K-M Letter

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“Commitment To Excellence”
ISD 204 ​° 101
​ 16th St NE ​° Kasson,
​ MN 55944-1610 ​° 507-634-1100
​ ​° Fax
​ 507-634-6661

September 29, 2020

Good afternoon KoMet Families,

As I am sure many of you have heard, the School Board voted last night to change the learning model for students in
grades 7-12. The learning model for grades PK-6 will ​not​ change. This transition to a hybrid model for our 7-12 students
will begin on Monday, October 5, 2020 and will remain in effect until further notice.

Why? Specifically, due to the exponential growth of positive COVID-19 cases in Dodge County. The Advisory Council
met Monday morning and made a recommendation to the school board to maintain an In-Person Model for PK-12
students. The vote for PK-6 was 17-4 in favor of In-Person and the 7-12 vote was 11-10 in favor of In-Person. Yet, there
was additional data that was requested from Dodge County Public Health that we didn’t have access to for the Advisory
Council meeting.

As requested, we did receive some additional data from Amy Caron (DCPH) from the weekend around 2:30 p.m. I wished
it would have been available to the advisory council earlier in the day, as it did become a significant factor for the school

● Dodge County Public Health indicated that there were 21 new positive cases in Dodge County over the weekend
and 8 of those positive cases are 5-18 yrs old students in multiple districts.
● Attributable Reasons
1. Community Events
2. Household "Events" are suspected in two communities (school-age children) that are expected to drive
increases in numbers.
● DCPH expected cases reported this Thursday is 42, and a 20.17 cases over the 14 days/10,000 (Sept. 6-19 data)
● Next Thursday the cases are expected to be significantly higher yet. (September 13-26 data)
● According to DCPH, there is now reason to believe there is "in-school" transmission. Not verified, but expected.

Also a factor in the school board’s decision was some additional internal school data from the day:

● Nearly 40 students (mostly student athletes and those finally getting an opportunity to take the ACT test) also
determined that flex learning was going to be their learning model going forward yesterday.
● 2 additional positive cases at the HS making it 5 in the past 4 school days.
● (Not a factor in the School Board Decision, but there was another positive case in the HS today)

Last night, I recommended to the School Board that we adhere to the recommendation of the Advisory Council and
remain In-Person, Pre-K-12, through Monday, October 5. Yet, with the additional data, especially the suspected
"person-to-person" transmission in the school, I then recommended to the School Board to consider a learning model
change for grades 7-12. This was an extremely tough decision for me, and I know it was for members of the School
Board as well. A great deal of discussion during the meeting was directly focused on recent Community Events, Local
Household parties, the internal transmission and encouraging parents to keep their children who are symptomatic home.

Please note: Additional guidance and direction will be coming directly from your child’s school in preparation for this
transition. The school board also voted last night to change the school calendar for this Friday for 7-12 students. In
preparation for the transition to the hybrid model, all 7-12 teachers will have a professional development day and 7-12
students will not attend school. PK-6 will have a normal school day.
I personally apologize for all of the inconveniences this will cause to multiple families in our district. I hope all of you know
how hard I will continue to work to keep all kids in our district safely In-Person every day, yet focus intensely on the
learning. I am frustrated that we can’t continue in the In-Person Model and know that many of you in our communities feel
the same way. I feel terrible for our children and the many losses they are experiencing due the unknown, unknowns we
are dealing with globally. I sincerely hope that in the future we find better ways to deal with educating our children during
times similar to this.

One major bright side to the start of the year that I am certainly grateful for is that we were able to begin in the In-Person
Model. This has allowed our students and teachers to establish their initial relationships and is certain to encourage
further academic growth as we continue through the school year. I am hopeful we return to that model soon, but we will all
need to work together.

Feel free to call with any questions. As I mentioned, I appreciate all of your emails of support and encouragement for our
district. If there are areas we can improve, please feel free to share your thoughts as well. Like many of you within your
families, we are dealing with these issues for the first time and we want to continue to get better.


Mark D. Matuska
Superintendent, Kasson-Mantorville Schools

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