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Conventional and adhesive luting cements

Article  in  Clinical Oral Investigations · January 2003

DOI: 10.1007/s00784-002-0184-1 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Jose C De la Macorra Guillermo Pradies

Complutense University of Madrid Complutense University of Madrid


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Clin Oral Invest (2002) 6:198–204
DOI 10.1007/s00784-002-0184-1


Jose C. de la Macorra · Guillermo Pradíes

Conventional and adhesive luting cements

Received: 9 January 2002 / Accepted: 23 September 2002 / Published online: 7 November 2002
© Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Luting materials for fixed prosthesis must fulfill Provisional luting materials are of two main types:
special requirements in order to retain indirect restorations calcium hydroxide and zinc oxide cements (with eugenol
and fully maintain the integrity of abutments. The main or alternative substances). Many types of luting materi-
requirements (inhibition of plaque accumulation, sealing als are considered definitive. Attending to adhesive po-
of interface, possible antibacterial effects, acceptable solu- tential, they can be divided into low (zinc phosphate, sil-
bility, wear, mechanical properties, adhesion, radiopacity, icate cements), medium (polycarboxylate cement), or
film thickness, type of curing, esthetics, storage, and cost) high (glass ionomer cements and filled or unfilled resins)
are reviewed to update clinical criteria on the selection of luting materials. The curing of some resin materials is
suitable materials. It can be concluded that there is no ide- initiated either chemically, through the application of
al luting material on the market. Alleged improvements in light, or both.
the physical data of newer materials do not necessarily re- In general, dental luting’s two main functions are to
sult in better clinical performance. Only clinical trials can establish or increase retention of the prosthetic appli-
confirm the assumed benefits of materials. ance to abutments and to maintain its integrity. To suc-
ceed in both, an ideal material should fulfill specific bi-
Keywords Luting · Dental cements · Fixed prosthesis · ological, physiomechanical, and handling requirements
Indirect restorations [61]. Esthetic requirements are also very important, al-
though not in a strictly functional way. The purpose of
this article is to review how the presently available ma-
Introduction terials accomplish the more relevant functional requi-
In recent years, many luting agents and dental cements
have been introduced to clinicians with the claim of clin-
ically better performance than existing materials due to Biological requirements
improved characteristics. The luting of indirect restor-
atives to abutments is critical in achieving proper perfor- The biological requirements of a luting material can be
mance of indirect restorations. It is the final step in a listed as biocompatibility, possesion of nontoxic and
chain of manipulations of diverse tissues, materials, and nonallergenic traits, inhibition of caries formation, and
instruments. As for their main clinical usage, materials adequate sealing of the interface. Reviewing the biocom-
used for this purpose can be separated in two main patibility and potential of toxic or allergenic reactions is
groups: provisional and definitive. beyond the scope of this paper, and for this the reader
should refer to specific literature [20, 22, 63].

This material was partially presented in the satellite symposium

“Indirect tooth-colored restoratives and luting problems” during Inhibition of caries formation
the 37th annual meeting of the Continental European Division of
the International Association for Dental Research in Rome, Italy,
5–8 September 2001. Preventing caries formation is a complex issue. Only ex-
clusion of bacteria from exposed dental tissue(s) and
J.C. de la Macorra (✉) · G. Pradíes from the interface would impede the development of sec-
Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Odontology,
Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain ondary caries. This is accomplished through avoiding
e-mail: [email protected] plaque accumulation and physical exclusion of micro-
Tel.: +34-913941996, Fax: +34-913941999 organisms from the exposed dental tissues and the inter-

face by means of a perfect seal from the oral environ- tents. The goal is to avoid gaps between dental tissues
ment. A third way, considering that exclusion of micro- and the luting material. Such gaps or empty spaces can
organisms is far from possible, is to use a luting material appear during insertion of the luting material, its curing,
with an antibacterial effect. or its function. The circumstances influencing this will be
discussed later.
From a biological point of view, adequate sealing of
Inhibition of plaque accumulation the interface is necessary to impede or reduce move-
ments of dentinal fluids that would exceed normal rates.
Plaque accumulation in dental cements and resin-type Sudden changes in normal dentinal fluid rates, beyond a
luting materials is mainly related to the possibility of threshold, have for a long time been known to cause
achieving and maintaining a highly polished surface of tooth hypersensitivity [8]. The rate of these movements
the exposed, highly porous luting material. is generally higher during preparation of the restoration,
Different luting materials have different polishing due to drilling, air drying, impression taking, and ill fit
properties. In this regard, resinous materials are clearly of temporary restorations. All these factors cause a tran-
superior to other product groups, since their organic sient hyperemia in the dentin-pulp complex [9], with a
phase can be easily polished. Its potential to be polished concomitant rise in pressure within it. This elevation
is then limited by the amount, size, and form of the inor- stretches the distance between threshold and actual
ganic filler phase. This is why a better-polished surface levels of movement, causing “normal,” reversible, dental
can more easily be produced in microfilled resin luting hypersensitivity.
materials. However, such materials have an inherent When the final restoration is luted and the tempo-
drawback: a nonpolymerized surface layer. This layer is rary dentin-pulp inflammation resolves (usually within
formed on the surface of the luting material that remains 1 week), no further dental sensitivity must occur. If it
uncured due to oxygen inhibition and can be as thick as does, the cause (apart from an irreversible dentin-pulp
270 µm [6]. There are two main ways to avoid this effect: complex inflammation or a reversible one due to prema-
placing a gel (glycerin, petroleum jelly, or similar materi- ture occlusal contact) is a nonsealed interface caused by
al) on the external surface of the luting material space an opened interface or an internal gap. Both allow the in-
during curing, or permitting an excess of material that terface to act as a pump, allowing fluids to move back
must later be removed. The second method has a clinical and forth [9]. The symptoms may depend on the location
disadvantage in that overhangs of resin luting materials, of the gap. If it is external, cold and hypertonic solutions
once cured, are difficult to remove or even to find. will probably cause discomfort or pain. If it is internal,
Little attention has been directed so far toward the usually only occlusal contact will cause pain, even in the
problem of porosity in dental materials. Porosity influ- absence of prematurities [48].
ences a number of relevant material aspects, e.g., polish-
ing. As pores can show, the surface will be imperfect (al-
though polished) and make plaque accumulation easier. Antibacterial effect of the luting
These pores have been shown to differ between different
brands of hand-mixed luting materials and to be present Some metal ions released from glass ionomer or zinc
in high numbers, from 4/mm2 to 40/mm2 of the material phosphate may have a cytotoxic effect [72]. Further-
surface [43]. more, it has been proven that fluoride is released from
certain dental materials, although at different rates and
with different durations, depending on the material tested
Sealing of the luting-tooth interface [25]. This ion is a well-known enzyme inhibitor [23] and
and hypersensitivity has a caries-inhibiting effect [67]. However, it is still un-
clear to what amount fluoride is needed, how long the ef-
It is generally accepted that the dentin-pulp complex is fect will last, and what effect this continued elution will
not totally sealed under physiological conditions [7] and have.
that present adhesive systems do not hermetically seal Nevertheless, a gap-free interface seems more im-
the adhesive-tooth interface [13, 14, 15, 51, 59, 68], portant in preventing secondary caries than the re-
although several of these systems are considered clini- lease of fluoride or other substances such as 12-
cally acceptable. methacryloyloxydodecylpyridinium bromide (MDPB)
This sealing is accomplished by the intimate apposi- [29, 30] from materials alone [58, 64] or the bioactive
tion of the luting or adhesive material to tooth structures. intrinsic potential of the adhesives [28].
The degree of contact and possible intermingling can
happen at the submicroscopic level, as in actual adhe-
sives, through the hybrid layer [47], or at the microscopic Physiomechanical requirements
level, as in so-called frictional luting materials [1]. Both
systems use phosphoric acid, a well-known dental erod- Ideal luting materials must remain stable in the luting
ing acid through which action dental tissues increase their space, resist mechanical loads, provide physical or
roughness and wettability [60], although to varying ex- chemical adhesion to abutments, and be radiopaque.

Stability occlusal area [24, 40, 55], especially when the cavity
margins are near occlusal stops or contact areas. It is
Luting materials are always exposed to the oral environ- generally accepted that wear is less pronounced in com-
ment in the marginal gap between restoration and abut- posite resin cements [21]. Proper fit of the restoration
ment, no matter which techniques or materials are used. and the higher filler content [56] of composite resin lu-
This gap exposes the material to oral fluids and mechani- ting cements increase wear resistance of the luting mate-
cal action of food and oral hygiene devices, and its width rial [69], which decreases linearly with the increase in
depends on clinical circumstances as well as on the den- luting space [31, 35, 69].
tist’s and technician’s skills.
Solubility and wear of luting materials are both re-
sponsible for a certain degree of removal of the luting Mechanical properties
material from the luting space, with the result of rough-
ening the exposed surface and – eventually – loosening Luting is the link between tooth and restoration, forming
the restoration. a complex interface. Consequently, as in most interfaces
attached to dissimilar phases, it is subjected to complex
challenges and must buffer the transition between and
Solubility hold together two parts that differ greatly in – among
other things – rigidity, wettability, color, direction(s) of
There is a lack of correspondence between standard solu- movement, and chemistry.
bility tests and clinical results [73]. The reasons for this In terms of retention, a luting material can be de-
are differences in the periods studied and the types and scribed as an all-or-nothing link: a partially broken ce-
pH of storage media. Clinical conditions vary, even with- ment film can (theoretically) still retain the restoration
in the same patient, making it virtually impossible to re- even while remaining attached at just one spot; however,
produce a natural environment. microleakage and bacterial ingress due to microfracture
Certainly, other conditions besides solubility influ- may be present but clinically undetectable for long peri-
ence clinical outcome. Not only the balance between the ods.
bonded and unbonded surfaces (the so-called C factor) The elastic modulus (E) measures the ability of a ma-
[16, 18] rules the contraction and stress behavior of resin terial to resist elastic deformation under loading, repre-
materials, but also the fact that some materials, when ad- senting the relative stiffness of the material within the
hering to two parallel walls, are subjected to completely elastic range. The E is a good measure of the ability of a
different internal and external stresses than when not ad- luting material to transfer loads to the tooth, thus distrib-
hered [3, 4, 17]. uting stress. Although the ideal mechanical properties
An in vivo study [26] with patients wearing luting are unknown, it has been suggested [37] that a suitable
specimens in the lingual flanges of inferior complete luting material should have an intermediate (between
dentures showed that polycarboxylate and zinc phos- tooth and restoration) E and it should have high resil-
phate cement dissolved more than a glass-ionomer ce- ience.
ment. Under scanning electron microscopy, glass-iono- The E of resin-modified glass ionomers has been
mer and polycarboxylate cements showed pits and exten- measured to be lower than that of dentin [37]. Resin
sive cracks on their surfaces, while zinc phosphate composites, polycarboxylate, zinc phosphate, and mature
showed a large number of pits. In general, it is accepted glass-ionomer cements are in the lower, middle, and
that resin luting cements are less soluble than other lu- upper ranges of the values reported for dentin, respec-
ting materials [33, 73]. tively. These values were stable within 1 day for zinc
phosphate and resin-modified glass-ionomer cement,
within 1 month for resin composite, and continued to in-
Wear crease for 1 year for polycarboxylate or glass-ionomer
cements. This increase will produce a very rigid layer of
According to Pallav [52], we can distinguish several luting material, probably causing microfractures in the
types of wear that frequently appear simultaneously luting in the long run.
and/or sequentially and also interact: abrasive, adhesive, Resilience is defined by the amount of energy needed
delaminating, chemical, erosive, and impact wear and to deform a material permanently. This deformation
surface fatigue. Wear will not be present to the same ex- would appear after repeated minimal displacement of the
tent in different areas of the mouth or teeth, nor will it be restorations in relation to the abutment, slowly flushing
caused by the same mechanisms, varying also with the the interlock between the luting and the inner surface of
type of restoration. the prosthesis and/or the outer surface of the tooth. Com-
In general, wear problems are of minor importance in posite resin luting materials, resin-modified glass iono-
classic, full-crown restorations [61] but take on relative mers, and glass-ionomer cements have slightly greater
significance in adhered, esthetic restorations. In these resilience than zinc phosphate and polycarboxylate ce-
cases, susceptibility to wear increases when margins are ments. The clinical significance of these differences is
located farther from the gingival area and approach the still unknown.

Fracture toughness (KIC) of a material can be de- It has been shown [3, 4, 42] that, as tooth and all ma-
scribed as its ability to resist crack propagation [34] that terials used in restorations have a certain elasticity, their
may cause breakage. In general, composite resin luting strain deformation will reduce stress or at least its per-
materials have a significantly higher KIC than resin- pendicular component. Furthermore, this reduction will
modified glass ionomers and are superior to convention- be more clinically relevant as the thickness of the luting
al glass ionomers [34, 44]. As for the properties re- space decreases: in thinner luting layers, minimal reduc-
viewed so far, composite resin luting materials represent tions of the distance between both limiting walls will
the best luting material, probably followed by zinc phos- bring about relatively high reductions in stress. Aside
phate cement [36]. from other circumstances that also support this position,
this should be enough reason to attempt the best possible
fit of the restoration.
Adhesion Little is known about the clinical relevance of shear-
ing or tangential polymerization stress [38, 46], although
As mentioned above, adhesion is accomplished by inti- it is likely to be considerable in luting layers adhering to
mate apposition of the luting material to tooth structures. two extensive surfaces, the abutment and the inner as-
This intermingling may happen in two ways: at the sub- pect of the restoration.
microscopic level through the hybrid layer [47] or at the
microscopic level in frictional luting materials [1]. Both
systems benefit from the action of a phosphoric acid. As Radiopacity
a separate clinical step, this acid allows the adhesive to
penetrate demineralized dentin and, once cured, to form Newer cements, especially adhesive ones, are normally
the hybrid layer. On enamel, this demineralization pro- color-matched to teeth for esthetic reasons. However,
duces an enormous increase in surface roughness and this may make excesses of cement in approximal surfac-
wettability. On dentin and enamel, adhesives for resin es, areas with anatomic surface variations, or gingival
composites produce the most predictable interlock via crevices [36, 45] difficult to locate and time-consuming
micromechanical retention. to remove, especially when low-viscosity resin luting
As a part of the zinc phosphate cement, phosphoric materials are used.
acid erodes the abutment surface [65] to increase its According to ISO 4049 specifications, the radiopacity
wettability and roughness [60]. This material has not of restorative materials should be higher than that of the
shown the same capability as actual composite resin ad- same aluminum thickness. Presently there is no specifi-
hesives to intermingle with dentin or enamel. That is cation for radiopacity of luting materials, but it should be
why zinc phosphate is the “frictional” prototype of ce- at least superior to that of dentin. Some resin luting
ment, as opposed to “adhesive” resin composites. Both materials include more radiopaque fillers, increasing ra-
interact with teeth in the same way, but at different levels diopacity [49]. Proper radiopacity of a dental material al-
and with diverse intensities. lows differentiation between tooth and restoration to de-
Polyacid-based materials (glass-ionomer or polycar- tect eventual gaps, secondary caries, overfillings, or un-
boxylate cements) also demineralize dental surface [65]. derfillings. A material’s radiopacity is basically related
Their self-adhesiveness was demonstrated some time ago to the atomic structures of its components. Components
[66], and they have been shown to have a distinct inter- with higher molecular weight (i.e., metals) will retain
action with dentin [74] via a transition zone, not exactly more radiation (be more radiopaque) than plastic-derived
a hybrid between adhesive and collagen. or water-based materials (such as composite resins or
Whatever the mechanism is, the objective is to fix the glass-ionomer cements, respectively).
cement to both walls of the luting space in order to at- We recently measured the radiopacity of 250-µm lay-
tach the restoration to the tooth firmly. This situation of ers of some typical luting materials [62], and all resin-
two large, practically parallel walls confining the luting composite and resin-modified glass-ionomer cements
space causes the major difficulty in adhering luting ma- tested presented a remarkably lower radiopacity than
terials to both tooth and restoration. Many materials, par- zinc phosphate cement.
ticularly the resin-based ones, undergo shrinkage while
curing. As the E increases and interlocking of the sur-
rounding walls keeps the material attached, internal Handling requirements
stress will develop perpendicularly [4, 10, 16] and paral-
lel [32, 38, 39] to the interfaces, which may finally im- Film thickness
pair the material’s integrity and/or its attachment to the
walls. This perpendicular stress can be mitigated at the As mentioned above, the luting space should be kept to a
moment – without disrupting the bond – by tooth or minimum to improve the fit of the restoration, expose a
prosthesis deformation [4, 41] or internal porosity of the minimum of luting material to oral fluids, and minimize
luting material. Internal porosity [43] would act as a any polymerization contraction stress. There is no agree-
stress reliever, as it adds an evenly distributed, internally ment on this minimum, but a 50–100-µm range seems
nonadhered surface [2]. convenient [36, 46]. Of course, this makes sense if the

cement that must completely fill this hiatus is able to enough light energy reaches all parts of the luting mate-
form a film of compatible thickness. It has been shown rial, to guarantee that the photoinitiator starts the subse-
[71] that, for adhesively luted restorations, no significant quent polymerization reaction. This system provides the
differences occur with different designs of the retainer most controllable environment for clinicians, since set-
(whether flat or incorporating occlusal rests or grooves) ting will be initiated only where the light acts on the lu-
with a mean luting space width of 75 µm. American ting material. However, it has some important drawbacks
Dental Association specification no. 8 restricts the film regarding rate of events and access. Even using the mini-
of zinc phosphate cement to a thickness between 25 µm mum indispensable amount of light energy, the develop-
and 40 µm [5]. This specification should be reviewed, ment of polymerization contraction stresses is much fast-
because newer prosthetic materials have different needs er than with CC materials, thus threatening the ability of
and applications, and most luting materials incorporate the interfaces, the luting itself, the restorations, and the
different characteristics than frictional cements. abutment to adapt. This will probably worsen when mas-
Various reports [50, 53, 57, 70] on the film thickness sive amounts of light energy are applied to the luting, as
of a number of luting materials show that it can range with modern high-energy lamps [12].
from 152 µm to 10 µm, depending on the material tested. Problems of access appear with metallic restorations, in
Regarding this, clinicians have to remember that dentin- profound areas where the light is filtered by the outer parts
bonding agents also have a measurable thickness. This of the restoration or the luting, and generally in shadowed
can be acceptable (<50 µm) at the chamfer, the occlusal areas such as endodontic posts or core buildups.
reduction, or the vertical walls, but it can be as high as
200 µm for some dentin-bonding agents at the dentin line
angles between the chamfer and vertical walls [54]. Other considerations
Type of curing
Presently, an esthetic appearance of luting materials is
Luting materials must undergo a chemical reaction to virtually a must in almost all nonmetallic restorations,
harden. This reaction can be initiated in three main particularly when margins are visible. In such regions,
ways: (1) mixing two or more different components of color-matched resin-based luting materials are clearly
the material, which is improperly termed chemical cur- superior to any other type, mainly due to their translu-
ing (CC), (2) activating photosensitive molecules of the cency and excellent color match to dentin and enamel. It
material in visible light curing (VLC), or (3) a combina- is even possible to introduce slight color changes or
tion of both methods called dual curing (DC). Relevant adaptations of thin, nonmetallic restorations. Ionomer-
to clinicians is that the type of curing greatly influences based luting materials may have also a good color match,
three important aspects of the luting procedure: its con- but their translucency is somewhat inferior.
trol, its pace, and access.
Chemical curing materials typically consist of two
pastes or a powder and liquid that are manually mixed, Shelf life
although some materials are encapsulated to make me-
chanical mixing possible. Manual mixing has been per- Any material should have a convenient period during
formed by dental teams for almost a century and tends to which physical and mechanical properties are maintained
produce consistent cement mixes within individuals but within a clinically acceptable range (shelf life). Changes
with considerable scattering in mixing ratios and resul- in some properties of expirable materials over time may
tant material characteristics [19] when mixtures from be unnoticed by clinicians [27]. With suitable storage,
various persons are compared. Its advantages are that it zinc phosphate’s viscosity remains stable for long peri-
is well-known and cheap, that the whole mixture is sub- ods, but the viscosity of glass-ionomer cements increases
jected to the process simultaneously, and that the in- significantly after 24 months. Diametral tensile strength
duced chemical reaction is relatively gradual and slow. is also affected, but reductions occur after an apparently
Gradualness and slowness are the most convenient fea- long lapse (40 months) [27].
tures, since they guarantee the slowest pace of possible
contraction stresses. Disadvantages of this system, apart
from the above mentioned scattering of results, are that Cost
the chemical process cannot be controlled by the clini-
cian once the mixing has started, and that it entails a The price of luting materials is not a critical issue if con-
great number of bubbles [43] in the mixture that will sidered to be dose-related, but it can influence the clini-
hinder optical and mechanical behavior. These bubbles, cian’s choice when acquiring a new material with limited
on the other hand, may also act as stress relievers [2]. indications and dubious usage.
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system of polymerizing resin-based luting and restor- 2000 as a reference (0.12 Euro/g), prices of other luting
ative materials [11]. The key problem is ensuring that materials were 3.3 (zinc carboxylate cement), eight

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