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Republic of the Philippines}

City of Zamboanga . . . . . . }S.S.


I, MILA P. BERNARDO, of legal age, Filipino, married, and presently residing at

Pamucutan, Zamboanga City, after having been sworn to under oath in accordance with
law, do hereby depose and state that:
1. I am a witness for the accused in criminal case no. 55306, filed by private
complainants Rudy Nunez y Caro and Melchora Pamalison y Talaboc, for
Reckless Imprudence resulting in Serious Physical Injuries, now pending before
the Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 04, Zamboanga City;

2. The truth of the matter is as follows:

On December 18, 2018, the complainant called up our employer with the
intention of settling the case. However, we were not able to meet with
them because Janorey was confined until 27 December 2018. The
complainant again called for us to meet at the police station so we went
there, however, they were the ones who did not appear.

Last January 25, 2019, the complainants called us again- there was a
confrontation to come up with a settlement however, they were asking for
270,000.00 which was too much for us. They were pressuring us, and was
demanding from us the reimbursement for the alleged loss of their bag
and bracelet. On top of this, they even suggested that we could sell our
properties (like our lot), so as to pay them. We do not know where to get
the money demanded from us as we are just poor people- nonetheless,
we tried our best to settle the civil aspect of the case for 50,000.00 which
we borrowed from others.

Also, my son- just like them, was brought to the hospital for medical
treatment. It was not only them who sustained injuries from the incident,
but both parties suffered from the same.

3. I am thus executing this counter-affidavit to attest to the truthfulness of the

foregoing narration of facts surrounding the case subject of this complaint and in
compliance with the Order of this Honorable Court requiring me to submit the
same and for the eventual dismissal of this case for lack of basis in fact and in

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this

_______________________ at Zamboanga City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________________________
at Zamboanga City, Philippines.


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I have personally examined the herein affiant and that
I am fully satisfied that the person voluntarily executed this affidavit and understood the

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