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Marketing research project

Topic : survey on consumer preferences for toothpaste


Marketing Research Project


Survey on consumer preferences for


Submitted by

Name of the Student: AMARTA PAUL

C.U. Registration No : 146 – 1111 – 0135 – 17
C.U. University Roll No : 171146 – 21 – 0003
College Details of the Student
College Roll No.: 207 Shift: Day

Supervised by
Name of the Supervisor: Prof. CAMELLIA BURMAN College

Year of Submission: 2020



I take this opportunity to thanks our respected Principal Dr.

Subhasis Dutta for giving me an opportunity to work on this
I am eagerly grateful to our Head of the Department PROF
Dr. Keshab Chandra Sinha without whom this project
would not have been successful one.
I am very thankful to my supervisor PROF Camellia barman
for her full support in completing this project work.
Finally, I am gratefully acknowledge the support of my
family/friends and would also like to thank to [consumer of
Madhyamgram] which I had visited during my survey who had
given me full support and co-operated with me to carry out
these research work and help with me for the project work by
filling up the questionnaire/report.

Name of Student

Supervisor's Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. Amarta Paul a student of B.Com.

Honours in Accounting & Finance of MAULANA AZAD
COLLEGE under the University of Calcutta has worked
under my supervision and guidance for his/her Project Work
and prepared a Project Report with the title
TOOTHPASTE which he/she is submitting, is his/her
genuine and original work to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of the Supervisor

Date: Designation:
Name of the College :
Maulana Azad College

Student's Declaration
. submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com.
Honours in Accounting & Finance under the University of Calcutta
is my original work and has not been submitted earlier to any other
University /Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement for any
course of study.

I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part

has been incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by
others or by me. However, extracts of any literature which has been
used for this report has been duly acknowledged providing details of
such literature in the references.

Signature of Student
C U. Registration No. . 146 – 1111 – 0135 – 17
C.U. Roll No 171146 – 21 – 0003
College Roll No. 207
Place: Shift: Day

A. Introduction……………………………. 7
B. The purpose of the study………... 8
C. Review and literature…………… 9-10
D. Research methodology…………. 11-12
E. National scenario………………. 15-16

F. Survey…………………………………. 17-
Data analysis
G. Finding
H. Conclusion and recommendation

Consumer behaviour is stated as the behaviour that

consumer display in searching for, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products, services and ideas that
they expect will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer
behaviour is concerned not only with what consumers buy,
but also with why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and
how often they buy it. It is concerned with learning the
specific meanings that products hold for consumers.
Consumer research takes place at every phase of
consumption process, before the purchase, during the
purchase and after the purchase. The scope of consumer
behaviour includes not only the actual buyer and his act of
buying but also various roles played by different individuals
and the influence they exert on the final purchase decision.
Individual consumer behaviour is influenced by economic,
social, cultural, psychological, and personal factors.

The purpose of the study is;

1. To examine the external factors influencing purchase
2. To examine the consumer awareness of toothpaste
3. To find out how promotion schemes are influencing the
4. To examine how the product attributes influencing the
consumer buying toothpaste
5. To determine the various factors affecting the purchase
of toothpastes.
6. To determine the brand preferences for toothpastes in
the age group.
7. To determine the type of toothpastes preferred by
consumers in the age group.
8. To determine the positioning of various brands in the
minds of consumers in the age group.

. Review of literature

Consumer behaviour has been always of great interest to marketers. The

knowledge of consumer behaviour helps the marketer to understand how
consumers think, feel and select from alternatives like products, brands and
the like and how the consumers are influenced by their environment, the
reference groups, family, and salespersons and so on.
It is our aim to provide the best product for the consumer and we believe that
if the products have quality the consumer will pay the price.
Packaging establishes a direct link with the consumers at the point of purchase
as it can very well change the perceptions they have for a particular brand. A
product has to draw the attention of the consumers through an outstanding
packaging design.
The greatest challenge faced by companies today is holding and increasing
their market share and value. This is always a strenuous exercise and one of
the tools for the same is marketing. There is no specific game rule available for
using these marketing tools .The reason is: each promotional tool has its own
Consumer’s familiarity with a channel is a measure of products through specific
channels (i.e. catalogue, internet, and bricks-and-mortar retailer). Through
frequent use consumers should become accustomed to using the channel,
which reduces their apprehension and anxiety in purchasing products through
the channel.
brand awareness precedes all other steps in the buying process. A brand
attitude cannot be performed, unless a consumer is aware of the brand. In
memory theory, brand awareness is positioned as a vital first step in building
the bundle of associations which are attached to the brand in memory
A family exerts a complex influence on the behaviours of its members. Prior
family influence research has focused on inter-generational rather than
intergenerational influence in consumer gene rationalization. As has been
compellingly demonstrated, parents influence children consumption domains
clearly exist where sibling efforts may also be exerted.

Shopping motives are defined as consumer’s wants and needs as they relate to
outlets at which to shop. Two groups of motives, functional and nonfunctional,
have been proposed. Functional motives are associated with time, place, and
possession needs and refer to rational aspects of channel choice. Whereas,
non-functional motives relate to social and emotional reasons for patronage.
The functional motives included: convenience, price comparison, merchandise
assortment. The non-functional motives entail: recreation.

Research Methodology
Research methodology is the process of solving the problem systematically by

The objective of the study is to solve the problem by using available data.
Research design is a detailed Google forms used to guide the research study
towards its objectives.
Descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can involve
collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a
continuum in numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of times a

person chooses to use a-certain feature of a multimedia program, or it can

describe categories of information such as gender or patterns of interaction
when using technology in a group situation. Descriptive research involves
gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and
describes the data collection. It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts
to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the human
mind cannot the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics
are very important in reducing the data to manageable form. When in-depth,
narrative descriptions of small numbers of cases are involved, the research
uses description as a tool to organize data into patterns that emerge during
analysis. Those patterns aid the mind in comprehending a qualitative study and
its implications.
Sample is the fraction of the population; sampling is a technique or a method
of selection of samples. The researcher in carrying out this research adopted
the most appropriate sampling technique for research that is the simple
random technique.
Simple random sampling method, it is assumed that each and every unit in the
population has equal chance of occurrence or equal probability of occurrence.
In other words the sampling units are selected randomly. An unbiased random
selection of individuals is important so that in the long run, the sample
represents the population. However, this does not guarantee that a particular
sample is a perfect representation of the population. Simple random sampling
merely allows one to draw externally valid conclusions about the entire
population based on the sample. Conceptually, simple random sampling is the
simplest of the probability sampling techniques. It requires a complete
sampling frame, which may not be available or feasible to construct for large
populations. Even if a complete frame is available, more efficient approaches
may be possible if other useful information is available about the units in the
The researcher has taken 60 samples randomly from the total population.
Primary sources of data collected through questionnaire, magazines,
journals and website are referred as a secondary source.
Personal interview is the method of contact used with the respondents.
Personal interviewing method is used because sample size is relatively small
and interviewer can ask more questions.

For collecting primary data, method used is questionnaire. It is the most

popular method used when the population and sample size are large. A
questionnaire includes a number of questions, printed in proper sequence, for
presenting to respondents for their answers. Each question is contributing to
research objectives. Questionnaire was designed with most of closed ended
questions and only few open ended question. It was designed to cater to all
areas and aspects of the study.

National secnario
In terms of in dental hygiene, India is still a nascent country. with majority of
the population still not having access to modern dental care and is still relying
on substances like coal ash and neem sticks. Traditional materials like neem
and tobacco are popular for cleaning teeth in the rural areas The oral care
industry in India is worth Rs - 5.400 Cr. annually & comprises of: Toothpastes:
60 %: Rs. 3.240 Cr Tooth powder: 23 %: Rs. 1.242 Cr. and Toothbrushes: 17 Rs.
918 Cr.
Currently, toothpaste enjoys a country wide penetration level of 55 with only
15 % of them brush twice a day. ne per capita consumption in India stands at
127gms/year; one of the lowest in the world-
Also. India’s per capita consumption is less than half Of merging markets and
almost 1/4th the amount of consumption in US. Given the low per capita
consumption and pent ration rates, toothpaste demand is mainly Exiting driven
by the overall market growth O The penetration levels of dentifrice in the

country have been on an upward trend over the last few years driven by strong
improvements in toothpaste penetration.

The toothpaste segment in India is largely a two player industry, Colgate

&Hindustan Unilever which account for —76 % of the entire market. For
years. Colgate has dominated the toothpaste market in India with 54.30 %
market share. The Company is India's biggest oral care prcxhlcts company with
more than 95 % of its sales coming form this product category,

Opportunities Toothpaste Industry in India in oral care market offers huge

potential as penet ration and per capita consumption of oral care products is
very low. However. rising per capita income and increasing awareness is living
demand of oral care products. Consumers have started switching to
valueadded toothpastes like sensitive toothpastes, gels. mouth washes. and
teeth whitening products. In rural areas. consumers are switching from
toothpowders to toothpastes.

Survey on toothpaste

Questions :-
***The information provided will be Kept confidential and
only used for academic purposes

Name *
Gender *

O Male
O Female
O Other Occupation

O Student
O Profession
O Business
O Housewife
O Other
Which age bracket do you belong to ? *
O 10 – 19
O 20 – 29

O 30 – 39
O Above 40
Educational Qualification *
O Up to Madhyamik
O Up to 10+2
O Up to Graduation
O PG/Higher education
O other Monthly
income *
O Below 10000
O 10000 - 15000
O 15000 – 20000
O Above 20000

(1)Do you used toothpaste ?

O Yes
O No
(2) No. Of time do you brash your teeth per day ?


O Twice
O Thrice
O Other
(3) How many time have you purchased toothpaste in the last 6
months ? O 1—2

O 3—4
O 5—6
O More than 6
O Other
(4) which brand of toothpaste do you used ?

O Colgate
O Close up
O Pepsodent
O Anchor
O Sensodyen
O Dabur
O Other


(5) How many brand of toothpaste have you already used ?


More than three


(6) Is your current toothpaste brand prescribed by a dentist ?

O I am using toothpaste as per Details advice

O Tests make me to change the brand
O I am nothing in oral care
O I fell it is a sales promotion techniques
O Other
(7) what attracts you to the product you have chosen ?

O Price
O Packing
O Brand
O Quality
O Flavour


O Other
(8) Does the flavour of toothpaste affect your choice of brand
selection ?

O I don’t like flavour

O Peppermint
O Salt



(9) which attribute of toothpaste do you prefer ?

O Healthy tooth and gums

O Long lasting freshness
O Prevention of tooth decay whiteness
O Use of natural herbs
O Other
(10) whose advice do you generally take while buying toothpaste ?

O Friends
O Kids


O Parents
O Self
O Other
(11) which mode of promotion you gets attracts ?

O Advertisement
O Celebrity
O Banner
O Other
(12) Do you believe that brushing your teeth can whiten your teeth



I use a whitening toothpaste

I have done bleaching

O Other
(13) Do you have the habit of using any other oral hygiene aids such
as mouth wash ?

O Yes
O No
O Once in a while
O I am not aware of such aids
O Other
(14) Have you tried using harbal toothpaste or any natural brushing
aids ? O Yes

O No
(15) which type of toothpaste do you prefer ?

O Liquid
O Powder
O Paste
O Gel
O Other

(16) where do you buy your toothpaste from ?

O Department stores
General store

Medical shop

O Other
(17) How often do you charge your toothpaste ?

O Never
O Occasionally
O Frequently
O Other
(18) How satisfied you are with your current toothpaste ?

O Very satisfied
O Satisfied
O Dissatisfied
(19) which factors makes you to buy toothpaste ?

O Gift
O Discount
O Extra quantity

O Price off
O Other
(20) what offers by others can persuade you to switch your brand ?

O Impact of packing
O Price rise of current brand
Scheme of brand

Advertisement impact

O To try new options

O Influence by other
O Other

Data analysis :-
The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire. And it has been
analysed and interpreted with the help of tables along with relevant
descriptions. Appropriate treatment has been done to the raw data and
logical conclusions are drawn based on the findings.

Options Number of respondent Percentage
Male 38 63.3
Female 22 36.7

Options Number of respondent Percentage
10-19 9 15
20-29 29 48.34
30-39 11 18.33
Above 40 11 18.33

Options Number of respondent Percentage

Up to Madhyamik 12 20

Up to 10+2 26.33
Up to graduation
22 36.67
PG/Higher education 16.67
Other 3.33


Options Number of respondent Percentage

Student 32 53.34
Service 9 15
House wife 11 18.33
Businessman 8 13.33

Options Number of respondent Percentage
Below Rs.10000 10 16.67
Rs.10000-Rs.15000 17 28.33
Rs.15000-20,000 16 26.67
Above Rs.20,000 17 28.33


Usage rate Number of Percentage
Yes 57 95
No 3 5


Brushing frequency Number of Percentage

Once 28 46.67
Twice 20 33.33
Thrice 9 15
Other 3 5

With a view to find the brushing frequency of consumer, the data pertaining to this is
presented in table. An examination of the data reveals that 46.67% of the consumers
brushing once, 33.33% of the consumers brushing twice, 15%brushing thrice and 5% other.
So the frequency of brushing was less in Madhyamgram.


Per month Number of Percentage

usage respondents
1-2 12 20
3-4 19 31.67
5-6 11 18.33
More than 6 13 21.67

Other 5 8.33

By having a view to find that frequency of purchasing toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is
presented in the table. Of the respondents 20% of them purchase 1-2, 21.67% of the respondents
purchase more than 6 ,31.67% of them purchase 3-4 ,18.33% and 8.33% are 4-5 and other
respectively .


Brands Number of Percentage

Colgate 19 54
Close up 7

Pepsodent 8 25
Dabur 7 06
Anchor 5 04
Others 5 08

With a view to find that awareness of toothpaste brand, the data pertaining to this is presented
in table. An examination of the table reveals that most of the people aware of Colgate,
Closeup, Pepsodent, Dabur, Anchor and Ajanta.



Usage of brand Number of Percentage

so far respondents
Two 20 30
Three 9 50
More than 20
three 24
Other 7

To identify the usage of different brand, the data pertaining to that is presented in the table
6.An examination of the table reveals that most of the consumers used 3 brands, two brands,
and more than 3 brands. Of the respondents 50% of them used 3 brands, 30% of the
respondents used 2 brands, and 20% of them used more than 3 brands.

Table-7: Dentist Recommendation for Buying Toothpaste

Dentist Number of Percentage

Recommendation respondents
I am using toothpaste 12
as per Dentist advice 40
Taste makes me to 19 30
Change brand
I am not interested in 10
oral care 13
I feel it is a sales
promotion technique 15 20
Other 1

With a view to find the dentist recommendation for buying toothpaste, the data pertaining to
this is presented in table 7. Of the total respondents 40% of the respondents are ready to
accept dentist suggestion, 30% of the respondents are changed their brand due to unlikely
taste, 10% of the respondents are not interested in oral care,20% of the respondents felt that
this is one of the sales promotion technique backed by the company for increasing sales.

Table-8: Factors Which Makes Consumer to Buy Toothpaste


Factors Number of Percentage

Price 10 40
Packaging 8 15
Quality 16
Flavour 7
Brand 12
Others 7 14

With a view to find the reasons to buy toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in
table 8. An examination of the table reveals that, consumers are influenced by the price,
availability and Packaging. Of the total respondents 40% of them influenced by the price, 31%
influenced by the availability, 15% influenced by the packaging, and 14% influenced by other
factors. When the respondents were asked to mention the factors which motivate them to buy
a particular brand of toothpaste their replies are mostly price and availability.

Table-9: Preference of Toothpaste

Number of Percentage
Preference respondents
Peppermint 17 40
Neem 12 30
Clove 9 20
Salt 6 10
I don’t like 16
With a view to find the reason to buy toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in
table 9.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers preferred brand,
quality, and flavor. In the above table 40% of the respondents preferred brand name,30% of
the respondents preferred quality,20% of the respondents preferred flavor, and 10% of the
respondents preferred other factors. Brand name played a vital role in selection of toothpaste
in Bilaspur city.

Table-10: Preference of an Attribute

Attribute Number of Percentage


Healthy tooth 30
& gums 18
Long lasting 10
freshness 14
Prevention of 20
tooth decay 14
Use of natural 18
herbs 7
Other 7 07

With a view to find the reasons to buy a toothpaste based on attribute, the data pertaining to
this is presented in table 10.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers
preferred healthy tooth & gums, prevention of decay, natural herbs, whiteness, freshness, and
foam. The above table clearly shows that 30% of the respondent’s preferred healthy tooth, 20%
respondents preferred prevention of tooth decay, 18%respondents preferred natural herbs,
15% preferred whiteness, 10% preferred freshness, and 7% preferred good foam.

Table-11: Person who Influenced Consumer to Purchase Toothpaste

Persons Number of respondents Percentage

Friends 40 20
Kids 30 15
Parents 80 40
Spouse 40 20
Self 10 05

With a view to find the persons who influenced consumer to purchase toothpaste, the data
pertaining to this is presented in table 11. An examination of the table reveal that, the people
who influenced more are, parents, friends, spouse, kids and self-decision. Based on the above
data, 15% kids are influencing the parents for buying particular brand, parents are the main
deciding authority for buying toothpaste(40%), spouse and friends are equally influencing
(20%) and 5% decide them self.

Table-12: To Which Mode of Promotion Consumer gets attracted

Mode of Number of Percentage

promotion respondents

Advertisement 90 45
Celebrity 50 25
Banner 40 20
Others 20 10

With a view to find out which mode of promotion consumer gets attracted, the data pertaining
to this is presented in table 12.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers
preferred advertisement, celebrity, banners. Majority of the respondents 45% preferred
advertisements, 25% of the respondents preferred celebrity endorsements, 20% preferred
banners, and 10% preferred other mode of promotion. Advertisement creates attention and
stimulates the consumer to buy a particular brand.

Table-13: Factors Which Makes Consumer to Buy Toothpaste

Promotion Number of Percentage

tools respondents
Gift 70 35
Discount 40 20
Extra quantity 50 25
Price off 30 15
Others 10 05

By having a view to find the promotion tools preferred by consumer, the data pertaining to this
is presented in table 13. An examination of the above data reveals that, most of the consumers
preferred gift, extra quantity, discount, price off. Above table indicates that, gift attracted more
respondents(35%) & 25% of the respondents preferred extra quantity,20% preferred
discounts,15% preferred price off and 5% preferred other tools. Sales promotion tool especially
gift attracted more respondents.

Table-14: Switching to Other Brand

Reason for switching Number of Percentage

Impact of packaging 20 10
Price rise of current brand 32 16

Scheme of brands 36 18
Advertisement impact 40 20
Consumer brand is 10
not 20
To try new option 28 14
Influence by other 24 12

With a view to find the reasons for switching to other brand , the data pertaining to this is
presented in table 13.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers switches
to other brand due to strong advertisement impact; next factor was scheme available with
product like discount, free gift, price off etc. Due to sudden increase in price also makes the
respondents to switch; some consumers always have a mindset like laggards to try new options
available in the market. Kids also influencing the parents to buy a particular brand, not only kids
and also friends, relatives, wife etc. sometimes consumers are attracted by packaging to switch.
Non availability of brand is one more reason to brand switching. In this analysis 20%
respondents changed to other brand due to advertisement impact, 18% respondents due to
scheme (offer), 16% respondents changed due to price rise, 14% respondents switched to other
brand to try new options, 12% respondents due to the influence of others, while other 10%
respondents switched to other brand due to better packaging, and 10% respondents changed
for non-availability of product in the market.

With a view to find the usage of toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 2.

Based on this survey 80% of respondents are using toothpaste in Bilaspur city and 20% are using
like toothpowder and mouthwash etc.

Table-3: Consumer Brushing Pattern

Number of
Brushing frequency respondents Percentage
Once 120 60

Twice 60 30
Thrice 20 10

With a view to find the brushing frequency of consumer, the data pertaining to this is presented in
table 3. An examination of the data reveals that 60% of the consumers brushing once, 30% of the
consumers brushing twice, and 10%brushing thrice. So the frequency of brushing was less in
Bilaspur city, but as per the dentist advice 2 times brushing is compulsory for avoiding dental
problem. Normally Indian people are not giving much importance to oral care, so the share of oral
care industry is less in India when compare to developed countries.


• Based on this study demographic factor like age, gender, education,

Occupation, and income influence people indirectly for decision making.
• Based on this study, 80% of the consumers are using toothpaste in
Madhyamgram. 50% of the respondents are brushing twice in a day than
once and thrice. When compare to other products like toothpowder and

mouth wash, the availability of toothpaste is more in the market and also
the package size is convenient for the consumer. So the usage rate is high
for toothpaste.
• Most of the respondents used 3 brands, two brands, and three. Due to
Indian family set up most of the consumers are using only one common
paste for the entire family. Oral care awareness and brand awareness is
less in Madhyamgram. Product awareness is an important factor for buying
a product. The oral care awareness level is less in India, when compare to
other counters like Europe and Thailand.
• Based on this study frequency of purchasing is based on the brushing habit
and members in the family. Most of the respondents are buying once in a
month. So frequency of purchasing is mainly based on usage rate and
promotional effect.
• Based on this survey most of the respondents accepted the advice of
dentist to avoid dental problem, some respondents changed their brand
due to taste problem, few respondents ignored the dentist advice because
they felt that this is a sales promotion technique backed by company, some
are not interested in oral care.
• Based on this study the preference for selecting toothpaste is mainly based
on brand
• Based on this study majority of the respondents are influenced by
advertisement for buying toothpaste. In recent circumstances technology
plays an important role in decision making; especially in advertising field
the technology role is very high. Television advertisement is inducing the
consumer mind for decision making, especially kid’s advertisement also
influence the parents for buying a particular brand.
• Based on this study most of the respondents are influenced by free gift,
extra quantity and discount. So free gift influencing the customer for
decision making.
• Based on this study switching of one brand to other brand is mainly based
on advertisement impact and offers provided by the companies.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Consumer behaviour is not exactly predicted one; somewhat it is predicted

with the help of research activity. Starting and ending of the survey ends and
companies concentrate in analysing the requirement of people thoroughly to
satisfy and retaining the consumer. This study revealed that consumer
awareness of toothpaste is less in Madhyamgram. Oral care market offers
huge potential as penetration and per capita consumption of oral care
product is very low in India. However, rising per capita income and increasing
awareness is driving demand of oral care products, the dentist population is
also low in India. For promoting the product consumption and creating
awareness government has taken initiative like dental health camps,
Manufactures have used advertising campaigns to promote higher
consumption of toothpaste. Creating the awareness is a part of social
responsibility of the company. Most of the consumers are ready to accept the
suggestion of dentist, so the government is also responsible for appointing
more dentists to create the awareness.
It is difficult to classify this generation consumers by conventional
demographic factors and unless their thought process and buying behaviour
are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding

and distribution channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of

change looming large over the horizon, Indian companies must learn from
their western counterparts; not only to identify the sources, timing and
direction of the changes likely to affect India, but also the new competencies
and perspective that will enable them to respond to these changes,
comprehensively and effectively. Companies offering Product or Services will
need to understand this new face of the customers.

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