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Student guide #8

Activity 1

1.1 Rewrite the sentences in indirect speech. If the sentence can be

written both with and without backshifting, write it both ways.

1 Ms. Barr stated, "I want you to finish your essays for the next class."

Ms. Barr stated that she wanted you to finish your essays for the following class.

2 Last week I told my husband, "This has been the best vacation we've ever taken."
Last week I told my husband that this had been the best vacation we’ve ever taken.
3 My friend Amy said, "I have never seen such exciting paintings before."
Amy said that she had never seen such exciting paintings ago.
4 In his lecture, Dr. White explained, "The earth rotates around the sun."
In his lecture, Dr. White explained that the earth rotates around the sun.
5 Pain researchers reported, "Laughter may help some patients."
Pain researchers reported that laughter might help some patients.
6 They said, "Our new study will begin here next week."
They said that our new study would begin there the following week.
7 The doctors said, "We've recommended laughter yoga to cure his pain."
The doctors said that they had recommended laughter yoga to cure his pain.
8 The patient told everyone, "I definitely feel better from the laughter yoga."
The patient told everyone that He definitely felt better from the laughter yoga.

1.2 Write what the people actually said, using direct speech.

1 Ellen told me she had read an article about laughter yoga in the New Yorker

Ellen told me , “ She read an article about laughter yoga in the New Yorker
2 She claimed she believed laughter yoga could be helpful.

She claimed,” I believed laughter yoga can be helpful.”

3 I said I never would have known that.

I said “ I never would have known that.”

4 The nurse told me that she had been using laughter therapy with certain patients.

The nurse told me ,"I have been using laugther therapy with certain patients"

1.3 Rewrite each sentence in indirect speech. Make all necessary

backshifts and changes to pronouns and time expressions.

1 The teacher asked her students, "Can you tell me what the joke is about?"

2 Barry sometimes asks himself, "How would I react if someone told an offensive

3 Lisa asked her boyfriend, "Should you have laughed at that offensive joke?"

4 Dan asked his wife, "Have you finished reading that book of jokes?"

5 Vivian asked me, "Which is the best website for funny animal videos?"

Activity 2

Paragraphing a story with dialogue

with direct speech, begin a new paragraph each time you introduce a new speaker.
Remember that paragraphs should be indented or should have a space above them so
the reader can see where new paragraphs begin. See one paragraphing style in the
Writing Model.

Punctuation of direct speech

 When the reporting verb comes before a quotation, put a comma after the
reporting verb. Put the end punctuation inside the quotation marks.

Mr. Mann said, “That's not at all funny.”

 When the reporting verb comes after a quotation, put a comma, question mark, or
an exclamation point at the end of the quoted sentence, inside the quotation
marks. Put the speaker's name before or after the reporting verb.

“Please don't do anything cruel,” Ms. Kane said.

“Didn't anyone object to that mean practical joke?” asked Carlson.

 A reporting verb can also come between two parts of a quotation. Put quotation
marks around each part of the quotation. Don’t begin the second part of the
quotation with a capital letter unless it begins a new sentence.

“Melanie and Elaine,” Mr. Sargent said, “please apologize for hurting Morgan.”

 lf the reporting verb comes between complete sentences, put a period after the
reporting verb. Begin the new sentence with a capital letter.

“Peter, please apologize to Morgan,” continued Mr. Sargent. “You participated in

that mean practical joke too.”

2.1 Rewrite the sentences, correcting the errors in punctuation and


1 Norman Cousins said, “That he had cured himself with laughter.”

2 “The Superiority Theory” our professor explained. “Is exemplified by finding

people's errors funny.”

3 “The joke was really cruel," said Claire. “they shouldn't have played it."

4 "Does that example illustrate the Incongruity Theory,' asked John?

5 "I learned about all kinds of humor in my psychology class", said my sister.
2.2 Write the following indirect speech statements in direct speech,
using correct punctuation for dialogue.

1 Dr. Summers stated that positive emotions can have a direct effect on emotional
and physical health.

2 A psychologist told me many people believed that Norman Cousins's book

popularized the idea that laughter therapy could be helpful in treating illness.

3 She said that practical jokes come from our need to feel superior to others.

4 Ms. Barton insisted that traditional medicine is more effective than laughter

5 our professor asked whether there is any scientific evidence that laughter can
treat illness.

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