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Workshop 1

Voice-mail lesson 1

Student name: Yadira Garcia CETAP: Girardot

Listen the audio

1. Complete the sentences. Drag the correct answers into place.

Call – send – schedule – computer – week

Robert spoke to Ms. Sanchez last week about a job as a schedule

engineer. Melissa wants to send an interview.
Robert can call her or send her an e-mail.

Choose the correct answer.

2. The person calling is probably…

A. someone who works at core-tech.
B. a person that works with Robert
C. Robert´s boss
D. someone selling computers.

3. Ms. Sanchez asks Robert to call her instead of sending an e-mail.

a. True
b. False
c. We don´t know

4. Robert decides to write back to Ms. Sanchez. Complete the e-mail. Drag
the correct answers into place.

To: Melissa Sanchez

From: Robert Mann
Subject: Interview

Dear Ms. Sanchez,

Thank you for calling me. I will be able to come to your office for the
talking next week. I am looking forward to interview to you about the
computer engineering job.

Engineering – calling – be able to – interview – talking

5. Choose the correct answer

a. Is going to interview someone
b. Is looking for a job
c. Works at core-Tech
d. Wants to study engineering
6. In the message, Ms. Sanchez tells Robert the Core-Tech street address.
a. True
b. False
c. We don´t know

7. Why does Ms. Sanchez call Robert?

a. To offer him a job

b. To see if she got the engineering job
c. To schedule an interview with him
d. To order new computers

8. When does Ms. Sanchez want to meet with Robert?

a. Tomorrow
b. Next week
c. In two weeks
d. Next moth

9. In this phone message, what does "schedule" mean?

a. To arrive at an interview on time
b. To plan for something to happen at a certain time
c. To change the time or date of a meeting
d. To meet with people and ask them questions

GRAMMAR. Go to the link:

aprender- ingles/gramatica-inglesa/simple-past/
Read and learn how to use simple past.

1. Write positive, negative and question sentences be creative,

negative and questions in simple present. Look at the example use
different verbs.
Positive Negative Question
I go to Mexico last year I do not go to Mexico last Do you buy a book?
Elena made a mistake on Elena did not make Did Elena make a mistake
her test a mistake on her on her test?
Cindy played with her Cindy did not play with Did Cindy play with her
kitten until she fall her kitten until she fall kitten until she fall
asleep. asleep. asleep?
She invited him to party. You didn't look the Did my nephew eat his
science food
project. yesterday?
I expected to see her Gabriel didn´t listen to me Did he walk to work
yesterday. yesterday?
2. Tell me in 5 sentences: what do you do on December this year? Do
not use translator

1. share with the family that visits us

2. chat with friends abroad

3. put together the Christmas tree with my cousins

4. eat cookies and put the manger

5. eat fritters and custard

Read and study the simple future:
3. Tell me what do you do in everyday? Just 5 sentences.

1. Work in the Mayor's Office of Ricaurte

2. share with coworkers

3. organize file

4. have dinner with my husband

5. Sometimes I go out to party to enjoy with friends and my husband


The Healthiest Snack

Why do some people find it hard to exercise?

Do you like to exercise? Exercise helps keep you healthy. But what if you don't
enjoy going to the gym? Or what if you just can't find the time? Then try
an exercise snack, instead!

An "exercise snack" means doing a little exercise in a very short amount of time.
Experts say adults need 150 minutes of exercisea week to stay healthy. But you
don't have to go to the gym to get exercise. You can climb up and down stairs a
few times a day. You can dance to your favorite song. You can also run up and
down a hallway for four minutes. Every minute of "exercisesnacking" you do each
day helps keep you fit.
Exercise snacking burns calories and helps you sleep better. It also helps your
posture. In one study, researchers found that exercise snacks make your heart and
lungs stronger.

So, what are you waiting for? Start snacking!

9. An "exercise snack" is a short amount of exercise.

a. True
b. False
c. We don´t know

10. According to experts, adults...

a. Don´t like to exersice
b. Need 150 minutes of excersise sleeping
c. Need one hour and 30 minutes to exercise each week
d. Should mostly execise in a gym
e. Don´t sleep well

11. Which of the following is NOT an example of exercise snacking?

A. Dancing to music
B. Climbing up and down stairs
C. Going to the gym
D. Running in a Hallway

12. Exersice snaking helps

A. Burn calories
B. People sleep better
C. With posture
D. All of the above

13. According to a study, exercise snacking is good for your heart and lungs

A. True
B. False
C. We don´t know

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