Jurnal Modul 2 (TT) INT

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Module II

Z-Transform and Fourier Transform

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

DSP Laboratory
Z Transform and Fourier Transform

Z-Transform and Fourier Transform

I. Z-Transform
A. Pole, Zero dan Stability
Determine the value of pole and zero, and draw it in z-plane! Is the system
stable? Explain!
1−3 z−1
1. H z=
( )
1−0.8 z−1
a. Command Window
b. Plot di z-plane
c. Is the system stable? Explain!
4+3 z−1
2. H ( z) =
1−0.6 z−1
a. Command Window
b. Plot di z-plane
c. Is the system stable? Explain!

The system is stable because the pole is inside the circle


The system is minimum phase stable because the pole and zero are inside the circle
DSP Laboratory
Z Transform and Fourier Transform

B. Frequency Response

1. Give the Input h(n)=[2 2]:

a. Editor
b. Draw the respresentation of the system
c. Determine Pole and Zero, and draw it
d. Draw the Magnitude Respond
e. Draw the Phase Respond
2. Berikan masukan h(n)=[2 -2]:
a. Editor
b. Draw the respresentation of the system
c. Determine Pole and Zero, and draw it
d. Draw the Magnitude Respond
e. Draw the Phase Respond

3. Berikan masukan h(n)=[2 0 2]:

a. Editor
b. Draw the respresentation of the system
c. Determine Pole and Zero, and draw it
d. Draw the Magnitude Respond
e. Draw the Phase Respond

4. Berikan masukan h(n)=[2 0 -2]:

a. Editor
b. Draw the respresentation of the system
c. Determine Pole and Zero, and draw it
d. Draw the Magnitude Respond
e. Draw the Phase Respond




DSP Laboratory
Z Transform and Fourier Transform

II. Fourier Transform

A. Preliminary
Code the program to generate Sinusoidal Signal within the requirement below
a. = /10 with the t limit t= 0-10000, plot the signal to the Discrete and make the
i. With the sampling frequency (Fs=8000Hz)
ii. With the sampling frequency (Fs=5000Hz)
iii. With the sampling frequency (Fs=32000Hz)
iv. After listening those 3 signals, what are the differences? And is there
any correlation with the used sampling frequencies (5000, 8000,
32000)Hz? Explain it!
b. = /100 with the t limit t= 0-10000, plot the signal to the discrete, with the
sampling frequency 8000Hz. Write the command window!
c. What are the differences that caused by changeable with the same sampling
frequency? Explain it!


B. Fs=5000Hz produce buzzing sound

Fs=8000Hz produce clearer and louder, ideal signal according to sampling
Fs=32000Hz produce shrill sound

C. Frequency affect the sinusoidal signal density

DSP Laboratory
Z Transform and Fourier Transform

B. Frequency Spectrum
Choose one song from Songs Folder.
a. Read the voice signal and plot it to the frequency domain with Fs =
i. Editor :
Fs = 44000 because the audio being played is not a simple audio signal, If played at fs =
8000 then the sound will be very bad.

ii. Illustrate:

III. Filter
1. Choose one song from Songs Folder.
Plot with fs= 8000 khz. Use hn=[1-1] for the impuls respond!
a. Editor :
b. Draw of the frequency spectrum before filtered
c. Draw of the frequency spectrum after filtered




DSP Laboratory
Z Transform and Fourier Transfor

IV. Conclusion and Suggestion

1. Conclusion

From today’s module we learned that there are three types of stability:
Minimum phase stability, Marginal phase stability, and Stable. Minimum phase
occur when the pole and zero are inside the circle, Marginal phase occur when
pole is inside the circle and zero is one the edge of the circle line, Stable occure
when pole is inside the circle while zero is on the outside the circle. We also
learned that Frequency affect the sinusoidal signal density.

2. Suggestion
Sadly we’re not in the lab just yet.

The practicum is awesome, we got to know the process how to generate audio wave
though codes in MATLAB and the process behind audio filtering.

The assistant is super nice and humble. He explained the topic of today’s module very

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