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Pre-service teacher’s Julieth Katherine Gonzalez Agudelo

Date March 6th /2020
Lesson Number 3
Class time 90 minutes
Theme Personal pronoun: she and he relating with professional jobs such
(teacher, police, doctor, nurse, fireman, pilot, fisherman, bus driver.)
Learning objective - Students will be able to recognize the use of personal
pronouns: she, he.
- Students will use the two personal pronouns in short
sentences both orally and in writing.
- Students will recognize the occupations and give information
about them.

Teaching objective Pre-service teacher will be able to explain personal pronoun relating
with professional jobs also teachers will be more gestural to give
explanations and examples of the subject. Besides, they will use
different didactic materials to make the explanation clearer to the
students. Finally, pre-service teacher will interact more with the
class and the classroom setting
Materials and Headband, Flashcards, song, computer, speakers, blackboard,
resources markers, worksheets, colored papers, posters, caps.

Warm up Time: 15mn

Annexed n°1: ‘‘Guessing the profession’’ flashcards on his/her head.

Pre-service teacher will introduce the topic professional jobs through an activity
called "guess the profession". The teacher will choose a student to pass in front, then she
will put a headband on his head with the image of a profession which he cannot see. The
aim is that the other children will have to mime and without using words, they should
give clues to the student to guess what profession is. When the child guesses he will
choose a partner to pass in front. He only has 30 seconds to respond and if he does not,
another person has to pass. The idea is to practice vocabulary about professional jobs in
order to acquire new knowledge related to these in a real context.

Presentation Time: 15mn

Annexed n°2: Poster about  ‘’SHE AND HE-PERSONAL PRONOUN’’ created by teachers 

Annexed n°3: Song about professional jobs called: ‘'Jobs Song for Kids | What Do You
Do? | Occupations | Kindergarten, Preschool, ESL | Fun Kids English’’ Retrieved from   

Pre-service teacher will explain the personal pronouns (he and she) with the help of two
posters that she created. On one side there is a drawing of a boy, and on the other the
drawing of a girl. Then, to verify if the students understood, the teacher will ask the
children to mention one of their classmates using these pronouns and their names. 

Example:  A student will point at somebody and will say ''She is Juanita'' or ''He is
Juanito''. The idea is that the person who is mentioned continues the chain until mention
4 people in the classroom.

Then, the teacher will show to students a video called ''Jobs Song for Kids | What Do You
Do? | Occupations | Kindergarten, Preschool, ESL | Fun Kids English''. So, she will ask the
students to listen and repeat according lyrics and then they will try to learn it. To finish
the explanation, the teacher will review each one of the new vocabulary related to
professions using the same flashcards used in warm up.

Practice Time: 20mn

Annexed n°4: Flashcards to guess the profession

Acting task 

For this activity, the pre-service teacher will ask each child to take a paper from a bag
which will have a profession written on it. Then students will have to act to show what
the profession is. To do so in an organized way, the class will play ''fix fix fax'' and who
will be selected must pass to the front and imitate the profession. The other students will
guess and mention the professions in English. For the activity, students could use some
pictures that are already posted on the board as guide to guess the professional job. 

For example: Pepito is a doctor. So, he could choose a picture on the board such as a
cross and then he will paste in his chest that cross as a guide that ''he is a doctor''.

Production Time: 30mn

 Annexed n°5: Worksheet about personal pronouns (he/she & professional jobs)

The pre-service teacher will give the students a worksheet related to the personal
pronouns (he and she) mentioned in the explanation. After that, the children will analyze
the image that is there, and they will circle the correct personal pronoun if it is (he or
she). In the same piece of paper, there is a second point related with professional jobs,
the aim is that every students will draw and color which profession they would like to
have when they grow up. 
Furthermore, they will write why they would like to have this profession.  When they
finish, they will stand up and expose orally to the whole class what they want to be,
showing their drawing. Thus, students will be contextualized about professional jobs
improving their writing and speaking skills. 

Evaluation Time: 10mn

Annexed n°6: Word search and matching, relating personal pronoun and professional

For this last activity, the pre-service teacher will give to students matching and cross
words activities that the students will have to solve individually. Students must place the
vocabulary found at the box that is at the top of the sheet and write it in each image.
Then, they have to solve the word search and paste this worksheet on their notebook.
When they finish, the teacher will ask students in a random way to mention a
professional job that they already learnt. Finally, those didactic activities are going to
help the teacher to evaluate the students’ process learning.

Notes : Teacher created a ‘’ 1+ graded ‘’ as motivation strategy in order to promote students

participation, it is like piece of paper and if the student participate he/she will won it and at the
end of the class they will paste it in her /his notebook, and when finish the term they will claim
her/his grade.

Teacher`s signature

NOTE: Motivation Strategy

1. Annexed n°1: ‘‘Guessing the profession’’ flashcards on his/her head. Retrieved from

Annexed n°2: Poster about ‘’SHE AND HE-PERSONAL PRONOUN’’ created by teachers.
Images,(n.d). She and he. Liberal Dictionary. WebPage. Retrieved from

Annexed n°3: Song about professional jobs called: ‘'Jobs Song for Kids | What Do You Do? |
Occupations | Kindergarten, Preschool, ESL | Fun Kids English’’ Retrieved from or maybe this
Annexed n°4: Worksheet about personal pronouns (he/ she & professional jobs)

Pinterest, (n.d) Worksheet personal pronouns. WebPage retrieved from

Pinterest, (2019).What do you want to be when you grow up. WebPage.
NAME: ___________________________________________________DATE: /_____/_____/_____
Identify and circle the correct presonal pronuoun (she or he)

Draw and colorful what do you want to be and why?

Annexed n°5: Flashcards to guess the profession the same as warm up


Annexed n°6: Words game and matching relating personal pronoun and professional jobs.

iSl Colletive, (n.d) Jobs and professions. Pinterest. WebPage. Retrieved from
NAME: ___________________________________________________DATE: /_____/_____/_____

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