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Topic 5

Islamic Beliefs & its Impact on Individual & Society and the Fundamental of Islam
Introduction: What is Iman/Faith/Shahadha??
The aspiration of Muslims is to leave this world with the words of Shahadha, professing his faith
“There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Prophet of God”, on their lips. A notable
presentation of faith in Islam is the Quranic injunction to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Say. ‘Behold
my prayers and my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah, the Sustainer of the
worlds, in whose divinity none has a share: for thus have I been bidden- and I shall be foremost
among those who surrender themselves unto Him.” (Al-Anaam 6:162-3).
The topic of faith (iman) is central to islam, and can be treated at various levels, from expressions of
daily piety to the sophisticated and abstruse debates of formal disciplines such as theology (ilm al-
kalam) and jurisprudence (fiqh). In order to discover how the concept ‘faith’ is articulated from the
Islamic perspective, we can trace the way the tradition itself investigates such an issues. The formal
profession of faith or shahadha consists of two phrases. The first part consists of the words of
witnessing (Kalima sahadha) that ‘there is no gob but God’. In Arabic Allah simply means ‘God.’ The
Quran, the Hadith, the whole Islamic tradition maintain that the God of the Jews, the Christians, and
the Muslims is a single God. Arabic speaking Muslims cannot imagine using a different word that Allah
when referring to the God worshipped by Christians and Jews. Arabic speaking Christians and Jews
themselves worship God using the word Allah. The second part of shahadha is the statement
concerning the messenger (kalmia risala), ‘Muhammad is the prophet or messenger of Allah’, implying
the sphere of faith in action. In this case, the content of revelation, whatever is acknowledged
concerning the reality and oneness of God, requires a concrete response. For Muslims the
prescriptions for living a faithful and righteous life are known through the words of God reveled to the
Prophet Muhammad and preserved in the Quran. In addition, the example of the prophet who was a
‘walking Quran’ provides the specific model (uswa hasana) for Muslims life as an ongoing testimony
to faith. The significance of the shahadha has been incorporated into the life cycle from birth to
death. In Muslims culture, this formula is spoken into the ear of the new born baby as the call to
prayer (azan) is given, reminding the child of the intrinsic acknowledgement of God built into sound
human nature. This acknowledgement is sometimes called the primordial covenant (mithaq),
referring to the Quranic accounts that when all the souls implicit in the loins of Adam were asked by
Allah to bear witness out themselves through the question: “Am I not your Lord?’ they responded,
yes, indeed you are” (Al- Aaraaf 7:172).
In the sense that human need to be reminded of what was recognized on that occasion, the recitation
of the shahadha symbolically reawakens the child to the truth acknowledged on the day, for
‘Everyone is born according to a sound original nature (fitra)’. Classical Muslim commentators
identified this sound nature with the Islamic religion. The words of the shahadha are also ritually
repeated throughout each of the daily prayers, being obligatory in at least seventeen of the ritual
cycles (rakats) of prayer. A further element of the prayer is the act of bearing witness (tashahhud).
During this segment of the prayer, the index finger of the right hand is raised and words testifying to
the unity and unity of God are recited.
The profession of faith is the first of the five pillars of islam, according to haidth stating that islam is
based on five pillars:
• To testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle.
• To offer the compulsory ritual prayers.
• To pay zakat (Obligatory Charity).
• To perfume hajj.
• To observe the fast during the month of Ramadan.
In the case of this pillar, however, more emphasis is to be placed on its existential implications rather
than on its ritual performance, although as indicted above, formal recitation of the profession of faith
does play a role in certain ritual practices in Islam. Recitation of the shahadha is what makes a person
a Muslim, thus conversion to Islam in the formal sense takes place through uttering the shahadha in
the presence of witness.
Shahada and faith in the Quran:
The element of the first shahadha is indicated in the following verses of the Quran: “Know that there
is no god except God and ask forgiveness for your sins.” (Muhammad 47:19).
“Know that it was revealed through the knowledge of God and that there is no god but He.” (Hud
“God bears witness that there is no god but He- and the angels and the possessors of knowledge-
upholding justice; there is no god but He, the Inaccessible, the Wise”. (Aal-Imran 3:18)
Pillars of Faith:
Five pillars of Islam which are following;
• Belief in Taheed
• Belief in Prophet

• Belief in Day of resurrection

• Belief in Angles

• Belief in Revealed Books

Belief in Tawheed (Oneness of God)

Tawheed means to believe that Allah is the one and only God worthy of worship. It is sometimes
referred to as monotheism; however; in the purest sense in that no other entity can in any way have
the attributes or be equivalent or even in competition with Allah. All acts of worship that a person
does should be to Allah or for Allah Alone. For example, the prayer should only be to Allah etc. Allah
Says in Quran; "And we did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad) but we inspired him
(saying): 'There is none who has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah), so worship Me ,Alone and
none else,(Surah Al Anbiya 21:25)". Tawheed is the essence of Islam, it is the core of Islam, it is what
Islam stands for, and it is the reason why Allah created us. All prophets and messengers were sent
with the message of Tawheed, the Quran itself is a book of Taweed, and those who have a firm and
correct belief in Tawheed will indeed be the saved ones. The Quran declares that “Nothing is like Him”
(42:11). Allah is omniscient and all-powerful. All of Allah’s attributes belong to Him exclusively. He is
the first and there is no last but His oneness. He is the First without anything before Him. He is the
Last without anything after Him. The end is with Him alone, and He is the End. He is All-Existing: with
him there is no end. Allah is now as He was before. He is Eternal.
Meaning of Tawheed:
The external as well as internal unity of God is described in Islam by the word al-tawhid which is the
verbal noun of the second form of the root w-h-d. It indicates the action of unifying and of conferring
unity. Etymologically it designates the knowledge one has of the unity of thing. Although the word
tawhid does not occur in the Quran, it does appear in the authentic sayings of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). The Islamic credo “La ilaha illa Allah” is a declaration that there is no Allah (god)
except Allah (God). It is important to understand these two fundamental Islamic terms. The Arabic
word ilah stands for a number of mutually interconnected meanings. For instance, it means
• Achieving peace and mental calm by seeking refuge in or establishing loving relationship with
• Giving the necessary shelter and security to someone frightened of the prospect of an
impending mishap.
• Rushing of the lost offspring of the she-camel to snuggle up to its mother on finding it.
• Adoring, loving and worshiping someone tremendously.
These literal meanings of the word make it clear that the word ilah stands for something awfully
mysterious and extremely attractive to absorb one’s whole being, demanding absolute love,
adoration and closeness to the extent of worship. Therefore, God of al-llah means the one who is al-
mawlah meaning al-maabud (worshipped). Worship or al-ibada, as Imam Ibn al-Qayyim defines it, is
“utmost love of God accompanied with total submission”.
Kinds of Tawhid:
There are three categories of tawhid referred to as Tawhid al-Dhat (unity of the Being),Tawhid al-
Shifat (Unity of te Attributes) and Tawhid al-afaall (Unity of the Action). The unity of god, according to
the quran, implies that God is the Absolute One in His person (dhat), Absolute One in His Attributes
(sifat) and the Absolute One in His works (afaal).it may be added here, that this tripartite division of
tawhid owes its origin to the Quran, as its material is wholly Quranic, though the specific names
mentioned above have resulted from later theological expositions.
• Unity in Person:
The Oneness of His person means that there is neither plurality of gods, nor plurality of persons in the
Godhood. As for the Unity of attributes, it implies that no other being possesses any of the Divine
attributes in the absolute sense; His Oneness in works implies that none can do the works which God
has done, or which god may do. The Holy Quran; “Had there been in them (heaven and earth) any
deities except Allah they would both have certainly been ruined.” (Al-Anbiya 21:22)
The above verse of the Holy Quran makes it clear that the peace and smooth running of the universe
is due to the supremacy of only one God and had there been more gods, they would have quarreled
with one another.
• Unity in Attributes:
As Almighty God is One, Unique, and incomparable in His lordship, sovereignty, and worship. He is
also One and Unique in His names and attributes, Islam emphatically proclaims that Almighty God, the
Transcendent and Exalted Lord and Sustainer of all that exists, is far above possessing any of the
creaturely attributes which have been ascribed to Him by man. He has neither form nor body, nor
corporeal or physical attributes, features, or characteristics. Rather, His attributes are infinite and
absolute and incomparable to any other. They are far above any limitation, defects, and deficiencies,
such as His having a beginning or an end, begetting or being begotten, having physical dimensions, or
having needs such as food, rest, or procreation, etc. he is the one Who gives such dimensions and
characteristics to His creation, while not sharing them in the slightest degree. His Oneness in
attributes implies that no other being possesses one or more of the divine attributes in perfection. For
examples, no one can claim that he is the mightiest of all nor any person can claim that he will live
forever, because these are divine characteristics and only possessed by Allah. Man is dependent on
Allah for his necessities of life but Allah is independent of all. He is Eternal, self-sufficient,
Omnipotent, Omnipresent etc.
• Unity in Action:
His unity in actions means that no one can does the works which Allah has done or does or which
Allah will do in future. For example, Allah has created this entire universe, all living things on earth,
rivers and mountains, but no human being or other creatures can do it.
Significance of Tawheed In Quran
Tawheed is the essence of Islam and the mainspring of its strength. All other laws, beliefs and
commands of Islam stand firm on this foundation. Take it away, and there is nothing left of Islam.
Tawheed is the call of all the prophets to their people, it is mentioned in Quran And verily, We have
sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (Alone),
and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities i.e. do not worship Taghut besides Allah) ( An
Nahl 16:36)" .
Tawheed is the only reason for the world's creation as Allah Says in Quran; “And I (Allah) created not
the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)”( Adh Dheryat 51:56).
By declaring sincere belief in Tawheed, a disbeliever will become a Muslim. Conversely, a Muslim will
become a disbeliever (kafir) if he rejects any aspect of it. By Tawheed we achieve salvation from
Eternal punishment in the Hereafter, right guidance in this world, and forgiveness for sins. Tawheed is
only belief in Islamic ideology which does not have forgiveness of its rejection, means Allah will never
forgive that person who associate partner with Allah. Allah states in the Qur'an: “Verily, Allah forgives
not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else)
to whom He wills” There is a Sahih Hadith of Prohet Muhammad (pbuh), Narated By Mu'adh bin
Jabal : The Prophet said, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah
and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in
worship with Him (Allah) (Volumn 009, Book 093, Hadith Number 470. Sahih Bukhari).
Whoever fulfills Tawheed will be admitted to the Garden (Al-Jannah) in the Hereafter. The Prophet
Muhammad has stated: Verily Allah has promised that whosoever does not commit shirk shall enter
Al-Jannah (the Garden in the Heaven) [Al-Bukhari)].
It is the reason for solving peoples' sadness because true happiness will be achieved if persons realize
Tawheed within their heart. They will also never feel psychologically enslaved even if physically
captive. It is the only reason for Allah's pleasure and rewards. In another aayah (verse) in the Qur'an
Allah says: “If you disbelieve, then verily, Allah is not in need of you; He likes not disbelief for His
slaves” (Az Zumar 39:7).
Disbelief is nothing but a manifestation of shirk which is the opposite of Tawheed. The acceptance of
all of one's religious deeds is based upon Tawheed. Allah states: "Whoever accepts a religion other
than Islam it shall be rejected by Allah and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers" (Al-Imran
Islam is nothing if not an embodiment of the belief in Tawheed. Tawheed prevents man from
eternally remaining in the Hellfire. The Prophet Muhammad stated in an authentic report: Whoever
dies and has so much as a mustard seed of faith in his heart shall enter Al-Jannah.
Effects of Tawheed on Personal Life (Individuals):
When an individual pronounces the testimony: "Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illAllah wa ash-hadu anna
Muhammadar- Rasullullaah" (I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and I
testify that Muhammad is His Messenger), believing in it and acting upon it, he experiences a
noticeable change in his life. By understanding who his Lord is as well as the purpose of his creation,
he will be able to achieve success in this life and the next. This success emanates from the following
1- A believer in this testimony can never be narrow in outlook. He believes in Allah, Who is the
Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Master of the universe and its Sustainer. After this belief, he
does not regard anything in the world as a stranger to himself. He looks on everything in the universe
as belonging to the same Lord he himself belongs.
2- This belief produces in man the highest degree of self-respect and self esteem. The believer
knows that Allah Alone is the Possessor of all power, and that none besides Him can benefit or harm a
person, or provide for his needs, or give and take away life or wield authority or influence. This
conviction makes him indifferent to, independent on, and fearless of all powers other than those of
Allah. He never bows his head in homage to any of Allah's creatures, nor does he stretch out his hand
before anyone else. He is not overawed by anybody's greatness. This attitude of mind cannot be
produced by any other belief.
3- Along with self-respect, this belief also generates in man a sense of modesty and humbleness. It
makes him unostentatious and unpretending. A believer never becomes proud, haughty or arrogant. The
boisterous pride of power, wealth and worth can have no room in his heart, because he knows that
whatever he possesses has been given to him by Allah, and that Allah can take away just as He can
give. In contrast to this, an unbeliever, when he achieves some worldly merit, becomes proud and
conceited because he believes that his merit is due to his own worth. In the same way, pride and self-
conceit are a necessary outcomes and concomitants of 'Shirk' (association of others with Allah in
worship), because a polytheist believes that he has a particular relation with deities, which does not
exist between them and other people.
4- This belief makes man virtuous and upright. He has the conviction that there is no other means of
success and salvation for him except purity of soul and righteousness of behavior. He has perfect faith
in Allah Who is Above all needs, is related to none and is absolutely Just. This belief creates in him the
consciousness that unless he lives rightly and acts justly, he cannot succeed. No influence or underhand
activity can save him from ruin.
5- The believer never becomes despondent. He has a firm faith in Allah Who is The Master of all the
treasures of the earth and the heavens, Whose grace and bounty have no limit and Whose power is
infinite. This faith imparts to his heart extraordinary consolation, fills it with satisfaction and keeps it
filled with hope. Although he may be met with rejection from all sides in this world, faith in and
dependence on Allah never leave him, and on that strength he goes on struggling. Such profound
confidence can result from no other belief than belief in Allah Alone.
6- This testimony of faith inspires bravery in man. There are two things which make a man
cowardly: (a) fear of death and love of safety, and (b) the idea that there is someone else besides Allah
who can take away life, and that man- by adopting certain devices- can ward off death. Belief in 'Laa
ilaaha illAllah'' blocks and drives away both these ideas. The first idea goes out of his mind because he
knows that his life and his property and everything else really belong to Allah, and he becomes ready to
sacrifice his all for the pleasure of Allah. He gets rid of the second idea because he knows that no
weapon, no man or animal has the power of taking away his life; Allah alone has the power to do so. A
time has been ordained for him, and all the forces of the world combined cannot take away anyone's
life before that time.
It is for this reason that no one is braver than the one who has faith in Allah. Nothing can daunt him:
not even the strongest tempest of adversity and the mightiest of armies.
7- The belief in 'Laa ilaaha illAllah' creates an attitude of peace and contentment, purges the mind
of jealousy, envy and greed, and keeps away the temptations of resorting to base and unfair means for
achieving success. The believer understands that wealth is in Allah's hands, and He apportions it out as
He Wills; that honor, power, reputation and authority - everything - is also subjected to His Will, and
He bestows them as He Wills; and that man's duty is only to endeavor and to struggle fairly.
Effects of Tawheed on Collective Life (Social):
Belief in one God has deep impact on the social life of man. This is certain that the basis of social and
collective life is based on justice and equality, and perfect justice and equality is not possible without
the concept of one God and unity of mankind.
Tawheed in Islam is that it implies the equity and unity of all people in their relation with Allah. Thus,
people of different social strata were not created by separate deities with varying levels of power, since
this would violate Tawheed by putting barriers between them. Instead, social dimension of Tawheed
states that the same Allah created everyone, and so all people have the same fundamental essence. In
fact, the noblest person in Allah’s Sight is the one who is most Allah-conscious. It is mentioned in
Quran "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into
nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most
honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full
knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)" (Al-Hujrat 49:13). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh )
said: “Your Lord is One. You are from Aadam and Aadam was created from dust. An Arab is not
superior to a non-Arab, nor a white person over a black person, except for his/her piety and
We know that all religions in the world preach peace, but even we witnessed violence, destruction of
civilization and values human society. It is just because of that nations in the world are not united on
one base, they have their own different religion, different God, that is the most focal point which serve
as the basic block of violence and destruction. Tawheed is only solution for the whole humanity to
bring and maintain peace in the world.

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