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As many of you know boys are different than girls. In humans, sex is determined by
the twenty-third pair of chromosomes known as “sex chromosomes”. If you have two
x-shaped (XX) chromosomes you are destined to be a female. If you have an x and a
Y-shaped (XY) chromosomes you are destined to be a male. Since the X and Y
chromosomes carry different information, any genes found on the X chromosomes
are referred to as sex-linked genes. Therefore, women will have two alleles for these
genes because they have two (XX) chromosomes. On the other hand, men have only
one allele for each of these genes because they have only one X chromosome (XY).
This is clearly a violation of Mendel’s Principle of Unit Characteristics, which
implies that you receive one set of alleles from each parent.
E.g. In fruit flies, the gene for eye color is carried on the X chromosome which is
a sex chromosome (sex-linked). The allele for red eyes is dominant over the
allele for white eyes. If a white-eyed female fruit fly is mated with a red-
eyed male, predict the possible offspring.
r r
Step 1: Since the female has white eyes, she must be “X X ”. The male is red-eyed
and because he has only one X chromosome, he has only one allele for eye
color. His eyes are red so he must be RY. means he only has one allele for
eye color, so he must be “X Y”. Since the allele “R” is present on the X
chromosome only, and there is no other allele for eye color because the male
other sex chromosome is a Y chromosome.
Step 2: For sex-linked traits, we need to list the genotype in a different fashion. We
must identify the individual as being male or female according to their sex
chromosomes. Females are XX, and males are XY. Sex-linked traits are only
found on the X chromosome, therefore the letters are placed as superscripts
(above) the X chromosome. Therefore the genotype for the female fly is
r r R
X X and the male is X Y. You can use shorthand notation rr x RY, but sometimes
this can be confusing.
Step 3: The Punnett square for the parent flies is shown below.

XRXr r
XRXr r

Step 4: The genotypic ratio is 1 : 1

R r r
R r
Step 5: The individual X X will be a female because she has two X chromosomes.
She will have red eyes because she has Rr. The individual with X Y will be a
male because he has the X and Y chromosomes. He will have white eyes
because he has only one allele and it is “r”. So from this cross, you would
expect all of the females to have red eyes and all of the males to have white
1. Hemophilia is a sex-linked trait. A person with hemophilia is lacking certain
proteins that are necessary for normal blood clotting. Hemophilia is caused
by a recessive allele so use “N” for normal and “n” for hemophilia. Since
hemophilia is sex-linked, remember a woman will have two alleles (NN or
Nn or nn) but a man will have only one allele (N or n). A woman who is
heterozygous (a carrier) for hemophilia marries a normal man:
a. What are the genotypes of the parents?

b. Make a Punnett square for the above cross.

c. What is the probability that a male offspring will have hemophilia?


d. What is the probability of having a hemophiliac female offspring?


2. Can a color-blind female have a son that has a normal vision? Color
blindness is caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. *use N = normal vision
and n = color blind

3. Baldness is a sex-linked trait. What parental genotypes could produce a bald

woman? *use H = normal hair, and h = bald

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