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Pre-intermediate Quick Check Test 7B

4 Complete the names of the places.

Grammar 1 I went to the     l i b r a r y   to borrow a book.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in 2 You can study online in the study c                
the box and the correct form of used to. .
3 Can you tell me where the
play go out live work like study p                                             room is, please? I
need to make a copy.
4 You can register at the r                                    
1 Did you     use to play   volleyball when you
desk in the main r                                 .
were younger?
5 They were late because they couldn’t find
2 Who did Steven                                         with
the l                        hall.
before he married Maria?
6 This c                                 is too small for
3 He                                         (not) studying but now
thirty-five students.
he’s an excellent student.
7 She loves buying pens and notebooks in
4 I                                         in an office but I hated
s                                     shops.
it. Now I work in a book shop.
8 If you have a problem with your
5 He never                                         hard at school
a                                                 , go to the
but now he’s a lawyer.
w                         office.
6 Did your uncle                                         by the
9 The food in their c                                 at
work is awful.

5 Match words 1–6 with stress patterns

2 Complete the sentences with so, because or
1 classroom     e   
1 She left her job     because   she didn’t like it.
2 cafeteria     
2 I needed to get some exercise                               I
3 lecture theatre     
started jogging.
4 accommodation office        
3 She stole some money                               she was
5 stationery     
6 study centre     
4 We’re working hard                               save
a) Ooooo
money. We want                               buy a house.
b) Oooo
5 Mike Tennant is ill                               James
c) ooOoo
Booth will play the role of Hamlet.
d) Ooo
6 They need £10 million                               make
e) Oo
the film.
f) oooOooo
7 They spent four years in New York
Jim had to work there.
8 My husband broke his leg                               we Functions
took him to hospital.
9 She never forgot him                               he saved 6 Match sentences 1)–6) with a)–f).
her life. 1 Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the
10 He worked very hard                               become library closes?     d   
successful. 2 Can you tell me where the book shop is?        
10 3 I need to speak to the welfare officer.        
4 Where can I get a sandwich?        
5 Do you know when it opens?        
Vocabulary 6 Do you have to register to use the study
3 Underline the correct alternative.
a) In the cafeteria near the library.
1 I never get bored     with   / about my life.
b) No, you just need your student card.
2 Julia went for / back to work six months after
c) Sorry, she’s not in the office at the moment.
her illness.
d) I think it closes at 5.30.
3 He used to dream about / with being a
e) I think it might be behind that tall building
successful writer – and now he is.
over there.
4 They sold their house to travel to / round the
f) Yes, every day from eight o’clock until six.
5 Jack gave in / up his job and moved to / at
Australia. Total: 50

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Pre-intermediate Quick Check Test 7B

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

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