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Master of Business Administration

Student Details ( Student should fill the content)

Batch Number
Student ID Cardiff Met ID : ICBT ID :

Scheduled unit details

Unit code MBA 7002
Unit title Strategic Management
Assignment Details
Nature of the Assessment REPORT
Topic of the Case Study GIVEN
Learning Outcomes covered YES
Word count 3000
Due date / Time
Extension granted? (For Office Yes No
use only)

I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas
have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have
used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment
in any other course or unit at this or any other institution
Signature Date
Result (Assessor use only)
Marks by 1st Name & Signature of the 1st Agreed
Assessor Assessor Mark

Marks by IV: Name & Signature of the IV

For Office use only (hard copy assignments)
Receipt Received by

Assignment Type & Title:

For student use: Critical feedback on the individual progression towards achieving the

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Master of Business Administration

assignment outcomes

For 1st Assessor use: Assessment feedback

Comments and area for improvement

Name & Signature of the Date

Assessor : :

Comments by the IV

Name & Signature of the Date

IV: :

Strategic Management MBA 7002

Assignment (Individual Work)

Word limit: 3000 words

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Master of Business Administration

Weighting of assessment: 50% total marks

Learning Outcomes Covered

 Evaluate and reflect on the influences driving demand within the business to consumer
and business to business markets and the factors influencing the strength of their influence

 Critically assess the strategic implications of various cost-output relationships

 Gain insights into relationships of the characteristics of markets to business performance

• This is an Individual Assignment
• You are required to produce an academic/research document maximum 3000 words


Strategic change management to capture benefits of demand change

“Opportunities are found in changing environments, not in stable environments”, Richard

Branson once said. The true entrepreneurs welcome changes or even volatility in the
corporate environment. However, the firm which operates in a changing environment must
gave two strategic capabilities: Identify the great opportunities emerging from change, and the
ability to change and capture the opportunity, to change the organization’s Mission, Strategic
Capabilities, Competitive advantage(s), Structure, Culture, Technology, Location, or
Marketing strategy, to benefit from changes.


Identify an organization which identified an opportunity as a result of change in its

environment and prudently changed to benefit by the new opportunity. The objective of
change should be to benefit from the demand change (domestic or international). Recent cases
of change (less than Five years) are most preferred.

1. Clearly identify and critically describe the environment change and how the
environmental change led to a demand change. Ex. End to the civil war
increasing the inflow of tourists.
2. How did the organization identify the early signs of environmental change and
demand change.
3. What organizational changes did the organization made to benefit from demand
4. Critically explain how the organization’s culture and leadership influenced the
change management process
5. Critically assess the effectiveness of the change management exercise and
provide recommendations for a better change management plan.
6. Provide a critical view of schools of thought on strategic management.[This is an
independent task and not related to the previous five tasks]

Assessment criteria

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Master of Business Administration

The following criteria will be used when marking your Assignment:

1. Clearly identified the environmental change (10%)

2. Clearly identified the opportunity (ies) created by the environmental change,
and demand change (20%)
3. A clear assessment of how the organization responded to changes and managed
the organizational change(s) (10%)
4. Explain the influence of the organizational culture and leadership in change
management (10%)
5. Rationality and the validity of conclusions and recommendations, based on
analysis and findings (20%)
6. Provided a critical review of various schools of thought on strategic
management (20%)
7. Extent and relevance of references and conformity to Harvard systems of
citations (10%)

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Master of Business Administration

Marking Scheme

1 10-08 07-05 04-02 Less than 02

Clearly identified Satisfactorily Poorly identified the Failed to identify
the identified the environmental and
environmental environmental and demand change
and demand demand change
2. 20-16 15-11 10-06 Less than 06
Clearly identified Satisfactorily Poor identification of Has not identified
opportunity(ies) identified opportunity(ies) and important
and demand opportunity(ies) and demand changes opportunity(ies)
changes demand changes and demand
3 20-16 15-11 10-06 Less than 06
An excellent A fair excellent A poor account of Failed to explain
account of how account of how the how the firm how the firm
the firm firm responded to responded to responded to
responded to opportunity (ies) and opportunity (ies) and opportunity (ies)
opportunity (ies) demand change demand change and demand
and demand change
4. 20-16 15-11 10-06 Less than 06
An excellent A fair account of the A poor account of Failed to provide
account of the role of leadership and the role of leadership an account of the
role of leadership culture in managing and culture in role of leadership
and culture in change managing change and culture in
managing change managing change
5 20-16 15-11 10-06 Less than 06
Conclusions and Conclusions and Conclusions and Conclusions and
recommendations recommendations are recommendations are recommendations
are based on fairly based on not based on analysis. are not found or
analysis. Valid analysis. Valid and Invalid and irrational not based on
and rational rational to some extent analysis. Invalid
and irrational
6. 20-16 15-11 10-06 Less than 06
Identified Identified schools of Identified a few Failed to Identify
important schools thought and a very schools of thought irrelevant schools
of thought and an good critical view is but the criticality of of thought and
excellent critical provided review is only fair the review is
view is provided unacceptable

7 10-08 07-05 04-02 Less than 02

References are References are References are No or irrelevant,
relevant, relevant, moderate, irrelevant, references, not
adequate, and and fair own inadequate, and own conforming to
own interpretations are interpretations are Harvard citations
interpretations provided. Conformity often not provided.
are provided. to Harvard citation is Conformity to
Conformity to good Harvard citation is
Harvard citation poor
is excellent

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Master of Business Administration


 Paper Size : A4
 Word Count : 3000 words
 Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
 Binding Margin : ½ Inch
 Header and Footer : 1 Inch
 Printing : Single Sided
 Basic Font Size : 12
 Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman
 Presentation : Bound Document

Important Information for Students

 The assignment should be submitted as a SOFT COPY in a word format

ONLY (CD ONLY) as well as HARD COPY on or before the due date.

 The soft copy should be saved directly to a CD as one file. Documents saved
in different files and/or in subfolders will be rejected.

 Softy copy should be named as MBA-(subject number-(followed by the

Cardiff Met student ID number-eight digit number)

E.g. for Strategic Management Assignment

MBA-7002-200* ****

 Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. ICBT and
Cardiff Metropolitan University have all the right to re call for soft copy of
any assignment at any time during the course.
 Student should sign a register upon submitting assignment which will be kept
in the administration department of relevant campus. This record on the
register will be considered as the official record for submission.

 Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the
work you produce must be individual and original although may work in
groups in some instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism &

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Master of Business Administration

 All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing”

where a reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.

 Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date
that you can hand over the assignment. No late submissions are allowed.
(Please refer to the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions).

 Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission,

mitigating circumstances procedure.

 Please use the attached coversheet only for hardcopy.

 Do not copy the assignment coversheet or the assignment question to the

softcopy ( that is to the CD)

 Students are expected to give the following information in their coversheet of

the softcopy (In the CD)

o Student name

o Cardiff met number

o ICBT ID number

o Subject name

o Subject code

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