the physics of
solid materials. The investigations included study of basic laws gov-
erning the behavior of solids at high temperatures, and analysis of
particles and light flux in aurorae and airglow using rocket-borne
During the report period, a grant was made, design completed,
ground-breaklng ceremonies held, and construction actually started
on the Arthur Holly Compton Research Laboratory of Physics at
Washington University (St. Louis). This laboratory will enable the
University to develop effectively its program of theoretical physics,
cosmic radiation, astrophysics, and other space-related work. Among
research activities being conducted for NASA are a determination
of characteristics of high-altitud% primary cosmic radiation, histolog-
ical studies on the inner ear, and analysis of the impact of space
activities on the national economy.
The Georgia Institute of Technology Space Sciences and Tech-
nology Center will accommodate the University's research program
in atmospheric sciences, materials and structures, transport phenom-
ena, and systems engineering as they apply to the national space
program. Among the research in progress for NASA are investi-
gations of chemical reactions at cryogenic temperatures; photo-
graphic, photometric, and spectrographic observations of flames gen-
erated at altitudes of 60 miles; solid-to-gas heat transfer studies;
and work on chemical reactions at high altitudes and low tempera-
Design was completed and bids advertised for the Space Sciences
Building at the University of California at Los Angeles under a grant
that was executed prior to this reporting period.
On the following facilities grants, actual construction was begun:
Stanford University--Medical Instrumentation and Exobiology
Laboratory; University of California (Berkeley)--Space Sciences
Laboratory; University of Colorado--Laboratory for Atmospheric
and Space Physics; University of Michigan--Space Research Build-
ing; and Lowell Observatory--Planetary Research Center.
Construction of the following university research facilities con-
tinued on schedule: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute--Materials Re-

search Center; University of Chicago--Space Sciences Laboratory;

State University of Iowa--Physics and Astronomy Building; Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh--Space Research and Coordination Center;
and Princeton University--Guggenheim Research Laboratories.
The Biomedical Annex to the Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory was
completed and occupied. This new space has permitted expansion
of research on proton interactions with biological materials, studies
to determine the shielding criteria for Project Apollo, and studies
of the expected biological risk to our astronauts from solar flares.
Under still another grant, construction of an extension to the
Physics Building at the University of Minnesota was virtually com-
pleted and occupancy was begun. This adelition will permit an ex-
pansion of research activities in space physics, atmospheric physics,
and related areas. These activities already include high-altitude
balloon monitoring of cosmic rays and solar phenomena, studies of
radiation heat transfer, gamma ray experiments carried on Orbiting
Solar Observatory I (OSO-I), development of instrumentation for
OSO-II, monitoring of zodiacal light, and studies of the effects of
earth satellite environment and launching stresses on biological
An important criterion used in selecting facilities grantees is the
relative importance to the national space program of the particular
fields of research for which the facilities are proposed. Additionally,
the urgency of the institution's need for the facilities, based on the
extent of its present research and training program supported by
NASA, influences the decision to award a grant. The decision is also
influenced by demonstrable competence, achievements, and potential
for further contribution to the national space program of its scien-
tific staff. Further, the nature or extent of the institution's commit-
ment to work in the space sciences is considered along with the quality
of supporting facilities and staff.
The statutory authorizations under which NASA supports the
construction of research laboratory facilities at the university are
explicit with respect to ownership. Under them_ title to facilities
constructed or purchased with NASA research and development funds
shall vest with the United States, unless the Administrator of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration determines that the
interests of the national program of aeronautical and space activities
will best be served by vesting title in the grantee. Determination to
vest title in the grantee, pursuant to its request, is made by the Admin-
istrator on an individual case basis at the time the grant is made.
Maintenance and operation of the facilities are the responsibility
of the grantee, and when title is vested in the grantee, it is a provi-

sion of the facilities grant that no charge will be made to any agency
of the United States respecting the use thereof in connection with any
Government-sponsored research.


The research part of the Sustaining University Program is designed

to afford universities the maximum opportunity to balance and
strengthen existing areas of space-related work and stimulate the
development of new ideas and talent. In addition, parti.cular concern
is given research ideas presented by the university community which
may overlap or fall outside the specific responsibility of an individual
NASA organizational element but which are of vital importance to
the overall NASA mission.
Each university has a different capability and character,
and NASA's relationship with each varies accordingly. In general,
the universities participating in this program fall into two groups:
Those that have not been heavily supported in space research but
have a potential for quality research and can be expected to make
strong future contributions; and those universities which presently
have substantial amounts of sponsored research and may be made even
more effiective by administrative mechanisms which complement the
conventional "project" system.
By providing broad, flexible research support to institutions which
have not previously been involved in space research to an appreciable
degree, a number of excellent research programs have emerged and
new talents and skills have been created. A major side benefit of this
effort has been the incentive provided for the university researcher
to remain at his institution. Thus, he can create an attractive nucleus
of interest for young researchers, offsetting the drift of talent to the
larger and better known institutions. The effect is to broaden the
base of university participation in the space program and increase
the overall national capability.
During the period of this report, work commenced at five universi-
ties under grants which were actually made during the previous 6
months. These were the University of Denver, University of Florida,
Washington University, University of West Virginia, and the College
of William and Mary.
Extensions were given the following institutions for continuation
of space-related research: Adelphi University, University of Ala-
bama, University of California (Berkeley), University of California
(Los Angeles), California Institute of Technology, Graduate Re-
search Center of the Southwest, University of Kansas, University of

Maine_ University of Maryland, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-

nology, Montana State College, University of Pennsylvania, Univer-
sity of Pittsburg_ Texas A. & M. University, and the University of
New Sustaining University Program research grants were made
to the following: Georgia Institute of Technology_ Kansas State Uni-
versity, University of Michigan , Michigan State University, Okla-
homa State University_ University of Virginia_ and Woodstock Col-
To the university already heavily involved in space-related research,
this program provides an opportunity to make more efficient use of
its assets. A carefully developed research program_ supported on a
broad_ flexib]e_ and long-range basis, provides valuable augmentation
of existing work. It also affords the opportunity to fill gaps in re-
search programs, consolidate existing work_ and encourage the devel-
opment of young researchers and the germination of new ideas.
At the larger institutions, it is NASA policy to promote the com-
bination of several small related '_Project" grants into broad programs.
Consequently_ many of the research grants awarded by the Sustaining
University Program to such institutions will contaia funds from
other NASA offices or will include work specifically related to projects
of immediate interest to them. This combination of broad_ long-
range Sustaining University Program support with project support
adds additional strength and flexibility to the universities' research
efforts. An important aspect of these grants is that they promote the
development of multidisciplinary approaches to the solution of broad
problems vital to the success of the space program. They permit the
university to bring their many and varied talents into a single effective
focal point of research activity.
All Sustaining University Program research grants are for a 3-
year period and are on a %tep-funded" basis. This process initially
provides full support for the first year of effort, two-thirds of desired
level for the second year, and one-third for the third year. At the
end of the first year, if the work is to continue, a supplemental grant
is awarded to continue the program at its full level of effort during
the coming year and advance the two-thirds and one-third funding
into the following 2 years.
Many of the research endeavors under the Sustaining University
Program have just begun to build up momentum. However_ several
have had sufficient time to demonstrate the unique opportunities that
are now available for the development and growth of research activi-
ties under this flexible form of sponsorship.

At the University of Denver materials research has received a strong

stimulus from this program; an excellent small program of astro-
physics is underway at Montana State College; and new space-related
physics and engineering programs are being developed at Kansas
State University, Maine, West Virginia, Adelphi, Oklahoma State,
and Virginia. Texas A. & M. is conducting new and exciting work in
plasma physics and engineering of spacecraft structures. At William
and Mary, significant contributions have been made toward instru-
mentation and utilization of the NASA 600 Mev. synchrocyclotron
now under construction at the Langley Research Center.
Similarly, at the larger institutions, this program has provided
additional strength to existing space-related research projects. At
U.C.L.A., for example, new research has been undertaken in astron-
omy, cosmology, solid state physics, materials research, geophysics,
space biology, and plasma physics. Moreover, the institution has
used the flexibility and long-range stability provided by the program
to broaden and extend existing projects. Examples of these projects
include development of new methods for the collection of cosmic dust
particles, design and fabrication of a new environmental test chamber
for magnetometers, expansion of their capability to process and evalu-
ate data received from space satellites and probes, and the evolution
of new ideas and designs for future scientific satellites.
At the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and Berkeley, Sustaining University Pro-
gram research grants have operated in a similar manner to stimulate
the growth of new concepts and ideas for the development of advanced
flight experiments. The University of Maryland Computer Center
has developed new techniques for using computer technology in the
space sciences and engineering areas. The University of Pennsyl-
vania has created a unique capability in working with unconventional
power sources.
At the Univerity of Washington a program of ceramics research--
initiated with partial support by the Sustaining University Program--
has matured into an important center of such work, with total support
from other NASA program offices. The University of Pittsburgh
has launched a major space science and engineering effort and has
used a grant under this program to add flexibility to the extensive
resources they have obtained from nonfederal sources. At the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin's Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, broadly
conceived research in quantum chemistry relating to the properties
and behavior of fundamental atomic particles is receiving worldwide

In several instances, the impact of these grants upon the university

has been sufficient to result in large matching contributions to the
universities' research activity by private donors and local government
source& These grants have thus acted as catalysts to promote and
excite the interest of other sponsors with a corresponding increase
in the institution's strength.
The Goddard Space Flight Center's Institute for Space Studies is
responsible for broad areas of theoretical research, with particular
emphasis on astrophysics, plasma physics, and planetary physics as
well as the interpretation of data acquired by Goddard scientific satel-
lites. To meet these responsibilities, the Institute has augmented its
inhouse capability by establishing a close research relationship with
the university community. During the period of this report, 15 Sus-
taining University Program grants were made to 10 universities
working on research projects in direct cooperation with the Institute.
Institutes receiving these grants were the University of California
(San Diego), Columbia University, City University of New York,
University of Minnesota, New York University, Princeton University,
Rutgers University, Wesleyan University, Yale University, and
Yeshiva University.

Resident Research Associate Program

The Office of Grants and Research Contracts has overall NASA

management responsibility for the NASA-National Academy of Sci-
ences Resident Research Associates Program. The Resident Research
Associates Program provides postdoctoral and senior postdoctoral in-
vestigators of unusual ability and promise with an opportunity for
research in the many areas of space science and technology of vital
concern to the national space program. These research associateships,
which are usually for one year, are tenable at the NASA Research
Centers. During this period, approximately 60 scientists were under
appointment at Goddard Space Flight Center, Ames Research Center,
and the Marshall Space Flight Center. During the coming year,
other NASA Centers are expected to participate, specifically the Lewis
Research Center and the Manned Spacecraft Center.

Management of Grants and Research Contracts

A new system for financial reporting and control of cash require-

ments and disbursements was established. It is applied universally to
all institutions having multiple grants from NASA. Under this sys-
tem, grantees report quarterly on individual grant expenditures, ag-

gregate and accumulated expenditures under all active grants, and

project cumulative oash requirements anticipated during the next
quarter. This procedure of forecasting cash requirements for all active
grant support allows more realistic control of the amount of funds
advanced to each institution. Although the projection of cash require-
ments applies only to grants, the expenditure reports apply to bo_h
grants and contracts. The expenditure report also provides a measure
of information on the utilization of scientific manpower.
Other management improvements were made during the period of
this report. An audit program was developed to provide guidelines
for auditing NASA research, training, and facilities grants. Revised
procedures were implemented to improve control over proposal proc-
essing and to reduce lag time between receipt of proposal and final
disposition. Standardized financial report forms were developed for
use by training and facilities grantees. These report forms were sent
to several universities for review and comment. And Automatic Data
Processing Management Reports were developed to reflect total NASA
obligations with universities and other nonprofit institutions.

Liaison With the ScientiFic Community

As part of a continuing effort to improve the NASA relationship

with the scientific community, a procedure was initiated to establish a
better method of communicating to the scientific community the fields
of scientific research of predominant interest to NASA at a given time.
Under this procedure, bulletins are distributed to universities and
nonprofit research organizations, notifying them of research areas in
which NASA has more than an ordinary interest. These bulletins are
called "Research Suggestions," and they supplement other sources of
information regarding NASA programs and research needs. They
provide only general guidance and do not define specific parameters.
They should not be considered as requests for proposals, and they do
not indicate an impending procurement action.
During the report period one "Research Suggestion" was issued on
a trial basis. Well over 100 recipients either responded or acknowl-
edged receipt, and the reaction to the procedure was almost unani-
mously favorable.




From January through June 1964 NASA, in disseminating scien-

tific and technical information, matched a mushrooming growth of
research results and an expansion of its program activities. It
achieved this without proportional cost increases through greater
inhouse productivity and new and improved methods and techniques.

Educational Programs and Services

In its educational programs the Agency helped more than BOOcol-

leges and universities plan space science courses, provided summer
workshop services for about 10,000 teachers, and engaged in adult
education projects to increase public understanding of the Nation's
space effort. NASA's spacemobile lecture-demonstration teams sup-
plied information on space sciences and exploration to over 1.5 million
school children, to teacher training programs, and to civic groups,
while spacemobile lecturers made television appearances for over 6
million viewers.
To serve increasing public demands for information on the Nation's
civilian space projects and help meet educational needs for the Space
Age, NASA's educational-information programs provided nontechni-
cal publications, films, radio, and TV presentations, and exhibits for

professional, scientific, and technical audiences and the general public;

speakers at meetings of professional, civic, and other groups; and
advisory services and program assistance on space science and ex-
ploration for educational entities at all levels in nearly every State.

Educational Conferences

During the report period the Agency cooperated with the U.S. Office
of Education in sponsoring two national conferences. One was held
for State directors of guidance at Langley Research Center, April
13-16; another for State supervisors of science, spacemobile lecturer-
demonstrators, and the Subcommittee on Institutes and Conferences,
Cooperative Committee on the Teaching of Science and Mathematics,
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences at NASA's
Western Operations Office, Santa Monica, Calif., May 31-June 5.
One objective of the guidance meetings was to acquaint NASA with
what vocational guidance directors consider might be done to keep
elementary and secondary school guidance specialists fully informed
about the many and varied job opportunities opening up to young
people as the result of the Nation's expanding space program. The
California conference had among its purposes providing the Agency
with an understanding of how schools could be helped in introducing
the space sciences into their curricula.
Both conferences sought to give participants an opportunity to
increase their knowledge of recent aerospace developments and thereby
update their programs.

Materiols of Instruction

To meet the instructional needs of schools, colleges, and universities

in space science and technology, NASA assisted in developing space-
education materials.
Cooperating with the National Science Teachers Association and
with various college aerospace institutes, the Agency developed sup-
plements to classroom teaching for instruction in space-related science
and mathematics and the activities and progress of the space program.
Published and distributed during the reporting period were : Teaching
to Meet the Challenges of the Space Age--a comprehensive curriculum
guide for elementary teachers with space-oriented units and activities
at all levels and in all subject areas; and What Makes a Rocket Go?--
a film and illustrative teacher guide demonstrating classroom proce-
dures in teaching fundamental space-science concepts. (The latter
was being given a final experimental tryout.)

In press or in final editorial stages were a syllabus for an adult

education lecture series developed by the Rhode Island State Depart-
ment of Education; a series of six science guides for elementary teach-
ers developed in cooperation with the National Science Teachers
Association; and Spacecraft Construction, a set of detailed plans for
science and industrial arts teachers to use in building models of NASA
space vehicles.

Summer Workshops and Courses

NASA disseminates space-science information through college and

university extension services and summer workshops for teachers.
These programs provide teachers with up-to-date space science knowl-
edge, acquaint them with space literature, and provide ways to adapt
this information to classroom use.
During the first 6 months of 1964 NASA helped more than 200 col-
leges and universities plan space science courses and arrange summer
workshop services for about 10,000 teachers.

Adult Education

Through its participation in various adult education programs the

Agency helped to increase public understanding of the Nation's space
For example, the adult education pilot project in the public schools
of Warren, R.I, '_Mankind and Space'_ undertaken by NASA and
the Rhode Island State Department of Education, determined the
feasibility of conducting this type of program in the space sciences
at a location remote from the resources of one of the Agency's research
centers. (See the lOtk Semiawnual Report_ ch. 9.) A report on the
project was being readied for publication and will be made available
to State departments of education, local school districts, YWCAs,
and others interested in adult education.
NASA also participated in a number of individual programs for
adult audiences. Educational programs and services staff members
and spacemobile teams gave 172 presentations for about 40,000 mem-
bers of civic, business, and professional groups. And at the request
of the Foreign Service Institute, Department of State_ a NASA pres-
entation on space science and exploration was incorporated into the
regular program of the foreign service officer orientation course given
every month for those beginning overseas assignments.

Youth Programs
NASA for the fourth consecutive year took part in a National Sci-
ence Fair--International designed to foster scientific interests in sec-

ondary school students. Twelve of the Agency's Scientists served as

judges at this 15th science fair held in Baltimore, Md., May 6-9. Two
certificates of merit were awarded in each of the following space cate-
gories: Aerodynamics and space flight, electronics and communica-
tions, life sciences, physical sciences, propulsion systems, and vehicles.
Each winner of a NASA award was invited to visit one of the Agency's
field installations accompanied by a teacher of his choice.
The Agency also presented certificates of outstanding achievement
in the space sciences at local, regional, and State science fairs. Ap-
proximately 200 requests for NASA awards and/or judges were re-
ceived from science fairs during the first 6 months of 1964.
At the request of Science Service, NASA participated in the Science
Talent Institute in Washington by arranging "prime time" appoint-
ments with Agency personnel for two science talent search winners.
One student had interviews with staff scientists from NASA head-
quarters; the other spent a day at the Goddard Space Flight Center.
The Agency is assisting the National Council of the Boy Scouts of
America in developing requirements for a merit badge on space


From January through June of 1964, 25 spacemobile lecture-demon-

stration teams provided information on NASA's space science and
exploration programs to more than 1.5 million school children, teacher
training programs, and civic groups. Spacemobile lecturers also made
12 radio presentations and their 38 television appearances supplied
space information for over 6 million TV viewers.
Special spacemobile activities included participation in conferences
of the American Industrial Arts Association, National Association of
Elementary School Principals, National Council of Teachers of Mathe-
matics, State Department of Education Guidance Directors (Project
"Moon Harvest"), and the Fourth Annual Conference on the Peaceful
Uses of Space.
Spacemobile lecturers also continued to explain the Agency's space
program to teachers and students in Central and South America,
Europe, Africa, and the Far East.

Educational Publications and Films

During the first 6 months of 1964 NASA released several new pub-
lications, issued updated editions of previously published ones, and
reprinted a number of articles from periodicals--all supplied to the
requester without charge. In addition, the Agency made substantial

progress in planning and producing a number of motion pictures to be

made available to the general public without cast.
Publications and films currently available are described in appendix
Film Depository Services.--By the end of the report period, NASA
had catalogued and stored 5,986,416 feet of motion picture film. About
84,000 feet of film was made available to producers of educational and
documentary movies and telecasts.

Educational TV and Radio

"Space : Man's Great Adventure," a series of 4 television documen-

taries, was produced and released to 89 educational stations. The 30-
minute programs for high school and adult audiences document major
developments in the space program. These and other programs in the
continuing series also will be made available to interested commercial
TV stations.
"Science Reporter," a series of eight 30-minute television interviews
with prominent space authorities, was distributed for broadcast to in-
school and adult audiences by 84 educational television stations.
Requests were answered for assistance from more than 2,000 radio
and 200 television stations. This assistance included provision of
production aids (films, photographs, slides, and audio tapes), back-
ground information, and publications. NASA also helped each of the
major commercial networks plan and produce space-oriented programs.
"Space Story," a weekly 5-minute radio report, was produced and
distributed to radio stations requesting this service, and was
made available for overseas broadcast by the Voice of America and
the Armed Forces Radio Network. A series of 10 half-hour radio
programs was produced from proceedings of the Annual Conference
on the Peaceful Exploration of Space and made available to interested


During the first 6 months of 1964 NASA's 384 exhibits here and
abroad portrayed the accomplishments of the Nation's space program
for over 6 million people. The principal exhibit of the period was the
outdoor U.S. Space Park at the New York World's Fair. Jointly
sponsored by the Agency and the Defense Department, with the finan-
cial support of the New York World's Fair Corp., the 2-acre park
opened on April 22 with the most outstanding collection of full-scale
rockets and spacecraft ever assembled outside of Cape Kennedy.
755-266 0 - 64 -12
-*- -

Highlighting the exhibit (fig. 9-1) are full-scale models of the a f t
* end of the Saturn V rocket of Project Apollo, which will send Ameri-
can astronauts to the moon, and Astronaut Carpenter’s Project
Mercury spacecraft. Towering over the park is a Titan 11-Gemini
launch vehicle and its two-man spacecraft. Among other full-scale
exhibits are the Apollo command and service modules, the lunar excur-
sion module, Atlas-Mercury and Thor-Delta rockets, an X-15 rocket-
powered research aircraft, the Agena rocket, and models of
geophysical, communications, and meteorological satellites. (Ex-
hibits are updated to reflect the latest successful launches.)

Figure 9-2. NASA exhibits a t 4th Annual Conference on Peaceful Uses of Space,
Boston, Mass.

Another major domestic exhibit of the report period was a 15,000-

square foot display at Northeastern University in conjunction with
the Fourth Annual Conference on Peaceful Uses of Space held in
Boston, Mass., April 29-May 5 (fig. 9-2). The three-dimensional
exhibits---featuring an actual Project Mercury spacecraft and a full-
scale model of Saturn I aft end along with continuous demonstration
lectures--afforded the visiting public an opportunity to learn about
NASA's various space programs.
Future expanded educational exhibits will emphasize Projects
Gemini and Apollo, at the same time offering an overall view of United
States progress in space science and technology.

Conferencesand Speakers Services

NASA participates in, sponsors and cosponsors conferences for pro-

fessional, scientific_ and technical groups to disseminate information
on space sciences and technology. Some of the subjects covered by
these conferences during the report period were flight mechanics_
thermal radiation of solids, industrial applications of new technology,
space nutrition and related waste problems, aerospace propulsion_
atmospheric biology_ transformation of knowledge and its utilization,
advanced research and technology, and space radiation effects in
cellular systems.
Other major conferences included the Fourth National Conference
on Peaceful Uses of Space, Boston, Mass., April 29-May 2; Tenth
Annual Meeting of American Astronautical Society, New York, N.Y.,
May 5-7; International Biophysics Meeting, Paris, France, June
19-29 ; and First Annual Meeting and Technical Display of the Amer-
ican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington, D.C.,
June 29-July 2.
The Agency also provides speakers for meetings ranging from na-
tional scientific and educational symposiums to regional, State, and
local conferences and gatherings. From January through June 1964
NASA officials from headquarters and field installations spoke on the
results of the Nation's space prog.ram before almost 1_000 of these
Scientific and Technical Information

The first 6 months of 1964 saw NASA expand its scientific and
technical information activities and services to match a rising flow
of research results and to meet its immediate program needs, all with-
out proportional cost increases. As summarized by the following
highlights of this report period_ these increasing requirements for in-

formation were met by the Agency through greater inhouse produc-

tivity, refinement of present methods, and the development of new

Computer Storage-Retrieval System Improved

NAS&'s abstract journal Scientific and Technical Aerospace Re-

ports (STAR) is used throughout the aerospace community. Less
well known outside the Agency is its computer-based information
search system which permits a comprehensive search of the NASA
collection. This system uses magnetic computer tapes covering re-
ports announced in STAR and articles from journals announced in
Intentional Aerospace Abstracts (published by the American Insti-
tute of Aeronautics and Astronautics with NASA support).
General refinements of these search tapes, begun during the first 6
months of 1964, included rearranging information storage for more
efficient retrieval and programing for larger computers which are
becoming increasingly available. The tapes were sent to an expand-
ing number of local users--NASA's research centers and its principal
contractors, and university research centers--and are used also in the
Agency's Scientific and Technical Information Facility where the
tapes are prepared and updated.
Distribution of STAR was also increased and its four-volume
annual cumulative index produced and distributed in a record-setting
30 days after the close of the year covered.

Selective Dissemination of Information Tested

Extensive development work was done on NASA's Selective Dissem-

ination of Information (SDI) program. This computerized meth-
od--a logical outgrowth of the computer-based information search
system--provides individual scientists and engineers with quick, job-
tailored announcements of new reports.
Five hundred NASA volunteers continued to participate in de-
velopmental tests of this novel system during the report period.
These were tests of various methods of creating and matching each
man's "interest profile" (subject terms and phrases related to his work
and interests) with subject indexes of reports annotated in current
issues of Scientific and Tecknical Aerospace Reports.
Following the developmental phase of the SDI program, this new
method will be decentralized for economical use by the Agency's
research centers and principal contractors.

Interagency Agreement on Microfiche Standards

During the first 6 months of 1964 increasing acceptance by other

Government agencies of NASA's microfiche--a miniaturized version
of a research and development repot---resulted in further standardi-
zation of its size and format. (In April 1963, NASA and the Atomic
Energy Commission had agreed to develop identical standards for
reduction ratios and frame spacing in their microforms.) In addition,
the Federal Council for Science and Technology directed all executive
agencies to adapt the microfiche method for their reports. These
developments paved the way for commercial suppliers to concentrate
on simpler_ more efficient_ and less costly designs of equipment to pro-
duce microfiches and promised Federal agencies savings in time and
money by using one another's miniaturized reports of this type.
Introduced in January 1962_ the microfiche is a 4- by 6-inch trans-
parent negative upon which microfilmed pages of a document are
arranged in successive rows. This negative can be used for reading
the document_ reproducing a photographic copy of it, or making other
microfiche for additional distribution--features which provide fast
access to new information.


Numerous reference tools were being devised to help NASA and

its contractors gain ready access to report and journal literature in
the Agency's space science and technology information system which
might otherwise be overlooked. Among the steps taken were the in-
auguration of a comprehensive program to prepare continuing bibli-
ographies on selected areas of high interest to the aerospace commu-
nity. Representative bibliographies are the following ones, drawn
from report and journal literature and entered into the information
system between January 1962 and June 1964. (Upon publication
they will be sold to the public by the Office of Technical Services, U.S.
Department of Commerce.)
1. High-Eneryy Propellants (NASA SP-7002)--About 230 refer-
ences on high-energy rocket fuels which emphasize research and devel-
opment studies on solid, liquid, and hybrid propellants and oxidizers.
2. Lunar Surface Studies (NASA SP-?003)--About 440 references
on lunar-surface studies with particular emphasis on theoretical stud-
ies of lunar origin, lunar atmosphere, and lunar physical characteris-
tics providing a "baseline" of knowledge for measuring future findings.
3. Communications Satellites (NASA SP-7004)--Almost 330 ref-
erences_ including specific and detailed works on passive, active, and
synchronous satellites.

4. Bibliographies on Aerospace Science (NASA SP-7006)--Lists

about 420 broad and specific bibliographies prepared by NASA and
others in the aerospace field.
5. Aerospace Medici_ne and Biology (NASA SP-7011)--The first
issue of a bibliographic listing of more than 1_000 _lected unclassified
reports and journal articles describing the biological, physiological,
psychological_ and environmental effects to which man is subjected
during and following simulated or actual flights in the earth's atmos-
phere or in interplanetary space. Supplements to the first issue_
identified as SP-7011 (01) and SP-7011 (02) _will be published as the
accumulation of new material warrants.
6. Extraterrestrial Life (NASA SP-7015)--Part I of a comprehen-
sive annotated bibliography which contains 175 references presenting
the results of an extensive search of foreign and domestic report liter-
ature on the quest for extraterrestrial life. Part II (to be published)
will contain about 850 references to journal articles and books.

Technical Publications

The continuing expansion of the Agency's research and development

work was reflected in the mounting number of its scientific and tech-
nical reports and of NASA-authored articles in scientific and technical
journals. NASA_s special publications containing scientific or tech-
nical information derived from or of value to the national space pro-
gram were also released in larger numbers during the reporting period.
(See appendix I for listings.)

Historical Program

NASA's l_istorical staff undertook numerous special projects during

the first 6 months of 1964 the most complex of which was participation
in the Government-wide oral history and documentary program sup-
porting establishment of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at
Harvard University. The staff identified and collected key documents
of the civilian space program during the Kennedy Administration and
interviewed leaders ,in the Nation's space effort who either knew the
late President or had been in contact with him in connection with their
official duties.
To stimulate the study of the history of astronautics Agency his-
torians worked with the history committees of the International
Academy of Astronautics_ the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, and the National Space Club. (NASA's historian be-
came the chairman of the new historical committee of the Institute.)

Collaborating with the Society for the HSstory of Technology, the

Agency's historian edited a revised, expanded version of "A History
of Rocket Technology" which will be published in book form. The
original appeared as the fall 1963 issue of Technology and Gulture,
the quarterly of the Society.
The Agency also issued a revised edition of its illustrated pam-
phlet on the Historical Origins of NASA. (Copies are sold by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C, 20402_ for 15 cents.)
In May I_ASA's Historical Advisory Committee held its first meet-
ing in Washington, D.C., chaired by Professor Wood Gray of George
Washington University.






During the period, NASA continued seeking means of improving

its nontechnical activities in order to provide the necessary support
for its increasingly complex missions. In the personnel area, for
instance, the Agency moved ahead in its efforts to further improve the
effectiveness of its employees and to make certain that the most com-
petent people were selected to fill vacancies. It made still more im-
provements in its organizational structure to carry out the full intent
of the agencywide realinement of functions that took place on No-
vember 1, 1963. Also, the Agency continued to conduct its financial
affairs in the most efficient and economical manner possible, and to
improve its procurement techniques in order to meet the requirements
of the complex space programs.


NASA's personnel efforts stressed employee-management coopera-

tion, training programs, and equal employment opportunities for all
citizens. Other personnel activities included _ continuing recruitment
program, executive personnel changes, and special recognition of indi-
viduals and groups.

Employee-Management Cooperation

NASA took specific steps to carry out the Government-wide Em-

ployee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service Program
(Executive Order 10988). Negotiation sessions were conducted be-

tween the Washington Area Metal Trades Council and the Goddard
Space Flight Center to develop a collective agreement on personnel
policies and practices within the Goddard_s Wage Board bargaining
The advisory arbitration decision of the appropriate unit question
at the Marshall Space Flight Center was rendered. The machinists _
craft unit_ proposed by the International Association of Machinists_
was found to be inappropriate; however_ the installationwide unit
supported by management and the American Federation of Govern-
ment Employees was found appropriate.
New bids for exclusive representation by employee organization
locals were either presented or under discussion at three NASA
installations--Lewis_ Marshall_ and Kennedy.

Seminars and Training Programs

NASA continued conducting numerous seminars and training pro-

grams to further develop and maintain the high levels of knowledge
and skill required of NASA employees. These included the procure-
ment management seminars_ incentive contracting seminars_ NASA-
PERT and companion cost system workshops, NASA-PERT for
facilities management workshops_ supervisory training courses_ man-
agement development courses_ management intern training_ graduate
study programs_ the cooperative education program and apprentice-
ship training programs.
Procurement Management Serainar.--The procurement manage-
ment seminar was developed to teach technical personnel the procure-
ment process from the initial planning stages through the precontract
and contract administration phases to contract completion. This semi-
nar emphasizes those points in the procurement process with which
the technical man is directly concerned. These include establishment
of procurement requirements, technical evaluation of contractor pro-
posals_ technical consultation with prospective contractors_ initiating
change orders_ control of contractor use of overtime_ and termination
of contracts. Over 350 NASA employees received this training dur-
ing the period.
Incentive Contracting Seminar.--This seminar was designed to
teach program and project engineers and contract specialists the in-
centive features of NASA contracts_ including fixed price and cost-
plus incentives. Subjects covered were the examination in detail of
cost_ time_ and performance provisions; the establishment of targets
and ceilings; various incentive formulas; and the multiple incentive

provisions. Approximately 330 NASA employees attended these

seminars during the peri_l.
NASA-PERT and Companion Gost System Warkshop.--This
workshop was designed to teach technical and management personnel
the objectives, operation, and benefit of NASA's program evaluation
and review techniques. Between January and June, 250 employees
participated in this workshop.
NASA-PERT for Facilities Management Workshop.--This work-
shop was designed to train personnel engaged in facility construction
management in the objectives, operation, and benefits of network plan-
ning techniques. It highlights the application of NASA-PERT to
facility construction projects during their total life cycla In particu-
lar, it emphasizes the use of the system during the preliminary plan-
ning and early design phase as well as during the research and de-
velopment phases. Approximately 240 employees were trained during
the period.
Supervisor?/ Training Courses.--The purpose of these courses is
to teach supervisors throughout the Agency, on a decentralized basis,
the current methods of effective utilization of men, money, and mate-
rials. Major topics include planning, organizing, executing, decision-
making, controlling, and motivation. Three hundred NASA employ-
ees were trained during 1963, and 200 during the first half of 1964.
Management Development Courses.--These courses were used to
teach management personnel throughout the Agency the various tech-
niques and tools required to effectively carry out their responsibilities,
This training consists of a variety of courses, conducted by universi-
ties, other Government agencies, and professional training organiza-
tions. Approximately 400 employees received this training during the
period. (There were 500 NASA employees trained during 1963.)
Management Intern Training.--This program was established to
prepare outstanding young college graduates for careers in research
and development administration. This training includes rotational
assignments, orientation lectures, special assignments, and graduate
study. There were 20 recent college graduates trained during 1963.
Plans called for training 27 during 1964.
Graduate Study Programs.--NASA's graduate study programs
were designed to provide opportunities for talented, motivated, and
creative people to enhance their knowledge through graduate study
in academic fields appropriate to their work. Over 900 employees
received this training during the period. (There were 1,558 NASA
employees trained during 1963.)
Cooperative Education Program.--This program, designed for un-
dergraduate scientific and technical collega students, provides an in-

tegration of academic study at leading universities alternated with

practical work experience at NASA installations. Four hundred
students participated during the first half of 1964. (There were 770
college students trained during 1963.)
Apprenticeship Training Progran_.--This program offers training
designed to provide an apprentice with comprehensive instruction in
the principles and practices of a particular trade or craft as well as
in academic or related subjects. It insures a continuous flow of skilled
craftsmen thoroughly trained in the trades and crafts peculiar to
NASA_s field installations. About 250 apprentices were trained be-
tween January and July. (There were 443 apprentices trained dur-
ing 1963.)

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Personnel Division ,continued implementing the Affirmative

Action Program for Federal Employment as required under Execu-
tive Order 10925. This program is intended to assure better use of
our manpower resources by reassignment of minority group employees
to obtain greater skill utilization_ by increased employment of quali-
fied minority group persons, and by seeking to interest Negroes and
other minority group persons to qualify for scientific and engineering
positions available with NASA and other Government agencies.
To implement the Affirmative Action Program, NASA installations
were undertaking certain specific activities. For one thing_ they
were developing skills profiles on minority group employees to deter-
mine that the best use of their skills was being made. For another_
they were participating with the Urban League in its Skills Bank
Program to identify possible minority group_candidates for employ-
ment. For a third_ they were increasing their employment of quali-
fied minority group individuals in student cooperative training and
summer employment programs. As a fourth activity_ they were using
career opportunity conferences at the high school and college level
to interest minority group students in qualifying for scientific and
technical careers with the Government. And in a fifth area, they
were assisting secondary schools and trade schools in acquiring sur-
plus Federal property for the improvement of curricula and physical

Status of Personnel Force

NASA increased its staff from 30,069 employees to 32_499 during

the period December 31_ 1963-June 30_ 1964. The distribution by
installation was :

Organization : Dec. 81, June 80,

1968 196]_
Ames Research Center .................................. 2, 116 2, 204
Flight Research Center ................................. 618 619
Goddard Space Flight Center ........................... 3, 443 3, 675
J. F. Kennedy Space Center ............................ 1, 269 1, 625
Langley Research Center ............................... 4, 234 4, 330
Lewis Research Center ................................. 4, 760 4, 859
Marshall Space Flight Center ........................... 7, 227 7, 679
Manned Spacecraft Center .............................. 3, 364 4, 277
North Eastern Office .................................... 30 33
Pacific Launch Operations Office ......................... 19 22
Wallops Station ........................................ 502 530
Western Operations Office ............................... 318 376
Headquarters .......................................... 2, 017 2, 158
AEC/NASA Space Nuclear Propulsion Office ............. 102 112

Total ................................................ 30, 069 32, 499

Key Executive Personne[ Changes

During the period, a number of changes occurred among NASA's

key executive personnel. These included six new appointments, five
reassignments, and three terminations.
Key Appointrnents.--On February 1, 1964, Col. Clarence J. George
was appointed Executive Secretary to develop and direct an executive
secretariat program covering the functions and operations of agency
general management. Prior to his retirement from the Army, Colonel
George had been serving as Assistant Secretary of the Staff and
Liaison Officer to the Headquarters, Supreme Allied Powers, Europe.
On April 1, 1964, Vice Adm. Rufus E. Rose was appointed Director,
Policy Planning Division, within the Office of the Assistant Adminis-
trator for Technology Utilization and Policy Planning. Admiral
Rose had retired from active duty March 31, 1964, after serving as
Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, Defense Advisor to the U.S.
Ambassador to NATO, and from 1961 as Commandant, Industrial
College of the Armed Forces.
On April 21, 1964, W. Randolph Lovelace III, M.D., was appointed
Director of Space Medicine within the Office of Manned Space Flight.
Dr. Lovelace came from the Lovelace Clinic and Lovelace Foundation
with which he has been associated from 1946.
On June 1, 1964, Breene M. Kerr was appointed Deputy Assistant
Administrator for Technology Utilization. Mr. Kerr had been asso-
ciated with the Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., from 1953; he came
to NASA from the position of Manager of the Land Department of
the corporation.
On May 18, 1964, Joseph T. Dickerson, Jr., was appointed Special
Assistant to the Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight.

Mr. Dickerson served as Executive Vice President of the Mid-Con-

tinent Oil and Gas Association from 1960, and had previously served
in various executive capacities with the Shell Oil Co. and its
On June 29, 1964, George Frie_, Jr., was appointed Deputy As-
sociate Administrator for Industry Affairs. Mr. Friedl had retired
from the Litton Industries, Inc., Beverly Hills, Calif., in May 1960,
with which he had been associated in a number of key executive
capacities from 1955. From 1960 until his appointment Mr. Friedl
had served in various consultive capacities and in community affairs.
Reasslgnments.--On May 24, 1964, George J. Vecchietti was ap-
pointed Director of Procurement. He had been serving as Acting
Director of Procurement from February 7, 1964, and had come to
NASA as Assistant Director of Procurement and Supply.
On January 12, 1964, Adelbert O. Tischler was reassigned from As-
sistant Director of Launch Vehicles and Propulsion to Director of
Chemical Propulsion Programs in the Office of Advanced Research and
Technology. Mr. Tischler had previously served as Chief, Liquid
Rocket Program and Chief, Large Engine Rocket Program.
On May 17, 1964, Earl D. Hilburn was made Deputy Associate Ad-
ministrator. He had previously served as Deputy Associate Ad-
ministrator for Industry Affairs.
On February 16, 1964, George M. Low was reassigned as Deputy
Director of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. He
had, from November 1, 1963, served as Deputy Associate Administrator
for Manned Space Flight.
On May 19, 1964, Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., was appointed Deputy As-
sociate Administrator for Advanced Research and Technology. He
had been serving as Assistant Director for Research and Development
Analysis and Planning at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Terminations.--Walter C. Williams resigned April 24. 1964, from
the position of Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space
Flight Operations. From November 1, 1961, to November 1, 1963, he
had served as Deputy Director of the NASA Manned Spacecraft
Center. Before that he had served as head of the Project Mercury
Flight Operations Group of the former Space Task Group, and as
Director of the NACAJNASA Flight Research Center, Edwards,
James C. Elms resigned January 31, 1964, as Deputy Director for
Development and Programs, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, in
:vhich capacity he had served from February 11, 1963, when he joined
the staff of the Center.

Walter L. Lingle resigned May 15, 1964, from the position of Deputy
Associate Administrator in which he had served from November 1,
1963. He had come to NASA June 25, 1962_ and had served as Special
Assistant to the Administrator, and as Assistant Administrator for
Management Development (and) Deputy Associate Administrator for
Industry Affairs.

NASA Awards and Honors

During the period, NASA gave special recognition to certain indi-

viduals and groups for their contributions and accomplishments to the
Nation's space program.
NASA Medal for Outstanding Leadership--De E. Beeler, Flight
Research Center: For his outstanding leadership in the successful
conduct of the flight research activities at the Flight Research Center
_-ssociated with the Research Airplane Program from the X-1 through
the X-15.
NASA Certificate o/ Appreciation.--Five individuals received this
award. They were:
James E. Lo_e_ Flight Research Center: For his superior leader-
ship in the coordination and management of the X-15 Research Air-
plane Project team and his devotion to the attainment of the goals of
this national flight research program.
Joseph R. Vensel, Flight Research Center: For his outstanding
direction of Che entire X-15 flight operation in a safe and efficient
manner_ thereby contributing to the success of this national flight
research program.
James O. Elms_ Manned Spacecraft Center: For his outstanding
participation in reorganizing and managing the Manned Spacecraft
Center during the period of its rapid growth and transition from
Project Mercury to the Gemini and Apollo projects.
M.ervln Kelly, Consultant: For significant contributions to the Na-
tion's space program and particularly to the Apollo Manned Flight
System_ while serving as consul.tant to the Administrator and as
Chairman of the Management Advisory Committee for Mazmed
Space Flight.
Brig. General Thomas J. Hayes III: For his substantial contribu-
tion to the Nation's space program through skilled direction of the
Army Corps of Engineers' execution of and support to the NASA's
construction program, particularly in the planning_ design, and con-
struction of the massive and complex structures required for the
manned space flight systems.
NASA Group Achievement Award.--Presented to Flight Test
Organization, Flight Research Center_ for outstanding accomplish-

ments during the X-15 flight research program, from the first flight
on June 8, 1959, to the one hundredth flight on January 28, 1964.
(Recipients included personnel of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.)
This award was also presented to the Automatic Data Processing
Branch, Administrative Services Division, Office of Administration,
for its efforts in developing, installing, and administering the auto-
matic data processing operations that collect and report data on finan-
cial management and procurement in the field and at Headquarters.

Inventions and Contributions Board Actions

The Inventions and Contributions Board, as was indicated in the

preceding report, has three functions, two of which are statutory. It
considers the petitions of NASA contractors for waiver of rights in
inventions made by their employees. It evaluates for possible monetary
award scientific and technical contributions received from all sources,
whether made by employees of NASA or its contractors, or by persons
not affiliated with NASA programs. It makes monetary awards for
NASA employee inventions. Hearings are granted on request, as
provided in the NASA act, to petitioners for waiver of patent rights
and to applicants for awards.
Membership of the Board is shown in appendix E.

Patent Waivers Granted and Denied

During the reporting period, the Board recommended that the peti-
tions for 37 waivers be grunted and that 4 be denied. During this
period the Administrator of NASA granted 41 waivers and denied 10.
(A list of waivers granted and denied is included in app. F.)


Under the provisions of the Space Act (1958), the Board evaluates
scientific and technical contributions and recommends to the Adminis-
trator the amounts and terms of the awards to be made for any found
to have significant value in the conduct of aeronautical and space
activities. During this period, the Board received 1,497 communica-
tions and evaluated 731 contributions. From such evaluations, the
Agency granted three awards, as indicated in appendix G.

Invention Awards

Under the provisions of the Incentive Awards Act of 1954, the

Board is authorized under its own cognizance to make monetary awards

(in amounts not to exceed $5_000)_ for patentable inventions made by

NASA employees. Fifty-three such awards were made during tlm
first half of 1964. (See app. G.)

Organizational Improvements

To further implement the agencywide reorganization of November

1_ 1963_ NASA continued to make improvements during the first half
of 1964.

Executive Secretary Appointed

On February 1_ 1964, an Executive Secretary was appointed and

assigned the responsibility for maintaining the proper flow of infor-
mation between general management and other elements of NASA
Headquarters. In addition_ this official was made responsible for
providing secretariat and related services for the Policy Planning
Board_ for the Technology Utilization Advisory Committee, and
generally, for inter- and intra-agency groups or meetings involving
general management.

Basic Administrative ProcessesDocumented

In February, the Associate Administrator issued a document defin-

ing NASA_s basic administrative policies and delineating procedures
to be followed by all elements of the agency under the reorganization.
The document "NASA Basic Administrative Processes" graphically
depicts the procedural flow for the following processes: Annual au-
thorization/appropriation cycle_ budget execution_ research and de-
velopment project planning and approval_ supporting research and
technology planning and approval_ facilities planning and approval_
procurement_ and management reporting and review.
The booklet also defines functional and other basic authorities and
responsibilities of Headquarters officials, and outlines the process
by which organizational changes are approved.

Kennedy Space Center FunctionsRealined

Several major organizational improvements were made at the

Kennedy Space Center to better aline program management func-
tions with those at other field installations and headquarters.
The Assistant Director for Plans and Projects Management was
redesignated Assistant Director for Program Management. This
officiaFs systems-oriented organization was realined into an Apollo
755-265 0 - 64 - 13

Program Management Office and a Plans and Programs Support

A new position Assistant Director for Technical Support Opera-
tions--was created, and the following functions consolidated and
transferred to this official: Launch Support Operations Division,
Quality Assurance Division, communications functions, and photo-
graphic and technical reports functions.
The Assistant Director for Administration was redesignated Assist-
ant Director for Administrative Management. The Base Operations
Division (minus the communications functions) and the NASA Day-
tona Beach Office were transferred to this official.
These realinements were expected to accomplish certain specific im-
provements. For one thing, they should simplify relationships in
Apollo program management functions with NASA Headquarters,
Manned Spacecraft Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center. They
should strengthen and separate administrative and technical support
functions. They should decrease the span of control by reducing
the number of officials reporting directly to the Center Director. And
finally, the increased delegations of authority to Assistant Directors
permits more decisions to be made at levels closest to operations.

Financial Management

NASA continued to emphasize the importance of sound financial

management controls and practices. The use of self-analysis proce-
dures was particularly emphasized in our participation in the Presi-
dent's economy program instituted in November 1963. Specific im-
provements were made during the 6-month period to assist in the more
effective use of program resources.
A recently installed system of reporting manpower use information
was consolidated with a previously separate system of reporting finan-
cial data derived from the same source. This system integrates the two
types of information on a mechanized basis and provides for a simpler
and more effective appraisal of in-house program execution against
program objectives. The system became operational July 1_ 1964.
All NASA installations are now reporting costs incurred on an
accrual basis so as to provide management more precise and current
cost data for cost-performance analysis.
The format of the monthly financial management data report re-
quired of NASA's major contractors was redesigned and the instruc-
tions for its preparation and use were clarified and expanded to provide
a simpler but more useful reporting system. The revision was ap-
proved by the Bureau of the Budget and is now in use.

In order to provide a primary reference so that financial manage-

ment policy and procedures will be on a consistent agencywide basis,
a Financial Management Manual had previously been established and
two of the proposed nine volumes issued. During the period, most of
the remaining volumes were in the process of development and one
was nearly complete.
A standardized financial management reporting system for univer-
sities and nonprofit institutions was installed with the approval of
the Bureau of the Budget. One immediate benefit resulted from the
use of a Grantee Quarterly Cash Requirement Report. On the basis
of this report, U.S. Treasury cash in the hands of the grantees will be

Fiscal Year 1965 Program

Table 1 shows the planned level of effort in research, development,
operation, and construction of facilities for fiscal year 1965.
TABLE L--NASA budget estimates, l_sea_ year 1965

[In thousands]

Research and development : 1965 estimates
Gemini ....................................................... $308, 400
Apollo ....................................................... 2, 677, 500
Advanced missions ........................................... 26, 000
Geophysics and astronomy .................................... 190, 200
Lunar and planetary exploration .............................. 300, 400
Sustaining university program ................................ 46, 000
Launch vehicle development ................................... 128, 200
Bioscience .................................................... 31,000
Meteorological satellites ...................................... 37, 500
Communication satellites ...................................... 12, 600
Advanced technological satellites .............................. 31, 000
Basic research ............................................... 21,000
Space vehicle systems ........................................ 38, 800
Electronic systems ............................................ 28, 400
Human factor systems ........................................ 16, 200
Nuclear-electric systems ...................................... 48, 100
Nuclear rockets .............................................. 58, 000
Chemical propulsion .......................................... 59, 800
Space power ................................................. 13, 000
Aeronautics .................................................. 37, 000
Tracking and data acquisition ................................ 267, 900
Technology utilization ........................................ 5, 000

Total, research and development ............................ 4, 382, O00

Construction of facilities .......................................... 281, 000
Administrative operations ......................................... 641, 000

Total ...................................................... 5, 304, 000


Financial Report, June 30, 1964

Table 2 shows funds obligated and disbursed during fiscal year 1964.
Appended is a summary by appropriation showing current availabil-
ity, obligations against this availability, and unobligated balances
as of June 30.

TABLE 2.--Status oF appropriations as of June 30, 1964

[In thousands]

Research and development : Ob_igat_ms ntertts
Gemini ........................................... $419, 231 $315, 535
Completed missions ............................... *--80 16, 662
Apollo ........................................... 2, 224, 965 1, 856, 693
Advanced missions ............................... 13, 927 8, 493
Launch vehicle development ...................... 123, 257 125, 131
Lunar and planetary exploration .................. 199, 664 193, 394
Geophysics and astronomy ........................ 129, 820 101, 376
Manned space science ............................ 2, 260 968
Bioscience ........................................ 21,100 12, 013
Unmanned vehicle procurement ................... 112, 753 121, 206
Meteorological satellites .......................... 57, 485 56, 936
Communications satellites ......................... 15, 528 21, 688
Advanced applications satellites ................... 248 503
Advanced technological satellites .................. 10, 754 1,392
Nuclear-electric systems .......................... 42, 588 42, 193
Nuclear rockets .................................. 78, 669 68, 761
Space power ..................................... 12, 536 8, 182
Space vehicle systems ............................ 42, 740 38, 891
Electronic systems ................................ 24, 698 16, 610
Human factor systems ........................... 11, 425 9, 016
Chemical propulsion .............................. 46, 360 56, 238
Research program ................................ 21, 151 17, 918
Aeronautics ....................................... 17, 038 13, 595
Tracking and data acquisition ..................... 148, 780 121, 142
Facility, training and research grants ............. 35, 924 12, 192
Technology utilization ............................ 3, 192 1, 377
Operations ....................................... 8, 394 79, 748
Reimbursable ..................................... 51, 664 59, 594

Total. research and development ................ 3, 876, 071 3, 377, 357

Construction of facilities ............................. 546, 401 439, 841
Administrative operations ............................ 496, 398 417, 932

Total .......................................... 4, 918, 870 4, 235, 130

*Represents a net downward adjustment of obligations incurred in prior years.

TABLr_ 2.--Status of appropriations a._ o[ June 30, 1,96_i--Continued

[ In thousands ]
Appropriations summary

Current Total Unobligated

availability obligations balance
Research and development ............... $4, 120, 368 $3, 876, 071 $244, 297
Construction of facilities ................. 1,091, 192 546, 401 544, 791
Administrative operations ................. 498, 644 496, 398 2, 246

Total .............................. 5,710,204 4,918,870 791,334

Cost Reduction

The NASA Cost Reduction Program was partially implemented in

the fall of 1963, and on December 31, 1963, NASA made its first cost
reduction report to the President.
The first report established a fiscal year 1964 goal of $81,780,000 and
listed the principal methods by which NASA economies were being
achieved. (NASA actually effected measurable economies of $128,-
783,000 during fiscal year 1964.)
The NASA Cost Reduction Program was formally implemented by
NASA Management Manual Issuance 19-1-1, dated May 15, 1964.
This issuance, among other things, established a Cost Reduction Board
comprised of representatives of NASA's top management and gave
the Board a full-time staff. It also instructed officials in charge of
headquarters program and staff offices and directors of field in-
stallations to assign appropriate personnel to the program and give
them sufficient authority to ensure its implementation at the operating
levels. Full implementation of this program was assigned highest
priority. The internal phase of the program has been implemented,
and the contractor participation phase was planned to begin July 1,
Procurement and Supply Management

During the period, NASA continued to improve its procurement

techniques, procedures, and management in order to adequately sup-
port all of the Agency's complex programs.

Incentive Contractin9

NASA continued its policy of using incentive arrangements appro-

priate to the circumstances in all possible procurement actions as the
most effective means of reducing and controlling costs, assuring timely
deliveries, and obtaining the maximum capability and reliability.
This practice began in 1962 and has progressed to the point that, by
_¥[ay of 1964, there were 38 incentive-type contracts with a total target

value of $353,567,781. Also a number of additional actions with an

estimated value of over $163 million were being negotiated.
NASA has profited by the experiences of other agencies in the field
of incentive contracting. The Agency has established a particularly
valuable liaison with the Department of Defense. However_ because
NASA's missions, organization_ and capabilities are oriente_l toward a
particular kind of research and development, with relatively little
opportunity for the application of production techniques, the Agency
must discriminate in adapting other agencies' policies and procedures
to its own use.
Even so, NASA's plans called for continuing the practice of en-
couraging incentives in contracts.
For one thing, all levels of the Agency's organization are empha-
sizing that appropriate incentives will be used in contracts to the
fullest extent practicable. For another, NASA officials are examin-
ing existing cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts which have potential for
conversion to an incentive type and converting as many as possible.
For a third, the Agency is continuing the present training program
with revised and updated manuals, exploring the feasibility of pro-
viding for additional training at advanced levels, and engaging in
studies of methods of structuring incentives to produce the best bal-
anced motivations. For still another course of action the Agency is
maintaining effective liaison with other agencies, industry, and edu-
cational organizations for prompt information on techniques, methods,
and approaches that may have applicability. Finally, the Agency
is providing field personnel with timely and responsive assistance in
their conduct of the incentives program by publishing sound guidance
and by having headquarters specialists participate as consultants on
specific problems.

Negotiated Overhead Rates

NASA established a procedure for the use of negotiated overhead

rates in cost reimbursement-type contracts and subcontracts. (NASA
Procurement Regulation, Part 3, Subpart 7). Since many contractors
doing business with both NASA and Department of Defense are sub-
ject to the negotiated overhead rate procedure with DOD, NASA
participates in such negotiations and the rates negotiated are appli-
cable NASA-wide. Because of a shift in procurement predominance,
NASA may become the sponsoring agency for such negotiations with
certain contractors; in those instances, DOD will participate with
NASA in the negotiations.
These coordinated negotiations are beneficial to the Government
because a uniform position is presented to the contractor and admin-

istrative effort is lessened since, by one negotiation, overhead rates

are established and incorporated into all applicable NASA and DOD

NASA Procurement Regulations

The Agency also completed a program to improve and increase

the effectiveness of its procurement regulations. Under this program,
all procurement policies, procedures, and instructions were consoli-
dated and published in a separate document entitled the "NASA
Procurement Regulation." This regulation was made readily acces-
sible to procurement personnel and placed on sale to the general public
through the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Co-location of ProcurementPersonnelin Program Offices

On February 1, 1964, NASA realined certain responsibilities among

its headquarters offices. This resulted in more responsibility for the
program offices in certain areas of procurement. These offices assumed
a more active role in processing contracts and procurement plans
which are referred by the field installations to headquarters for
To ensure that the new system will work efficiently, the Office of
Procurement made one or more of its own personnel available to each
of the program offices (except the Office of Manned Space Flight,
which already had procurement personnel). These people were "co-
located"; that is, they were physically located in the program offices.
They serve as advisors and staff assistants in procurement matters,
performing specific functions of coordinating and reviewing procure-
ment documents for the program director. They also provide close
liaison at the working level between the program office and the Office
of Procurement.

Requirementfor Headquarters Approval of All letter Contract Issuances

In line with NASA's policy of reducing to a minimum, and even-

tually eliminating, letter contracts, the Agency established a require-
ment that all letter contracts, regardless of dollar amount, be
authorized by headquarters. This requirement makes certain that
letter contracts are issued only when fully justified and facilitates
the effort to eliminate letter contracts in the future. (Previously,
headquarters authorization to issue a letter contract was required only
when it was estimated that the dollar amount of the contract would
require headquarters approval.)

Dollar Level of Individual ContractsRequiringHeadquartersApproval Raised

Effective March 12, 1964, the dollar level established for individual
contracts requiring headquarters approval was raised appreciably for
nine installations because of variation in size, function, and procure-
ment staffs of the installations. The highest dollar level was raised
from $1 million to $2,500,000, and this applies to six NASA installa-
tions. The lowest level is now $200,000, applying to one installation.
The revised dollar levels indicate confidence on the part of headquar-
ters that the field installations, through their own experience and
headquarters guidance, are increasingly able to handle large and
complex procurements.

NASA Policy and Proceduresfor Use of Contractsfor Nonpersonal Services

This new regulation was issued to set forth NASA policy with
respect to the use of contracts for nonpersonal services and the prin-
ciples and requirements to be followed by all NASA installations.
This regulation does not apply to contracts for personal services or to
the hiring of consultants and experts.

Two-Step Formal Advertising

NASA issued a new regulation authorizing the use of two-step

formal advertising. This is a method of procurement which is con-
ducted in two phases. The first phase results in submission and evalu-
ation of technical proposals, without pricing. The second phase
follows ordinary formal advertising procedures, except that each
bidder bids upon his own proi)osal, which has previously been deter-
mined to be acceptable. The use of these procedures must be approved
in advance at a higher level than the contracting officer.

Labor Regulations

These regulations were revised on a priority basis in order to reflect

changes in Department of Labor Regulations concerning wage rate
determinations (29 CFR pts. 1, 3, and 5, as published in the Federal
Register of Jan. 4, 1964, 29 F.R. 95-104). Additional revisions to the
NASA procurement regulation, designed to further implement the
revised Department of Labor Regulations, are to be issued when

Safety and Health

This new regulation was developed to set forth the policy, responsi-
bility, and requirements for contract provisions relating to NASA's
safety and health program.

Summary of Contract Awards

NASA's procurements for the last 6 months of fiscal year 1964

totaled $2,643 million. This is 37 percent more than was awarded
during the corresponding period of fiscal year 1963.
Approximately 78 percent of the net dollar value was placed di-
rectly with business firms, 3 percent with educational and other
nonprofit institution organizations, 4 percent with the California
Institute of Technology for operation of the Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory, and 15 percent with or through other Government agencies.
Contracts Awarded to Private Industry.--Ninety percent of the
dollar value of procurement requests placed by NASA with other
Government agencies resulted in contracts with industry awarded by
such other agencies on behalf of NASA. Als% about 73 percent of
the funds placed by NASA under the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
contract resulted in subcontracts or purchases with business firms.
In short_ about 94 percent of NASA_s procurement dollars was
contracted to private industry.
Sixty-two percent of the total direct awards to business represented
competitive procurements_ either through formal advertising or com-
petitive negotiation. An additional 1,0 percent represented actions on
follow-on contracts placed with companies that had previously been
selected on a competitive basis to perform the research and develop-
ment on the applicable project. In these instances_ selection of another
source would have resulted in additional cost to the Government by
reason of duplicate preparation and investment. The remaining 26
percent included contracts for facilities required at contractors _ plants
for performance of their NASA research and development effort,
contracts arising from unsolicited proposals offering new ideas and
concepts_ contracts employing unique capabilities_ and procurements
of sole-source items.
Reflecting the fact that NASA_s procurements are primarily for
research and development, 76 percent of the awards to business was
placed under cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts. However_ in line with
NASA_s policy to include incentive provisions in its contracts_ where-
ever appropriate, 10 percent of the awards repre_nted incentive-type
contracts. Thirteen percent of the awards were placed under firm
fixed-price contracts.
Sm,oll Buainess Part;cipat_on.--Small business firms received 7 per-
cent of NASA's direct awards to business. Excluding the 90 largest
awards which were for major systems and hardware requiring re-
sources not generally within the capability of small business on a prime
contract basis_ small business received 18 percent of the total awards
to business.

In addition to the direct awards to small business, approximately

17 percent of NASA's awards to large business are being subcontracted
to small business.
Geographical Distribution of Prime Contracts.--Within the United
States, NASA's prime contract awards were distributed among 49
States and the District of Columbia. Business firms in 44 States, edu-
cational institutions in 49 States, and other nonprofit institutions in
24 States participated in the awards. Eight percent of the awards
were placed in labor surplus areas located in 24 States.
Subcontractlng.--Subcontracting effected a further distribution of
the prime contract awards. Twelve of NASA's major prime contracts
located in 9 States reported that their larger subcontract awards on
NASA effort had gone to 1,400 subcontractors in 45 States and that
77 percent of these subcontract dollars had crossed State lines.
Major Contract Awards.--Among the major research and develop-
ment aggregate contract awards by NASA during the period were
the following:
(1) North American Aviation, Inc., Downey, Calif., NAS9-
150. Desig'n, develop, and test three-man earth to moon and
return Apollo spacecraft. Awarded $545 million; cumulative
awards $870 million.
(2) McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo., NAS9-170.
Design and develop two-man Gemini spacecraft. Awarded $268
million; cumulative awards $491 million.
(3) The Boeing Co., Huntsville, Ala., NAS8-5608. Design,
develop, and fabricate the S-IC Stage of the Saturn V vehicle
and construct facilities in support of the S-IC stage. Awarded
$160 million ; cumulative awards $2"27 million.
(4) Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Santa Monica, Calif., NAS7-
101. Design, develop, and fabricate the S-IVB stage of the
Saturn V vehicle and associated ground support equipment.
Awarded $140 million; cumulative awards $177 million.
(5) Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., Bethpage, N.Y.,
NAS9-1100. Lunar excursion module development for the Apol-
lo Program. Awarded $135 million; cumulative awards $150
(6) North American Aviation, Inc., Downey, Calif., NAS7-
2C0. Design, develop, fabricate, and test the S-II stage of the
Saturn V vehicle. Awarded $123 million; cumulative awards
$217 million.
(7) General Dynamics Corp., San Diego, Calif., NAS3-3232.
Develop, fabricate, and deliver Centaur vehicles and support

equipment. Awarded $114 million; cumulative awards $168

(8) General Electric Co., Daytona Beach, Fla., NASw-410.
Overall integration, checkout_ and reliability of Apollo space ve-
hicle system. Awarded $97 million; cumulative awards $122
(9) Chrysler Corp., New Orleans_ La, NAS84016. Fabri-
cate, assemble, checkout, and static test Saturn S-1 stage. Pro-
vide product improvement program and spare parts support.
Modify areas of Michoud Plant assigned to contractor. Awarded
$90 million ; cumulative awards $154 million.
(10) Aerojet General Corp., Azusa, Calif., SNP-1. Design,
develop, and produce a nuclear powered rocket engine (NERVA).
Awarded $82 million; cumulative awards $194 million.
(11) Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif., NAS7-1.
Design, develop, and fabricate Saturn S-IV stage and associated
ground support equipment for the Saturn S-I vehicle. Awarded
$82 million ; cumulative awards $218 million.
(12) North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif.,
NASw-16. Develop and fabricate 1,50_,000-pound-thrust F-1
rocket engine. Awarded $63 million; cumulative awards $229
(13) North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif.,
NAS8-19. Develop 200,000-pound-thrust J-2 rocket engine.
Awarded $50 million ; cumulative $133 million.
(14) North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif.,
NAS8-5604. Procure l_500,000-pound-thrust F-1 rocket engines
with supporting services and hardware. Awarded $40 million;
cumulative awards $57 million.
(15) General Motors Corp., Milwaukee, Wis., NAS9-497.
Guidance computer subsystem for Apollo command service mod-
ule. Awarded $39 million; cumulative awards $48 million.
(16) North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif.,
NAS8-5603. Procure 200,000-pound-thrust J-2 rocket engines
with supporting services and hardware. Awarded $34 million;
cumulative awards $52 million.
(17) Philco Corp., Palo Alto, Calif., NAS9-1261. Equipment
and construction of facilities for the Integrated Mission Control
Center. Awarded $33 million ; cumulative awards $43 million.
(18) Aerojet General Corp., Sacramento, Calif., NAS3-2555.
Design, develop, and test 1,500,000-pound-thrust M-1 rocket en-
gine. Awarded $23 million; cumulative awards $67 million.

(19) Raytheon Co., Bedford, Mass., NAS9-498. Guidance

computer subsystem for Apollo spacecraft. Awarded $21 mil-
lion ; cumulative awards $27 million.
(20) Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp., Bethpage, N.Y.,
NAS5-814. Design and develop S-18, S-58 orbiting astronomi-
cal observatories. Awarded $21 million; cumulative awards $85
Major Contraetors.--The 25 contractors receiving the largest direct
awards (net value) during fiscal year 1964 are as follows:
AeroJet General Corp. Hughes Aircraft Co.
*Sacramento,- Calif. *Culver City, Calif.
Bendix Corp. International Business Machines Corp.
*Owings Mills, Md. *Reckville, Md.
Blount Bros. Construction Co. Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc.
*Montgomery, Ale. *Dallas, Tex.
Boeing Co. Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
*Huntsville, Ale. *Sunnyvale, Calif.
Brown Engineering Co., Inc. McDonnell Aircraft Corp.
*Huntsville, Ale. St. Louis, Mo.
Chrysler Corp. North American Aviation, Inc.
*New Orleans, La. *Downey, Calif.
Control Data Corp. Philco Corp.
*Minneapolis, Minn. *Palo Alto, Calif.
Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc. Radio Corp. of America
*Santa Monica, Calif. Princeton, N.J.
General Dynamics Corp. Raytheon Co.
*San Diego, Calif. *Bedford, Mass.
General Electric Co. Thompson-Ra mo-Wooldridge, Inc.
*Daytona Beach, Fla. *Redondo Beach, Calif.
General Motors Corp. Union Carbide Corp.
*Mihvaukee, Wis. *Frontana, Calif.
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. United Aircraft Corp.
Bethpage, N.Y. *West Palm Beach, Fla.
Hayes International Corp.
*Birmingham, Ale.

*Awards during period involve more than 1 contractor address.

Technology Utilization

During the reporting period, this NASA program placed prime

emphasis on improving the flow of technical information to potential
users. NASA continued a solid program of pilot projects to en-
courage the transfer of space research information on a regional basis.
The results of the first year's operation at the Aerospace Research
Applications Center at Indian,_ University were positive and en-
couraging. The utilization of the service by the members was in-

creasing rapidly, and the number of participating companies growing

steadily. NASA support was continued for the second year.
In addition to efforts previously initiated at Wayne State University
and the University of Maryland, similar regional information centers
were being supported at the University of Pittsburgh and the North
Carolina Research Triangle. In all of these centers the cooperation
and support of regional industry was being obtained. NASA's role
was one of encouraging and assisting in testing the feasibility of the
local approach. A university in most cases is the primary agency,
and the ultimate goal is self-sufficiency of the centers.
During the report period, the issuance of brief technical bulletins
called "Tech Briefs" was initiated to acquaint industry with promising
innovations identified by NASA installations and NASA contractors.
By passing these innovations on to industry as quickly as possible,
technology relevant to particular needs can be quickly utilized. The
Tech Briefs are distributed to a special mailing list consisting of com-
panies and individuals who have requested all technolo_ utilization
publications, as well as to the trade press and news media.
When a sufficient quantity of these 1-2-page descriptions has been
published, they will be indexed, bound, and placed on sale through
the Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services. As of
June 30, 1964, 124 Tech Briefs had been published and disseminated.
They cover such diverse subjects as the uses of refractory ceramics,
valve design, and cutting torches designed from hypodermic needles.
Cooperation with other Federal agencies was continued and ex-
panded. In continuation of the Technology Utilization Division's
attempts to assure a full flow of scientific and technical information
from space research to smaller businesses, addressees of the Small
Business Administration's "facility inventory" list received notices
on selected Technolog'y Utilization publications. About 8,000 requests
have heen received for one or more publications.
Close cooperation was also established with the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) on
matters related to their areas of responsibility. The Food and Drug
Administration showed interest in a device adapted from NASA-
developed equipment which may permit monitoring of heart functions
in drugged chicken embryos. The BPR was cosponsoring a highway
safety film which deals with the tire hydroplaning phenomenon, first
identified and studied in detail at Langley Research Center.
Appendix A


(Jan. 1-June30, 196.})

Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences


Chairman CLIFFORD P. CASE, New Jersey




JOHN STENNIS, Mississippi


THOMAS J. I)ODD, Connecticut




House Committeeon Science and Astronautics


Chairman Massachusetts

OLIN n. TEAGUE, Texas JAMES G. FULTON, Pennsylvania


KEN HECHLER, West Virginia WILLIAM K. VAN PELT, Wisconsin




Boa CASEY, Texas ALPHONZO BELL, California



WILLIAM F. RYAN, New York JAMES I). WEAVER, Pennsylvania


JOE I). WAGOONNER, JR., Louisiana JOHN W. WYDLEE, New York



DON FUQUA, Florida


Appendix B

Membership of the National Aeronautics and Space Council

(Jan. 1-Jume 30,1964)

(Vacant) Chairman
Vice President o/ the United States

Secretary o/ State

Secretary of De/ense

JAmEs E. WEBB, Administrator

National A e_Tnautlcs and Space Administration

GLENN T. S_ABOR_, Chai_um

Atomic E_ergy Commission

Executive Secretary

Appendix C

Current Official Mailing Addresses for Field Installations

(June 80, 19e_)

Installation and telephone number Official Address

Ames Research Center; YO 8-9411........ Dr. Smith J. DcFrance, Director_ _ Moffett Field, CaliL
Flight Research Center; 258-3311........ Mr. Paul Bikle, Director .......... Post Office Box 273, Ed-
wards, Calif.
Goddard Space Flight Center; 474-9000_ Dr. H. J. Goett, Director ......... Greenbelt, Md.
Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Dr. Robert $astrow, Director ..... 475 Riverside Dr., New
UN 6-36O0. York 27, N.Y.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory; SY 0-6811___ Dr. W. H. Plckering, Director .... 4800 Oak Grove Dr.,
Pasadena 3, Calif.
John F. Kennedy Space Center; UL 3- Dr. Kurt Debus, Director ......... Cocoa Beach, Fla.
Lewis Research Center; 433-4000 ......... Dr. Abe Silveretein, Director ..... 21000 Brookpark Rd.,
Cleveland 35, Ohio.
Manned Spacecraft Center; WA 8-2811__ Dr. R. R. Gilrnth, Director ....... Houston 1, Tex.
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center; Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director_. Huntsville, Ala.
Michoud Operations; 521-3311 ........... Mr. George Constan, Manager .... Post Office Box 26078, New
Orleans 26, La.
Mississippi Test Operations; 467-5466 .... Mr. William C. Fortune, Man. Bay St. Louis, Miss.
North Eastern Office; 491-1500 ........... Mr. F. W. Phillips, Director ...... 30 Memorial Dr., Cam-
bridge 42, Mass.
Pacific Launch Operations Office; RE Mr. William H. Evans, Director__ Post Office Box 425, Lom-
4--4311. poc, Calif.
Plum Brook Station; MA 5-1123 ........ Mr. Alan D. Johnson, Director_ _. Sandusky, Obio.
Wallops Station; VA 4-3411 .............. Mr. Robert Krieger, Director ..... Wallops Island, Va.
Western Operations Office; EX 3-9641__ Mr. R. W. Kamm, Director ...... 150 Pico Blvd., Santa
Mouic_, Calif.

Appendix D

Principal Officials of NASA at Washington Headquarters

(June 30, 196_)

J.ames E. Webb .................... Administrator

Dr. Hugh L. Dryden ............... Deputy Administrator
Dr. George L. Simpson, Jr .......... Assistant Deputy Administrator, and As-
sisVant Administrator, Office of Technol-
ogy Utilization and PoUcy Planning
Waiter D. Sohier .................. General Counsel
Arnold W. Frutkin ................ Assistant Administrator, Office of Interna-
tional Programs
Richard L. Callaghan .............. Assistant Administrator, Office of Legis-
lative Affairs
Julian Scheer ..................... Assistant Administrator, Office of Public
Dr. Robert C. Seamans. Jr ......... Associate Administrator
John D. Young .................... Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of
Earl D. Hilburn ................... Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of
Industry Affairs
DeMarquis D. Wyatt .............. Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of
Adm. W. Fred Boone, USN, (Ret.)__ Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of
Defense Affairs
Edmond C. Buckley ............... Director, Office of Tracking and Data Ac-
Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff ....... Associate Administrator, Office of Advanced
Research _and Technology
Dr. George E. Mueller ............. Associate Administrator, Office of Manned
Space Flight
Dr. Homer E. Newell .............. Associate Administrator, Office of Space
Science and Applications
( Telephone information : WO 3-7101 )


755-266 O - 64 -14
Appendix E

Membership of Inventions and ContributionsBoard, NASA

(June 30, 196_)
Chairman ................................... ROBERT E. LITTELL
Vice Chairman__ ............................ PAUL G. DEMBLINO
Executive Secretary ......................... JAMES A. HOOTMAN
Members ................................... J. ALLEN CROCKER

Appendix F

Patent Waivers Granted and Denied by NASA Upon Recommendation

o[ the Agency's Inventions and Contributions Board

(Jan. 1-June 30, 196._)

Invention Petitioner Action on petition

Magnetic-Flux Pump ..................... Califorma Institute of Technology___ Granted San. 13, 1964.
Magnetic-Field-Trapping Device ............... do ............................... Do.
Magnetic-Flux Pump .......................... do ............................... Do.
Continuous Magnetic-Flux Pump .............. do ............................... Do.
Cryogenic Flow Meter Calibrator ......... North American Aviation, Ine ...... Denial Jan. 20, 1964.
International Business Machines, Granted Jan. 20, 1964.
Arithmetic Divider Circuit ................ Corp.
Solid State Camera Apparatus and System. ] Electro-Radiation, Ine .............. Do.
Radiant Heat Attenuator ................. [ North American Aviation, Ine ...... Denial Jan. 24, 1964.
Paraglider Deployment .................... i ..... do ............................... Denial Jan. 30, 1964.
Ferroelectric Bolometer .................... ] Ingras et al of Harvard College ...... Granted Feb. 3, 1_4.
Keyed Connector for Plugs and Sockets .... I McDonnell Aircraft Corporation .... Do.
At Assembly Tube Cleaning Tool .............. do ............................... Do.
At Assembly Tube Cut Off Tool ............... do ............................... Do.
Tube End Deburring Tool ..................... do ............................... Do.
Two-Way Solenoid Valve ................. North American Aviation, Ine ...... Granted Feb. 5, 1964.
Swash-Plate Gimbal Bearing ................... do ............................... Do.
High Speed Differential Sampler and Am- International Business Machines, Granted Feb. 7, 1964.
plifler. Corp.
Microwave Frequency Doubler ........... Hughes Aircraft Co ................. Do.
Fastener-Honeycomb Non-Crush Installa- North American Aviation, Inc ...... Do.
Airborne Sampled Data Reduction ........ International Business Machines, Granted Feb. 14, 1964.
Temperature Transducer .................. Ball Brothers Research Corp ........ Do.
Porous Body with Imperviously Sealed Knilte Tungsten Co ................. Do.
Outer Surface and Method of Making
Analog-to-Digital Converter ............... Californis Institute of Technology... Granted Feb. 20, _g64.
Selsmometer ............................... ..... do ............................... Do.
Pressure Responsive Ring Valve .......... North American Aviation, Inc ...... Denikl Feb. 20,1964.
Improved Ionization Vacuum Gage ....... CaUfomia Institute of Technology... Denial Mar. 2, 1964.
Hypergollc Pressurization System ......... North American Aviation, Ine ...... Do.
Composition of Matter and Method of Space Technology Laboratories, Granted Mar. 2, 1964.
Making Same. Inc.
Transient-Free Phase-Leck Loop Band- .... do ............................... Denial Mar. 9, 1964.
width Switching.
An Adapter Filter for a Phase Lock Loop ...... do ............................... Do.
Solar Cell Mounting ............................ do ............................... Denial Mar. 12, 1964.
Low Pressure Relief Valve ................ North American Aviation, Ine ...... Granted Mar. 12, 1964.
Ion Gage .................................. Hughes Aircraft Co ................. Granted Mar. 13, 1964.
Dual-Wound Helix ........................ Space Technology Laboratories, Do.



Patent Waivers Granted and Denied by NASA Upon Recommendation

of the Agency's Inventions and Contributions Board--Continued
(Jan. 1-June 30, 1964)

Invention Petitioner Action on petition

Film Reader .............................. C htcago Aerial Industries ........... Granted Apr. 13, 1964:.
Developer-Processor ............................. do ............................... Do.
Improvements in Laminated Magnetic Radio Corp. of America ............. Granted Apr. 20, 1964.
Memories for use with Integrated Semi-
conductor Circuit Systems.
Determination of Composition of Liquid North American Aviation, Inc ...... Granted May 6, 1964.
Fecal Canister Assembly and Fecal Collec- ..... do ............................... Do.
tion Bag.
Exhaust Gas Cooled Nozzle Extension .... ..... do ............................... Denial May 11, 1964.
Wet Wall Insulation for Cryogenic Fluids_ Douglas Aircraft Corp .............. Granted May 11, 1964.
Drill ...................................... ..... do ............................... Granted May 12, 1964.
Method of IIeat Treating Age Hardenable North American Aviation, Inc ...... Do.
Ceramic-to-Metal Seal ..................... Eitel-McCullough, Inc .............. Granted May 22, 1964.
Method for the Preparation of Inorganic Monsanto Chemical Co ............. Do.

Single Crystal and Polycrystal Elec-

tronic Material.
Solar Cell Module Assembly Jig ........... Space Technology Laboratories, Granted May 22, 1964.
Regenerative Fuel Cell .................... Electro-Optical Systems, Inc ........ Granted June 10, 1964
Method of Fabricating Fine Grids ......... ..... do .............................. Do.
A Porous Metal Structure and Process ..... do ............................... Do,
Brazed Fluid System Stub Union Re- McDonnell Aircraft Corp ......... Do.
moval Tool.
Universal Restrainer and Joint ............ North American Aviation, Inc ...... Do.
Appendix G

Scientific and Technical Contributions Recognized by the Agency's Inven-

tions and Contributions Board
(Jan. I-June 30, 1964)
Awards Granted Under Provisions of Section 306 of the ,Space Act of 1958

Contribution Inventor(s) Employer

Spin adjusting mechanism ......... Robert C. Baumann and Leopold Goddard Space FLight Center.
Tra]ectory-correctlon propulsion William W. Smith ................ Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Cali-
system. fornia Institute of Technology).
Bruce W. Schmltz ................ Rocket Research Corp.
Solar cell for radiation environ- William R. Cherry ................ Goddard Space Flight Center.
ment Joseph Mandelkorn ............... Lewis Research Center.

Awards Granted NASA Employees Under Provisions of the Incentive Awards Ac t

of 195_,

Invention Inventor(s) Employer

Externally Pressurized Fluid Bear- Emmett L. Martz ................ Marshall Space Flight Center.
Heat Shield ....................... Richard B. Erb and Kenneth C. Manned Spacecraft Center.
Wide Range Linear Fluxgate James P. Heppner and Harold R. Goddard Space Flight Center.
Magnetometer Boroson.
Self-Calibrating Displacement Royce L. McKlnney .............. Langley Research Center.
Bt-Carrier Demodulation with James R. Currie .................. Marshall Space Flight Center.
Modulation Separation.
Reduced Gravity Simulator ....... Donald E. Hcwcs and Amos A. Langley Research Center.
Spady, Jr.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) Simu- Gary J. Woods .................... Manned Spacecraft Center.
Automatic Spacing Control Sys- Herschel M. Nance ............... Marshall Space Flight Center.
Method and Apparatus for Mak- Warren J. Price ................... Langley Research Center.
ing Two-Sided Printed Circuit
Continuously Indicating Calo- Robert D. Ross ................... Langley Research Center.
Pressure Balance .................. Albert Schuler .................... Marshall Space Flight Center.
High-Efficiency Mnitivibrator_ .... Robert M. Munos ................ Ames Research Center.
Mtnimum-Induced-Drng Airfoil Clarence D. Cone, Jr .............. Langley Research Center.


Awards G_ranted NASA Employees Under Pr@visions of the Incentive Awards

Act of 195_---Continued

Contribution Inventor(s) Employer

Normal Shock Positioning Appa- George Vasu ...................... Lewis Research Center.
Practical Hot Wire Liquid Level William A. Oisen ................. Lewis Research Center.
Detector for Cryogenic Fluids.
Foldable Conduit ................. Laurence W. Gertsma and James Lewis Research Center.
H. Dunn.
Highly Flexible Cellular Structure. Robert J. Carmody ............... Marshall Space Flight Center.
Bilateral Energy Transfer System_ Klaus Juergeusen ................. Marshall Space Flight Center.
Force Measuring Instrument ...... Lester Katz and Jack J. Nichols__ Marshall Space Flight Center.
Metallic Film Lubricant .......... Donald H. Buckley and Robert Lewis Research Center.
L. Johnson
Thin Window, Drifted Silicon, Theodore E. Fessler, John S. Vin- Lewis Research Center.
Charged Particle Detector. cent, and Albert B. Smith.
Annular Rocket Motor ............ James F. Conners ................. Lewis Research Center.
Apparatus for Absorbing and Robert Y. Wong, William J. Lewis Research Center.
Measuring Power. Nusbaum, and Donald E.
Self-Latching Handle .............. Benjamin M. Saunders .......... Marshall Space Flight Center.
Test Unit Free-Flight Suspension Wilmer H. Reed, III .............. Langley Research Center.
Dynamic Precession Damper for Howell D. Garner and Henry J. Langley Research Center.
Spin-Stabilized Vehicles. E. Reid, Jr.
Gas Actuated Bolt Disconnect .... William H. Kiuard ............... Langley Research Center.
Electro-Thermal Rockets Having Paul F. Brinich and John R. Jack.. Lewis Research Center.
Improved Heat Exchangers.
Manned Space Vehicle Configu- Alan B. Kehlet, Dennis F. Haseon. Langley Research Center/God-
ration. and William W. Petynia. dard Space Flight Center.
Separator .................... Franklin W. Booth ............... Langley Research Center.
Non-Magnetic Battery Case ....... Thomas Hennigan ................ Goddard Space Flight Center.
Heat Curing of Thermosetting Robert J. Carmody ............... Marshall Space Flight Center.
Plastic Film Adhesive.
Black-Body Furnace ............. J. Robert Branstetter and Allen Lewis Research Center.
J. Met zler.
Aircraft Whecl Spray Drag Alle- Walter B. Horne .................. Langley Research Center.
Impurity-Type S e m i - Conductor Jackson C. Horton and Harry M. Marshall Space Flight Center.
Electrical Contacts. King.
Prevention of Pressure Build-Up Thomas J. Hennigan, Paul C. Goddard Space Flight Center.
in Electrocliemlcal Cells. Donnelly, and Charles F. Pal-
andati, Jr.
Unfired-Ceramic Flame-Resistant Vanghn F. Seitzinger ............ Marshall Space Flight Center.
Apparatus and Low Viscosity Solomon S. Pape]l ................ Lewis Research Center.
Magnetic Fluid Obtained by
the Colloidal Suspension of
Magnetic Particles.
Electrc6tatic Ion Engine Having Paul D. Reader and Harold R. Lewis Research Center.
Permanent Magnetic Circuit. Kaufman.
Gas Analyzer for Bi-Gaseous Mix- Leonard T. Melfl, Jr., George M. Langley Research Center.
ture_ Wood, Jr., Paul R. Yeager.
Frequency Converter Re-Entrant Walter K. Allen ................... Geddard Space Flight Center.
Vehicle Flexible Wing Configu- Francis M. Rogallo .............. Langley Research Center.
instrument for Use in Performing Maxwell M. Lippitt, Jr., and John Manned Spacecraft Center.
a Controlled Val_alva Maneuver. tI. Reed, Jr.
Tape Cartridge .................... Kenneth W. Stark, and William Goddard Space Flight Center.
A. Burton.

Awards Granted NASA Emvloyees Under Provisions of the Incentive Awards

Act of 195_---Continued

Contribution Inventor(s) Employer

Tape Transport Mechanism ....... Kenneth W. Stark ................ Goddard Space Flight Center.
Injector Assembly for Liquid WiliiamJ. D. Escher .............. Marshall Space Flight Center.
Fueled Rocket EngineS.
Lunar Penetrometer ............... George W. Brooks, John L. Me- Langley Research Center.
Catty, and Alfred G. Beswick.
Reinforced Metallic Composite David L. McDanels, Robert W. Lewis Research Center.
Material. Jech, John W. Wecton, and
Donald W. Petrasek.
Gas Lubricant Compositions ...... Donald H. Buckley and Robert L. Lewis Research Center.
A Densitometer ................... Charles E. Miller and Robert B. Lewis Research Center.

Multiple Ionization Gage Con- Robert C. Finke .................. Lewis Research Center.

trol SYstem.
Liquid Storage Tank Venting De- Solomon S. Papeli and Robert W. Lewis Research Center.

vice for Zero Gravity Environ- Graham.

Metal Forming Die ................ John H. Chattln, John C. Laugh- Lewis Research Center.
lin, Johnny E. Haystrtck, and
]Ray A. LeAdy.
Appendix H

Educational Publications and Motion Pictures

(January 1-June 30,196_)

The following Educational Publications are available to the public upon request
without charge, from the Division of Educational Programs and Services, Edu-
cational Publications Distribution Cen'ter, AFEE-1, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Washington, D.C., 20546.
1. Advanced Research--Key to the Future.--A description for educators and
the general public of NASA's fundamental research programs.
2. NASA Facts--TIROS.--A nontechnical description of the TIROS weather
sa_tellite system.
3. TIROS Picture Set.--A compilation of photographs from the TIROS
4. NASA Photography from Five Years ol Space.--A compilation of outstand-
ing photographs of NASA's space activities.
5. NASA I_stallations.--A booklet describing NASA facilities throughout the
6. Teaching to Meet the Challenge ol the Space Age.--A handbook of aerospace
education for elementary school teachers.
7. What Makes a Rocket Go?--A teacher's film guide for use with the motion
picture of the same title.
Reprints from periodicals include :
1. Why Land on the Moon?--by Dr. Homer E. Newell, Associate Adminis-
trator for Space Science and Applications, NASA, and Dr. Robert Jastrow, Di-
rector of NASA's G_dard Institute for Space Studies, from "Atlantic Monthly."
2. Footprints on the Moon.--by Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, NASA Deputy Adminis-
trator, from "National Geographic Magazine."
3. Economic Impact ol the Space Program._by James E. _Vebb, NASA Ad-
ministrator, from "Business Horizons."
4. Forty Miles ol Inlormation Every Day 1rom Space.--by Lawrence Lessing.
Discusses new information about space and the earth gained since the opening
ofthe space age and some future plans for space exploration ; from "Fortune."
5. "Aerospace," September-October 1963 issue, by the Aerospace Industries
Association of America, Inc. The issue features NASA activities.
Updated editions of previously issued publicaq;ions include :
1. NASA Facts--Project Syncom.
2. X-15 Research at the Edge ol Space.
3. Space--The New Frontier.
4. Manned Space Flight Team.
5. Historical Origins of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
6. Educational Publications.


The following motion pictures when released will be available _o the public
upon request without charge, other than return mailing and insurance costs,
from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Educational
Programs and _Services, Educational Audio-Visual Branch, Washington, D.C.,
20546. Films presently available are listed in a brochure supplied from the
above address. These three motion pictures were in final production stages:
• "Electric Propulsion."
• "The World Was There" (NASA-news media cooperation).
• "The Shape of Things to Come" (NASA advanced research).
The following motion pictures were in the early stages of planning or
production :
• "NASA's Technology Utilization Program."
• "Historical Origins of NASA."
• "The Biosatellite Program."
• "The Development of the X-15."
• "Space Navigation."
• "Adventures in Research." (Group of 10 separate films. )
Appendix I

Technical Publications

The following selected special publications, issued by NASA's Division of

Scientific and Technical Information, are sold by the Superintendent of Docu-
ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, or, if so
indicated, by the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C., 20230, at the prices listed.
Advanced Bearing Technology (NASA SP-38).*---An exposition of the funda-
mentals of friction and wear, fluid film bearings, and rolling-element bearings,
plus demonstrations of how fundamental principles can be applied to the solution
of unique and advanced bearing problems. Authors, Edmond E. Bisson and
William J. Anderson, Lewis Research Center. 511 pp., $1.75.
Selected Listing of NASA Scientific and Technical Reports for 1963 (NASA
SP-7005).*--A comprehensive listing, complete with abstracts and indexes, of
the Agency's reports during the year. 230 pp., $3.50.
Conference on the Law of Space and of Satellite Communications (NASA
SP-44).*--Proceedings of a conference organized by Northwestern University
School of Law, May 1-2, 1963, as part of the Third National Conference on the
Peaceful Uses of Space. 205 pp., $1.50.
Space-Cabin Atmospheres: Part II, Fire and Blast Hazards (NASA SP-48).*--
A summary of the open literature on the subject, intended primarily for bio-
medical scientists and design engineers. 119 pp., $1.00.
Meteorological Observations Above 30 Kilometers (NASA SP-49).*--Three
papers on meteorological rockets, network data, and rocket soundings comprising
one session of a conference on Meteorological support for Aerospace Testing and
Operation, July 11-12, 1963. 57 pp., $0.40.
Spacc Batteries (NASA SP-5004).*--Descriptions of three sealed battery
systems for spacecraft, including discussion of a mechanism of information
exchange whereby current test data can be shared among space contractors.
53 pp., $0.25.
The Measurement of Blood Pressure in the Human Body (NASA SP-500Fl).*--
A state-of-the-art summary prepared from the open literature for nonmedical
scientists and engineers. 34 pp., $0.30.
Project Mercury Summary Including Results of the Fourth Manned Orbital
Flight, May 15 and 16, 1963 (NASA SP-$5).--A review of the planning, prepara-
tion, experiences, and results of the first U.S. manned space flight program, with
particular attention to the results of the final, 34-hour mission of L. Gordon
Cooper. 444 pp., $2.75.
Project Mercury---a Chronology (NASA SP-}OO1).--A listing of major events
in the first U.S. manned space flight program from preliminary discussions of

*Released during this report period.

I 205

earth satellite vehicles through Astronaut Cooper's 22-orbit flight, May 1963.
238 pp., $1.50.
Third United _tates Mawned Orbital Space Flight (NASA SP-l$).--Results
of the MA-8 flight by Astronaut Walter Schirra, October 1962, including
spacecraft and launch-vehicle performance, mission operations, aeromedical
analysis, pilot performance, and pilot's flight report. 120 pp., 70 cents.
Second United States Manned Orbital Space Flight (NASA SP-6).--Results
of the MA-7 flight by Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter, May 1962, including
spacecraft and launch vehicle performance, Mercury network performance,
mission operations, space science report, aeromedical studies, pilot performance,
and pilot's flight report. 107 pp., 65 cents.
Results of the Project Mercury Ballistic and Orbital Chimpwnzee Flights
(NASA SP--39).--An account of the suborbital and orbital flights conducted
in 1961 with chimpanzees as subjects in preparation for the first U.S. manned
space flights. 71 pp., 45 cents.
Space, Science, and Urban Life (NASA SP-37).--Proceedings of a conference,
March 1963, on the applicability of the national space program, and the knowl-
edge resulting from aerospace research, to the problems of urban growth. 254
pp., $1.75.
The Observatory Generation of Satellites (NASA SP-30).--Discussion of
the missions and engineering designs of the Orbiting Geophysical Observatories,
the Advanced Orbiting Solar Observatory, and the Orbiting Astronomical
Observatory. 62 pp., 50 cents.
Ariel I: The First International Satellite (NASA S/_-$3).--Project summary
of the satellite launched April 26, 1962, in a cooperative effort by the United
Kingdom and the United States. 76 pp., 70 cents.
U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1965.--Updated tables of atmospheric parameters
to 700 kilometers, incorporating results of rocket and satellite research through
mid-1962. 278 pp., in hard covers, $3.50.
Short Glossary of Space Terms (NASA SP-1 ).--Brief definitions of technical
terms frequently used by space technologists. 57 pp., 25 cents.
Selected Welding Techniques (NASA SP--5003 ).--Descriptions and illustrations
of tools and methods developed by NASA, and of potential value to industry,
for welding aluminum sheet and plate. 25 pp., 30 cents.
NASA-Industry Program Plans Conference, 1963 (NASA SP-$9).--Statements
describing NASA's organization, present plans, and possible future projects
presented for the information of industrial management as a partner in the
national space program. 231 pp., $1.25.
Conference on Space-Age Plamating (NASA SP-$O).--Proceedings of the gen-
eral sessions of the Third National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space,
May 1963. 301 pp., $2.
Proceedings of the Second National Conference an the Peaceful Uses oi Space
(NASA SP-8).--Principal addresses, scientific papers, and panel discussions at
a conference in May 1962. 282 pp., $1.50.
Measurement of Thermal Radiation Properties of Solids (NASA SP--31).--
Proceedings of a symposium sponsored jointly by NASA, the Air Force, and the
National Bureau of Standards. 587 pp., $3.50.
Proceedings of the NASA-University Conference on the Science and Tech-
nology of Space Exploration, Chicago, Ill., Novamber 1965 (NASA SP-11):--
Volume 1 : NASA's role in space exploration ; developing special skills for
research in the space sciences; impact of the space program on the univer-
sities; the role of the university in meeting national goals in space

exploration; radar astronomy; the sounding rocket as a tool for college and
university research; geophysics and astronomy; lunar and planetary
sciences; celestial mechanics and space flight analysis; data acquisition and
processing; control, guidance, and navigation; bioastronautics. 429 pp.,
Volume 2: Chemical rocket propulsion; nuclear propulsion; power for
spacecraft ; electric propulsion ; aerodynamics ; gas dynamics ; plasma
physics and magnetohydrodynamics; laboratory techniques; materials;
structures. 532 pp., $3.
The scientific papers presented at the conference, grouped by topics, are
also available as separate state-of-the-art summaries:
Geophysics and Astronomy in Space Exploration _ent8
(NASA SP-13) ............................................ 35
Lunary and Planetary Sciences in Space Exploration
(NASA SP-14) ............................................ 55
Celestial Mechanics and Space Flight Analysis
(NASA SP-15) ............................................ 35
Data Acquisition from Spacecraft (NASA SP-16) .............. 40
Control, Guidance, and Navigation of Spacecraft
(NASA SP-17) ............................................ 40
Chemical Rocket Propulsion (NASA SP-19) ................... 40
Nuclear Rocket Propulsion (NASA SP-20) .................... 45
Power for Spacecraft (NASA SP-21) ......................... 25
Electric Propulsion for Spacecraft (NASA SP-22) .............. 35
Aerodynamics of Space Vehicles (NASA SP-23) ................ 40
Gas Dynamics in Space Exploration (NASA SP-24) ........... 40
Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics in Space
Exploration (NASA SP-25) ................................ 50
Laboratory Techniques in Space Environment Research
(NASA SP-26) ............................................ 40
Materials for Space Operations (NASA SP-27) ................ 35
Structures for Space Operations (NASA SP-28) ............... 35

A noteworthy develol)ment of the publications program during the first half

of 1964 was the issuance of a new subseries of Special Publications. These data
compilations and handbooks present engineering and scientific information in
conveniently useful form for those working in specific fields, saving them time-
consuming searches to assemble these data. Among these publications were:
• Thermodynamic Properties and Mollicr Chart for Hydrogen from 300 ° K to
20,000 ° K (NASA SP-3002) ;
• Tables for Supersonic Flow Around Right Circular Co_les at Zero Angle._ of
Attack (NASA SP-3004) ;
• Energy Spectra and Angular Distributions of Electrons Transmitted Through
Sapphire Foils (NASA SP-3008) ;
• Tables of the Co_nposition, Opacity, and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydro-
gen at High Temperatures (NASA SP-3005) ; and
• Tables of Flow Properties of Thermally Perfect Carbon Dioxide and Nitroge_
Mixtures (NASA SP-3009).
These and other titles in this subgroup are available from the Office of Tech-
nical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 20230.
Major NASA Launches, January 1-June 30, 1964

Name, date launched, mission Vehicle Site Results

Relay II, Jan. 21 .......................... Thor-Delta ....... AMRL. 4,600 mile apogee 1,298 mile
To obtain communications satellite sys- perigee. TV test patterns
tem and space radiation data. excellent.
Echo II, Jan. 25 ........................... Thor-Agena B .... PMR2_. Objectives achieved 135-foot
To place inflatable plastic/aluminum rigidized balloon orbited.
balloon satellite in near-polar, near- Inflation in orbit occurred.
circular earth orbit for passive radio, Beacons transmitting as de-
teletype, and facsimile communica- signed. First U.S.-U.S.S.R.
tions tests; test its passive communi- joint space experiments con-
cations characteristics and perform- ducted beginning Feb. 21.
ance of its rigidized shape; conduct
cooperative communications test with
Soviet scientists.
Saturn I (SA-5), Jan. 29 .................. Saturn I ........... AMR.__ Objectives achieved. Both
To test Saturn I launch vehicle with stages performed as designed.
live upper stage (S-IV, liquid hydro- Orbit achieved. Orbited
gen-fueled); to orbit spent upper stage. 37,000 lbs., of which nearly
Fifth flight of Saturn I; first Block II 18,000 was payload.
Saturn; first live flight of the LOX/LH
fueled second stage (S-IV).
Ranger VI, Jan. 30 ........................ Atlas-Agena B .... AMR___ Lunar trajectory, midcourse
To place spacecraft on lunar trajectory maneuver and lunar impact
from earth ("parking") orbit; perform achieved. TV cameras failed
midcourse correction during lunar to take photos of moon dur-
trajectory; obtain photos of lunar sur- ing final 17 minutes of flight.
face during last 17 minutes of flight Impacted within 20 miles of
prior to impacting moon. target at speed of 5,950
m.p.h, on Feb. 2.
Ariel II (UK-C), Mar. 27 ................. Scout ........ WI s .... Objectives achieved. Equip-
To place satellite in elliptical orbit. To ment performed as designed.
investigate galactic radio noise, verti-
cal distribution of ozone in the atmos-
phere, and micrometeoroid flux.
Gemini (GT-1), Apr. 8 ................... Titan II ........... AMR___ Orbit achieved. All test instru-
To place Gemini spacecraft in elliptical mentation transmitted
earth orbit. To test Titan launch ve- as programed. Test objec-
hicle system, Gemini spacecraft struc- tives achieved. Decayed
tural integrity, and spacecraft-launch during 69th orbit over S.
vehicle compatibility; to demonstrate Atlantic ocean.
the launch vehicle and guidance sys-
tems. Spacecraft not equipped to
separate from second stage.

See footnotes at end of table.


Major NASA Launches, January 1-June 30, 1964-Continued

Name, date launched, mission Vehicle Site Results

Saturn I (SA-6), May 28 .................. Saturn I ......... AMR__ _ All systems performed as d
To place unmanned Apollo spacecraft signed; orbit achieved.
"boilerplate" (command and service
modules) in elliptical earth orbit; test
Saturn propulsion and structure, and
flight control systems; prove first-
second stage separation technique.

I AMR--Atlantic Missile Range, Cape Kennedy, Fla.

PMR--Paciflc Missile Range, Point Arguello, Calif.
s WI--Wallops Island, Va.
Appendix K

NASA Launch Vehicles

(June 30, 1964)

Payload in pounds

Vehicle Stages Principal use

345-mile orbit Escape Mars/

Scout .................... 150-220 .................. Launching small scientific satellites

and probes (Explorer).
Delta .................... 800 .............. 120 Launching scientific, meteorologi-
cal, and communications satellites
(TIROS, Orbiting Solar O b-
servatury, 0SO-l, Ariel, Telstar
I, Relay, and Syncom II).
TAD (Thrust 1,000 ............ 150 120 Launching scientific, meteorological,
Augmented Delta). communications, and bioscience
satellites and lunar and planetary
probes. (Pioneer A-D, TIROS
K, TIROS operational satellite
OT-3 and 0T-2, Syncom C (A-
27), Biosatenites C-F.)
Thor-Agena B ........... 1,600 .................... Launching scientific and applica-
tions satellites (Echo II, Nimbus,
Polar Orbiting Geophysical Ob-
TAT (Thrust 2 2, 200 .................... Launching Geophysics and Astron-
Augmented Thor- omy, and Applications satellites
Agena). (eGO-C, D, F, and Nimbus B).
Atlas-Agena B ........... 2½ 5, 000 ............ 750 40O Launching heavy scientific satel-
lites, lunar and planetary probes
(Ranger, Mariner).
Atlas-Centaur ........... 2_4 8,50o ............. 2,3oo 1,300 Launching heavy unmanned space-
craft fur lunar soft landers (Sur-
Atlas D ................. 1 O) ....................... Launching manned Mercury space-
Titan II ................. 2 7,(}O0,87/161 ........ Launching manned spacecraf
elliptical ((_mmi).
Saturn I (formerly 2 2o, oo0 (15, oco ........ Project Apollo.
Saturn C-I). without re-
start capa-
Saturn I-B (formerly 28, 500 ................... Project Apollo.
Saturn CIB).
Saturn V (formerly 220,000 .......... 90, O00 70,000 Project Apollo.
Advanced Saturn

i Only NASA application is Project Mercury--2,500 pounds in ll4-mile orbit.





x iiiiiiii!_iiii_i!i!iii_ii!ii!ii!i

_55-266 0 - 64 - 15
Appendix M

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l

J_n. 1-J_e 30, 196J_ _
Alabama :
NsG-381 ........ University of Alabama, R. HERMANN AND G. C_OKER-- $395, 995
S 1 Research in the aerospace physical sciences and
NsG-608 ........ University of Alabama, F. J. TISCHER ............. 40, 000
Investigate the wave propagation in the plasma
flow field typical for capsule-type spacecraft re-
entering from flights.
NsG-608 ........ University of Alabama, F. J. TISCHER ............... 40, 000
S 1 Wave propagation study.
NsG(T)-30 ...... University of Alabama, E. RODGERS ................ 192, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-18 ...... Auburn University, W. V. PARKER ................. 176, 900
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-117 ....... Southern Research Institute, A. WlXLHELM ......... 36, 524
A 3 Effect of protective coatings on the stress-corrosion
properties of supersonic tran,sport skin materials.
Alaska :
NsG-201 ........ University of Alaska, S. AKASOFU .................. 40, 000
S 3 Theoretical study of the ring current and geomag-
netic field phenomena.
NsCr-459 ........ University of Alaska, P. MORRISON ................ 80, 000
S 1 Experimental studies on physiological adaptation
to environmental extremes.
NsG(T)-131 ..... University of Alaska, K. M. RAE ................. 57, 600
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Arizona :
NsG(T)-32 ...... Arizona State University, I. STOUT ................ 106, 200
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science And technology.
NsG--120 ........ University of Arizona, R. W. G. WYCKOFr ........... 50, 000
S 3 Investigate X-rays in the region between 10 and
300A approximate with special emphasis on methods
to produce and detect.
NsG-161 ........ University of Arizona, G. P. KUIPER ............... 9, 375
S 3 Conduct site testing of Mauna Kea and Mauna
Loa, Hawaii.
NsG-161 ........ University of Arizona, G. P. KUIPER ................ 201, 000
S 4 Physical and structural surface studies of the
moon, studies of planetary atmospheres, and related
NsG-458 ........ University of Arizona, S. A. HOENIG .............. 60, 000
S 1 Development of chemisorptlon detectors for spe-
cific components of tenous planetary atmospheres.

See footnotes at end of table

_PE_DIX M 213

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated i--Continued

Jan. 1-_June 30, 196_ 2--Continued

NsG--490 ........ University of Arizona, L. E. WBAVZR .............. $30, 000

S 1 Research in and application of modern automatic
control theory to nuclear rocket dynamics and
NsG-580 ........ University of Arizona, T. L. VINCENT .............. 16, 944
A study of the calculus of variations and its appli-
cations in aerospace engineering.
NsG-628 ........ University of Arizona, S. BASHKIN ................. 127, 175
Operation of a 2-MV Van de Graeff accelerator for
basic experiments in atomic optical spectroscopy.
NsG-646 ........ University of Arizona, G. A. KORN .................. 21, 186
Research in connection with advanced hybrid
analog-digital computer systems.
NsG-681 ........ University of Arizona, G. P. KUXPEn ................ 26, 927
Solar-system studies with 16-inch telescope.
_sG(T)-33 ...... University of Arizona, H. D. RHODES ................ 177, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-218 ....... University of Arizona, H. L. JOHNSON ............... 104, 691
Conduct a design and development study of prime
experiment in stellar cx-photometry.
Arkansas :
NsG--260 ........ University of Arkansas, M. K. TESTERMAN .......... 39, 730
S 2 Techniques of radio frequency mass spectrometry.
NsG(T)-12 ...... University of Arkansas, V. W. AVKXSS0N ............ 144, 000
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
California :
NsG-40 ......... California Institute of Technology, HANS LXEPMANN__ 75, 000
Continued investigation of fluid mechanics of rare-
fied gases by extending shock techniques into the
low pressure regime.
NsG-56 ......... California Institute of Technology, H. BROWN ....... 327, 428
S 5 Investigation of problems of lunar and planetary
exploration including meteorite composition and time
of fall studies.
NsG-172 ........ California Institute of Technology, M. WILLL_ME .... 58, 308
S 3 Research on'failure criteria for flscoelastic mate-
rials typical of solid rocket propellants.
NsG-598 ........ California Institute of Technology, E. E. SCHL_R .... 56, 600
Support a 6-week summer institute in space tech-
_lsG (T)-37 ...... California Institute of Technology, F. BOHNENBLUST_- 26_, 900
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-101 ........ University of California (Berkeley), H. WEAVES, M. 94, 579
CALVlN, and D. REA.
Research in exobiology.
NsG--104 ........ University of California (Berkeley), W. J. OSWALD, 31, 727
S 2 R.C. COOPER and S. S. ELSEaO.
The detection and study of micro-organisms in
the upper atmosphere.
NsCr-126 ........ University of California (Berkeley), S. SCHn ....... 35, 655
S 1 Biochemical activities of terrestrial micro-orga-
nisms in simulated planetary environments.
NsG-243 ........ University of California (Berkeley), S. SXLVEa ....... 500, 000
S 2 The program of socioeconomic studies in the feld
of research and development.
NsG-255 ........ University of California (Berkeley), H. WEAVES ...... 17, 221
S _ A review of stratoscope II infrared observations
of Mars.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ 2--Continued

NsG-354 ........ University of California (Berkeley), E. POLAK ...... $18, 298
A 1 Continued research in automatic control and infor-
mation systems.
NsG-387 ........ University of California (Berkeley), K. ANDERSO_ .... 70, O00
S 1 Study high energy solar flare radiation.
NsG-397 ........ University of California (Berkeley), N. PACE ......... 90, 000
S 1 Support of White Mountain Alpine Research Sta-
tion and study of the physiology of natural high-
altitude hibernators.
NsG-600 ........ University of California (Berkeley), H. JONES ...... 130, 00O
Research on techniques and instrumentation for
measurement of physiological variables in mammals
under space flight conditions.
NsG-637 ........ University of California (Berkeley), K. PISTI_R ...... 17, 718
Theory of Sandwich Plates and Shells.
NsG-702 ........ University of California (Berkeley), A. K. OPPEN- 69,675
Gas-wave-dynamic studies of spray combustion.
NsG-704 ........ University of California (Berkeley), A. D. MCLAREN__ 58, 471
Enzyme activity in terrestrial soll in relation to
exploration of the Martian surface.
NsG(T)-117 ..... University of California (Berkeley), S. S. ELBERG .... 237, 0O0
Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-212 ....... University of California (Berkeley), G. C. PIMENTAL--- 175, 545
Develop infrared spectrometer suitable for space
vehicle study of planetary atmospheres.
NASr-220 ....... University of California (Berkeley), M. CALVIN ..... 193, 544
Develop scanning system for the Mariner space-
craft capable of measuring reflected visible radiation.
NsG--584 ........ University of California (Davis), D. BEARD ......... 4, 409
Optical properties of plasmas and fundamental
cyclotron frequencies.
NsG-705 ........ University of California (Davis), B. COSWELL ....... 19, 200
Constitutive equations and non-Newtonian fluid
NsG--249 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), T. A. FARLEY__ 200, 000
S 2 Research in particles and fields in space.
NAG-429 ........ University of California (Los Angeles) G. MAC- 48, 800
Support of a summer institute in planetary
NAG--481 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), I. MALKUS .... 30, 00O
S 1 Tropical cloud research in the Barbados area.
NsG--502 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), J. D. PamNc_[ 145,520
S 1 and W. R. Anr.y.
Neurophyslologlcal and behavioral studies of
chimpanzees, including establishment of group of
implanted animals.
NAG--623 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), D. B. 65, 054
Computer analysis of brain activity in perception
and performance.
NsG--672 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), E. ROSmNBERO_ 44, 438
The Geochemistry of Nucleic Acids.
NsG--721 ........ University of California (Los Angeles), R. E. SMITH__ 81, 732
The role of brown fat in the thermogenesls of ani-
mals and man.

NsG(T)-4 ....... University of California (Los Angeles), W. F. LIEEY__ 288, 004)

Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.

APPmNDIX _ 215

Grontsond ReseorchControctsObligated _--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_t 2--Continued

NsG(T)-130 ..... University of California (Riverside), R. F. MARCH-_- $35, 400

Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-321 ........ University of California (San Diego), H. BROWN .... 51, 000
S 1 Study the radionuclides existing in meteorites and
increase our knowledge of the interaction of cosmic
NsG--357 ........ University of California (San Diego), G. BUaBIDGR 30, 0O0
Theoretical studies in astrophysics.
NsG-538 ........ University of California (San Diego), C. E. MCILL- 240, 00O
Study of geomagnetically trapped particles.
NsG-701 ........ University of California (San Diego), V. R. MURTHY- 44, 877
Nuclear history of the solar system.
NsG(T)-95 ..... University of California (San Diego), N. W. RAKES-
_tAW ........................................ 96, 500
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-722 ........ University of California (San Fran. Mad. School)
V. T. INMAN .................................. 37, 426
Relative roles of gravitational and inertial work
in the energy cost and character of huma_ locomo-
NsG-91 ......... University of California (Santa Barbara), W. C.
S 2 WALKER ..................................... 70, 076
Experimental studies in ultraviolet solid state
spectroscopy in the spectral.
NsG-289 ........ Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, C. M. AoRtaEs ......... 200, O00
S 2 A technique for testing heart function by analy-
sis of its vibration spectrum.
NASr-21(0_)_-___ Rand Corporation, G. B. E[)Z_N ................... 375, 0O0
A 5 Technical studies on communication satellites.
NASr-21 (05) .... Rand Corporation, E. H. VESTINE .................. 199, 800
A 2 Theoretical studies of the earth's magnetic field
and space environment near the earth.
NASr-21(07) .... Rand Corporation, W. W. KELLOGG ................ 149, 799
A 2 Study of the methods of pattern recognition ap-
plied to cloud cover photographs from meteorologi-
cal satellites.
NASr-21(08)___ Rand Corporation, H. L. SHULMAN ................ 611,000
A 2 A study to assist in defining a checkout system
for manned mission complexes.
NASr-21(09) .... Rand Corporation, H. L. SHULMAN ................ 632, 906
Conduct studies with the object of providing as-
sistance to NASA/OMSF in its contingency planning
for the Apollo program.
NsG-433 ........ University of Southern California, J. HENRY ........ 220, 094
S 1 Studies of development of stress response
NsG--616 ........ University of Southern California, H. S. TYLP.R ...... 16, O00
Second order perturbation theory In atomic and
molecular quantum mechanics.
NsG(T)-75 ...... University of Southern California, M. C. KL0W+TZEL___ 193, 00O
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr--49(02) .... Stanford Research Institute, W. R. VINCm_T ........ 13, 178
A 4 Continuation and extension of measurements and
analyses to ascertain the frequency of occurrence
of microwave energy.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1---June 30, 1964 2---Continued

NASr-49(02) .... Stanford Research Institute, W. R. VINCBNT ........ $3, 329
A 5 Measurements of forward scattering in prepara-
tion at 6.0 GC.
NASr-40(04) .... Stanford Research Institute, R. J. P. LYON ......... 5, 920
A 3 Further studies on emission infrared spectra
from various rock materials.
NASr-49(07) .... Stanford Research Institute, F. S_ITH ............ 39, 34"[
A 2 Theoretical research-electronic, ionic and atomic
impact phenomena.
NASr-49(08) .... Stanford Research Institute, R. G. GOVLD ........... 1, 732
A 3 Technical problems associated with communication
NASr-49(10) .... Stanford Research Institute, R. F. MARACA .......... 97, 150
A1 Participation in the technology utilization pro-
NASr-49(ll) .... Stanford Research Institute, L. F. NzY .............. 27, 850
A 1 Studies on the hill reaction activity on soluble
chloroplast extracts.
NASr-49(15) .... Stanford Research Institute, N. K. HIESTER .......... 72, 720
A 1 Continued research on the feasibility of simulating
thermal environment for meaningful evaluation of
ablating materials.
NASr-49(17) .... Stanford Research Institute, R. K. ARNOLD ......... 18, 737
A 2 Study of the economic impact of the establishment
of an electronics research center.
NASr-49(18) .... Stanford Research Institute, A. S. DENNIS ......... 51, 222
Study of the feasibility and applicability of and
recommendations concerning sferics measurements.
NASr-49(19) .... Stanford Research Institute, F. HALDEN ........... 61,460
Study of growth parameters for refractory car-
bide single crystals.
NASr-49(21) .... Stanford Research Institute, A. SHAPIRO ............ 53, 163
Studies on the structure and dynamics of the R&D
industry with special reference to NASA programs.
l_sG-30 ......... Stanford University, O. K. GARRIOTT ................ 100, 000
S 4 Ionospheric research utilizing satellite trans-

NsG-81 ......... Stanford University, J. LEDERBERG, C. C. LEVINTIIAL 485, 120

S 3 and C. DJERASSI.

Cytochemleal studies of planetary micro-orga-


NsG-81 ......... Stanford University, P. Z. BULKEDEY ............... 62, 984

S 4 Cytochemleal studies of planetary micro-orga-

NsG-133 ........ Stanford University, R. C._N._O._ .................... 100, 000

S 2 Continued research on studies on space vehicle
attitude control systems.
NsG-174 ........ Stanford University, R. A. HELLIWELL ............. 44, 048
S 2 Support of basic scientific research into the
experimental techniques for the measurement of very
low frequency electromagnetic phenomena in the
NsG-215 ........ Stanford University, F. MORRELL and L. MORRELL .... 50, 000
S 1 Electrophyslologlcal correlates of vigilance.
NsG-299 ........ Stanford University, O. BVNEMAN .................. 38, 330
S 1 Study of randomization of electron energy in
plasma thermionic diodes.
NsG-377 ........ Stanford University, V. R. ESHLEMAN .............. 207, 424
S 1 Research in space sciences at the Stanford Center
for Radar Astronomy.

See footnotes at end of table.

_ 217

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated _--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ s--Continued

NsG-378 ........ Stanford University, W. FAXRBANX ............... -_. $72, 896

S 1 Research on gravitational and resonance experi-
ments on very low-energy free electrons and posi-
NsG-555 ........ Stanford University, G. Pr.AnSON .................. 150, 000
Fundamental studies on gallium phosphide.
NsG--565 ........ Stanford University, J. B. ROSEN .................. 29, 573
Research on nonlinear programing solution of
optimum control processes.
NsG-582 ........ Stanford Univeristy, R. H. CANr_ON ................ 175, 720
Development of a zero-G, drag-free satellite and to
perform a gyro test of general relativity in a satel-
NsG-620 ........ Stanford University, W. G. VI_CEN_ .............. 36, 616
Study and further development of the tracer-spark
technique for flow velocity measurements.
NsCr-_22 ......... Stanford University, A. S. TETLE_AN .............. 27, 150
Experimental study and theoretical interpretation
of mechanisms of strengthening and fracture in 2
classes of composite materials.
NsG-630 ........ Stanford University, N. J. HOFF .................... 46, 821
Buckling of complete spheres under external pres-
NsG--TO3 ........ Stanford University, P. A. STUUROCK ............... 21, 744
Theoretical studies of turbulence in plasmas.
NsG(T)-76 ...... Stanford University, F. E. TEaMAN ................ 310, 500
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-228 ....... Stanford University, M: ANLIKER ................... 56, 600
Support a 10-week summer institute in space-
related engineering.
Colorado :

NsG(T)-92 ...... Colorado School of Mines, A. R. JORDAN ............. 39, 900

Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
_IASr-147 ....... Colorado State University, W. E. MARLATT .......... 109, 114
A 2 Investigations of the temperature and spectral
emissivity characteristics of cloud tops and of the
earth's surface.
NsG-569 ........ Colorado State University, K. SEO .................. 7, 298
Research on a modified Kuhn-Tucker theorem.
NsG--570 ........ Colorado State University, L. V. BALDWIN ........... 89, 586
Transient and steady performance of ion rocket
thrust augmentor.
NsG-675 ........ Colorado State University, P. THORNTON ............ 34, 881
Immobilization and skeletal atrophy.
NsG(T)-45 ...... Colorado State University, A. F. CLARK ............. 86, 500
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-78 ......... Colorado State University Research Foundation, R. 69, 743
Research on pathogen-freo plants in a microcosmo
and on the effects of hlgh-intensity light on plant
NsG--625 ........ Colorado State University Research Foundation, J.B. 104, 383
Mechanisms of integration and behavior.
NsG-709 ........ Unlverslty of Colorado, D. M. GATBS ............... 92, 564
Environmental blol_gy prOd'ram to study llfe in
extreme environments.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ 2--Continued
NsG(T)-46 ...... University of Colorado, R. P. BROWDER .............. $182, 200
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-214 ....... Denver Research Institute, J. S. GILMORE ........... 18, 000
Fuel cells and inorganic coatings; analysis of
NASA scientific and technical contributions and
their dissemination.
NASr-214 ....... Denver Research Institute, J. S. GILMORE ........... 9, 844
A 1 Fuel cells and inorganic coatings; analysis of
NASA scientific and technical contributions and
their dissemination.
NsG-518 ........ University of Denver, S. A. JOHNSON .............. 200, 000
Multldlscipllnary research in space-related science
and engineering.
NsG-648 ........ University of Denver, E. N. SICKAFUS .............. 12, 000
To develop a computer program for calculations
on interstitial geometry in lattices of spheres.
NsG(T)--49 ...... University of Denver, A. C. NELSON ............... 100, 800
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-221 ....... The Research Institute for Biological Science, H. 31,000
Anttmetabolic agent in the lung fish.
R-30 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, R. G. MERRILL, 100, 000
Ionospheric studies using satellite beacon trans-

R_5 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, R. SCOTT ...... 450,000

A 3 Continued research of measurement, calculation,
and correlation of hydrogen property data using
cryogenic fluids.
R_t5 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, R. SCOTT ...... 75, 000
A 4 Continued research of measurement, calculation,
and correlation of hydrogen property data using
cryogenic fluids.
R-132 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, R. S. LAWRZNCE__ 72, 000
One-year design study and construction of a large
antenna array to be used for a map of the sky at
10 megacycles.
R-133 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, W. CALVERT and 95, 000
Develop a resonance relaxation experiment for
accurate electron-density measurements.
NsG-92 ........ _ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 80,000
S 3 H. ZIRIN and 3". WARWICK.
Research on new techniques of observation of
solar phenomena.
NsCr-136 ........ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 107, 680
Provide radio monitoring of solar activity and
theoretical studies of flare physics.
NsG-404 ........ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 29, 000
Additional support for development of an ex-
ternally occulted coronagraph for satellite use.
NsG-404 ........ University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 50, 000
S 2 A. EDDY.
Additional support for development of an ex-
ternally occulted coronagraph for satellite use.
NASr-224 ....... University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 250, 000
Investigation of trace gases and aerosols in the
upper atmosphere with a cryogenic rocket sampler.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Ololigated t--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ _--Continued

Connecticut :
NsG-294 ........ University of Connecticut, W. E. HILVXNG .......... $67, 220
S 1 Heat transfer and flow mechanics of vapor con-
densing at high velocities in small straight tubes.
NsG(T)*-47 ...... University of Connecticut, N. L. WHEateN ........ 116, 800
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-716 ........ Wesleyan University (Middletown), F. R. ZABRISKZE__ 18, 960
Studies of planetary physics.
NsG--1 .......... Yale University, V. HUGHES ..................... 60,000
S 4 Research on theoretical and experimental investi-
gations of collision cross sections in atomic proc-
NsG-138 ........ Yale University, R. C. BARKER .................... 28, 148
S 3 Low-power, low-speed data storage and processing
NsG-163 ........ Yale University, V. W. HUGHES .................... 49, 946
S 2 Theoretical research in relativity, cosmology, and
nuclear astrophysics.
NsG-176 ........ Yale University, L. OST_R ........................ 66, 547
S 1 Investigate by a theoretical study the radiation
emitted by coronal plasma subject to collisions with
streams of particles.
NsG-192 ........ Yale University, S. R. LIPSKY .................... 68, 179
S 1 The development of certain aspects of gas chro-
matographic systems for planetary explorations.
NsG--208 ........ Yale University, H. J. MOROWITZ .................. 42, 318
S 1 Studies of extremely small self-replicating sys-
NsG--724 ........ Yale University, A. CHEN ......................... 63, 321
Experimental and theoretical research on plasma
sheaths and boundary layers around stagnation
point electrodes.
NsG(T)-34 ...... Yale University, D. B. H. MARTIn .................. 248, 400
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Delaware :
NsG-573 ........ University of Delaware, K. BOBR ................. 24, 564
To investigate the physical nature of defect in
CdS produced by X-ray and electron irradiation.
NsG(T)-29 ...... University of Delaware, J. C. KAKAVAS ............ 109, 600
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
District of Columbia:
NASr-196 ....... Aerospace Medical Association, W. J. K_.NNARD ...... 6, 000
A 1 Publishing 1964 volume of aerospace medicine
abstracts, with annual index.
NASr-229 ....... American University, M. J. PEDF, LTY .............. 5, 960
Review of national potential for machine intelli-
gence research.
NsG-662 ........ American University, C. A. GROSS .................. 8, 778
Summer seminar in space oriented mathematics
designed for junior high and high school teachers.
NsG--125 ........ Catholic University, J. H. BALTRUKONIS ............ 27, 485
S 3 Research on dynamics of solid propellant rocket
NsG-586 ........ Catholic University, C. C. CHANO ................ 137, 120
Research on hydrodynamics of gaseous-core cavity

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ 2---Continued

District of Columbia--Continued
NsG-647 ........ Catholic University, R. E. M_IZER ................ $23, 136
Studies of spin-phonon coupling effects using the
combined techniques of electron spin resonance and
acoustic excitation on the same paramagnetic crystal
and same frequency.
NsG-649 ........ Catholic University, R. TANAKA ................... 24, 108
Theoretical investigation of the analysis of radia-
tion damage in solar cells.
NsG(T)-39 ...... Catholic University, J. O'CONNOR .................. 192, 800
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-244 ....... Environmental Research Institute, F. D. SISL_R ..... 12, O00
Physical limitations of life.
NsG_t28 ....... Georgetown University, W. J. THALER ............. 98, 000
S 1 Theoretical and experimental studies of radiation.
NsG(T)-98 ...... Georgetown University, J. B. HORXOAN .............. 106, 200
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG_85 ........ George Washington University, C. W. SCHILLING ...... 80, 358
S 1 Scientific communication research in space biology.
NsG-603 ........ George Washington University, N. FILIPESCU ........ 47, 040
Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of rare
earth chelates in solvents and polymers for optical
NsG-645 ........ George Washington University, N. T. GRISAMORE .... 19, 950
Research on 3-valued computer systems.
NsG(T)-51 ...... George Washington, University, A. E. BURNS ...... 109, 800
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-171 ....... George Washington University, C. W. SCHILLING ...... 27, 000
TO provide professional supporting services for the
review and evaluation of new technology identified
by technology utilization.
NASr-160 ....... Greene & Holly .................................. 29, 300
History of project vanguard.
NsG(T)-ll0 ..... Howard University, S. L. WORMLEY ................. 81, 600
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related sciences and technology.
NsG-34 ......... National Academy of Sciences, C. J. LAPP .......... 305, 373
S 4 Participation in the resident research associate-
ship program.
NsG-492 ........ National Academy of Sciences, R. J. SHAY ........... 7, 000
Remote sensing as a way of determining plant
populations and stresses.
NsG-697 ........ National Academy of Sciences, H. ODISIIAW ......... 9, 000
Proposal for support of a working conference on
space nutrition and related waste problems.
NASr-239 ....... National Academy of Sciences, H. H. H_ss ........... 172, 675
Support of a study of exobiology.
R-33 ........... National Science Foundation, H. ODISHAW .......... 22, 900
A 2 Continue world data center and rockets and
satellites subcenter.
R-54 ........... National Science Foundation, G. W. MULDERS ........ 107, 600
A 2 Support of Space Science Board.
R-97 ........... National Science Foundation, R. THOMAS ............ 5, 000
A 1 Support of the Committee on Space Research
NASr-10 ........ Resources Research, Inc., S. LZVIN ................ 156,496
A 6 Continuation of research on Gulliver life detec-

tor, optimizing the present system and improving


See footnotes at end of table.

_PENDL_ _ 221

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 1.96Jn _---ConUnued

NASr-190 ....... Science Services, W. DAvzs ....................... $1, 003

A 1 NASA award trips to NASA Research Centers.
NsG-87 ......... Smithsonlan Institution, F. L. WHXPPL_ ........... 2, 050, O00
S 10 Support of optical satellite tracking program.
NsG-563 ........ Smithsonian Institute, C. W. TILLINGHAST .......... 40, O00
Search, recovery and analysis of space fragments.
NSCr-688 ........ Smithsonian Institution, K. FREDRIKSON ............ 200, 000
Studies of constituents, compositions, and textures
of meteorites, and their bearing on the theoretical
NsG-35 ......... Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers, 39, 177
Volunteer photographic tracking program during
calendar year of 1964.
R-1O4 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, BLIZARD, MAI_N- 400,000
Studies of the penetration of space vehicle struc-
tural material.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ................... 200, O00
T 2 Support of agreements R_tl and R-46.
R-104 ........... Atomic U.S.Energy Commission .................. 500, 000
T 3 Studies of the penetration of space vehicle srtue-
tural material.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission .................... 159, OO0
T 4 Gemini human blood Irradation experiment.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission .................. 75, 00O
T 5 Support of agreemen_ R-41 and R-46.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, J. V. SLATES ........ 19, 515
T 6 Synergistic factors influencing embryonic differen-
tiation and development in space environment.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, A. H. SPAaaow ...... 15, 000
T 7 Determination of influence of space environment
on mutation process using controlled gamma ray
exposure as a standard.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission .................. 66, 000
T 8 Mutagenic effectiveness of known doses of gamma
irradiation combined with zero.
R-104 ........... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ................. 145,000
T 9 NASA-retrospective study of radiation effects.
R-136 ........... U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare__ 94, 350
Longitudinal study of naval flight students with
particular attention to cardiovascular disease.
R-66 ........... U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey ..... 202, 850
A 4 Support cosmic dust research through the last
quarter of fiscal year 1964.
R-145 ........... U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, V.R. 24, 600
Cosmic dust investigation.
R-146 ........... U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey ..... 181,400
Infrared and ultraviolet studies of terrestrial
R-141 ........... U.S. Library of Congress ................... = .... 41,000
Abstracting 1964 literature.
R-140 ........... U.S. Library of Congress ......................... 10, 000
Indexing abstracts for 1962-1963 literature.
R-56 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, L. A. WALL..... 50, 0O0
A 2 Research on Polymer Decomposition I_ltiated by
High Energy Radiation.
See footnotes at end of table.

Grants and Research Contracts Obligated l--Continued

Jam. 1-June 30, 196-_ 2---Continued

District of Columbia--Continued
R-57 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, A. D. FRANKLIN--_ $30, 000
A 2 Research on thermionic materials, including meas-
urements of vaporization and thermionic emission
of selected refractory metals and compounds.
R-73 ............ U.S. National Bureau of Standards, R. JOHNSTON .... 50, 000
A 1 Measuring the radiation intensities In the extreme
ultraviolet region.
R-80 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, M. J. BERGEE .... 63, 000
A 2 Research and studies of the penetration of high-
energy radiation through matter.
R-83 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Bow_s ......... 200, 000
A 1 For the conduct of space sciences experiments at
the Jlcamarca Radar Observatory.
R-98 ............ U.S. National Bureau of Standards, D. MITTLEMAN .... 8, 315
Interagency fund transfer to NBS covering work
required to develop standard measurative computer
R-116 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, H. J. KOSTKOWSKI_ 60, 000
Research of method for measurement of spectral
irradiance from solar simulators.
R-117 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, H. J. KOSTKOWSKI- 25,000
Research for the development of a stable ultra-
violet source and techniques for accurate radiometry.
R-126 ........... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, J. W. Wm0HT .... 85, 000
Ionospheric electron density studies and compu-
R-127 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, C. M. TSCHEN__ 40, 000
Research on applications of plasma dynamics and
statistical mechanics to plasma propulsion.
R-130 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, LOOAN ......... 50, 000
Stress corrosion of titanium alloys exposed to so-
dium chloride at elevated temperatures.
R-138 .......... U.S. National Bureau of Standards, HIDSENRATH, 32, 000
Thermodynamic properties of molecular complexes
of the C-H-O-N-S-P system.
R-113 .......... U.S. Navy, Bureau of Ships, TAYLOR, MYERS, 13, 000
Survey of human visual capabilities in space.
R-139 .......... U.S. Navy, Bureau of Ships, S. Q. DUNTLEY ........ 95, 000
Support of the research program of the visibility
laboratory into the natural phenomena of the
1l-9 ............ U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, A. C. KOLE ....... 75, 000
A 3 Research on ultraviolet spectroscopy using high
temperature plasma sources.
R-48 ........... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, WAMSLEY ...... 262, 713
A 3 Balloon flights during calendar year 1964.
R-119 .......... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, G. PATTERSON___ 3, 000
Support of the fourth international symposium on
rarefied gas dynamics to be held at the University of
R-122 .......... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, H. W. HAYES .... 20, 000
Support of the advisory center on toxicology at the
National Academy of Sciences.
R-128 .......... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research ............... 40, 000
Long-range research program in statistical quality
control and reliability.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Ja_. 1-June 30, 196_ 2---ConUnued

R-129 .......... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, L. JEFFRESS___ $49, 225
Research in hearing with special emphasis on the
problem of lnfo transfer in connection with frequency
modulated pulses.
R-144 .......... U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research ................ 90, 000
Support a series of interdisciplinary conferences
on a variety of biological subjects to be organized
by New York Academy of Science.
R-55 ........... U.S. Weather Bureau ............................ 12,562
A 2 A program of investigations in squall lines and
severe local storms in the vicinity of Norman, 0kla.,
utilizing the F-11A.
Florida :
NsG-278 ........ Communications Research Institute, J. C. LILLY .... 62, 000
S 2 Continuation of NsG-278. A study of feasibil-
ity and methodology for establishing communication
between man and other species.
NsG-247 ........ Florida State University, L. MANDELKERN .......... 19, 200
S 1 Continued research of crystallization, crossltuk-
ing and dimensional changes in micromolecular
NsG(T)-50 ...... Florida State University, J. K. FOLaZR ........... 128,700
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-599 ........ University of Florida, A. GR_.Z_ .................... 56, 760
Theoretical atmospheric physics (radiation in
planetary atmospheres).
NsG(T)-13 ...... University of Florida, L. E. GRINTER ................ 177, 00O
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-176 ....... University of Florida, T. D. CARR ................... 58, 150
Conduct design studies and partially construct
the prototype of multifrequency satellite receiver
for monitoring the low frequency radiation of the
planet Jupiter.
NsG_t24 ........ University of Miami, A. H. STEN._INO ............... 44, 873
S 1 Instabilities in the flow of a boiling liquid.
NsG-621 ........ University of Miami, H. S. ROBERTSON .............. 20, 04)0
Investigation of oscillations on and near the anode
of a cesium vapor discharge.
_NsG-689 ........ University of Miami, S. Fox ...................... 100, 000
Research in the Institute of Molecular Evolution
in the School of Environmental and Planetary
NsG(T)-126 ..... University of Miami, J. R. Owsz .................. 70, 800
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-610 ........ University of South Florida, T. HELV_.Y ............. 8, 134
Support the conference on alimentation in space.
R-39 ........... U.S.N. School of Aviation Medicine, D. E. BEISCHER__ 102, 000
A 1 Effect of very strong magnetic fields and magnetic
feld-free environments on man and animals.
R-75 ........... U.S.N. School of Aviation Medicine, H. J. SCHAEFER__ 30, 700
S 1 Continued research of energy dissipation char-
acteristics in tissue for ionizing radiation in space.
Georgia :
NsG(T)-123 ..... Emory University, C. T. LESTER ................... 38, 600
Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196/t 2--Continued

NsG--304 ........ Georgia Institute of Technology, H. D. EDWARDS .... $219, 520
S 1 Theoretical and experimental research program in-
volving the chemical release program.
NsG-657 ........ Georgia Institute of Technology, K. CRAWFORD ....... 600, 000
The development of the School of Mechanical
NsG(T)-I ....... Georgia Institute of Technology, M. J. GOGLIA ....... 288, 000
S 2 Support the training of 15 graduate students, in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(F)-24 ...... Georgia Institute of Technology ................... 1,000, 000
Construction of research laboratory facilities
housing the Georgia Tech Space Sciences and Tech-
nology Center.
NASr-192 ....... Georgia Institute of Technology, H. D. EDWARDS ...... 20, 539
Perform spectrophotometrle observations of high
altitude of flames.
l_lsG-571 ........ Georgia Institute of Technology, J. WANG .......... 17, 840
Research for investigation of the response of shells
of revolution to blast load.
NsG(T)-125 ..... University of Georgia, G. B. HUFF .................. 153, 600
Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-137 .......... U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare__ 250, 000
Services in support of the planetary quarantine
Hawaii :

NsG-135 ........ University of Hawaii, R. STwZGER ................. 236, 995

S 1 Continue study of zodiacal light and airglow in
NsG-676 ........ University of Hawaii, J. L. WEINEERG ............... 72, 291
A comprehensive photoelectric study of the night-
sky radiation over the entire visible spectrum.
NsG(T)-108 ..... University of Hawaii, L. D. TUTItILL ................ 53, 100
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Illinois :

NsG-127 ........ University of Chicago, A. TURKEVICH ............... 40, 000

S 2 Develop procedures and techniques for facilita-
ting analysis of data from Surveyor Alpha.
NsG-144 ........ University of Chicago, P. MEYER .................. 167, 645
S 4 For the purpose of preparation for balloon flights
and satellite experiments.
NsG-179 ........ University of Chicago, $. A. SimPsoN .............. 234, 859
S 3 Research and development basic for experiments
in space vehicles.
NsG-352 ........ University of Chicago, M. COHEN ................... 140,,000
S 1 Theoretical and experimental superconductivity
NsG-366 ........ University of Chicago, E. A_DE[tS .................. 81,924
S 2 Investigate the origin, age and composition of

NsG-441 ........ University of Chicago, H. FERNANDEZ-MORAN ......... 200, 041

S 1 Research into molecular organization and behavior
of biological systems.
NsG(T)-2 ....... University of Chicago, W. A. WlCK ................ 310, 500
S 2 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-561 ........ Illinois Institute of Technology, A. FE.TEa AND
MICHELSON ................................... 19, 512
Study of nonlinear stability of motion of finite
rigid satellites.

See footnotes at end of table.

M 225

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated _--Continuecl

Jan. l-June 30, 196_ 2--Continued

NsG-694 ........ Illinois Institute of Technology, M. WRINST_IN ..... $66, 516

Turbulence coemcients and stability studies for the
coaxial flow of dissimilar fluids.
NsG(T)-25 ...... Illinois Institute of Technology, M. A. EbLXOTT ...... 191, 800
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-22 ........ liT Research Institute, E. HAWRYLEWICZ ........... 50, 00O
A 3 Life in extraterrestrial environments.
NASr-65(01_ .... IIT Research Institute, W. DAVIS ................. 67, 400
A 3 Radiative energy transfer on entry to Mars and
NASr-65(03) .... IIT Research Institute, L. CONROY ................ 4, 885
A 2 Research and construction of retrometer models
for use in the international trade fair exhibit.
NASr-65(03) .... IIT Research Institute, H. HERASEYKO ............. 150, 0O0
A 3 Research for industrial evaluation and task effort
to improve transfer effectiveness of NASA technol-
ogy disclosures.
NASr-65(04) .... IIT Research Institute, R. BARNEt"_ ................ 54, 379
A 2 Research of prestressed segmented brittle mate-
rials in aerospace structures.
NASr-65 (06) .... IIT Research Institute, L. REX_L ................. 450, 000
A 1 Analysis of mission requirements for exploration
of the solar system.
NASr-65(07) .... IIT Research Institute, G. A. ZERLAUT ............ 39, 398
A 1 Investigation of light scattering in highly reflect-
ing pigmented coatings.
NASr-65(08) .... IIT Research Institute, W. M. LANUDON ............. 76, 591
Research in backstreaming from oil diffusion pumps.
NASr-65(09)_-___ IIT Research Institute, J. E. MORRISSEY ............ 34, 710
Graphite-metal composites.
NsG-13 ......... University of Illinois, H. KORST .................. 90, 000
S 4 Basic research investigation on flow mechanism
and heat transfer in separated flows.
NsG-376 ........ University of Illinois, D. ALPERT ................ 101, 860
S 1 Theoretical and experimental studies of the under-
lying processes and techniques of low pressure meas-
NsG--434 ........ University of Illinois, W. J. WORLZY ................ 33, 703
S 1 Continued study of line integrals, surface inte-
grals, volumes, centroids and moments of inertia for
a class of shells of revolution and for a larger class
of shells.
NsG-443 ........ University of Illinois, H. KNOEBRL ................. 90, OO0
S 1 Continued research related to experimental test
of general relativity.
NsG(T)-24 ...... University of Illinois, H. E. CARTER ................ 265, 500
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-reiated science and technology.
NASr-50 ........ Materials Research Laboratory, E. J. RIPLING ........ 22, 120
A 3 Study of .elevated temperature stress corrosion
of high strength sheet materials.
NsG-547 ........ Northwestern University, A. B. CAMU_L ............. 120, 0O0
Study of magnetoaerodynamics drag and shock
standoff distance.
NsG-597 ........ Northwestern University .......................... 123, 100
Conduct a patrol of the lunar surface with a 24-
inch reflector and imagine.
NsG-605 ........ Northwestern University, G. HERMANN .............. 60, 385
Stability of nonconservative systems.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ _---Continued

NsG-674 ........ Northw_tern University, K. G. HENIZE ............ $21, 801
A wide-angle slitle_ spectrograph for astro-
nomical spectroscopy in the ultraviolet.
NsG(T)-17 ...... Northwestern University, M. E. Pnxon ............. 206, 000
S 1 Support the Training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-607 ........ Southern Illinois University, J. LAUCHNEE ......... 77, 722
Study of advanced structural design concepts as
might be employed in future space missions.
Indiana :
NsG-446 ........ Evansville State Hospital, F. C. C_AnK ............. 37, 358
S 1 Effects of schedule and stimulus parameters on
monitoring and observing behavior.
NsG--408 ........ University of Indiana, S. ROBINSON ................ 30, 360
Anaerobic work capacity as affected by stress.
NsG--503 ........ University of Indiana, H. R. JOHNSON ............. 36, 000
S 1 Theoretical research on the steady-state inter-
action between radiation and matter in stellar
NsG(T)-15 ...... University of Indiana, J. W. ASHToN ............... 192, 400
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-232 ....... University of Indiana, R. L. BANNEEMAN ............ 21, 525
Actuality documentaries for radio concerning
bloastronautlcs, their other world.
NASr-162 ...... University of Indiana, A. M. WlEMER ............... 300, 0O0
A 1 Study on industrial applications of aerospace re-
NsG-339 ........ University of Notre Dame, G. F. D'ALELIO ......... 49, 050
S 1 Research on synthesis of heat-resistant polymers.
NsG(T)-65 ...... University of Notre Dame, C. A. SOLETA ............ 153, 600
Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-543 ....... Purdue University, A. K. KAMAI .................... 28, 800
Study of direct and reflected Lunar radio waves.
NsG-553 ........ Purdue University, J. C. HANCOCK ................. 47, 990
The synthesis of self adaptive binary communica-
tion systems.
NsG-592 ........ Purdue University, M. Zvcnow .................... 410, 000
Research on High Pressure and Toxic Propellant
Firing Facility.
NsG(T)-27 ...... Purdue University, E. C. YOUNG ................... 279, 000
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Iowa :
NsG-62 ......... Iowa State University, G. K. SEROVY ............... 24, 920
S 3 Research of blade element techniques to the seign
and performance prediction problems for axial flow
NsG-293 ........ Iowa State University, B. C. CARLSON ............... 17, 001
S 1 Investigation of hypergeometric functions end
elliptic integrals.
NsG(T)-35 ...... Iowa State University, J. B. PAo_ .................. 205, 200
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-233 ....... State University of Iowa, J. A. VAN ALLEN ......... 285, 060
S 2 Research with satellites and probes.
NsG-576 ........ State University of Iowa, K. RIM ................... 7,104
Two-dimensional elastic and viscoelastic problems
with star-shaped or curvilinear polygonal boundary.

See footnotes at end of table.

M 227

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ 2---Continued

NsG(T)-5 ....... State University of Iowa_ J. C. WmAVZR ........... $264, 200

S 2 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Kansas :
NsG-606 ........ Kansas State University, R. PATTON ................ 51, 879
Analytical studies in the learning and memory
of skilled performance.
NsG--692 ........ Kansas State University, H. Howe ............... 150, 000
Multidisciplinary research in the space-related
sciences and engineering.
NsG(T)-54 ...... Kansas State University, H. HOWE ............... 142, 200
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-575 ........ University of Kansas, G. G. WXSZMAN ............. 16, 277
Research to measure the temperature and electro-
caloric effects in ferroelectric substances.
NsG(T)-55 ...... University of Kansas, J. S. McNOWN ............... 143, 000
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Kentucky :
NsG--393 ........ University of Kentucky, W. S. KROGDAHL ........... 20, 688
S 1 Investigation and reformulation of the numerical
for solving differential equations of state of two-
electron atoms.
NsG-456 ........ University of Kentucky, K. LANaE ................. 181, 416
S 1 Effects of gravitational forces on behavior.
NsG(T)-122 ..... University of Kentucky, A. D. KIRWAN .............. 153, 600
Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NAG-680_ ....... Spindletop Research Center, W. E. KUHN ........... 10, 000
Feasibility of continuous forming of beren car-
bide monofllaments.
Louisiana :
NsG(T)-19 ...... Louisiana State University, M. GOODRICH .......... 127, 700
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-84 ...... Tulane University, R. M. LUMIANSKY ............. 158,400
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Maine :

NsG-338 ........ University of Maine, T. H. CURRY ................. 120, 090

S 1 Interdisciplinary studies in space science and
NsG(T)-116 ..... University of Maine, F. P. EGOEET ................ 76, 800
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Maryland :
NsG-450 ........ Institute for Behavioral Research, I. GOLDIAMOND 81, 625
S 1 and C. B. FERSTER.

Experimental studies of perceptual processes.

NsG-193 ........ Johns Hopkins University, G. H. DIEKE ........... 300, 000
S 2 Rocket and laboratory experiments on the ultra-
violet spectra of the upper Dubln atmosphere.
NsG-361 ........ Johns Hopkins University, G. H. DIEKE .......... 50, 000
S 1 Theoretical and experimental investigation of the
fundamental properties of rare earth crystals.
NsG(T)-53 ...... Johns Hopkins University, G. WILSON ............ 19_000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.

755-266 0 - 64 - 16

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated 1--Continued

Ja_t. I--June 30, 196_ _---ConUnued

R-112 ........... Johns Hopkins University (VIA AFOSR) B. F. CHOW-- $20, 000
Effect of reduced pressure or oxygen on gut
NsG-5 .......... University of Maryland, E. MASON ................ 66, 000
S 2 Short range intermolccular forces and high-
temperature gas transport properties.
NsG-70 ......... University of Maryland, R. W. KRAUSS ............ 1,775
S 2 Effects of gravity free and radiation environ-
ments of space on cell division suitable for use in
NsG--70 ......... University of Maryland, R. W. KRAUSS .............. 80, 000
S 3 A study of physophyslology in controlled environ-
NsG-220 ........ University of Maryland, D. A. TIOMAN .............. 27, 078
S 2 Theoretical studies of low density plasmas and
the application of fundamental plasma kinetic theory.
NsG-283 ........ University of Maryland, T. D. WILK_RSON .......... 40, 976
S 1 Measurement of plasma properties in space and
atomic collision cross sections.
NsG-359 ........ University of Maryland, T. D. WILKERSON ........... 47, 000
S 1 Laboratory investigation of the line intensities
of neutral atoms of astrophysical'interest.
NsG-398 ........ University of Maryland, W. C. RHEINBOLT ........... 335, 415
S I Multldisciplinary research on the application of
high-speed computers.
NsG--436 ........ University of Maryland, J. W_.R_.R ................. 300, 000
S 1 Experimental and theoretical research gravita-
tional physics.
NsG-566 ........ University of Maryland, R. C. GR_NILL ............. 150, 000
Neurobiological substrates of behavior.
NsG-585 ........ University of Maryland, W. C. ERICKSON ........... 16, 500
Low-frequency astronomy studies of the solar
corona by provision of a suitable high-resolution an-
tenna array.
NsG-615 ........ University of Maryland, W. C. ERICKSON ............ 24, 600
Preliminary studies in the design of a large radio
NsG--642 ........ University of Maryland, MACDONALD .............. 47,000
Theoretical investigations of nuclear reactions
and structure.
NsG-695 ........ University of Maryland, D. TIDMAN ............... 131, 000
Research in the space sciences.
NsG(T)-3 ....... University of Maryland, R. BAMPORD .............. 192, 000
S 2 Support the training of 10 graduate studcnts in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(F)-17 ...... University of Maryland, M. MARTIN ............... 1, 500, 000
Construction of facilities to house laboratories
for space-related sciences.
R-78 ........... National Institutes of Health, J. FINN and F. STONm__ 100, 000
A 1 Operation and development of a center for com-
puter technology in biomedical sciences.
NsG-670 ........ Woodstock College, J. G. MARZOLF ............... 60,000
Theoretical and experimental studies of mutual
interest to GSFC and Woodstock.

R-35 ........... U.S. Army Biological Laboratories, C. R. PHILLIPS___ 30, 000

_k 3 Studies on sterilization.

R-109 .......... U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Weapons, W. SHIPPEN .... 51, 000
Investigate application of long-range typhon ram-
jet engine.

See footnotes at end of table.

_ 229

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ 2--Continued

R-38 ........... U.S. Naval Medical Research Center, T. H. BENZINGER_ $100, 000
A 2 Investigation of human calorimetry and hestburst
R-134 .......... U.S. Naval Medical Research Center, GOLDMAN ...... 18, 900
Study mechanism of axemal conduction in non-
myelinated nerve.
R-118 .......... U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, W. C. LYONS, JR .... 121, 0O0
Research of boundary layer transition Reynolds
number for slender cones at hypersonic speeds.
R-120 ........... U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, E. T. HOOFER, JR-_- 100, 0OO
Provide technical assistance to NASA experiments
on magnetometer and other nonlinear magnetic de-
R-120 ........... U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, E. T. HOOFER, JR--- 60, 00O
A 1 Instrumentation for low magnetic noise environ-
ment to evaluate highly stable low noise high sensi-
tivity magnetometers.
Massachusetts :
NsG-253 ........ American Academy of Arts and Sciences, E. 40, 00O

Conduct a study of long-range national problems

related to the development of the NASA program.
NASr-193 ....... American Meteorological Society, K. C. SPENGLER---- 37, 500
A 1 Abstracting and indexing in the 1964 volume of
Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts.
NsG(T)-120 ..... Boston College, J. A. DEVENNY .................... 61, 200
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-107 ..... Boston University, R. S. BEAR .................... 106, 200
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-Z46 ........ Boston University Observatory, G. S. HAWKINS ..... 12, 480
S 2 Study of lunar craters and their relation to meteor-
ites and asteroids.
NsG-375__ ...... Brandeis University, P.H. QuIMBY ................ 57, 171
Comparative study of the evolution enzymes and
nucleic acids.
NsG-540 ........ Brandeis University, J. S. GOLDSTEIN ............... 24, 514
S 1 Research in radiative transfer and related subjects.
NsG-612 ........ Brandeis University, D, FALKOFF ................... 12, 420
Theoretical research in statistical mechanics with
application to rotation phenomena.
NsG(T)-ll2 ..... Brandeis University, H. WEISBERQ ................. 106, 200
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-93 ...... Clark University, D. E. LEE ..................... 29,200
Support the training of 2 graduate students
in space-related science and technology.
NsG-64 ......... Harvard University, D. H. MENZEL ................. 234, 664
S 2 Study of ground-based and space vehicle infra-
red instrumentation for thermal photography of
the moon.
NsG-89 ......... Harvard University, D. MENZEL .................. 117, 212
S 1 Research on multicelor photoelectric photometry
and polarization of the moon.
NASr-158 ....... Harvard University, G. S. HAWKINS ............... 293, 637
S 2 Investigation of the proverties, flux and trajec-
tories of meteors.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-.-June 30, 196._ *---Continued

NsG-438 ........ Harvard University, L. GODDBERG .................. $159, 000
S 1 Theoretical and experimental studies in ultra-
violet solar physics, including construction of labora-
tory prototype flight experiments.
NsG-559 ........ Harvard University, B. BUDIANSKY ................ 74, 880
Research on fracture mechanics and thin shell
NsG-579 ........ Harvard University, R. KING ..................... 19, 256
Investigate and study experimentally the radia-
tion and circuit properties of V-antenna for satellite
NsG-595 ........ Harvard University, E. EARLEY ................... 85, 397
Interrelations between systemic and regional blood
volume, blood flow and fluid and electrolyte
NsG-679 ........ Harvard University, D. M. HmGSTED ............... 23, 809
Fluoride and adaptation of calcium intake, an
investigation of the roles of fluoride and adaptation
in the conservation of bone mineral.
NsG--685 ........ Harvard University, G. R. HUOUZN[N .............. 86, 000
Development of theory and instrumentation for
long wave-length radio astronomy observations in
space for planetary, solar, and galactic research
NsG-717 ........ Harvard University, J. MENDELSON ................ 20, 205
Conditioned avoidance behavior of paramecium
NsG_718 ........ Harvard University, R. McFAI_LA_D ............... 56, 848
Human performance in adverse environments.
NASr-158 ....... Harvard University, C. D'ALIUOLO ................. 1.00, 000
S 2 Research to conduct investigation of the properties,
flux, and trajectories of meteors.
NsG-719 ........ Massachusetts General Hospital, M. S. POTSAID ..... 40, 210
Study of ,_olid chemical radiation dosimeters.
NsG-31 ......... Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E. MOLLO 13, 502
Experimental investigation of the effect of sound
impingement upon shear flows.
NsG-117 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, N. GRANT .... 51, 000
S 4 Alloy strengthening by fine particle dispersions.
NsG--234 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, J. F. 120, 000

Studies of the scientific aspects of Venus radar

refieetivity measurements.
NsG--235 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, D. G. 150, 000
Research on organization and management of
large-scale research and development.
NsG-330 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, G. H. 200, 000
Research on optical and infrared masers.
NsG-334 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, H. ZIMMER- 100, 000
S 1 MAN.
Research on techniques of communication in the
space environment.
NsG-368 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, H. A. HAys__ 75, 000
S 1 Research for electrohydrodynamic and magneto-
hydrodynamic a-c power generation.
NsG_162 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, F. O. 149, 832
Neurosciences research program.

See footnotes at end of table.

APPE_VL_ M 231

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-Ju_e 80, I96_ '---Continued

NsG-577 ........ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, L. YOUNG $36, 456

and Y. LL
Research on dynamic space orientation.
NsG(T)-20 ...... Massachusetts Institute of Technology, H. L. HAZEN-- 810, 500
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-64 ...... Northeastern University, A. A. VERNON ............ 68, 500
S 1 Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-291 ........ Smithsonian Institution, F. L. WHIPPLE ............ 280, 000
Systematic inflight photography and subsequent
recovery of meteroites.
_/sG(T)-103 ..... Tufts University, P. H. FLINT ...................... 58, 800
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-125 .......... USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory, R. K. SOBER- 34, 850

Construction and test of a dust collection pay-

load to be flown from a Nike-Cajun rocket.
R-135 .......... U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, L. SPANE ........... 100, 000
Investigations leading to personnel protective sys-
tems--passive space suits.
Michigan :

NsG-475 ........ Michigan State University, L. O. AUOENSTEIN ........ 95, 308

S 1 The nature of micromolecular basis organization
and function of nerves and brain.
NASr-219 ....... Michigan State University, D. J. MONTGOMERY ....... 39, 986
Study of NASA-university relations.
NsG(T)-58 ...... Michigan State University, M. E. MUELDER ......... 192, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
_sG-86 ......... University of Michigan, J. A. NICHOLLS ............ 34, 320
S 4 Theoretical and experimental studies of the dy-
namics of reacting and charged particles in solid
propellant rocket motor.
NsG-115 ........ University of Michigan, C. KIKUCHI ............... 33, 504
S 3 Research of electromagnetic properties of mate-
rials for application to lasers, masers and solid-
state devices.
NsCr-181 ........ University of Michigan, F. T. HADDOCK ............. 2, 190
S 2 Investigations in radio astronomy.
NsG-344 ........ University of Michigan, S. K. CLARK ............... 25, 896
S 1 Research on analysis of aircraft tires.
NsG-415 ........ University of Michigan, H. C. EARLY ................ 10, 000
S 1 Investigation of extremely dense plasmas at very
high energy densities.
NsG_558___ ..... University of Michigan, F. T. SUN ................. 27, 038
Research in application of the hodograph method
of orbit and trajectory problems in space flight.
NsG-572 ........ University of Michigan, F. T. HADDOCK ............. 485, 030
Investigations in radio astronomy.
NsG-626 ........ University of Michigan, J. OLDS ................... 48, 096
Brain changes and learning.
NsG-629 ........ University of Michigan, C. KIKUCHI ................ 76, 350
Magnetic resonance investigations of radiation
effects in semiconductors.
NsG-640 ........ University of Michigan, H. C. EARLY ................ 42, 986
Development of new methods for accelerating
spherical particles to velocities in excess of 50,000
feet per second.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. I-June 30, 1965 2---Continued

NsG-660 ........ University of Michigan, V. C. LIu .................. $60, 000
Rarefied gas dynamics applied to upper atmos-
phere studies.
NsG-677 ........ University of Michigan, W. C. NELSON ............. 7, 000
Partial support of a conference on concentrated
vortex motions in fluids.
NsG-696 ........ University of Michigan, J. E. Rowe ................ 36, 000
Theoretical research in the application of non-
linear travelling wave tube theory of ionospheric
NsG-698 ........ University of Michigan, G. W. STROKE .............. 135, 000
2qew principles of interferometric ruling engine
NsG-715 ........ University of Michigan, M. R. HOLTER ............. 135, 000
Multispectral sensing of agricultural crops.
NsG(T)-5 ....... University of Michigan, D. R. A. SAWYER ............ 279, 000
S 1 Support the training of 15 gradute students in
space-related science and technology.
1N&Sr-54 (03) .... University of Michigan, L. M. JONES ................ 497, 500
1 Studies of a more elaborate balloon system.
NASr-54(05) .... University of Michigan, E. J. SCHAEFr.R ........... 340, 000
A 1 A program in aeronomy.
NASr-54 (06) .... University of Michigan, P. HOWE ................... 90, 000
Development of on-line man-machine system per-
formance measurement and display technique.
NASr-54(07) .... University of Michigan, J. NICItOLLS ............. 100,000
Study of detonation phenomena and its possible
relation to rocket motor combustion instability.
NASr-54(08) .... University of Michigan, L. M. JONES ............... 101, 750
Measurement of atmospheric structure by satellite
observations of stellar refraction.
NsG (T)-102 ..... Wayne State University, R. M. WHALEY ............. 80, 000
Support the training of 5 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-175 ....... Wayne State University, R. M. WHALEY ............ 300, 00_
Program to accelerate the industrial application of
aerospace related technology.
Minnesota :
NsG-327 ........ Mayo Association, E. H. Wood ................... 52, 925
S 1 Cine-roentgenographic study of the heart and
lungs of man during exposure to forward accelera-
NsG-461 ........ University of Minnesota, T. M. TSUCHIYA .......... 10, 322
S 1 Conference on atmospheric biology.
NsG-643 ........ University of Minnesota, G. S. MICHAEZ_SEN ........ 28, 731
Bacteriology of "clean" rooms.
NsG-712 ........ University of Minnesota, J. H. PARK .............. 20, 315
Nonlinear estimation in communication and
NsG-714 ........ University of Minnesota, R. J. GOLDSTEXN ........... 23, 845
Study of heat transfer through convective layers.
NsG(T)-7 ....... University of Minnesota, B. CRAWFORD ............ 288, 000
Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-148 ....... University of Minnesota, R. L. ROSHOLT ............ 14, 653
A 1 A comment edition of an administrative history of
NASA through June 30, 1963.

See footnotes at end of table.

., APPENDIX _ 233

Grants and Research Contracts Obligated lmContinued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196.} '--Continued

Mississippi :
NsG-650 ........ Mississippi State University, R. G. TISCHER ........ $19, 200
Determine the amounts and kinds of metabolic
products exerted by hydrogenomonas eutropha dur-
ing autotrophic growth.
NSG(T)-lO6 ..... Mississippi State University, J. C. McKE_. ........ 65,300
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
spaco-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-ll8 ..... University of Mississippi, L. NOBLES .............. 70, 800
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Missouri :
NASr-63(03) .... Midwest Research Institute, E. C. SNr.F, GAS ......... 99, 927
A 4 Stimulation of the educational, industrial and eco-
nomical potential of States.
NASr-63(06)__-_ Midwest Research Institute, P. BRYANT .............. 67, 841
A 1 Extreme vacuum technology (below 10-13 TORT)
including a pressure calibration study.
NASr-63(07) .... Midwest Research Institute, S. L. LEvY ........... 44, 992
Investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of thin
shells and plates.
NsG(T)-59 ...... Missouri School of Mines & Metallurgy, M. BAKER .... 95, 500
S 1 Support the training of 5 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-60 ...... University of Missouri, H. E. BENT ................ 191, 00O
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-271 ........ Saint Louis University, X. J. MUSACCHIA ......... 18, 678
S 1 Effects of radiation on gastrointestinal function
and cyclic turnover of intestinal epithelium.
NsG(T)-74 ...... Saint Louis University, R. J. HENLE ............... 175, 500
S 1 Support of the training of 10 graduate students
in space-related science and technology.
NsG-185 ........ Washington University, M. W. FRIEDLANDER ........ 13, 980
S 3 Investigation of the primary cosmic radiation at
low and southern latitudes.
NsG-581 ........ Washington University, G. E. PAKE ............... 600, 000
University-wide research program in the space-
related sciences and engineering.
NsG(T)-86 ...... Washington University, G. E. PAKE ................ 193, 500
S 1 Support the training of l0 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(F)-22 ...... Washington University ........................... 600, 0OO
Construction of the 4th and 5th levels of research
laboratory facilities housing the physics laboratory.
Montana :
NsG-562 ........ Montana State College, C. P. QUESENBERRY ........ 9, 222
Research in the development of nonparametrie
statistical theory and methodology.
NsG(T)-ll3 ..... Montana State College, L. D. S. SMITH ............. 76, 500
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-ll4 ..... Montana State University, F. C. ABBOTT ............ 57, 600
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Nebraska :

NsG(T)-94 ...... University of Nebraska, H. E. WISE ............... 104, 400

Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated i--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ _--Con_nued
Nevada :
NsG-464 ........ Univer_ty of Nevada, H. N. MOZINGO and D.G. $34, 996
Experiments on the effects of low pressure on
cellular ultrastructure and cytochemistry in plants.
NsG(T)-61 ...... University of Nevada, T. D. O'BRXES .............. 50, 200
S 1 Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
New Hampshire :
NsG-231 ........ Dartmouth College, C. J. LYON .................... 49, 108
S 1 Effects of plant growth hormones on plant develop-
ment in the absence of gravitational effects.
NsG-526 ........ Dartmouth College, C. J. LYON .................... 2, 580
The growth form of leafy, branched plants and
the emergence of seedings under zero gravity.
NsG(T)-128 ..... Dartmouth College, L. M. Ri_sza ................. 109, 800
Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-614 ........ University of New Hampshire, R. E. HOUSTON ...... 19, 979
VHF absorption, cosmic ray and geomagnetic
field correlation studies.
NsG-624 ........ University of New Hampshire, R. A. KAUFMANN 155,_46
and L. J. CAHILL.
Program of analyzing data from past satellite
magnetometer experiments.
NsG(T)-91 ...... University of New Hampshire, E. S. MILLS ......... 77, 000
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-211 ....... University of New Hampshire, E. L. CHUPP ........ 50, 000
Development of instrumentation to search for
neutrons and gamma rays from solar surface nuclear
New Jersey :
NsG-69 ......... Princeton University, L. CR0CCO .................. 26, 000
S 6 Support of the stratoscope II balloon telescope
NsG-99 ......... Frlnceton University, L. CROCC0 ................. 26,000
S 3 Research to investigate the fundamental causes of
combustion instability.
NsG--306 ........ Princeton University, R. G. JAHN ................ 147,983
S 3 Studies of pulsed electromagnetic gas acceleration.
NsG--414 ........ Princeton University, L. SPITZ_.R ................. 87, 000
S .1 Astrophysical UV studies.
NsG-414 ........ Princeton University, L. SPITzEa ................. 23,500
S 2 Study of an integrating television tube satellite
NsG-470 ........ Princeton University, C. S. PITTENDRIGH .......... 30, 000
S 2 An experimental analysis of circadian rhythm
under terrestrial conditions including techniques
for studying rhythms in an orbiting satellite.
NsG-641 ........ Princeton University, I. GLASSMAN ................. 40, 200
Prelgnition and ignition processes of metals.
NsG--664 ........ Princeton University, D. C. LEIGH .................. 28, 854
Thermomechanical theory of non-Newtonian
NsG--665 ........ Princeton University, W. R. SCHOWALTIDR ......... 30, 072
Constitutive equations for nonviscometrlc flows.
NsG(T)-38 ...... Princeton University, D. R. HAMILTON .............. 196, 600
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.

. APPE_DrX M 235

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated '--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ 2---Continued

NASr-36 ........ Princeton University, J. I_YTON .................. $60, 000

A 3 Research on transient pressure measuring and
monitoring system for remote use on man in flight.
NASr-215 ....... Princeton University, O. DILLON ................... 59, 992
Research on coupled thermomechanical effects in
NASr-216 ....... Princeton University, J. GREY ..................... 100, 000
Advanced nuclear propulsion research.
NASr-217 ....... Princeton University, L. CR0CC0 ................... 250, 000
Theoretical and experimental research on combus-
tion instability in liquid propellant rocket motors.
NASr-223 ....... Princeton University, C. S. PITTENDRIGH ............ 30, 318
Circadian rhythms ; an analysis under terrestrial
conditions and in an orbiting biological satellite.
NASr-231 ....... Princeton University, J. P. LAYTON ................. 71, 575
Research on propulsion system and mission analy-
sis pertaining to advanced launch vehicle technology.
NsG-550 ........ Rutgers University, B. CARROLL ................... 14, 688
Theoretical and experimental studies to deter-
mine the feasibility of highly precise means of meas-
uring polarized lights in dense scattering media.
NsG-550 ........ Rutgers University, B. CARROLL .................... 15, 266
S 1 Theoretical and experimental studies to deter-
mine the feasibility of highly precise means of meas-
uring polarized lights in dense scattering media.
NsG(T)-97 ...... Rutgers University, R. SCHLATTER .................. 162, 600
Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-596 ........ Stevens Institute of Technology, W. H. BOSTICK ...... 120, 000
Research of the properties of the magnetic cavity
of a dipole immersed in a plasma stream.
NsG(T)-77 ...... Stevens Institute of Technology, R. A. MORGAN ...... 108, O00
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-114 .......... U.S. Army Picatinny Arsenal, W. R. HII_KER ........ 5, 000
Engineering, design, and fabrication of 1O, delayed-
action fuses.
NsG-574 ........ Seton Hall College, C. M. LEAVY ................... 98, 741
Effects of ionizing radiation of enzyme systems and
related metabolic processes.
New Mexico :

NASr-115 ....... Lovelace Foundation, W. R. L0VEL_.C_., II ............ 180, 000

Compilation of definitive current information on
space medicine.
NsG-142 ........ New Mexico State University, C. W. THOMBAUGIt ..... 219, 872
S 3 Program of photographic, photoelectric and spec-
trographic observations of planets.
NsG-372 ........ New Mexico State University, R. LIEFELD ............ 30,277
S 1 Research in long wavelength X-ray spectroscopy.
NsG(T)-129 ..... New Mexico State University, E. WALDEN ............ 158, 400
Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-666 ........ University of New Mexico, V. H. REG_.NER ........... 61, 014
Develop and test zodiacal light photometer as
laboratory prototype.
NsG(T)-62 ...... University of New Mexico, W. J. PARISH ............. 153, 600
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-Ju_ 30. 196_ 2_nUnued

New York :
NsG-394 ........ Adelphl University, D. E. CUNSINOHAM ............ $160, 000
S 1 Multidisciplinary space-related sciences and tech-
nology research.
NsG(T)_90 ...... Adelphi University, M. McGRILLIES ................. 57, O00
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-lll ..... Alfred University, J. F. MCMAHON ................ 26, 400
Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-130 ....... American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1, 191,984
Abstraction and indexing of the 1964 volume of
the International Aerospace Abstracts.
NsG-197 ........ City College of New York, R. I. WOLFF .............. 29, 204
S 2 Satellite motion near an oblate spheroid and
interatomic potentials of binary systems.
NsG(T)-lO9 ..... City University of New York, M. REES ............. 76, 800
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-101 ..... Clarkson College of Technology, H. L. SHULMAN ..... 62, 100
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-229 ........ Columbia University, J. E. NArE .................. 81, 084
S 3 Summer institute in space physics.
NsG--294 ........ Columbia University, E. S. MACKLIN ................ 60, 00O
S 2 Materials investigations using the field ion
emission microscope,
NsG-360 ........ Columbia University, R. NovicK ................... 58, 0OO
S 1 Properties of simple atoms and ions.
NsG-442 ........ Columbia University, H. M. FOLEY .................. 30, 0O0
S 1 Theoretical and experimental investigations of
the microwave properties of planetary atmospheres.
NsG(T)-26 ...... Columbia University, R. S. HALFORD ................ 275, 500
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-109 ....... Corncll Aero Laboratory, Inc., A. HERTZnER0 ......... 134, 960
A 4 Experimental and theoretical research on the flow
of high temperature hydrogen through jet nozzles.
NASr-119 ....... Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories, Inc., A. HERTZEERO- 119, 846
A 2 Research on the nonequllibrium flow field and the
optical radiation around vehicles traveling at high
altitudes and superorbltal speeds.
NASr-156 ....... Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories, Inc., J. W. Four___ 70, 521
A 1 Investigation of warm fog properties and fog modi-
fication concepts.
NsG-116 ........ Cornell University, S. H. BAUER ................... 12, 487
S 3 Kinetics of chemical reactions in gases at high
temperatures utilizing shock tubes and other gas
dynamic techniques.
NsG-382 ........ Cornell University, T. GOLD ....................... 203, 530
S 1 Laboratory experiments relating to the lunar
NsG(T)-48 ...... Cornen University, D. BOYNTON ................... 212, 400
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-46 ........ Cornell University, T. GOLD ...................... 12, 679
A 2 Build four prototype magnetometers.
NsG-155 ........ Dudley Observatory, C. L. HEMENWAY ............... 299, 250
S 2 Collection of mlcromcteoritcs from a Gemini space
fight capsule.

See footnotes at end of table.

. APPENDIX _ 237

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continuecl

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ 2---Continued

NsG(T)-121 ..... Fordhmm University, J. F. MULLIGAN .............. $53, 100

Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-76 ......... New York University, R. C. SAHNI ................. 41,040
S 4 Investigations of molecular states.
NsG-90 ......... New York University, H. MARGOLIN ................. 34, 955
S 3 Investigation of the effects of pressure on metal-
lurgical phenomena.
NsG-169 ........ New York University, W. BRANDT ................... 28, 431
S 1 Energy loss of charged particles in plasmas.
NsG-217 ........ New York University, H. A. TAYLOR ................ 25, 500
S 1 Research in the vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of
nitric oxide in accordance with proposal.
NsG--499 ........ New York University, J. E. MILLER ............... 25, 000
S 1 A theoretical investigation of the properties of
planetary atmospheres.
NsG-499 ........ New York University, J. E. MILLER ................. 25, 000
S 2 A theoretical investigation of the properties of
planetary atmospheres.
NsG-617 .... --_- New York University, B. JOSEPHS0N ................ 30, 012
Studies of spin lattice relaxation in insulating
crystals using the new technique of absorption of

NsG-699 ........ New York University, S. BOR0WITZ ................ 14, 144

Selected topics in atomic physics.
NsG(T)--40 ...... New York University, J. R. RAOAZZINI ............. 258, 800
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-183 ....... New York University, C. MARSEL ................. 50, 000
A 1 Investigations of the chemical kinetics of an ad-
vanced high energy propellant system.
NsG--589 ........ Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, H. J. JURETSCHKE__ 75, 000
Research on electron and field interactions with
thin films and surfaces.
NsG (T)-71 ...... Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, E. WEBER ......... 283, 500
S 1 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-199 ....... Pratt Institute, D. VITaooas ..................... 8, 000
Space-related teaching materials designed to serve
as guides to classroom instruction.
NsG-48 ......... Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, E. H. HOLT ........ 84, 019
S 5 Investigation of the properties of gaseous plasmas
by microwave techniques.
NsG--100 ........ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, S. WIBERLY ........ 300, 000
S 4 Research on interdisciplinary materials.
NsG-113 ........ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, J. M. GREE_B_RO___ 69, 800
S 1 Models of interstellar dust clouds.
NsG-158 ........ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, P. HARTECK ...... 30, 000
S 1 Research of fundamental atom chemistry.
NsG-290 ........ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, H. B. HUNTINOTON
S 1 and J. C. CORELLI ............................. 122, 688
Radiation damage to semiconductors and thin
metallic films by high-energy electron, proton and
neutron-gamma radiation.
NsG-371 ........ Reneselaer Polytechnic Institute, F. A. WHITE and
S 1 G.P. CALAME ................................. 88, 171
Provide a better basic understanding of radiation
damage to semiconductor materials.
NsG--663 ........ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, J. HUDSON ......... 109, 392
Spatial nucleation and crystal growth.

See footnotes at end of table.

Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued
Jan. 1-Ju_ 30, 196_ _--Gon_nueO

New York--Continued
NsG(T)-lO ...... Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, E. B. ALLEN ...... $302, 200
S 2 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-209 ........ University of Rochester, W. VISHNIAC ............. 215, 950
Microbiological and chemical studies of planetary
NsG-308 ........ University of Rochester, P. W. BAUMEISTER ......... 69, 276
S 2 The properties of multilayer optical filters.
NsG-350 ........ University of Rochester, M. LESSEN .............. 60, OO0
S 1 Investigate the feasibility of a traveling wave de-
vise of rotationally symmetric geometry for propul-
NsG-469 ........ University of Rochester, G. LoEwY ................ 30, 00O
S 1 ,Investigation of the free vibrations of heavy
concentrated masses suspended in cylindrical shell
NsG-574 ........ University of Rochester, E. KXNNEN ................. 18, 706
A study of nonlinear control systems problems.
NsG-613 ........ University of Rochester, W. D. NEar .............. 37, 500
Investigation of the neurological correlates of
information reception.
NsG(T)-73 ...... University of Rochester, W. O. F_NN ................ 186, O00
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-14 ........ University of Rochester, R. E. HOPKINS, W. L. HYDE
A 4 and M. V. R. K. MURTY ....................... 74, 787
Studies of optical and mechanical design of tele-
scopic and spectrographic equipment suitable for
space environment.
NASw-107 ....... University of Rochester, R. E. HOPKINS ........... 85, OO0
A 4 Obtain additional data of experiments in the
vacuum ultraviolet region.
NsG-684 ........ Saint John's University, M. PISANO ............... 17, 195
Investigation of a sonochemical approach in steril-
ization problems.
NsG(T)-ll9 ..... State University of New York (Stony Brook), K.D. 31, 1O0
Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-619 ........ Syracuse University, K. SCHRODER ................ 18, 180
Research on creep at elevated temperatures and
high vacuum.
NsG_627 ........ Syracuse University, R. M. EVAN-IWANOWSKI ........ 20, 400
Deformations and stability of perfect and impprfect
lsotropic cylindrical shells.
NsG-693 ........ Syracuse University, R. S. SLEPECKY .............. 19, 458
Studies of trace elements in the sporulation of
bacteria and the germination of bacterial spores.
NsG(T)-78 ...... Syracuse University, F. P. PISKOR ................. 141, 600
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-106 .......... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, W. BRANDT ........ 133
Payment for computer usage.
NsG-227 ........ Yeshiva University, L. F. LANDOVITZ .............. 25, 999
S 2 Application of statistical mechanics of nonequillb-
rium processes to astrophysics.
North Carolina :
NsG-152 ........ Duke University, T. G. WXLSON ................... 55, 0O0
S 3 Satellite electrical power conversion systems and
circuit protection.

See footnotes at end of table.

• _._PENDIX _ 239

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated 1--Continued

Jan. l--June 30, 196_ "---ConUnued

NsG(T)-16 ...... Duke University, R. L. PaEE_ORZ ................. $177,000

S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-235 ....... North Carolina Science and Technology Research
Center, P. ;I. CHSNER_ ......................... 100, 000
Establish a regional technology transfer program
emphasizing the dissemination and use of new tech-
NsG(T)-31 ...... North Carolina State College, W. J. PETESSON ....... 147, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-588 ........ North Carolina State College, R. W. LADE ........... 59, 822
Theoretical and experimental studies of radiation-
induced damage to semiconductor surfaces and ef-
fects of damage on device performance.
NsG_78 ........ North Carolina State College, D. S. GROSCH ......... 21, 178
The utilization of habrobracon and artemia as
experimental materials in bioastronautic studies.
NsG--686 ........ North Carolina State College, F. O. SSF._ANA ........ 30, 873
Investigation of the permeability of parachute
NsG(T)-63 ...... University of North Carolina, H. HObMAN ........... 186, 300
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASw-59 ....... University of North Carolina, B. D. PALMATIER ...... 45, 880
A 7 Measurements of change of spectrum of primary
cosmic radiation at balloon altitudes.
NsG-723 ........ Research Triangle Institute, H. CaaMER and M. R.
LEAV_TTEU ................................... 20, 939
Collection and development of material, including
necessary research, for the preparation of a manu-
NASr-40 ........ Research Triangle Institute, G. Cox ............... 63, 652
A 3 Abstracting and review service for technical llt-
eraturo on reliability.
NASr-222 ....... Research Triangle Institute ....................... 48, 081
Study the fea_tbllity of a piezotransistor acceler-
NASr-236 ....... Research Triangle Institute, BURGER ............... 21, 144
Survey of microelectronic device applications in
NASA program.
North Dakota :

NsG (T)-132 ..... North Dakota State University, D. SCHWARTZ ........ 37, 900
Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Ohio :

NASr-100(02)__. Battelle Memorial Institute, H. BATCHELDER ......... 100, 000

Participation in the NASA technology utilization
NASr-100(03)__. Battelle Memorial Institute, J. F. FOSTER ............ 73, 765
A 1 Development of apparatus and procedures for
cultivation of hydrogen-fixing bacteria.
NASr-100(04)__. Battelle Memorial Institute, F. W. FINK ............ 9, 780
Research on the susceptibility of titanium alloys
to hot salt stress corrosion in supersonic transport.
NASw-101 ...... Battelle Memorial Institute, A. GILBERT ............. 40, 400
A 5 Investigation of mechanical properties of chro-
mium and chromium-rhemium-type derived alloys.
NsG-36-60 ...... Case Institute of Technology, W. MERGLER ........... 60, 000
S 2 Investigation of hybird numerical circuitry in
closed loop control system.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated l--Continued

Jan. l_lune 30, 196_ _---Continued

NsG-36-60 ...... Case Institute of Technology, W. MERGLER ......... $60, 000
S 3 Investigation of hybird numerical circuitry in
closed loop control system.
NsCr-ll0 ........ Case Institute of Technology, L. A. SCHMIT, Jr ....... 38, 100
S 4 Research on a method of systematic structural
synthesis suitable for use with digital computing
NsG-198 ........ Case Institute of Technology, O. K. MAWARDI ......... 150, 000
S 3 Research in plasma dynamics.
NsG-345 ........ Case Institute of Technology, W. TOBOCMAN ......... 24, 986
S 1 Investigate the range of validity of the theory of
the direct interaction of the nuclei.
NsG-391 ........ Case Institute of Technology, S. OSTRACH ........... 31, 200
S 1 General study of the dynamics and stability of
ablative melt layers.
NsG-639 ........ Case Institute of Technology, J. F. WALLACE ......... 12, 720
Modified eutectic alloys for high temperature
NsG-644 ........ Case Institute of Technology, W. THOMPSON ......... 48, 200
Spectroscopy of trapped free radicals from low
temperature hydrogen atom reactions.
NsG(T)_I2 ...... Case Institute of Technology, L. GORDON ............ 206, 700
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-654 ........ Case Institute of Technology, S. V. RADCLX_'FE ....... 19, 930
Effects of hydrostatic pressure cycling on the
mechanical behavior of body centered cubic refr.
metals and alloys.
NASr-227 ....... Case Institute of Technology, R. E. BoLz ............. 54, 787
Support a specialized summer institute in space-
related engineering.
NsG-75 ......... University of Cincinnati, B. BLACK-SCHAFFER ........ 21, 460
S 1 Protection against acceleration by immersion
during hypothermie suspended animation.
NsG(T)_43 ...... University of Cincinnati, C. CROCK_._r ............... 117, 600
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-568 ........ Kent State University, T. BHARGAVA ................ 11, 400
Research on stochastic models for multidimen-
sional, multivalued relations.
NsG(T)-56 ...... Kent State University, C. G. WILRER ................ 54, 100
S 1 Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-213 ........ Ohio State University, C. LEWIS ................... 100, O00
S 2 Theoretical and experimental analysis of the
electromagnetic scattering on lunarlike surfaces.
NsG-295 ....... Ohio State University, E. P. IIIATT ................. 90, 000
S 1 Biological e_ffects of prolonged exposure of animals
to unusual gaseous environments.
NsG--74 ......... Ohio State University, C. A. LEvxs ................ 100, 000
S 3 Research on receiver techniques for use at milli-
meter and submillimeter wavelengths.
NsG-552 ........ Ohio State University, C. V. Hzza ................ 70, 420
Research measurement of angular rotation with
NsG--591 ........ Ohio State University, R. BRODKEY ................ 20, 016
Rheological properties of materials.
NsG-652 ........ Ohio State University, G. W. WHARTON ............. 69, 805
Determination of minimum concentrations of en-
vironmental water'capable of supporting life.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ *--_Continued

NsG(T)-66 ...... Ohio State University A. C. BROAD ................. $120, 000

S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-133 ..... Ohio State University, W. F. ASHm ............... 71,400
Support the specialized post-M.D, training in aero-
space medicine.
NsG(T)-124 ..... Ohio University, D. R. CLZPPINGEE ................ 34,100
Support the training of 2 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-104 ..... University of Toledo, A. N. SOLBERO ................ 60, OO0
Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-115 .......... U.S. Air Force (Wright-Patterson), M. SYNDER ..... 50, 000
Development of a data bank technology.
NsG-653 ........ Western Reserve University, B. CHANDRASEKHAR___ 30, O0O
Studies on the electronic structure and transport
phenomena in alloys.
NsG-655 ........ Western Reserve University, K. J. CASPER .......... 39, 789
Semiconductor radiation detectors.
NsG(T)-88 ...... Western Reserve University, F. H. HURLEY .......... 141, 660
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Oklahoma :

NsG-300 ........ Oklahoma City University, J. P. JOEDO_ ............. 100, 0O0

S 1 Interdisciplinary studies of the effects of the
space environment of biological systems.
NsG-454 ........ Oklahoma State University, J. WZE_DLT ............. 19, 327
S 1 Analytical and experimental studies of the thermal
characteristics of a slotted, variable surface con-
figuration for self-regulating, spacecraft temperature
control system.
NsG-609 ........ Oklahoma State University, C. A. DUNN ............. 150, O00
Research in space-related sciences and engineering.
NsG(T)-67 ...... Oklahoma State University, M. T. EDMISON .......... 162, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-7 ......... Oklahoma State University, F. C. TODD ............ 48, 000
Physics of hyperveloeity mtcroparticle impact.
NsG(T)-36 ...... University of Oklahoma, A. H. DOERR .............. 177, 0OO
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-178 ....... Southeastern State College, W. N. PEACH ........... 125, 000
Establishing and operating a technology use serv-
ices center.
Oregon :

NsG(T)-68 ...... Oregon State University, H. P. HANSES ........... 149,500

S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Pennsylvania :

NsG(T)-41 ...... Carnegie Institute of Technology, C. L. McCAB_ ...... 225, 100

S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-270 ........ Drexel Institute of Technology, P. C. CHOU .......... 16, 829
S 2 Theoretical analysis of the stresses induced into
the walls of a liquid filled propellant tank impacted
and penetrated by a small hypervelocity particle.
NASr-145 ....... Franklin Institute, A. LAWLEY and J. BREEDIS ....... 72, 747
A 2 Research on the effect of nucleation of slip at the
surface on the flow and fracture of beryllium.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and Research Contracts Obligated 1--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196._ 2----Continued

NASr-146 ....... Franklin Institute R. M. GOODMAN ................ $97, 331
A 1 Research into measurement, systems, and systems
concepts for application to studies in circadian
NsG-287 ........ Haverford College, L. C. GREEN .................. 36, 201
S 1 Theoretical studies of wave functions and transi-
tion probabilities for light atoms and highly ionized
NsG-287 ........ Haverford College, L. C. GREEN .................... 36, 285
S 2 Investigation of the solar ultraviolet spectrum of
NsG-410 ........ LeHigh University, P. C. PARIS .................... 48, 000
S 1 Theoretical and experimental studies of fatigue
crack propagation.
NsCr_66 ........ LeHigh University, F. P. BEER ...................... 18, 960
S 1 Analysis and prediction of launch vehicle response
to a random wind-velocity field.
NSG(T)-57 ..... LeHigh University, R. D. STOUT ................... 153, 600
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science aml technology.
NsG-147 ........ Mellon Institute, D. J. PLAZEK .................... 24, 049
S 2 Research on viscoelastic behavior of polymers at
long times.
NsG-668 ........ Mellon Institute, L. VASSAMILLET ................. 45, 000
Research on tektites, strong meteorites, and radi-
ation damage in simulated lunar materials.
NsG-134 ........ Pennsylvania State University, J. S. NlSnET ......... 116, 468
S 3 Theoretical and analytical research on electron
densities in the ionosphere, including studies of a
rocket and separating capsule experimental tech-
NsG-324 ........ Pennsylvania State University, E. C. POLLARD ........ 193, 625
S 1 Physics of cellular synthesis, growth and division.
NsG-537 ........ Pennsylvania State University, G. WISLIC_.NUS ...... 29, 250
Investigation of secondary flow in axial flow
NsG-611 ........ Pennsylvania State University, D. KLINE ............ 28, 920
Thermal conductivity studies of high polymers.
NsG(T)-22 ...... Pennsylvania State University, H. K. SCHILLING ...... 212, 400
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-316 ........ University of Pennsylvania, M. ALTMAN ............. 213, 700
S 2 Research in the conversion of various forms of
energy by unconventional techniques.
NsG-667 ........ University of Pennsylvania, W. C. FOESMAN ......... 28, 067
Studies of non-Newtonian fluid.
NsG(T)-69 ...... University of Pennsylvania, A. N. HIXSON .......... 230, 400
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-191 ....... University of Pennsylvania, P. S. BALAS ............. 182, 292
Operation of a power information center.
NASr-191 ....... University of Pennsylvania, P. S. BALAS ............. 70, 000
A 1 Operation of the power information center.
NsG-593 ........ University of Pittsburgh, A. J. COHEN .............. 60, 000
Geochemical research on stony meteorites and

NsG-631 ........ University of Pittsburgh, W. M. LAIRD .............. 19, 200

Investigation into the mechanical properties of
plastic materials.

See footnotes at end of table.

_FSNDIX _ 243

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

JG_. 1-,jr_v_e 30, 1.966 _Continued

NsG-634 ........ University of Pittsburgh, W. M. LaxRo ............ $21, 450

Dynamic and static analysis of structures with
uniformly distributed axial load.
NsG(T)-70 ...... University of Pittsburgh, P. F. JON_.S ............... 217, 600
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-169 ....... University of Pittsburgh, N. WA_> ................. 30, 000
A 1 Research on the utilization of automatic elec-
tronic scanning and computer analysis of chro-
NASr-234 ....... University of Pittsburgh, E. MON_OM_aY ........... 150, 000
Development of a prototype of a regional facility
for the spinoff of space information to foster indus-
trial development.
NsG-84 ......... Temple University, J. L. BOHN .................... 23, 000
S 5 Development of experimental and statistical meth-
ods for obtaining and interpreting mlcrometeorlte
data from space vehicles.
NsG--84 ......... Temple University, J. L. BOHN .................... 165, 000
S 6 Development of experimental and statistical meth-
ods for obtaining and interpreting micrometeorlte
data from space vehicles.
R-121 .......... U.S. Naval Air Engineering, J. PICHTELBERGER ..... 147, 899
Research on plentum chamber combustion.
Rhode Island :
NsG-373 ........ Brown University, H. FARNSWORTH ................ 67, 200
S 1 Structure of atomically clean surfaces of refrac-
tory metals.
NsG(T)-127 ..... Brown University, R. B. LINDSAY .................. 180, 000
Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-72 ...... University of Rhode Island, E. W. HaRTUNG ......... 70, 800
S 1 Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
South Carolina :
NsG-(T)-44 ..... Clemson College, H. MACAULAY ................... 95,300
Support the training of 5 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-(T)-ll5 .... University of South Carolina, R. H. WIE_FSLD ..... 97, 100
Support the training of 5 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
R-124 .......... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, S. P. RIDEOUT ..... 70, 000
Stress corrosion cracking of titanium alloys.
Tennessee :
NsG--351 ........ University of Tennessee, J. H_NO .................. 24, 000
S 1 Optimization of data by parallel data reduction.
NsG-539 ........ University of Tennessee, N. M. FaILaR ............ 157, 426
Investigation in the region of various atmospheric
NsG-587 ........ University of Tennessee, W. STAIR ................. 27, 096
Fundamental study of clearance type dynamic
shaft seals.
NsG-671 ........ University of Tennessee, D. C. BoGus ............. 14, 537
Constitutive equations in two-dimensional flow.

NsG-(T)-81 ..... University of Tennessee, H. A. SMITH ............. 177, 000

S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-465 ........ Vanderbnt University, C. W. WILSON, Jr. and R. G.
S 1 STEARNS ...................................... 32, 200
Study of Wells Creek Basin, Tenn., a meteorite
impact structure.

See footnotes at end of table.

755-266 0 - 64 - 17

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continuecl

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ _--ConUnued

NsG-(T)-85 ..... Vanderbilt University, L. B. BroACH ............... $179, 300
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Texas :
NsG--548 ........ Arlington State College, G. McCAIN ............... 13,287
Study of the effects of protective filters and lenses
on color Judgment.
NsG-390 ........ Baylor University, P. KELIAWAY ................. 34,473
S 1 Study of correlations between physiological and
psychological observations.
NsG-269 ........ Graduate Research Center, F. S. JOHNSON ........... 850, 000
S 2 Fundamental research in earth and planetary
NsG-583 ........ Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, R.C. 8, 000
Support of a symposium on gravitational collapse
and other topics in relativistic astrophysics as
NASr-177 ....... Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, W.B. 131,792
Measurement of the neutral composition of the
upper atmosphere.
NsG(T)-52 ...... University of Houston, $. C. ALLREV .............. 177, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG--6 .......... Rice University, F. BnoTzEN ..................... 300,000
S 5 Research on the physics of solid materials, and
study of the basic laws governing the behavior at
high temperatures.
NsG-673 ........ .Rice University, F. C. MICHEL and A. $. DIDSSLER___ 62, 651
Develop an instrument to determine the species of
the solar wind for advanced pioneer mission.
NsG(T)-9 ....... Rice University, F. R. BROTZZN .................... 288, 000
S 2 Support the training of 15 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(F)-20 ...... Rice University .................................. 1,600, 000
Construct a space science and technology building
on campus.
NASr-209 ....... Rice University, B. $. O'BnIEN ................... 60, 000
A 1 Investigations and analyses of particle and light
flux in aurorae and airglow using rocket-borne in-

NsG-708 ........ Southern Methodist University, G. W. CnAwroav___ 76, 769

Research in semiconductor detector-dosimeter
characteristics as applied to the problems of whole
body dosimeters.
NsG-711 ........ Southern Methodist University, H. A. BLUM ........ 28, 174
Heat transfer across surfaces in contract: practi-
cal effects of transient temperature and pressure

NsG(T)-99 ...... Southern Methodist University, C. C. ALBB]TTON ..... 54,000

Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-94(02) .... Southwest Research Institute, H. KoaP ............. 100, 000
A 2 Participation in the NASA Technology Utiliza-
tion Program.
NASr-94 (03) .... Southwest Research Institute, H. N. ABnAMSON ...... 8, 000
A 1 Experimental and analytical studies on the non-
linear response of the elastic shell.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-.Ju_ 30, 196_ S_on_nued

NASr-94(06) .... Southwest Research Institute, H. N. ABRAMSON ..... $45, 101

Research on dynamics of shells of arbitrary
NASr-94(07) .... Southwest Research Institute, H. N. ABRAMSON ..... 74, 200
Preparation of a monograph on liquid dynamic
behavior in rocket propellant tanks.
NsG-239 ........ Texas A. & M. College, F. J. BENSON ............... 56, 000
S 2 Interdisciplinary Space-Oriented Research Pro-
gram in the physical, life, and engineering sciences.
NsG-256 ........ Texas A. & M., R. WAINERDI ...................... 67, 820
S 2 Research on remote automatic neutron activation
techniques to determine lunar surface elemental
NsG-669 ........ Texas A. & M. University, A. E. CaONK ............ 85, 002
Improvement of propeller static thrust estimation.
NsG(T)-8 ....... Texas A. & M. University, W. C. HALL .......... 230, 400
S 2 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(F)-16 ...... Texas A. & M. University ........................ 1,000, 000
Construction of research laboratory facilities
housing the Texas A. & M. University's activation
analysis research laboratory.
NsG(T)-105 ..... Texas Christian University, J. M. MOUDY ........... 51,900
Support the training of 3 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-720 ........ Texas Technological College, F. A. WAv_ ............ 24, 474
Collection of meteoric dust particles during Gemini
flight ; analyses and comparison with meteoric dust
_tt and below surface of the earth.
NsG(T)-82 ...... Texas Technological College, F. D. RIOBY ........... 101, 600
S 1 Support the training of 6 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG-210 ........ University of Texas, P. MONTGOM_RY ............... 80, 000
S 2 Influence of gravity on unicellular organisms.
NsG-353 ........ University of Texas, J. HANCOCK .................. 39, 935
S 1 Research of hydromagnetic and ion cyclotron
waves in plasmas immersed in magnetic fields.
NsG_I32 ........ University of Texas, C. W. TOLBERT ................ 60, 000
S 1 _esearch on millimeter wavelength radiation uti-
lizing 16-foot parabolic reflecting antenna.
NsG-604 ........ University of Texas, L. REES_ ................... 50, 000
Procedures for modeling soils for impact studies
of model spacecraft.
NsG(T)-83 ...... University of Teaxs, W. G. WHALEY .............. 158,400
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NASr-87 ........ University of Texas, A. W. STRAITON .............. 74, 000
A 1 Study of planetary temperatures of the brightness
of radio sources.
NsG-440 ........ Texas Woman's University, B. MACK .............. 90, 000
S 1 Fundamental investigation of losses of skeletal
mineral in young adult males.
R-99 ........... USAF Aerospace Medical Laboratory, J. E. MOYER .... 20, 439
A 1 Ecologic relationships between bacteria and algae
in photosynthetic gas exchangers.
R-123 .......... USAF Aerospace Medical Laboratory, D. FARRER ..... 30, 000
-Research and development of u flight experiment
on mice in long-duration Aero-G.

See footnotes at end of table.


Grants and ResearchContractsObligated l--Continued

Jan. 1-June 30, 196_ _--Continued

Utah :

NsG(T)-96 ...... Brigham Young University, W. P. LLOYD ........... $40, 800

Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
NsG(T)-80 ...... Utah State University, J. S. WXLLIAMS ........... 73,200
S 1 Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology,
NsG(T)-79 ...... University of Utah, H. EYE,N0 .................... 141, 600
S 1 Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Vermont :
NsG-241 ........ University of Vermont, A. CROWDELL .............. 7, 000
S 1 Radioactive tracer and work function study of
chemlsorptlon of glass on metals.
NsG(T)-28 ...... University of Vermont, W. H. MACMILLIAM .......... 67, 800
S 1 Support the training of 4 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Virginia :
NsG--156 ........ Medical College of Virginia, J. L. PAT'rzasoN, Jlt ...... 63, 000
S 1 Analysis of mechanisms of control of cerebral
NsG--602 ........ Old Dominion College, W. MAURICE PRITCHARD ...... 24, 000
Defect annealing In irradiated semiconductors.
NASr-226 ....... Virginia Associated Research Center, D. Y. PASCHALL_ 69, 475
Support a specialized summer Institute in space-
related engineering.
NsG(T)-11 ...... Virginia Polytechnic Institute, W. B. BELL ......... 177, 000
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students In
space-related science and technology.
NsG--578 ........ University of Virginia, K. Z[OCK ................. 3, 720
Study the desirability and feasibility of large
aperture orbiting X-ray telescope with respect to
the MORL.
NsG-635 ........ University of Virginia, J. W. MOORE ............... 8, 741
Research on methods of electronic digital computer
for comparison with older methods.
NsG-682 ........ University of Virginia, F. HEREFORD .............. 400, 000
Multldlsclplinary research in space sciences and
NsG(T)-14 ...... University of Virginia, F. L. HEREFORD ........... 163, 700
S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students In
space-related science and technology.
NASr-233 ....... University of Virginia ........................... 2, 700
Contract for the use of the 26-Inch telescope at
the Leander McCormick Observatory, University of
NsG_36 ........ College of William and Mary, W. O. FUNETEN ......... 38, 700
Study of plon and muon beam transport systems
.for a 600 Mev synchrocyclotron.
NsG-710 ........ College of William and Mary, T. D. LAWRENCE ...... 41, 270
Measurement of light scattered by the atmosphere
from a laser beam.
Washington :
NsG(T)-100 ..... Washington State University, D. S. FARMER ........ 100, 700
Support the training of 6 graduate students In
space-related science and technology.
NsG-519 ........ University of Washington, F. B. TAUB .............. 26, 932
Effects of weightlessness on the life cycle of
NsG-632 ........ University of Washington, J. K. BUETTNER .......... 75, 000
Evaluation of new methods to be used in weather

See footnotes at end of table.

_'PENDIX _ 247

Grants and ResearchContractsObligated Z--Continued

,/a_. 1-Jutw 30, 1.966 s-_onUnued

NsG(T)-87 ...... OnivereitT of Washington, J. L MCCAR_Y ........ $148, 800

S 1 Support the training of 10 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
West Virginia :
NsG(T)-21 ...... West Virginia University, J. F. GOLAY .............. 151, 800
Support the training of 8 graduate students in
space-rsiated science and technology.
Wisconsin :
NASr-143 ....... Astronautics Corp. of America, R. D. SEI_FELD ...... 115, 063
A 1 Engineering and technician field support for in.
stallation of ACA stable platform in the X-15
research vehicle.
NsG-601 ........ University of Wisconsin, P. MYERS ................ 140, 000
Research on oscillatory combustion and fuel
NsG--618 ........ University of Wisconsin, A. D. CODI ............... 230, 420
Stellar spectrophyotemetry in the far ultraviolet.
NsG(T)-23 ...... University of Wisconsin, R. A. ALmBa_ ............ 223, 200
S 1 Support the training of 12 graduate students in
space-related science and technology.
Wyoming :
NsG-658 ........ University of Wyoming, J. C. BVv-LAMY ............ 83, 000
Orbital operational studies.
Foreign :
NsG-54 ......... University of Auckland, J. E. _TH]mRIDGI ........... 22, 000
S 3 Investigation of radio signals from artificial
NsG--320 ........ Dominion Observatory (Canada), V. GAIZAUSKAS ..... 40, 000
S I Monitor the sun for solar activity on a daily basis
and report activity noted to the NDS.
NASr-210 ....... Institute for Fotogrammetri (Sweden), D. HALLZUT___ 1,980
Mathematical analysis of the lunar maps made by
the Army Map Service and the Air Force Aeronauti-
cal Chart and Information Center.
NsG-297 ........ University of Manchester (England), Z. KOPAL ...... 17, 744
S I Operate a lunar and planetary observing station.
NsG--305 ........ University of Munich (Germany), F. MOLLZR ......... 15, 000
S I Evaluation of TIROS III radiation data.
NsCr-633 ........ University of Toronto (Canada), I. GLASS ........... 59, 400
Research on hypervelocity reentry problems.
NsG-661 ........ University of Toronto, R. RIBNER .................. 11, 800
Research on jet noise and turbulence.
NASr-174 ....... University of Uppsala (Sweden), K. BOCKASTSN ...... 15, 000
Study of highly ionized light elements as found
in the sun and other astronomical sources.

The grants listed in this appendix are reported to the Congress in compliance with
the requirements of the Grants Statute, 42 U.S.C. 1891-1893 (72 Stat. 1793).
2 Contracts have prefix NAS ; Grants have prefix NsG ; Transfer of Funds to Government
Agencies have prefix R. Barlier Grants and Contracts are listed in appendices of previous
NASA Semiannual Reports to Congress.
Appendix N

Institutions Currently Participating in the NASA Predoctoral Training Program

(June 30, 196_)

*Adelphi University Kansas State University

Alabama, University of Kansas, University of
*Alaska, University of Kent State University
*Alfred University *Kentucky, University of
Arizona State University Lehigh University
Arizona, University of Louisiana State University
Arkansas, University of *Maine, University of
Auburn University Maryland, University of
*Boston College Massachusetts Institute of Technology
*Boston University *Miami, University of
*Brandeis University Michigan State University
*Brigham Young University Michigan, University of
Brooklyn, Polytechnic Institute of Minnesota, University of
*Brown University *Mississippi State University
California Institute of Technology *Mississippi, University of
*California, University of, Berkeley Missouri, University of
California, University of, Los Angeles Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
*California, University of, Riverside *Montana State College
*California, University of, San Diego *Montana State University
Carnegie Institute of Technology *Nebraska, University of
Case Institute of Technology Nevada, University of
Catholic University of America *New Hampshire, University of
Chicago, University of *New Mexico State University
Cincinnati, University of New Mexico, University of
*Clark University *New York, The City University of
*Clarkson College of Technology *New York, State University of, Stony
Clemson University Brook
*Colorado School of Mines New York University
Colorado State University North Carolina State College
Colorado, University of North Carolina, University of
Columbia University *North Dakota State University
Connecticut, University of Northeastern University
Cornell University Northwestern University
*Dartmouth College Notre Dame, University of
Delaware, University of Ohio State University
Denver, University of *Ohio University
Duke University Oklahoma State University
*Emory University Oklahoma, University of
Florida State University Oregon State University
Florida, University of Pennsylvania State University
*Fordham University Pennsylvania, University of
George Washington University Pittsburgh, University of
*Georgetown University Princeton University
Georgia Institute of Technology Purdue University
*Georgia, University of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
*Hawaii, University of Rhode Island, University of
Houston, University of Rice University
*Howard University Rochester, University of
Illinois Institute of Technology *Rutgers, The State University
Illinois, University of Saint Louis University
Indiana University *South Carolina, University of
Iowa, State University of Southern California, University of
Iowa State University *Southern Methodist University
Johns Hopkins University Stanford University


Institutions Currently Participating in the NASA Predoctora[ Training


Stevens Institute of Technology Vanderbllt University

Syracuse University Vermont, University of
Tennessee, University of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Texas A. & M. University Virginia, University of
*Texas Christian University *Washington State University
Texas Technological College Washington University (St. Louis)
Texas, University of Washington, University of (Seattle)
*Toledo, University of *Wayne State University
*Tufts University West Virginia University
Tulane University Western Reserve University
Utah State University Wisconsin, University of
Utah, University of Yale University

*Institutions entering the program in Fiscal Year 1964.


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