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IG-Horowitz Report Reminiscences

RUSSIA HOAX) and Huber (probing Hillary); recall that Blockbusters are buried In The already-released IG
Report On FBI Misuse Of Confidential Sources. Leaks [remember how he found a way not to prosecute
Strzok/Page despite obviously biased e-mails?] were placed into proper context by Carter Page, who
properly observed 'It’s only one side’s perspective' as he slammed the draft-FISA report as 'sloppy'; he
condemned it because Horowitz could only interview current FBI employees (in contrast to what Durham
is empowered to do).

Horowitz: [1]—showed the Russia hoax was a coup attempt; [2]—Obama knew about spying on Trump);
[3]—the State Dept KNEW about Hillary Clinton's Secret Email Account; [4]—Comey may have been In On
FBI’s FISA Misconduct and Misled Trump to Not Risk Debunking ‘Pee Tape’; [5]—Proved Schiff Had Been
Lying About SpyGate Since The Beginning; [6]—Showed that The DbM had Spun Russia Collusion, which
had been fed to it by The FBI; [7]—showed There had been Potential Bias Motivating Trump Campaign
Surveillance; [8]—quoted the Intel Community Blog Founder as having Admitted Nunes had been Right
About SpyGate From The Beginning; and [9]—An FBI AGENT TOOK NOTES ON TRUMP’S COMMENTS
WHILE SURVEILLING FLYNN (even as the Michael Flynn judge Ignored Mounting Evidence Of Prosecutorial
Abuse). [The FBI’s Top Lawyer During the Russia Probe, James Baker, Felt ‘distressed’ After Reading the
FISA Report; he’s culpable, as is Brennan, who Blamed an 'Overly Aggressive' FBI That Just Wanted to
Prevent 'Russian Interference' and whose Office Became Ground Zero in the Russian Collusion Scandal.]

Reactions to Horowitz ranged from an admonition from a Former AG that he had missed key evidence in
the FBI conspiracy to the CNN National Security Analyst Steven Hall who revealed he’d been Clueless
About the IG Report. Others took no prisoners: [1]—Sen. Lankford Blasted the FBI FISA Abuses, concluding
the Bureau was Taking Courts Down Years Of Turmoil; [2]—Nunes Told Schiff that his Lies suggested, ‘You
Are In Need Of Rehabilitation’; [3]—Gowdy ripped Comey for FBI mismanagement; [4]—Wolf Blitzer
Grilled McCabe Over FBI’s Surveillance Abuses, noting that McCabe’s Defense Of The FBI And Steele
Dossier Crumbled Under the Weight of the IG Report; [5]—Mark Levin Admonished the FISA Court Judge
for Not Taking Action Earlier; [6]—Schiff Said He Has No Sympathy For Carter Page and Doesn’t Regret
Writing Memo Defending the FBI; [7]—a FISA Judge Ordered FBI To Identify All Cases Involving the Lawyer
Who Allegedly Altered Carter Page Email; and [8]—the FBI released a 'disgusting and inadequate' response
to blistering statement from the top FISA judge. [Noting that the FBI (or Congress) can use warrant
surveilling one American… to spy on many more, 7 Ways To Reform The Obviously Corrupt FISA
Surveillance System have been formulated.]

The Senate Held Two Hearings on the IG Report of FISA Abuse, while the House Has Not Held One; the
second was particularly fruitful (held on impeachment day, so conveniently ignored by the DbM). He said:
[1]—he had not probed why the FBI New York Field Office had opened a counterintelligence investigation
on Carter Page in early April 2016 (deferring to Durham); [2]—questions remain about the FBI's FISA
failures; [3]—couldn’t explain why Mueller choose not to Tell Americans that the Dossier was false; and
[4]—he couldn't talk in an open setting about what FBI files said about whether Joseph Mifsud was Russian

As predicted by Nunes, subsequent release of testimony by Mark Sandy (initially withheld) was supportive
of Trump; rogue actors [per WaPo] gained power as experts [Deep State] lost relevance. Through it all, it
is ominous that the DoJ has yet to prosecute McCabe for lying under oath and that no one knows the
release date of the Huber Report scrutinizing Uranium One, the “lost” e-mails, and the Clinton Foundation
(which continues to hemorrhage money following Hillary’s loss); a brief “mention” was provided for
anyone interested in what Dems were doing and/or what Shepard Smith was saying.

Regarding, SpyGate, a CNN Poll showed the overwhelming majority wants an Investigation into Obama
DoJ Spying on Trump; a Judge slammed the feds over indecision on FBI's McCabe, even as AG Barr accused
the left of systemic 'sabotage' of Trump administration, prompting enhanced CALLS FOR HIS

Noting that four blockbuster details were overlooked, there were 3 Times The IG Report
Suggested SpyGate Is Worse Than We Thought. Perhaps portending what may transpire after this
Horowitz→Durham interim-period, although Wray Apologized for FISA Abuse, People Have Concerns
About this Former Obama Official Appointed to Assess Reforms; those “people” may include Trump, who
Roasted Wray for Letting 'Dirty Cops' Skate Despite Committing Federal Felonies in the Carter Page FISA
Affair. (A potential nail in Wray’s coffin is that, last week, an Ex-DoJ Official (David Kris) who was
(inexplicably) Picked To Assist FISA Reform Was known to have been an Ardent Defender Of FBI’s
Surveillance Of Carter Page.) Regardless, one would hope Durham will nail McCabe/Comey for
having pushed to Highlight Trump ‘Golden Shower’ Rumor in Public Russia Report.) Hillary is not Off the

The investigation endangered Obama and Brennan Became Ground

Zero regarding possible criminal misconduct: [1]—Catherine Herridge Highlighted More Info in the IG
Report that impugned Comey and Others (see Twitchy); [2]—It contained details of
how McCabe had Lied to FBI's Internal Investigators and Apologized For Media Leak; [2]—It elucidated
that Comey Misled Trump to Not Risk Debunking ‘Pee Tape’; and [3]—It revealed that McCain Provided
Five Additional Steele 'Election Reports' to FBI after the FBI had Dropped Him as Source, noting
that Steele Claimed a McCain Aide Leaked the 'Pee' Dossier to BuzzFeed. Indeed, it’s Statistically
Impossible For The FBI’s SpyGate Errors To All Be “Mistakes”; providing a personal
counternarrative, COMEY defined The four stages of being attacked by Donald Trump. [Every Foreign
Intelligence Service Knew Within 24 Hours Russia Collusion Was a Bogus Story.

Some averred that FISA Court’s Boasberg Picked a FISA Abuse Denier To Tackle FISA Abuse to signal lack
of concern about the civil liberty violations catalogued by IG Horowitz. Others argued the FISA Court’s Pick
To Monitor Surveillance Reform was ‘A Step In The Right Direction’ but an ‘Insufficiently’ committed
adviser in overseeing the FBI's implementation of reforms; that’s why The choice of an FBI defender and
Nunes critic as consultant to reform FISA oversight has rankled Mark Meadows; thus, the GOP Will Appeal
To the Surveillance Court Over its Choice To Oversee FBI Reforms. [Also, a Top FBI agent who leaked to
media spent thousands to boost online reputation before name was revealed.]

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