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Can Charisma Be Taught?

Tests of Two Interventions


Definition - We thus define charisma as symbolic leader influence rooted in emotional and
ideological foundations.

Parts of Charisma

1) Verbal -Metaphors, Stories and anecdotes, Moral Conviction, share sentiments of the
collective, Confidence, Contrasts, Lists, Rhetorical questions.

2) Non Verbal – Body gestures and facial expressions, animated voice.


1) An intervention group having received charismatic leadership training will score

significantly higher on ratings of attributed charisma than will a control group
2) Controlling for learning effects, posttraining ratings of charisma markers will show a
significant improvement as compared to pretraining ratings of charisma
3) Charisma will predict leader prototypicality
4) Charisma will predict leader emergence
5) Charisma will predict outcomes associated with it, including affect for the leader, trust
in the leader, and attributions of competence and influence


In Study 1,

between-subject repeated measures field experiment, we randomly assigned managers to an

experimental or a control group. We controlled for preexisting differences in charisma and
examined the impact of the training 3 months later. 34 middle managers. They were then
rated by their co-workers. Also 360 degree feedback

Study 2

In Study 2, a within-subjects laboratory experiment, we specifically measured changes in the

charismatic leadership tactics (CLTs) of MBA students to determine whether charisma
predicted leader outcomes.

This study complements the first one, wherein we could not ascertain whether changes in
charisma were due to the CLTs or a competing explanation (e.g., the fact that those leaders
who were in the experimental group felt more efficacious and confident, and consequently,
appeared more leaderlike and charismatic).

Students were asked to prepare 4 minutes speech. They had to imagine they are a manager
who have to give some bad news to the staff. They were then trained for 6 weeks and then
they were again asked to give speeches.

Training for Charisma

We provided participants with general principles of what constitutes effective and

charismatic leadership, we allowed participants to learn by doing, and gave them ambitious
goal of demonstrating charisma—which they had not yet mastered—to create a positive
tension and hence motivation for them to improve. We also gave participants learning-
oriented feedback regarding their charisma. Used movies also.


1) Charisma can be taught. leaders must be provided with extensive feedback. on their
styles in a participant-centered approach; more important, leaders need focused and
explicit development goals, and to be placed in a “maximum- performance situation,”
with knowledge that they will be remeasured
2) Without being made cognizant that they need to improve their leadership and that
they will be reevaluated, leaders simply might not be motivated to “self-improve”.
3) There is no quick fix to leadership training and can’t be obtained merely by classroom
training. A significant amount of time was spent by participants in practicing the
same. A training should have a healthy mix of group discussions etc.
4) The participants appreciate the filming of their speeches and feedback for the same.
5) More applicable for mature participants. (work ex, and old)

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