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1. Do you believe in the Neo-Malthusian argument? Why or why not?

The concept Neo-Malthusianism that was coined by Dr. Samuel Van Houten, is an
economic and political train of thought that centralizes on the human population
planning. Unlike the original Malthusian argument, Neo-Malthusian supporters are in
favor for birth control and contraceptives.

Although there are some points in the Neo-Malthusian argument that I disagree
with, as a whole, I am in favor with the Neo-Malthusian ideas. In the Neo-Malthusian
argument, it emphasizes the idea that problem lies with the working class and the
overcrowded industrial slums are the sites of moral degeneration. While I disagree with
that sentiment and believe that it is ethically wrong to focus solely on the working class
and the poor, I agree that population control is needed.

Having the population unchecked could spell problems in the future. Although it
can be argued that as technology develops, we will have ways to combat finite
resources, it doesn’t mean that population growth will slow down. In the end, I believe
that simply relying on the hope that technologies will be developed enough to provide
for everyone is just wishful thinking.

2. How can technology and interventions in development offset the pressures of

population growth?

Population growth and developments in technology has had an awkward

relationship since the late 18th century as technology is used as a central topic for
debate. This is because technological developments have helped in increasing population
growth and at the same time is used for culling it.

On one hand, innovations in technology has helps in raising the quality of life,
thus increasing population growth. Increased food production due to improved
technology and lessening sickness due to improved sanitation, are some of the reasons
why we see a boost in population growth.
Conversely, technology is also used to alleviate and mitigate population growth.
Contraceptives such as birth control pills, condoms, and IUDs are used to lessen the
chance of getting someone pregnant. Technology has also helped in creating a safer
option for abortions. Through these, the government could intervene with their growing
population by giving away free condoms or educating the masses on the subject.

3. Under what circumstance is rapid population growth beneficial to societies?

Ester Boserup, a Danish economist states in her theory of Agricultural

Intensification, an increase in population will stimulate a change in agricultural
techniques. She believes that with human ingenuity would outmatch demand, leading to
the conclusion that with more people, more innovations in technology shall be created.

Also, urbanization and population growth results in economic development. That

is why when population growth increases density, together with rural-urban migration, it
leads to higher urban agglomeration. And this is critical for achieving sustained growth
because large urban centers allow for innovation and increase economies of scale.

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