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How COVID-19 1.

COVID-19 is transforming
consumer lives - we have

is changing
covered a "decade in days"
in adoption of digital

consumer behavior
Three change forces—economic downturn,
preference shifts, and digital acceleration

–now and forever

By Sajal Kohli, Björn Timelin, Victor Fabius, Sofia Moulvad Veranen
2. Behavior changes are not linear
and their stickiness will depend on
satisfaction of the new experiences
As the world begins its slow pivot from managing Ups and downs ahead of us
the COVID-19 crisis to recovery and the reopening
of economies, it’s clear that the period of lockdown Stickiness = forced behavior x satisfaction
has had a profound impact on how people live. The jury is still out on
value-driven behaviors
The period of contagion, self-isolation, and economic 3. Future is NOW
uncertainty will change the way consumers behave, -Players should prepare
in some cases for years to come.
Prepare for consumption declines/
The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, trading down
from how we work to how we shop to how we Address footprint offer, and shopping
entertain ourselves. These rapid shifts have experience for the new reality
important implications for retailers and ‘ Follow consumers in their new
consumer-packaged-goods companies. decision journeys when you market
and communicate
Many of the longer-term changes in consumer
behavior are still being formed, giving companies
an opportunity to help shape the Next Normal.
COVID-19 is changing how
consumers behave across
all spheres of life
We see new behaviors emerging across 8 areas of life
(eg, surge in e-commerce, changing of brand preferences,
higher unemployment)
Shopping and
Work consumption
Rise of unemployment Surge in e-commerce
On-the-go consumption decline Preference for trusted brands
Remote working Decline in discretionery spending, trading down
“20x increase in Zoom daily participants” Larger basket, reduced shopping frequency
Source: Bond Capital Shift to stores closer to home
Polarization of sustainability
“Personal disposable income is not expected to
recover to pre-crisis level until Q2 2024 in the US”
Source: McKinsey analysis in partnership with Oxford Economics, Scenario A1

Learning Life at home

Spending on learning Nesting at home
adjacancies Surge in online
Remote learning
“Home is recast as the new
“35% --> ~35% of Netflix coffee shop, restaurant, and
subscribers use it for entertainment center”
educational content”
Source: YouGov

Communications Play and

and information entertainment
In-person sampling decline Preference for digital entertainment
Shift in media consumption Entertainment channel shift
(eg, cinema to streaming)
“Further migration to digital”
Additional play time
“Disney Plus achieved in 5 months
what took 7 years for Netflix”
Source: Phone Arena

Health and
Travel and mobility wellbeing
Reduction in tourist spend and travel retail Focus on health and hygiene
Increase in domestic tourism Acceleration of organic, natural, fresh
“80% reduction in international Fitness on demand
travel & related tourist spend” E-pharmacy & e-doctor at scale
Source: McKinsey analysis in partnership
with Oxford Economics
“Monthly year-over-year growth of organic produce in the US
increased by 10x in March compared with January and February"
Source: Organic Produce Network
Many of the trends
are accelerations
of past behaviors
We have covered a “decade in days”
when it comes to adoption of digital

Online delivery Telemedicine

10-years-in-8-weeks 10x in 15 days
For increase in e-commerce deliveries
Online Delivery
10 years in 8 weeks
For increase in e-commerce deliveries

Remote working
20x participants
on videoconferencing in 3 months

Remote learning Online entertainment

250 million in 2 weeks 7 years in 5 months
students who went online in China Disney Plus acheived in two months what took Netflix 7 years
Most behaviors
will see a linear development
trend or stick in the next normal
As countries gradually lift lockdown restrictions, 1 more
phase remains before we reach the next normal
3 months 12—18 months

Consumer behaviors will

Virus not follow a linear curve

Real GDP

Lockdown Transition Vaccine? Next normal

(GDP recovers
to pre-COVID-19 level)

Stickiness = forced behavior [including duration] x satisfaction

Our hypotheses on which changes could stick or dissipate

New trend Discontinuity Acceleration Unknown

Probably temporary Enduring

Trading down and

Decline in Reduction in international travel retail price sensitivity
consumption Increase in domestic tourism Reduction in
discretionary spending

Reduction in on-the -go Preference for trusted brands

Shake-up of consumption Focus on health
Polarization of sustainability and hygiene
preferences Larger basket
Nesting at home

Remote working Surge in e-commerce

Digital Rise of e-pharmacy Fitness on demand
Preference for digital entertainment and e-doctor at scale
Entertainment-channel shift from physical to digital
Behavior changes will reshape
consumer decision journeys and
companies will need to adapt fast
Retailers and consumer-packaged-goods companies that use the
transition period to rethink consumer decision journeys can
reshape consumer behavior
get information
Shake-up of media mix:
further shift to digital
Temporary comeback of TV
What Basket re-composition
• Grocery
Shake-up in
hierarchy of needs
Decline in out-of-home-advertising
consumers • Nesting Health and hygiene rises
purchase • Health
• Discretionery spend Polarization of
Decline in in-person Overall consumption: sustainability
engagement decline
15% US decline with • Trading down
recovery in 2023
Format polorization Brand-preference evaluation
Large and small packs Turning to A-brands
for trust
Reduced shopping
Where frequency
Channel mix reevaluation
E-commerce: 17-percentage-point
increase in grocery, surge in e-pharmacy
On-the-go consumption decline
Decrease in travel retail

Replacement of offline channels by

at-home alternatives (eg, gym, cinema)
New channel-selection attributes
Proximity to home
No queue/room in store

New shopping reality

Decrease in satisfaction due to
inconvenience of safe shopping
Increase in basket size
Decrease in shopping frequency
Decrease in density of shoppers
Shake-up in what consumers value
Decrease in tourist spending
Loyalty shake-up, as consumers are
forced to try new things
Retailers will face challenges
across multiple dimensions
Sales Marketing Assortment
Reinvent shopping Consumers have changed Reimagine value for money:
experience: hassle-free where and how they engage, price, private label, quality,
shopping in high hygiene and marketing spending should branding, merchandising
environment; change store reflect this
layouts and proposition,
reconfigure check-out, offer longer
operating hours, Capture new needs:
provide omnichannel Stay relevant across health, safety, fresh, new
multiple touchpoints ready to eat; reduce exposure
(, platforms, to highly discretionary categories
Right-size network to recognize e-retailers, own stores,
15% drop in consumption multibrand stores)

Adapt formats to new

needs: polarization in
Leapfrog digital capabilities Allocate resources in pack size (large and single
towards first-class e-commerce, line with journey shifts, packs) and hygiene certainty
seamless omnichanel experience; eg, increase digital
consider drive-through, engagement (social,
click-and-collect influencers, D2C) away from
out-of-home advertising, Rethink brand mix: increase
print, trade marketing exposure to post-COVID-19
loyalty-shift winners (trusted
Reevaluate physical-store A-brands and local brands),
footprint, as traffic from Win in loyalty shifts: and simplify assortment
professionals and tourists ensure first-class customer-
declines and impacts travel retail relationship-management
and on-the-go consumption system, foster trust through
communication, and provide
incentives for first-time shoppers

The authors would like to thank Christoffer Breum, Marco Catena, Becca Coggins, Jörn Küpper,
Simona Kulakauskaite, Luiz Lima, Jaana Remes, Kelsey Robinson, Hamid Samandari, Raghavendra Uthpala and Naomi Yamakawa
Copyright © 2020 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved

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