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Let's Go~

Let's st Yeah!
learnin mar~

Beaver Town

Mr. Onnie

Mr. Anderson
Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Onnie



Mr. Taylor

Mr. Harris
Mrs. Harris

Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Lee Mr. Lee

Doris Gordon

Mr. Moss

Mr. Miller Mrs. Moss

Mrs. Miller


Table of contents
Unit 1. Present Simple I 04
Unit 2. Present Simple II 08
Unit 3. Present Progressive 12
Work out 1 18
Unit 4. Past Simple I 20
Unit 5. Past Simple II 24
Unit 6. Past Progressive 30
Work out 2 36
Unit 7. Irregular Verbs 38
Unit 8. Past Tense Negative 44
& Yes / No questions
Work out 3 48
U nit 1
Present Simple I
e t s

L arn!
Present Simple Tense
Positive Negative

1st PERSON I comb my hair. I don't comb my hair.

Singular 2nd PERSON You eat lunch. You don't eat lunch.

3rd PERSON She watches She doesn't watch

a program. a program.
1st PERSON We clean the house. We don't clean the house.

Plural 2nd PERSON You jog every day. You don't jog every day.

3rd PERSON They visit the park. They don't visit the park.

Frequency Expressions

I see my grandparents
I go to the mall once a day.
every morning.
I go to the mall twice a day.
I see my grandparents
Examples I go to the mall three times a day.
every month.
I go to the mall once a month.
I see my grandparents
I go to the mall once a year.
every year.

✽The present simple tense is used to talk about things

that you do again and again. (habits)
✽The verb after 3rd person singular has a final -s.
☆She catches birds. ☆Someone makes loud noises.
☆My brother rarely washes his hands.
☆My mom cooks every day.

Unit 1

L e t s


Present Simple I
Choose the correct answers.
1 My dog and cat (eat / eats) breakfast at 6 every day.
2 My mom (drink / drinks) juice with her breakfast.
3 My sister (take / takes) a shower every night.
4 We (go / goes) to school Monday through Friday.
5 I (go / goes) to the mall every Sunday with my mom.

Write sentences about your habits. Habits

1 eat lunch 9 drink a cup of water

I . I .
2 put on my clothes 10 say hi to my classmates
I . I .
3 get up 11 take a shower
I at 7 in the morning. I .

4 do homework
I .
5 look in the mirror
I every day.
6 brush my teeth
I every day.
7 play outside
I with my friends.
8 read some
I picture books.

Use the words given to make negative sentences.

Ex) Chris / like / tea

 Chris doesn't like tea.

1 Jordan / know / about / Science

2 Mary and Brandon / drink / coffee

3 I / speak / Chinese

4 It / rain / every day

5 You / need / an umbrella

6 We / have / pets

Unit 1

Try More

Present Simple I
How often do you or your friends do the activities
below? Fill in the blanks.
1 I take the bus a week.
2 I go on a trip a year.
3 David sees his cousin a month.
4 Mrs. Owen sees her doctor a year.
5 I drink water a day.

Complete the sentences using the words below.

(Be careful with the form of the verb)

fall read go take see meet leave get pick up

1 I my friends. We each other 5 times a day at school.

2 My dad his office every night at 6:00.
He on a bus to go home.
3 Shawn always a shower before he to sleep.
4 Flora a book and in bed for a while.
5 I saw some leaves in September.

Change all sentences to their negative forms by using

does not or do not.
shave eat put on cook go do speak

1 My friend, Mei, is from China. She Spanish.

2 We to class on Sunday.
3 My dad in the morning.
4 My sister socks when she goes out.
5 Luc his homework on time.
6 I don't like beef. I hamburgers.
7 My mom always cooks. I at all.

U nit 2
Present Simple II
e t s

L arn!
Verbs that end in '-sh', '-ch', '-ss', and '-x'
add '-es' to the ending.

- sh push pushes
- ch teach teaches
- ss kiss kisses
-x fix fixes

✽Use present simple with like, love and hate.

✽Do not use present progressive since
these verbs are always ongoing.
☆I like sweets.  I'm liking sweets. (X)
☆I hate spiders.  I'm hating spiders. (X)

like / love / hate + noun

I like my sister.
He loves football.
They hate English.

like / love / hate + ing form

I like watching TV.
He loves playing football.
They hate doing homework.

Unit 2

L e t s


Present Simple II
Write four things that you like using like + noun
in the present simple tense.

Ex) I like 2
going to the
mountains. 3

Write four things you hate using hate + noun

in the present simple tense.

Ex) 2
I hate bugs.

Write four things you love using love + noun

in the present simple tense.

Ex) I love the 2

color blue.

Try More
Write the sentences using love / like / hate.

hate - studying
hate - playing
love - talking
love - swimming
like - reading
like - watching

1 Luc Math.

2 Shawn to friends.

3 My mom soccer.

4 My brother comics.

5 My sister in a pool.

6 Joanna television.

Unit 2

Present Simple II
Fill in the blanks using the '-ing' form.

Ex) Owen loves eating

cheeseburgers and fries.

1 Gordon and I our bicycles. (love / ride)

2 What instruments do you ?

(love / play)

3 I (hate / see) insects.

4 We (like / learn) new languages.

5 Michelle (hate / go) to the river.

U nit 3
Present Progressive
e t s

L arn!
Present progressive form : BE + ing

am + V-ing I am drinking hot chocolate.

She is drinking hot chocolate.

is + V-ing
He is drinking hot chocolate.

You are drinking hot chocolate.

are + V-ing
We are drinking hot chocolate.

Verb + ing

Verb + ing play playing

write writing
Verbs end with e, e + ing close closing
come coming

Verbs end with short vowel + run running

consonant, repeat the last letter sit sitting
and + ing put putting

prefer preferring
Repeat the last letter and + ing
begin beginning

die dying
Verbs end with ie, ie + ying
lie lying

Unit 3

Present progressive questions

Present Progressive
Question Short answer Long answer

Yes, he is. Yes, he's sleeping.

Be + subject + V-ing
No, he's not. No, he's not sleeping.
Is Hank sleeping?
No, he isn't. No, he isn't sleeping.

Yes, I am. Yes, I'm sleeping.

Are you sleeping?
No, I'm not. No, I'm not sleeping.

The simple present VS The present progressive

The simple present The present progressive

I walk every day. I'm walking right now.

She talks every day. She is talking right now.

Do you sit there Are you sitting

every day? there right now?
Does Tom do homework Is Tom doing homework
every day? right now?

I'm not drinking

I don't drink coffee. hot chocolate right now.
She doesn't drink coffee. She is not drinking
hot chocolate right now.

L e t s

Write a present progressive sentence using each verb.

Ex) watch - watching

1 push

2 rain

3 smile

4 read

5 write

6 play

7 die

8 lie

Unit 3

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

Present Progressive
watching playing eating cooking inviting

1 What are you doing?

I am salad. 1 2
2 Who are you inviting?

I am my friend.

3 What is she doing? 4

She is chess.
4 What is Gordon doing?

He is .

5 Is Shawn TV? 5
Yes, he is.

Look at the picture, then fill in the blanks.

eating using drinking eating sleeping

Penny is corn and soda.

Her cat is on the rug.

Her brother is a fork.

He is dinner.

Try More

Choose the correct answers.

1 What are Shawn and Gordon ?

A doing B play C watch

2 they watching TV?

A Aren't B Isn't C Is

3 They are and .

A listen / read B dancing / singing

C dances / sings

4 My mom is cooking in the kitchen.

A the B not C with

5 What they doing? They writing.

A is B am C are

Unit 3

Change the sentences to questions.

Present Progressive
1 Shawn is studying English.
1 2

2 Joanna is holding a hamster.

3 Luc is inviting Flora to his barbecue.

4 Doris is making her famous sauce.


Oral practice
Complete the action by speaking out sentences with a form of
subject + BE + V-ing.

(Owen / do)
A : What is Owen doing? B : Owen is reading a storybook.

A : (Michelle / sleep)

B : (Luc / sing)

C : (He / count)

D : (Flora and Michelle / laugh)

E : (We / dance)

ork Out 1
W Present simple
Choose the correct answers.

1 My mom (bring/ brings) her breakfast to the table.

2 Owen (ride / rides) a bicycle twice a week.
3 I (hear / hears) a really interesting story
every day from my best friend.
4 Dad (pays / pay) the phone bill every month.

Present progressive
Rewrite each verb as its present progressive form.

1 feel

2 rest

3 wear

4 fly

5 take

6 jump

7 hurt


Answer the questions with the present progressive form of the verb.

1 Is he doing his homework?


2 Is he dancing?


3 Is the dog barking?


Change the sentences to questions.

1 He is ordering something online.

2 Joanna is getting on the plane.

3 My dad is cleaning his car.

4 Doris is eating a piece of birthday cake.

U nit 4
Past Simple I
e t s

L arn!
Past tense of BE (Positive)
Present Past
I was at home yesterday.
I am at home today.
She was at school yesterday.
She is at school today.
We were at the restaurant
We are at the restaurant today.

I, she, he, it am, is was

we, you, they are were

Past tense of BE (Negative)

Present Past
I am not at home today. I was not at home yesterday.
She is not at school today. She was not at school yesterday.
We are not at We were not at
the restaurant today. he restaurant yesterday

was + not = wasn't were + not = weren't

Questions (BE - verb)

You were at home yesterday. Doris was at home yesterday.

Were you at home yesterday? Was Doris at home yesterday?

Yes, I was at home. Yes, she was at home.
No, I wasn't at home. No, she wasn't at home.

Information question Where were you last night?

 In the library.

Unit 4

L e t s


Past Simple I
Rewrite each sentence in the past tense.

Ex) He is going to the mall this week.
 He went to the mall last week. this week  last week
today  yesterday

1 I'm not happy. .

2 She's not here. .

3 They're not at the restaurant. .

4 Shawn is not at the library. .

5 It's not hot this week. .

6 I'm in the bathroom. .

7 My brothers are outside to play games. .

8 She isn't in the room. .

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate BE verb.

1 Where was she yesterday? She in class.

2 What happened? She at school yesterday.
3 Where was Gordon last week? He at the gym.
4 Where was Shawn yesterday morning? He in the library.
5 Where were Mr. and Mrs. Anderson last night?
They at the party.

Try More
Rewrite each sentence as a question.

Ex) He was at the movies last night.

- Was he at the movies last night?

1 Flora was at home last night.

2 Gordon was at school yesterday.

3 Penny and Ben were at the restaurant last night.

4 You were at your grandmother's house yesterday afternoon.

5 You were nervous on the first day of class.

3 4 5

Unit 4

Past Simple I
Complete the sentences.

Ex) Was he busy doing his homework?

Yes, he was busy doing his homework. or
No, he wasn't busy doing his homework.

1 Were you at the barbecue last night? No, .

2 Were you busy yesterday? Yes, .

3 Was your mother happy last night? Yes, .

4 Was Penny excited last week? Yes, .

5 Were you sad yesterday? No, .

6 Were you at the birthday party? Yes, .

7 Were they worried about the test? No, .

8 Was Gordon exercising in the park? Yes, .

Unscramble the words and rewrite the sentences.

1 (you / at the dance lesson / last night / were)

A: ?
B : No, .

2 (you / tired / last night / were)

A: ?
B : Yes, .

U nit 5
Past Simple II
e t s

L arn!
Simple past tense
Simple present I dance every day.
Simple past I danced yesterday.
Simple present Flora walks home every day.
Simple past Flora walked home yesterday.

Past time words : yesterday, last, and ago

Yesterday Last Ago

Owen was angry... Shawn was at Gordon was sad...


yesterday last night 2 minutes ago

yesterday morning last month 1 hour ago
yesterday afternoon last year 5 days ago
yesterday evening last spring a week ago
last Sunday a year ago

Unit 5

Rules of past simple verb form

Past Simple II
Rules Present verb + ed

A consonant + -e
smile smiled
 -d

One vowel + one consonant

 double stop stopped
the consonant + -ed

Two vowels + one consonant

rain rained
 + -ed

Two consonants
count counted
 + -ed

Consonant + -y
study studied
 change -y to -i + -ed

Vowel + -y
play played
 +ed

L e t s

Change the tense and fill in the blanks.

walk rain ask

1 It often in the morning. It yesterday.

2 I to school every morning.

I to school yesterday morning.

3 Joanna often questions.

She a question in class yesterday.


Unit 5

Use yesterday or last to complete each sentence.

Past Simple II
1 I dreamed about you night. 1
2 Mr. Moss played basketball with Luc .

3 Luc visited his grandmother fall.

4 Mrs. Moss washed the window morning.

5 Doris wasn't at home evening.



Change the verbs to the past tense. ed

1 count 6 touch

2 stop 7 jump
3 rain 8 knock
4 stay 9 fix

5 cook 10 care

Try More
Change the verbs to the past tense.

1 wash

2 move

3 pull

4 push

5 open

6 rush

7 practice

8 drop

9 cry

10 smile

Unit 5

Write sentences with the past tense form of the verbs.

Past Simple II
1 Luc climbs a tree.

2 Flora paints a picture.

3 Shawn helps his friend.

4 Joanna wants to make a milkshake.

5 Owen walks to the forest.

6 Gordon plays basketball with his friends.

7 Michelle washes her hands.

Read and underline the past tense form of the verbs.

Last Sunday, we had a party at

Flora's house. Gordon counted
20 people there. We laughed and
played games. It was great.
We danced together
and watched a movie.

U nit 6
Past Progressive
e t s

L arn!
Past progressive form :
Past form of BE (was / were) + verb + ing

The past progressive describes an activity

in progress at a particular time in the past.

I was drinking juice.

was +V-ing He was studying English.
It was raining.

You were eating.

were +V-ing We were playing.
They were watching TV.

The present progressive VS The past progressive

Bob is sitting in class right now.

Bob was sitting in class yesterday.

Unit 6

L e t s


Past Progressive
Fill in the blanks using the past progressive form.
was / were + verb + ing

1 Flora the juice yesterday morning. (drink)

2 I on a chair in the classroom. (sit)

3 Gordon a TV program last night. (watch)

4 We homework yesterday. (do)

Complete the sentence using the past progressive form.

eat watch

1 Amber started to eat lunch at 2:00.

At 2:10, Marina came.

Peter when Marina came at 2:10.

2 John his favorite show on TV

when his mom called him.

Write sentences using BE (past) + verb + ing.

Odd number(1, 3, 5,...) : use negative form of the verb

Even number(2, 4, 6,...) : use positive form of the verb

Ex) I / watch / comedy show

 I was watching the comedy show. (positive)
 I was not watching the comedy show. (negative)

1 He / drink / coffee

2 They / study / at the library

3 Flora / go / to her friend's house

4 Mrs. Miller / enjoy / the sunshine

5 Doris / read / the newspaper

6 They / swim / near the river / yesterday

7 Joanna / invite / her friends to the party

8 You / listen to the music

9 He / call / his mom

10 Mr. Lee / keep / his wallet

Unit 6

Try More

Past Progressive
Join these words and phrases to make sentences
with was or were.

Diana at school last night.

Darcy in a hospital last year.
Mary at home yesterday.
Paul at the library yesterday.
I in London last week.
She at work last Saturday.

Ex) Diana was doing her homework

at the library yesterday.

Write the words in the correct order.

1 Dad / singing / was / in the car.

2 Joanna / was / painting / a picture.

3 teaching / was / Flora / Math.

4 was / making / Mrs. Anderson / spaghetti.

5 was / jogging / Shawn / in the park.

6 Luc / baseball / playing / was / in the field.

7 with his sister / was / Shawn / running.

Unit 6

Read and underline the past progressive form.

Past Progressive
Last Sunday, we were having a party at
Flora's house. Gordon counted 20 people there.
We laughed and played games. It was great.
When we were dancing together,
Flora's mom joined us.
We had a great time.

Unscramble the words to make sentences.

1 Where / you / were / going / yesterday / ?

2 raining / was / It / a lot / last night.

3 listening / you / What / were / to / ?

4 game / watching / They / were / the / baseball /

in / living room / the / last / Friday.

ork Out 2
W Past Simple
Complete the sentences with time + ago.

Ex) Q : Where is Flora?

A : She was here ten minutes ago.

1 I was home in bed . (2 days)

2 Shawn finished his homework . (an hour)

3 Joanna fed her pet . (20 minutes)


Change the given verbs to correct past simple form and

complete the sentences.

visit finish wait taste

1 I my homework at nine o'clock last night.

2 We the soup before dinner. It was delicious.
3 Joanna for the school bus at the corner
4 I the zoo with my mother yesterday.

Past Progressive
Rewrite the sentences using the past progressive form of the verb.

Ex) He is brushing his teeth.

 He was brushing his teeth.

1 I am watching a movie today.

2 Gordon walks to school at 7 am.

3 Flora sees a kangaroo at the zoo.

4 Gordon's turtle moves very slowly.

Past Simple
Change the verbs to past tense.

1 count

2 use

3 stay

4 cook

5 rain

6 call

7 laugh

8 dance

9 watch

U nit 7
p13 Verbs
e t s

L arn!
Irregular verbs : Type A

Present Past
cost cost
cut cut
hit hit
hurt hurt
let let
put put
read read

Irregular verbs : Type B

Present Past Present Past
be was / were pay paid
become became ride rode
begin began ring rang
bite bit run ran
break broke say said
bring brought see saw
build built sell sold
burn burnt / burned send sent

Unit 7

Irregular verbs : Type B

Irregular Verbs
buy bought lose lost
catch caught make made
come came mean meant
do did meet met
dig dug show showed
draw drew sing sang
dreamt / sit sat
sleep slept
drink drank
speak spoke
drive drove
spell spelt / spelled
eat ate
spend spent
fall fell
stand stood
feel felt
swim swam
find found
take took
forget forgot
teach taught
get got
tell told
give gave
think thought
go went
wake woke
grow grew
wear wore
have had
win won
hear heard
write wrote
hide hid
hold held
keep kept
know knew
leave left
lend lent

L e t s

Underline the irregular verbs and rewrite the
sentences using the past form of the verb.

Ex) I speak in front of the class.

 I spoke in front of the class.

1 Ben gets mail on Monday.


2 They go to school together.

3 Penny sleeps for twelve hours.

Unit 7

Irregular Verbs
Write the past form of the verb.

1 bring

2 eat

3 forget

4 grow

5 hold

6 know

7 lend

8 sleep

9 spend

10 think

11 write

12 pay

Try More
Write the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 I (get) up at eight o'clock yesterday morning.
2 Doris (talk) to Flora on the phone last night.
3 Penny and I (eat) lunch at the restaurant two hours ago.

4 Shawn (do) his homework last night.

verb+ed 1
5 Joanna (read)
verb+ed five books yesterday.

6 Doris (write) a letter to Owen yesterday.

2 3 4

Oral practice
Talk about what you did yesterday.

Ex) eat / apple / lunch

Student : I ate an apple for lunch yesterday.

1 write / letter / class

2 sleep / 10 hours

3 do / magic

4 see / movie

5 feed / dog

Unit 7

Irregular Verbs
Find the irregular verbs and underline them.

Dear Jason.

Last Monday Dad took us to London for the day.

He drove us there in his car. We stayed at a hotel for a rest.
So dad had a lot to do for us.
We studied everything and touched everything when we went
to the museum.

We had a great time. See you soon.


Write five irregular verbs.

Compare them with a friend.

My name : Friend name :

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

U nit 8
Past Tense Negative
& Yes / No Questions
e t s

L arn!
Negative sentences

Subject + did + not + main verb

I did not dance in the party.

You did not talk in the meeting.
Flora did not eat dinner yesterday.
They did not sleep last night.

Yes / No questions

Did + Subject
Short answer Long answer
+ main verb

Yes, he did. He went to school

Did Luc go to school yesterday.
No, he didn't. He didn't go to
school yesterday.

Yes, I did. I went to school

Did you to school yesterday.
No, I didn't. I didn't go to school

Unit 8

L e t s


Past Tense Negative & Yes / No Questions

Change the sentences to a negative form.

1 I danced at the party.

2 I walked to school.

3 It was raining.

4 She bought seven books.

Choose the correct answers.

1 She to her parents last week.

A didn't write B does write C doesn't write

2 Benny hockey yesterday.

A do not play B doesn't play C didn't play 1

3 Penny her cat last night.

A do not feed B doesn't feed C didn't feed

4 Luc to the zoo last Sunday.

A do not go B doesn't go C didn't go

2 3

Complete the sentences with a long answer response.

Ex) Did you wake up your sister?

Yes, I woke up my sister.
No, I didn't wake up my sister.

1 Did you go to the music lesson yesterday?

Yes, .

2 Did he buy a rabbit yesterday?

No, .

3 Did you practice your song last night?

Yes, .

4 Did you sleep last night?

No, .

5 Did it rain last week?

No, .

6 Did you buy some fruit?

No, .

Unit 8

Try More

Past Tense Negative & Yes / No Questions

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

went have eat eat was

A : What did you do yesterday?

B : I 1 to a birthday party yesterday.

A : I always 2 a lot of snacks at birthday parties.

B : I didn't 3 anything at the party.

I wasn't hungry.

A : Did they 4 a birthday cake?

B : No, they didn't have a birthday cake.

That 5 a fun party though.

Oral practice

Ex) Teacher : go shopping

Student : I didn't go shopping yesterday.

eat breakfast

play the piano

read the magazine

visit my friends

ride a bicycle

ork Out 3
W Past tense-Negative
Choose the correct answers.

1 He do his homework last Sunday.

(A) didn't (B) not did (C) doesn't
2 Luc walked to the door and it.
(A) did opened (B) opened (C) opens
3 Gordon didn't the bus to school yesterday.
(A) take (B) takes (C) took
4 We to our teacher last Friday.
(A) talk (B) talked (C) talks

Irregular Verbs
Change the verbs and fill in the blanks.
watch go cook make talk is

Last Saturday, I went to my aunt's house.

She 1 a lot of food. My favorite food
2 the dessert. She 3 a great
cheese cake. My mother and my aunt 4
for a long time. I 5 bored,
so I 6 a movie.

Change the verbs to past tense.

1 find

verb+ed 2 bring

3 make

4 buy

5 feel

Past tense & Negative
Fill in the blanks.
I 1 (see, not) a movie last night. I 2 (stay)
at home. I 3 (watch, not) TV.
I 4 (listen, not) to music because I was sick.
I 5 (cough) so hard. I 6 (take, not)
a bath, either. I 7 (feel) bad.

Yes / No Questions
Write the correct long response answers.
Ex) Did you see the movie yesterday?
No, I didn't see the movie yesterday. Yes, I saw the movie yesterday.

1 Did you wear your new T-shirt?

Yes, .
2 Did you buy a cat?
No, .
3 Did you eat a lot of popcorn in class?
Yes, .
4 Did Shawn bring his new game yesterday?
No, .

Write the questions.


70 70 70 70 70 70 70

60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Q: 50


read five books ?






A : Yes, I did.








2 Q: 10


eat chocolate ice cream?





A : No, I didn't.
3 Q: write in your diary?
A : Yes, I did.
4 Q: watch cartoons?
A : No, I didn't. 50 3
40 2

1 20



GB13-02 49

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