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Projectile Motion - Practice Problems

1. An object is projected horizontally at 8.0 m/s from the top of a 122.5 m cliff. How far from the base of the
cliff will the object strike the ground?
2. An arrow is shot at 30.0° angle with the horizontal. It has a velocity of 49 m/s.
a. How high will it go?
b. What horizontal distance will the arrow travel?
3. A person kicks a rock off a cliff horizontally with a speed of 20 m/s. It takes 7.0 seconds to hit the ground,
a. height of the cliff
b. final vertical velocity
c. range
4. A ship fires its guns with a speed of 400 m/s at an angle of 35° with the horizontal. Find the range and
maximum altitude.
5. A basketball is held over head at a height of 2.4 m. The ball is lobbed to a teammate at 8 m/s at an angle of
40°. If the ball is caught at the same height it was tossed at, how far away is the teammate?
6. An athlete executing a long jump leaves the ground at angle of 30.0° and travels 7.80 m.
a. What is the takeoff speed?
b. If the takeoff speed was increased by 5.0%, how much longer would the jump be?
7. A hunter aims directly at a target (on the same level) 140 m away. If the bullet leaves the gun at a speed of
280 m/s, by how much will the bullet miss the target?
8. A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 50 m tall and lands 45 m from the base. What was
the ball’s initial speed?
9. A fire hose held near the ground shoots water at a speed of 7.5 m/s. At what angle should the nozzle point
in order that the water land 2.0 m away?
10. A bullet traveling 800 m/s horizontally hits a target 180 m away. How far does the bullet fall before it hits
the target?
11. A student threw a ball horizontally out of a window 8.0 m above the ground. It was caught by another
student who was 10.0 m away. What was the initial velocity of the ball?

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