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JULY 15,2020
BSN2-4 STS ID NO. 18-9133-728

Learning Activity 2.2

If a two lesbians would want to have a child which between cloning and artificial
insemination would you suggest and why?
- In my opinion I think that artificial insemination is better than cloning because Impregnation
of a woman through artificial insemination may also be used by women or men in same-sex
partnerships who wish to produce children of their own, and the success rate to conceive is
high, According to a research study published in the journal Human Reproduction, the
pregnancy rate for ICI is 37.9 percent after six treatment cycles and the same study found a
40.5 percent success rate for IUI, and also think Artificial insemination increase the chances
that the genetic traits contributed from the sperm donor have a better genetic traits that had
been considered desirable will be exhibited, in some measure, by the progeny. Even so, as it
is a manipulation in the normal process of reproduction, a person is unique to the parents will
be developed rather than identical as occurs in cloning and also it is cheaper. Human
reproductive cloning remains universally condemned, primarily for the psychological, social,
and physiological risks associated with cloning. A cloned embryo intended for implantation
into a womb requires thorough molecular testing to fully determine whether an embryo is
healthy and whether the cloning process is complete In addition, as demonstrated by 100
failed attempts to generate a cloned macaque in 2007, a viable pregnancy is not guaranteed.
Because the risks associated with reproductive cloning in humans introduce a very high
likelihood of loss of life, the process is considered unethical.

Learning Activity 2.3

Is Adult DNA Cloning morally up right? Yes and NO, support your thoughts
- In my opinion is not morally right, because it arises issues when we talk about cloning, There
also exists controversy over the ethics of therapeutic and research cloning. Some individuals
and groups have an objection to therapeutic cloning, because it is considered the manufacture
and destruction of a human life, even though that life has not developed past the embryonic
stage. Those who are opposed to therapeutic cloning believe that the technique supports and
encourages acceptance of the idea that human life can be created and expended for any
purpose. In addition, it is important to many philosophers and policy makers that women and
couples not be exploited for the purpose of obtaining their embryos or eggs. And Cloning
goes against the basic belief of certain religions that only God has created life and its various
forms in nature. Humans cannot act as “God”. Even when genetically identical twins are
born, their embryo splits spontaneously or randomly to give a new unique genetic
combination. Cloning involves a controlled split of the embryo to produce a tailor-made
genetic make up. Ethically, it is wrong for any human to have control over the genetic make
up of any other individual. More so, the cloned individual would be generated for specific
purposes. This in essence is wrong wherein the purpose of an individual’s life should be more
than just satisfying someone else’s needs. And the issue that bother me most is Cloning
creates a new human, yet strips him off his individuality. A man, along with his clone can
never be dignified as a single identity. The uniqueness attributed to humans from God might
be at stake. The replication of an individual is a major blow to his most distinct feature – his
identity, and how will the cloned individual might react and behave with regards to his family
and parents? If he/she is cloned from his grandparents and not his parents, would he/she be
considered a sibling? How would he/she react? How would the parents and family regard the
cloned individual? When we are unsure about the implications or consequences of such
situations, it is ethically wrong to subject any individual to such tests as fellow human beings.

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