Sound Transit - Presentation - Angle Lake TOD - 09-24-20

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Angle Lake Station TOD

Suitability for housing and development strategy

Board Meeting
Why we are here
• Seeking action on declaring two surplus properties
as suitable for the development of housing and on
the development strategy.

Statute on surplus property

All applicable Those determined as At least 80% of those

surplus property suitable for housing suitable for housing
must be offered to
qualified entities for
affordable housing
Conceptual depiction

Statute on surplus property
• If a qualified entity receives surplus property through the first
offer, then a minimum of 80% of the housing units constructed
on that property must be dedicated to affordable housing

100% 80%
Housing Required as
units created affordable to
on property ≤80% AMI
Retail Space

Statute on surplus property

80 80 80
≥80% of suitable ≥80% of created units Units must serve
property must be first must be affordable those earning ≤80% of
offered for affordable area median income
housing creation

TOD Program highlights
• 1,500+ total housing units, Housing unit production
1,176 affordable (built, under construction, or awarded)

• $600+ million in total

development costs Current forecast*

• $63 million in TOD

revenues (closed,
awarded, or out for bid) Board approved

• 100% of property suitable

for housing first offered to 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750

qualified entities Built Under construction Awarded

7 *Exact number may change based on unit mix in final project

Federal investment in property
Sound Transit often acquires property with the
support of federal funding
• Any disposition needs FTA approval and must follow federal
• Typical disposition requires competitive marketing of property
and receiving fair market value
• Some TOD may be eligible for the FTA Joint Development
program, which is a more flexible tool than disposition
• Discounting federally-assisted property is complicated, often
property and project specific
Angle Lake
Property background
North site
• 33,529 square feet
• $2.2+ million value
• Federal interest: 80%
South site
• 27,507 square feet
• $1.75+ million value
• Federal interest: 86.5%

Engagement outcomes
What we did
• Targeted stakeholder group meetings
• Community event tabling
• Rider intercepts
• Developer request for information
What we heard
• Support for housing, including affordable
• Support for customer amenities
• Support for retail space, including cultural-specific retail space

Action 1 - Suitability for housing
Recommendation: Properties are suitable for the
development of housing
• Legally permissible to build housing.
• Physically possible to build housing.
• Economically reasonable to construct market or affordable
• Community support for housing at sites.
• Environmental conditions don’t preclude housing, but may
need to be addressed.

Action 2 & 4 - Offering strategy
Recommendation: Offer North Site to Qualified
Entities; Offer South Site more broadly to the market
• Funding affordable housing is relatively difficult at these sites.
• North Site is better candidate for FTA Joint Development, which
may be a necessary tool for an affordable housing project.
• South Site would seek to maximize other agency goals, such as
density, revenue, community-serving uses, and ridership.

Actions 3 & 4 – Pricing approach
Recommendation: Authorize staff to consider
discounting North Site; Seek full price for South Site
• Land costs are a financial barrier to affordable housing creation.
• Available subsidy extremely limited at this location.
• FTA Joint Development would allow for a partial discount without
financial repayment to FTA.
• North Site discount would be subject to later Board approval as
part of a term sheet with developer.
• South Site would be required to pay fair market value.

Recommended Actions in summary

North site
• Declare suitable for
• First offer to qualified
entities for affordable
• Allow for discounting of
property value for
affordable housing

Recommended Actions in summary

South site
• Declare suitable for
• Offer to open market
• Require fair market
value (±$1.75M)

Tracking the 80/20 split for offerings
Affordable Housing (5) Affordable Housing (6)
Open Market (0) Open Market (1)

0% 14%

100% 86%

Next steps
• Issue request for proposals
for sites
• Return to Board with
outcomes of request for
proposals and any
transaction terms

Thank you.

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