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1.They never…………( to read) such a good book.
2. Jane ………(to meet) her cousins last week.
3. Our friends ..........( to speak) English very well.
4. Why you………..(to run)?
5. The teacher………( to explain) the new lesson for 30 min.
6. What he……….( to do) at this time next week?
7. When you ……..( to return) from London I will pay you a visit.
8. They asked her if she ……..( to know) the story.
9. She answered she ………..( to hear) it some time before.
10. The boy said he…………( to visit) the town later.

1.I did not get up in time so I missed the bus.
2. ”Joseph, when will you be taking your exam?”
Grandma asked Joseph………
3. “Don’t open that door!”
She told me…….
4. The children will buy all the flowers.
All the flowers……..
5. I have never seen anything quite so amazing.


1.The money ….. on that shelf over there.

a) is b) are c) have never been
2. There are ………books in this house, there is nothing to read.
a) a few b) few c) plenty
3. There are 2 cars in front of our block. Which one is the…….?
a) the most expensive b) the more expensive c) the expensivest
4. The two ………are both very beautiful.
a) deers b) deeres c) deer
5. He wanted to know what ………..
a) she was like b) was she like c) were she like
6. …………time to leave soon.
a) It was b) There is c) It is
7.Jennifer knew they ………Greek fluently.
a) could speak b) had been spoken c) will speak
8. …………are very happy to have you here.
a) Me and my sister b) My sister and me c) My sister and I
9. Our new teacher gives us ……..
a) many homework b) many homeworks c) a lot of homework
10. Read this poem, ……..?
a) shall you b) will you c) will he

11. Unless you……clearly I can’t understand you.
a) don’t speak b) can’t speak c) speak
12. Let’s go for a walk, ……?
a) shall we b) will we c) let us not
13. Do you think you are……?
a) to up it b) it up to c) up to it?
14. I wish they……all here.
a) are b) was c) were
15. If he ……late, he will miss the exam.
a) will be b) is c) was
16) ……..the exam we would be on holiday at this time of the year.
a) but for b) for but c) except
17. Have you……met him before?
a) always b) soon c) –
18. Is he older or …….than her?
a) more younger b) much more younger c) younger
19. This part of the exam is ……for me.
a) too difficult b) two difficult c) to difficult
20. ………everybody present?
a) are b) is c) were


The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter 1).... wasting a roll 2).....
gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated 3)..... the child tried to decorate a
box 4)....put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift 5)...... her father
the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy." The man was embarrassed 5).... his earlier
overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled 6).... her,
stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something
inside? The little girl looked up 7)..... him 8).... tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not
empty at all. I blew kisses 9)....... the box. They're all 10)..... you, Daddy." The father was crushed. He
put his arms 11) ...... his little girl, and he begged 12).... her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an
accident took the life 13) ..... the child. It is also said that her father kept that gold box 14).... his bed
15)..... many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take 16).... an imaginary kiss and
remember the love 17).... the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each one 18).... us, as
humans beings, have been given a gold container filled 19)..... unconditional love and kisses 20)......
our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could
hold, more precious than this.

V. There is one word missing from each gap; on your answer sheet, write the gap number and
the missing word:

In the Carribean (1)..... are many stories about pirates and buried treasure. On one island (2)..... it is
rumored that at (3).... five pirates buried their treasure somewhere on the island. A (4).... of maps
have been found that are supposed to show the(5).... location of the treasure and some people (6)......
paid a lot of money for (7)...... maps. However, so (8)..... no treasure has been discovered and it is

(9)..... believed that most of the maps were created by a local conman who saw an opportunity to
make some money (10)...... of the legends.

VI. Rewrite each sentence as suggested, completing with two to five words, including the word
in bold; do not change the meaning of the given sentence. On your answer sheet write only the
rewritten sentence:

1. Both my sister and my brother play the piano well.

Not only my ….......... plays the piano well. But
2. I like this song and my friend likes it too.
I like this song …..... Does
3. She locked the door the moment she went inside.
No …. than she locked the door. Sooner
4. You broke my window, Tom! Said Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown accused …his window. Broken
5. He paid more than was necessary for that TV set.
He needn’t …the TV set. Have
6. Thanks to her cousin, she avoided the accident.
If it … she wouldn’t / couldn’t have avoided the accident. For
7. They always serve lunch at 2 p.m.
Lunch …2 p.m. Is
8. She tried not to look at him.
She …. Looking
9. Maybe grannie is making a cake.
Grannie … Be
10. We would all have gone for a walk if it hadn’t been for that terrible storm.
But for that terrible storm … for a walk. Have

VII. Rephrase the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same. Use the word given
without changing it in any way:

1. So that Susan would be fit for the skiing, she went to the gym three times a week. ORDER
Susan went to the gym three times a week ... fit for the skiing.
2. John had not expected the film to be so good. BETTER

The film ... had expected.

3. I regret taking up smoking. WISH

I ... up smoking.
4. The police are interviewing the suspects. INTERVIEWED

The suspects ... by the police.

5. The doctor will only see you if you have an appointment. UNLESS

The doctor ... you have an appointment.

VIII. Form a word which will fit in the blank, starting from the word given:

1. Artists must be ..., otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. CREATE
2. We need to know your ... as soon as possible. DECIDE
3. I don't like those trousers, no matter how ... they are. FASHION
4. Have they put the Christmas ... yet? DECORATE
5. I ... think that there's no point in arguing with him. HONEST
6. Obama is the most popular ... in the world. POLITICS
7. If you make a good ... at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS
8. She is always ... towards her parents. RESPECT
9. The weatherman said there is a strong ... of rain today. POSSIBLE
10. Athens is ... for its ancient buildings. FAME

IX. Fill each blank with only one word:

Everybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of them in my native Britain
and I must say that I usually have a ... (1) time. I've also ... (2) to a few abroad, including one in ... (3)
mountains of Sardinia. No two weddings ... (4) ever the same and I really enjoyed this one for one or
two of the differences from those in the UK.
First, the two families ... (5) at least three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from
wonderful home-made delicacies to simple traditional breads and pastas. In the week leading up ...(6)
the wedding ... (7) is a dinner or some form of celebration every day - training for the stomach, I guess.
There were five or six courses of wonderful food, screaming kids running wild, the ceremonial cutting ...
(8) the cake by the bride and groom - but no speeches! Not one. In the UK it's traditional for the father
of the bride to propose a toast, followed ... (9) the groom and finishing up with ... (10) of the best man.

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