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Mahalingam College of Engineering

and Technology,Pollachi - 642003
(An Autonomous Institution)


Curriculum & Syllabi (2015-2016)

About One Credit Course
The Value Added Education Courses aim to provide additional learner centric graded skill
oriented technical training with the primary objective of improving the employability skills of engineering
students of MCET.
There is a spectrum of ways in which practical technical skills can be developed through
curricula. Here the plan is to bridge the perceived technical competency gaps of students by providing
training in employability enhancing technical subjects through mandatory one credit courses and
additional training through optional courses. The courses focus on skill development and more than
50% of the time is spent on practical training and problem solving, to provide the requisite
understanding towards application of academic topics from engineering disciplines into real world
engineering projects.
The main objectives of the program are:
• To provide students an understanding of the expectations of industry.
• To improve employability skills of engineering students of MCET.
• To bridge the skill gaps and make students industry ready.
• To provide an opportunity to students to develop inter-disciplinary skills.
Since the individual capabilities, aptitudes and needs of students vary widely, and since only 30
hours is available during regular contact hours for such value added courses, a two-pronged strategy is
proposed to achieve the objectives outlined above.
It is proposed to conduct one credit courses of 30 hours duration each semester for four
semesters, as part of the curriculum. Every student should opt for a minimum of four one credit
courses. No additional fees or charges will have to be paid by the students for these mandatory
In addition to this, other optional VAE courses that will further improve the employability
prospects of the students will be offered outside regular contact hours on optional basis, and interested
students can join these courses by paying the fees fixed for it.
These courses will be offered as per clause 4.6 and 3.1.1 of UG and PG regulations

A VAE Course Management Committee shall be constituted for each stream, consisting of two
HoDs from that stream as Stream Co-ordinator and Deputy Stream Co-ordinator respectively, the OCC
Faculty Co-ordinator as Convener, the OCC Faculty Advisers of each Department under that stream
and two student co-ordinators from each Department under that stream. This Committee shall meet
atleast once every month to discuss the various issues related to Planning, Development and Conduct
of OCC and VAE Courses of the concerned stream.

The scheme of assessment and distribution of marks for each course is decided by the course
faculty, and the details shall be provided in the proposal for each course in the course design template.
The system of evaluation shall normally be continuous internal assessment by the course faculty and
there will be no end semester examination. An exam at the end of the course may be conducted by the
course faculty, as proposed in the scheme of assessment for that course.
Framework for One Credit Courses (OCC)


Advanced Skills with

SixthSemester Industry

Foundationskills in
Fifth Semester inEngineering

FoundationSkills in
different Branches
Third & Fourth

SecondSemester Skills
Courses Offered & Syllabi - IT Stream (Odd Semesters)

Year/Semester Course Code Name of the Course

140IR5111 Practical approach of Problem solving Techniques
140IR5112 Open source programming using Linux
II/III 140ER5113 Fundamentals of MATLAB
11IR011 Programming Mobile Application for Android Handheld

11IR012 Cloud Computing

11IR013 Java web Services

11IR014 Perl Programming

11IR015 Server side scripting using Python

11IR016 Communication and Image processing using MATLAB

11IR017 Embedded Programming using PIC Microcontrollers
11IR018 Fundamentals of Networking

1. Title of the Course: Practical approach of Problem solving Techniques

2. Aim:

 To introduce necessary skills needed for a software Engineer.

 To introduce the importance of logical thinking for Problem solving
 To impart knowledge in problem-solving method for developing an algorithmic solution to a
 To develop Flowchart using RAPTOR
 To apply the concepts to solve problem

1. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in Mathematics.
 Basic knowledge in Programming.

2. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Articulate a problem including assumptions and definitions.
 Identify and employ techniques for generating possible solutions.
 Defend the choice of a solution against alternatives.

3. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to Problem Solving PPTs and Practices

Algorithm development and
2. PPTs and Practices
Flowchart – Implementation of PPTs and Practices
3. algorithm
PPTs and Practices
4. Programming Style and Efficiency
4. Syllabus:

UNIT I 10 hrs
Software Engineer Skills – Problem – Solving a Problem: Understand the Problem,
Formulate a Model, Develop an Algorithm, Write a Program, Test a Program,
Evaluate the Solution. Problem Classification – Logic – Importance of Logic in
Problem Solving- Types of Logic

UNIT II 10 hrs
Programming life cycle phases – problem solving – implementation – maintenance –
pseudo code representation – flow charts - RAPTOR- algorithms – algorithmic
efficiency – complexity of algorithms – Testing

Unit III 10 hrs

Arguments to main - Environment variables - Library functions getenv, putenv and the
global variable environ –Recursion - Functions with a variable number of arguments -
The library function system - The library macro assert -The library function perror and
global variable errno - The atexit function - qsort, bsearch – Reallocation - Pointer to

Theory: 9 Hrs
Practical: 21 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs

7.Course Plan:

No. of
No of
Lecture Content to Deliver Remarks
Software Engineer Skills –Problem – Solving a Problem -
Problem Classification – Logic – Importance of Logic in PPT
1 2
Problem Solving- Types of Logic

Case Study: Different types of Computational Problem:

2 3 PPT & Lab
ATM System, Bill Processing System
Case study:
Solve the Problem: Grading System
3 2 PPT & Lab
Logic: Determine whether a given number is prime or not

Pseudo code - Properties of Algorithm- Patterns in

4 2 PPT
Algorithm- Problem solving through Algorithms
Case Study:
5,6 5 Algorithm writing for different pattern of algorithms- PPT & Lab
Grading System

Implementation of Algorithm using Flow Chart- RAPTOR

7 2 - Problem solving through Flow chart PPT

Case Study:
8 5 Raptor: Grading System PPT & Lab
Problem solving using a functional style - correctness
issues in programming – Iterative Versus Recursive style-
9 3 PPT
efficiency issues in programming - time and space
measures - Testing
Case Study: Grading System
10 6 PPT & Lab

8. Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Solving a Problem - Assignment 5

Logic for a Problem - Preparation and
2. 5
Algorithm Development ( Step wise
3. 30
Execution) - Description - Assignment
4. Practical Test – Raptor 30
Practical Test -Implementation and
5. 30
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Problem solving Skill - Interview(B) 20

Online Test 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

1. Dormey R G. How to Solve it by Computers, PH 2005

2. Infosys Campus Connect Foundation Programme - Problem Solving Techniques
4. Byron S. Gottfried: Theory and Problems of Programming with C Language, Schaum
Series, Tata Mcgraw Hill

10. Resources:

1. Title of the Course: Open source programming using Linux

2. Aim:
To give introduction about basic file system and process commands in Linux
operating systems.

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in DOS and C programming

4. Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Install Linux OS by partitioning the hard disk
 Manage files through file operation commands
 Control process through process commands

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Linux introduction and file system PPTs and Practices

2. Commands for files and directories PPTs and Practices

PPTs and Practices
3. Processes in linux
PPTs and Practices
4. Shell programming

6. Syllabus:

Unit I Introduction 7 hours

Linux introduction and file system–Basic features, advantages, installing requirement,

basic architecture of UNIX/Linux system, Kernel, Shell.

Unit II Commands for Files and Directories 8 hours

Commands for files and directories cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir,more, less, creating and
viewing files, using cat, file comparisons, View files, disk related commands, checking
disk free spaces, Essential linux commands.
Unit III Processes in Linux 8 hours

Processes in linux –process fundamentals,connecting processes with pipes,Redirecting

input output,manual help, Background processing, managing multiple processes,
changing process priority, scheduling of processes , batch commands, kill, ps,
who,sleep, Printing commands, grep, fgrep , find, sort, cal,banner, touch, file, file
related commands–ws, sat, cut,grep, dd, etc.

Unit IV Shell Programming 7 hours

Shell programming: Shell programming basic, various types of shell, shell

programming in bash, conditional and looping statements, case statements, parameter
passing and arguments, shell variables, shell keywords, creating simple shell programs

Theory: 10 Hrs
Practical: 20 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs

7. Course Plan:

No. of
Topic Remarks
Basic features, advantages, installing PPT
3 basic architecture of UNIX/Linux system PPT & Lab

2 Kernel, Shell. PPT & Lab

cd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir ,, Essential linux
2 PPT & Lab
creating and viewing files, using cat, file
2 PPT & Lab
comparisons, View files,
disk related commands, checking disk free
3 Lab
process fundamentals,connecting processes
with pipes
Redirecting input output,manual help,
Background processing
managing multiple processes, changing process
1 Shell programming basic, various types of shell PPT & Lab
shell programming in bash, conditional and
2 PPT & Lab
looping statements, case statements
creating shell programs for automate system
3 PPT & Lab
tasks and report printing
1 use of grep in shell, awk programming PPT & Lab

8. Course Assessment

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Installing Linux – Lab Exercise 20
2. Linux commands Presentation 20
3. Test on Linux Commands 30
5. Practical Test –Shell Programming 30
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Problem solving Skill - Interview(B) 20
Online Test 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References :
1. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition ,Richard Petersen , 2008

10. Resource Requirements:

 Linux OS

1.Title of the Course: Fundamentals of MATLAB

2.Aim :
The aim of this course is to introduce the elements and practicalities of computer
programming through the MATLAB mathematical computing environment.

1. Prerequisites:
 Familiarity with Windows applications.
 Basic Signals and their classifications.
 Linear Algebra.

2. Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to use Matlab for analysis of circuits and

3. Teaching Strategies:

S. No. Description Teaching Methods

1. Overview of MATLAB PPTs, Videos and
programming Practices
2. Programming in MATLAB PPTs, Videos and
programming Practices
4. Functions PPTs, Videos and
programming Practices
5. Animation and Sound in PPTs, Videos and
MATLAB programming Practices
6. Simulink PPTs, Videos and
programming Practices

4. Syllabus
Unit I Overview of MATLAB 6

MATLAB Interactive Sessions - Menus and the Toolbar - Arrays, Files, and Plots -
Script Files and he Editor/Debugger - The MATLAB Help System – Problem Solving
Methodologies- One and Two Dimensional Numeric Arrays - Multidimensional
Numeric Arrays- Element by Element perations-Matrix Operations - Polynomial
Operations Using Arrays- Cell Arrays - Structure Arrays.
Unit II Programming in MATLAB 6

Program Design and Development - Relational Operators and Logical Variables –

Logical Operators and Functions -Conditional Statements - for Loops - while Loops -
The switch Structure- Debugging MATLAB Programs - Applications to Simulation.

Unit III Functions 6

Elementary Mathematical Functions – User Defined Functions - Additional Function

Topics -Working with Data Files- xy Plotting Functions - Additional Commands and
Plot Types-Interactive Plotting in MATLAB – Three Dimensional Plots.

Unit IV Animation and Sound in MATLAB 6

Creating Movies in MATLAB- Rotating 3D Surface- Animation with the Erase Mode
Property- A Model of Sound-Creating Sound in MATLAB- Reading and Playing
Sound Files.

Unit V Simulink 6
Introduction to Simulink - Linear State-Variable Models -Piecewise-Linear Models –
Transfer Function Models- Nonlinear State-Variable Models – Subsystems- -
Simulation of a Nonlinear system.
Theory: 09 Hrs
Practical: 21 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs

5. Course Plan

S. No. Content to Deliver

MATLAB Interactive Sessions - Menus and

1 2
the Toolbar - Arrays, Files, and Plots
Script Files and the Editor/Debugger - The
MATLAB Help System 1
Problem Solving Methodologies- One

3 and Two Dimensional Numeric Arrays -

Multidimensional Numeric Arrays
Element by Element Operations-Matrix

4 Operations - Polynomial Operations Using

Arrays- Cell Arrays - Structure Arrays.
Program Design and Development -
5 Relational Operators and Logical Variables 2
6 Logical Operators and Functions- Conditional
Statements 2
for loops - while loops - The switch
Structure- Debugging MATLAB Programs 2
8 Applications to Simulation.
Elementary Mathematical Functions – User

9 Defined Functions- Additional Function

Topics- Working with Data Files

10 xy Plotting Functions - Additional Commands and

Plot Types 2
Interactive Plotting in MATLAB – Three
11 2
Dimensional Plots.
Creating Movies in MATLAB- Rotating 3D
12 2

13 Animation with the Erase Mode Property

A Model of Sound-Creating Sound in
14 2
MATLAB- Reading and Playing Sound Files.

15 Introduction to Simulink
Linear State-Variable Models -Piecewise-
16 2
Linear Models
Transfer Function Models- Nonlinear State-
17 2
Variable Models – Subsystems.
6. Course Assessment:

S.No Assessment Marks

1. Assessment – 1 (Programming in MATLAB) 30
2. Assessment – 2 (Functions and Plots) 40
3. Assessment – 3 (Simulink) 30
Total: 100

7. References:
 Essential MATLAB for scientists and engineers" by Brian D. Hahn, Arnold,
 MATLAB primer by Kermit Sigmon.
 Rudra Pratap “Getting Started with Matlab: A Quick Introduction for Scientists
and Engineers” oxford university press 2010.
 Gilat “Matlab: An Introduction with Applications” Wiley India 2012.

10. Resource Requirements:

 PC with MATLAB Software Infrastructure required – Lab with projector
1. Title of the Course: Programming Mobile Application for Android Handheld Systems

2. Aim:

To introduce the concepts on mobile application development for the Android
3. Prerequisites:

 Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming and knowledge in XML


4. Course Outcomes :

At the end of the course, the students will be able to

 Develop Mobile Applications for Android Devices

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Android Devices PPTs and Practices

User Interface Design concepts
2. PPTs and Practices
PPTs and Practices
3. DB storage and Retrieval
PPTs and Practices
4. APP Deployment


Unit I Android Devices 8 hours

Introduction, Preparing IDE with Android Studio, Android System Architecture,

Creating Project and Activities, Hello world Project

Unit II User Interface Design concepts 8 hours

User Interface Architecture, UI widgets, Notification and Toast, Menus,

Dialogs, Lists, Location and Maps

Unit III DB storage and Retrieval 8 hours

Working with Data and Storage, SQLLite, MySql,SQL Server Connectivity,

Creating Graphs and Charts
Unit IV APP Deployment 6 hours

Animation, Content Provider ,Network Services,Commication,Services

,Deploying App in PlayStore

Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7.Course Plan:
No. of
Topic Remarks
2 Introduction to Android Development Lab

3 Android Studio IDE deployment Lab

3 User Interface and widgets Lab

2 Notification and Toast Lab

4 Menu, Dialogs, Lists Lab

3 Location and Maps Lab

4 Working with Data and Storage Lab

3 Animation and Content Providers Lab

3 Network Communication and Lab


3 Publishing Your App Lab

8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Unit -1 Class Test 10
2. Unit -2 Class Test 10
3. Unit -3 Class Test 10
4. Unit -4 Class Test 10
5. Case Presentation and Submission 20
Practical Lab Test – App
6. 40
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Problem solving Skill - Interview(B) 20
Online Test(C) 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

 Erik Hellman ,Android Programming: Pushing the Limits, Wiley Publication,



10. Resource Requirements:

 SQL Server 2008 / MySQL

 Android Studio IDE and Genymotion Android Emulator or Android Mobile


1. Title of the Course: Cloud Computing

2. Aim :
 To introduce the fundamental concepts in the area of cloud and also impart
knowledge in cloud computing applications.

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in working principles of Distributed systems and computer
 Basics concepts of Virtualization and cloud computing.

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Understand the concept of virtualization and its types.
 Create and manage virtual machines.
 Develop cloud setup using cloud tools.

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to Virtualization PPTs and Practice sessions

2. Taxonomy of virtual machines PPTs and Practice sessions

3. Study of cloud setup tools PPTs and Practice sessions

4. Working with cloud tools. PPTs and Practice sessions

6. Syllabus

Unit I: Introduction 10 Hours

Virtualization overview – Benefits – Need for virtualization – Limitations Traditional

vs. Contemporary Virtualization - Pitfalls of virtualization, Hypervisors - Virtualization
Considerations for Cloud Providers- Types of Virtualization
Unit II: Virtual Machine 10 Hours

Understanding virtual machines - Taxonomy of virtual machines – Life Cycle Process

and System level virtual machines – Emulation –Binary Translation techniques –
Managing storage for virtual machines - Virtualizing storage – Backup and recovery –
Applications of virtual machines.

Unit III: Implementation 10 Hours

Building and managing Virtual machine – Xen Hypervisor and its Architecture –
VMWare VSphere – Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) Microsoft HyperV - Virtual Box -
Eucalyptus - Nimbus - Open Nebula, CloudSim

Theory: 10 Hrs
Practical: 20 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs

7.Course Plan:

No. of Hrs Topics Remarks

2 Introduction- Virtualization

3 Installation and accessing virtual host PPT & Lab

3 Cloud providers and free tools PPT & Lab

3 Types of virtualization PPT & Lab

Life Cycle Process and System level
3 PPT & Lab
virtual machines
Virtual sing storage – Backup and
3 recovery virtual machine- Lab
Applications of virtual machines
3 Xen architecture PPT

2 Assignment or quiz PPT& Lab

3 VMware tool PPT

2 Assignment PPT & Lab

Nimbus, Open Nebula, CloudSim
3 PPT & Lab

8. Course Assessment
S. No Description Max. Marks
Installation of VMware software
1. and application access from virtual 5
Developing applications in virtual
2. 5
3. Setting up a cloud 30
4. Hosting applications in cloud 30
Practical Test -Implementation and
5. 30
Testing the cloud
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Problem solving Skill - Interview(B) 20
Online Test 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

1. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski, ” Cloud Computing Principles

and Paradigms”, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
2. Matthew Portney, “Virtualization Essentials”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
3. Tim Cerfing, Jeff Buller, Chuck Enstall, Richard Ruiz, “Mastering Microsoft
Virtualization”, Wiley Publication, 2010.
4. Venkata Josyula, Malcolm Orr, Greg Page, “Cloud Computing: Automating the
Virtualized Data center”, Cisco Press, 2012.
5. William Von Hagen, “Professional Xen Virtualization”, Wiley Publication, 2008.
6. Cody Bunch, “Automating vSphere with VMware vCenter Orchestrator:
Technology Handson”, Pearson Educcation, 2012.

10.Resources Requirements:
 VM ware workstation, cloud-sim, Nimbus tools etc.

1.Title of the Course: Java web Services

2. Aim:
To introduce students to the Java programming language for the development of web pages

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in java programming
 Knowledge of HTML is required.

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the Students will be able to:
 Apply object-oriented programming concepts to develop basic web pages
 Develop a high degree of competence as a web developer by learning principles and
techniques of client-side programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

5.Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to JFC and Swing PPTs, Brainstorming and Practices

PPTs, Questioning & Listening ,
2. JavaServer Pages Overview
Demos and Practices
3. JDBC Fundamentals PPTs, Demos and Practices


UNIT-I 10 hrs
Introduction to JFC and Swing, Features of the Java Foundation Classes, Swing API
Components, JComponent Class, Windows, Dialog Boxes, and Panels, Labels, Buttons, Check
Boxes, Menus, Toolbars, Implementing Action interface, Pane, JScrollPane, Desktop pane,
Scrollbars, Lists and Combo Boxes, Text-Entry Components, Colors and File Choosers, Tables
and Trees, Printing with 2D API and Java Print Service API.

UNIT-II 10 hrs
Introduction, JavaServer Pages Overview, A First JavaServer Page Example, Implicit
Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom Tag Libraries.
UNIT-III 10 hrs
Overview-Database and SQL Fundamentals - JDBC Fundamentals -Advanced JDBC -
Introduction to Row Sets - JDBC Classes and the Java.SQL - Connecting To Databases - JDBC
Design Patterns

Theory : 8 Hours
Practical : 22 Hours
Total : 30 Hours

7. Course Content:

No. of
Lecture Content to Deliver Remarks
Introduction to JFC and Swing, Labels, PPT
Buttons, Check Boxes, Menus, Toolbars
Features of the Java Foundation Classes,
3 PPT & Lab
Swing API Components
JComponent Class, Windows, Dialog Boxes,
2 PPT & Lab
and Panels
3 Implementing Action interface PPT & Lab

2 Introduction, JavaServer Pages Overview PPT & Lab

A First JavaServer Page Example, Implicit

3 Lab
2 Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives PPT

3 Custom Tag Libraries PPT

2 Overview-Database and SQL Fundamentals PPT

3 JDBC Fundamentals -Advanced JDBC PPT & Lab

Introduction to Row Sets - JDBC Classes and

2 PPT & Lab
the Java.SQL
Connecting To Databases - JDBC Design
3 PPT & Lab
8. Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Practical Test – Swing 20
2. Practical Test – Java Server Pages 15
3. Practical Test – JDBC 15
Total (A) 50
Aptitude Test(B) 10
Mini Project (C) 40
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:
1. Ed Roman, “Mastering Enterprise Java Beans”, Third Edition,John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2005
2. Hortsmann & Cornell, “CORE JAVA 2 ADVANCED FEATURES, VOL II”,
Pearson Education, 2008

10. Resource Requirements:

 JDK 1.7,Net beans 7.1,Eclipse


1.Title of the Course: Perl Programming

2. Aim:
To introduce Perl programming language for building the data driven reporting and systems
administration applications.

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in java programming
 Knowledge of HTML is required.

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the Students will be able to:
 Learn the fundamentals of the Perl programming language and how it can be used to
write data reporting and systems administration applications.
 Discover how to use the module and related DBD (driver) files with Perl to
build database-driven applications.

5.Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to Perl PPTs, Brainstorming and Practices

Subroutines and Object Oriented PPTs, Questioning & Listening,
Perl Demos and Practices
3. CGI and CPAN PPTs, Demos and Practices


UNIT – I 10 hrs

Perl Basics: Main Perl Features – Similar Programming Languages – Working with
simple values – Lists and Hashes - Loops and Decisions – Regular Expressions:
Substitution – Delimiters – Modifiers – Split – Join – Transliteration.

UNIT – II 10 hrs

Files and Data: Writing to Files - Directories – References – Subroutines: Subroutines

for Calculation – Recursion – Running and Debugging Perl – Modules – Object
Oriented Perl: Writing with Objects – Constructors – Inheritance.

UNIT – III 10 hrs

Introduction to CGI: Writing CGI Scripts – CGI Environment – CPAN – Perl and
Databases: Accessing Databases – Interacting with Databases – Sending E-mail Using
Perl – Web Applications with Perl.
Theory : 8 Hours
Practical : 22 Hours
Total : 30 Hours

7.Course Plan:

No. of Hrs Content to Deliver Remarks

Perl Basics: Main Perl Features –

2 Similar Programming Languages –-
Loops and Decisions
Similar Programming Languages –
3 PPT & Lab
Working with simple values
Working with simple values – Lists
2 PPT & Lab
and Hashes
Regular Expressions: Substitution –
3 Delimiters – Modifiers – Split – Join PPT & Lab
– Transliteration.
Files and Data: Writing to Files -
2 PPT & Lab
Recursion – Running and
3 Lab
Debugging Perl – Modules
Object Oriented Perl: Writing with
3 Constructors – Inheritance PPT
Introduction to CGI: Writing CGI Scripts
2 – CGI Environment Interacting with PPT
Databases –
CPAN – Perl and Databases: Accessing
4 PPT & Lab
Databases –
Sending E-mail Using Perl – Web
4 PPT & Lab
Applications with Perl.
8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Practical Test – Swing 20
2. Practical Test – Java Server Pages 15
3. Practical Test – JDBC 15
Total (A) 50
Aptitude Test(B) 10
Mini Project (C) 40
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

1. “Learning Perl” by Randal L. Schwartz, Sixth Edition, O’Reilly, 2011.

2. “Perl: Complete Reference” by Brown C Martin, Second Edition, Tata Mcgraw
Hill, 2009.
3. “Beginning Perl” by Simon Cozens, First Edition, Wrox Press, 2000.

10.Resource Requirements:

 Padre, the Perl IDE

1. Title of the Course: Server side scripting using Python

2. Aim :
 To Introduce python and its variables, expressions and programming constructs
 To introduce various data structures in python
 To introduce various input and output methods in python
 To introduce exception handling techniques in python
 To introduce python standard library

3. Prerequisites:
 Object oriented programming.
 Web programming.

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Apply object-oriented programming concepts to develop dynamic interactive Python
 Employ control structures, functions, and arrays to create Python programs.
 Create an advanced project using MySQL, Python and a Model-View-Controller
 Use SQL commands and the MySQL database together with Python.

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to Python PPTs and Practices

2. Data Structures PPTs and Practices

PPTs and Practices
3. Modules, I/O
PPTs and Practices
4. Exception Handling
6. Syllabus:

UNIT – IIntroduction to Python 10 hrs

Introduction to Python – Installation – Python Interpreter – usage and customization – Editor
setup – Variables, Expressions and Statements – Conditionals – Functions.

UNIT – II Data Structures 10 hrs

Strings – Lists – List Comprehensions – Stacks – Queues – Tuples – Sequences – Sets –
Dictionaries – Sets.

UNIT – III Modules, I/O and Exception Handling 10 hrs

Modules – Search path – Compiled modules – Standard modules – Packages – Input and
Output functions – Files – read and write – Exception – Handling and Raising – User defined
Exceptions - Oops In Python- Python Standard Library

Theory: 10 Hrs
Practical: 20 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs
7.Course Plan:

No. of
No of
Lecture Content to Deliver Remarks
Introduction to Python – Installation PPT & Lab
1 3
– Python Interpreter
usage and customization – Editor
2 3 setup – Variables, Expressions and PPT & Lab
3 3 Conditionals – Functions PPT & Lab

Strings – Lists – List Video,PPT &

4 3
Comprehensions Lab
Video,PPT &
5 4 Stacks – Queues – Tuples Lab
Sequences – Sets – Dictionaries – Video,PPT &
6 3
Sets. Lab
Modules – Search path – Compiled
7 3 PPT
modules- Standard modules
Packages – Input and Output
8 3 PPT & Lab
Files – read and write – Exception –
2 PPT & Lab
Handling and Raising
User defined Exceptions - Oops In
10 3 Python- Python Standard Library PPT & Lab
8. Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Programming constructs- Assignment 10

Data Structures - Preparation and
2. 20
I/O &Exception handling - Preparation
3. 20
and Presentation
4. Mini Project 50

Total (A) 100/2 = 50

Interview(B) 20

Online Test 30

Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:
1. The Python Tutorial available at
2. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python (3nd edition)
by: Peter Wentworth Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers.
Free Online Version:

10. Resources Requirements:

Python IDE

1. Title of the Course: Communication and Image Processing using MATLAB


The course will impart knowledge on performing various image processing tasks using
the Image Processing Toolbox and implementing various analog and digital modulation
schemes using the Communication System Toolbox.

3. Prerequisites:

 Familiarity with using Windows applications

 Fundamentals of MATLAB

4.Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
 Work comfortably with various image processing tasks
 Implement various analog and digital modulation schemes
 Create simple GUIs

5.Teaching Strategies:

 Power point presentations

 Demonstrations
 Programming practices



Introduction to Image Processing Toolbox, Image Import and Export, Image Types in
the Toolbox - Converting Between Image Types, Process Multi-Frame Image Arrays, Reading
Image Data, Writing Image Data to Files, Displaying and Exploring Images, Geometric


Introduction to Communication System Toolbox, Analog modulation – Amplitude and
frequency modulation, Digital modulation – Amplitude, phase and frequency modulation, AM
and FM using Simulink.


Creating a GUI – GUI for performing simple operations on an image –GUI for
amplitude and frequency modulation.
Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs
7.Course Plan:

No. of
S. No Content to Deliver
Lecture Hrs
Module - I
Introduction to Image Processing Toolbox,
1. Image Import and Export, Image Types in 1
the Toolbox
Converting Between Image Types, Process
2. 3
Multi-Frame Image Arrays
Reading Image Data, Writing Image Data to
3. 2
Files, Displaying and Exploring Images
4. Geometric Transformations 4

Module- II
Introduction to Communication System
5. Toolbox, Analog modulation – Amplitude 3
and frequency modulation
Digital modulation – Amplitude, phase and
6. 4
frequency modulation
7. AM and FM using Simulink 3

Module- III

9. Creating a GUI 4
GUI for performing simple operations on an
10. 3
GUI for amplitude and frequency
11. 3
8.Course Assessment:

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. 20
Project Report and Presentation
2. Design Test using different 30
Total 50


 MATLAB primer by Kermit Sigmon

 Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Rafael Gonzalez, Richard
Woods, Steven Eddins
 Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, Third Edition by Vinay K.
Ingle, John G. Proakis
 RudraPratap “Getting Started with Matlab: A Quick Introduction for
Scientists and Engineers” oxford university press 2010

8. Resource Requirements:

 PC with MATLAB Software


1. Title of the Course: Embedded Programming using PIC Microcontrollers.

2. Aim:
To impart the basic knowledge in embedded programming principles, methodologies of
embedded software development and its applications.

3. Prerequisites :
Basics of Electronics Circuits, Microprocessor, Microcontroller and C-Programming.

4. Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Understand the constraints in embedded software development and multitasking
 Gain experience with real time embedded system projects and working in a small
team,cooperatingon various aspects of software development.
 Understand the interfacing of digital and analog I/O devices.

5. Teaching Strategies:
 Lecture
 Lab work
 Simulation
 Project

6. Syllabus:
UNIT-I 10 Hrs
Microcontroller Hardware: Microcontroller architecture-signals-Operation features-
Interrupts-Serial Communications-Memory Organization.
UNIT-II 10 Hrs
Embedded compiler: Introduction to embedded compilers- Introduction to Proteus.
Introduction To I/O Ports-Programming Using I/O Ports-Timers/Counters-Programming
Using Timers/Counters-Serial Communication Interface-Analog to Digital I/O-Interfacing
Simple Sensors-Keyboard Interfacing-Seven Segment Display-LCD Interfacing-Stepper
Motor Interfacing-Dc Motor Interfacing- I2C Bus Interfacing-RTC Interfacing-External
EPROM Interfacing.
Theory: 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs
7. Course Plan:

Hrs Lecture/Lab Topic

1 Microcontroller architecture
1 Signals
1 Operation features
1 Interrupts
1 Serial communication
1 Memory organization
1 Introduction to embedded compilers
1 Introduction to embedded compilers
1 Introduction to proteus
1 Introduction to I/O ports
1 Programming using I/O ports
1 Timers/Counters
Lecture /lab
1 Programming using Timers /Counters
Lecture /lab
1 Programming using Timers/Counters
1 Serial Communication Interface
1 Serial Communication Interfacing
1 Analog to Digital I/O
1 Interfacing simple sensors
Lecture /lab
1 Interfacing simple sensors
Lecture /Lab
1 Key board interfacing
Lecture/Lab 7 Segment Display
1 LCD interfacing
1 Stepper Motor interfacing
Lecture/Lab DC motor interfacing
1 DC motor interfacing
Lecture /lab
1 I2C bus interfacing
Lecture /lab
Lecture /Lab RTC Interfacing
1 RTC Interfacing
1 External EPROM interfacing
1 External EPROM interfacing

8. Course Assessment:

 The following grading scheme will be used (* denotes group work):

 Homework: 20 Marks
 Regular Laboratory Exercises: 30 Marks
 Laboratory Project*: 50 Marks

9. References:
 Reference book is Embedded C Programming and the Microchip PIC by
 Design with PIC microcontrollers by John B.Peatman
 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C
by Mazidi. Pearson Education
 Web Resources/links
 Web Resources/links
10. Resource Requirements:

 Systems –PC’s required as per the number of students

 Software Tools – Proteus, IAR Workbench and CCS Compiler

1. Title of the Course: Fundamentals of Networking


 To impart knowledge in the basics of computer networking.

3.Prerequisites :

 Computer Networks, Basics of computer Hardware

4. Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course ,the students will

 Become familiar with layered communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP).
 Develop practical Networking Knowledge and skills in professional

5. Teaching Strategies:
 Lecture
 Lab work
 Simulation using Network Simulators
 Project Presentations

6. Syllabus:
Unit 1: 6 Hrs
Basic Networking Knowledge and Practice- Introduction to Networking Software-
OPNET, Creating Hub, Switches and comparing the performance, Implementation of
different Topologies-bus,star,ring.
Unit 2: 6 Hrs
LAN and Internet- Wired and Wireless, Design and Implementation of Switched LAN
Networks, performance of different implementations of local area networks –small scale,
medium scale applications.
Unit 3: 6 Hrs
Network Routing -IP addressing and sub netting, queuing discipline,Connection
oriented and Connectionless services, Congestion Control Algorithms.
Unit 4: 6 Hrs
Introduction to Qualnet -Network Routing, Energy modeling, Security-Network
Attacks, Encryption and Decryption.
Unit 5: 6 Hrs
Introduction to NS2 - Sample programs, wired and wireless network, post processing
filters, analysis of network parameters-throughput, packet delivery ratio, end to end delay,

Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7. Course Plan:

Hours Lecture/Lab Topic

1. Introduction-Basics of Computer Network
2. Basic Hardware Components , network topology, Introduction to Networking
Software- Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition Software Installation
3. Procedure and obtaining License.
4. Simulating Bus, Ring Topologies. Creating Hub ,Switches and comparing the
5. Lecture /lab performance of pure hub LAN with switched LAN in a network.
7. Design and Implementation of Switched LAN Networks, small scale, medium
8. scale applications.
10. RIP, Network Routing -IP addressing and subnetting,queuingdiscipline,
11. Demonstration of the congestion control algorithms implemented by
12. theTransmission Control Protocol (TCP)
13. Wireless Networks-MANET,Wireless Sensor Networks
14. Lecture/lab
16. Introduction to Networking Software-Qualnet, Network Routing,
17. Lecture/Lab Energymodeling.
19. Security-Network Attacks, Encryption and Decryption.Creating Scenario and
Lecture /Lab introducing attack. Analyzing the performance of the network with and without attack
22. Introduction to NS2- Sample programs, wired network, analysis of network
Lecture/Lab parameters
25. Wireless networks, post processing, parameter analysis.
26. Lecture /Lab
28. Project development - Interaction within the group ,Write/compile document
Lecture/Lab for presentation
8. Course Assessment:
 Project presentation.

Criteria Marks

Presentation 20

Project Complexity 20

Originality 10

Total 50

9. References :

 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks", 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.

 William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications,” 5th edition, PHI, 2005
 OPNET Technologies, “IT Guru Quick Start” (PowerPoint Presentation), from OPNET
Training Manual, (OPNET Technologies,Inc, 2004).

10. Resource Requirements:

 Systems –PC’s required as per the number of students.
 Software Tools – Qualnet,Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition,NS2.
Courses Offered & Syllabi - IT Stream (Even Semesters)

Year/Semester Course Code Name of the Course

140IR5114 PHP and MySQL

II/IV 140IR5115 C & C++ Coding standards

140IR5116 Basics of LabVIEW

11IR019 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA)

III/VI 11IR020 Mobile Application Development

11IR021 Programming Refinement Logic

11ER022 Speech and Audio Signal Processing using MATLAB


1.Title of the Course: PHP and MySQL

2. Aim:

To create database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL.

3. Prerequisites:

 Basic knowledge in HTML.

 Moderate knowledge in C programming.
 Basic knowledge in Database concepts.

4. Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to,

 To create dynamic interactive pages with PHP.

 To manipulate and manage database data with PHP
 To manipulate files and validate forms with PHP.

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction to Basic PHP Syntax PPTs

2. PHP Variables PPTs and Practices

PPTs and Practices
3. PHP Operators
PPTs and Practices
4. Array Manipulation Functions
Reusing Code and Writing PPTs and Practices


Unit I: Introduction 8 Hrs

Open source-PHP – history- features-variables- statements- operators-conditional

statements-if-switch-nesting conditions-merging forms with conditional statements-
loops-while-do-for – loop iteration with break and continue.
Unit II: Arrays and Functions: 7Hrs

Arrays: Creating an array- modifying array-processing array-grouping form with

arrays- using array functions- creating user defined functions- using files- sessions-
cookies- executing external programs- Creating sample applications using PHP.

Unit III: Effectiveness of MySQL 8 Hrs

MySQL Tools-Prerequisites for MySQL connection- Databases and tables- MySQL

data types-Creating and manipulating tables- Insertion, updation and deletion of rows
in tables -Retrieving data- Sorting and filtering retrieved data.

Unit IV: PHP with MySQL: 7Hrs

Working MySQL with PHP-database connectivity- usage of MYSQL commands in

PHP, processing result sets of queries- handling errors-debugging and diagnostic

Theory: 10 Hrs
Practical: 20 Hrs
Total: 30 Hrs

7.Course plan:
No. of
Content to Deliver Remarks
Open source-PHP Fundamentals – PPT
Applications. (Class Room)
1 statements- operators
(Class Room)
conditional statements-if-switch-nesting PPT
conditions (Class Room)
merging forms with conditional statements- PPT
loops (Class Room)
while-do-for – loop iteration with break and
2 Lab
1 Arrays: Creating an array- modifying array Lab

2 processing array-grouping form with arrays Lab

creating user defined functions- using files- Lab

sessions- cookies
1 cookies- executing external programs
1 Creating sample applications using PHP
(Class Room)
MySQL Tools-Prerequisites for MySQL PPT
connection (Class Room)
MySQL data types-Creating and manipulating
2 Lab
Insertion, updating and deletion of rows in
2 Lab
Retrieving data- Sorting and filtering retrieved
3 Lab
Working MySQL with PHP-database
2 Lab
1 Aptitude Test Class Room

4 Mini Project Lab

8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Practical Test – arrays in PHP 20
2. Practical Test – functions in PHP 20
Practical Test – authenticate
3. 20
users with PHP
Practical Test – use SQL to
4. 20
output reports with MySQL
Practical Test – dynamic
5. 20
interactive pages with PHP
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Aptitude Test(B) 20
Mini Project (C) 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

2. W. Jason Gilmore, “Beginning PHP and MySQL”, 4th Edition, Apress, 2010.

10.Resource Requirements:

 Netbeans IDE 7.4

 Wamp server

1. Title of the Course : C & C++ Coding standards

2. Aim:
To learn the advanced concepts of C, C++ and data structures

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic knowledge in programming

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Design any application based file concept
 Develop the real life applications

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Program files PPTs, Brainstorming and Practices

PPTs, Questioning & Listening ,
2. Expression and statements
Demos and Practices
3. Standard Template Library PPTs, Demos and Practices

6. Syllabus:

UNITI : 10 hrs
File Naming conventions, Program files, header files, comments, declarations,
function declarations, prototypes, simple statements, compound statements, operators,
macros, conditional compilation, debugging

UNIT II: 10 hrs

Sequence Control: Implicit and Explicit sequence control, sequence control with
within expression and statements, recursive sub programs, exception handling, co
routines, Scheduled sub programs, concurrent execution. Data control referencing
environments, static and dynamic scope, local data referencing environment.

UNIT III: 10 hrs

Linked Lists – Single and Doubly linked list – Dynamic Memory allocation – Stack-
Queue –Standard Template Library – Components – Vector- List- Set- Map-
Accumulate –Function Objects – Adaptors.Streams - Streams classes - Stream Errors,
Disk File I/O with streams, - file pointers - Error handling in file I/O with member
function - Overloading the extraction and insertion operators - Memory as a stream
object - Command line arguments, and printer output.
Theory : 8 Hours
Practical : 22 Hours
Total : 36 Hours
7. Course Content:

No. of
No of
Lecture Content to Deliver Remarks
File Naming conventions, Program PPT
1 2
files, prototypes, ,
Header files, comments, declarations,
2 3 PPT & Lab
function declarations
simple statements, compound
3 2 PPT & Lab
operators, macros, conditional
4 3 PPT & Lab
compilation, debugging
Sequence Control: Implicit and
Explicit sequence control, sequence
5 3 PPT & Lab
control with within expression and
recursive sub programs, exception
6 2 Lab
handling, co routines
Scheduled sub programs, concurrent
7 3 PPT
Data control referencing
8 2 environments, static and dynamic PPT
Error handling in file I/O with
9 2 PPT
member function
Overloading the extraction and
10 3 PPT & Lab
insertion operators
11 2 Memory as a stream object PPT & Lab

Command line arguments, and printer

12 3 PPT & Lab

8. Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Practical Test – File Naming conventions 20
2. Practical Test – Sequence Control 15
3. Practical Test – Memory allocation 15
Total (A) 50
Mini Project (B) 50
Total Marks (A+B) 100
1. Herb Sutter,“C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices”,
2. Herb Sutter, “Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems,
and Solutions”, Addison-Wesley,1999.

10. Resource Requirements:

 Turbo C

1. Title of the Course : Basics of Lab VIEW

2. Aim:
This course prepares the students to develop test and measurement, data
acquisition, instrument control, data logging, and measurement analysis applications
using LabVIEW.

3. Prerequisites:
Basic Programming Skills in C

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

 Understand front panels, block diagrams, icons, and connector panes

 Create user interfaces with charts, graphs and buttons
 Use the programming structures and data types that exist in LabVIEW
 Use various editing and debugging techniques
 Create and save VIs for use as subVIs
 Display and log data
 Create applications that use data acquisition (DAQ) devices
 Create applications that use GPIB and serial port instruments
 Use the state machine design pattern in various applications
 Use local variables to modify front panel controls or stop parallel loops

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. LabVIEW programming Concepts PPTs and Videos

LabVIEW programming Examples Practicals
and Exercises

6. Syllabus:

UNIT I: 10 hrs
Data and Data Types in general programming- LabVIEW Basics: Front Panel, Block
Diagram, Icon and Connector, control, function and Tools Palette- Front Panel
UNIT II: 10 hrs

Data Flow programming, Parallelism- Block Diagram functions: Numeric, String,

Boolean, Comparison- Structure: For, While, Event Structure, Flat and Sequence
Structure, Timing functions.

UNIT III: 10 hrs

Array and Cluster- Charts and Graphs- Property Node and Invoke Node-File IO-
Synchronization-Introduction to DAQ.

Theory : 4 Hrs
Practical : 26 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7. Course Plan:

Hours Topic Remarks

1hr Data and Data Types in general programming PPT & Lab

2 hrs LabVIEW Basics: Front Panel, Block Diagram, Icon PPT & Lab
and Connector, control, function and Tools Palette.

1 hr FP controls. PPT & Lab

1 hr Data Flow programming, Parallelism. PPT & Lab

1 hr BD functions: Numeric, String, Boolean, Comparison PPT & Lab

6 hrs Structure: For, While, Event Structure, Flat and PPT & Lab
Sequence Structure, Timing functions.

3 hrs Array and Cluster PPT & Lab

3 hrs Charts and Graphs PPT & Lab

3 hrs Property Node and Invoke Node. PPT & Lab

3 hrs File IO PPT & Lab

3 hrs Synchronization PPT & Lab

3 hrs DAQ PPT & Lab

8. Course Assessment:

S. Max.
No Marks
1. Programming Assignments 25
2. Practical Test at the end of the Course 25

Total Marks 50

9. References:

a. Gary W Johnson, Richard Jennings, ‘LabVIEW Graphical Programming’

Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2006.
b. Robert H Bishop. ‘Learning with LabVIEW 2009’ Pearson Education, 2010.

10. Resource Requirements:

 Lab VIEW Software


1.Title of the Course: Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA)

2. Aim:

 To introduce the concepts of Business Intelligence including the processes,

methodologies, infrastructure, and current practices used to transform business
data into useful information and support business decision-making.

3. Prerequisites:

 Basic knowledge in Database Management System ,SQL and Excel Charts and

4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
 apply concepts like OLTP,OLAP, SQLand Data Warehousing in various
business contexts using leading BI Tools such as Tableau or Panorama Necto

5.Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Management Information System PPTs and Practices

Advanced DBMS concepts
2. PPTs and Practices
PPTs and Practices
3. ERP
PPTs and Practices
4. Data Visualization


Unit I Management Information System 6 hours

Introduction– Components, Levels of information requirements, Transaction

Processing, Enterprise Resource Planning System, Decision Support System
Unit II Advanced DBMS concepts 6 hours

Database Management System, Database Design for OLTP, Data Warehousing,

Data Marts, Dimension Modeling, Database Design for OLAP, Data Security and User

Unit III ERP 8 hours

Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Scorecard, Key Performance Indicators

Unit IV Data Visualization 10 hours

Data Visualization using Tableau BI, Predictive Analytics, Emerging Trend in BI

Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7.Course plan:
No. of
Topic Remarks
3 Management Information System-ERP Lab
3 Decision Support System Lab

2 Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)

2 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Lab

3 Relational databases and models and SQL Lab

3 Data warehouses and data marts Lab

2 Dimensional modeling Lab

2 Data security and privacy Lab

2 Business performance management, Lab

2 Key performance indicators and Lab
operational metrics
2 Balanced scorecard Lab

2 Dashboards, Data visualization, Lab

2 Emerging trends in BI Lab

8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Unit -1 Class Test 10
2. Unit -2 Class Test 10
3. Unit -3 Class Test 10
4. Case Presentation and Submission 20
Practical Lab Test – Data
5. 50
Total (A) 100/2 = 50
Problem solving Skill - Interview(B) 20
Online Test(C) 30
Total Marks (A+B+C) 100

9. References:

1. Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach (2011) Turban, Sharda,Delen, King,

Publisher: Prentice Hall, Edition: 2nd, ISBN: 13-978-0-136-10066-9.
2. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm(2009) Laudon Kennath
C, Jane P, Prentice Hall, Eleventh Edition


10. Resource Requirements:

 SQL Server 2008

 SQL Analysis and Integration Services with Tableau 9.0 / Panorama Necto 15.0
 Desktop BI Tool


2. Aim :
To impart knowledge about developing the interactive apps for windows mobile

3. Prerequisites:
 Basic programming knowledge in C++ and C#
4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
 Design a mobile application
 Create a web application along with multimedia effects
5. Teaching Strategies:
S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. Introduction and Programming in C# PPTs, and simple programs

PPTs, Videos and
2. Designing using XAML
Windows 8 App Development Using
3. Videos and designing
4. Implementing in Windows Store Videos and demonstration

6. Syllabus:

Unit I Introduction and Programming in C# 10 Hrs

Introduction- Windows 8 Installation- Visual Studio Installation- Windows 8 App

Lifecycle- Programming in C# - Classes and Methods- Constructors- Access Specifiers-
Namespaces- Exception Handling

Unit II XAML 10Hrs

XAML Basics – Adding Controls- Properties- Events- Layouts- Message Dialogue-

Designing using C# with XAML

Unit III App Development 10 Hrs

Templates- Grid App- Split App- Web View- User Control- Settings Panel-
Navigation- App Bar- Project Solution – Packages- Creating App Package- Publishing

Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs
7. Course Plan :

No. of
Topic Remarks
Introduction- Windows 8 Installation- V.S PPT
installation- Windows 8 App Lifecycle
2 Programming in C# - Classes and Methods PPT & Lab
Controlling Programmatic Flow; Manipulating
2 PPT & Lab
Types and Strings
2 Constructors- Access Specifiers PPT & Lab
Namespaces- Exception Handling
2 PPT & Lab
PPT & Lab
2 XAML Basics
PPT & Lab
2 Adding Controls- Properties
PPT & Lab
2 Layouts
PPT & Lab
2 Events
Message Dialogue- Designing using C# with
2 PPT & Lab
2 Templates- Grid App PPT & Lab

3 Split App- Web View- User Control PPT & Lab

2 Settings Panel- Navigation- App Bar- project PPT & Lab

Project Solution – Package .appxmanifest-
3 PPT & Lab
Creating App Package- Publishing App

8. Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Sample App development


2. Assignment on controls in XAML

3. Mini Project 50

Total (A) 100

9. References:

2. Adam Nathan, “Windows Presentation Foundation-Unleased”,
XAML Developer Reference –O’Reilly Media.

10. Resource Requirements :

 Windows 8.1, Visual Studio 2013


1. Title of the Course: Programming Refinement Logic

2. Aim :
 To introduce necessary skills needed for a software Engineer
 To gain knowledge on imperative paradigms
 To apply the concepts to solve problem
 To impart knowledge on network based programs
3. Prerequisites:
a. Basic knowledge in Java programming
b. Basics of Network concepts
4. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Apply coding styles to develop an error free program
 Develop an effective graphical user interface
 Develop a real time project using client server architecture
 Analyze the given problem and solve by using appropriate techniques

5. Teaching Strategies:

S.No Description Teaching Methods

1. INTRODUCTION PPTs and Practices


GRAPHICAL USER Videos, PPTs and Practices

6. Syllabus:


Design Style, coding style, functions and operators.


Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Class Fundamentals ,Object & Object reference, Object Life
time & Garbage Collection, Creating and Operating Objects, Constructor & initialization
code block, Access Control, Modifiers, methods, Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous
Classes, Abstract Class & Interfaces.

Designing Graphical User Interfaces, Components and Containers, Basics of

Components, Using Containers, Layout Managers, AWT Components, Event Types &
Classes, Networking Programming, Client-Server Architecture, Socket Overview,
Networking Classes and Interfaces, Network Protocols.

Theory : 10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7. Course Plan:

No. of Hrs Content to Deliver Remarks

PPT & Lab

Design Style
2 coding style PPT & Lab

2 functions PPT & Lab

2 operators PPT & Lab

Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Class Fundamentals
3 ,Object & Object reference, Object Life time & PPT & Lab
Garbage Collection
3 Creating and Operating Objects, Constructor &
PPT & Lab
initialization code block, Access Control, Modifiers
methods, Nested , Inner Class &Anonymous PPT
3 Abstract Class & Interfaces. PPT & Lab

Designing Graphical User Interfaces, Components

and Containers, Basics of Components, Using Lab
2 Containers, Layout Managers

4 AWT Components, Event Types & Classes,

PPT & Lab
Networking Programming
Client-Server Architecture, Socket Overview,
4 Networking Classes and Interfaces, Network PPT & Lab
8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

Solving a Problem,
Logic for a Problem,
1. Algorithm Development,
Choosing appropriate concepts for 50
solving the problem

Practical Test - Imperative

Practical Test - graphical user
3. 50
Total (A) 100
9. References:
 Herbert Schildt, Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition: The
Complete Reference, Seventh Edition
 Raymond Gallardo, Scott Hommel, Sowmya Kannan, Joni Gordon,
Sharon Biocca Zakhour, The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics
,sixth edition

10. Resources Requirements :

 Netbeans IDE

1. Title of the Course: Speech and Audio Signal Processing using MATLAB

2. Aim:

 To provides an insight into the nature of speech and audio signals, exploring
the different parameters associated with short-time analysis of speech signals
and learning the effects of filtering audio signals.


The student must have knowledge on

 Basics of signals
 Basics of MATLAB
 Knowledge on filters may be preferable

4.Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

 Understand the need for all the basic preprocessing tasks associated with
speech signals and perform the same efficiently.
 Extract various parameters related to speech signals
 Understand filtering concepts and companding techniques

5.Teaching Strategies:

 Power point presentations

 Practical demonstrations
 Programming and simulation


Unit I: MATLAB Overview 10 Hrs

Introduction, Introduction to signals- stationary and non-stationary signals,
Introduction to speech signals-speech production mechanism-import and export speech
signals- sampling frequency-short-time analysis- framing and windowing.

Unit II: MATLAB Parameters 12 Hrs

Short-time parameters- short-time energy- zero crossing rate- short-time auto
correlation, silence removal using short-time parameters, noise removal.
Unit III: MATLAB Filtering 8 Hrs
Effect of filtering audio signals, Companding techniques- A-law and µ-law
Theory :10 Hrs
Practical : 20 Hrs
Total : 30 Hrs

7.Course Plan:

Hours Topic Remarks

Module I
3 Introduction to MATLAB, Introduction to signals PPT & Lab
1 Stationary and non-stationary signals PPT & Lab

2 Introduction to speech signals-speech production PPT & Lab

1 Import and export speech signals- sampling frequency PPT & Lab

3 Short-time analysis- framing and windowing. PPT & Lab

Module II
2 Short-time parameters- short-time energy PPT & Lab

2 Zero crossing rate PPT & Lab

2 Short-time auto correlation PPT & Lab

3 Silence removal using short-time parameters PPT & Lab

3 Noise removal PPT & Lab

Module III
3 Effect of filtering audio signals PPT & Lab

3 Companding techniques- A-law companding PPT & Lab

2 µ-law companding PPT & Lab

8.Course Assessment :

S. No Description Max. Marks

1. Assessment-I
Course Report
2. Assessment-II
Design Test


 Introduction to Digital Speech Processing, Lawrence R. Rabiner, Ronald W.

 Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Lawrence R. Rabiner

10. Resource Requirements:


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