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DAS FILE # 05044


of the

California Tooling and Machining Apprenticeship Association

Formerly: California North Bay Chapter of the NTMA, Inc.

ARTICLE I Purpose and Policy

The parties hereto declare it to be their purpose and policy to establish an organized,
planned system of apprenticeship, conducted as a employer and employer association
undertaking. These standards have, therefore, been adopted and agreed upon under the
Shelley-Maloney Apprentice Labor Standards Act of 1939, as amended, to govern the
employment and training of apprentices in the Craft defined herein, to become effective
upon their approval.


Occupation A Machinist DOT # 600.280.022

Occupation B Mold Maker DOT # 601.280.03F
Occupation C Tool and Die Maker DOT # 601.260.010
Occupation D CNC Machinist DOT # 600.280.02C
Occupation E CNC Machine Technician DOT # 609.662.010
Occupation F Maintenance Machinist DOT # 600.280.042

ARTICLE III Organization

There is hereby established the above named apprenticeship committee, covering Marin,
Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma, counties consisting of six (6) members, six (6)
of whom shall be selected by and represent the employer organizations signatory hereto,
and one apprenticeship consultant representing the Division of Apprenticeship Standards.
In addition thereto, there shall be one advisor from the local school district and such other
advisors as the committee shall determine. Such advisors and the apprenticeship
consultant shall act without vote.

ARTICLE IV Jurisdiction

These standards shall apply to the employer organizations signatory hereto, their
members, to other employers who subscribe, and to all apprentice agreements hereunder.

ARTICLE V Functions

The functions of the apprenticeship committee shall be to:

1. develop an efficient program of apprenticeship through systematic on-the-job

training with related and supplemental instruction and periodic evaluation of each
2. make periodic evaluations of the progress of each apprentice’s on-the-job training
related and supplemental instruction;
3. establish a mechanism to be used for the rotation of the apprentice from work
process to work process to assure the apprentice complete training;
4. serve in an advisory capacity with employers and employees in matters pertaining to
these standards;
5. aid in the adjustment of apprenticeship disputes;
6. develop fair and impartial selection procedures and an affirmative action plan in
accordance with existing laws and regulations, and to apply them uniformly in the
selection of applicants for apprenticeship. The selection procedures and affirmative
action plan are included herein (Article XVIII);

ARTICLE VI Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the apprenticeship committee shall be to:

1. supervise the administration and enforcement of these standards;

2. adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to govern the program provided,
however, that the rules and regulations do not conflict with these standards;
3. oversee the program’s ability, including financial ability, and commitment to meet
and carry out its responsibilities under the federal and state law and regulations
applicable to the Apprenticeable occupation and for the welfare of the apprentice;
4. conduct orientations, workshops or other educational sessions for employers to
explain the apprenticeship program’s standards and the operation of the
apprenticeship program;
5. pass upon the qualifications of apprentice applicants;
6. file a signed copy of each apprentice agreement with the Secretary of the California
Apprenticeship Council, with copies to all parties to the agreement;
7. establish and maintain a record system for on-the-job training and related

8. use every effort to keep the apprentice employed in a reasonably continuous manner
and adequately instructed;
9. provide disciplinary procedures for apprentices and including provisions for fair
10. adopt changes to these standards, as necessary, subject to the approval of the parties
hereto and the Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards.

ARTICLE VII Definition of an Apprentice

An apprentice is a person at least 18 years of age, who has met the requirements for
selection under the selection procedures, who is engaged in learning a designated Craft
and who has entered into a written apprentice agreement under the provisions of these

ARTICLE VIII Duties of an Apprentice

Each apprentice shall satisfactorily perform all work and learning assignments both on
the job and in related instruction and shall comply with the rules, regulations and
decisions of the apprenticeship committee.

ARTICLE IX Apprentice Agreement

1. Each apprentice agreement shall conform to the State law governing apprentice
agreements, and shall be signed by the employer or by the apprenticeship committee
and by the apprentices and must be approved by the apprenticeship committee.
2. Each apprentice shall be furnished a copy of or be given an opportunity to study
these standards before indenture. These standards shall be considered a part of the
apprentice agreement as though expressly written therein.

ARTICLE X Termination and Transfer of Agreements

1. During the probationary period, an apprentice agreement may be terminated by the

apprenticeship committee at the request in writing of either party; after such
probationary period an apprentice agreement may be terminated by the
Administrator, by mutual agreement of all the parties thereto or cancelled by the
Administrator for good and sufficient reason.
2. If an employer is unable to fulfill his/her obligations to train under any apprentice
agreement or in the event of a layoff, the apprenticeship committee may, with the
approval of the Administrator, transfer such agreement to any other employer if the
apprentice consents and such other employer agrees to assume the obligation of said
apprenticeship agreement.

ARTICLE XI Related and Supplemental Instruction

1. Apprentices shall satisfactorily complete prescribed courses of related and

supplemental instruction, which will be 144 hours per year provided by Petaluma
Adult School see attached course outlines.
2. Required school time shall not be compensated.


1. If for any reason a lay-off of an apprentice occurs, the apprentice agreement shall
remain in effect unless cancelled by the Administrator. However, credit for related
instruction shall be given when the apprentice continues such instruction during the
2. There shall be no liability on the part of the employer or the UAC for an injury
sustained by an apprentice engaged in schoolwork at a time when the apprentice is

ARTICLE XIII Controversies

All controversies or differences concerning apprentice agreements that cannot be adjusted

locally by the apprenticeship committee or otherwise shall be submitted to the
Administrator for determination.

ARTICLE XIV Term of Apprenticeship

Occupation A DOT # 600.280.022 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation B DOT # 601.280.03F SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation C DOT # 601.260.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation D DOT # 600.280.02C SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation E DOT # 609.662.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation F DOT# 600.280.042 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

ARTICLE XV Ratio 1:1

Occupation A DOT # 600.280.022 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation B DOT # 601.280.03F SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation C DOT # 601.260.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation D DOT # 600.280.02C SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation E DOT # 609.662.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation F DOT# 600.280.042 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

ARTICLE XVI Wage Schedule for the Following Occupations:

Occupation A DOT # 600.280.022 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation B DOT # 601.280.03F SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation C DOT # 601.260.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation D DOT # 600.280.02C SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation E DOT # 609.662.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation F DOT# 600.280.042 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
The Apprenticeship wage scale shall not be less than
Period % Per Hr. Period % Per Hr
1st 6 month period 50% $9.50 5th 6 month period 70% $13.30
2nd 6 month period 55% $10.45 6th 6 month period 75% $14.25
3rd 6 month period 60% $11.40 7th 6 month period 80% $15.20
4th 6 month period 65% $12.35 8th 6 month period 90% $17.10
Journeyman Graduate $19.00/Hr.

ARTICLE XVII Work Training

1. The employer shall see that all apprentices are under the supervision of a qualified
journeyman or instructor and shall provide the necessary diversified experience and
training in order to train and develop the apprentice into a skilled worker, proficient
in all the work processes of a trade as outlined herein. Apprentices shall also be
trained in the use of new equipment, materials and processes as they come into use
in the occupation.
2. The major work processes in which apprentices will be trained (although not
necessarily in the order listed) and the approximate hours (not necessarily
continuous) to be spent on each are as follows:

Occupation A DOT # 600.280.022 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation B DOT # 601.280.03F SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation C DOT # 601.260.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation D DOT # 600.280.02C SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation E DOT # 609.662.010 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08
Occupation F DOT# 600.280.042 SEE DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation: Machinist DOT: 600.280.022

Work Processes Approximate Hours

A. Preliminary: Job planning meetings, layout, 200

tool control, drawing sketches, coolant changes.

B. Drilling: General drilling, taping, reaming on a 800

CNC or manual drill press.

C. Lathes : Manual and/or CNC lathe setup and operation. 2500

D. Milling: Manual and/or CNC mill setup and operation. 2500

E. Heat Treatment: Oven, furnace or torch heat treating 100

and hardness checking.

F. Grinding: Manual or CNC Surface and/or cylindrical 700

grinding setup and operation.

G. Bench Work: Deburring, fit-up, assembly, fabrication, 1200

and use of power and hand tools.

Total Hours 8000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation : CNC Machinist DOT: 609.662.010

Work Processes Approximate Hours

A. Tool Room: Works in tool room handing out specific 300

tools and/or learn types and how to use them. Tool
control activities.

B. Operate CNC: Operates C.N.C machining center. 2000

Changes parts, inspects parts per blueprint specifications.

C. Operates Turning Center: Turning machining center. 1200

Changes parts, inspects parts per blueprint specifications.

D. Fixture design: Create and design fixtures for machining 400


E. Manual Mill: Set up and operation of manual mills. 450

Boring machines, vertical & horizontal mills.

F. Manual Lathe: Set up and operation of manual lathes 450

G. Programming: Writes programs using a computer with 800

CAD/CAM, editing programs.

H. Setup Turning Center: Set up C.N.C. lathe machining 600

centers. Set up cutting tools, touch off tools, down load
programs into the machine or create programs manually
using the controls on the machine. Run the first part to blueprint.

I. Setup Machining Center: Set up C.N.C. machining centers. 1000

Perform tasks such as building fixtures, indicating fixtures
Setting up cutting tools, manually using the controls on the
machine. Run the first part to blueprint.

J. Maintenance: Perform preventive maintenance on equipment 200

and work areas. Change filters, add proper oils and coolants
as needed.

K. Inspection/metrology: Inspects parts to ensure conformance 600

to requirements. Use calibrated instruments, CMM and/or
vision inspection equipment. Writes inspection reports.

Total Hours 8000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation: Mold Maker DOT: 600.280.03F

Work Processes Approximate Hours

A. Preliminary: Job planning meetings, layout, 200

tool control, drawing sketches, coolant changes

B. Drilling: General drilling, taping, reaming on a 400

CNC or manual drill press.

C. Lathes : Manual and/or CNC lathe setup and operation. 700

D. Milling: Manual and/or CNC mill setup and operation. 1300

E. Grinding: Manual or CNC Surface and/or cylindrical 1900

setup and operation

F. Electrical Discharge Machining: Operates wire and/or 600

plunge type EDM

G. Bench Work: Deburring, fit-up, assembly, fabrication 1000

use of power and hand tools.

H. Heat Treatment: Oven, furnace or torch heat treating 200

and hardness checking

I. Construction of Molds: Construction, maintenance and/or

testing of molds 1300

J. Precision Inspection: Inspects parts to ensure conformance 400

to requirements. Use calibrated instruments, CMM and/or
vision inspection equipment. Writes inspection reports.

Total Hours 8000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation: Tool & Die Maker DOT: 601.280.046

Work Processes Approximate Hours

A. Tool Crib: Works in tool room handing out specific 240

tools and/or learn types and how to use them. Tool
control activities.

B. Drilling: General drilling, taping, reaming on a 600

CNC or manual drill press.

C. Lathes : Manual and/or CNC lathe setup and operation. 1000

D. Milling: Manual and/or CNC mill setup and operation. 1000

E. Grinding: Manual or CNC Surface and/or cylindrical 1400

setup and operation.

F. Jig Borer: Precision hole location on a manual and/or 600

CNC setup and operation.

G. Bench Work: Deburring, fit-up, assembly, fabrication 1000

use of power and hand tools.

H. Heat Treatment: Oven, furnace or torch heat treating 200

and hardness checking

J. Construction of Tools & Dies: Assemble, test and adjust tools 1400
production fixtures and/or die s

J. Precision Inspection: Inspects parts to ensure conformance 300

to requirements. Use calibrated instruments, CMM and/or
vision inspection equipment. Writes inspection reports.

K. Miscellaneous: Planning, maintenance, collaboration of tool, 260

fixture and/or die design.

Total Hours 8000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation: Maintenance Machinist DOT: 600.280.042

Work Processes Approximate Hours

C. Tool Crib: Tool use, tool identification, maintenance and repair. 400
D. Machine Tool Operation: Manual and/or CNC 2500
Drill Press, Lathe, Mills, Grinding.

E. Blue Print and diagram interpretation 200

F. Adjustment of operational equipment 400

G. Diagnosis of Operational Equipment 600

H. Lubrication and cleaning of components and equipment. 1000

I. Hydraulic and electrical connections to mechanical devices. 300

J. Equipment and machinery inspection and ordering replacement 1500

and repair parts.

K. Maintenance records keeping. 800

L. Miscellaneous 300

Total Hours 8000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

Occupation: CNC Technician DOT: 609.622.010

Work Processes Approximate


A. Preliminary: Job planning meetings, layout, 100

tool control, drawing sketches, coolant changes

B. Bench Work: Deburring, fit-up, assembly, fabrication 500

use of power and hand tools.

C. Inspection & Quality Assurance: Inspects machined parts. 400

D. Manual Machine Operation: Operates manual lathes, 400

mills, grinders, drill presses.

E. Operates CNC Machine Centers: : Operates C.N.C turning 2500

and/or machining center. Changes parts, inspects parts per
blueprint specifications

F. Maintenance, clean & repair: Performs daily or routine 100

maintenance, and/or shop clean up and repairs.

Total Hours 4000

DAS 24 dtd 10-6-08

ARTICLE XVIII Safety & Health, Recognition of Illegal Discrimination and Sexual

A. Each apprentice shall receive training and education in first aid, safe working
practices and in the recognition of occupational health and safety hazards.
B. Each apprentice shall receive training in the recognition of illegal discrimination
and sexual harassment.

ARTICLE XIX Certificate of Completion

1. Upon evidence of satisfactory completion of apprenticeship, and upon the

recommendation of the apprenticeship committee, each apprentice will be issued a
Certificate of Completion by the authority of the California Apprenticeship Council.

ARTICLE XX California Plan for Equal Opportunity in Apprenticeship

(See Attachment)

The foregoing standards are hereby agreed to and adopted on ___________________


Employer Organization
California Tooling and Machining Apprenticeship Association
200 Douglas St.
Petaluma, CA 94952

By __________________________

The foregoing apprenticeship standards, being in conformity with the rules and
regulations of the California Apprenticeship Council, the California Code of Regulations,
and applicable Federal Regulations are hereby approved ____________________

__________________________________________________ __________
Chief, Date
Division of Apprenticeship Standards

California Tooling and Machining Apprenticeship Association

Board of Directors
Dick Hunt Datum 327 O'Hair Santa Rosa, 95407
Technologies, Court Suite D CA

Rudy Hirshnitz SRC Cables 5600 Skylane Santa Rosa, 95403

Blvd. CA

Paul Eelkema Career 420 Carrillo St Santa Rosa, 95401

Development CA
Educator (Ret)
Dan Sunia, President CTMAA & PHS 201 Fair St Petaluma, CA 94952
Butch Palmgren, Vice Morgan 521 Second St Petaluma, CA 94952
President / Secretary Manufacturing

Mike Maendl Protofab 1310 Stub Rd Petaluma, CA 94952

and Prototypes
Rich Dodelle GCX Corp. 3875 Cypress Petaluma, CA 94954
Grant Kerr G-Man Precision 200 Oceanic Santa Rosa, 95407
Machining Way Unit D CA
Richard Vera, Santa Rosa 1501 Santa Rosa, 95401
Profesor Junior College Mendocino CA
Pat Hayes Selway Machine 29250 Union Union City, 94587
Tool Co. City Blvd. CA
Hugh Cambra Coast Tool Co. 2099 Edison San Leandro, 94577
Ave. CA
Jerry Smith Agilent 1400 Santa Rosa, 95403
Technologies Fountaingrove CA
Pkwy MS 4L
Carol Waxman, Petaluma Adult 200 Douglas Petaluma, CA 94952
Principal School Street

Kelly Douglass Apprenticeship 455 Golden San Francisco, 94102
Consultant Gate Ave. CA


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