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Ben: Fran! Look! I've found an old gramophone.
Fran: Good for you Dad! How much do they want for it?
Ben: Twenty pounds. Should I buy it?
Fran: Yeah. Sure! Wait! You know you're not supposed to carry things like that on your
own. You have a bad back.
Ben: Fran, don't worry. I can take care of myself.
Fran: Be careful with that. I don't want you to hurt yourself.
Ben: Ow! Ow!
Fran: Oh Dad!
Ben: I hurt my back!
Fran: I told you not to carry it by yourself.
Ben: I need to lie down.
clerk: What happened? Is everything OK?
Fran: My father, he hurt his back.
clerk: Oh no. I'll go get help.
Fran: Are you OK?
Ben: I've been better.

To: Kim

From: Fran

Subject: Poor Dad

Dear Kim,

My dad had an accident . He hurt his back when he tried to carry a heavy gramophone. I told
him not to carry it, but he wouldn't listen . He's not supposed to lift heavy things, and he
knows it. Hopefully he'll listen to me next time!

Hope to hear from you soon,


Cliff Terror
Susan and Ellen had been looking forward to their first hiking trip with
the University Outdoors Club. Susan was a little afraid, however, because she had
never gone hiking before.
"What if I'm too slow? I'll be left behind, and get lost," she said.
"Don't worry," answered Ellen. "If you get tired, I'll have some other student carry
you up the hill." The next day, the group left the city at 5 a.m. as planned. By the
time they reached Canyon Park, the sun had risen. They had been hiking for two
hours when Susan said, "You were right. Hiking is fun! If I had known how
easy this would be, I wouldn't have been so afraid."
Suddenly Ellen realized that they had taken a wrong turn.
"Where are the other members of the Outdoors Club? I don't see them
anywhere. I think we're lost."
"Oh, no! I knew I shouldn't have come. Who's going to rescue us? Imagine being
here all night!"
"Take it easy, Susan. I didn't get us lost on purpose."
The girls arrived at a cliff, and saw an enormous pool of water.
Ellen hesitated and said, "Well, we can either go down by rope, or we
can jump. Let's use the rope. I'm too scared to jump."
"You? Afraid?" exclaimed Susan. "You were the one who wanted to go on this
hike. Let's jump. It's too rocky and slippery to climb down."
"Susan," said Ellen, "I've never told you this, but I don't know how to swim. I just
can't jump into that water."
Susan followed her friend unhappily down the cliff. They had just arrived at the
bottom, when suddenly she slipped and fell.
"Oh ... my foot!" she cried. Ellen rushed to her side.
"Here. Let me have a look. It's not bleeding. It's only a minor injury." But that
didn't stop Susan from complaining.
"Ellen, if we get rescued and I recover from this, I will never listen to you again!"

Student: Susan, are you all right? You can't walk.

Susan: It's just a 

minor injury
. I hurt my foot, but it isn't 

. We took a wrong turn. Then we started walking and got to a 
. We used a 

to get down to the bottom, but then I slipped.

Student: I hope you weren't 

. You knew we would come and 



- Look out for that little girl!
- I saw her.
- Are you allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk?
- Of course. I do it all the time.
- You mustn't ride so fast! You could hurt someone.
- It's OK. I'm very careful.

- So, Bob, did you finally fix Betty's TV?
Don't even ask! I had been working on it for three hours when she called and told me that Peter had
- already fixed it for her.

scared, feeling fear

I'm afraid of spiders.

to lose blood, to have blood flow out of your body

If your knee keeps bleeding, I'll take you to the hospital.

the edge of a mountain

Be careful when you stand on the edge of a cliff.
get stuck
phrasal verb

unable to move
We got stuck in the broken elevator.

damage or hurt to your body, such as a broken leg

The doctor is checking to see if Tom has an injury.
left behind

when someone doesn't take you with them when they go somewhere
If we don't keep up with the group, we'll get left behind.

to become healthy again after being sick or injured

Jill will recover from her injuries.

to save something or somebody

Casey rescued the kitten from the tree.

full of rocks and stones

The mountain is rocky.

smooth or wet, a way to describe something that can cause someone to fall easily
The floor is slippery when it is wet.
take a wrong turn

to go the incorrect way

If you take a wrong turn, you'll be late

great fear
I felt terror when they started shooting.

Unknown Man Found Injured

By Jeffrey Brown

A man with no identification was found yesterday morning and 


from the bottom of a 


hill. The man was badly hurt and could not talk to rescuers. He was 


from his head and his left leg. Police believe that he fell down the hill, 

got stuck

there, and was unable to climb back up because of his 


. Doctors say that the man had probably been lying at the bottom of the hill for

two days. Luckily, they believe he will 


left behind

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