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ENGLISH 1. Do the assignments in English Register / on Ruled Sheets and submit the work in
a separate file on the reopening day. (Assignment attached)
2. Update your English Register with all the assignments submitted during the
Online Classes.
3. The updated register should be submitted for checking on the day the school
reopens after vacation.
4. Revise the syllabus already done during the Online Classes for exams scheduled
in July.

MATHEMATICS Group Investigatory Projects (Seven Groups of 35 students containing 5 in each

1. Case Studies to Understand E.M.I ‘s in home loan(20 Lakhs for 10 years,50
Lakhs for 20 years), car loan(5 Lakhs for 3 years and 10 Lakhs for 5 years),
household items, in industries(10 Crores for 20 Years and 50 Crores for 25
years) (Group Leader- Vani Aggarwal )
2. Exploring Sets, their properties, cartesian product of two sets through a power
point presentation (P.P.T.) containing at least 40 slides. (Group Leader-
Kartikai Sarwan)
3. Corona- The Killer Virus Using mean, median, mode, pie chart, histogram and
cumulative frequency curve show the spread of deadly virus in India and Four
other European Countries from 1st April to 30st May (Taking interval’s 1-10,10-
20,20-30(April) 1-10,10-20,20-30(May) ). Also show the recovery of patients
and number of deaths. (Group Leader - Pranav Vig)
4. Power Point Presentation(P.P.T.) on Practical Application of H.C.F. and
L.C.M. in finding exact date of Solar and Lunar Eclipse, forming grills in
windows and doors, time table of flight and trains.( Group Leader – Jiya Jindal)
5. Power Point Presentation (P.P.T.) on graphs of special function (identity,
constant, polynomial, greatest integer, signum, trigonometric) using their
domain and range. (Group Leader – Shivam Sachdeva)
6. Presenting beautiful designs and patterns of Mandala and Worli Art form in
various objects through Geogebra App (Group Leader – Arcchit Sehgall)
7. Power Point Presentation (P.P.T.) on Application of Trigonometry in
predicting earthquake, describing state of atom, predicting the heights of tides
in ocean, analysing a musical tone, designing of electrical circuits etc. (Group
Leader – Priya Dhingra)
ACCOUNTANCY 1. Prepare PPT/ Video on the following topics : ( any one )

 Basic Accounting Terms
 Accounting Process
 Accounting Principles and Concepts
 Types and Users of Accounting Information
 Concept and usage of Accounting for a Business.
 Vouchers – Meaning and its Types
 Accounting – Its Meaning, Advantages and Limitations
PPT should be of minimum 15 slides( excluding title and thanks page). Video
should be of 20 to 25 mins.
2. Do the attached assignment in fair register.
BUSINESS 1.PROJECT WORK : (Select any one)
STUDIES a) PPT on Corporate social responsibility
b) PPT on business structure of Amazon
c) PPT on Mumbai Dabbawallas
d) PPT on mergers of Banks
e) PPT on India’s movement towards “ATMANIRBHARTA”- self dependent.
2. Do the attached assignment in fair register.
Make a project file using all statistical tools (namely collection of data,
organization of data, presentation of data, analysis and interpretation of data)
showing consumer's preferences of the product (already chosen).
2. Do the attached assignment in fair register.
PHYSICS 1. Prepare an investigatory project on any topic related to physics.
(Terminal velocity of various subjects, Newton’s Law of cooling, Finding g
using pendulum, Finding coefficient of friction of three surfaces using blocks
and pulleys, etc. - Topics for reference only)
2. Revise chapters done in class.
3. Do the assignments on Ruled Sheets and submit the work in a separate file on
the day of reopening. (Assignment attached)

CHEMISTRY 1. Prepare an investigatory project on any topic related to chemistry.

(Toothpaste analysis, smoke bomb, composition of coconut water, constituents
of chocolate, Health benefits of tea and coffee consumption, etc. – Topics for
reference only)
2. Revise chapters done in class.
3. Do the assignments on Ruled Sheets and submit the work in a separate file on
the day of reopening. (Assignment attached)

BIOLOGY 1. Make a power point presentation on any topic related to Human Physiology.
The presentation should be made using Microsoft PowerPoint.
 It should include text, graphics, animations etc.
 Presentation should have 15-20 slides. (Last slide should be of Bibliography
/sources of information you used.)
 The presentations time will be 5 minutes.
 Presentation will be assessed on the basis of Content, Use of software
features and the effective use of Multimedia features, Aesthetics,
Communication skills.
Prepare an investigatory project on any topic related to Human Physiology.
2. Prepare a detailed report on any one disorder related to Digestive system /
Respiratory system / Circulatory system).
(Use A4 sized sheets –white /ruled)
3. Complete NCERT book and Exemplar questions of Chapters 16-18 in register.
4. Revise the chapters.

COMPUTER 1. Revise the chapters done in the class.

SCIENCE Ch-1- Computer System Organisation
Ch-4- Insight into Program Execution
Ch- 5- Computational Thinking and Getting Started with Python
Ch-6- Python Fundamentals
Ch-7- Data Handling
2. Do the assignments in register and submit the work in a separate file on the
reopening day. (Assignment attached)

PHYSICAL Prepare project file of the following topics:

EDUCATION 1. Any 5 games including –
 History of games
 Ground specification
 Rules of the games
 Main competitions
*(Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Judo, Shooting, Skating,
Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Rope-Skipping, Yoga,
Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children with Special Needs - Divvying)}] *
2. Any 5 yoga asanas with their benefits (To be done on A4 sheet)


1. Make a Power point presentation/Project file on any one topic as per the list
 The story of human evolution
 The Legacy of Mesopotamia civilization with special reference town planning,
Script and Writing system, Mathematics, Astronomy, Science and their
 The Roman Empire with special reference to Architecture, government and
 The Islamic Land with special focus on religion, politics and their contribution
to the world.
 Role of Genghis Khan in establishing nomadic empire.
 The presentation should have around 15-20 slides /pages.
 Students can use primary sources available in city archives, Primary sources
can also include newspaper cuttings, photographs, film footage and recorded
written/speeches. Secondary sources may also be used after proper
 Students are encouraged to use pictures and maps.
 Collect information and interpret it in an interesting manner.
Allocation of Marks (20)
The marks will be allocated under the following heads:
 Project Synopsis 2 Marks
 Timeline/explanation and interpretation/Map work 5Marks
 Visual/overall presentation 4 Marks
 Analysis/ Data/Statistical analysis 4 Marks
 Bibliography 1 Mark
 Viva 4 Marks
Total 20 Marks

Layout of the presentation-

Slide 1: Title of the Project
Slide 2: Name: School: Year: Roll no.
Slide 3: Index
Slide 4: Acknowledgement (Acknowledging the institution , the place visited and
the person who has helped.)
Slide 5: Objective of the project
Slide 6: Synopsis of the project
Slide 7: Introduction
Slide 8: Observations and Analysis(Details)
Slide 9: Conclusion Summarized suggestions of findings/Future scope of study
Slide 10: Bibliography, Books, Websites, Films/Television referred.

2. Revise the chapters and practice the questions from the assignments done so far.

POLITICAL I. Prepare a Project file on any one of the following topics :

SCIENCE 1. Judicial Activism(PIL)-
Take any three case studies in which Judiciary has safeguarded the environment,
human rights and betterment of the life conditions of the poor.
2. Party system in India –
Changing phases showing a brief timeline of Party system since independence.
3. Election System-
Urgent need for electoral reforms in India.
4. Role of the National Human rights commission in safeguarding the rights of the
underprivileged. Also mention the role of UNHRC.
5. Comparison of Presidential system of government with the parliamentary form
of Government-
Case study-Japan/USA
6. Development -Path to development since Independence.
Cost of development-Social, Financial and ecological.
7. Secularism in India-How is it different from Western Secularism?
8. Freedom-“Are we really free?”
Special emphasis to role of media and right to privacy.
9. The Right to Information – ensuring political accountability.
1. It must be emphasized that the process of doing the project is as important as the
final project.
2. Once the project/projects are chosen, there should be a process of brainstorming
to make out a draft/structure for the project before embarking on research.
3. Internet sites could be referred, but care must be taken in selecting, using and
citing these sites.
4. Avoid plagiarism
5. Marks to be awarded for content and originality and not for decorative elements
and embellishments.
6. Projects must be the original work of the student.
7. Project may be supported by- Data, fact sheets, maps, articles, newspaper clips
8. Maximum of 25-30 page projects
9. Research carried out for the project should be supported by thesis and anti-thesis
10. Viva will be taken on the project (10 project+10 viva=20 practical marks)
II. Revise the chapters covered from the syllabus.
III. Write and revise the Ready Reckoner questions of Chapters done.

CLASS XI (2020- 21)
1. Read the newspaper daily and find out samples of the following:-
3 Reports
3 Articles
8 Advertisements [eg-situation vacant, lost and found, missing and sale/purchase from the
classified columns of a newspaper.]
Paste / Write them neatly in the English register.

2. Make a newsletter of 4 pages on the theme ‘Our Solutions are in nature’ (Size A-4). The
newsletter should have the following content.
Page 1 – Message from the editor, transition in nature - any 5 changes observed in the lockdown
period with pictures (could be pasted from the newspaper/magazine or drawn)
Page 2 – 5 quotes / slogans on nature, a poem (self-composed), an article on saving the earth, a
notice by the Delhi Government for protection against COVID-19
Page 3 – A Report on the plight of migrant labour, A Report on the aids provided by the
government to the poor, A Display Advertisement
Page 4 – A Report on Online classes being held by schools/colleges, a descriptive paragraph on
how people are engaging themselves in meaningful activities / hobbies during the lockdown period,
A poster on the theme of the newsletter. The poster should have the title, a creative slogan,
message, Issuing authority’s name. (Word limit: 50 words)
3. Research on the Egyptians civilizations –with particular reference to King Tutankhamen’s (King
Tut) Mummy and its discovery. Make a PowerPoint presentation with 5-6 slides. The same must be
uploaded on Google classroom. Provide voice over for explanation. You could use the app Loom
for the presentation.
4. Research on sailing terminology and parts of a boat and gather information about Isle
Amsterdam. Present an e-report in about 150-200 words.

1. Define clock speed.
2. How is compiler different from interpreter?
3. What is the function of memory? What are its measuring units?
4. How keyword differ from identifier?
5. Why following identifiers (variable names) are invalid:
i. Employee Number ii. 34 Payscale iii. $text.ppt iv. for
6. What is the difference between interactive mode and script mode in Python?
7. What are operators? What is their function?
8. Write Python program to print area of circle.
9. What is the problem with the following code fragment?
Value=”New value”
10. What is the result of following expression:
i. (a+b)>10and(c+d)<=25 ii. (a>=c) or (c<=b), if a=5,b=12,c=20 5

1. One of the rectangular components of velocity of 80 km/h is 40 km/h. Find the other

2. Two forces of magnitude 10 N and 6N respectively are acting on a body. The direction of
the forces is unknown. What will be the resultant force on the body?

3. A rope is tied between two poles and a weight of 40 N is suspended from its middle point.
The rope sags by an angle of 1º, what will be the tension in the rope?

4. A ship streams due north at 16 km/h and a ship B due west at 12 km/h. At a certain
moment, B is 10 km/h north-east of A. Find the velocity of A relative to B.

5. A 100 N force makes an angle of ϴ with the x-axis and has a y-component of 30N. Then
what will be the x-component of the force ?

6. A bomb is released from a horizontally flying bomber when it is vertically above the target.
Will it hit the target? Give reason for your answer.

7. A force of 6 kgf and another of 8 kgf can be applied to produce the effect of a single force
equal to??

8. The height y and the distance x along the horizontal plane of a projectile on a certain plane
are given by, x = 6t and y= 8t-5t2 where t is in seconds. What is the velocity with which the
projectile is projected?
9. A particle has a displacement of 12 m towards east and 5 m towards the north and then 6 m
vertically upward. Find the magnitude of the sum of these displacements

10. What is the resultant of three coplanar force: 300N at 0º, 400 N at 30º and 400 N at 150º.
11. Two forces whose magnitude are in the ratio of 3:5 give a resultant of 35 N. If the angle of
inclination be 600 calculate the magnitude of each force.
12. What vector must be added to the two vectors i-2j+2k and 2i+j-k, so that the resultant may be
a unit vector along x-axis.
13. Two equal forces (p each) act at a point inclined to each other at an angle of 120 degree. What
will be the magnitude of their resultant?
14. While travelling from one station to another, a car travels 75 Km North, 60 Km North east
and 20 Km east. What will be the minimum distance between the two stations?

1. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains 5.85 g of NaCl(s) per 500 mL?
(i) 4 mol L–1 (ii) 20 mol L–1 (iii) 0.2 mol L–1 (iv) 2 mol L–1
2. If 500 mL of a 5M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will be the molarity of the solution
(i) 1.5 M (ii) 1.66 M (iii) 0.017 M (iv) 1.59 M
3. If the concentration of glucose (C6H12O6) in blood is 0.9 g L , what will be the molarity of
glucose in blood?
(i) 5 M (ii) 50 M (iii) 0.005 M (iv) 0.5 M
4. What will be the molality of the solution containing 18.25 g of HCl gas in 500 g of water?
(i) 0.1 m (ii) 1 M (iii) 0.5 m (iv) 1 m
5. What is the mass percent of carbon in carbon dioxide?
(i) 0.034% (ii) 27.27% (iii) 3.4% (iv) 28.7%
6. The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound are CH2O and 180 g respectively.
What will be the molecular formula of the compound?
(i) C9H18O9 (ii) CH2O (iii) C6H12O6 (iv) C2H4O2


In the following questions a statement of Assertion (A) followed by a statement of Reason (R)
is given.
(i) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(ii) A is true but R is false.
(iii) A is false but R is true.
(iv) Both A and R are false.
1. Assertion (A): The empirical mass of ethene is half of its molecular mass.
Reason (R): The empirical formula represents the simplest whole number ratio of various atoms
present in a compound.
2. Assertion (A): Significant figures for 0.200 is 3 whereas for 200 it is 1.
Reason (R): Zero at the end or right of a number are significant provided they are not on the
right side of the decimal point.
3. Assertion (A): Combustion of 16 g of methane gives 18 g of water.
Reason (R): In the combustion of methane, water is one of the products.
4. Assertion (A): One atomic mass unit is defined as one twelfth of the mass of one carbon-12
Reason (R): Carbon-12 isotope is the most abundant isotope of carbon and has been chosen as


1. Calculate the molarity of the solution obtained by dissolving 120 g of urea (mol. wt. 60) in
1000 g of water gave a solution of density 1.15 g/mL. (Ans- 2.05 M)

2. If 4g of NaOH dissolves in 36g of H2O, calculate the mole fraction of each component in the
solution. Also determine the molarity of solution.(specific gravity of solution is 1g/ml) (Ans-
3. Sulphuric acid is generally available in market as 18.0M solution. How would you prepare
250ml of 0.50M aqueous H2SO4? (Ans- 243.06ml)
4. Assuming the atomic mass of a metal M to be 56, calculate the empirical formula of its oxide
containing 70.0% M. (Ans- M2O3)
5. One atom of nickel weighs 9.75 x 10-23g. Calculate the atomic mass of nickel.

Chapter-18 Body Fluid and Circulation
1. Name the instrument used for measuring blood pressure.
2. What is lymph node?
3. A cardiologist observed an enlarged QRS wave in the ECG of a patient. What does it indicate?
4. Name the enzyme that catalyses the formation of carbonic acid in erythrocytes.
5. What is systemic circulation?
6. Give two examples of extra-cellular fluids.
7. What name is given to the blood vessels which generally bring blood to an organ?
8. Which adrenal hormone accelerates heart beat under normal conditions?
9. Name the blood vessel that carries blood from the intestine to liver.
10. Define cardiac cycle.
11. Name the protein found in RBCs.
12. What happens to a person suffering from hemophilia?
13. Explain when and how the two sounds of heart are produced.
14. Define joint diastole. What are constituents of the conducting system of human heart?
15. Give the names of various types of formed elements present in the blood.
16. Draw a diagram showing schematic plan of blood circulation in human.
17. Why SA node is called pacemaker of the heart? Write it’s full from.
18. What is lymph? Describe its circulation in brief.
19. What is stroke volume? What is its relation with cardiac output?
20. A person suffering from fever is advised to take blood test. What may happen to his WBC count
and why?
21. Neena is having blood group A negative while her husband’s blood group is O positive. Their
first child is having blood group A positive. Her second child was born with severe anemia and
jaundice. What could be the reason? How this situation could have been avoided?
22. Draw a diagram to show the internal structure of human heart. Label any two heart chambers,
any two heart valves and chordae tendinae in it.
23. Describe the structure of human heart.
24. What is cardiac cycle? Describe the events that occur during it.
25. Explain Rh grouping and its incompatibility in humans. (


1. Identify the activity which is not an auxiliary to trade?
(a) Banking (b) Warehousing (c) Insurance (d) Mining

2. Industries like sugar mill or oil refinery are put under which category-
(a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary (d) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of business?

(a) Production (b) Exchange or sale (c) Wages or salaries (d) Risk element

4. Which of the following is not a business activity?

(a) Production of goods (b) Work in a factory for wages (c) Exchange of goods (d)

5. Which of the following is not an economic activity?

(a) Production (b) Trading in goods (c) Professional (d) Social service

6. Name the occupation in which people work for others in return for wages or salaries?
(a) Employment (b) Business (c) Profession (d) None of the above

7. Support services to industrial \business activities are clubbed under?

(a) Commercial industries (b) Primary industries (c) Secondary industries (d)
Tertiary industries

8. Which of the following is not a cause of business risk?

(a) Breakdown of machinery (b) Efficient management (c) Riot (d) Changing
government policy

9. Why should a business earn profit?

(a) To provide return to investors.
(b) To provide funds for future growth.
(c) To increase the reputation of business.
(d) All the above

10. Which of the following in not a true statement?

(a)The scope of commerce is narrower than business.
(b)Commerce includes trade and auxiliaries to trade.
(c)Foreign trade is purchase and sale by the traders of the same country.
(d)Traders serve as a link between producers and consumers.

11. The possibilities of inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties are known as ______
(a) Business contingencies (b) Business risks (c) Business ventures (d) None of these

12. Which one of the following may not be a factor behind starting a business?
(a) Routine workload (b) size of the firm (c) finance (d) location of the business

Q13. Name the two broad categories of business activities.
(a) Trade and Commerce (b) Trade and Industry (c) Industry and Commerce (d) None of these

14.Commerce includes activities relating to trade and_________________ to trade.

(a) Supporting (b) Subsidiaries (c) Auxiliaries (d) None of these

Q15.'Earning of profit is considered to be the subsidiary objective of the business.' The given
statement is-
(a) True (b) False (c) Cannot says (d) None of these


1. The liability of all the co-parceners except limited to their share in the business, and
consequently their risk is well-defined and precise.
(a) Karta (b) Partners (c) Members (d) Shareholders
2................ is a type of business unit where a person is solely responsible for providing the capital.
(a) Sole proprietorship (b) Joint Hindu family business (c) Partnership (d) Cooperative
3. Partnership is the relation which subsists between persons who have agreed to combine their
property, labour or skill in some business and to share the profits there from between them.
(a) True (b) False (c) Partly True (d) None of these
4. The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profit of the business carried on by all
or any one of them acting for all.
(a) Sole proprietorship (b) Joint Hindu family business (c) Partnership (d) Cooperative


5.Which form of organization is owned and controlled by a single owner?
6. Which act governs Hindu Undivided Family Business?
7. Whose decisions are binding on all the members of the Hindu Undivided Family Business?
8. Which form of business organization is preferred on the basis of cost and ease of formation?
9. What do you mean by Partnership deed? State its main contents.
10. Whose decisions are binding on all the members of the Hindu Undivided Family Business?


1. Resignation by Marketing Manager is not recorded in the books of accounts. Why?

2. Which stakeholder group would be most interested in GST and other tax liabilities of the firm?
3. A company has changed its depreciation method. As a result, its profits has gone up by Rs.
50,000. However, the company has not mentioned this fact in its financial statements. Do you
think that the accounting information is reliable in this form?

4. Vikas is looking forward to invest Rs.50,000 in shares of a company. From which source, will he
get reliable information of the company to assess its worth.
5. Following are the statements relating to various branches of accounting. Write against each the
name of the branch of accounting to which the same belongs:
i. It analyses the expenditure so as to ascertain the cost of products manufactured by the concern.
ii. Accounting that discloses the social benefits and the costs incurred by the business
iii. Accounting that is concerned with generating information that will enable the management in
decision making.
6. How each of the following statements is a limitation of accounting?
i. Fixed assets are recorded in the accounting records at the original cost.
ii. Accounting information is sometimes based on estimates.
iii. Accounting information cannot be used as the only test of managerial performance on the
basis of mere profit.
iv. Accounting information is expressed in terms of money
7. An asset may defined as a bundle of services’ – explain with an example.
8. Write against the following statements the terms for which these are made in reference to
accounting information.
i. It is a common language used to communicate financial information.
ii. Managing Director, functional managers, shareholders etc using the accounting information.
iii. Ability of the firm to meet all its short term or current obligations as and when they fall due.
9. State in each case, whether the items are to be regarded as goods or assets.
i. Furniture purchased by Makhan Singh, a dealer in furniture.
ii.Automatic Machine purchased by a workshop for manufacturing products.
iii.Machine manufactured by a firm for sale to a mill.
iv. Furniture purchased by Malti, a stationery shop-owner.
10. Ashwin Ltd. has balance of Rs.2 crore in its current account with a bank." In terms of time,
which type of asset is it?
11. "Anjana Ltd. engaged as management consultant for a fee of Rs. 50,000 on January 1, 2019.
The consultancy work was over by March 31, 2019. The Payment of consultancy fee was made
on April 10, 2019." For the accounting year ending on March 31st 2019, what type of expense
will this be treated?
12. "Vishwa Ltd. is an aggressive advertiser. It has spent Rs. 10 crore on advertising in 2019-20 with
the assumption that the advertising will bring positive result in subsequent years too." Which
type of expenditure is it?
13. Ascertain the amount of current revenue realized for the year ending 31st March 2020
i. An order, to supply goods for Rs.20,00,000 is received in the year 2019-20. The goods have
been supplied only for Rs.10,00,000 in 2019-20.
ii. What will be the revenue if the payment of Rs.6,00,000 is received in cash in 2019-20 and the
balance payment of Rs.4,00,000 received in 2020-21.
iii. What will be the revenue if the goods have been sold on credit and the

payment of Rs.1500000 is received in the year 2020 - 21, while all the goods of
Rs.20,00,000 are supplied in the year 2019-20.
iv. What will be the revenue if an advance payment of Rs.100,000 is received in the year 2019-
20 and the balance received in the year 2020-21.
14. William sold goods worth Rs.10,000 to Merry on credit basis for one month but he recorded this
transaction in his books of account on the day of transaction itself. Which accounting
assumption or concept is followed by William?
15. "Closing stock is valued either on cost basis or market price basis whichever is lower." Identify
and explain the accounting assumption or concept highlighted in the statement.
16. Consider the following data pertaining to Ananya Ltd:
Particulars Rs.
Cost of Machinery purchased on 1st April, 2019 5,00,000
Installation charges 50,000
Market value as on 31st march, 2020 8,00,000
While preparing the annual accounts, if the company values the machinery at Rs. 8,00,000
which principle is being violated by Ananya Ltd.?
17. How the assets liabilities and capital will be affected under following cases:
(1) Purchase of building for cash
(2) Purchase of furniture on credit
(3) Receipt of commission
(4) Payment to creditors.
18. Show the impact of transactions on the accounting equation:
i) Ram started business with cash of Rs 1,80,000, Goods Rs 50,000, Debtors Rs 10,000,
Furniture Rs 10,000 and Creditors Rs 20,000.
ii) Goods costing Rs 6,000 sold to Amit at a loss of 10%, out of which Rs 2,000 received in
iii) Cash deposited into bank Rs 20,000
iv) Rent outstanding Rs 5,000.
v) Received cheque from Amit Rs 3,200 in full settlement of Rs 3,400. Cheque deposited on
the same date.
vi) Insurance paid in advance Rs 1,000.
vii) Paid to creditors Rs 18,000 in full settlement of Rs 20,000.
viii) Depreciate furniture @10%.
ix) Unearned interest Rs 2,000.
19. Give an example for each of the following types of transactions:
a. Increase in one liability, decrease in other liability.
b. Increase in asset, increase in liability.
c. Increase in liabilities, decrease in owner’s capital.
d. Decrease in asset, decrease in liability.
20. Amit started business with cash Rs. 50,000. During the accounting period, he withdrew
Rs.10,000. At the end of the accounting year, his total assets were Rs.80,000 and liabilities

were Rs. 30,000. Find out the amount of profit or loss that Sachin earned or incurred during the
accounting year.

Q1. Give two characteristics of resources.
Q2. Which of the following statement is true? (Multiple choice question)
a. PPC shows various combinations giving same level of satisfaction.
b. PPC shows various combinations of two goods which an economy can produce with given
amount of technology and resources.
c. PPC is typically of convex shape.
d. An economy always operate on PPC.
Q3. State the meaning of marginal rate of transformation.
Q4. Which central problem of the economy deals with distribution of income?
Q5. An example of “positive” economic analysis would be: (Multiple Choice Question)
a. An analysis of the relationship between the price of food and the quantity purchased.
b. Determining how much income each person should be guaranteed.
c. Determining the fair price for goods.
d. Deciding how to distribute the output of the economy.
Q6. State any two problems of allocation of resources.
Q7. Which branch of economics is also referred to as “Price Theory”?
Q8. Identify the correct statement (Multiple choice Question)
a. Typical shape of PPC is convex.
b. ‘How to produce‘ is a problem in populated nations only.
c. Price determination is studied under micro economics.
d. Increase in employment will shift PPC ‘rightward’.
Q9. Scarcity exists even when certain goods are available at zero price. True or false with reason.
Q10. The nation has two alternatives of producing 100X + 200Y or 102X + 196Y from its given
resources. The nation chooses the second. What is the marginal opportunity cost of producing X:
(Multiple Choice Question) a. 4Y b. 3Y c. 2Y d. 1Y
Q11. Choice is created by
a. Unlimited resources b. Need Urgency c . Scarcity of resources d. All
Q12. The following is not the cause of the central problems faced by an economy (Multiple Choice
a. Technology Change b. Unlimited human wants c. Scarce resources d. Alternative use of
Q13. What is the difference between MOCᵪᵧ and MOCᵧᵪ?
Q14. Given the PPC for T-shirt on X axis and cell phones on Y axis: (Multiple Choice Question) If
improved technology is used for the production of T-shirts, the shape of new PPC will be:
a. PPC rotates on X-axis b. PPC rotates on Y-axis c. PPC will shift towards right d. None of the
Q15. A typical PP curve is downward sloping concave because : to produce more of one good,
output of the other good must be reduced (Multiple Choice Question)
a. At increasing rate b. At decreasing rate c. At constant rate d. Initially at decreasing
rate and then at increasing rate.


Q16. Answer the following questions with reasons in short (without diagram)
a. what will be the effect of employment generation programmes by government on PPC
b. what will be the long term effect of goods and services tax (GST) on PPC c
c. what will be the effect on PPC due to decrease in exports due to global slowdown.
Q17. Assuming that no resources is equally efficient in the production of all goods, mention the
name of the curve which shows production possibilities of the economy. Explain its properties also.
Q18. Giving reason, comment on the shape of production possibility frontier based on the following
Good a 0 1 2 3 4 5
Good b 65 52 39 26 13 0

Q19. Due to Trump’s visa policy, many Indian IT professionals are returning back to India. How
will the above situation affect the PPC of Indian economy? Give reasons.
Q20. Explain difference between positive and normative economy
Q21. Complete the following table. Also comment on the shape of PPC.
0 14 -
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 6

Q22. War in Syria has led to a great loss of life and property to the nation. How is the PPC of the
nation affected? Also mention one way in which the world can help the suffering nation.
Q23. Growth and Equality are conflicting goals in developing nations like India. Comment.
Q24. A shift from steam engines to diesel and electric engines has increased the carrying capacity
of the indian railways both for the passenger traffic and the goods traffic. How would you reflect
this change using the concept of PPC. .
Q25. There has been a rise in Foreign Direct Investment into India in the last two years. How do
you think it will affect the transformation curve of India’s economy ?
Q26. An economy produces only two goods, mobile phones and cars. The technology to produce
cars improves. How will it affect the production possibility frontier? Use diagram.
Q27. Data collected on covid-19 will be considered as primary data or secondary data. Give
Q28. Defend or refute the statement : An economy always produces on, but not inside a PPC.

Q29. A) Do you think the actual level of output in the indian economy is less than its potential
B) does it mean that the level of our ppc could be higher than what it is now?
Q30. Mark the following statements as true or false. Give reasons
i. Statistics can only deal with quantitative data.
ii. Statistics solves economic problems.
iii. Statistics is of no use to Economics without data
iv. There are many sources of data .
v. Telephone survey is the most suitable method of collecting data, when the
population is literate and spread over a large area.
vi. Data collected by investigator is called the secondary data .
vii. There is a certain bias involved in the non-random selection of samples



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