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Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd FORMAT NO MEIL/Safety/F-15

Revision 02
Hyderabad Date 01.01.2018

JOB Safety Analysis

Name of activity: Insulator Hoisting
Task Hazards Control measures
Insulator hoisting Fall of person from height. *Only experienced rigger/ workers to be deputed for height.
*with suitable PPE.
*Proper Supervision required./Before executing the job
*TBT must be conducted at site. Experience workers must be deployed for height work
Fall of insulators from height. *Check the (R) pin during installation of insulator disk.
*Only experienced worker to be deployed for the same.
*Proper Supervision required./Before executing the job
*TBT must be conducted at site.
* Experience person should be deployed for height work for fixing the insulator.
Failure of tools & Tackles *All tools & Tackles must be checked before Use,
* All lifting tools should have valid TPI certificate
Slip of split pins during insulator *Ensure pins are placed and widened.
hoisting. *Proper Supervision required./Before executing the job.
* No one should be stand under the lifting insulator.
* after insulator fixing all boxes should be removed from the location

Failure to use retractable fall *Use of Retractable Fall Arrestors must be ensured during insulator Hoisting.
arrestor. *Given on job training to the workers.

Fall of T&P. *Proper & safe arrangement to be done for T&P at height & training to be imparted to the
*Proper Supervision required.
Required training Required personal protective equipment (PPEs)
Yes Safety shoes, Safety helmet, Hand gloves, Fall arrestor rope, lifeline,
Retractable fall arrestor, Full body harness, Fall arrestor with clamp

JOB Safety Analysis

Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd FORMAT NO MEIL/Safety/F-15
Revision 02
Hyderabad Date 01.01.2018

Name of activity: Stringing Work

Task Hazards Control measures
Stringing Work Access problem. *Prior to starting the stringing work check the area for paying out the conductor.
*Accordingly make the arrangement for easy access to the paying out the conductor
Wild Animals. *Provide the proper PPE as per condition of area.
* Make arrangement of first aid medicine at the working site.
Fall of Hill rocks. *During the paying out of conductor prior inspection of hilly area to avoid the falling rock
* Suitable PPE to be provided to the all Workers.
* Before start job supervisor must be informed to all workers about job.
Fall of workers (Rivers, hills, canal * Suitable safety arrangement to be made ready for river crossing & hills area during
etc.) stringing work.
* Suitable PPE to be provided to the all Workers.

Failure of T&P. * Only tested lifting equipment, tools & tackles to be used for erection work.
* Physical inspection to be done on daily basis.
Local person swinging on pilot- *During paying out care should be taken that no local persons are roaming in the area of
wire/conductor/earth-wire. paying out.
*Distribution of awareness pamphlets to nearby villagers.
*Before starting of the stinging work, surrounding villagers should be informed about the
stringing activities.
*Announcement at villagers nearby on speakers.
*Caution board display & Proper supervision required.
Over tensioning during sagging. *Sag boards should be placed at proper height.
*Person checking the sag must be very careful while it is close to sag level
*In longer section sag must be checked at two spans.
Improper back-stay arrangements. *Stay must be provided at a distance of 1.5 times more than the height of stay point.
* Proper size of dead man should be used.
*Sufficient depth for placing dead man.
*Use only 18mm dia wire rope.
*Strictly instruction not allow Y type back-stay
*minimum 3 clamps provided during stay
Sagging at "C" type tower without *Final sagging without back load should be avoided at C type towers. Proper supervision
backload. required
Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd FORMAT NO MEIL/Safety/F-15
Revision 02
Hyderabad Date 01.01.2018
Failure of Clamps. Proper tightening of clamp bolts must be ensure.
*Proper size of clamp sleeves.
Direct lifting of conductor during Lifting of conductor should be done through the tower body.
clipping of conductor.
Use of damaged spacer trolley while Trolley should be of good condition and use proper PPE'S like full body harness,
spacering the conductor. *Helmet, etc. And for this purpose Only competent person are allowed. Trolley should be
TPI certified
Locals problem. Check the crop area & liaison with local people for stringing work clearly. Co-ordinate
with the local authority for planning of work & compensation to be paid against loss of
Due to improper shutdown. Proper shutdown to be taken during stringing work accordingly massage to be
communicated to all worker apart from this Discharge rod to be used for shutdown line.
(Permit to work). Deploy a person at the point of isolation.
Dis-charge rods not used properly. After shutdown good quality discharge rod to be put on conductor then only work should
be started.
*First discharge rod should be clamped with tower then only it should be placed over the
dead line.
*6sq/8sqmm mm cable used for discharge rod.
Non- confirmation of work *Work completion to be confirmed from site, *then
completion before returning the only shutdown should be returned. *Shutdown
shutdown. should be taken in writing only.
*Confirmation about the feeder should be done with the owner of the feeder.
Fall of workers. *Experienced workers to be deployed for the stringing work at height & frequent training
to be imparted to all workers by supervisor. * Full body harness to be
provided to the workers for working at height. *Lifeline, fall arrester &
retractable fall arrester should be provided. TBT on Regular Basic & Supervision required
Railway & Road crossing. Proper shutdown to be taken during railway crossing with concern authority of railway,
*Red flag to be used during road & railway crossing with deployment of flagman at
working site. Scaffolding to be used during railway & road crossing.
Fall of workers during jumpering, *Experienced workers to be deployed for the Jumpering work at height.
clipping, spacer, etc. *frequent training to be imparted to all workers.
*Full body harness to be provided to the workers, working at height.
Miss-communication. & Sudden Planning for the stringing work to be communicated to all concerned site personnel and
illness. surrounding villagers. Caution Signage boards to be display during the road crossing &
Railway crossing and deployment of flagman at working site. .Medical Checkup must be
ensured. * Used walkie talkie for better communication during stringing
Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd FORMAT NO MEIL/Safety/F-15
Revision 02
Hyderabad Date 01.01.2018
Required training Required personal protective equipment (PPEs)
Yes Safety shoes, Safety helmet, Hand gloves, Fall arrestor rope, lifeline,
Retractable fall arrestor, Full body harness, Fall arrestor with clamp

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Signature of Safety personnel Work In-charge/construction manager Project manager/project in-charge
Date: Date: Date:

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