Personal Data Protection Policy For Job Applicants

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This is Pratt and Whitney’s policy for handling personal data received from persons who are
seeking employment at the Pratt and Whitney group of companies based in Singapore.

In this document:
 the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to the Pratt and Whitney group of companies based in
 the terms “you” and “your” refer to a job applicant who submits or wishes to submit an
application for employment with us.
 the term “job application” shall refer to a job applicant’s application for employment with

What personal data we collect

“Personal data” is data that can be used to identify a natural person. Examples of personal data
include your name, address, contact details, education background, employment history,
references and results of employment checks.

We collect personal data about you and where required, also about other persons, such as your
family members, spouse and/or children. The purposes for collecting such personal data are set
out below.

Your provision of personal data to us is voluntary. However, please recognize that if you choose
not to provide us with the personal data we require, it may not be possible for us to contact you,
process your application and/or consider you for employment.

If you provide the personal data of anyone other than yourself (including your family members),
you warrant that you have informed him/her of the purposes for which we require his/her
personal data and that he/she has consented to your disclosure of his/her personal data to us for
those purposes.

By providing us with personal data, you agree to the terms of this policy and you consent for
yourself and on behalf of such other persons to our collection, use and disclosure of personal
data on these terms.

You must ensure that all personal data that you provide is true, accurate and complete and
promptly inform us of any changes to the personal data.

Our purposes for collection, use and disclosure of personal data

We collect personal data from you, and use such personal data for the hiring process. This
includes (but is not limited to) using the personal data to:

- assess, administer and process your job application.

- contact you in respect of your job application.
- identify and evaluate you for positions available within our group as well as opportunities
within the United Technologies Corporation, its subsidiaries and related companies (the
“UTC Group”).
- monitor and review our recruitment policies.
- validate with the references provided and to conduct employment checks.
- conduct our security clearances and for determining the area and information at our
facilities that you may access during your visit to any of our sites.

In order to achieve the purposes stated above, we may disclose the personal data collected from
you to:

 entities within our group as well as the UTC Group, including those that are based
outside of Singapore.
 our service providers and agents, such as third party recruiters.
 regulatory authorities, statutory bodies or public agencies for the purposes of complying
with their respective requirements, policies and directives.

During the hiring process, we may also obtain information relating to you from third parties (such
as character referees). In doing so, we necessarily disclose your personal data to such third

We may also collect, use and disclose personal data for other purposes, if required or permitted
by law.

In the course of our collection, use and disclosure of personal data for the purposes as described
above, we may from time to time transfer the personal data to locations that we may notify to you
which are outside of Singapore. When transferring personal data outside Singapore, we will
ensure that the personal data is accorded a level of protection equivalent to the protection
granted under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. In summary, this means that we will
ensure that:

• the collection, use and/or disclose your personal information would be for the purpose(s)
for which you have given consent.
• steps would be taken to ensure accuracy and completeness of your personal information
when your personal data is used or disclosed to third parties.
• security arrangements would be made to protect your personal information.
• your personal information would be retained only if necessary for legal and business
• anyone who receives your personal information from us is either in a jurisdiction which
has comparable data protection laws or is otherwise bound to protect your personal

Protection and Retention of personal data

We will take reasonable measures to safeguard your personal data.

We will retain personal data for a reasonable period to fulfil the abovementioned purposes and in
accordance with our legal and business purposes, even if your job application is unsuccessful.

We do not usually retain personal data of unsuccessful job applicants for more than 2 years from
the date of collection.

In the event that your job application is successful, your personal data will be retained for the
purposes of managing your employment with us, and shall be subject to and managed in
accordance with such terms and conditions as may from time to time be in force for our
employees and ex-employees.

Access to and Correction of personal data

You may request for correction or access to the personal data we have collected about you. We
will require that you submit a form setting out the details of your request. You may contact us to
obtain a copy of the form.

We may be prevented by law from complying with your request. We may also decline your
request if the law permits us to do so or if our records have been destroyed in accordance with
our internal data retention policies.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this policy or the personal data
you have provided, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]
or in writing addressed to:

Data Protection Officer

Pratt & Whitney
61 Seletar Aerospace View
Singapore 797560

Amendments and updates

We may amend this policy from time to time and you can get the latest policy from our Human
Resources department. Each time you contact, interact, transact or deal with us, you
acknowledge and agree that our latest privacy policy shall apply to you.

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