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Food Safety Audit Scheme Quick Reference Guide May 2020

FSSC 22000 - Food NPMA - National Pest

AIB - American Institute BRC Global Standards Mérieux NutrSciences
Safety System Management NSF-Cook & Thurber Primus GFS SQF - Safe Quality Food YUM Brands
of Baking for Food Certification LLC
Certification Association

Exterior Rodent Control

Device Types Not specified. Not specified. Adhere to local, Must be described in program. Based on history and Not Specified, Bait stations
Bait stations or live traps. Bait Bait stations must be secured in Based on a risk assessment and Must be effectively maintained,
state, and federal regulations. Detectors and traps shall be of assessment of potential for must be identified, locked and
secured within station. Bait place next to building, closed, resultant validated pest no loose or granular rodenticide
robust, tamper-resistant infestation. (Bait stations or secured in place . Securedstations should be secured with and a key or a tool (e.g. allen management plan so that the is approved for use. Bait
construction. They shall be multiple-catch traps) means not easily removed a ground rod, chain, cable or wrench) is required to open. proper device, location and stations shall be used outside
appropriate for the target pest and/or are not removable by
wire, or glued to the placement is implemented. the facility.
general public. wall/ground, or secured with a Verification should be used to
patio stone (wall signs are ensure type is working for pest
required if using a patio stone) prevention.
to prevent the bait from being
removed by shaking, washed

Tamper Resistant Bait stations must be tamper Compliance with EPA PRN 94-7 Detectors and traps shall be of Compliance with EPA PRN 94-7 Compliance with EPA PRN 94-7 away, etc
Bait stations should be Bait stations must be secured in Not specified Not specified, but expected in
resistant, positioned, anchored tier 1 bait station sufficient. robust, tamper-resistant tier 1 bait station sufficient. tier 1 bait station sufficient. tamper resistant through the place and tamper resistant. food service facilities; required
in place, locked, and labeled. construction. They shall be use of screws, latches, in distribution and packaging
appropriate for the target pest locks, or by other effective facilities

Device Spacing Placement of exterior rodent Appropriately located Pest-monitoring programs Based on professional If PCO has not provided 50-100ft per V3 standards 25-50 feet but based upon risk Risk based; described in facility's Food service facilities: The
monitoring devices is based on shall include the placing of judgment and history and direction, spacing should be 50 documented pest management number and placement of traps
the detailed facility survey and detectors and traps in key assessment of potential for feet or 15.25 meters plan. shall be effective to control
activity history as required by locations to identify pest infestation. In the absence of pests and mitigate risk of entry
county or local regulatory activity. historical data, initial spacing into facility; Packinging and
requirements. In absence of an of 50 to 100 feet. distribution facilities: max 50 ft
assessment devices are placed except where public access
in intervals of 50 to 100 feet.

Doors Not specified Maintained in good condition. External doors, windows or Devices should be placed on Must be made based upon Within 6 feet of both sides of all Adequate screening or other All external windows, ventilation Devices are located in such a
Doors and dock levellers shall ventilation openings shall be either side of doors that lead habitat and potential access entry doors, except public protection is provided for openings, doors and other manner as to not contaminate
be close fitting or adequately designed to minimize the to the exterior access doors. defense against pests. Doors openings shall be effectively product, packaging materials or
proofed. Where external potential for entry of pests. and windows should be closed sealed when close and proofed equipment. Must be placed to
doors to enclosed product or screened with no gaps against dust, insects and other achieve maximum efficiency.
areas are opened, suitable greater than 0.25 inch. Cracks pests.
precautions shall be taken to and crevices have been sealed
prevent pest ingress. to prevent entrance or
harborage of pests.

Service Frequency At Least monthly or more often Determined by risk The detectors and traps shall Based on history and Once per month in winter and Monthly Monthly Risk based; described in facility's Minimum of monthly
if activity dictates. assessment be inspected at a frequency assessment of potential for twice per month in summer, documented pest management inspections, and more frequent
intended to identify new pest infestation (monthly unless a documented and plan. as necessary depending on risk
activity. The results of minimum) validated risk assessment with factors
inspections shall be analyzed supporting current trend data
to identify trends. supports a different frequency

Interior Rodent Control

Device Types Toxic bait is not used for Located and maintained to Must be described in program. Rodenticides shall not be used Only mechanical traps or glue Multi-catch traps or glue boards Not specified. No bait to be Based on a risk assessment and Must be effectively maintained,
interior monitoring. prevent contamination risk to Detectors and traps shall be of inside food plants, unless boards must be used inside the in stations or PVC pipes. Multi- used in the facility. resultant validated pest no loose or granular rodenticide
product; Toxic rodent baits robust, tamper-resistant approved by plant and facility (interior baiting is catch traps may be management plan so that the is approved for use. Bait
When non-toxic shall not be used within construction. They shall be permitted by label. Interior allowed in some countries supplemented with snap traps proper device, location and stations shall be used outside
monitoring/tracking bait is used production or storage areas appropriate for the target pest multiple-catch traps do not outside of the United States). in stations in certain areas. placement is implemented. the facility.
for interior monitoring, a where open procuct is present need to be anchored. Program Interior traps locate with a wall Verification shall be used to
documented proactive program except when treating an active shall be adjusted according to sign stating trap number as a ensure type is working for pest
is in place that defines infestation. Any missing bait 12 month trends. trap identifier in case a trap is prevention.
frequency of inspections, stations shall be recorded, moved.
identification of non-toxic bait reviewed and investigated.
placement, use according to Where toxic baits are used
label directions, and corrective these shall be secured.
action plans for identification
and tracking of resident pest
Food Safety Audit Scheme Quick Reference Guide May 2020

FSSC 22000 - Food NPMA - National Pest

AIB - American Institute BRC Global Standards Mérieux NutrSciences
Safety System Management NSF-Cook & Thurber Primus GFS SQF - Safe Quality Food YUM Brands
of Baking for Food Certification LLC
Certification Association
Device Spacing In the absence of an Appropriately located Pest-monitoring programs Based on history and Trap locations should be 20 to 40 feet around interior The spacing is at consistent Described in facilities document Food service facility: Devices are
assessment monitoring devices shall include the placing of assessment of potential for recommended by the PCO perimeter of all walls. Must intervals (typically 20-40ft., but pest management plan. located in such a manner as to
are placed at intervals of 20 to detectors and traps in key infestation (recommended based on potential access and have traps inside coolers at cold based upon risk) around the not contaminate product,
40 feet along exterior walls. locations to identify pest devices placed along exterior knowledge of pest habits. storage and cooler operations. interior perimeter of the packaging materials or
Based on the detailed facility activity. wall inspection aisle, white Cold rooms at packing house building area and around equipment. Must be placed to
survey, interior monitoring paint 18 inches wide). In the and processors recommended interior perimeter of any walled achieve maximum efficiency.
devices are placed in sensitive absence of historical data, but left to auditor's discretion in dry food storage, packaging Packaging facility: 25 ft intervals
areas towards the interior of initial spacing of 20 to 40 feet. to review risk. or cooler areas. Inside of any around interior perimeter
the facility. exterior wall and cooler walls. storage; Packaging and
Devices must also be used in Distribution: Inside facility, only
dry storage areas, coolers, traps, not glue boards 6 ft of
locker rooms, and break areas. exit/entry doors

Doors Both sides of doors that open Maintained in good condition. External doors, windows or Devices should be placed on Exterior opening doorways Within 6 feet of all doors Mechanical stations should be All external windows, ventilation Devices are located in such a
to the exterior of the facility. ventilation openings shall be either side of doors that lead must have traps on both sides leading to exterior. within 10 ft. of both sides of openings, doors and other manner as to not conatiminate
designed to minimize the to the exterior of the interior side of the doors leading to the exterior, openings shall be effectively product, packaging materials or
potential for entry of pests. doorway. including dock doors. sealed when close and proofed equipment. Must be placed to
against dust, insects and other achieve maximum efficiency.

Service Frequency At least weekly or as otherwise Determined by risk The detectors and traps shall Weekly unless otherwise Weekly, unless a documented If used, snap traps should be Twice per month. Risk based; described in facility's Minimum of monthly
defined in the IPM program assessment be inspected at a frequency agreed upon with the risk assessment is used with placed inside a trap box and documented pest management inspections, and more frequent
based on the detailed facility intended to identify new pest customer based on company's supporting trend data. should not use allergin plan. as necessary depending on risk
assessment. activity. The results of evaluation containing baits (e.g peanut factors
inspections shall be analyzed butter) Any snap traps inside
to identify trends. stations should be checked at
least weekly and checks


Installed according to label Correctly sited and Pest management programs Pheromones and traps may be Need based upon assessment. Not specified Pheromone traps may be used Shall be located so as not to Not specified but generally
requirements. Inspected on a operational. shall be documented and shall used as part of management Weekly inspection. in some facilities. They should present a contamination risk to based on need/activity.
defined frequency. Document identify target pests, and and monitoring programs be placed on the pest control the product, packaging
types and quantities of insects address plans, methods, based on need. map, be monitored monthly containers or processing
found. schedules, control procedures and changed frequently. These equipment.
and, where necessary, training devices may be removed during
requirements. non- insect seasons, and should
not be stored near product or
packaging materials.

Insect Light Traps

Types Not specified. Not specified. Not specified. Based on area of plant, Not specified. Electrocuting or glue board, Not specified but allows for low Not specified Insect light traps that use
regulations and customer glue board preferred voltage and high voltage (glue electric grate are not allowed if
policy. board or electrocuting style, they create a risk.
Food Safety Audit Scheme Quick Reference Guide May 2020

FSSC 22000 - Food NPMA - National Pest

AIB - American Institute BRC Global Standards Mérieux NutrSciences
Safety System Management NSF-Cook & Thurber Primus GFS SQF - Safe Quality Food YUM Brands
of Baking for Food Certification LLC
Certification Association
Placement Insect light traps, when used, Avoid danger of insects being Pest-monitoring programs According to Manufacturers Insect Light Traps shall be 10 feet from food contact Placement must be according Located so as not to present a Devices are located in such a
are installed farther than 10 ft expelled from a fly-killing shall include the placing of Instructions, maximize capture suitably located and not surface, food or equipment. to manufacturer instructions contamination risk to the manner as to not contaminate
or 3 m from food contact extermination device detectors and traps in key without interfering with located over, adjacent to or Not located above dock doors. and comply with applicable product, packaging, containers product, packaging materials or
surfaces, exposed products, contaminating the product. locations to identify pest operations, being visible, within 8 feet of food or food Distances do not apply in regulations. High voltage ILTs or processing equipment. equipment. Must be placed to
packaging, and raw materials in activity. attracting insects to open food surfaces hallways where product is only should be at least 10 ft. from achieve maximum efficiency.
processing or storage areas. moving through. covered/protected products or
packaging and at least 30 ft.
Insect light traps are installed in from exposed product,
a way that does not attract packaging, or equipment. Low
insects to the facility or open voltage ILTs must not be above
food. covered/protected or exposed
product, packaging or

Service Frequency Weekly basis during active Determined by risk The detectors and traps shall Based on findings & season, Weekly, unless a documented Monthly Devices must be cleaned and Described in facilities document Minimum of monthly
season and monthly basis assessment be inspected at a frequency weekly recommended risk assessment is used with maintained on a scheduled pest conrol program inspections, and more frequent
during colder seasons or as intended to identify new pest supporting trend data. basis. Findings and seasonal as necessary depending on risk
dictated by climate and activity activity. The results of requirements dictate inspection factors
rates. inspections shall be analyzed frequency.
to identify trends.

Bulbs (lamps) Changed at least annually at Ensure glass bulbs are Not specified. Manufacturers specifications, Not specified. Changed annually Changed annually and shatter Not specified Changed at least annually.
the beginning of the active protected, and included in the in absence annually protection must be in place
season or based on site glass list.
recommendation. Shatter-
resistant lights are used or
otherwise explained in the
facility's Glass, Brittle Plastics,
and Ceramics Program.
Maps A current and accurate site An up-to-date plan of the full A map of detectors and traps All devices mapped, numbered An up-to-date site map of all All devices on map, clearly Current, map showing all pest Risk-based identificaiton of the Schematic map is current and
map that lists the locations of site, identifying pest control shall be maintained. Detectors and recorded. Record of when pest control devices shall be identified and numbered. The control devices (internal and location number and type of dated
all monitoring devices used for devices and their locations, and traps shall be designed devices serviced and/or maintained. map should be dated. external). Map should be equipment and resultant
target pests is on file. identification of the baits and located so as to prevent checked. All records may be updated annually. validated pest management
and/or monitoring devices on potential contamination of kept electronically, but stored plan.
Temporary placement of any site. materials, products or in a secure area.
pest monitoring devices for facilities.
short-term monitoring is also
mapped. Device checks are
documented according to the
frequency defined by the IPM
Facility Contact Person The defined scope of service Not specified. 12.2 Pest control programmes yes V6 (1.6 d).An adequatly No Designated pest control yes, scope must correlate with No
includes IPM contact person The establishment shall have a trained facility or facility operator (internal or an outside pest management plan.
both for the facility and the nominated person to manage employee shall be responsible service)
contractor pest control activities and/or to ensure that all corrective
deal with appointed expert actions resulting from pest
contractors. control inspections are
completed and documented.
Corrective actions shall be
completed as required as a
result of pest control

Frequency of Service Yes, trained IPM personnel yes Yes yes PCO service must be in yes There must be an established yes, scope must correlate with Minimum of monthly
conduct an assessment of the compliance with the contract schedule or frequency of pest management plan. inspections, and more frequent
facility at least annually. and pest management policy. service for the management of as necessary depending on risk
the pest control program. factors
Food Safety Audit Scheme Quick Reference Guide May 2020

FSSC 22000 - Food NPMA - National Pest

AIB - American Institute BRC Global Standards Mérieux NutrSciences
Safety System Management NSF-Cook & Thurber Primus GFS SQF - Safe Quality Food YUM Brands
of Baking for Food Certification LLC
Certification Association
Service Description Description of contracted scope Clearly define and reflect Pest management programs Yes Written procedures required. Scope, types of pests and Service reports, at the Describe methods and Supplier will have a documented
of services and how they will be activities on the site. Clearly shall be documented and shall frequency of visits frequency described in the responsibility for the pest control program including
completed. A clearly defined defined responsibilities for site identify target pests, and contract or in the program, development, implementation types of pests being
scope of service details all management and contractor. address plans, methods, must be up-to-date and and maintenance of the pest controlled/monitored, the
applicable pest management Frequency of inspections schedules, control procedures available for review. They must management program. Identify number and placement of traps,
activities and responsbilities determined by risk analysis. and, where necessary, training show the service performed, the pest, outline methods to and how all traps, bait stations,
and dreves as the foudnation requirements. Programs shall types and amounts of chemicals eliminate pests when found. blue boards and light traps, etc.
for an effective IPM program. include a list of chemicals used, EPA or other applicable Validate tactics and verify shall be labelled with date of
which are approved for use in regulatory registration effectiveness inspection. Must have in-depth
specified areas of the numbers, the location treated, annual assessment
establishment targeted pests, signs of activity
and applicable follow-up
actions. Trends in activity must
be assessed by the PCO or plant
to identify areas of
improvement in the pest
control program.

Term of Contract Yes Yes Yes Yes No No The program can be in the form Identified in contract service No
of a contract or a written providers. Shall have a full
internal program. description of the service to be
provided and detail relevant
training requirements of all
contract personnel.

Emergency Call Yes, (when, why, whom to call) No Yes Yes No No No No No

Notify of changes to Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes
materials or service
Approved Materials List List of approved chemicals, An approved list of chemicals, One is required Yes SDS for all chemicals must be Not specified Must have list of approved One is required with validated Pesticides in use must be
prior to use. availability of SDS and on file. pesticides and documentation documentation (labels, SDS's, documented and approved for
specifications, confirmation of is current for SDS information techincal sheets) use by the relevant authority.
suitability for use in a food- and sample labels. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and
processing environment, product labels are available for
labeling and/or identification all chemicals used.
of containers of chemicals at
all times, designated storage
area with restricted access to
authorised personnel, use by
trained personel only.

Licenses Copy of certification or All personnel at the site Licensed and approved by the Copy of appropriate license Company License, PCO Should be licensed Current business license, Licensed and approved by the Licensed and approved Pest
registration document for each (employees and contractors) relevant local authority. and certificate kept at plant certification(s) and liability insurance, certification in relevant local authority Management Professional
person who performs pest would be expected to have insurance must be on file. accordance with state
management services in the training, certification and requirements for all persons
facility, as required by licencing required for their who are applying chemicals for
regulation. Pest management responsibilities. pest control at the facility.
company license. Current copy
of certificate of insurance.

Training Trained (minimum IPM and Standard requires competent Training and qualified Annual training offered by Licenses for PCO sufficient. Evidence of training if licenses Pest control operators are Trained and qualified operators. Trained and qualified operators.
Pest Biology State Certification) pest control organisation - an operators. PMP for Plant Personnel not required. current with their required Outline the methods used to In countries without
in the proper and safe use of important aspect of certifications and training, make staff aware of the bait certificaiton must demonstrate
pest management materials by competency is the Proof of the required control program and the formal and ongoing training.
documented training. Evidence training/qualification they certifications are available to measures they take when they
of training is on file or available have received the site contact. come into contact with a bait
electronically. Verified GMP station; Outline the
training. requirements for staff
awareness in the use of pest and
vermin control chemicals and
Food Safety Audit Scheme Quick Reference Guide May 2020

FSSC 22000 - Food NPMA - National Pest

AIB - American Institute BRC Global Standards Mérieux NutrSciences
Safety System Management NSF-Cook & Thurber Primus GFS SQF - Safe Quality Food YUM Brands
of Baking for Food Certification LLC
Certification Association
Trend Reports Accurate and complete service Detailed records of Records of pesticide use shall Yes Activity and services must be Yes Trends in activity must be The pest prevention program Trend analysis are on file for all
records. Pest-sighting log or inspections, pest proofing and be maintained to show the tracked. assessed by the PCO or plant to shall reocrd pest sightings and types of pest being
reporting system required hygiene recommendations type, quantity and identify areas of improvement trend the frequency of pest controlled/monitored.
including: date, time, type of and actions taken shall be concentrations used; where, in the pest control activity to target pesticide
pest observed, action taken maintained. when and how applied, and program.Signs of activity are applications.
and name of reporting the target pest. tracked and trended to identify
personnel. areas of improvement.

Corrective Actions Documented for identified It shall be the responsibility of Eradication measures shall be All corrective actions Deficiencies must be Corrective actions required on Service reports are complete Actions taken if pests are All corrective actions are
issues. the site to ensure that all of put in place immediately after documented addressed by the PCO or service reports. If actions with all information, available present, identification of root documented
the relevant recommendations evidence of infestation is management with corrective require client action, the client for review, meet the cause, document and implement
made by its contractor or in- reported. action and documented needs to acknowledge issue. contract/program requirements corrective actions.
house expert are carried out in The results of inspections shall and show the corrective actions
a timely manner. The be analyzed to identify trends. being taken for pest activity
completion of corrective reported.Root cause analysis is
actions shall be demonstrated conducted and corrective
by documented evidence that actions implemented for trends
minimize the risk of product that are significant.

Lot Numbers As required by regulation. Not specified Required. Not specified V6 (1.6 e) Record on a Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Specified
pesticide usage log the usage
of chemicals and pest agents,
including name, amount, lot
codes, relevant regulatory
registration or approval
information, location(s) where
applied, the date, and purpose
for use.

Reviews Annual assessment of the Results of trends shall be The results of inspections shall Monthly Survey, NPMA Sample Not specified Not specified Not specified Annual review of program. Service reports inclue a
facility to provide evaluation of assessed on a regular basis but be analyzed to identify trends. Risk Assessment, Annually full scheduled follow-up based on
IPM program. Review of the as a minimum in the event of review pest activity.
pest-sighting log at least each an infestation or annually.
quarter to identify trends of This review shall include catch
pest activity. Corrective actions analysis from trapping devices
for identified issues are applied to identify problem areas.
and documented as complete;
annual assessment result,
current levels of pest activities
AIB on the service records. can
Standards BRC Standards can be FSSC 22000 standards can be NPMA standards are free for NSF Standards can be accessed The PrimusGFS GMP can be ttps://www.merieuxnutriscienc The SQF standards can be
be accessed at accessed for at: accessed at: NPMA members: at: accessed at: accessed at: and-quality/audits-and-
blic-policy/federal- y-industry/food-safety- uments.aspx inspections pplier-audits/yum-fsa/
advocacy/public-health/food- quality/packaging/packaging-
safety/ audits

Scheme Effective Date Jan. 2017 Issue 8; Feb. 2019 Based on in ISO Oct. 2016 Version 6; April 2020 V3.1 May 2019 Jan. 2018 edition 8.1; took effect Not specified ; all
22000:2018, section July 2019 standards based on
8. Details, section 12 food service facility
for pest control unless otherwise

Scheme Reviewed Date Mar. 2020 Jan. 2020 April 2020 April 2020 Mar. 2020 May 2020 April 2020 Jan. 2020
May 2020

DISCLAIMER: This is a reference guide ONLY. Users are required to verify compliance with the above listed audit standards independently.

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