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How to Assess a Change Management Proposal

Leveraging Situation
and Building 1
New Questions

Project Plan Approach

including 3
reviews Proposal

Team Methodology
7 4

Case Deliverables,
6 Benefits

1. Current Situation
● What is the business and organizational context?
● What was the problem? Why is the problem a big deal? How did the problem emerge
from the past?
● How does the problem affect business/ competitiveness/growth?
● Why it is difficult to address the problem?
● What will we lose if we do not address the problem?
● What will we gain if we address the problem?

2. Change Questions

● Are the change questions strategic?

● Do the change questions connect the dots?
● Do the change questions reflect the dilemma of the organization?
● Do the change questions energize the organization to innovate/ act?
3. Approach
● Your philosophy /point of view as a consultant.
● Framework (standard/ customized) for the change topic.
● Explanation of the approach (especially if it is unfamiliar)
● OD values

4. Methodology
● Activities in a step wise manner
● Output from each activity
● Have a connector at the end of each step to help show the link to the next step
● OD flavor

5a. Deliverables
● Action phrases/ statements (Diagnose/ Design/ Co-create/ Create/ Mindset change//
Enthusiasm/ Energize/ Build Perspectives/ Build Internal Competences
● Is the flavor one of rescuing or making the client self-reliant

5b. Benefits
● What benefit/ impact will these deliverables result in?
● Mention benefits as ‘During’ and ‘After’ the Intervention.
● Benefits could be ‘Tangible’ and Intangible (trust/ reputation/ goodwill)

6. Success Case Studies

● Past Work (Industry related, Outside Industry)

● Story and Impact Created (Testimonial)

7. Project Team
● Names, Qualifications, Experience (Complementary strengths relevant for the project
should be visible)
8.Project Plan including Reviews
● Activities, timelines, accountabilities
● Use Project Management Software for large change projects
● Include formal and informal reviews with Leadership Team, Project Team and with
● Include formal and informal reviews of consultant team (for consumption of the
consulting team only)

9. Leveraging Knowledge and Building New Knowledge

● Prepare for the Project (Reading, Getting coached by members who worked on
similar projects, Internal Thought Leaders)
● Clear learning goals
● Peer learning
● Experimentation
● Creating learning histories

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