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Assignments for Relational Database Management


Monika Verma, Satyendra Singh,

Author(s) Diwakar Jaiswal, Lakshmi D.L.,
Manjeet Singh Juneja
Customization for Hari S.
Campus Connect FP 4.0
Authorized By Pramod Prakash Panda

Creation/Revision Date Sep 2014

Version 4.0
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Document Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Reviewer(s) Description

Monika Verma,
Kiran R.K., Lakshmi
1.0 Jan 2014 Satyendra Singh, Initial Draft
Diwakar Jaiswal
Monika Verma,
1.1 Feb 2014 Kiran R.K. As per feedback comments
Lakshmi D.L.
Monika Verma, Incorporated additional
2.0 May 2014 Kiran R.K.
Manjeet Singh Juneja assignments

Customization Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Reviewer(s) Description

Customization for Campus

4.0 Sep 2014 Hari S. Vani K.N.
Connect FP 4.0 release


COPYRIGHT NOTICE..............................................................................................................................................................i 
Document Revision History.......................................................................................................................................................ii 
Customization Revision History ................................................................................................................................................ii 
CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................iii 
Assignments on Database basics ........................................................................................................................................... 1 
Assignment 1: Relational model: Keys - Guided activity...................................................................................................... 1 
Assignment 2: Identifying data items - Guided activity........................................................................................................ 2 
Assignment 3: ER modeling - Terms and notations - Guided activity ................................................................................. 4 
Assignment 4: ER model - Guided activity........................................................................................................................... 6 
Assignment 5: Conversion ER model to Relational schema - Guided activity...................................................................... 7 
Assignment 6: Functional dependency - Guided activity...................................................................................................... 8 
Assignment 7: Identify highest normal form - Guided activity............................................................................................ 8 
Assignments on SQL basics ................................................................................................................................................ 11 
Assignment 1: CREATE and INSERT - Demo ................................................................................................................... 11 
Assignment 2: DDL - CREATE table - Demo .................................................................................................................... 13 
Assignment 3: DML - Demo ............................................................................................................................................... 18 
Assignment 4: DDL - ALTER table - Demo ...................................................................................................................... 19 
Assignment 5: DEFAULT - Guided Activity ..................................................................................................................... 22 
Assignment 6: SELECT - Demo.......................................................................................................................................... 23 
Assignment 7: DML - Guided activity................................................................................................................................ 25 
Assignment 8: DISTINCT, ORDER BY - Demo ................................................................................................................ 26 
Assignment 9: DISTINCT, ORDER BY - Guided activity................................................................................................. 27 
Assignment 10: CASE statement - Demo............................................................................................................................ 28 
Assignment 11: CASE statement - Guided Activity ........................................................................................................... 29 
Assignment 12: SQL functions - Demo............................................................................................................................... 30 
Assignment 13: SQL functions - Guided activity ............................................................................................................... 33 
Assignments on GROUP BY and HAVING ....................................................................................................................... 35 
Assignment 1: GROUP BY and HAVING - Guided activity ............................................................................................. 35 
Assignments on Joins .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 
Assignment 1a: INNER JOIN - Guided activity ................................................................................................................. 35 
Assignment 1b: INNER JOIN - Guided activity................................................................................................................. 37 
Assignment 2a: LEFT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity ..................................................................................................... 39 
Assignment 2b: LEFT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity ..................................................................................................... 39 
Assignment 3: RIGHT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity..................................................................................................... 39 
Assignment 4: Self-Join - Guided activity .......................................................................................................................... 40 
Assignments on Sub queries ................................................................................................................................................ 40 

Assignment 1: Independent sub query - Single row and Multi row -
Guided activity ........................................................ 40 
Assignment 2: Multiple columns sub query - Demo ........................................................................................................... 42 
Assignment 3: Multiple columns sub query - Guided activity............................................................................................. 43 
Assignment 4: Correlated sub query - Guided activity ....................................................................................................... 44 
Assignment 5: Exists/Not Exists - Guided activity ............................................................................................................ 45 
Assignments on Index.......................................................................................................................................................... 45 
Assignment 1: Index - Guided activity ................................................................................................................. 45 
Assignments on SQL Best practices .................................................................................................................................... 46 
Assignment 1: Best practice tips for writing SQL queries ............................................................................ 46 
Assignments on Views......................................................................................................................................................... 49 
Assignment 1: Views - Demo.................................................................................................................................... 49 
Assignment 2: Views - Guided activity ................................................................................................................ 49 
Assignments on Transaction and Locks............................................................................................................................... 50 
Assignment 1: Concurrency issues - Self Study ................................................................................................................. 50 
Assignment 2: Locks - Guided activity............................................................................................................................... 53 
Assignments on PL/SQL ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 
Assignment 1: PL/SQL block - Guided activity.................................................................................................................. 54 
Assignment 2: Usage of BOOLEAN data type - Guided activity ....................................................................................... 56 
Assignment 3: Usage of SQL% Attributes in PL/SQL - Guided activity ........................................................................... 57 

Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

Assignments on Database Basics

Assignment 1: Relational model: Keys - Guided activity

Objective: Identify the candidate key, primary key and foreign keys for the
given relations
Problem description: All the details pertaining to retail application are stored in
the form of relations.
Note: Refer CCFP4.0-RDBMS-EasyShop Retail Application Case Study.docx

Few of the relations are mentioned below:

Relation Name Description of relation

item items being sold in the retail store
supplier suppliers from whom items are bought to the retail store

quotation quotations placed by the suppliers

orderstatus order status against the accepted quotations

retailoutlet details of the various retail outlets

employee employees working for the retail outlet

customer customers who buy items from retail outlets

inwarditem quantity of items procured to warehouse against orderid

outwarditem items shipped from warehouse to retail outlet

The relations along with their attributes are mentioned below. Identify the
candidate key, primary key and foreign key(s) for these relations:
a) item (itemcode, itemtype, description, price, reorderlevel, quantityonhand,
b) supplier (supplierid, suppliername, suppliercontactno, supplieremailid)
c) quotation (quotationid, supplierid, itemcode, quotedprice, quotationdate,

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d) orderstatus (orderid, quotationid, orderdate, status, paymentdate,

amountpaid, paymentmode)
e) retailoutlet (retailoutletid, retailoutletlocation, retailoutletmanagerid)
f) employee (empid, empname, designation, emailid, contactno, worksin)
g) customer (customerid, customertype, customername, emailid, contactno,
h) inwarditem (orderid, inwardqty, inwarddate)
i) outwarditem(outwardid, itemcode, retailoutletid, outwardqty,

Estimated time: 60 mins

Summary of this assignment: Identification of candidate key, primary key and

foreign key

Assignment 2: Identifying data items - Guided activity

Objective: Given the case study, identify the data items required

Problem description:
1. Consider the EasyShop application. Identify all the data items required
for creating the database.
Refer CCFP4.0-RDBMS-EasyShop Retail Application Case Study.docx

2. In a training institute, the results of the assessments conducted for various

courses needs to be stored. An application is used which has the database
to store the marks details. Each assessment is made up of two or more
The senior management wants to analyze the scores of the participants.
Reports need to be generated so that analysis can be made - course-wise,
topic-wise, college-wise and region-wise. Identify the data items that are
required for the database.

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Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: Identification of the data items for a given case

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Assignment 3: ER modeling - Terms and notations -

Guided activity
Problem description: Terms in ER modeling with examples and notation


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Note: Weak entities and the relationship involving weak entities

represented via Double Rectangle and Double Diamond, respectively

Degree of relationship:
Number of entities involved in the relationship

Cardinality of relationship:
The number of instances of one entity is related to the number of instances of
another entity.
Cardinality is represented by placing the appropriate number along with the

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Cardinality of relationship  Example 
one to one (1:1)  


one to many (1:M) 

many to one (M:1)  


many to many (M:N) 

Estimate time: 20 mins

Note: ERD is usually viewed from left to right and from top to bottom.

Assignment 4: ER model - Guided activity

Problem description: Consider the following ER-Diagram depicting a banking
scenario and answer the questions below:

1 M Belongs
Branch Account Customer
Has to

1. How many entities are present? Name those entities.

2. How many relationships are present? Name those relationships. 3.
Mention the degree of all identified relationships. 4. Cardinality of all
identified relationships.

Estimated time: 10 mins

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Assignment 5: Conversion ER model to Relational schema

- Guided activity
Problem description: Convert the below ER model to relational schema

1. Identify the strong and weak entities.

2. Identify the key attributes.
3. How many tables would be resulted after conversion to relational schema?
4. How many primary and foreign keys are there in resultant relational schema?

Estimated time: 45 mins

Summary of this assignment: Converting the ER model to relational schema

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Assignment 6: Functional dependency - Guided activity

Objective: To determine the candidate key and various types of functional


Problem Description:
1. Consider the following relation and the given functional dependencies,
identify the candidate key and type of functional dependency
item (itemid, marketingid, vendor, style, price)

Functional dependencies:
{itemid, marketingid}  price
itemid  vendor, style

2. Consider the following set of relations and the given functional

dependencies, identify the candidate keys and type of functional dependency
sale (customerid, product, salesrep)
product (product#, vendor, vendorcity)

Functional dependencies:

{customerid, product}  salesrep

product#  vendor
vendor  vendorcity

Estimated time: 30 mins

Assignment 7: Identify highest normal form - Guided activity

Objective: To determine the highest normal form

Problem Description:
1. Find out the candidate key(s) and the highest normal form in the given relation:

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trainee (traineeid, traineename, classroomid, pcid)

Consider the following functional dependencies:

i. traineeid  traineename
ii. {classroomid, pcid}  traineename
iii. traineeid  classroomid, pcid
iv. {classroomid, pcid}  traineeid

Suggested Solution:
Step 1: Identify the candidate key, with the help of given functional dependencies.

As per the first functional dependency, let us assume traineeid is a candidate key.
To confirm that, traineeid is a candidate key, it should determine rest of the

The given two functional dependencies shows that, we can determine rest of the
attributes (i.e. traineename, classroomid and pcid} with the help of traineeid.
traineeid  traineename
traineeid  classroomid, pcid

Hence, traineeid is a candidate key. But as we know, a relation can have more
than one candidate key. Let's check, if we have another candidate key in the given

As per the second functional dependency, let us assume {classroomid, pcid} is a

composite candidate key. Again if, {classroomid, pcid} is a composite candidate
key, it should determine {traineename and traineeid}.

The given two functional dependencies illustrates that, we can determine

{traineename and traineeid} with the help of {classroomid, pcid}.
{classroomid, pcid}  traineename
{classroomid, pcid}  traineeid

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Hence, {classroomid, pcid} is a composite candidate key in a given relation.

But, to prove that it is a candidate key, the subset of {classroomid, pcid} should
not determine rest of the attributes independently. In a given relation, it is not

Hence, we have two candidate keys:

a) traineeid
b) {classroomid, pcid}

Step 2: Identify the highest normal form

a) Identify the key attributes and non-key attributes.

As we know, attributes which are the part of candidate key is/are called key
attribute(s) and others is/are non-key attributes. In our case,
Key attributes are { traineeid, classroomid and pcid }
Non-key attribute is { traineename }

b) Check for 1NF:

As per the definition of 1NF, all the attributes should be atomic in nature.
So, it holds for a given trainee relation.

c) Check for 2NF:

As per the definition of 2NF, there should not be any partial dependency
between non-key and key-attributes.
It means we should not have a dependency like:
Key-attribute (subset of composite candidate key)  Non-key attribute(s)

In our case, the composite candidate key is {classroomid and pcid}.

Let's check, do we have any dependency like;

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classroomid  Non-key attribute

pcid  Non-key attribute

After looking at the given functional dependencies, we can conclude that,

there is no partial dependency existing. Hence the given relation is in 2NF.

d) Check for 3NF:

Again, as per the definition of 3NF, relation should not have any transitive
dependency between key and non-key attributes via another non-key
In simple words, we should not have any dependency among non-key
attributes If Non-key-attribute  Non-key-attribute, then there is a
transitive dependency and the relation will not be in 3NF.

In our case, we have only one non-key attribute, so there is no chance of

having transitive dependency in a relation. Hence, our trainee relation is in

Estimated time: 50 minutes

Assignments on SQL basics

Assignment 1: CREATE and INSERT - Demo

Objective: To create a table based on a business requirement/use case

Problem description:
1. For storing the supplier details, the supplier table needs to be created. Table
is created without any constraints

Column name Data type Constraint Description

supplierid VARCHAR2(6) None ID of the supplier

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Assignments for
supplierna RDBMS
suppliercontact VARCHAR
2(30) Name of the
no supplier
supplieremai Contact number of
lid supplier
Email id of

lier  Data type
(supplierid VARCHAR2(6
C suppliername VARCHAR2

olumn (30), 
suppliercontactno VARCHAR2(
supplieremailid VARCHAR2(

2. Insert a record in the
supplier table

(supplierid, suppliername,

('S1001', 'Giant Store', '203-

1) SQL is case insensitive
2) Coding
a. All the keywords must be written in UPPER case and table
name, column
name etc. must be written in
lower case.
3) The values of the columns whose data type is CHAR, VARCHAR2 or
DATE must
be mentioned in single
Example: 'S1001', '15-Aug-
1947' etc.
4) The values that are mentioned after the VALUES keyword must
follow the same
order as the columns mentioned after the
table name
5) The data values for VARCHAR2 or CHAR data type is
case sensitive

3. SQL statement to add a record into the "supplier" table for a

supplier without
email id is as

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INSERT INTO supplier (supplierid, suppliername,  C
suppliercontactno, supplieremailid)   T
VALUES ('S1002','EBATs','115‐340‐2345', NULL); *
4. SQL to retrieve the details of suppliers F
OM supplier; Assignments for RDBMS

Note: More details about SELECT statement will be dealt later

Estimated time: 20 mins

Summary of this assignment: You have learnt to create table without any
constraints and insert a record into the table.

Assignment 2: DDL - CREATE table - Demo

Problem description:

1. Create a table supplier where supplier id should not be repeated

Step 1: Existing table to be dropped by using below DDL statement

DROP TABLE supplier;

Step 2: Create supplier table, with "supplierid" column to have UNIQUE values

CREATE TABLE supplier( 
supplierid VARCHAR2(6) 
CONSTRAINT sup_sid_unq UNIQUE,  
suppliername VARCHAR2(30),  
suppliercontactno VARCHAR2(12),   
supplieremailid VARCHAR2(30) 

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Best practice:
1) Every constraint must be named
2) The naming convention to be followed for a constraint:
<short table name>_<short column name>_<short 
constraint type> 
Example: sup_sid_unq  

Try-out and observe the output :

1) Insert two records into supplier table having same supplier id
2) Insert two records into supplier table with supplier id as NULL value

2. Create the table supplier where supplier id must not be left blank and it should
not repeat too

DROP TABLE supplier; 
CREATE TABLE supplier ( 
supplierid VAR
A column can have
CHAR2(6)   more than one
suppliername VARCHAR2(30),  
suppliercontactno VARCHAR2(12), 
supplieremailid VARCHAR2(30) 

Repeat the 2 inserts of previous try-out and observe the output

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3. To create a table supplier with supplier id as primary key

DROP TABLE supplier;

CREATE TABLE supplier( 
supplierid VARCHAR2(6) 
suppliername VARCHAR2(30),  
suppliercontactno VARCHAR2(12),  
supplieremailid VARCHAR2(30) 

4. Create the table retailstock with retailoutletid and itemcode as composite

primary key.

Column name Data type Constraint Description

retailoutletid VARCHAR2(6) ID of the supplier
Primary key
itemcode VARCHAR2(6) Item code

retailunitprice NUMBER Unit price of item

quantityavailable NUMBER Quantity of items available in the

retail outlet

CREATE TABLE retailstock ( 
retailoutletid VARCHAR2(6), 
itemcode VARCHAR2(6), 
retailunitprice NUMBER, 
quantityavailable NUMBER, 

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CONSTRAINT rtlstk_rid_icode_pk PRIMARY 
KEY(retailoutletid, itemcode) 
1) The composite primary key must be created as a table level

Try-out and observe the output :

Insert a record into retailstock table with:

1) Retailoutletid as 'R1001' and Itemcode as 'I1001'. 2)
Retailoutletid as 'R1001' and Itemcode as 'I1002'. 3)
Retailoutletid as 'R1001' and Itemcode as 'I1001'. 4)
Retailoutletid as 'R1002' and Itemcode as 'I1001'. 5)
Retailoutletid as NULL and itemcode as 'I1001'.

5. Create table supplier where the supplier id must start with 'S'

DROP TABLE supplier; 
CREATE TABLE supplier 
(supplierid VARCHAR2(6)  
CONSTRAINT supl_sid_ck CHECK (supplierid LIKE 'S%'),  
suppliername VARCHAR2(30),  
suppliercontactno VARCHAR2(12), 
supplieremailid VARCHAR2(30)); 

Try-out and observe the output :

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supplierid as '1001' and
1) Insert
a record observe the output.
into 2) Insert a record into supplier table with supplierid as 'S1001' and
table with observe the output.

6. Create quotation table with supplierid as foreign key:

Column name Data type Constraint Description

quotationid VARCHAR2(6) Primary key Unique ID
supplierid VARCHAR2(6) References ID of supplier
itemcode VARCHAR2(10) Item code
quotedprice NUMBER Price of the item
quotationdate DATE Date of quotation
quotationstatus VARCHAR2(10) Status of quotation

Question: What should be the values for supplierid column?

CREATE TABLE quotation ( 
quotationid VARCHAR2(6) CONSTRAINT quot_qid_pkey PRIMARY 
supplierid VARCHAR2(6)  
CONSTRAINT quot_sid_fk REFERENCES supplier(supplierid), 
itemcode VARCHAR2(10), 
quotedprice NUMBER, 
quotationdate DATE, 
quotationstatus VARCHAR2(10) 

Try-out and observe the output :

1) Insert a record into supplier table with supplierid as 'S1002' and
insert a record into quotation table with supplierid as 'S1003'

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2) Insert a record into supplier table with supplierid as 'S1003' and

insert a record into quotation table with supplierid as 'S1003'
3) Insert a record into quotation table with supplierid as NULL

Estimated time: 45 mins

Assignment 3: DML - Demo
Objective: To perform DML operations on a table based on given a relational
schema representing a business requirement/use case.

Problem description:
1. Include a row in the supplier table

INSERT INTO supplier  
VALUES ('S1009','M Stores','103‐237‐2017', '[email protected]');

Note:The statement written above is different from the one mentioned in

assignment 2
1) After the table name, the column names are not mentioned. Hence, the data
values after the VALUES keyword must be in the same order as mentioned
during table creation

2. The contact details of supplier 'S1009' has changed to 303-537-9127. Make

the changes in the table

UPDATE supplier 
SET suppliercontactno = '303‐537‐9127' 
WHERE supplierid='S1009';

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3. The emailid of supplier 'S1009' is modified to '[email protected]' and the

contact number to '879-456-398'
UPDATE supplier 
SET suppliercontactno = '879‐456‐398', 
supplieremailid = '[email protected]
 WHERE supplierid='S1009';
4. The supplier 'S1009' is no longer in business with EasyShop. The details of
supplier 'S1009' needs to be removed

DELETE FROM supplier  
WHERE supplierid='S1009';

Estimated time: 15 mins

Assignment 4: DDL - ALTER table - Demo

Objective: To modify the structure of a table based on given relational schema

representing a business requirement/use case.

Problem description:
1. After creating the table supplier, EasyShop wants to store the supplier city
information also in the supplier table
ALTER TABLE supplier   
ADD suppliercity VARCHAR2 (10);

2. After including the new supplier city column, EasyShop wants to increase the
column size to 20

ALTER TABLE supplier 
MODIFY suppliercity VARCHAR2 (20);

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3. Now EasyShop would like to remove the supplier city details

ALTER TABLE supplier  
DROP (suppliercity);

Note: Modification(downsize/change in data type) of a column is allowed

only if the column is empty
At least one column must be present after dropping column/s in a table.

4. The structure of item table is as mentioned below. The "itemcode" column of

"quotation" table created in assignment 3 is required to refer item table as a
foreign key

Table: item

Column name Data type Constraint Description

itemcode VARCHAR2(6) Primary key Item code
itemtype VARCHAR2(30) Type of item
description VARCHAR2(255) Not null Description of item
price NUMBER(19,4) Unit Price of item

category CHAR(1) Category of item

itemcode VARCHAR2(6)  
itemtype VARCHAR2(30),  
description VARCHAR2(255)   
price NUMBER(10,4), 

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category CHAR(1) 

SQL statement to modify the quotation table

ALTER TABLE quotation 
ADD CONSTRAINT quot_icode_fk FOREIGN KEY (itemcode) 
REFERENCES item (itemcode); 

5. The category column of item table must have values, is a new requirement.
To do this, add NOT NULL constraint on category column by executing the
below SQL statement.

ADD CONSTRAINT itm_cat_nn NOT NULL (category); 

Question: What is the output?

MODIFY category CONSTRAINT itm_cg_nn NOT NULL;

1) To modify the data type of column, the column should be empty.
2) If required, to add a constraint on existing column of a table, the data
present in that column must not violate the constraint that has to be added.
3) To change the column which can accept null values to not null, use
MODIFY clause of ALTER statement.

What if the category column contains NULL value(s)?

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Estimated time: 30 mins

Assignment 5: DEFAULT - Guided Activity

1. The default value specified will be used when no value is specified for the
column while inserting data
2. The default value specified in the definition should satisfy the data type
and length of the column
3. If a default value is not explicitly set, the default value for the column is
implicitly set to NULL


CREATE TABLE quotation (

quotationid VARCHAR2(6) CONSTRAINT quot_qid_pkey PRIMARY
quotedprice NUMBER,
quotationstatus VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'Open'
CONSTRAINT quot_quotstatus_check
CHECK (quotationstatus IN

Inserting a row into the quotation table with the quotation status as a default

INSERT INTO quotation VALUES('Q1001',1000, DEFAULT); 

Inserting a row into the quotation table with quotation status is other than default

INSERT INTO quotation VALUES('Q1002',1400, 'Accepted');

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Estimated time: 20 mins

Assignment 6: SELECT - Demo

Objective: To perform SELECT operations on a table based on given a
relational schema representing a business requirement/use case.

• Refer the document "CCFP4.0-RDBMS-EasyShop Retail
Application_DB_Design.docx" to know the DB design of
EasyShop retail application.

Problem description:

1. Retrieve all the records of item table.  

FROM item; 

SELECT itemcode, itemtype, description, price, category 
FROM item; 

2. Retrieve the supplier name and supplier's contact number of the supplier
SELECT suppliername, suppliercontactno   
FROM supplier  
WHERE supplierid = 'S1002';

3. Retrieve the quotation id and supplier id of the quotations which have been

either 'Accepted' or 'Rejected'.

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SELECT quotationid, supplierid 
FROM quotation 
WHERE quotationstatus ='Accepted'  
OR quotationstatus =' Rejected';


SELECT quotationid, supplierid 
FROM quotation 
WHERE quotationstatus   
IN ('Accepted', 'Rejected');

Try out and observe the output:

Retrieve the quotation id and supplier id of the quotations which
are 'CLOSED'

4. Retrieve supplier details like supplier id and supplier name whose names
have 'i' as the second character.
SELECT supplierid, suppliername 
FROM supplier  
WHERE suppliername LIKE '_i%'; 
5. Retrieve the order details like orderid, quotationid, status, paymentdate
for those orders where payments are not received.

SELECT orderid, quotationid, status, paymentdate 
FROM orderstatus  
WHERE amountpaid IS NULL; 

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6. Retrieve the quotation details like quotationid, quotationdate,
quotedprice for those quotations which are quoted in the range of 1400
and 2150.
SELECT quotationid, quotationdate, quotedprice 
FROM quotation 
WHERE quotedprice>=1400 AND quotedprice<=2150; 
SELECT quotationid, quotationdate, quotedprice 
FROM quotation 
WHERE quotedprice BETWEEN 1400 AND 2150; 
7. The management of EasyShop wants to increase the salary of all
employees by 10%. Write a query to display the employee details along
with their increased salary.

SELECT empid, empname, designation, salary,  
salary*1.10 "NewSal" 
FROM employee; 

Estimated time: 30 mins

Assignment 7: DML - Guided activity

Objective: To perform SELECT operations on a table based on given a
relational schema representing a business requirement/use case.


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The table creation scripts and the insertion scripts for the retail application
are available in "Easyshop_Retailapplication_Table_Creation_Script.txt".
Execute the SQL statements in this file and create the tables along with
data for practicing various SELECT statements

Problem description: Solve the following queries:

1. Display description and price of different sizes of all 'Hard disk'.

2. Display quotationid, supplierid, itemcode, quotedprice, quotationdate,

quotationstatus of those quotations which are not accepted.

3. Retrieve the designation and salary of all 'Manager' and 'Billing Staff'

4. Retrieve the designation and salary of all 'Manager' and 'Billing Staff' who
have salary in the range of 2500 to 5000 (both inclusive).

5. Retrieve the retailoutletid and retailoutletlocation which does not have a


6. Retrieve the orderid, quotationid and orderstatus of those quotations where

order is placed between the dates '1-Dec-2010' and '1-Jan-2011'

7. Increase the unit price of all apparels by 10%

Estimated time: 60 mins

Assignment 8: DISTINCT, ORDER BY - Demo

Objective: To perform SELECT operations with DISTINCT and ORDER BY
clause based on given relational schema representing a business
requirement/use case.

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1. Retrieve the different item types.

FROM item; 

2. Retrieve the different item types and category of the items.

SELECT DISTINCT itemtype, category  
FROM item; 
3. Retrieve the itemcode, description and price with the increasing order of
item's price.

SELECT itemcode, description, price 
FROM item  
ORDER BY price;

4. Retrieve the different item types and category of the items in the increasing
order of item types and category.

SELECT DISTINCT itemtype, category  
FROM item  
ORDER BY itemtype, category DESC;

Estimated time: 20 mins

Assignment 9: DISTINCT, ORDER BY - Guided activity

1. Retrieve the designation and salary of employees without any duplication of


2. Retrieve the empname, designation and salary in increasing order of the


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3. Retrieve the empname, designation and salary in increasing order of the

designation and salary.

4. Retrieve the empname and salary in increasing order of the designation and
decreasing order of salary.

Estimated time: 40 mins

Assignment 10: CASE statement - Demo

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a set of requirements, be

able to write query using CASE statement and retrieve results.

Background: Consider a scenario of EasyShop retail system managing several

retail outlets, items, customers and business operations.
The required schema and data has already been created using
"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script

Problem Description: Write the queries for the following requirements.

1. Salary hikes are being given to all employees of EasyShop based on
their role. The percentage increase is as given below. Write a query to
display the employee details along with the increase in their salary based
on the following conditions.
Designation(Role) Hike in %
Administrator 10
Manager 5
Billing Staff 20
Security 25
  Others 2

SELECT empid, empname, designation, salary,  
CASE designation 
WHEN 'Administrator' THEN salary*1.1 
WHEN 'Manager' THEN salary*1.05 

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WHEN 'Billing Staff' THEN salary*1.20 
WHEN 'Security' THEN salary*1.25  
ELSE salary*1.02 END newsal 
FROM employee; 
2. The management of EasyShop would like to classify the salary of
employees as Class 3, Class 2 and Class 1. The classification is done as
if salary is less than 2500 then the class is 'Class 3' , if between 2500
and 5000 then 'Class 2', and if salary is more than 5000 then 'Class1'.
Write a query to display the same.

empname, salary, 
  WHEN salary < 2500 THEN 'Class 3' 
  WHEN salary BETWEEN 2500 AND 5000 THEN 'Class 2' 
  WHEN salary > 5000 THEN 'Class 1' 
END as Salgrade 
FROM employee;

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the usage of
case statements and solve queries on them.

Assignment 11: CASE statement - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a business requirement and

an identified set of requirements, be able to write query using CASE statement
and retrieve results.

Background: Consider a scenario of EasyShop retail system managing several

retail outlets, items, customers and business operations. The required schema

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and data has already been created using

"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script and answer the
following queries:

3. Write a query to update the salaries to all employees based on the

conditions given in the above assignment.

4. The management of EasyShop would like to classify the items as cheap,

affordable, expensive and very expensive. The classification is done if
item unit price is between 0 and 499 then 'Cheap', if between 500 and
1999 then 'Affordable', if between 2000 and 4999 then 'Expensive' and if
price is more than or equal to 5000 then 'Very Expensive'. Write a query
to display the same.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the usage of
case statements and solve queries on them.

Assignment 12: SQL functions - Demo

Objective: To perform SELECT operations along with SQL functions on a table
based on given a relational schema representing a business requirement/use

1. For a discount of 25.5% being offered on all FMCG item's unit price, display
item code, existing unit price as "Old Price" and discounted price as "New
Price". Round off the discounted price to two decimal values.

SELECT itemcode, price "Old Price",  
ROUND (price*0.745, 2) "New Price"   
FROM item  
WHERE itemtype = 'FMCG';

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2. Retrieve the employee id, employee name of billing staff and the retail outlet
where they work. Perform a case insensitive search.
SELECT empid, empname, worksin   
FROM employee  
WHERE UPPER (designation) = UPPER ('Billing staff');


SELECT empid, empname, worksin   
FROM employee  
WHERE UPPER (designation) = 'BILLING STAFF';


SELECT empid, empname, worksin   
FROM employee  
WHERE LOWER (designation) = 'billing staff'; 

3. Retrieve the order id, order status and payment mode of all the orders. Display
'Payment yet not done' when payment mode has NULL value.

SELECT orderid, status,  
NVL(paymentmode, 'Payment yet not done') 
FROM orderstatus;

4. Retrieve the description of items which have more than 15 characters.

SELECT description 
FROM item  
WHERE LENGTH (description)>15;

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5. Display numeric part of supplier id.

SELECT SUBSTR (supplierid, 2, 4) 
FROM supplier;

6. Retrieve the order id and the number of days between order date and payment
date for all orders.

SELECT orderid, ABS(orderdate ‐ paymentdate) 
FROM orderstatus;

7. Retrieve the order id and the number of months between order date and
payment date for all orders.

SELECT orderid, ABS (MONTHS_BETWEEN (orderdate,  
FROM orderstatus;

8. Insert a record into quotation table with quotation date exactly as '16/2/2014'.

INSERT INTO quotation VALUES ('Q1020', 'S1001',  
'I1003', 125, '16/2/2014', 'Open');

What went wrong?

INSERT INTO quotation VALUES ('Q1020', 'S1001',  
'I1003', 125, TO_DATE('16/2/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY'),  

9. Display current date and current date as 'Mon/DD/ YYYY Day'


10. Retrieve the maximum salary, minimum salary, total salary and average
salary of employees.

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SELECT MAX (salary), MIN (salary), SUM (salary), 
AVG (salary) 
FROM employee; 

11. Retrieve the total number of items available in warehouse.

FROM item;

12. Retrieve the total number of orders made and the number of orders for which
payment has been done.

SELECT COUNT(orderid), COUNT(paymentdate) 
FROM orderstatus; 

13. Retrieve the total number of different item types available.

FROM item; 

Estimated time: 30 mins

Assignment 13: SQL functions - Guided activity

Objective: To perform SELECT operations along with SQL functions on a table
based on given a relational schema representing a business requirement/use

Problem Description: Write the SQL queries for the following problem
Try out and observe the output:
FROM orderstatus;

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SELECT COUNT (amountpaid) 
FROM orderstatus;

1. Retrieve the average salary paid to employees.

2. Retrieve the orderid and the number of months between orderdate and
paymentdate for all orders where the number of months is more than one and
the payment has been done.

3. The salary of managers has been increased by 20%. Retrieve the empid,
existing salary as "Current Salary", increased salary as "New Salary" and the
difference of existing and increased salary as "Incremented Amount". Round
off the increased salary up to two decimal places.

4. Display the itemcode of those items where the difference of quantity on hand
and reorder level is more than 50.
Hint: use ABS() function

Try out and observe the output:

1) SELECT MAX(empname) FROM employee; 
2) SELECT AVG(empname) FROM employee; 
3) SELECT MIN(inwarddate) FROM inwarditem;

Estimated time: 30 mins

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Assignments on GROUP BY and HAVING

Assignment 1: GROUP BY and HAVING - Guided activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a business requirement/use

case, be able to write queries using GROUP BY and HAVING

Problem description: Write SQL statements for the following requirements:

1. Retrieve the orderid and the number of times for which inward quantity
arrived for that order

2. Retrieve the itemcode and average of quantity available where the

average of quantity available is less than 75.

3. Display paymentmode, and total number of payments for those payments

which were paid before the year 2011 and total number of payments should
be more than 1.

4. Display the month and number of quotations received in each month.

Hint: Use TO_CHAR(quotationdate, 'Month') 

Estimated Time: 40 minutes

Summary of this assignment: Usage of GROUP BY and HAVING

Assignments on Joins

Assignment 1a: INNER JOIN - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of INNER JOIN concepts.

Problem description: Solve the following queries:

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1. There is a requirement to display itemcode, supplierid and suppliername

for the suppliers who have given the quotations.
a. _______ Number of tables are required to satisfy the above
b. Name the identified tables.
c. What is the joining condition?
d. Write a query to meet the above requirement.

2. Display the customerid and customername of those customers who are

also suppliers.
a. _______ Number of tables are required to satisfy the above
b. Name the identified tables.
c. What is the joining condition?
d. Write a query to meet the above requirement.

3. Display cutomername and billamount for those customers who have

shopped for more than 5000
a. _______ Number of tables are required to satisfy the above
b. Name the identified tables.
c. What is the joining condition?
d. Is there any other condition to be checked? If yes, what is that?
e. Write a query to meet the above requirement.

4. The Manager of EasyShop would like to know those supplier details with the
quoted price of those items for which quotations have been accepted.
Display supplierid, suppliername, itemcode and quotedprice for the

a. _______ Number of tables are required to satisfy the above


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b. Name the identified tables.

c. What is the joining condition?
d. Is there any other condition to be checked? If yes, what is that? e.
Write a query to meet the above requirement.

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Summary of this assignment: Usage of INNER JOIN for various given

business scenarios.

Assignment 1b: INNER JOIN - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of INNER JOIN concepts.

Problem description: Solve the following queries:

Note: The table creation scripts and the insertion scripts for this
assignment are available in
"Emp_Dept_Vehicle_Table_Creation_Script.txt". Execute the SQL
statements in this file and create the tables along with data for
practicing various SELECT statements

1. Display name and salary of the employees, who are drawing salary more
than 2000. Along with that display the department names in which they are
working. Structure of the table is given below

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Figure 1.1

2. Display the name of employees and their department names who are
Note: See the structure in Figure 1.1

3. List the department names that have more than one employee drawing
salary more than 1500, working under it.
Note: See the structure in Figure 1.1

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: Usage of INNER JOIN for various given

business scenarios.

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Assignment 2a: LEFT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of LEFT OUTER JOIN concepts.

Problem description: Solve the following queries.

1. Display itemcode, description of all items of type 'FMCG' along with

outwardqty and retailoutletid where the items have been moved.

2. For each item, identify the stock availability in the retail outlet R1001. Display
itemcode, description and qtyavailable for the same. If there is no stock
available for an item, display 'N.A.' for its quantity on available.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: Usage of Left outer join

Assignment 2b: LEFT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of LEFT OUTER JOIN.

Problem description: Solve the following queries.

1. For each employee, identify the vehicle owned by them. Display ename and
vehicleid for the same. Display name of employees even if they don't own
any vehicle.

2. For each employee, identify the vehicle owned by them. Display ename and
vehiclename for the same. Display name of employees even if they don't
own any vehicle.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Assignment 3: RIGHT OUTER JOIN - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

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Problem description: Solve the following query.

1. For every retail outlet, identify the employees working in it. Display empid,
empname, retailoutletid and their retailoutletlocation.

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Assignment 4: Self-Join - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of self-join.

Problem description: Solve the following queries:

1. Retrieve employee name, designation, and email id of those employees who

work in the same retail outlet where George works. Do not display the record
of George in the result.
2. Display the customer id and customer name of those customers who are co-
located. Do not display the duplicate records/rows.

3. Retrieve the customer id, customer name, and customer type of those
customers who are of the same customer type as that of customer id 2004.
Do not display the record of customer id 2004 in the result.

Estimated time: 40 minutes

Assignments on Sub queries

Assignment 1: Independent sub query - Single row and Multi

row - Guided activity

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Objective: To learn about usage of sub-queries and be able to construct an

independent sub query and retrieve results.

Background: Consider the scenario of EasyShop retail system managing

several retail outlets, items, customers and business operations.

Note: The required schema and data has already been created using
"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script

Problem Description: Write the SQL queries for the following requirements.

1. Identify the items which are shipped from the warehouse to various retail
outlets. Display itemcode, itemtype, description and category of those
2. Identify the item details that have the least quoted price with the quotation
status as 'Rejected'. Display itemcode, itemtype, description and
category of those items.

3. The management would like to know the details of the items which has
maximum quoted price amongst the quotations that have status as 'Closed' or
'Rejected'. Display itemcode and description of those items.

4. Identify the item having second highest unit price. Display itemcode,
description and price of those items.
5. Identify the supplier who has submitted quotation with the least quoted
price amongst the quotations that have been accepted. Display
itemcode, description, supplierid and suppliername for the same.

Estimated time: 40 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of independent sub queries.

Assignment 2: Multiple columns sub query - Demo

Objective: To learn about usage of sub-queries and be able to construct an

independent sub query which involves multiple columns and retrieve results.

Background: Consider a scenario of EasyShop retail system managing several

retail outlets, items, customers and business operations.

Note: The required schema and data has already been created using
"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script

Problem Description: The payroll department requires the details of those

employees who have the highest salary in each designation. Write a query to
retrieve the details of all these employees.

SELECT empid, empname, designation as "Role", salary 
FROM employee  
WHERE (designation, salary) IN 
     (SELECT designation, MAX(salary) 
               FROM employee group by designation);

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
of sub queries returning multiple columns.

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Assignment 3: Multiple columns sub query - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about usage of sub-queries and be able to construct an

independent sub query which involves multiple columns and retrieve results.

Background: Consider a scenario of EasyShop retail system managing several

retail outlets, items, customers and business operations.

Note: The required schema and data has already been created using
"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script

Problem Description: Write the SQL queries for the following requirements.

1. Display the retailoutletid, itemcode, description and outwardqty of those

items which are shipped to the same retail outlet id and in same quantity as
that of Best Rice. Do not display the details of Best Rice in the output. 
2. The management wants to have stock clearance sale by providing discounts
on the costliest items in each item type. Display retailoutletid, itemcode,
itemtype, description and category of those items having maximum retail
unit price in each item type in each retail outlets.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
of sub queries returning multiple columns.

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Assignment 4: Correlated sub query - Guided activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a set of requirements, be

able to construct a correlated sub query and retrieve results.
Background: Consider a scenario of EasyShop retail system managing several
retail outlets, items, customers and business operations.

Note: The required schema and data has already been created using
"Easyshop_RetailApplication_TableCreationScript.txt" script

Problem Description: Write the SQL queries for the following requirements.
1. Display the itemcode, description and quotationdate for those items which
are quoted below the maximum quotation price on the same day.

2. Warehouse supplies various items to the retail outlets as per the

requirement. Identify the outward id in which the outward quantity is less
than or equal to the average outward quantity of all the items supplied in the
same retail outlet. Display outwardid and itemcode for the same.

3. Identify the supplier who has submitted the quotation for an item with the
quoted price, less than the maximum quoted price submitted by all other
suppliers, for the same item.
Display supplierid, suppliername and itemcode for the identified supplier.
Do not display duplicate records.

4. The payroll department requires the details of those employees who are
getting the highest salary in each designation. Display empid, empname,
designation and salary as per the given requirement.

Estimated time: 60 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of correlated sub queries.

Assignment 5: Exists/Not Exists - Guided activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a set of requirements, be

able to construct a correlated sub query using EXISTS operator and retrieve

Problem Description: Write the SQL queries for the following requirements.
1. Display the customer id and customer name of those customers who have
not purchased at all from any retail outlet.
2. Display the item code, description of those items which are shipped to any
retail outlet.
Estimated time: 30 minutes.
Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of exists and not exists.

Assignments on Index

Assignment 1: Index - Guided activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a business requirement and
an identified set of requirements, be able to create an index and understand its

1. ‐‐ Index on a single column 
SQL> CREATE INDEX supplier_idx   
     ON supplier(suppliercontactno); 

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2. ‐‐ Index on multiple column 
SQL> CREATE INDEX rs_itid_rup_idx   
     ON retailstock (itemcode, retailunitprice); 
3. ‐‐ Drop an Index 
SQL> DROP INDEX supplier_idx; 
4. ‐‐ Unique Index on a column 
    ON supplier(suppliercontactno);

Try-out and observe the output

1) Create an index on itemcode column of the item table.

2) Create a unique index on itemtype column of the item table.
3) Create an index on itemcode column of the quotation table.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of Index.

Assignments on SQL Best practices

Assignment 1: Best practice tips for writing SQL queries

Objective: To write SQL queries by using the industry best practices and
formulating logically accurate queries

1. Statements should be indented so that individual lines are neatly aligned.

2. Every table in the FROM list should be on a new line.
3. Oracle keywords should be entered in upper case

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4. Constants, program variables etc. should be on the right hand side of a

WHERE or HAVING clause.

SELECT ename 
         FROM emp 
               WHERE empno = 7946;

5. Do not use HAVING for columns that can be used in the WHERE clause.
For example, do not write the following:

SELECT deptno, SUM(sal) 
     FROM emp 
         GROUP BY deptno 
              HAVING deptno IN(10, 20);

Optimized query
SELECT deptno, SUM(sal) 
FROM emp 
WHERE deptno IN(10, 20) 
GROUP BY deptno;

6. Table aliases should be used in all queries that have more than one table
in the FROM clause. The use of table aliases speeds up the parse phase
of an oracle query, by reducing the number of recursive SQL queries.
7. When joining tables, the table returning the least number of rows should
be last in the FROM list.
8. Consider the following structure of the purchase table. Write a query to
retrieve purchaseid having value less than 100;

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Choose correct data types

9. Remove unnecessary large-table full table scans. If the query returns less
and 40 percent of the table rows in an ordered table or 7 percent of the
rows in an unordered table), the query can be tuned to use an index in
lieu of the full table scan.

10. Try to avoid the use of DISTINCT clause, where ever possible. As the
DISTINCT clause will result in performance degradation, we should use
this clause only when it is necessary or unavoidable.

11. Try to drop indexes that are not being used. Because each index takes
up disk space and slow the DML operations, we should drop indexes that
are not used.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt a few tips for
writing good queries

Assignments on Views

Assignment 1: Views - Demo

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a business requirement and
an identified set of requirements, be able to create or query a view.

Problem Description: Create a view for displaying empid, empname,

designation and salary details of all employees.

SELECT empid, empname, designation, salary 
FROM employee; 
SQL> SELECT * FROM emp_vw1;

‐‐Views with column alias  
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_vw2(employeeid,  
employeename, role, salary) AS 
SELECT empid, empname, designation, salary 
FROM employee; 
SQL> SELECT * FROM emp_vw2;

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Assignment 2: Views - Guided activity

Objective: Given a relational schema representing a business requirement and
an identified set of requirements, be able to create or query a view.

Problem Description:

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1. Insert sample record with designation as 'Manager' into emp_vw1 view

which is created in the previous assignment and verify for the inserted record
in the base table.
2. Increase the salary by 10% of all employees with designation as 'Manager'
using the view emp_vw1 and verify for the updated record in the base table.

3. Remove the details of employees added in the problem description 1 of this

assignment using the view emp_vw1 and verify for the deleted record in the
base table.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of Views

Assignments on Transaction and Locks

Assignment 1: Concurrency issues - Self Study

Objective: To understand concurrency issues

Problem description:
1. A store keeper is adding 25 units of item I1001 in retail outlet R1001. But
then he realized that he has to update the item I1002 and not I1001. So
he undid the update operation. Simultaneously 5 units of item I1001 is
being purchased from retail outlet R1001 by a customer. Sequence of the
transactions are as shown below:
What is your observation?

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Dirty read

How many items should be present in the outlet finally? How can this be

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2. A store keeper is moving 25 units of item I1001 from warehouse to retail

outlet R1001. Simultaneously the Manager of retail outlet R1001 is
consolidating a report for total quantity on hand for item I1001. Sequence
of the transactions are as shown below:
What is your observation?

Incorrect summary

How many units of I1001 should be present in total finally? How can this be

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

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Assignment 2: Locks - Guided activity

Objective: To learn about the exclusive lock.

Background: The different locking mechanisms have been explained to you in

the class. For practice, we will use the following emp table:

Table: emp with sample data

empid  empnam designation sal 

10001  Manager 13000 
10002  Supervisor 7000 
10003  Accountant 8000 
10004  Steno 5000 
10005  Accountant 7500 
10006  Manager 15000 
10007  Manager 14500 

Note: In Oracle the default locking is row exclusive lock for


Step 1: Open two instances of SQL PLUS on your machine and login with your
Oracle ID in both the instances.

Step 2: Go to first instance.

Write the following query:

UPDATE emp SET sal=9000 WHERE empid=10004; 

Step 3: Go to the second instance.

Write the following query:

UPDATE emp SET sal=6000 WHERE empid=10004;

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Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

Note: The second instance is in wait state. The reason is the first transaction has
issued the update statement for the empid 10004 and it acquires the exclusive(X) lock.
The second transaction is also trying to update the same but because of the X lock
acquired by the first transaction it has to wait.

Step 4: Go to the first instance and issue COMMIT/ROLLBACK.

Step 5: Go to the second instance. You get the SQL prompt.

Note: As soon as you COMMIT/ROLLBACK in the first instance the

transaction is over and the X lock is released.

Step 6: Issue COMMIT/ROLLBACK in the second instance as well.

Summary: You have just learnt UPDATE DML statement acquire a row exclusive
The X lock is released only at the end of transaction which is marked by

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment you have learnt the concept
and usage of database locks.

Assignments on PL/SQL

Assignment 1: PL/SQL block - Guided activity

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Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

Objective: Given a relational database, a use case representing the business

requirement, be able to implement anonymous PL/SQL blocks

Background: Create the tables and insert the data using the

"CourseRegistrationDBDesign.txt" script. If you have all the tables already

created, still you can drop all the tables and recreate all the tables and populate
the records so as to ensure consistency of the database.

Problem Description: Course Registration application has a department table

with departmentid, departmentname and headofdepartment.

Write a PL/SQL block as shown below, which declares variables for assigning
departmentid, departmentname and headofdepartment details and display the
same in execution section.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

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Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

Summary of this assignment: You have just learnt how to declare variables in
the declaration section and how variables can be used in

Assignment 2: Usage of BOOLEAN data type - Guided


Objective: Given a relational database, a use case representing the business

requirement, be able to implement anonymous PL/SQL blocks and understand
the usage of BOOLEAN data type

Problem Description: Analyze the following code and answer the questions
given below.

1. What is the value of a BOOLEAN variable by default?

2. What happens if we try to print the BOOLEAN variable?
3. What are the values that can be assigned to a BOOLEAN variable? 4.
What are the values expected from a BOOLEAN variable

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: You have just learnt the usage of Boolean data
type variables.

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Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

Assignment 3: Usage of SQL% Attributes in PL/SQL -

Guided activity
Objective: Given a relational database, a use case representing the business
requirement, be able to implement anonymous PL/SQL blocks and use SQL%
attributes in PL/SQL blocks.

Problem Description:
1. Write a PL/SQL program to update the hostelfee by 15% where hostelid is
'H1' and verify whether any row is updated and if it has affected display how
many rows are updated.

2. Modify the codes of problem description 2 and 3 of previous assignment 5 and

verify how many rows are affected and if any row gets affected, display the
number of rows affected.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: You have just learnt the usage of implicit cursor
attributes in PLSQL blocks.

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Infosys Limited Assignments for RDBMS

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