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Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08

Electrical installation
Contents Page

Technical Data for Maintenance Service 1

Electrical installation - General description 3

Testing the insulation resistance 6

Driving controls 7
- Dash panel 13
- Directional control switch
- Warning horn
- Travel sender unit 17
- Angle of rotation sensor, hydraulics 18
- Control valve switches 20
- Foot brake switch / Parking brake switch 21

Engine speed sensor 22

Tachogenerator 24
Alternator 25
Throttie positioning solenoid (LPG model) 26
Servomotor injection pump (diesel model) 27
Shutoff solenoid 28
Shutoff valve
Coolant temperature sender 29
Batteries 30
Truck wiring 31

Fuses 32
Contactor panel 29
- Main power fuse 29
- Glow plug relay (series resistor) (diesel model) 33
- Contactors, starting/driving 34
- Current sensor 36
with p.c.b.
Electronic Controller 37
- P.c.b. ‘traction control circuit’ 38
- Pc.b. ‘engine starting via generator’ 47
- Pc.b. ‘servomotor’ (diesel model) 52
- P.c.b. ‘throttle valve regulator’ (LPG model) 73
- Pc.b. ‘charge compensator’ (LPG model) 76
- Power board 78
- Rc.b. ‘solenoid stop control’ (dieselmodel) 79
- Pc.b. ‘control circuit fuses’ (LPG model) 79
- Base plate, relay 80
- Table on engine speeds for p.c.b. 81
Electric fan 82
- Coolant temperature sensor

- Hand tool- refer to issue 1, will not be reprinted - A -D

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 001

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Technical Data for Maintenance Service
E le ctroni c S C R D ri ve C ontro l (p ui se controi system) Sti lltroni c R70

A cce lerator p edal control transmi tte r p otentio meter

A ngle of rotati on sensor, hyd rauli cs p otentio meter

Current draw :

Sta rt a ppro x.. 160 A / 400 rp m

D ri ve moto r fi eld e xci ta ti on 12 ---35 A

Ge ne rator fi e ld excita ti o n 12 --- 15 A (4 0 A )

C urrent li mi t/arma ture current 460 A max.

Tra vel spe ed a djustable up to 2 2 km/h max.

Tra vel spe ed re ducti o n o pti onal eq ui p ment

E le ctri ca l bra king rate of bra ki ng p ower can be se lected b y means

of a 5 -stage rotary swi tch
Contactors 1K 3, 1K 4 12 Volt (5 ,06 ohms )

Fuses for

- p ower board 1F 3 — 60 A (LE T)

- Ma ste r boa rd 1F 11 , 1 F1 4, 1F 15 — 1A

1F 12 — 10 A

4F1 — 10 A

6F 1, 9F1 — 5A

- P c.b. 9 A 2 di esel engi ne shut down controlle r 1F 17 — 5A

- P c.b. A 7 co ntrol ci rcui t fuse 1F 21 — 10 A

1F 16 — 15 A

1F 18 , 1F 19, 1F 20 — 2 0 A

- C ontactor contro l panel A5 9F 4 —25 0 A

F2 , F 5 — 20 A

F3 , F 4 — 1A

F6 — 30 A

A lternator 28 volts / 55 A
9 G2

Starter ba tte ri es Gl, G2 2 ba tte ri es, 43A h — 21 0A (V W -/ MB -Motor)

Starter ba tte ri es Gl, G2 2 ba tte ri es, 48A h — 32 0A (D E UTZ-Motor)

E xci tati on generator/ moto r fi eld transi stori zed 2 4-volt po wer secti on

Electronic rpm regulatîon, engine TF G (L P G): throttle p osi ti o ni ng solenoi d

D FG (D i esel): servomotor fo r i njecti on pump

D FG : E MR / D E UTZ-Motor

Insulation resistance

E lectri cal equi pme nt (motor/g enerato r ci rcui t) 1000 ohms/ volt — a ppro x. 190 kohms

E lectri cal machi ne s 1000 ohms/ vo lt — a ppro x. 190 kohms

Electrical protection, construction complying w ith D IN 40050

E lectri cal e qui peme nt: IP 5 4

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 002

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electrical installation
Mechanical configuration

The electrical installation is composed of two main

1 The SCR control equipment is mounted to the
front cowling on the RH side. It consists of:
- power board - P.C.b.
- drive control - p.c. b.
- engine starting via generator - p.c. b.
- throttle positioning solenoid (TFG=LPG model)
- p.c.b.- servomotor (DFG=diesel model) 1
- p.c. b.- electronic charge compensating/ balancing
device (TI‘G=LPG model)
- p.c.b.- shut-down solenoid (DFG=diesel model)
- p.c.b.- control circuit fuse ffG=LPG model)

- Master Board (base plate) 2

2 Protected by a cover, the contactor panel is
located on the LH side and is accessible from unter
the engine bonnet. Mounted on the contactor panel
- contactor, driving 1 K4
- contactor, starting 1 K3
- p.c.b. with current sensor 1A6/1 U1
- glow plug relay (DFG=diesel model) 9K3

The components listed below also belong to the

electrical installation (see illustration page 4)

A. Dash panel comprising C. Drive motor/Generator

3 keyswitch S1 - brush wear monitoring
4 directional control switch 11 tachogenerator 6B7
for fwd - neutral - rev. 1S1 12 rpm sensor 6B9
5 hour meter 6P1 D. Under the engine bonnet
6 5-stage switch 1S14 13 starter batteries G1/G2
various indicator lights 14 servomotor for injection pump
7 horn button in the steering (DFG=diesel model) 9M7
wheelhub 4S1 2 contactor panel ‘ A5
15 ignition system (7G=LPG model)
B. Within the front cowl arealleg 16 throttle positioning solenoid
(TFG=L13G model) 9Y3
17 alternator 9G2
1 electronic contro! unit A4
18 preheat resistor
8 accelerator pedal control
(DFG=diesel model) 9R8
transmitter (floor plate) 1B1
19 shut-down solenoid 9Y5
9 brake switch 1S12
20 angle of rotation sensor, hydraulics 2R2
(front cowling, LH side)
21 parking brake switch 1S4
10 warning horn 4H1
(front cowling, LH side)

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 003

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electrical installation

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/2002 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 004

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electrical installation
General Description Routing ot truck cables meets VDE 0117 require-
ments. All control voltages are with negative against
Electrical supply is by means of two 12-volt/43 Ah the body (frame).
starter batteries which are wired in series.
There are differences in the electrical system o
The 28-volt/10/55 alternator supplies exciting current diesel and LPG powered models, viz.:
to the power board for generator and drive motor.
DM (diesel model)
The supply voltage for the printed circuit boards (5/15 - glow plug system
volts) is generated in the power board and the printed - servomotor for injection pump
circuit board respectively. - p.c.b. for servomotor
- p.c.b. for shut-down solenoîd
There does not exist an electric starter as generator - shut-down solenoid
«IGII is the means of starting the engîne.
TFG (LPG model)
Connections between d.c. generator and drive motor - control unit for 12-volt ignition system!
are the bipolar type, Le. they are completely isolated - throttle positioning solenoid
electrically from truck frame. Wiring conforms to VDE - p.c.b. for throttle positioning solenoid
0100 standards. Also of the bipolar type, the electrical - p.c.b. for control circuit fuses
connections between power board and excitation - 12-volt central tapping between batteries
windings of drive motors and generator are not - charge balancing/compensating circuit for batteries
grounded. The remaining wiring is of the unipolar type. - shut-off valve

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/2002 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 005

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Insulation test
Preparation for testing

Before carrying out test: Disconnect or rernove

all printed circuit boards incorporated in
electronic control unit, and then disconnect A3
connectors 1A1
X5 (power board lA2) and 1A2
X22 (p.c.b. 9A2 diesel engine shut down
controller/p.c.b. A7 control circuit fuse).
3A2 3
9A4 4

X22 6

Testing the insulation resistance (earthing)

Generator 1G1 Motor 1M1

After any repair work on electric components on

contactor panel and/or electrical machines (generator/
drive motor) it will be necessary to test the insulation
resistance before installation or putting the truck back
into service again.

The insulation material used on the truck must have

a resistance of a least 190 000 ohms (190 kohms).

Testing against the body - figures 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6

Testing armature and stator against field winding -

figures 4 and 7
Check armature and stator of both drive motor and
generator and associated leads in the circuit.
The test should be carried out by applying a d.c. voltage
of 500 volts at the minimum. The megger (e.g. Isolavi
8) used for checking for earthing must supply a current
rating of at least 1 mA.

STILL GmbH Stand: 5/01 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 006

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
Keyswitch S1

Located on the RH section of the dash panel on the

steering column, keyswitch S1 is operated with a
removable key to prevent unauthorised use of the

The keyswitch is used for starting the engine and

operating the electrical equipment belonging to the

The keyswitch incorporates a starter safeguard lock

preventing the key from being turned to the „START“
position once the engine has started.

It is only after the key has been turned to the ‘OFF’

position and the engine has stopped turning that a
second attempt to start the engine can be made.

The keyswitch has 3 positions:

0 = ‘OFF’ . 1 = ‘ON’ , 2 = ‘START’

(key turned clockwise) 0
When released from the ‘START’ position the 1
keyswitch will automatically return to the ‘ON’ po-

The keyswitch has 3 connections on its reverse: 2

30/S1 supply line from pos. (+) battery terminal
(24 volts)
50/S1 p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’
supplied with battery voltage in ‘START’position
of keyswitch
15/S1 the electrical system is supplied with battery
voltage in ‘START’ and ‘ON’ position of

The starting operation can only be carried out with
directional control lever in neutral and engine
completely stopped. The engine will start with a delay
of around 1 sec.

The rieutral position is indicated by indicator light H3.

Indication of ‘preglow’ is by start indicator lamp 6H12
(diesel model).

Turning off the engine

Turn key S1 to the ‘OFF’ position.
The engine of LPG model will continue running until
total consumption of residual gas quantity! 15
(see: relay 9K4).

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/2002 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 007

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
Directional control switches

Manual change of direction of travel

Well protected by the dash panel, the switch as-
sembly controlling the direction of travel is mounted
on a base plate welded to the steering column.

The double-type directional control lever is supported

on a die-cast bracket. The direction switch can be
switched to 3 positions:
„forwards“ - „neutral“ - „reverse“
The directional control lever is locked in the different
spring-loaded positions by a notch and cam with roller.
Arranged between the two bearing points of the
bracket, a plastic switching segment on the direction
control lever actuates the following waterproof
microswitches (2):

1S1 - forwards
1S2 - reverse
1S15 - neutral

Microswitches 2
Rest position: contact 1 - 2 closed 4
contact 1 - 4 open 1
Note: Earlier models are fitted with standard mi-
croswitches that are not waterproof. Both microswitch
designs are interchangeable.
Two-pedal control
(one pedal for each direction of travel)

The accelerator transmitter 1 Bl is operated by two

pedals (one for forward travel, the other for reverse
travel) mounted on a common shaft together with a
lever (H).
This lever comprises a return spring (F) which ensures
that both pedals upon being released automatically H
retum to the initial or rest position. The pedals are
mechanically linked to a rocker (S) via control rods
(Z). Located on the rocker and provided with
appropriate notches, cam (N) operates the waterproof
microswitches 1S1, 1S2, 1S15, causing them to
The control rods must be adjusted so that the stroke
of the rocker ist 18 mm, pedal travel being 5 +/- 2
mm. Z
Rest position: contact 1 - 2 closed S
contact 1 - 3 open N F

STILL GmbH Stand: 5/01 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 008

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
Directional control switches
1S1 1S2 1S15
Manual/foot-operated change of direction of travel
1 1 1
Microswitches 4(3)/1S1 (fwd. travel) and 4(3)/1S2 (rev.
travel) on truck model feŕ turing manual control of
direction of travel are connected to p.c. board IlAl V R
4 4 2
(X3) ‘traction circuit control’ via connections 4/X32, (3) (3) O
5/X32 and 2,1/X29, and on truck model fitted with two-
pedal directional control to the same p.c. board via
connections 2,3/X88 and 2,1/X29. 18Z 16D 24D
Connection 1 of 1S1 and 1S2 is connected to earth
(negative) via 18Z/1A1.
When the opposite direction of travel is selected, 1A1 26D / 9A4
connection D16/1A1 (V = fwd. travel) or D24/1A1
(R = rev. travel) is connected via direction switch to The figure in brackets apply model fitted with
18Z/1A1. two-pedal control

Neutral position switch 1S15

Connection 2/1S15 is brought via 6/X32 or 6/X88 and

3/X29 respectively to board 26D/9A4 (p.c.b. ‘engine H3
starting via generator’).
When the directional control is placed in NEUTRAL,
26D/9A4 is connected to earth (-) via 1S15.

The neutral position is indicated by indicator light H3

which lights with a delay of arourid 1 second.

Two-pedal control - Adjustments

(foot-operated changes of direction)

- The control rods must be adjusted so that the
stroke of the rocker is 18 mm, pedŕ l travčl being 5
± 2 mm.
- Adjust microswitch IIS15 so that it is in the centre
of the notch.
- Bring mounting bracket (1) of accelerator
transmitter into central position.
- By twisting accelerator transmitter (2) adjust
voltage until it is between 3.3 - 3.5 volts (proceed
as described in Section ‘Travel sender unit 1B1
(accelerator pedal control transmitter). 1S2 1S1 1S15
- Adjust microswitches 1S1 and 1S2 so that they
are actuated the instant aroůhd 4.2 to 4.5 volts of
transmitter voltage are reached.

Once the adjustments are completed seal the screws

with varnish.



STILL GmbH Stand: 5/01 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 09

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
Two pedal control (double pedal drive)
Direction of travel is controlled by two accelerator pedals,
the right pedal is pressed for forward travel and the left
pedal for reverse travel.
Mechanically interconnected by linkage, pedals move in
opposite direction in relation to each other when pressing
the pedal for the opposite direction of travel.
Controlled by pedal movement, two potentiometers
(transmitters 1B3 and 1B4) are mounted to the underside
of the right pedal. When pedals are un-operated, the
potentiometers are in their neutral position.

Electrical connections of accelerator transmitters 1B3 1B4

Transmitter (travel sender) 1B3:
+10.8volts — 1/X16
set-point value — 2/X16
0 volts — 5/X16

Transmitter (travel sender) 1B4:

+10.8volts — 8/X16
set-point value — 3/X16
0 volts — 4/X16
Basic adjustment
With the engine switched off, proceed as follows.
- Bring both pedals to dimension H above the floor plate.
(R7032...40: Remove non-slip rubber matting)
R7032... 40 : H = 83 ±5 mm ; dimension G = 52.5 ±1 mm
R7048 - 50 : H = 78 ±5 mm ; dimension G = 88.4 ±1 mm
- Plug universal measuring adaptor Mark II plus into
connector X16 accessible from beneath the floor plate.
- Turn keyswitch ON.
- Connect digital multimeter to measuring adaptor :
Transmitter 1B3
1/X16 (+) — 2/X16 (- )
Transmitter 1B4
8/X16 (+) — 3/X16 (- )
- Both pedals un-operated, potentiometer in midposition:
Meter reading for each of the two potentiometers should
be between 4.95 and 5.05 volts.
Slacken screws * and carry out adjustment by operating
on potentiometers.

- Pedal for rev. travel depressed fully :

1/X16 (+) — 2/X16 (- ) voltage 8.8 - 9.3 volts.

8/X16 (+) —34/X16 (- ) voltage 0.7 - 1.4 volts
Adjustment is achieved by altering the length of
screwed rod U. 7048 - 50

- Pedal for fwd. travel depressed fully : H

1/X16 (+) — 2/X16 (- ) voltage 0.7 - 1.4 volts.
8/X16 (+) — 3/X16 (- ) voltage 8.8 - 9.3 volts. U
Adjustment is achieved by turning screw X (slacken
locknut W).

7032 - 34 / 38 - 40

STILL GmbH Stand: 1/2002 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 10

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
P.c.b. 9A7 (9A8) „two-pedal control“

P.c.b. 9A7 (9A8) and power board 1A2 are

mechanically joined by screws. P.c.b. 9A7 (9A8)
constitutes the link between drive sender
potentiometers 1B3/1B4 and p.c.b. 1A1 „drive
P.c.b. 9A7 (9A8) produces the 10-volt supply voltage
for transmitters 1B3/1B4, processes the set-point
value signal supplied by the transmitters, conveying
it to p.c.b. 1A1 as an information on direction. At the
same time the information on neutral position is
transmitted to p.c.b. 9A4 „engine starting via
P.c.b. 9A7 (9A8) combines the functions of both p.c.b.
9A2 (DIESEL model) ‘shut down controller’ and p.c.b.
A7 (LPG model) ‘control circuit fuse’. As a result,
p.c.b. 9A7 (9A8) is of universal application, no mat-
ter whether the truck is fitted with two-pedal control
or not.

Electrical settings on p.c.b.

„two pedal control“
Parking brake applied Keyswitch ON

Accelerator pedals un-operated

Adjusting neutral position of accelerator pedal:
Adjust potentiometer R112 until light-emitting
diodes V20 and V21 glow with even brightness.
Adjusting the neutral position monitor circuit:
Adjust potentiometer R115 until light-emitting
diodes V38 and V39 glow with even brightness.
Adjusting the end stroke of accelerator pedal for fwd.
Fully depress accelerator pedal for fwd. travel.
Adjust potentiometer R114 until light-emitting
diodes V 28 and V29 glow with even brightness.
Adjusting the end stroke of accelerator pedal for rev.
Fully depress accelerator pedal for rev. travel.
Adjust potentiometer R113 until light-emitting
diodes V28 and V29 glow with even brightness.

Green LED : V20,V21 ; V28,V29 ; V38,V39

Red LED : V14 — will come on in the event of
an incorrect setting.

Once the adjustment has been completed, seal


STILL GmbH Stand: 1/2002 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 11

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Drive controls
Retrofitting a „two-pedal control“ with p.c.b.“ Electrical settings on p.c.b.
„two-pedal control“
Belkow you will find a description on how to proceed Parking brake applied
when replacing the previous two-pedal control with Keyswitch ON
switching cams on the underside of the floor plate by Accelerator pedals un-operatedt
the actual standard design using two potentiometers.
The conversion kit consists of: Adjusting neutral position of accelerator pedal::
- Floor plate, p.c.b. and wiring harness. Adjust potentiometer R112 until LEDs V20 and V21
Only 7032-34/38-40 models: Support for external glow with even brightness.
cooling fan and tension roller.
Procedure Adjusting the neutral position monitor circuit:
- Place the truck on a dry, level surface and Adjust potentiometer R115 until LEDs V38 and V39
disconnect the starter batteries. glow with even brightness.
- Lift floor plate, disconnect connectors X88 and X45
from the connection point located under the floor Adjusting the end stroke of accelerator pedal for fwd.
plate, then remove floor plate. travel:
7032-34/38-40 : Fully depress accelerator pedal for fwd. travel.
- Replace support for external fan and tension roller.
The support must be replaced to provide for a Adjust potentiometer R114 until LEDs V28 and V29
sufficient amount of clearance for the parts which glow with even brightness.
operate mechanically and are located under the
floor plate. Adjusting the end stroke of accelerator pedal for rev.
- Remove cover from controller and withdraw p.c.b. travel:
A7 ‘control circuit fuse’ (VW & KHD engines) or, Fully depress accelerator pedal for rev. travel.
depending on truck model, p.c.b. 9A2 ‘engine shut
down controller’ (MB engine), from power board 1A2, Adjust potentiometer R113 until LEDs V28 and V29
then fit new p.c. board. glow with even brightness.

Modification to leads : Green LED : V20, V21 ; V28, V29 ; V38, V39
Connectors X27 ; X29 ; on controller unit :
- Remove leads 1, 2 and 4 from connector X27, as Red LED : V14 — will come on in the event of
well as 1,2,3 and 4 from connector X29, sever the an incorrect setting.
ends of the leads if necessary.
- Remove connection X88 and X45 (sever leads or Once the adjustment has been completed, seal
attach them to wiring harness after having potentiometer.
insulated them first - reserve).

Connect wiring harness to controller unit:

- The wiring harness must pass through the water-
proof grommet.

- Connect leads to connectors X27 and X29, and earth

lead to master board.

- Connect wiring harness to the connection point on

the underside of the floor plate (X16) and carefully
route harness.

- Make truck ready for operation

END of fitting operation

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 012

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Dash panel

2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 5 4

1 Indicator lights 2 1S14 multi-position switch

(from left to right)

1 — 6H1 coolant temperature warning light

3 6P1 hour meter
2 — 6H2 oil pressure warning light

3 — 6H3 fuel level warning light

4 — 6H5 air cleaner warning light

4 directional control lever

5 — 6H11 brake fluid warning light

6 — 6H10 brush monitor warning light 5 4S1 horn button

7 — H2 engine temperature warning light

8 — H3 neutral position indicator light

9 — 9H2 alternator warning light

10 — 6H12 start indicator light

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 13

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Dash panel
Indicator lamps
The indicator lamps indicate the different operational
situations. At the same time they alert the driver to
forestall possible failures. Indicator lamps -2-6-8-9-10
are tested every time keyswitch S1 is turned ON. For
further information see section ‘Engine starting via

6H1 (1) water temperature warning light

indicates that the water temperature is above 110° C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6H2 (2) engine oil pressure warning light

will light up when the key switch is turned ‘ON’. It
must go off after the engine is started.

6H3 (3) low fuel warning light

(Diesel version): Will light up when the amount of fuel
in the tank has dropped to a residual quantity of around
5 litres.
(Gas version): Lights green as long as the gas cylinder
still contains a sufficient amount of gas.

6H5 (4) air cleaner warning light

will light up if the filter cartridge of the dry type air
cleaner of the engine ist clogged.

6H11 (5) brake fluid warning light 6H4 /6H12 (10) start indicator lamp
will light up when the brake fluid in the reservoir has (controlled by p.c.b. ‘Engine starting via generator’)
dropped to the minimum level (float type switch in the indicates when key switch is turned to ON position.
TFG (Gas version):
6H10 (6) Brush monitoring light Indicator lamp goes off when key switch is turned to
(controlled by p.c.b. 9A4 ‘Engine starting via START position,
generator’) will light up when the key switch is turned
‘ON’ and go off after 1-2 secs if no fault exists. If the DFG (Diesel version):
light is on and fails to go off, check motor and generator Indicator lamp flashes slowly during the preglowing
brushes for wear. procedure (key switch turned to PREGLOW position)
and goes off when engine is started (key switch
H2 (7) electrical machine warning light turned to START position).
indicates when the limit temperature for the drive motor
1M1 or generator 1G1 is reached (130° C). TFG/DFG: 6H12 fault indicator
Indicator light flashes very quickly (3/sec) if a fault in
H3 (8) neutral position indicator the electrical circuit has been detected during the
(controlled by p.c.b. ‘Engine starting via generator’) starting operation. In that case interrupt attempt at
will light up with a delay of around 1 sec when the starting engine and carry out fault finding procedure
directional control lever is placed in neutral. in compliance with the instructions in our ‘System
Diagnosis’ under section ‘Engine starting via
TFG/DFG: H3 fault indicator
The indicator lamp will flash at an average frequency
(1/sec) if the direction switch is not in its neutral All indicator lamps are the 24-volts/3W type
position while an attempt is made to start the engine. and comply with standard DIN
(Note: The starting circuit is wired in such a way that specification 72601
the engine cannot be started unless the direction
switch is in neutral position).

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 14

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Dash panel
Indicator lights

9H2 (9) alternator warning light

will light up when the key switch is turned ‘ON’ and
go off the instant the engine is started and the
alternator 9G2 supplies electrical current. The warning
light is connected to the plus (+) of starter battery G2
and via a diode to terminal D+ of alternator 9G2.

All indicator lamps are the

24-volt/3 W type and comply with
Standard DIN Specification 72601 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Diode 4V1
Protected by a tube, diode 4V1 is inserted into the
circuit between indicator light 9H2 and connection
D+/9G2 (in direction of current flow to D+). In the
event of a defective/blown control circuit fuse it will
prevent current from being drawn from terminal D+ of
alternator 9G2. 9H2
Multi-position switch 1S14
A 5 or 12 position type selector switch 1S14,
depending on truck model, is mounted on the
dashboard. The corresponding switching positions
are displayed on a dial.

5-position switch:
12-position switch, without stop:
1-2-3-4-5-5-5-4-3-2-1-1 ... etc. (D+/9G2)
With the aid of this switch braking deceleration
accomplished by releasing the accelerator pedal, and
also acceleration of the truck by means of abrupt
accelerator pedal operation, can be adapted to suit
the operating conditions.

Stage 1 = moderate acceleration/braking deceleration

Stage 5 = powerful acceleration/braking deceleration

The rotary switch can be turned to a different position 1S14

at any time - even while the truck is in motion.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 15

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Dash panel / Warning horn
Hour meter 6P1

The work hour meter 6P1 is operated only by the

voltage supplied by the alternator 9G2. It will begin to 6P1
register only provided the engine is running. (Hour
meter designed for a voltage of 12-80 volts).
Wire connections:
P/6P1- 9/X32- D+/9G2
N/6P1 -10/X32 - N2 (-)

Horn button 4S1

The horn button is pressed into the centre of the

steering wheel. It is connected via two slip rings 9W1
inside the steering column to the warning horn and
terminal stud N2 for earthing .

To enable removal of the horn button the latter must

be levered out of the steering wheel centre with the
aid of a screwdriver. The lead routed inside the steering
column and attached to the horn button can then be
disconnected/ connected . 4S1
The horn button connects the warning horn to terminal
stud N2 (neg. battery) for earthing.

Warning horn 4H1

The warning horn is an audible warning device giving

warning to others of the approach of the machine,
and the operator must sound the horn especially when
approaching a blind corner and at all blind
intersections. The warning horn is therefore part of
the safety requirements and must constantly be in
good working order.

Mounted to the front cowl, the horn is located on the

LH side under the front panel.
To avoid dislurbances to the electronic control circuit
every time the horn is operated the latter is wired 4H1
with circuitry 4Z1 for protection.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 16

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Travel sender unit
Travel sender unit 1B1
(accelerator pedal control transmitter)

Linked to the accelerator, the travel sender unit is a

transmitting device controlling travel speed.

Depression of the foot pedal controls a potentiometer

which acts directly on the electronic control unit. At
the same time the injection pump of the engine is
operated electrically via a servomotor.

Two studs secure the travel sender unit (transmitter)

to the underside of the floor plate. Only the pedal 1B1
passes through the floor plate.

Made from fibreglass- reinforced plastics, the pedal

is articulated on a greased-for- life, sealed shaft
mounted in a housing. It is maintained in the rest
position by a return spring located on the lower end
of the pedal.

Transmitter voltage: pedal un-operated

1/1 B1 (-) - 2/1 B1 (+) = approx. 4.5 volts
The voltage can be corrected to obtain correct setting
by slackening screws ( 1 ) and adjusting position of

Transmitter voltage: pedal operated

1 /11 B1 (-) - 2/1 B 1 (+) = approx. 9.2 volts
The voltage can be corrected to obtain correct setting
by slackening screws ( 2 ) and adjusting position of 1B1 1

Voltage supply:
1 / 1 B 1 (-) - 3/1 B 1 = 10, 8 volts


To remove the travel sender unit slacken the screws

retaining the floor plate and lift the latter from the LH
side. Pull out plug from travel sender unit and lift out
floor plate. Loosen nyloc nuts and remove the travel
sender unit from under the floor plate.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 17
Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Angle of rotation sensor
Potentiometer/Angle of rotation sensor 2R2 for
hoist & tilt functions and 3rd & 4th hyd. functions

When a hydraulic valve control lever Is operated, the

angle of rotation sensor 2R2 supplies the rated value
for engine rpm.
Sensor 2R2 is actuated by a shaft which in turn is
controlled by different cams integrated into the
individual hydraulic control valve levers.
Operational check

TFG (LPG model): DFG (diesel model):

Miniature (DIP) switch Miniature (DIP) switch
S2 on p.c.b. ‘throttle S3 on p.c.b. ‘servomotor’
valve regulator’ A3 in 3A2 in ‘ON’ position.
‘ON’ position. Connect digital multimeter M
Connect digitalmulti- to the test points on p.c.b. Soll
meter to the test points ‘servomotor’ 3A2. (M) Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
on p.c.b. ‘throttle
valve regulator’ A3. (M)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
The following voltage must be measured: OFF

Hydraulics non activated 0 - 0.35 volts

Hoisting function fully activated 4.5-5.0 volts
Tilting function fully activated 0.9- 1.7 volts
Additional hydraulics (3rd & 4th
functions) fully activated 0.9- 1.7 volts

Wire connections 2R2

2R2 -1 /X37 - 2/X73 - 24D/X6 (3A2) (0 volts)

-2/X37 - 3/X73 - 24Z/X6 (3A2) (variable)
-3/X37 - 1/X73 - 22D/X6 (3A2) (5 volts)

The angle of rotation sensor 2R2 is held in place by 2
Neutral or zero point setting: Slacken screw -Aand
move sensor 2R2 towards 1 (voltage decreases) or
towards 2 (voltage increases).
Displacement of the zero point entails a modification
of the potential for -Tilting function fully activated- and
also for -Additional hydraulics fully activated---.
Maximum value setting: Slacken screw -B- and
activate hoisting function fully. Move sensor towards
3 (the potential decreases) or towards 4 (the potential

Once the adjustment is completed, move miniature 4 2

(DIP) switch S2 on p.c.b. A3 or (depending on truck
model) miniature (DIP) switch S3 on p.c.b. 3A2 to A
‘OFF’ position. B

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 18

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Angle of ratation sensor / Control valve switches
Angle of rotation sensor 2R2 for hoist function 2R2
Valve microswitches 2S2 for tilt function,
2S3, 2S4 for 3rd & 4th hyd. functions (attach-

Since the middle of 93 each control valve block is

fitted with an angle of rotation sensor and up to 3

Angle of rotation sensor 2R2

The function of sensor 2R2 is to control engine speed
during hoist operation.
The angle of rotation sensor is fitted with a 3 position
‘Econoseal’ connector X37 whose plug housing is X 102
secured to the control valve mounting bracket. X 101
For operational check and adjustment X 100
see preceding page X 37
Valve microswitches 2S2, 2S3, 2S4
The control valve levers for tilt and auxiliary
operations actuate each a microswitch via a cam.
Each microswitch in turn activates a potentiometer
on p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ or p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve
regulator’, depending on truck model.
The potentiometer serves to pre-set engine speed for
each hydraulic function.
The control valve microswitches are connected to the
electrical system via 3 position ‘Econoseal’
To avoid mistaking the microswitch connections for
the connection of the angle of rotation sensor, the
ends of the microswitch leads are provided with
receptacles likewise secured to the control valve
mounting bracket.

Operational check
Move miniature or DIP switch S1 on p.c.b. 3A2
,servomotor’ or (depending on truck model) S4, 5, 6
on p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’ to ON position.
Connect digital multimeter to the test points (M) on
Operate valve lever and note the meter reading. This
should be approx. 12 volts.

Wire connections:
2S2 tilt operation
1 /X1 00 - 5/X74 - 18D/X6 (3A2, pot. )
2S3 3rd hyd. function (pot. Z1)
1/X101 - 7/X74 - 20Z/X6
2S4 4th hyd. function (pot. Z2)
1/X102 - 1/X74 - 16D/X6

On early models pin 3/X74 instead of 5/X74 may
already be occupied. In that case engine speed has
been pre-set for the tilt function by means of
potentiometer Z3.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 19

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Angle of ratation sensor / Control valve switches
Angle of rotation sensor

On later models the angle of rotation sensor is located

on the hydraulic control valve, l.h. side. Lever travel
of sensor is restricted - during lowering of the load -
in the rest position by a roll pin.

The sensor is moved by the hydraulic valve control

lever in a clockwise direction during hoist operation.

Operational check and Adjustment

Move miniature (DIP) switch S3 on p.c.b. 3A2
,servomotor’ to ON position.

Connect digital multimeter to test points (M) on p.c.b.

3A2 ‘servomotor’ and note the reading on the meter
which should be

between 0 - 0.35 volts (with hydraulics inoperative)

and between 4.5 - 5.0 volts (with hoist function fully

On completion of adjustment, miniature switch S3

on p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ must be moved to OFF

Control valve microswitches

It should be noted that the microswitch actuator is

depressed when the control lever is in its neutral
position---the switch is open. The microswitch
operating point can be altered via an adjusting screw
to suit the requirement.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 20

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Foot - / Parking brake switch
Foot brake switch 1S12

A pressure type brake switch is located on the master

brake cylinder.

Upon actuation of the hydraulic foot brake the switch

will close, causing the electronic modulation to be
suppressed instantly

Before performing any work on the master cylinder/

brake switch it will be necessary to first remove the
front panel (shroud) from the cowl.

Parking brake switch 1S4

Applying the parking brake will open the parkh g brake
switch, causing the safety relay on the power board
1A2 to drop out.

The parking brake switch 1S4 receives the 24 volt

battery voltage via key switch S1, whence the voltage
is supplied via connector X26 to the monitor unit of
the power board.

The switch must cut off power before the parking brake
is engaged to the 1 st notch.

To achieve correct brake switch adjustment, slacken

the nuts (1) and move the switch with its braket in
the slot provided to that effect so that the switch will
open before the lever is engaged to the 1 st notch.

NOTE: Be careful not to bend, nor twist the

actuator of the switch, as otherwise it is
likely to break!

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 21

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Speed sensor
Speed sensor 6S9 Model fitted with MB engine

Engine speed is sensed by speed sensor 6B9 which

is located at the lower front end of the generator. The
sensor can be considered as an inductive type
impulse transmitting device that evaluates the 12 2
lobes on the vee belt pulley. When the vee belt pulley
rotates, the speed sensor supplies an AC voltage
signal whose rate depends on the rotating speed of
the vee belt pulley.


The speed sensor is mounted on a sheet-metal

support from which it can be withdrawn after loosening
a hex hd screw (M6)
The connector plug is secured with a clamp which
can be withdrawn from the lateral side after which the
plug can be disconnected. The plug incorporates a
seal which protects the contacts against the ingress
of dirt.
1 = vee belt pulley
Operational check 2 - clamp
3 - plug
The speed sensor supplies an AC voltage whose value 4 - speed sensor 6B9
depends on the rotating speed of the vee belt pulley.
The AC voltage can be checked at connector X30
(11/X30 --- 4/X30) using a digital multimeter For the
cranking speed (about 400 rpm) the voltage must be
higher than 0.5 volts (AC voltage) and for the engine
idle speed higher than 0,8 volts (AC voltage). The
coil resistance of the speed sensor 6B9 must be
checked with engine off:
Rcoil =500 ohms to 1000 ohms,

Signal shaper

The AC voltage signal of speed sensor 6B9 is recorded

in p.c.b. 9A4 ‘Engine starting via generator’ and
transformed into a signal of square waveform. The Model fitted with VW engine
square-wave signal is sent into p.c.b. 1A1 ‘Traction
control circuit’ and p.c.b. A3 ‘Throttle valve regulator’ 1
(T17G = LPG model) or speed governor 3A2 (DFG =
diesel model). The signal can be measured with a
digital multimeter: D6/X6 --- D4/X6 (adapter R20 or
test adapter) with engine running. Correct reading
AC voltage 8 V to 12 V.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 22

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Speed sensor
Speed sensor 6B9
Model equipped with a DEUTZ engine
Engine RPM is sensed by speed sensor 6B9 which
is located at the front end of the generator. The sensor 6B9 A2
can be considered as an approach switch reacting F1
upon the approach of iron—in this specific case the
12 cams on the vee belt pulley. When the vee belt
pulley rotates, the speed sensor supplies a positive
voltage every time a cam moves past it. B2

The number of the positive voltage impulses within a

pre-determined amount of time reveals engine rpm. A1
Counting and processing the impulses is effected
on the 9A4 logic card via connection Z14.

Connected to the truck electrical system via a

3-pole Econoseal connector, the speed sensor 1mm

6B9 has 3 connections, viz.: ± 0,5

6B9/ (black) — 1/X38 — 4/X30 = actual value

6B9/ (brown)— 2/X38— 3/X30 = +24 volts
6B9/ (blue) — 3/X38 — 1/X30 = chassis (-)

Operational check
2/X38 ( br)
Once removed from the truck the approach switch
can be tested quickly and easily. Voltage is supplied 6B9
via a 9 volt battery: 3/X38 ( bl )
2/X38 (+) — 3/38 (-)
Connect meter between: 1/X38 ( sw ) RANGE

+ -

1/X38 (-) — 2/X38 (+)

L ?
- 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

If a piece of iron (e.g. a bolt, tool or similar object) is (+ ) RANG E


now moved at a distance of 1—2mm the length of 9 Volt (- ) mV

10A 3A
300m A

V 3m A

the face of the switch at the spot identified by an

appropriate mark, the meter will clearly indicate a O FF ~

voltage surge of around 8 volts.


m ax

+ 1000V +A +10A


When reinstalling the switch make sure a gap of abt.

1 mm is maintained between the cams of the vee
belt pulley and the front end of the switch.


± 0,5

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 23

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Tachogenerator 6B7

Tachogenerator 6B7 is located on the gearbox on the

LH side of the truck - on the same level as the drive
motor armature shaft.

The tachogenerator is linked through the hollow gear

shaft of the transmission to the armature shaft via a
diaphragm type coupling.

Hermetically sealed in an injection moulded housing,

at the same time being fitted with a waterproof
‘Econoseal’ connector, tachogenerator 6B7 supplies
information to p.c.b. 1A1 on rpm and direction of rotation
of the drive’ motor armature shaft (drive wheels).
As the rotating speed of the wheel increases, the voltage
will rise until attaining around 17 volts, whereas the
polarity across the motor is reversed with every change
of direction of travel.
The tachogenerator rotates in the same direction as
the wheel. Arrow = fwd. travel
Speed /Tachogenerator voltage

V (km/h) 22 20 15 10 7
U (V) 17,3 15,7 11,8 7,9 5,5

Removal / Installation
The tachogenerator is directly accessible through an X36
aperture in the wheel well of the LH front wheel. Slacken
the three fixing screws and pull the plug. The
tachogenerator can now be withdrawn from the gearbox.

Power to the tachogenerator pinion is transmitted via a

diaphragm type coupling that is inserted into the hollow
gear shaft. After removal of the coupling, and every time
a repair has been carried out, the coupling must be
inserted i nto the hol low shaft first and the
tachogenerator must then be installed. 6B7
This sequence must absolutely be observed!

Operational check
(front of the truck securely chocked up)
Disconnect connector X36
Connect a voltmeter to 1 /X36-2/X36
Rotate one drive wheel by hand
(lock 2nd wheel) 2 1
The voltage reading will rise progressively in proportion RA

to rotating speed of wheel (a voltmeter readinq of around

- 5 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0

5 volts will be obtained).

X36 R

10A 3A

300m A
mV 30mA

Forwards 1/X36 = (-), 2/X36 = (+) V 3m A


Backwards 1/X36 = (+), 2/X36 - (-)


Note: The driver that is pressed into the hollow gear

shaft must be checked for tight seat. 6B7 + 1000V



* the hollow shaft must be cleansed absolutely free of

grease and oil

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 24

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Alternator 9G2

Driven by the engine via a flat belt, the alternator supplies

a current of 55 amperes at the maximum in the case of
28 volts charging voltage.
The alternator fulfils two separate tasks in the truck:
1. It supplies electrical energy to thestarter
batteries G1, G2 to maintain them in a charged
condition, simultaneously supplying electrical
energy to the lighting equipment

2. It supplies excitation current for drive motor and

generator fields

3. Maintaining the power supply of the p.c.boards after

the keyswitch has been turned off and the engine
is still running.


B+ - P/G2 (pos. battery)
B+ - body (neg. battery)
negative during starting - positive during operation

D+ - fuse 1F15 - B22/9A4

9H2 1A2 M 9H2 1A2 M

9G2 1M1 9G2 1M1

G1 G1
3~ 3~
G2 G2
1G1 1G1

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 26

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Throttle positioning solenoid
Throttle positioning solenoid 9Y3
(exists on LPG model only)

The throttle positioning solenoid 9Y3 whose function

is to control the throttle valve is located above the
valve cover. Controlled by p.c.b. A3 ‘Throttle
positioning solenoid’, the ‘throttle valve regulator’ is
the regulating unit of the rpm regulating circuit.

Wire connection:
5X/78 --- 2/9Y3
4/X78 --- 1/9Y3

The throttle positioning solenoid has an inherent

resistance of something between 4ohms and 6 ohms.

When battery voltage (24 volts) is applied to the

throttle positioning solenoid (10 amp. fuse) the latter
must open the throttle valve completely

Solenoid linkage adjustment

Withdraw ball stud from throttle control lever. Hold

throttle valve in fully closed position. Set the solenoid
linkage so that the centre of its ball cup extends out
1.5 mm when the ball stud is fitted.

A = 16,5 mm + 1.5 mm = 18 mm.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 26
Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Servomotor controlling the injection pump
Servomotor injection pump 3M3 MB - engine
(exists on diesel model only)

The servomotor injection pump 3M3 is located in front

of the cylinder head of the engine. Controlled by p.c.b.
3A2 ‘servomotor’, the lever of the servomotor which
moves within the limits of a predetermined angle range
operates the injection pump control lever. The angle
of rotation is measured by a potentiometer which is
integrated into the servomotor and reduction gear unit.
The total range of the angle of rotation 1 2
extends up to--------------------------------------------96 deg.
An electronic circuitry limits this range to----75 deg.
Adjustable length of lever on servomotor:
from 27.5 to 45 mm
Wire connections:
4/X80 5/X78 (motor)
5/X80 4/X78 (motor)
1/X80 3/X78 (neg. potentiometer)
2/X80 1/X78 (potentiometer sliding contact) X80
3/X80 2/X78 (pos. potentiometer)
When a voltage of about 12 volts (intermittently
sometimes also 24 volts) is applied to servomotor
terminals, the operating lever of the servomotor
(linkage being disconnected) will move to the upper
or lower mechanical stop, depending on the polarity
of the voltage applied. The servomotor has an internal
resistance of about 5 ohms.
The potentiometer (position sender) is supplied with
a voltage of 5 volts from p.c.b. ‘servomoLui . Fhe 1
voltage at the potentiometer sliding contact amounts
to at least 0.5 volts at the lower stop and to 4.5 volts
maximum at the upper stop. The potentiometer has
a resistance of something between 800 and 1400 1: injection pump,,
ohms, whereas the internal resistance of the sliding 2: servomotor injection pump 3M3
contact amounts to 600-1400 ohms.

Carry out adjustment of control linkage and r.p.m.s

as instructed under Functional Group 08, Electronic
control unit, p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’.

VW - engine


STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 27

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Shutoff solenoid / Engine shutoff valve
Shutoff solenoid 9Y5 (MB engine)
Shutoff solenoid 9Y5 (electro-magnetic cut-off) 9A2
operates the shut-down lever of the injection pump.
The solenoid is provided with two coils: a holding coil 1F18
and a pull or attraction coil. When ignition is turned 1F19
on, the pull coil is energized for a brief instant (200 1F20
msec), after which the holding coil remains energized 1F21
until the engine is switched off.
Wire connections: 1F16
2/X90 — 4/X91 (COM) common connection
3/X90 — 3/X91 (PULL) pull coil 1F17
1/X90 — 2/X91 (HOLD) holding coil
15-amp. fuse 1F16 , 15 A
The coils have these inherent resistances:
Pull coil: 3/X90 — 2/X90: approx. 1 ohm
Holding coil: 2/X90 — 1/X90: approx 50 ohms
In the event of pull coil failure the shut-down lever
can be moved by hand to the ON position. 9Y5
Never apply a voltage to pull coil terminals!! (not even
Engine shutoff valve 9Y2(VW engine)
The shutoff valve 9Y2 must produce a clicking sound
when turning the keyswitch S1 on or off. The supply X 90
line of the shutoff valve is protected by a 10 amp.
fuse (1F21) located on p.c.b. A7 ‘control circuit fuse’.
Wire connection: 3/X93 — 1/9Y2
Shutoff solenoid 9Y5 (DEUTZ engine) Arranged
between first and second individual injection pump
sections, the shutoff valve is located on the l.h. side
of the engine, as viewed in the direction of forward
travel. Once the keyswitch is turned ON, the shutoff
solenoid is supplied with 24 volts via fuse 1F21 which
causes it to attract, as a result of which the control
rod of the injection pump sections is released. The
engine will not start until the solenoid has attracted. 9Y2
- Disconnect the plug after having disengaged it first
- Remove oil dipstick
- Remove protective sheet from fuel lines
- Slacken the two screws securing the shutoff
solenoid and withdraw the latter from the top
Installation (See Functional Group 15)
- Bring the control rod into STOP position (turn the
rod in an anti-clockwise direction until it is against
its stop)
- Insert shutoff solenoid (lightly oil the O-ring)
- Tighten the screws to a torque of 21 Nm
- Re-connect the plug
- Restore engine to running order.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 28
Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Coolant temperature sensor
Coolant temperature sender 6B11 The signal VW - engine
from the temperature sensor (temperature-dependent
resistor) is sent to p.c.b. 9A4 „Engine starting via
generator“. The duration of the preglowing and 6B2
postglowing operation is determined by p.c.b. 9A4 as a
function of coolant temperature.
Coolant temperature sensor 6B11 (VW) Incorporated
in the pipe connection of the coolant hose, on the RH
side of the engine, sensor 6B11 - black connector X35 - 6B11
is positioned horizontally, whereas coolant temperature
switch 6B2 - brown connector X42 - controlling the water
temperature warning light is positioned vertically.
Resistance value of coolant temperature sender 6B11:
217 ± 30 ohms in the case of 60°C
87 ± 5 ohms in the case of 90°C
~ 50 ohms in the case of 110°C
Coolant temperature switch 6B2 will switch on the
warning light 6B11 when the temperature rises to reach
110°C and will switch off the light again when the
temperature has dropped to 104°C.
Located on the front end of the engine, switch 6S1 closes MB - engine
or opens the circuit to the engine oil pressure warning
light. 6B11 6B2
Coolant temperature sensor 6B11/6B2 (MB)
Coolant temperature sensor 6B11 is screwed into the
cylinder head near the fuel filter housing. R e s i s t a n c e
value of coolant temperature sensor, depending on
coolant temperature:
higher than 400 ohms in the case of 10 to 30°C
lower than 100 ohms in the case of 70 to 95°C

Coolant temperature sensor 6B11 (DEUTZ)

Located on the front end of the engine above the coolant
pump, the coolant temperature sensor/switch 6B11 6S1
(combined in one unit) has two connections:
1 - warning contact
2 - sensor
Housing is negative earthed

Switch 6B11 will switch on the water temperature

warning light when the temperature has reached 118°C DEUTZ - engine
± 3°C, switching it off again the instant the temperature
has dropped by 5°C below the switch point.
Sensor 6B11 presents the following resistance value,
depending on coolant temperature:
1138 ohms in the case of 20°C
225 ohms in the case of 60°C
83 ohms in the case of 90°C
37 ohms in the case of 120°C
29 ohms in the case of 130°C

* Oil pressure switch 6S1

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 29

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Starter Batteries
Starter batteries G1 and G2 are located on a carrier
plate that is transversely mounted in front of the
engine. The cables and electrical connections are
routed on the underside of the carrier plate where they
are well protected.7032-34 / 38-40 :
These truck models are each fitted with two 12-volt /
43 Ah batteries. G2
The 12-volt/43 Ah starter batteries are both connected
in series. Fitted with terminals designed for screwed
connections, they supply the electrical devices with G1
24 volts operating voltage. Provided in addition, a
centre tapping P/G1 supplies via fuse F2 on contactor
panel the ignition system of the LPG version with 12
volts. The heavier demand thus placed on the battery
is compensated for by means of p.c.b. A1 (see 7032 - 34 / 7038 - 40
Electronic charge compensating circuit).
7048-50 :
Due to the higher starting output, these truck models
are fitted with 12-volt/48 Ah, 310 A high-current
12-volt connections for optional equipment
(electrical accessories)
The electrical system of a certain number of the trucks
in this range is provided with 12-volt external
connections. Designed for optional equipment, the
external connections are brought to fuses F2-F6.

Never disconnect battery cables with engine running,
as otherwise alternator 9G2 and power board 1A2
may get destroyed!

Disconnect both batteries before

7048 - 50
carrying out any repairs!

Battery maintenance
(Unless the forklift has a sealed-for-life battery, use a
hydrometer to check the electrolyte condition)
The specific gravity amounts to 1.28 kg/l for a fully
charged and filled battery. When the battery is in a
discharged condition, the specific gravity should never
drop below 1.14 kg/l. The specific gravity is measured
using an acidimeter. The acidimeter incorporates a
hydrometer whose scale permits direct reading of the
specitic gravity.
The electrolyte level should be checked at regular
intervals. If the elctrolyte level should drop below the
minimum mark, top up only with distilled water.
Topping up should always be carried out after every
battery recharge.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 30

Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Truck wiring
2 3 4 16 5 6


12 11 10 9 8 7 DFG
2 3 5


12 11 10 9 15 8 14 7 LPG

1 —electronic pulse controller 9 — starter batteries

2 —accelerator pedal transmitter 10—contactor panel

3 —potentiometer - hoisting, valve microswitches 11 —generator

4 —servomotor / injection pump 12 —dash panel

13 —
5 —parking brake 13 — drive motor

6 —preglow system (DFG = diesel model) 14 — throttle positioning solenoid

7 — alternator 15 — ignition system (TFG = LPG model)

8 —ground or earthing point(- ), engine 16 — shut-down solenoid

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Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
1 F3
The entire electrical equipment of the truck with the
exception of the generator start circuit is protected
by the 60 amp. 1F3 fuse. All other fuses of the plug-in 1A2
type are located inside the electronic pulse control
unit A4 where they are grouped on the p.c.base board 60A LET
and on p.c.b. 9A2 ‘shut-down solenoid’ (DIESEL)
p.c.b. A7 ‘control circuit fuse’ (LPG), as well as inside
contactor panel or support A5 on p.c.b. 1A6 ‘current 6F1
sensor’. 1F11
Fuses inside the electronic pulse control unit A4:

1. P.c.b. 9A2 ‘shut-down solenoid’ (DIESEL)

P.c.b.A7 ‘control circuit fuse’ (LPG)

1F16---15 A protecting shutoff solenoid (MB engine)

1F17--- 5A protecting p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction circuit
p.c.b. 9A ‘engine starting via generator’
1F18---20 A protecting instruments on dashboard via 9A2
keyswitch 30/Sl
1F19---20 A protecting the lighting equipment 1F18 A7
1F20---20 A protecting additional fan motor 9M5 1F19
1F21---10A protecting engine shutoff valve 9Y2 1F20
(VW engine) 1F21

2. P.c.base board 1F16

Fuses 4F1 - 6F1 - 1F1 1 - 1F1 2 are supplied with a 1F17

voltage of 24 volts via terminal 15/S1 with keyswitch
The following components are protected by these

4F1 10 A 4H1 - warning horn

6F1 5A indicator/warning lamps
1 F1 15 A power board 35/1 A2 via
1S4 - parking brake microswitch and
p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction circuit control’
1F12 10 A : p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’
and DIESEL: p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ 1A6
or LPG: p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’ 1U1
1F 15 1 A lead D +19G2 -- 25/1 A2
1F14 1 A diagnostic device, 22B/1A1
9F1 5 A LPG: wired in ignition circuit, 12 volts ! F2-20A
Fuses inside contactor panel A5: F4-1A
F2 20 A charge compensator/L1PG F6-30A
F3 1A test point +24 volts for 9A4 X43
F4 1A test point +24 volts for 9A4
F5 20A charge compensator/L1PG
F6 30A ignition circuit/ LPG

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Contactor panel
Contactor panel or support

Mechanical configuration
The contactor panel is located under the engine bonnet
on the LH side. Protected against water splashes by
a removable plastic hood with gasket, all components
are mounted to a carrier plate. The following
components are mounted on the contactor panel:
1K3 - engine start-contactor
1K4 - driving contactor
1U1 - current sensor with p.c.b. 1 A6 and fuses
F2, F3, F4. F5. F6
9K3 - glow plug relay (DFG)
9F4 - main power fuse 250A

Main power fuse

Since August 1992 the positive (+) supply lead
to the battery is protected by a 250 amp main
power fuse.
The fuse can be retrofitted to older truck models in
this range. Mounting holes have been provided to that
As a temporary solution proceed in compliance with
Fig. 3 since the contact bridge from contactor to fuse
is not yet available.

In the event of a blown fuse the alternator must
on no account be disconnected from the battery.
The wire connection between battery positive (+) and
alternator 13+/9G2 must absolutely be placed in front
of the fuse

DFG - Glow plug system

The glow plug system consists of
4 glow plugs 9E13 - 9E16 inside the engine,
the series resistor 9R8
fitted to the RH frame section (from he inside between
the two vibration mounts of the diesel generator unit),
and the
glow plug relay 9K3 - 24 volts/50 amps
Glow plug relay 9K3 and thereby the pre-glow period
are controlled by p.c.board 9A4 ‘engine starting via

Once the engine is started the glow system will remain

in circuit for a period which depends on engine
temperature. This period too is controlled by p.c.b. 9K3

Due to the different glow periods which vary with
the type of engine (VW or MB), the p.c.board
‘engine starting via generator’ is avaiable under
different ordering numbers.

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Contactor panel
Contactors 1K3 / 1K4

1F4 1K3 1K4

The task of contactor 1K3 consists in establishing
during the starting operation the battery current up to
an intensity of abt. 160 amps. 1U1(1A6)
Once the engine has started, contactor 1K3 is opened 1G1 1M1
and following a short delay contactor 1K4 will close G2 G M
the armature circuit between generator 1G1 and drive
motor 1M1.
G1 F1 F2 F1 F2
Control voltage
Once the safety relay incorporated in power board
1A2 has been closed, both contactor coils will be 1K3
supplied with voltage by the positive battery terminal.
Contactor coil 1K3 is then supplied via keyswitch S1
with voltage by the positive battery terminal, while
the coil of contactor 1K4 is supplied with voltage
directly 60°
The contactor coils have been designed for the 12
volts operating voltage, at the same time being
controlled by p.c.b. 9A4 (engine starting via
generator) against the neg. terminal of the battery,
thus not being supplied with full battery voltage!

Mechanical configuration
The contactor frame is made of impact resistant
plastics. At its upper half the frame comprises 4 M8
studs imbedded in the plastic material.
The lower two studs serve as terminals for connecting
the contact bridge of the armature by means of flexi-
ble links. The contact screws/tips are screwed from
the inside into the upper studs. 1K3 / 1K4
12 Volt
The coil assembly comprises:
Coil - magnetic core - frame - protective circuitry.
The protective circuitry consists of: Diode 1 N 4005
and 10 Q resistor. Coil resistance is approx. 5.11 ohms
in the case of 12 volts battery voltage.
The movable part of the contactor - the armature
assembly - is mounted between contactor frame and 90°
coil frame.
The contact screws/tips of contactor housing and
armature are identical.
Torque loading of contact screws = 10 + 1 Nm
in which case contact screws must be screwed
fully home (i.e. up to the thread root) and further
tightened with 60* angle of rotation
(against, 90° for the previous design).

1K3 / 1K4
12 Volt

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Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
STILL contactor

1. Contact pressure

Contact pressure of contactor in the fully operated

state: Required value 9.0 ... 10.5 N for each contact,
centre of contact taken as a reference.


-Fully actuate contactor (electrically or mechanically)

- Attach contacts centrally to a spring balance or scale

and apply a load of 950 to1050 grammes at the
maximum (equals 9.5-10.5 N).
Contact pressure can now be accurately adjusted
by operating on the hex. head screw passing
through the contact spring. Rotating the hex. head
screw in a clockwise direction will increase the
pressure. 60°

The contact spring is subjected to a certain degree

of friction. The contact pressure is therefore correctly
adjusted if when applying a pressure load of 10 ...
10.5 N the contact during slow approach does not
yet close, but in the case of a rapid approach makes
contact and remains closed.

2. Pull-in stroke

Provided the contactor is correctly assembled, a

spacing of 1.3 to 2.7 mm between contact bridge
and support finger must be achieved with contactor
being pulled in.

3. Torque loadings

The contact screws must be tightened to a torque of

10 + 1 Nm. To achieve this torque loading without
using a torque wrench, the contact screws must be
screwd fully home and then rotated through a further

4. Mounting the arc blow-out magnets

To install the arc blow-out magnets or arc suppression

chambers on the contactors, a screwdriver must be
passed through a hole in the leaf spring. By exerting
a light pressure on the leaf spring the latter is pressed
inwards until the arc blow-out magnet has reached
its final position. After withdrawal of the screwdriver
the leaf spring will retain the arc blow-out magnet in

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 35

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Contactor panel
P.c.b. 1A6 9K3
P.c. board 1A6 comprises:

- Voltage supply, + 24 volts of battery voltage 87 30

- Adaption to p.c.b. 1A1
- Monitoring the connections of actual current value
sender to p.c.b. 1A1
- Fuses F2 - F6 85

There are differences in the electrical system

(contactor panel) of diesel and LPG powered 1A6
models, viz.: 1U1
DIESEL model
- Glow/heater relay 9K3
- Fuses F2, F5, F6 unused F2-20A
- Fuse F3 / F4: connected via leads to p.c.b. 9 A 4 F3-1A
‘engine starting via generator’ for monitoring battery F4-1A
voltage F5-20A
F6-30A X43
LPG model
- Fuses F2 / F5 for charge compensation
- Fuse F6 for ignition system
- Control unit and ignition coil externally mounted
on base board
Actual current value sender 1U1 with p.c.b. 1A6

The actual current value sender consists of the current

sensor 1U1 and the p.c. board 1A6 related to it. The
current sensor is located in the air gap of a ring with
magnetic conductivity. A conductor of the armature
circuit passes through the ring. When current is
flowing the conductor generates an output voltage
which is proportional to the current. If no current is
flowing through the armature, the current sensor will
supply at its output around 5.1 volts. This equals half
the supply voltage (10.8 volts) from which must be
deducted the voltage consumed by the sensor itself.
As soon as the armature is traversed by current, the
output voltage will be modified by around 4 mV/A.
This means that in the case of 460 A of armature
current, either a voltage of 6.9 volts Voltmeter checks on current sensor
(460 A x 4 mV/A = 1840 mV = 1.8 volts)
5.1 volts (half the supply voltage) On the DFG (diesel model) the voltmeter checks
+ 1.8 volts (in the case of 460 A) can be carried out directly on
6.9 volts FORWARDS p.c.b. 3A2 „servomotor“:
DIP switch 4 moved to ON position
or a voltage of 3.3 volts will be present in the opposite and
direction. on the TFG (LPG model),
5.1 volts (half the supply voltage) on p.c.b. A3 „throttle valve regulator“
- 1.8 volts (in the case of 460 A) DIP switch 7 moved to ON.
3.3 volts BACKWARDS
Once the voltmeter checks are completed, move the
DIP switches to OFF position without fail.

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Electronic controller
Electronic controller
DFG (DIESEL model), TFG (LPG model)

The base plate as well as the components listed below The base plate as well as the components listed
form an integral pad of the controller for the below form an integral part of the controller for the
DFG(diesel model): TFG (LPG model):

Power board 1A2 Power board 1A2

P.c.b. ‘engine starting via generator’ 9A4 P.c.b. ‘engine starting via generator’ 9A4
P.c.b. ‘traction control circuit’ 1A1 P.c.b. ‘traction control circuit’ 1A1
P.c.b. ‘servomotor’ 3A2 P.c.b. ‘throttle valve regulator’ A3
P.c.b. ‘control circuit fused A7
P.c.b. ‘diesel engine shut down controller’ 9A2 with with fuses for ancillary equipment
fuses for ancillary equipment. P.c.b. ‘electronic charge compensating A1

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Electronic controller
P.c.board 1A1

P.c. board
Supporting block for
2 ‘zero braking’/’limitation of

‘Multi-socket connector block for

3 ‘zero braking/limitation of

4 ‘zero braking’ MODULE or

‘limitation of RPM’ MODULE

5 Connector block for

‘traction functions’ MODULE

6 Variable MODULE
‘traction functions’

7 Position mark

8 Connector block

9 Speed limitation potentiometer

10 Supporting block for MODULE

11 Screw locking MODULE in place

Values: look at group 08 page 81

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’

Mounted on the electronic control unit, p.c.b. 1A is

connected at its lower end to the electrical equipment
via a 48 position DIN connector.

The printed circuit board records all the information

necessary for the driving operation, transforming it
into driving commands which are transferred via power
board 1A2 to motor and generator field in the form of
exciting current.

The printed circuit board receives and compares

orders/information from the following components and
functional groups: ‘

1. Directional control switch

2. Accelerator pedal transmitter 1B1'
(travel sender unit) -
nominal value of sender determined as a function
of pedal depression
2.1 Accelerator pedal transmitter 1B1 - braking the 1A1
truck by releasing the pedal progressively or
removing foot from pedal, braking power being
governed by the position of the
3. 5-stage switch 1S14
4. Current sensor 1U1 - rate of armature current
(drive power), (comparing it with nominal value of
accelerator pedal transmitter)
5. Tachogenerator 6B7 - sensed voltage
5.1 Direction of rotation of drive wheels (polarity of
5.2 Rotating speed of drive wheels (voltage level)
5.3 Movement and direction of movement when
stopping truck on a down or up gradient
6. Rpm sensor 6B9 emitting a signal which is pro-
portional to engine speed
7. If there results an unbalance between the above
mentioned information, the drive will be regulated
accordingly, if necessary relieved of load (speed
droop) in order to prevent ‘stalling’ of engine, for
example when operating on a steep gradient.
Even with pedal fully depressed, the vehicle will
come to a complete stop without the engine being
8. In the event of defective components/open circuit
faults, the fail safe system (an electronic sen-
sing circuit to detect any malfunction) will
become operative, breaking the circuit to the
safety relay K1 (incorporated in power board 1A2)
to cut off electrical power to field excitation.

The vehicle will coast without being braked electrically.

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. ‘traction control circuit’

Adapting the p.c.b. to the relevant truck model is

made by simply
plugging in a MODULE.
Each MODULE can be plugged in
4 different positions

identified on each corner by

the letters A - D

The table on page 81 allows you to identify

the MODULE you require

the position in which the MODULE must be plugged.

The corresponding code letter must always appear

above the symbol

Always remove p.c.b. 1A1

before disconnecting or
removing a MODULE!

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’

Plugging in or changing MODULES

A MODULE should never be plugged in or

changed unless the p.c.b. has first been
removed. B

By rotating the tommy screw a 1/4 of a turn in a

clockwise direction, the split-type support is spread
apart, causing the MODULE to get locked in place. K
Rotating the tommy screw a 1/4 of a turn in an anti-
clockwise direction causes the MODULE to get
unlocked. K B

When plugging in the MODULE make sure all pins

are straight and fitted in their respective sockets. It is
only then that the MODULE must be pressed into
the connector by exerting a moderate pressure with
both thumbs, at the same time turning the tommy

To pull out the MODULE, insert your index and middle

fingers under the edge of the MODULE and withdraw
the MODULE, simultaneously pressing with both
thumbs against the tommy screw.

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’

The technical advantages provided by the p.c.b. with

plug-in module become evident when the truck is
operating under arduous conditions.
Here are some typical examples:
- Abrupt braking:
The vehicle will come to a smooth stop

- Stopping the truck on a gradient with a load on the

The truck will come to a smooth stop

- Abrupt reversal of the directional control

(plugging) while the truck is travelling at top R120
The truck will smoothly decelerate and B
then gradually reaccelerate in the opposite
direction in a continuous motion.
- Powerful electrical braking effect even if the foot brake
is operated only to a small degree.
R 31
- Completely smooth acceleration from standstill to
maximum speed even if the operator should jam the
accelerator pedal to the floor.

Adjustment instructions
Travel speed: potentiometer R 31
Current limit level: potentiometer R120
Creep: potentiometer R112
Do not tamper with the adjustment of the other

Travel speed limitation R31

Travel speed can be reduced without loss of tractive
effort by operating on potentiometer R31.
For speed adjustment check tachogenerator voltage R120
and adjust potentiometer R31 as required. To this end
chock up the truck and carry out adjustment on a B
track clear of obstructions.
Here are some values for comparison:
V (km/h) 22 20 15 10 7

U (V) 17,3 15,7 11,8 7,9 5,5 R 31

Checking travel speed: Using a proper jack, raise
one of the drive wheels clear of the ground (it must
rotate freely) and chock into position (the other drive
wheel must be locked). Speed of wheel rotating freely:
330 rpm = 22 km/h.

(truck fitted with standard tyres)

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Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ with ‘zero
braking module’

Normally, releasing the accelerator pedal will provide

controlled electrical braking.
Should the automatic braking feature not be desired, R 2
it can be eliminated by fitting the truck with a specially
designed p.c.b. 1A1 compris--ing the ‘zero braking’
R 1
The truck will accelerate normally, depending on
position of 5-stage switch (1S14).

When the accelerator pedal is released the truck will
coast slowly to a stop. R120
Braking is effected either mechanically by using the
footbrake or electrically by placing the directional B
control lever in neutral. (On -models fitted with twin
accelerator pedals, both pedals are in neutral when

Adjustment Procedure-Module

Do not tamper with the adjustment of pot. R1 Setting R 31

of maximum current limit level = 450 A. This setting
must on no account be altered!
Pot. R120 on p.c.b. 1A1 has no function on this vari-

Pot. R2
The braking current can be adjusted to correspond to
current limit level should a light electrical braking power
be desired. R1

DIP switch 1 moved to ON

When directional control lever is in neutral, braking
power will correspond to maximum current limit level.
1 2 3 4
DIP switch 1 moved to OFF
With directional control in neutral, braking power
will correspond to maximum setting of braking current.

When driving on inclines, the truck will roll downwards
if the directional control is moved in the direction facing

When plugging in the module ensure all pins are

straight and located in their respective sockets.

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1
‘Limitation of RPM’ module

The truck is braked electrically when the operator

removes his foot from the accelerator.

Depending on truck model, travel speed and size of

load, engine speed will rise more or less excessively
during electrical braking .
In order to keep engine rev-up (racing) at the lowrnost
level, the ‘limitation of RPM’ module has been
provided as standard on all trucks in this range on
which high idle speed of engine has been set to 2450

Older truck models (on which engine idling speed R120

has been set to 2800 rpm) can be readily fitted to the
‘limitation of RPM’ module provided the appropriate
p.c.b. 1A1’traction control circuit’ is installed at the
same time in accordance with our table on page 82. R112
The upper or high idle speed setting will be modified
automatically when the p.c. board is exchanged for
the one as per our table. No adjustments whatsoever
will be necessary in that case.
R 31
When providing the truck with the zero braking feature,
it will do to simply fit the ‘zero braking’ module in
place of the ‘limitation of RPM’ module.

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 1 Adjustment instructions
04 60

Maximum armature current setting

460 A
Remove panel from front cowl and cover from electronic

Connect tong tester (current clamp) to multimeter.

Open-core of tong tester and close it around generator A2
cable B2/1 G1.

Observe safety hints. A1

Safeguard the truck against
accidental movement 1G1
Start engine - depress foot brake pedal powerfully -
direction of travel: FORWARDS - accelerator pedal
fully depressed.

Take reading of current measured: maximum setting

460 A

If the reading is not correct, readjust

potentiometer R120 on p.c.b. 1A1.

Where the truck is fitted with zero braking, the value

of the current has been adjusted on ‘zero braking’
module by means of potentiometer R1.
Stop engine - make truck ready for operation - carry
out test drive. B


R 31

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Workshop Manual 7032 - 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 1A1 / Adjustment instructions
‘CREEP’ adjustment

If after replacement of p.c.b. 1A1 due to repairs, the

truck should creep on a level ground with directional
control switch in neutral, it will be necessary to
readjust potentiometer R112 (CREEP).
Remove panel from front cowl and cover from electronic F1
controller. F2 A2

Connect tong tester to multimeter. Open core of tong

tester and close it around generator cable B2/1Gl.
Reset tong tester. A1


Start engine - With directional control lever in neutral
and accelerator pedal un-operated, the armature
current measured should not be higher than 5 amps.

If reading is greater, potentiometer R112 must be
readjusted until correct adjustment is obtained.

Stop engine - make truck ready for operation - carry

out test drive.

R112 B

R 31

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’
P.c.board 9A4 fulfils the following functions:

- The generator is the means of starting the engine

(no starter is used). The starting operation occurs
via p.c.b. 9A4.
- Brush monitoring for generator and drive motor.
Signalling is via the corresponding indicator lamp
on dash panel. The electronic brush monitoring unit
distinguishes the following situations:
1. Brushes O.K.
2. Brushes worn
3.Open circuit fault
(For closer details see Functional Group 11)
- Recording/shaping the signal of speed sensor
6B9 for
- p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’
- p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’ (LPG)
- p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor“ (diesel)

Adaption of p.c.b. 9A4 to the corresponding truck

version (VW, MB, KHD diesel models or LPG model)
is via the programmed module -E-Prom (1).

The following voltages are applied to the p.c. board:

- 24 volts (battery voltage applied directly)
- 24 volts (across the keyswitch S1)
- 15 volts (from power board 1A2)
- 5 volts (from power board 1A2)
- D+ (from alternator 9G2)

Signals sent to the p.c. board:

- Directional control lever in ‘NEUTRAL’
- Keyswitch S1 turned to the ‘START’ position - Actual
current value from current sensor 1U1 - Generator
armature voltage
- Drive motor armature voltage
- Coolant temperature signal from temperature sender

The following components are controlled via the printed

circuit board:
- Start contactor 1 K3
- Driving contactor 1 K4
- Glow plug relay 9K3 (diesel model)
- Dash mounted indicator lamp H3 -
directional control lever in neutral
- Dash mounted indicator lamp 6H10
- electronic brush monitoring system
- Dash mounted indicator lamp 6H4
- start check

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Electronic controller
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’

Self testing of indicator lamps

Every time the keyswitch S1 is turned ‘ON’, a self

testing of indicator lamps 6, 8 and 10 will occur as
outlined below.

Indicator lamp 6: lights momentarily and goes off

again. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Indicator lamp 8: lights continuously if the directional
control lever is in ‘NEUTRAL’, otherwise it lights up
momentarily and goes off again.
Indicator lamp 10: lights up momentarily and goes off

Fault. Indicator lamp 10 does not light

Carry out fault diagnosis in accordance with our
diagnostic instructions under section ‘Engine starting
via generator’.

Note 1: Following the self testing of the indicator lamps

the pre-glow procedure begins with keyswitch ‘ON’
(on diesel model) which procedure is indicated by
indicator 10 flashing slowly This indication is not part
of the lamp test.

Note 2: Indicator lamps 2 and 3 light continuously

until engine starts. These two indicators do not belong
to the lamp test.

Lighting of start indicator 1 Diagnosing the circuit

‘Engine starting via generator’
The starting procedure can be checked by means of
a diagnosis procedure which is described in detail
in our fault finding instructions. Below we explain when 1
the fault diagnosis must be carried out.
During the normal starting operation two different
indications of the start indicator lamp (1) are possible.
1. The indicator flashes slowly (every 2 sees)
pre---glow operation (on diesel model only)

2. The indicator flashes rapidly (3 times per sec)

A fault has occurred during the starting
procedure. or an existing fault has been
Perform fault diagnosis in accordance with our fault
finding instructions (system diagnostics)

NOTE: The indicator lamp can also indicate the

presence of a fault even with engine running. Refer to
the appropriate section of our fault finding instructions
where this possibility is dealt with.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 48

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘Engine starting via generator’
Explanation on starting procedure A5
Keyswitch turned ‘ON’
- Self testing of indicator lamps
- Beginning of the preglow procedure (on diesel model
only) 1K3
- Sensing coolant temperature via sender unit 6B11
the preglow period depends on coolant temperature.
Pre-glow is indicated by start check lamp flashing 1K4
slowly - every 2secs.
The pre-glow prodecure is terminated as soon as
the start check lamp stops flashing.
A number of further checks are performed during
the preglow procedure:
- Brush wear check (lasts at least 3 secs)
- Checking that the engine is stopped.
(The starting procedure will be prevented if engine is
Keyswitch turned to ‘START’: (After termination of
pre-glow procedure).
(The start check lamp lights continuously).
- Control of generator field and closing of start
contactor 1K3.
- As the engine starts, engine rpm gradually increase
- Safety test: Testing whether start contactor 1K3 has
opened the circuit
- Adapting generator voltage to drive motor
- Voltage check at D+/9G2
- Closing of driving contactor 1K4.
When driving contactor 1K4 energises, the starting
procedure is terminated and the system releases the
circuit for normal operation.

IMPORTANT REMARKS: On older truck models

closing of driving contactor may possibly be prevented
due to the absence of excitation of alternator 9G2
(start check lamp lights continuously and won’t go
Remedy: With the directional control lever in neutral,
quickly depress and release the accelerator pedal.

NOTE: When the diesel engine is started, an after-

glow procedure sets in to achieve improved starting
characteristics. The after-glow period, same as the
pre-glow period, depends on coolant temperature.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 49

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’

Optional equipment
Travel speed reduction via a selector switch

This equipment is used in applications where the

vehicle must be driven on public highways without a
special permit.

In that case the travel speed must be limited to 6


A device for switching to reduced speed is provided

as optional equipment. An externally arranged switch
is connected via connector X23 to the electronic
control unit.

The speed reduction becomes operative the instant

the switch is closed. Speed setting is by means of
potentiometer R178 mounted on p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine
starting via generator’.

IMPORTANT ! Travel speed reduction entails a

loss of tractive effort!

Travel speed reduction without loss of tractive effort:

See p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 50

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘Engine starting via generator’

Brush monitoring unit

B 30
5 / X 39

? 34 34
D 30
6 / X 39
B 28
4 / X 39

? 3434
D 28
3 / X 39

3/ X 39 — 2 / X 60 — D28 / 9A4
4/ X 39 — 1 / X 60 — B28 / 9A4
5/ X 39 — 5 / X 60 — B30 / 9A4
6/ X 39 — 4 / X 60 — D30 / 9A4


B 32
5 / X 41

? 34 34
Z 32
6 / X 41
? 9A4
68 ?
Z 30
4 / X 41

? 34 34
D 32
3 / X 41

3/ X 41 — 6 / X 60 — B32 / 9A4
4/ X 41 — 3 / X 60 — Z30 / 9A4
5/ X 41 — 7 / X 60 — B32 / 9A4
6/ X 41 — 8 / X 60 — Z32 / 9A4

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 51

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)

The function of p.c. board 3A2 is to regulate the

engine revs.

Main features of the p.c. board

- Electronic fine tuning of rpm range via potentiometer.

Setting must be performed in the following
‘’lower idling speed’’ before
‘’upper idling speed’’.

Adjustment aids:
- Set-point adjustment should be 0 ......... LED 1
- Adjustment of current limitation of
servomotor 3M3 ....................................LED 4
- Adjustment in the event that the effective
value of the angle is exceeded ...............LED 5
- Pre-setting upper idling speed via DIP switch S8
on p.c.b. 3A2
Should not be used if truck is fitted with
‘limitation of RPM’ module n = 2450 rpm !

- Defined electronic limitation of end stroke.

The mechanical stops of the servomotor will never
be reached, not even if incorrect adjustments are
- Current-regulated power actuator for servomotor
- Maximum current: IGR =3A M
- Continuous current: ID = 1.5 A Soll
- Short-circuit current: IK =7 A Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
- Outputs are insulated permanently against short
circuits (against +/- supply voltage and in the case
of short circuits at terminals; power board protection
and display for short circuit). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
- Time-evaluated for excess current monitoring to OFF
protect the servomotor against overloads. (Steady
reduction of servomotor current from IGR =3 amps to
ID=1.5 amps. Regulated current limiting toI D).

- Monitoring the supply voltage for over- and undervol-

tage protection. Display of ‘no fault’ condition.
- Monitoring heat sink temperature to protect the
transistors of the power board in case the servomotor
should continually draw an excessive amount of
current, for instance due to mechanical parts not
moving freely. In the event of an overload power will
be automatically cut off, causing LED 4 to light up.
After the heat sink has cooled down, operation will
be resumed.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 52

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)

Engine speed = should be 670 rpm minimum:

The servomotor cannot be operated unless engine
revs amount to at least 670 rpm (the servomotor can
be rendered inoperative by means of DIP switch 7).
Input signals supplied to p.c.b. 3A2:
The highest reading applies in each case:
Driving: P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ generates
a signal proportional to accelerator pedal position,
+0.2 volts to -7 volts, ‘n’ equalling 2800 rpm
+0.2 volts to -6.5 volts, ‘n’ equalling 2450 rpm
The signal is supplied to p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’.
Hydraulics: To establish the required values when Stellmotor — VW
operating hydraulic components the signal emitted
by potentiometer 2R2 (angle of rotation sensor)
controlling the lift function, and the signal emitted by
the control valve microswitches 2S2, 2S3 and 2S4
are evaluated by p.c.b. 3A2.
Armature current: From an armature current of 150
amps the lower idling speed is increased to abt. 1800
TESTING: Place directional control in either forward
or reverse then apply the footbrake powerfully, at the
same time depressing accelerator progressively.

Integrated fault diagnosis:

All required values as well as the angle of rotation of
servomotor 3M3 can be checked using a multimeter.
Selection of the corresponding value is effected via Stellmotor — MB
DIP switches. Pc.b. 3A2 contains the test points for
c6nnecting a multimeter (M).

Visual indication of functions:

Supply voltage O.K . ........................LED 7
Set point value=0 ............................ LED 1
The lower limit of the effective angle
range is reached ............................. LED 2
The upper limit of the effective angle
range is reached.............................. LED 3
The current limitation circuit is
operative ....................................... LED 4

System faults are memorized and indicated M

visually: Soll
(as a result the power board is cut out. The safety Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
circuit can be reset by operating keyswitch S1
The device on p.c.b. 3A2 protecting the power
board against short circuits is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
operative ..........................................LED 6 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
The effective range of the angle of rotation is ex- OFF
ceeded, or the signal emitted by the sender unit
controlling the position of the servomotor lever is
faulty................................................LED 5

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 53

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)
Adjustment instructions Soll
Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
1. It is assumed that the linkage between servomotor
and injection pump has been adjusted as
instructed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
2. The engine must be started and warmed up to OFF
normal operating temperature before making

3. Light-emitting diodes LED 1* (set-point value =

0) and LED 7 (VCC) must light, otherwise carry
out fault diagnosis.
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
4. If LEDs 2-6 remain illuminated, this indicates that
Adjustment of engine speeds for hydraulic
the p.c. board has not been adjusted. They should
go out once the adjustment has correctly been
(assuming that angle of rotation sensor 2R2 is
carried out. If the lights fail to go out, carry out
correctly adjusted)
fault diagnosis.
Design A:
Low idle speed adjustment „UL“
Control valve assembly fitted with valve microswitches
Adjust potentiometer---UL-to obtain an engine idle
and potentiometer
speed (low idle) of
Operate hoist lever fully*
n = 1150 + 50 rev/min (VW engine)
n = 970 + 30 rev/min (MB engine)
Adjust potentiometer so engine speed reaches
n = 900± 25 rev/min (Deutz engine)
n = 2600 --t 50 rev/min (VW, MB)
n = 2000 ± 50 rev/min (KH D)
High idle speed adjustment
Where the truck is fitted with a VW or MB engine,
Move tilt control lever against bypass pressure, adjust
there exist two different high idle
potentiometer so engine speed reaches
n = 1600 ± 50 rev/min (VW, MB)
n = 1200 ± 50 rev/min (Deutz)
A) Reduced high idle „OL“
Fully depress accelerator pedal, at the same time
3rd & 4th hydraulic functions - Attachments Fully
adjusting pot. „OL“ to obtain an engine idle speed
operate a lever of the hyd. control valve, adjust pot.
(VW/MB) of n = 2450 +30 -20 rev/min.
Z1, Z2, Z3 to requirements (VW, MB), to n = 1200 ±
50 rev/min (Deutz)
B) Increased high idle „OL“
Depress accelerator fully, or move DIP switch 8
Design B:
to the ‘ON’ position (max. pre-setting of set-point
Control valve assembly fitted with potentiometer on
lever shaft
Engine rpm will increase instantly to reach the
pre-set high idle.
Operate hoist control lever fully*,
Set engine speed (VW/MB) to
adjust potentiometer so engine speed reaches n
n = 2800± 40 rev/min,
= 2600 ± 50 rev/min
set engine speed (Deutz) to
In enclosed areas: Watch for sufficient
n = 2200±- 50 rev/min, move DIP switch to ‘OFF’.
To avoid any hoisting motion, the lever controlling
Checking low idle
the sliding contact of the potentiometer can be moved
Realease accelerator pedal, after abt. 3 secs check
to its stop by hand.
low idle.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 54

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
Curing defects/fault conditions:

If LED 7 (VCC) is off: Cheek supply voltage of p.c.b.

If LED 1 (required value=O) is off: Cheek ad-
justment of both foot controller u25 (accelerator 2
transmitter) and angle of rotation sensor 2R2.
If potentiometer „UL“ is turned to its RH stop: LED 4 (I_BGR) on
Turn potentiometer „UL“ to mid position,
lengthen the linkage by means of which the
servomotor and the injection pump control lever 1
are joined together. Readjust.
If potentiometer „OL“is turned to the LH stop:
Turn potentiometer „OL“ to mid position, shorten
the linkage by means of which the servomotor
and the injection pump control lever are joined
together. Readjust.
If LED 2 (min) is on: Turn potentiometer „UL“ to mid
position, shorten the linkage between LED 2 (min) on
servomotor and injection pump control lever.
Readjust. 1
If LED 3 (max) is on: Turn potentiometer to mid
position, lengthen the linkage between
servomotor and injection pump control lever
If LED 4 0-BGR) is on: Cheek operating lever (linkage)
of servomotor for free movement, and injection
pump control lever for correct position. Readjust 2
linkage ‘servomotor-injection pump control
LED 3 (max) on
If LED 5 (<) is on: This is an indication that the 1
permissible operating range of servomotor lever
is exceeded:
Either servomotor failure or a fault in truck wiring
or a defect in the mechanical device. The fault
indication can be reset by operating keyswitch
S1 (OFF-ON).
If LED 6 (ERR) is on: The device protecting the power 2
board against shorts has been tripped due to
the presence of a fault: 1 Injection pump control lever
Either servomotor failure or a fault in truck wiring or
p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ is defective. The fault
indication can be reset by operating keyswitch 2 Servomotor lever
S1 (OFF-ON). M

Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 56 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 55

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)
Adjustment instructions: Soll
W engine in = 2800 rpm Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

General description:
Potentiometers must be adjusted as follows:
counterclockwise to reduce rpm clockwise to increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
rpm 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
Range of adjustment of potentiometers: 10 turns OFF

Engine speed adjustment is performed via po-

tentiometers (provided the linkage is correctly

Function of the potentiometers:

„UL“ lower idle rpm adjustment Function of the DIP switches:
„OL“ upper idle rpm adjustment 1 - :Do not operate
rpm - lift function (function is vacant/unoccupied).
Z3 rpm - tilt function 2 ON :set-point value-driving
Z1, Z2 3rd & 4th hydraulic functions This switch applies the pilot signal generated
on p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ (which
The adjustment of the mechanical adjusting device is signal varies from +0.1 to - 7 volts), depending
assisted by LEDs. on the position of the accelerator pedal) to the
test point connections M on p.c.b. 3A2
Indication of LEDs: ‘servomotor’.
1 (set-point=O) off: Presence of a set-point rpm value 3 ON :set-point value-hoisting
(accelerator pedal, hyd. control valve (should be between 0.35 and 5 volts)
lever(s) or current sensor are actuated This switch applies the output voltage of the
or incorrectly adjusted). angle of rotation sensor 2R2 for the hoist
2 („min’) on: The maximum permissible operating function to test point connections M.
range of servomotor lever is reached. 4 ON :Armature current
3 („max“) on: The maximum permissible operating (approx. 5.1 volts +/- 0.4 volts/100 A)
range of servomotor lever is reached. This switch applies the signal corresponding
4 (I_ BGR) on: The servomotor operates within to the armature circuit to test point connections
the range of current limitation M.
(free movement of adjusting de 5 - :Do not operate (not suited as test point)
vice is impaired). 6 ON :Actual value of position of servomotor
5 (< ) on: The limit of maximum operating lever (0.5 volts to 4.5 volts)
range of servomotor lever is.ex This switch applies the signal corresponding
ceeded. to the position of the servomotor operating lever
6 (ERR) on: The circuit providing protection to test point connections M.
against shorts has been trig 7 On :Shunting the „min rpm condition“
gered. The „min rpm condition“ will be cut out the in-
7 (VCC) off: Absence of supply voltage for stant this switch is operated. The servomotor
or on logic unit card. will follow the accelerator pedal movement (or
a different value) even with engine stopped.
The presence of a fault is indicated by lightemitting 8 ON :Max. pre-setting of set-point value
diodes 4 (I_ BGR) and 6 (ERR). Once the fault has Provided for the adjustment of the upper idling
been corrected, the indication can be reset by speed, this switch is used for presetting the
breaking and remaking the circuit, i.e. keyswitch S1 maximum set-point value.
turned ‘OFF’ then ‘ON’.
Always turn keyswitch ‘OFF’ before performing work
on the mechanical adjusting device (e.g. linkage

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 56

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)
Adjustment instructions: Soll
W engine in = 2450 rpm Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

General description:
Potentiometers must be adjusted as follows:
counterclockwise to reduce rpm clockwise to increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
rpm 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
Range of adjustment of potentiometers: 10 turns OFF

Engine speed adjustment is performed via po-

tentiometers (provided the linkage is correctly

Function of the potentiometers:

„UL“ lower idle rpm adjustment Function of the DIP switches:
„OL“ upper idle rpm adjustment 1 - :Do not operate
rpm - lift function (function is vacant/unoccupied).
Z3 rpm - tilt function 2 ON :set-point value-driving
Z1, Z2 3rd & 4th hydraulic functions This switch applies the pilot signal generated
on p.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ (which
The adjustment of the mechanical adjusting device is signal varies from +0.2 to - 5.7 volts), depending
assisted by LEDs. on the position of the accelerator pedal) to the
test point connections M on p.c.b. 3A2
Indication of LEDs: ‘servomotor’.
1 (set-point=O) off: Presence of a set-point rpm value 3 ON :set-point value-hoisting
(accelerator pedal, hyd. control valve (should be between 0.3 and 4.8 volts)
lever(s) or current sensor are actuated This switch applies the output voltage of the
or incorrectly adjusted). angle of rotation sensor 2R2 for the hoist
2 („min’) on: The maximum permissible operating function to test point connections M.
range of servomotor lever is reached. 4 ON :Armature current
3 („max“) on: The maximum permissible operating (approx. 5.1 volts +/- 0.4 volts/100 A)
range of servomotor lever is reached. This switch applies the signal corresponding
4 (I_ BGR) on: The servomotor operates within to the armature circuit to test point connections
the range of current limitation M.
(free movement of adjusting de 5 - :Do not operate (not suited as test point)
vice is impaired). 6 ON :Actual value of position of servomotor
5 (< ) on: The limit of maximum operating lever (0.5 volts to 4.5 volts)
range of servomotor lever is.ex This switch applies the signal corresponding
ceeded. to the position of the servomotor operating lever
6 (ERR) on: The circuit providing protection to test point connections M.
against shorts has been trig 7 On :Shunting the „min rpm condition“
gered. The „min rpm condition“ will be cut out the in-
7 (VCC) off: Absence of supply voltage for stant this switch is operated. The servomotor
or on logic unit card. will follow the accelerator pedal movement (or
a different value) even with engine stopped.
The presence of a fault is indicated by lightemitting 8 ON :Max. pre-setting of set-point value
diodes 4 (I_ BGR) and 6 (ERR). Once the fault has Provided for the adjustment of the upper idling
been corrected, the indication can be reset by speed, this switch is used for presetting the
breaking and remaking the circuit, i.e. keyswitch S1 maximum set-point value.
turned ‘OFF’ then ‘ON’.
Always turn keyswitch ‘OFF’ before performing work
on the mechanical adjusting device (e.g. linkage

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 57

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
Basic linkage adjustment (VW engine): Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

1 .Fit the ball head to stop (servomotor axis ON

end) of slotted hole.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12 3 4 5 6 78 Z1 Z2 Z3
2. Set spacing (injection pump control lever end) OFF

between centre of injection pump axis and centre

ball head to 64 + 0.5 mm.

3. Turn the keyswitch S1 ‘ON’

4. Move DIP switch 6 (required value of

position) to the ‘ON’ position.

5. Connect multimeter to test terminals M.

6. Disconnect then reconnect connector at

servomotor. (This will simulate a fault in the
electronic circuit which fault is memorized -LED 5
goes on - and power board of p.c.b. 3A2 is cut
out. The servomotor can thus be adjusted by hand).


Performed at the factory, the basic adjustment of the stop screws to

800 revIrnin idle speed
3100 rev/min full throttle
should under no circumstances be altered!

Injection pump control lever Servomotor 3A2

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 58

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
Basic linkage adjustment (VW engine)
(Continuation) (Turn the keyswitch S1 ‘ON’)
Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
7. Bring injection pump control lever into „A“ position
(the clearance between control lever and stop
should be 3 mm). The lever remaining in this ON

position, adjust actuating rod until the actual value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

of position amounts to something between 0.9 and 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
1.0 volts. OFF
8. Bring injection pump control lever into „B „ position
(ensure there is a clearance of 3 mm between
control lever and stop). The actual value of position
should now be 3.3 - 3.9 volts.
- If reading is lower than 3.3 volts, slightly reduce L
length and readjust in accordance with instructions
given from paragraph 7.
- If reading is higher than 3.9 volts, increase ‘L’ length
slightly and readjust from paragraph 7.
9. Move DIP switch 6 (actual value of position) to ‘OFF’
10.Turn the keyswitch OFF and disconnect the
11.Carry out adjustment of engine speeds as per

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 59

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
Basic linkage adjustment (MB engine):
Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

1. Set spacing „A’’ between centre of servomotor axis

and centre ball head to ON
A = 34 ± 0.5 mm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Turn keyswitch S1 ON.
12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
3. Move DIP switch 6 (actual value of position) to ON OFF
4. Connect multimeter to test terminals M.
5. Disconnect then reconnect connector at
servomotor. (This will simulate a fault in the
electronic circuit which fault is memorized LED 5
goes on - and power board of p.c.b. 3A2 is cut
out. The servomotor can now be adjusted by hand).
6. Move injection pump control lever until it lies
against the idle stop of the injection pump (neutral
position). Adjust length „ B „ of linkage so the meter
reading obtained (actual value of position) is
something between 0.7 and 0.9 volts.
7. Move injection pump control lever until it lies
against the full throttle stop on injecton pump. The
meter reading recorded must equal 4.1 to 4.3 volts
(actual value).
- If reading is lower than 4.1 volts, reduce distance
‘A’ slightly and readjust in accordance with
instructions given in paragraph 6.
- If reading is higher than 4.3 volts, increase the B
distance slightly and readjust as described in
paragraph 6.
8. Move DIP switch 6 (actual value of position) to
OFF position.
9. Turn keyswitch S1 OFF and disconnect
10.Carry out adjustment of engine speeds as per

Performed at the factory, the basic adjustment of the stop screws to

800 + 30 rev/min idle speed 3000 + 50 rev/min full throttle
should under no circumstances be altered!

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 60

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
Design of controllers on trucks fitted with a DEUTZ
Since early November 1995 truck models R70-35 to
45, 7048-50 (with DEUTZ engine) are fitted as standard
with a newly designed electronic controller whose
function is to automatically regulate the lower rpm.
Two controller designs are thus available for the a.m.
trucks, viz.:
A . With digital regulation of the low idle
B. Without digital regulation of the low idle
(equipment of the first 300 trucks)

The two controller designs are distinguished by diffe-

rent identification or parts numbers.
Design A is identified by an additional p.c.b. on p.c.b.
3A2 ‘servomotor’.
From the technical aspect the controllers are
distinguished by these components:
- p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’
- p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’
- master board (comprising the p.c. boards)

NOTE: On no account should these p.c. boards be

interchanged or combined at random. 3A2
However, by exchanging all three p.c. boards it is
possible to change a controller from design B to design
A. B
The digital regulation operates in the speed range
between 800 and 1200 rev/min. No measuring
operation is performed above 1200 rpm because the
speeds for the hydraulic functions are within that range
and should not be affected by the regulating system.

IMPORTANT On controller design B Dip switch 7 on

p.c.b. 3A2 has been moved to the ‘ON’ position in
order to enable the full throttle position during starting.

On controller design A Dip switch 7 has been

moved to ‘OFF’, enabling the digital regulation
to work.

Changing the low rpm through adjusting potentiometer

UL will by no means produce a permanent change.
Any change will always be reset automatically to the
programmed speed.


STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 61

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ digital regulation of
low idle speed „UL“

Linkage adjustment (DEUTZ engine): Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

1. Fit the ball head to stop (servomotor lever axis ON

end) of slotted hole. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’; do not start the engine 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
at this stage.

3. Connect multimeter to test terminals M.

4. Move dip switch 6 (actual value of position) to


5. Disconnect then reconnect connector at

servomotor. (This will simulate a fault in the
electronic circuit which fault is memorized - LED
5 comes on - and power board of p.c.b. 3A2 is
cut out. The servomotor can now be adjusted by

6. Adjusting the upper or high idle :

Bring lever of control rod into ‘full throttle’ position
( ensure there is a clearance of ~2mm between
lever and stop). The actual value of position should
now be
approx. 3.9 ± 0.05 volts.
-If the meter reads below 3.85 volts, reduce „L“
length slightly.
-Should the meter read above 3.95 volts, increase
„L“ length slightly.

Continued --->

Performed at the factory, the basic adjustment of the stop screws * to

750 rev/min idle speed 2300 rev/min full throttle
should under no circumstances be altered !

~ 2 mm
3,85— 3,95 Volt

* L

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 62

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ ,
digital regulation of low idle speed „UL“
Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
Linkage adjustment (DEUTZ engine):

(Continuation - Keyswitch S1 ‘ON’) ON

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7. Bring lever of control rod into ‘idle position’
12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
(lower stop) and modify dimension ‘X’ provided OFF
for the ball head in slotted hole of servomotor
lever until the actual value of position amounts
to something between 0.77 and 0.83 volts.

8. Move DIP switch 6 (actual value of position) to

Disconnect multimeter.
9. Turn keyswitch S1 OFF.

Carry out adjustment of engine speeds as per

instructions on next page --->

0,7 — 1,0 Volt

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 63

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
Instructions for adjusting the digital regulation
of low idle ‘UL’ on DEUTZ engine

Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

1. P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ :
Move DIP switch 7 to ‘ON’
2. P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ : ON

Move DIP switch 2 to ‘ON’ Move DIP switch 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

to ‘ON’ 12 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
3. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’, LEDs 7 (VCC) und 1 OFF
(set-point=0 ) on 3A2 are illuminated; the
remaining light-emitting diodes do not light
4. Start the engine
5. Adjust UL potentiometer to obtain an engine idle
speedl (low idle) of 800 ±25 rpm,
- p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ :
Move DIP switch 7 to ‘OFF’ and
- p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ :
Move DIP switch 2 to ‘OFF’
(speed regulating governor switched on)
6. Run the engine for approx. 3 minutes on idle.
The idle speed will due to the digital regulation
increase during that time to reach 900 ± 25 rpm
7. Depress accelerator fully (full throttle), or move
DIP switch 8 to ‘ON’, then set the high idle to
2200 ± 50 rpm by operating on potentiometer ‘OL’
8. Release accelerator pedal or move DIP switch 8
to ‘OFF’
9. Check engine speeds for hyd. functions, readjust
if necessary
10. Allow the engine to idle for approx. 1 minute, p.c.b.
9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’:
Move DIP switch 3 to ‘OFF’ (the regulation value
is stored in the memory)
11. Shut the engine off O
F 1
12. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’, but do not start the 2
engine, 3
p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’:
LED 7 (VCC) is illuminated, the remaining LEDs
do not light
13. Start the engine,
check the engine idle speed:
set-point 900 ± 25 rpm

END of adjustment

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
Digital regulation of low idle ‘UL’ 5.4 Wait until the new engine rpm setting is defini-
on DEUTZ engine te.
Resetting basic engine speed. (The voltage of the actual value of position does
(If a modification of the set-point value should become no longer decrease))
necessary, proceed in accordance with the following The step-by-step modification of engine rpm can be
instructions). repeated until the limits are reached. Once the
The set-point value for low idle which is achieved by limits are reached (850 or 1000 rev/min), operation of
the digital regulation on the DEUTZ engine has been the directional control lever will no longer affect engine
preset by the software to 900 rpm. In the event of a speed.
requirement, e.g. special truck application, set-point After the desired engine speed is reached, the new
values differing from the specifications and ranging set-point value must be stored in the memory.
from 850 to 1000 rpm can be preset.
Prior to starting the engine: Storing engine rpm in the memory:
- Securely chock the truck into position 6. Allow engine to run on idle for yet another one
- Set the parking brake minute, then move DIP switch 1 on p.c.b. 9A4
- Connect a tachometer to the engine ‘engine starting via generator’ to ‘OFF’ (the new
- Connect multimeter to test terminals M on p.c.b. set-point value is transmitted).
3A2 ‘servomotor’ (actual value of position) move DIP switch 3 to ‘OFF’ (the new set-point
value is stored in the memory)
Engine rpm setting:
1. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’ Checking engine rpm:
Start the engine and allow it to warm up 7. Stop the engine
2. P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ : 8. Move directional control lever to neutral
Move DIP switch 6 to ‘ON’ 9. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’
P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ : 10. Start the engine again
Move DIP switch 3 to ‘ON’ 11. Check new low idle ‘UL’
3. If rpm must be increased, place the direc- (the voltage of the actual value of position
tional control lever into ‘forward’; into neutral if will no longer rise)
rpm must be reduced 12. Turn the engine off
4. P.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ : 13. P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’:
Move DIP switch 1 to ‘ON’ Move DIP switch 6 to OFF,
Disconnect multimeter
Once the desired idle speed has been adjusted (the
voltage of the actual value of position is stabilized), If the adjustment has been carried out incorrectly or
the engine speed can be modified in steps of 10 revs. has been interrupted, the procedure can be stopped
by turning keyswitch S1 ‘OFF’.
Increasing rpm: Before repeating the procedure, DIP switches 3 and
5.1 Move directional control lever from forward 6 on p.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ and DIP switch 1 on
into neutral, wait around 3 secs before moving p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ must always
directional control lever into forward again; repeat be moved to ‘OFF’.
the procedure as many times as are necessary The adjustment procedure can then be re-started
to increase engine rpm in steps of 10 revs. beginning with point 1.

5.2 Wait until the new engine rpm setting is defini-

te. (The voltage of the actual value of position
does no longer rise).

Reducing engine speed:

5.3 Move directional control lever from neutral to
reverse, wait around 3 secs before moving dir.
control lever to neutral again; repeat the
procedure as many times as are necessary to
decrease engine speed in steps of 10 revs

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
P.c.b. 3A2 ‘servomotor’ without digital regulation
of idle speed
Linkage adjustment on KHD engine:
Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC
1. Fit the ball head to servomotor lever, ensuring
there is a spacing of 31±0.5 mm between centre
of servomotor axis and centre ball head.
2. Turn keyswitch S1 ‘ON’. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Move DIP switch 6 (actual value of position) to 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
4. Connect multimeter to test terminals M
5. Disconnect then reconnect connector at ser-
vomotor. (This will simulate a fault in the
electronic circuit which fault is memorized -
LED 5 goes on - and power board of p.c.b.3A2 is
cut out. The servomotor can now be adjusted by
6. Bring lever of control rod into ‘idle’ position and
ensure there is a clearance of ~1 mm between
lever and stop. The lever remaining in this position,
adjust actuating rod until the actual value of
position amounts to something between 0.7 and
1.0 volts.
Continued --->

Performed at the factory, the basic adjustment of the stop screws * to

750 rev/min idle speed 2300 rev/min full throttle
should under no circumstances be altered !

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic controller
Actuating motor PCB 3A2
without digital idling control

Soll=0 min max I_BGR ERR VCC

Linkage adjustment, DEUTZ engine:
(Continuation - key switch S1 in position ON )
7. Move the lever of the regulator bar to the „full
throttle“ position (check the distance of 2 mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
from the end top). The actual position signal must 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
now be approximately 3.9 volts.
-If the actual position signal is less than 3.85 Volts,
shorten the length „L“ slightly and then repeat
the adjustment.
-If the actual position signal is greater than 3.9
volts, slightly increase the length „L“
and repeat the adjustment.
8. Switch 6 (actual position signal) should be set
to OFF.
9. Key switch S1 in position OFF, disconnect
10. Set engine speeds in accordance with setting
instructions -
lower idling speed UL = 900 ± 25 rpm -
upper idling speed OL = 2200 ± 50 rpm.

~1 mm
0.7 --- 1.0 Volt

~ 2 mm 3.85 --- 3.95 Volt


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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Engine Managment Unit EMR

Coolant temp.
Solenoid trans. 6B2
Charging air
regul. 6B20

EMR Actuator

Speed sens.,
V-engine 6B17

Circular plug X80

EMR Management
unit A14

Voltage ins.

Connection for p.c.b. 3A2

Fault-LED dash panel

ISO 9141

Diagnostic connector

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Engine Managment Unit EMR
Electronic Engine Management Unit (EMR)
Engine - No.
Vehicles R 7048 , R7049 and R7050 X80
are equipped with an electronic regulator for the
DEUTZ internal combustion engine as standard.
The mechanical part for the EMR is attached to the
V engine in the same manner as before. No actuating
motor is required. X90
Instead, a valve (pressure transducer) in the regulator
operates the regulator bar.
A large circular plug X80 with bayonet closure 6B17
connects the following components with the EMR
Engine Management Unit A14.

6B2 — Coolant temp. trans.— 8 , 9/X80

6B17 — Speed sens., V eng — 12 ,13/X80
6B20 — Charging air regul. — 23-25/X80 X80
9Y5 — Solenoid — 2 , 3/X80
9Y9 — Actuator — 14-19/X80
15 2
The speed sensor 6B17 is connected directly to the
14 3
V engine in the area of the pump take-off. 16
25 17
13 4
Not to be confused with the speed sensor 6B9 of the 24 18

hydraulic pump. 12 5
23 19
22 20 6
11 21
A diagnostic connector X90 for SERDIA (see below)
is located below the multi-pin XAD plug of the V 10 7
9 8
If necessary, the SERDIA interface can be connected
to this X90 socket.
EMR management unit A14 Plan view, socket
The EMR management unit A14 consists of a sealed
aluminium die cast housing with two multi-way plugs
X141 and X142. The unit is mounted on the front of
the forward superstructure, on the left.
X141—Connection for plug X80
X142—Connection for PCB 3A2 and
control lamp 6H20.

Do not open the unit - your guarantee will be
The unit can only be serviced by replacement through
DEUTZ service, stating the engine number. The EMR X142
management unit and the V engine must have the
same serial number. The EMR management unit TN
02111846 is replaced with 02111910 if required.
If an engine management unit not belonging to this
engine is used, this can lead to serious problems
and engine damage.

A3 EMR X141

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Engine Managment Unit EMR
Electronic Engine Management Unit (EMR)

SERDIA Service Diagnose (SERDIA) is a

diagnostic program for the EMR used for DEUTZ
engines series 1012 /1013 with the engine
management unit TN 02111846. Together with an
interface and a PC/Notebook, SERDIA forms a
complete special tool. The interface forms the X142
connection between the diagnostic plug and PC/
SERDIA comprises:
— SERDIA software 1.0 (or abover)
(3.5" installation diskette)
— Diagnostic interface with implemented user
— Abbreviated installation instructions A14
— Case Order Number 158630 A3 EMR X141
(To be obtained from the Central STILL Spare Parts
Service Department)
EMR fault indicator lamp 6H20
This is briefly illuminated when the key switch is 6H20
turned to the ON position (lamp check) and is
immediately extinguished again.
Constant illumination or flashing after the V engine
has been started signals a defect to the EMR unit
and means:
Carry out diagnostics with SERDIA.
Line connections to X142 :
Fault lamp: K/6H20 — 6/X33 — 4/X142 (A14)
Supply voltage 24 V:
10A fuse 1F21 — 4,5/X94 — 14/X142 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Set point transmitter PCB 3A2:
1,4,5/X78 — 23,18,24/X142

Set point transmitter PCB 3A2 for the EMR

The actuating motor PCB 3A2 has been replaced with
a PCB matched to the EMR which functions as a so-
called set point transmitter.
The other part of the PCB is virtually identical with
the arrangement of the known actuating motor PCB.

Service switch:
LED and potentiometer are virtually in the same
— Potentiometer for all speed settings
— Four LEDs for set point, speed min./max. and
UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
supply voltage.
— Service switches 1-8 for checking signals at ON
measuring point M. 1 2 3 4
12 3 4 5 6 78

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Engine Managment Unit EMR
Set point transmitter circuit board 3A2 for EMR
Setting instructions:
The setting of the combustion engine speeds for
driving, lifting, tilting and operation of the
supplementary hydraulics are effected on the set point
transmitter p.c.b. 3A2
Potentiometer functions

„UL“ Lower idling speed adjustment

„OL“ Upper idling speed adjustment
Speed - lift
Speed - tilt

Z1,Z2,Z3 Supplementary hydraulics

The adjustment of the set point adjustment is aided

by means of LEDs.
LED messages:
1(Nom = 0) off: This is for a nominal speed value
(drive pedal, hydraulic lever or current
sensor operated or incorrectly set.
2 (min) on: The signal has fallen below the limit for
the lower idling speed adjustment range 3A2
UL of the V engine.
3 (max) on: The signal has fallen below the limit for
the higher idling speed adjustment range
OL of the V engine.
4(VCC)off::No supply for or on the PCB.

If the set point transmitter on the p.c.b. is replaced,

the following steps and checks need to made in the
sequence indicated:
Key switch ON
The control lamp EMR on the dashboard briefly lights
and is then extinguished again (lamp test). UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3

LED VCC illuminated, ON

1 2 3 4
drive pedal not operated
12 3 4 5 6 78
LED NOMINAL=0 illuminated.

Select directional selector to NEUTRAL

Firmly apply parking brake
Start combustion engine and allow to run for a short 3A2
time until the speed has stabilised.

If the EMR lamp is illuminated or flashes, the EMR is


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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Engine Managment Unit EMR
Set point transmitter PCB 3A2 for EMR
Setting instructions:
Use UL to set the „lower idling speed“ M
900 ± 25 rpm
LED min must not be illuminated.
UL OL Z1 Z2 Z3
If LED min is illuminated, then the idling speed is
below the lower limit
Fully press down drive pedal. 1 2 3 4
Use OL to set the „upper idling speed“:
2200 ± 50 rpm 12 3 4 5 6 78
LED max must not be illuminated. OFF
If the LED max is illuminated, then the speed is above
the upper idling speed limit
If the idling speed cannot be reduced, then the EMR
is in „Emergency Operation“ condition. Disconnect Function of the service switches:
V engine, repeat start, correct settings.
Release drive pedal after setting 1 ON: Set point valve switch ( 12 Volts)
Adjust LIFT to 2000 ± 50 rpm The valve switches connect 12 Volts to the
Adjust TILT to 1250 ± 50 rpm measuring connection M when operated.
2 ON: Set point drive(+0,2 V to- 5,7 V)
This switch connects the proportional
and where appropriate, adjust
signal generated by the 1A1 drive control
PCB which is proportional to the transmitter
1200 ± 50 rpm
deflection to measuring point M
After adjustment, lock potentiometer settings by
3 ON: Set point lift ( 0.3 Vto 4,8 V)
applying sealing wax.
This switch connects the output voltage of
the rotary angle transducer lift 2R2 to the
If there is no set point signal from the Set point
measuring connection M
transmitter PCB 3A2, the LED 6H20 is
4 ON: Armature current (approx..5.1V ± 0,4V /
continuously illuminated. The V engine then starts
100A ) This switch connects the signal
to run at higher idling speeds (emergency
produced by the armature current to
measuring connection M
5 ON: analog set point (approx.0.8- 3.8 Volts)
This switch connects the analog speed
signal to the EMR management unit to
measuring connection M
6 ON: digital set point ( approx. 2.5-10.5 Volts)
The following faults require a diagnostic run This switch connects the digital speed
with SERDIA, if the LEDs on the 3A2 PCB do signal to the EMR management unit to the
not show a fault, but if LED 6H20 flashes. measuring connection M
V engine fails to start 7 —: Do not use
V engine starts, but fails to run 8 ON: Maximum set point
V engine starts, but fails to respond to the This switch provides the maximum set point
transmitter. (2200 rpm). It is intended for setting the
upper idling speed.
OL 2200 rpm should only be checked via
the drive pedal in the full throttle position
as a matter of principle.

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
P.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’
(LPG-powered engine)

Engine rpm is regulated by p.c.b. A3.

The speed control system consists of the following


Required value processing

- Rpm processing
- Electronic speed control unit
- Actuator and current regulator
- Monitoring functions

A plug-in type module allows the electronic circuit

to be adapted to the various functions.

Voltage supply
P.c.b. A3 is supplied by power section 1A2 with a
voltage of 5 volts and 15 volts respectively, generating
a reference voltage of 5 volts for feeding voltage to
potentiometer 2R2 provided for the hoist function.

Required value production

- Required value, driving

P.c.b. 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ generates a signal
proportional to accelerator pedal position. This control
signal is transformed by the electronic speed control
unit into a required value. The adaptation of the signal Rpm sensing
to the relevant function processed on the p.c. board The signal from the rpm sensor 6B9 is processed by
is effected via resistors arranged on the module. p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ and supplied
to p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’.
- Armature- dependent required value
The starting characteristics of a truck parked on an Power board for throttle positioning solenoid 9Y3
incline are substantially improved if engine rpm is not The 24-volt power source (battery voltage) feeds the
reduced to attain low idle speed. The electronic speed throttle positioning solenoid 9Y3 (throttle valve
control unit therefore increases the required value adjusting solenoid) with current whose intensity is
from a threshold of IA = abt. 150 A, proportional to the controlled. To protect the power board transistors from
armature current flowing in the drive motor. An damage, the power board is cut out immediately when
electronic circuit limits engine rpm to a maximum the current intensity reaches 7 amps.
value. Power to the power board is automatically cut off if
the battery voltage drops below a minimum value of
- Required value, hydraulics 10 volts, or the 15-volt supply of the p.c. board drops
Regarding the required rpm values when operating below a value of 5 volts.
one of the hydraulic control valve levers, the signals
for hoist & tilt functions are processed. Resistors on Throttle positioning solenoid-release
the plug-in module limit the required values to a No control current is applied to the throttle positioning
maximum reading. solenoid 9Y3 and the power board control circuit on
logic card A3 is not energized unless a minimum
- Increased idle speed speed of around 10 rpm is reached. This feature
When the accelerator pedal is released, idling speed prevents an unnecessary load on the battery when
rises momentarily. This feature prevents stalling of keyswitch S1 is turned on and the engine is not
the engine due to a sudden load surge (e.g. moving started.
the tilt control lever bypass pressure).

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
P.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’
(LPG-powered engine)

Adjustment of engine speeds

see section ‘Angle of rotation sensor/Control valve
- HOISTING. 2600+50 rev/min - No adjustments are
Engine rpm is regulated as the spool controlling the
hoist function is moved to a small degree by operation
of the hoist lever. Further movement of the hoist control
valve lever causes engine speed to rise abruptly before
being regulated again until rising to the maximum
value to,which it is limited ,by a resistor arranged on
the module.
- TILTING: 1400+ 150 rev/min - No adjustments are
Initial operation of the tilt lever causes engine rpm to Operation of the DIP switches
rise abruptly up to a certain limit as engine speed is
limited by a resistor arranged on the module. 1 ON: Required value - driving
- 3rd & 4th HYDRAULIC FUNCTIONS: variations of
operating speeds.
(+0.2 V to -7V, n=2600 rev/min)
The engine speed can be pre-set for each function by (+0.2 V to -5.7 V, n=2450 rev/min)
operating on pot. Z1 - Z2 - Z3. This DIP switch applies the signal (generated
on p.c.b. 1A1 in proportion to accelerator
Order of preference of engine speeds transmitter modulation) to test terminals ‘M’
Tilt and Z1 (group A) have priority over hoist and Z2, on p.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’.
Z3,(group B).
Example: The tilt lever is moved during the hoist op- 2 ON: Required value - hoisting
eration - engine speed will drop from 2600 to 1400 rev/
This DIP switch applies the output voltage of
pot. 2R2 for hoist function to test terminals
Diagnosis ‘M’.
For checking purposes the required inputs can be
applied via the DIP switch to the test terminals ‘M’ located 3 ON: Required value - tilting
on the logic card. This DIP switch applies the output voltage of
LED VCC lights to indicate the presence of the 15 volts microswitch 2S2 for tilt function to test
supply and the internal 5 volts reference voltage. terminals ‘M’.
LED MAG lights to indicate that the power board is
released, i.e. engine speed exceeds 10 revlmin, current 4,5,6 ON: Required value - 3rd & 4th
draw of power board transistors not being higher than 7
hyd. functions Z1, 2, 3.
LED I-MAG lights to indicate the function of the power This DIP switch applies the output voltage of
board for the throttle positioning solenoid 9Y3. LED the relevant microswitch to test terminals
1-MAG changes the intensity of its brightness parallel to PIV1%
the output voltage variations of the power board. Full
brightness will be reached when the throttle positioning 7 ON: Armature current
solenoid is modulated even to a small degree only. This DIP switch applies the signal corre-
The LED does not go on if the rpm actual value exceeds sponding to the armature current to test
the required value: terminals ‘M’.
Exemple A:
- Open throttle valve by hand (the rpm actual value
increases) 8 ON: Modulation of throttle positioning solenoid
- LED 1-MAG goes off because the power board tends to Once the contact has been established via
reduce engine speed via the throttle positioning sole- switch 8, the modulation of throttle positioning
noid. solenoid 9Y3 can be effected by hand, by
Exemple B: means of pot. DIAG. Engine rpm can be varied
- With engine idling, close throttle valve by hand by approx. 30 rev/min.
- LED I-MAG goes on to indicate that the power board
tends to increase engine speed via the throttle
After completing checks, move all DIP switches
positioning solenoid.
to the ‘OFF’ position.

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
P.c.b. A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’

Wiring diagram

3rd & 4th hydr. functions

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
Pc.b. A1 ‘electronic charge compensator’
(fitted to LPG powered units only)

Duration of operation

Pc. board All becomes operative when the keyswitch

is turned on. The trans-charge procedure sets in as
soon as the voltage of battery G2 exceeds that of
battery G1. The trans-charge current whose value
depends on the difference in voltage between the two
batteries is controlled by a voltage regulator. The
current is limited to a maximum value of 5 amps.

When the keyswitch is turned off, the electronic

charge compensating circuit will yet remain operative
for about 60 minutes in order to subsequently
compensate for high loads on battery G1, especially
in the event of short duty cycles. After that the power
section, except for the negative connection (GND), is
isolated from the battery

Wire connections

Power section and regulating unit of charge

compensator are connected via separate current
conducting and test leads to battery terminals. This
feature prevents wrong battery voltage readings due UV EIN I> 0
to voltage drops caused by load currents.

Current conductors: Test leads:

1/X46---1/X72 GND 9/X43---3/X71 GND
2/X46---2/X72 +24V 7/X43---1/X71 +24V
3/X46---3/X72 +12V 8/X43---2/X71 +12V

Temperature monitoring

Pc. board A1 ‘charge compensator’ has no heat sink

of its own. The power semi-conductors are mounted
on a card which after being plugged into the card hol-
der is bolted to the base plate. In order to forestall
deterioration of the semi-conductors due to overheating
in the case of a faulty installation, the electronic
charge compensator board A1 has been provided with
a temperature monitoring facility This facility blocks
the transistor should the temperature rise in excess
of 95°C. This excess temperature is signalled by
lighting of red LED delta.

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
P.c.b. A1 ‘electronic charge compensator’

87 30
The 12-volt and 24-volt connections on p.c.b. 1A6
‘current sensor’ are protected by fuses.
F2-20A: electrical current conductor +24 V-21X46
F3- 1 A: * test lead +24 V-71X43
F4- 1 A: * test lead +12 V-81X43 1A6
F5-20A: electrical current conductor +12 V-31X46
F6-30 A: ignition 12 V / LPG version

*serves also as test point for p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting F2 - 20A
via generator’ F3 - 1A
F4 - 1A
F5 - 20A
Checking the charge compensating circuit F6 - 30A
Turn keyswitch S1 on. Light-emitting diodes’UV’and
„EIN“ must come on after 30 sec. at the latest. If the
charge level differs from one battery to the other, LED
‘I> 0’ must come on too.

Removal of printed circuit board

Before removing p.c.b. A1 ‘electronic charge

compensator’, cut electrical connections to batteries
G1, and G2. This can best be done by disconnecting
the battery terminals or connectors X71 and X72 on
electronic control unit.


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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
Power board 1A2
The power board consists of the following com-

- Main circuit fuse 1 F3 (refer to section ‘Fuses’) -

Power section
- Power supply module
- Interface to p.c.b.’s 1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ and 1A2
9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ - Safety relay K1 1
- Control circuit for safety relay K1 2
- Pc.b. 9A2 ‘diesel engine shut down controller’ (diesel 3
powered model) 9A2
- P.c.b. ‘control circuit fuse’ (LPG-powered model) A7

Depending on the demand, the excitation field of

both generator and drive motor is controlled by the
power section of the power board. 7

Never swap leads 4/1A2 and 5/1A2

Otherwise wrong direction of
rotation during starting

The controlled power supply module generates the

supply voltage for the power board, and also two
external supply voltages (+5 V and +15 V) required
for the p.c. boards 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’
and 3A2 ‘servomotor’ or A3 ‘throttle valve regulator’, 1
depending on truck model. The power supply module
is supplied with 24 volts battery voltage by operation 2
of keyswitch S1. 9A2
1A2 3
The interface serves to adapt the power board to A7 4
p.c.b. 9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’ or p.c.b.
1A1 ‘traction control circuit’ by which it is controlled. 5
In the event of an absence of the pilot signal, the
power board will be blocked automatically 6

The battery voltage is placed via safety relay K1 7

across the terminals of the power section of the power
board. The total motor and generator field current will
flow across the operating contacts of the relay (per-
manent load of 70 A at the maximum).

To energize the relay, the following conditions must

be fulfilled:
- Keyswitch S1 ON
- Parking brake released
- Release through logic card 1A1
- Voltage applied to D+/9G2 = positive (Engine started)

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
P.c.b. 9A2 ‘diesel engine shut down controller’
(solenoid stop control) (on diesel powered
P.c.b. A7 ‘control circuit fuse’ (on LPG powered
models) 1A2
One or the other version of the p.c. board is in each 2
case mounted on power board 1A2, depending on 3
truck model. The p.c. board and the power board form 9A2
a bolted assembly thus assuring the positive A7
connection also to this printed circuit board.
Both p.c. boards are fitted with control circuit fuses
for dash mounted instruments and optional electrical 7


P.c.b. 9A2 ‘diesel engine shut down controller’

The circuit of p.c.b. 9A2 controls the attraction of

shut-down solenoid 9Y5, providing a pull-in current of
approx. 30 A for 200 ms, then providing a hold-in circuit
of about 0.5 amps for the solenoid to maintain the
latter in the actuated state.

The 15-amp. protection provided by fuse 1F16 is

sufficient since the turn-on period only amounts to
around 200 milliseconds. 9A2
P.c.b. A7 ‘control circuit fuse’

This p.c. board merely incorporates the control circuit

fuses as it has no additional functions.

Control circuit fuses arranged on p.c.b. 9A2 ‘diesel

engine shut down controller’ (diesel model)
p.c.b. A7 ‘control circuit fuse’ (LIDG model)

1F16-15A shut-down solenoid (MB engine)

1F17- 5A p.c.b. 1 A1 ‘traction control circuit’ p.c.b.
9A4 ‘engine starting via generator’

1F18 -20 A protecting dash mounted instruments via

keyswitch 30/S1
1F19-20 A protecting lighting equipment 1 F18
1F20-20 A protecting additional fan motor 9M5 1 F19
1F21-10 A protecting engine shutoff valve 9Y2 1F20
(VW engine) 1F21

1 F16

1 F17

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Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
Base plate or panel

Arranged on a base plate, the p.c. boards and the

power board (final stage) are interconnected by con-
nectors, at the same time being connected to the re-
mainder of the truck electrical system.
X3 - p.c.b. ‘traction control circuit’
X5 - power board connection
X6 - p.c.b. ‘throttle valve regulator’ (LPG model)
p.c.b. ‘servomotor’ (diesel model)
X7 - p.c.b. ‘engine starting via generator’
X70 - p.c.b. ‘electronic charge compensator’ (LPG
X66 - negative -ground- (-) battery terminal
X22 - p.c.b. ‘control circuit fuse’ (LPG model)
-- p.c.b.‘diesel engine shut down controller’
(diesel model) fitted is not allowed, after being switched off, to stop
unless the gas remaining in the mixer (carburettor)
Mounted on the base plate are in addition control cir-
is burnt.
cuit fuses (7 fuses) and
When keyswitch S1 is turned on, voltage is applied
- only on truck model operating on LPG
via fuse 1F11 and diode 9V1 to relay coil 9K4.
gas fuel system relay 9K4 for ignition.
When the engine is shut off - keyswitch S1 turned to
OFF - the engine shut-off valve 9Y2 cuts off the fuel
Relay 9K4
supply As the engine at this stage continues rotating
Relay contact 30-87/9K4 applies 12 volts!! via fuse
because of the residual quantity of gas, alternator
F6 and fuse 9F2 to ignition coil 9T1 and controller for
9G2 supplies voltage via fuse 1F15 and diode 9V2 to
ignition 9A1.
relay coil 9K4. Ignition, therefore, remains on until
Connection 85 of relay coil 9K4 is supplied with 24
the gas remaining in the mixer is burnt and the engine
volts voltage by two different sources because the
engine with which the LP---gas operated fork truck is

X70 R4 X7 X3 X5 87a 87
85 86
32 2 32 2
32 2 2
40 2 9K4
1 4

6F1 1 F11 1F15 X22 7F1 7F2

4F1 1F12 1 F14 9F1

X66 ( )

4 1 8 1 5 1 8 1 10 1 4 1 1 1 1

X73 X74 X26 X23 X60 X25 X30 X76 X77 X75
4 1 5 1 7 1 7 1 9 1

X72 X71 X78 X49 X27 X29 X28

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 80

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic Controller
Table of p.c.b.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 81

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
Electronic fan

The 9M5 designated electric fan promotes heat

dissipation in the event of high thermal loads.
Located on the outer part of the radiator within the
counterweight, the fan draws the air from
the engine compartment.
The electric fan is directly supplied with 24 volts 1
battery voltage via fuse 1F20, at the same time being 3
connected to the body across the coolant temperature 1
sensor 6B14. 1F20 2
Screwed into the radiator, the coolant temperature 4
5 X94
sensor 6B14 turns on the fan when the 1
coolant temperature reaches 85° C turning it off the 3
instant the coolant temperature drops below 80° C. X91
Wiring 3
wire connection
1,2 / X94 (SCR controller)--------1,2 / X110 (fan) X92
is designed as a double lead 0.75 qmm.
2 - pole flat connector -X110 1 2
X110 6B14

+ +

M 9M5 1
9M5 - electric fan -

6B14- coolant temperature sensor

1F20- fuse rated at 20 amps


1 2 3 4
4 - pole MARK II + connector - X110 X110 6B14

wire connections : + + N3
1,2 / X94 (SCR controller)--------1,2 1 X1 10 (fan) t°
M 9M5 1
3,4 1 X1 10 (tan) --------- + / 6B1 4 (sensor -
are designed as a double lead 0.75 qmm.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) 82

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
The following components are interconnected by
means of Connectors with insulation displacement Connectors ranging from 2 to 12 position design are
contacts: used on the R70-20 to 80 trucks.

- Electronic ccntrol unit, base plate Important:

- Steering column, instruments
- Contactor panel Use wire 369388 only!
(the wire is available in random lengths
This technology provides these benefits: and must be cut to the length required)
Each contact is fitted on its reverse side with a knife
blade in a fork type arrangement.
Should different wires be used, the contacts will either
With the aid of a tool, the single wire or conductor is get bent or the clamping effect will be too small.
forced into the knife blades, while being automatically
stripped of its insulation. In both cases this will lead to a malfunction which
will be hard to locate.
In this operation the knife blade contacts penetrate
the insulation providing contact to wires. Therefore: Use only the genuine wire!
(16 strands 0.75 mm Dia.)
Below you will find a description with accompanying
illustrations on the various steps to be performed in Part No. 369388
connection with assembling male and female
connector halves (plug and receptacle connectors)
with their respective leads.

Part-No. 146354

STILL GmbH Stand: 5/01 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) A

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08
In the event of repairs, replacement connector and
wires must be assembled with the aid of the hand
Part. No. 146 354.
4 1
The head of the tool is provided with two different
openings for the accomodation of

( 1 )pin half of connector

( 2 ) socket half of connector

When sliding the pin or socket connector half into 4 2

the opening, a spring-loaded ball (3 ) will maintain
the connector housing in the correct position, the
individual contact will snap into place with accuracy
in front of the slider ( 4 ).

Sliding the pin housing into position --->

Sliding the socket housing into position --->

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) B

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08

With no need to strip it beforehand, the wire is inserted

from the top into the open tool between slider and
contact housing.

By closing the tool the slider will push the wire into
the knife blades of the contact.

The tool can only be opened again provided it is

completely closed by squeezing it with the hand which
will unlock it.

Single parts

Pin housing Socket housing

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) C

Workshop Manual 7032- 34 / 38 - 40 / 48 - 50 08

First remove the cover on wire end to which end the

edge of the cover is spread and lifted .

To remove a defective contact, the locking tongue

must be pushed towards the inside with the extraction
Part. No. 143 432.
after which the contact at the end of conductor must
be pulled out from the rear

- Pull with force on the contact as the

conductor is maintained in the housing by
the strain relief

The defective contact is cut off at the conductor end

and a new contact is installed as described under
section „Processing“. Next, press lid or cover on
again.The cover has two edges of different height.

The high side must point to the conductor end thus

preventing the conductor from snapping at the contact.

STILL GmbH Stand: 2/02 ( Ersatz für Stand: ) D

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