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Assessment towards community perception of PNP personnel of Tanza Municipal

Police Station

Chapter 1

The law enforcement is one of the pillars of the criminal justice system which
focuses on enforcing the law, and the perceptions on criminological understanding
according to its functions describes that without this pillar the justice systems could not
work or attain its main objective. The Philippine National Police or PNP, primarily
recognize the demographical, characteristics and moral activeness of each police
officer. The police personnel need to be adequate on their jobs because it is part of the
government support for the community. The police authorities are perceived as
legitimate when trusted by citizens. As a result, these citizens are more likely to obey
the law and coordinate with the authorities. When police officers can provide the basic
safety and security of the citizens, trust for the police is established (Goldsmith, 2003).
In line with this, a factor that may promote or inhibit citizen’s trust in the police warrants
additional study.
The Philippines is currently experiencing increased police presence and
intensified policing programs. PNP has been recently beleaguered with issues regarding
human rights violations, police impunity, and institutional corruption. It is therefore
compelling and timely to examine the perception of the community toward the
municipality of tanza police force within the context of these heightened policing
programs. Public perceptions surveys on police performance satisfaction in the
municipality of tanza are limited in terms of methodological and theoretical groundings.
This study aims to fill in such gap by analyzing the individual and contextual level
variables which potentially shape the public attitudes toward the police force. In
particular, the study looks at how perceived levels of insecurities on a broad array of
socioeconomic and political dimensions affect the public’s perception toward the police.
The study is built on the theoretical framework that the public attitudes toward the police
are part of a broader and more complex set of attitudes toward other societal


This study aims to determine the perception of the community in
the performance of PNP personnel of Tanza Municipal Police Station.
The study is also concerned on how they perform their job in the area
of their reponsibility.

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